s 1 THE X.INGS SHIPS. htH immtnr iblMnpon the sea f Hi are tti uie r nam uieu that carry trtaa- I i - .,...r.ar. all bannered gallantly. ii.e Utile OitJier-boata and barks of pleas ure, tm h i thN of lime there In not on -.n. ii Hiitiuut the Klorloun name tliereuu. i wtiidiko uu and dowu upon the sea. Ai.J uiu tny UtfUtly-chMp. entreating kiudly. AbJ aft lh-rii to the prt where they unit III Lm a i.. i i,ti.-r kiiltm ther buffet. long and l.llti(tv 1 he cloud cwtuco Jywnon the great kinking A f ..1 ii tl hurt; the watcher ntand and P- bave tirade XliflCijUaooua. road tou cam? Coi mine away and I oaa't find them Mister G ripple he wed: To lee. nr. leet overDeyond that bill is a porter house stake with one horn It tr r antral smVvaanfr eft I wv.iIa fnvll.At loug yule find a rib roast eatin the WeStem NOrlh Carolina wilier, and near by I see toobontobes the Snmmcr Itcnorts Ai.-ljod hath many wreck within the sea; i. itldep! 1 look, lu rear aud wonder; '1 i.e wlmloni throned above 1 dark to me. Yat It tM ivrnl to think bU care U under 1 i.-l yet the aunken treasure may be drawn 1 1 to hu Rtorenouite wuen uie aem la ku. m I. that wall In peril on the aea. with ibv blovwd. whom yet the wares tnav nvr. hath more than angels' care of Til 4 n.i i&rirer share than I In friend an Why weep ye ao, ye watcher on the land? Ihudeep i but the hollow of HU hand. Carl Kpeucer lu Christian Union. A Remarkable Letter from an In Man. A Irtter waived at the Iudian offloe from the 8o and Fox agency says: Henry Joni, our agency blacksmith, h oilled this day to mate the fol- l..iuK statement: lis saya that some viara ao he "was poor, and that his prnwen prosperous condition in life is mainly due to his persevering habits ut industry aided by tho Iudian De- I nrtment in giving him a salary of 700 per annum tor his services. Nine i.r ago he ws a blanket Indian, ai d spent mueti of his time in the rural sports of his people, without a cre for the morrow. Being natural-y gifud with intelligence, he reasoned with himself (unsided by advice from others) that lie bad at least the intel lectual advantages which would en- a St a . able him to emulate me wnite man s ways in good habits, aud accordingly pushed forward to reach that goal that vnnld render mznseii and family com fortable and happy. - He now had 100 hi ad of cattle, besides mules and horses, 40 acres of good land adjoin ing the agency, DO under corn, a good Louee, baru and a well. In oonsequenoe of these agreeable surroundings be f tls that be can 1 ve with less salary than he has been receiving, and that t!i remuneration of bis lervioes as b acksmith for this fiscal year may be 1600 instaad of f 400, . as heretofore. lie desires, at the same time, to return thanks for the encouragement be has hitherto reoeived at the hands ef the honorable Secretary of the Interior aud the honorable Commissioner of Indian affairs.' Vety few of the boast. ed white men have attained to so high a civilization as this Indian of bull fi c tin some soop bones, and .on to the other side of the spring I guess yule sea liver and sum tripe a laying in the shade and chewing their cuds.' But Mister Biily. the butcher, be nocks em onto the hed with axes and cuts their throte in a minnit, and me and Billy we say hooray. Go wa is bef and a cafes it is veal, but litle pigs is mutton. Onetime I was, in Mister. Brily a shop, and he had cut orf a pig bead and set it on the top 01 a barl, and old Gaffer Peters be cum in and seed it, and be aed, ole G-ffer did: Mister Brily, yure pig is gitten out. i Mister Brily he tnked, and then he sed : That's so, Uaffer ' you jest take that suck and rap him onto the nose before he can draw it in. So Goffer he took up the stick and , ;BY ?11K -r NEW AN&ATTRACTIVE SPARTAN BU HQ ROUTE. ; 1 1 J & aw- 32.L VVilminOiox, Col. A AuoustA. fi. K. Pas knokk Dkpabtmext, ! ' Juue 10, 187 pOMMKNCINU JDMKUth, 18T9, the fol- loalng parfeet and continuous Schedule will be operated over he SPARTANBURG ROUTE, by which Rovad Trip Tiekats, to all promi nent Western north Carolina .excursion Ht. LouU Globe Democrat 1 Prediction as to Memphis. Memphis will xsry possibly bejwith iu two yesrs the oentral point of big speculation. Real estate will decline to almost no value. Il will be bought up quietly by capitalists who can 1. fiord to lose much more than they pay for it. Yellow Jack will surprise the eon u try by jumping into Canada, vr by mysteriously disappearing from tht- continent. The reaction in Mem phis will be greater than her decline. All sorts of business will expand I ejond precedent. Houses and lots wil; appreciate in value.so rapidly aa to eclipse the wildest mania for Chicago land. She will pay off all ber debts and become a bona fide city again be' fore the headboards in ber graveyards become old. The sngges tiens to burn and forever abandon the city are more sarcastic than rea souable. The .fever is as likely to da part suddenly as to remain another 3 ear. European cities have been re peatsdly ravaged by kindred afilio tio: s, ar.d as often have recovered. Unt-uuivocal immunity from the fever cxt season would immediate j ren der Memphis a giant among the Mis pujippi river cities, she occupies a controlling situation in a business roint of view, and it cannot be chang ed. Misfortune is always emphatic. but i s ODDosits is more so. Men oib not be called foolish who are remov i g their business establishments f ft m u now desoistea town, nor is it au surd to as sume thst healthfulness will again visit the ngioua where it has reigned. Some of the very men wbo think they hsve left Memphis, sever to return, w. 11 go back and make fortunes there. San Francisco A.genauU Little John's Phllosephj. There was a dtg, aud there was a cat, and there was a lam, and there was a ox. The dog it sed to the ox, tie dog did: 'That's a mighty long tail you got tbeie. mister, with a nice tousle to the end. but you can't waggle it wen you meet your master.' Then the .eat it sed-to the ox, o : 'No, indeed, you oan't bio it tip like a b loon wen you git mad.' Then the lam it sed: ' 'You ain't able for to twinkle it, either, wen you think of something fuuny.' The ox he thot a while, and bime by 'poke up and said to himself : 'I plade hookey wen I was a little "OJ to much thst I didn't learn them Tain accomplishments, that's a fack, bat I got a tolerably good bisnets ed ocaahun, and I gess mebba you fellera ud have to cum to me for to help jou cut if you had to fill a order for ox-tail soop.1 'Wen Mister Gipple was in Africa he seen some natiff niggers wichis oalled HotUntops, and they ukee tbeir beel raw, like dogs, and.be seen 'em cut it orf of the cattle while they were abfe and belleria'. And some of the catties had beea cu! up a good deal that w-y, but not ded. One day the king of the HotUntops ho im Mr Gipple, and be aed, the king aed: - 'Did you tee any cattlea long tho snook up reel sli, and fetched the piff's head a realar nose wipe, hard as ever be cude with the stick, and nokedl points,' will ke oa aala, food antil yorember the pig's hed off the barl, and you never seen sech a stonished old msn. Bdt Mr Brily he pretended like be wansent lookin.' and old Gaffer he a d! s ! Mister Brily, you must excuse me. but when I struck at that p:g it dodged and cut its hed off agin the edje of the barl. . I 1st, 18T. Leave Wilmington (br Sleeping Cars to Col- labia)......... rfflSTETT, i 01 The wear and tear Of basinets life makes such tremendous drafts upon body and mind tat withont recouriq to some sustaining agent they mast gire wjy arider te pressare. To those who are breaking down, or wasting away from general debility or) affections o the tiTer, stomach and! the kidneys, a syste matic coarse of the Bitters will so reinforce the rital functions as tf baffle all the assaults of disease and restore toe system to its wont ed health. I ! 1 For sale by all Druggist nd respectable Dealers gene -ally. jaiy l-iy aw "PAROLE iDoIOn J! CALL AT GEO. MYERS' AND GET IT. BBLS., HALF BBLS. and at RETAIL. , THIS j I 1 ' Tripple Purified Flour i 1 1 t is pronounced by all who have nsad it, I to be i 1 PERFECTION I i f No highrr rrale ca 1 be made I A tiial will convince Ihe pkeptical 1 GEORGE MY EES, uly 26-tf 11, IS and 16 Sonth Front St. i HOP BITTERS. j(A .Medicine, not a Drink,) contaixs vssas4a iiors, nrcur.l manirake,' J DANDELION", a ! JLt thz Pnurr axt Bwr Hmcu Qcautixs or ixoTHzaBrmaai 1 - T laJOW AU DUeM of tbe Stomach, Bowels, Blood, LItw, ya, and Urlnry Org&ns, Jerrounes, Slepi and especially Female Complain U. sK ' 81000 IX COLD? IS be paid for cae tbey will not car or help, or for anything' tmpore or lnjurtooj found In xm Ask your drogvK for Hop Bitters and try them bwf ore you atoeph Take etaer. ' Bor Cocoa Crxi Li the rweeteeC, safest and beat Ak auidren.'" The Hor Pai for Stomach, lArvt and Kldyy la rUr to all othen. Cures by absorption. Aak drogglat. 1 - D. L C Is an abaolute and irresistible cure for dmnk ecioraa, use of optam, tobacco and narcotics: Send for cjreular. f A bow aU br Viicrwto- HT Blttm M .Co. Rjcfcaatar, K.T Warm Sprinis i "Western Horth Carolina, I8.OWOPESfortherecapdon of pleas wre seeker anc invalids. I This lovely place is situated in the beaatl fol valley of the r rnch Broad, within eight miles of the raitroad. We hare a fine band of masle, attentive fr: vasts, and all other accommodatioas to be roaad at a first-el ass watering plac. For particulars apply for deecriptiTe pam phlet. W. H. HOVfEBTON. joss 10 ?. ; Propristor, , 10.13 P I Leave Colsuabia....M ..... 10 30 A Arrivs at Spartaabarg 3.10 P Arrive at Hendersonrille 6.10 P Arrive at Isherllle L 10.i0 P 1 24 Hours ! Wilmintrton to Xtheville ! Te ooaneot with this very attractive ached- ale. Passengers can leave : Weldon J.M P H j Wilson 5.40 P M Tarboro 10.00 A M Newborn Ml A at Goldsboro M 6.36 P H i Hagaolia 8.00 P M For Ticket, Time Oards, engagement of Sleeping Car accommodations, ,, Ac, in quire of Agents at the stations named, or of the undersigned- A. POPE, Miscellaneous. FXLXCSS. YELLOW FEVER BLACK VOMIT. The f olio win r a notations rsnraMntth olesale prices renerallr. In m akin it n n ii j ... . . : 1 r It is too soon to fnro.. , AV. I "uers nigne' price nave to be charged , KUICD W.I tin Unnht n nn - w.w. .s.uiu m sv mure naiiirn&iit And Tirnlnn f. sM .kA fall months of 1679. t- LL Kenedy discorered ma ov.Micra UUU Mfl niMf rtK h derful results in booth America where tbe most aggravated oases of fovor . rj causes from one t two oances of bile to be filtered or strained from the hlrwwl h pasw. uirougn the iarer, as long as an ex cees of bile exists. By Its wonderful action on the Liver and 8tomach the HEPativk UiKI 1 omit, nnr i iAmrH . I V acne, yonsnpation or the Bowels, Dyspepsi and all Malarial diseases. 10 one need fear Yellow Forar ,;n expel the Malarial Poison and m the blood by uing MiaaxLL's Hspaiini, Iw. u . 9J " L'rafg8t8 in 25 cnt and f 1.00 bottles, or will be sett by express by tbe Proprietors. A. F. M KRkLL A CO , Philadelphia, Fa WAY. Doable Anchor... . Donble Ancho "A"....... Standard Domestic xiorth Carolina,; ! nams. U 3 Shoulders. V !b I Sides, V tt .... Western Smoked Hams. .' Sides. H. Shonlders. J . Dry Silted Sides, W lb Shoulders, !!.......... BEEF Live weieht BARRELS Spirits Turpei Second Hand, each New Ybrk,eaca, new.. BK"aWAX-U lb.. ! n c 10 11 10 5 & I 10 & 6 fcy 4 & 2K4f 12 6 8 S I 13- 3 Bail Road Linos, &c. 1 tasrwHjtcBaj II Wnaag tw"T "LL-X ' - I ' , . j I WILMINGTON a WELDON RAILROAD COIOTNY, Or- Dr Pemberton's Stillingia or Queen's Delight. jane 10 Passenger Age at. IS GSGITVdl 1 FOR P. Li BRIDGERS & GO, jidy 2S CO; tO TOHS OAamOLVB BAfcJ j J SOUTH SIDE MARKET, Between Front - aad Water 8trer IT ,ywsi wmatafirstaavslnmk ptp the fiaart style of the art, Faaey 4rlks aw spetalty at this Bar. Only the best Wlaea, Whiskies, Brandies and Cigars are o Oared at this estab lishment. J1 Sr ine reports Of wondrfnl enroj Af Kheamattsm, Scrofula. Salt khenm. Hvnh Us. Cancer, Dicers and 8ores. that come from ait oaru or toe country, are not only remark able bat so miraculous as to be doubted wer it not lor tbe abundance of proof. JLemarkable Cure ef Scrofula. &e. CASE 0 UUU J. C. BRiSON. Kihsstoh, Ga., Sept-15, 1871k (ients: for sixteen years i I have been great sufferer from Scrofula in its most dis iressieg forms. 1 hare been co fi ed to mv room and bed for fifteen years with scrofu Ious ulcerations. The most approved reme dies ror sucn cases had been used, and the most eminent physicians consulted, without any decided benefit. Ihus prostrated, dis tress a, aesponamg, 1 was advised by Dr. yer, of Floyd county, Ga., to commence the use of your Compound Extract Stillineia Language is as insufficient to describe the re. Uef I obtained from th use of the Millioeia as it is to convey an adequate idea of the in; tensity of my suffering before using your medicine : samcient to say. I abandoned all other remedies and continued the use of y .ur axiraoi 01 oojimgia, until 1 can say truly, "l am cured 01 ail pain." of al disease, with nothing to obstruct the active pursuit of my profession. Wore than eierht months have elapsed since this remarkable cure, without any return 01 tne aisoaae. For the truth of the above statement. I re fer to any gentleman in Bartow county, Ga., and to the members of the bar of Cherokee Circuit, who are acquainted with me. I shall ever remain, with the deepest gratitude. 1 our obedient servant, J. C. BRANSON, Att'y at-Law. A MIRACLE. WasTpoiHT, Ga Sept. 16, 1870. Genta: My daughter was taken on the 25th day of June, 1863, with what was supposed to be Aoute Rheumatism, and was treated for the same with no success. In siaroh, follow ing, pieces of bone began to work out of the right arm, and continued to appear till all the bone from the elbow to the shoulder joint eame out. Many pieces of b ne came out of the right foot and leg. The case was then Eronouneed one of White Swelling. After aving been confined about six years to her bed, and the case, considered hopeless, I was induced to try Dr. Pemberton's Compound Extract of Stillingia, and was so well satis fied with its effects that I have continued the use of it until the present. My daughter was confined te her bed about six years before she sat up or even turned over without he' p. She now sit up all day, and sews most of her tine has walked-across the room. Her general health is now good, and I beliere she will, as her limbs gain strength, walk well. I attribute her recore ry, with the blessing of God, to the use o" your invaluable medicine. With gratitude, 1 am,' yours truly. W. B. BLANTON. Wist Ponrr, Ga., Sept 16, 1870. Gents: The abeve certificate of Mr.W. B. B lan ton we know and certify to' as being true. The thing is so; hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to it. As much reference can be given as may be required. Yours truly, i CRAWFORD WALKER, Druggists. HON. H. D. WILLIAM8. DR. Pemberton's Stillingia is pre pared by A. F. Merrell A Co., Phil a., Pa. Scld by all Druggists in $1.00 bottles, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canyass everywhere. 8end for Book "Curious Story" free to all. Medicines sent to poor people, payable in instalments. may 28 CEO. P. ROWELL & CO. Hewspajer AdTsrtisiag Agency. For Ten Cents : One hundred page Pam phlet with Lists of Newspapers aud Adrer Using Bates. ' ior Ten.Dollas : Fur iiuej ' inserted one week iu Three Hundred and fifty Newspa- J pert. IO i ! Spruce St- stay 23- Visitors to Smithville TT7ILL FIND THE Y Wires, BEST LIQUORS t).. mnA Hi ir arm at my place The celebrated Delmonico and Blue JGrass Whiskers, Dry Wines, CbampagneaniLMilj waukee Beer always on hand Sardines and Pickets for convenience of excursionists, at J. D.DAYIS;. jmas IJsjt back of Qarrinoa. Northern J 3UTTE: North Carolina lb Northern, V 11) CANDLES Sperm lb. Tallow, f lb , Adamantine, 7 set............ OHEESfc I Northern Factory, V fi ... 4j Dairy cream, B.....i.... State, W m.. j.... OOFFEE Java, V ft....J.... K10, y n .... Laguyra, V lb..... corn Meal bushel.... COTTON TIES bdl UUslhiaTlU Bheeting, i-i yard...... Tarn, v bunch....... rjrJU I Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl....l6 00 No. 1, bbl 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl...,12 50 No. 3, V X bbl 6 00 Maekerel, No. 3 bbL....00 00 Mullets, bbl..... N. C. Herring, ffkeg. Lry uod, v lb...... FLOUR Fine, V bbl L Super, Northern, V bbl.4 Extra do " bbh.i Family " bbl... Oity MiUEx,.8aper bbl.. f i'smUy bbl.. f Ex. FamUyVbbl.. FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, V:2000 fis Uaugh's Phosphate " Carolina FertUixer " Ground Bone, " Bone Meal " " Flour " Navassa Guano, " Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate Wando Phosphate, " BergerABmts'sRos. Wilox, Gibb A Co., ma nipulated Guano. 48 00. GLUE V lb 81 G RAIN Corn,s tore, V 56fis 65 I Uorn, eargo, y 56 lbs 55 Corn, y el., V busheL None. Oats, V bushel.... .1 ......... 45 Peas, oow, V bushel 55 HIDES Green, B 4 Dry, fi...... 9 HAY Eastern, 100 lbs... 1 00 Aorth Hirer, V 100 lbs.... I 00 1 25 e 1 50 1 75 1 85 20. 21 8 00 SJ10 00 00 tJ14 m 15 9 '20 15 25 25 & 40 1 11 y Q 11 8 e 19 UK li 7 & ; 8 28 30 129 ir-H 18 & 20 70 75 1 35 SJ 2 10 O . 7 95 0 2 00 5 50 7 0 00 4 00 5 00 6 00 7 00 7 60 8 00 .60 00 " loo 00 " 45 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 35 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 ' an fin O20 00 y 00 00 00 6 50 8 50 2 50 00 0 4 00 6 00 6 t0 8 00 7 25 7 75 8 25 00 00 00 00 51 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 40 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 67 50 10 57 50 65 HOOP IRON- 'ton.. 60 00 LARD Northern V lb 7HO North Carolina fi) 11 LIME V bbL.. 90 LUMBER City steam sa'wd . Ship stuff, resawed, WMTt. 18 00 Rough edge plank. M ft. 16 00 West India eargo, accord ing to quality, p Mft...l2 00 Dressed uooring,seasoned. 15 00 Soantling and boards, com mon, M ft.... 12 00 MOLASSES Cuba,hhd V rl 32 Cuba, bbls., W gal Sugar house, hhdi. V gal. & & 1 10 65 00 9 8K 12H 00 20 00 18 00 14 00 25 00 bbls. V gal... Orleans Choice bbls. V gaL AILS Cut, 20dto4d,Vk"g ! OILS Kerosene, V gal...... Lard, V gal. . sr . Ltinseed, Y K81 teeee Rosin, V gaL FAri UTo 35 18 20 35 50 13 10 00 12 90 00 00 H Q & G 3 1 1 & 1 G 00 TO busheL.. POTATOES Sweet, bus. Irish, Northern, bbl PORK Northern, city mess. 10 00 Thin, bbl.... 00 00 Prime, bbl (extra) 10 60 Rump, bbl ; L.00 00 7 00 00 lk 1H RICE Carolina, V fi) Eastladia, V ...... Sough, V busheL.... 1 BAGS Country, fit ...... City,n BOlifi . Hemp..., Manilla. SALT Alum, V sack . Liverpool, if sack. American sack Marshal's fine, V sack.. ! Cadis V sack.. SUGAR Cuba, V fi.. Porto Rieo, lb... A Coffee, V fi. B ' ft....... Ex C lb Crushed V fi).J. BO AP Northern, fi) 5 SHINGLES Contract, M 6 00 "Common, V M 1 60 BTAVE4 W. O. bbl. 1? M.10 00 R O hhd. ? E.... M .....00 00 TALLOW V fi) L 8 TIMBER Shipping M ...10 00 Mi l, extra per M 8 60 Mill, prime per M i i 7 00 Mill, fair per M i 6 00 Common, per M........ ....... 4 00 Inferior to Ordinary,per M 3 00 WHISKEYi North'n, per gl 1 25 North Caroina, per gal ... 1 60 WOOL Unwashed, per ft... 20 Washed. ner ft. 26 Burrv wool, per lb 15 45 3 50 1 45 1 10 20 1 25 50 3 60 10 50 00 00 11 00 00 00 13 70 80 75 75 X 10 00 00 0 00 15 IK 00 00 60 35 00 10 00 i 9 8 7 8K 11 26 7 2 1500 00 00 00 12 00 10 75 8 00 6 50 4 60 4 00 3 60 2 26 22 28 17 $B 500 ,TO $G000ayeti or $5 to $20 a day in yrtu own local ty. No riskL Women do as wen as men. Many make more than me amouui stated above. No one can fail to make moiiey fast Any one can do the work. Yc u can n.ak Jr no 50 cents to $2 an bojir by devoting yonr eviiifigt spare rime to the business. It costs ndLing to try tlie business. Nothing like it for money mak ing ever fler d before. Business pleasaut and strictly honorable. Reader, if you want to know all about the best paying business before the public, ee,nd us your rMrpa and we will send you full particu lars and private terms free ; samples worth $5 also free; you can then make up yonr mind for yourseir. Address , uwn STINSON& CO , I'ortlaDd, Maine. jun4 7-dAw j 1 1 1 Theodore Joseph, Corner of Harnett & Salisbury Sts One Corner, West Raleigh NaUoaal Bank. I RALEIG H,N-C. Board by the day or on the European plan Satisfaction gurranteed in every parUcnlar ' My bar is supplied with FincWs GolSen Wedding, 1870, Uibeon's 1W1 Rye, PWffer A and 5, and many more of the Fines brands of Rye and Kentucky Bourbon, j octmf V. a, June 13, 1979.1 rii v(k i)v ciikduiIk.! I On and after Wunday. Jane ISth, IS79, 1 asinger trains on the Wilmington A VVeU don Railroad will run as follows i . DAY MAIL AND EXl'KKSS TRAIN, ds'jy. Leaye Wilmington, Front St Depo 1 , A t. L. 7 19A U. Arrive at Weldon at .1 10 P., M Leaye Weldon.' 3 3? yi a Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. II Depot at 9 5s y 1 1 VIGHT MAIL IiKSS 4-1 P, 60 A A I 8 45 Koao '1 AM) KX I i DAILY Leave Wilmington, Frnt Hi. Depot at Arrive at Weldon at.... Leave 1 w eldon, , Arrive at Wilmington, Frio Depot- at. Train on , Tar bora1 Br anch Rocky Mount for Tarb-ro at 5.1 and Tuesday, Thursday and Suture jay at 4 :tt) AM. Rfturi,ing, leave Tarboro j at 10H)C a Maauy, and Monday, Wednesday atd Friday at 8:30 P M. ; The Day Train makes close connection Weldon for all polnu North vis havl.ir daily) (except Sunday) and dailvL via Kict mond and all rail route. r j' Night train makes close connections 'i Weldon for all points north via Kichmon-L -Sleeping Cars attache.l toalllNight Train., JOHN F. DIVINE, General SuptJ june l.i -, S Vt' , Si Gen'I Sup'ts Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AU gusta Railroad co : t rVilmington, N. C, Juse 13, 1 79 CHANGE OF SCIIEDLjLE', On and after Wnnday, June 16, the fol lowing schedule will be run ion this road: DAY EXPPSS AND MAIL TRAIN, dni Leave Wilmington Arrive Florence.... Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington... .. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN Leave Wilmington Leave rlorence ;. Arrive at Columbia. Leave Columbia. Leave Florence 8.05 A 1 25 P 3 60 P 8 iO P y u M M M I ttlltlilM(tMIS 1mJt). j ...L 10' 13 P M .......2 6) A M 9 00 A M 6 (OA 11 3 65 A M Arrive at Wilmington... 6 60 A M I I 'I1 I I This Train stors only at Flit.ngtonJ rYQiteviue, rair j iiiua, and barton. 1 Passengers for Augusta (via Columbia should take Night Express Train from Wi mintrton. j Through Sloeping Can on night train s ror Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Supt. june 1 1 I j 1 i-mnp'm 1 1 jpfeuiisisHfus' 1 TTj CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO i OrriOK GaifBSAL SCPBRINfKRDKHT, 79. J Wilmington, N. C, May 18, 1879 ' Chang k of Schkdulk. ' 'S j' ' fS AND AFTER THIS date, the follow. vJ ing Schedule will.be operated on tliis Railway : j j Passenger, Mail and Express Train. I 1 Leave Wilmineton at...'. 7:00 P M Arrive at Hamlet at 2:VT A M ) ! " . at Charlotte, at.... -:20 A M ! S Leave Charlotte at... ......8:25 P M 2. J-Arrive at Hamlet at.i 1:31 A M ) " at Wilmington at 9:10 A M Close connection made at Hamlet with trains of Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Kail- ay-i I II ! 8helby Division Mail, Freight A Passengsr 1 ; and Express. . j Leave Charlotte .8:40 A M ..12:30 P M No. 1. Ne. No. 9. j Arrive at Shelby wift 1 Leave Shelby... 1:15 P M wo'10 Arrive at Charlotte.... 6:05 P M may 17 V. V. JOHNSON, General Superintendent. A GOOD PUN ! 1 I ! 1 r ANYBODY can learn to make money rap idly operating in Stocks, by the "Twt Unerring Rules for Success",in Messrs. Law-1 rence A Co. 's new circular. Ihe combination method, which this firm ha made so success ful, enables people with large or small means j to te p all the benefits or largest capital and ' best skill. Thousands of orders, in jvarlous sums, are pooled into one vast amount and co-operated as a mighty whole, thus securing to each shareholder all the advantages oft ie largest operator. Immense profits are divi-I ded monthly. 1 Any amount, fr tnf $5 to.$5, 000, or more, can be used successfully.) N. Y. Baptist Weekly, September 26th, 187, says, "By the combination system $16 w old make $75, or h per cent.; $60 pays $360, or 7 per cent ; $100 makes $1,000 or 10 per cU. on the stock, during the menh, according to tbe market." Frsnk Leslie's Illustrated Newspapers, June 29th: "The combiraii. n method cf operating stocks is the m'st sucr cessfal everadtpted" New York Indepen dent, Sept. 12Uu "The .combination sysUjin is founded on o-rect business prircip!s, and no person need be without an income while 1 it is kept working by Messrs Lawrence A Co, I Brooklyn Jou'nal, April 20ih: "Our eliUr made a'net profit of $101.25 from $2 in odh of Messrs. Lawrence A Co.'s c vr binati'ms " New circular (mailed free) explains ve y- tning. I Btocks and bonds wanted. ment bonds supplied. Lawrenc liankers, 57 Exchange Plac, N. Y: may Ti 1 Govern-, A Co.,1 SoL Bear & Bros.. fl AK El PLEi 8URE In announcing to th. i j numsrouj friends and patrons! that they jaav j cne of the most "complete and largest. ftckf r ' :' :-( V' ' j CLQTH1NG & FUR7ilSHING GOODS, - 1 HATS Ac. And that the above will behold at lower ' 1 ; - 1 1 1 ' I prices1 than by any other House in the city. Call' early and geCBargalna. Vj - j I June 17 BOL BEAR A EH 03.

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