SUICIDE FROM A STEAMBOAT. WBITIXti UER tlST LETTER ASD GIVIXG IT IIEB JEWELBT. Then Laying Aside her Hat and Sprlnslns Oyerboard Probablj KlUed by Concussion with the Steamboat's Guard A Mystery. Newport. Aug 17-Soon after the steamboat Bristol Bailed from Now York last night a woman named Roche Fent for a bottle of champague, and tiler drinking it went to the purser and gave him a diamond necklace, a wtcn, her stateroom key. and a note directed to a gentleman in Philadai. pbia. She then went up st-rs, toot off her hat, and laying it down on a radiator, wa.ked out oa deck and rDg overboard. In facing she btrnck the lower guard and bounded off into the water. Aa she to l.d no he Been from the teaite, the Captain thought it not bt to lower a boat. Tije steamboat kept on her way. I he micide was comm tied tins bide of H-ll Gate. m . Tall Liver. Angutfi 17-A youeg ... Ri.,h omaiitted 6Ui- Y I 111 t. U " bv leaping irom the tiouud steam er Ur:tol, last wht, wna about nffea miles fiom New York on the v.j to tim city. Sue was one of the Ubt passt ngro on bor.1, and was evi tntiy .Hbuiiog ua ier mental deprea hiou. About un muted after procur iug a stateroom the relumed to tbe office and requested the purser to take cbstrge of utr pockeibook. Snortiy afterward bhe drack prt of a Dotilc of wine, and thtu wut to the suloon promecade deck, where she laid aside her bonnet, 'iheu ebu btepped to the rail and tuddeniy went overboard. EUr head stiack ag&inbt the guard, til teen feet below , aud the concussion was heard all over the boat. Probably she was instantly ki'I-d. Her body was not seen after it fell iuto the water. The was stopped as soon as poeib!e, bat not until it waa half a mile Lorn the p'aee wlere the woman ve-ut oveboid. Ia View of the f act that the b-jdy wi not 6een to rise, ai:U evf! nuad boats were Bail ing Lear a in tine, it was deemed ue!t8 ioacud a boat from the steam boat, hd sht kt pi on ner course. In the woun n's pne was a note addreti i ed Jo tph jfoldt, 507 Arch street, P.iiiadVipbia, t-uviug that she coulu not I ve iong r without him, and that HLo hoped be wouid not feel uokindiy towarU iier, Tue woman wore a black silk dres", 1;ueu dnsler. n blaok bon net, rid d-aaioud earrings. She was appart ttly 25 or 30 years of 8ge, of Iius corup'exou, and weighed about 1 fill tiOTiniia. Lojtox, Aug 17 A well-dreesed lidy took th Fall River boat from New York la-i uighr, and bought a lioket to Ii tor. At about 6:30 when B.xteea jj :e irom Now York, She leapid ove:b:aid, head foremost, from the upper deck. Her head struck the guild oi the boat and thence she bvutiJe I into the water, 'sinking out of f ipht t 't fi' ence, ctd r.o traces of her w;-re 'o J uf -erward. There were riuziv -ers near her when 6he i. ti'.r f :.! Jerp, aud an a-arm was (jv.-n a'- ouj: ,Vuit without ovil. 'Only :. ;": v ia -ju -s ; ix' vious the lady gave iiin k-of the Purser Bolles i. puif't.'a eoalaiaed 12 ,a jet On.-a-v pin wii ..diamond tettiEg, a t:cKct lUtid Aug 16 from a PhiladeN phia paw j bicker for a pair of dia mond earring0, on which had been adyur.ce, nd a brief note written' on b sheet ol writing paper obtainc 1 from tbe cCke of tne boat, addressed to J Loi gfold, 507 Arch street, Philadel phia, wii'ch Mud: "Joe, I cannot ,;ve nay Ingar. I can't live without you. Ivo i't tL"k unkindly of me." I'.i-fore jauiping overboard the lady tuok a piit of wine in the saloon of the boar. The purser considered her under tke inflaence of liquor when she gave hiui her purse and the key of her stateroom. Ha urged her to keep the key of the room, and recommend ed her to retire, but she insisted on his Uk ng the urticles. She gave her narao to rue purser as Roche. A bill from an English fiirm, dated July. 17 for dry goods, was found in her purse charged to Miss lioche. She was aboua 1:5 to 30 years of age, well dressed, a: ;l nad a diamond ring on iior niger. SI ND1T IX STBICKEX MEMPHIS. Ntw Names Added to the Death Bell lljre Persons Stricken with fe ver. Mextdis, Aug 17 The condition cf t flair a remaian unchanged. The new cii-es rep. rled to day up to noon num bered kVrtlro whites aud lourteen col ored persons Among the new cvsta we e l" H Finuie, since dead and buritd by tuo Unighta of Houor; Wal ter e, -Jyeirs, rieury .cn.e, 'll years, tons of Jt? il buu:e, sick at the same rvSiat-: t no. n ir iwokcii, cny editor oi the Ava aiicne. Mr luckett id a native of Louisiana. He lived ture nar Btoa K uge, and had not Ltd tt:3 vir. A Koggio is also down Fjur aait? of death Were reported up jo iioou, among tae ist bticg Join ltcija;igiiui, F il Fiauie, abo.e men tuuei. id iloss, aged 17, check boy at the telegraph office J H Hahn, prescripiijn c.erk at Has ben's drug fctore, t -.ea this &f lernoon, wiil be report id t j morrow. Kapor-a m ;do by the Howard physi cians show in; much malarial fever ii prevailing,".' ep?ciil:y among the cjlred ijis. Tuc fever is for many aajb very ciiua t to Uitiaguish from yel.ow fevr ; htu?e m-iny errors have been commifcd m reporting such cases as yeiiow fever. The Howards tent oa: thirty nurses to-day, bat all these were not sentjtonew cases, many cf them be-rj sent to assist and re lieve other nunea who were worn out. Yesterday, in response to telefrraa from Bently Station, jtwenty miles out on the Charleston road, the Howards cent a nurse to Edward K Bedford, 23 years old, son of Julius Bedford, a weli -own citizen ofj the countj ; but it w8 too late. Hei died to d y a clear case of yellow fever. The conference at Humboldt yester day between representatives of the Board of Health and op-city authori ties renlt,d most satisfactorily as to the strict enforcement lawn in Memphis and aid to berenderea Board of Health. of I quarantine the neoeasary by the National ClttOLLYA. Moraanton Bldde : !Judfl:e A. A McKov. of Clinton. N C; spent several days in town this week, the guest of Dx iiappoiat. Newbern Democrat : We have bean what we consider reliably informed; that tbe script of this county will be at par in lees j than ninety days; we mean the vouchers, whioh are issued be the present -Board of County Com missioners. 1 . Durham Plant-. In Durham there are about 300 youag men, not one of whom who has reached the age of 21 was born in the to j. In fact there is not a citizen of Darham who iwaa born here. All imported. J QoldsboroimenrOarjOld friend Theo Grimsley, o Greene oonnty, hah his gin bouse, with gin and I contents, consumed by fire on the night of 9th iiist. The tire was caused by light ning. No inenrance. j 1 Goldsboro Messenzer; A revival it iu progress at Barney Daniel's school house iu Newhope township, under the auspices of Kev A Jj Fin lay son, in which special interest is manifested. The attendanceis large and there have been a number of conversion's. Guldsboro Messenger'. The beet 'that bfeats all the beets' has at last come to hand. I It was sent to this office Thursday by Mr E M Love, of Mount Olive. It was grown by, Mr J W Waltjns on the K i !J Southerland inohes in cir nine pounds s I 'T. farm, and messares 23 cumferenoe and weighs and two ounoes. The great Uoldsboro MeBsenuer: revival that has been in progress at the Princeton Methodist Church, of which notice, have appeared in those columns, was brought to a close ! Wednesday uight last. Oar correspondent says. 'The Lord has certainly been with os. The good work added 51 members to the M Ghuroh,! besides 12 or 15 others who were converted during the meetings but expressed a desire to join some other branch of Christ's church Darham Plant': A love j affair oc curred in Granville la-.t week that ri vp la in romanoe the love stories of the wl west. We have the names of the parses and the affair is , one !of actual occurrence. The lady was one of great beauty, and quite a belle. Twoj gay larks in the neighborhood had been playing the devoted for a year or more with great uncertainty as to who would win the prize. Finally it was announc ed, that the fair one had made a choice between these two lovers, and the day named upon whioh the nuptials were to be consummated, j The future was bright for the fortunate young man The wedding garment was prepared, the license was procured, and vhe mamma of the fair j lass was making extensive preparations in the culinary line. The guests had been bidden and the n'ght previous to the marriage ar rived. When night had thrown her mantle of darkness over all creation, lover number two steps up, and the fair damsel put her hrnd in his and they elope. Though the night was Jark, they despaired not and hastened to the county; of Franklin. A mes senger had been dispatched to Louis- burg, and during the night he came with the license, and the two were happily made one. The wedding gar ment was used, but the supper was not eaten. And ndw lover number one will not be comforted and swears that he will live and die a crusty old baohelor. New Jersey Premium Wine. Physicians state thai the Port Wines that took the premium at the Centennial, pro) duced and offered for jsale by Mr. Alfred opeer, ot JSew Jersey, are wines that can oe saieiy used lor medicinal purposes, being pure and free from medication, and are more reliable than other Port Wines. For sale by P. L. Bridgers k Co . J. C. Munds and Green & Fianner. A CARD T0 THE AFFLICTED. Dr- Bobertson, 19 South Eutaw street Baltimore, Md J, From long experience in hospital and pri vate practice, guarantees a permanent cure m all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous System viz ; Organic and seminal weakness, lm potency (loss of sexual power)! Nervous Debility! and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, Dim- ueaa oi ojgut or viiaainess, 1'ains 1Q the Uacic and .Nocturnal jEmissions, etc., all resulting trom abuses in youth or excess in manhood. Diseases . recently contracted cured in five to ten days, and the poison entirely eradicated Irom the system j Also all skm and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr. Kobert8on, a graduate ot the Unive si- ty of Mary land, refers to any of the leading physicians ot liaiumorej bpecial attention given to all female complaints. A'l. consu'talions strictly eonfideriital and medicines sent t any address. Call or write, enclos" lgy stamp for reply july 2 ly-d&w.: j j I Wicked for Clergymen. I r t "I fealieve It to be all wrong and even wicked for clergymen 6r other pablic men to be led into giving ' testimonials to quack doctors or vile stuffs called medi cines, but when a ireally meritorious article is made of valuable remedies known to all, that all physicians use and trust id daily, we should freely commend it. I therefore cheerfully ; and i heartily com mend Hop Bitters for the ! good thev have V m ' done me and my mends, firmly believing ineynaveno equal lor tamily use. will not be without them. ; Rev. Washington, D. C. Llit ef Let ten. The following Is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed in the City Peetofllce Wednesday Avgusi 20th, 1879: A Jno Atkinson. P Adelu Brown, Ka'i U Barclay, muu M E Berry, miss if ary Bell, miss Mary Byrd, Rebecca Broaa, Barah Ii.ll, David Bath, John Berry, J M Bsa ferd. R H Brady, Solomon Bowen, W M Bishop, W M Banks. O Bella Culeman, Delaey Custin, Mt-e Cow1s,Rom Col ley, John C Oar teret. j D Ann Eliza Davis, Cecil Douglass, Dasey Daana. Eliza C Davis, Eliza Dud ley, Marinda Davis, J Dolby, J iS Davis, RTDixey. .! E Wm Edwards, Sarah E Evtret, mrs Marinda Ellison, mra I Louisa Elli son, Jadea Ellis. F Maria Fax worth. Q M Gattenbare. A M Qasken. II Almira G Hill, Hester Howard, Lucy M Horn, Susan J Hall, Peraey C H'nes, Sallie Henry, Wiles Hall, Jno E Humphrey, K D Hogan, W M Hays. J E A Jackson, mis Penniea Jones, Thos Johnson. K Jno W Kennaday. L Joseph Lamb, Trim Lee. N Noland k Hayas, R W Kixon k Co, Eiiza Kelson. ! P Fannie R Pate. Elizabeth Peterson, Ava Pierce, miss Kettie Parrish. Jessie Pope, Nora Petterfs, Maj W H Pope. R Edward Raine, Frankie Rone. ) S Hugh 8impso3r George Simpson, aml R Simmons, A Sullivan, Ben South wick. I - j T W H Tuiner, Zachariah iTaylor, Toney Tate. II. W Sarah Waddell. Sarah F Walton, mm Frances Williams. Bettie Watson. L R Wyat, J H White. SHIP LETTERS. Geo Bongon, ship S W Nicols; Capt Bool, D H Wilbergen. Persons calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. I E. R. BRINK, P.JM. I Wilmington, N. C. New Hanever County, N.C. What 200 Did in Wall Street. August 16th 1878, a customer wrote Messrs. Lawrence & Co., Bankers, N. T. "Dear Sirs : Yours contaiuing remittance for $1,113.25, as profits on my 200 shares, is received. Accept my thanks, for I am very well satisfied. You may nse this let ter. I would recommend every one who feels, disposed to speculate to send for your circular. This is but one instance out of thousands, by which the new COMBINA. TION SYSTEM of operating stocks en ables people with large or small capital to make similar profits. By this excellent plan, the orders of thousands of customers from city and country are pooled into ONE IMMENSE SUM and co-operated as a MIGHTY INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT. Each member of . the combina. Ion secures all the advantages of the largest capit?' united with experienced skill, profits di vided monthly ; $10 Invested returns $50, or 5 per cent., on the stock, $75 will make $450, and so on, according to the market. Meesrs. .Lawrence Uo's. new circular (mailed fie) has "two unening rules for success." and explains everything, so that anv one can operate profitably. All kinds of Stocks and bonds wanted. New Gov ernment loan supplied. Apply to Lawrence &"Cb., Bankers, o7 Exchange riace, X. 1 City. JL CARD. To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions ot youth, nervous weakness, earlv decay, loss of manhood &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-ad tressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. CEO. P. ROWELL & CO. Newspaper iirertmfl Aiency. For Ten Cents;: One hoadred page Pam phlet with Lists of Newipapen and Advert tising Rates. For Ten Dollars : Fur linei toaerted one week in Three Hundred and Fifty Newtpa- pen. may 23- 10 - v I N Spruce St. W.SY. Tonsorial, T AVJJTG AGAI5 located in the bate LJ. mearof tbe Pureell How. I kira tfeo i OBghlj renomted and improred th old staa I and am now prepared to shaTeuhamDoo. out hair tor every body. The beat of worl bob. eleaa towels, sharp raaort and lam prices. KLYIiT XRTI8, i.Jalj Tt PmreellHoaM Barber 8hop- wjJJiJU(CrTON MA BUST I U6U8T 19-4 PU.I BFIBTTB TURFBimWlC DU at 24 centa. Ltor, w hr that 14 cents only bid. Still latex, w hear of sales 32 caaaa at 24 rents. ROSIN Firm, at tl 00 for Strained and II 02 tor Good Strained. No sales reported TAR Firm at II 20 per bbl of 230 lb Sales receipts at quotations. j GRUDB TURFEifTINJS Hteady at fl 00 for Hard. II GO for Bo ft aad 92 00 for Virgin Sales recelpUi at quotations. COTTON Steady. No sales reported. Tae following are tbe official quotations Ordinary MM. - Osats. Good Ordinary...........:...... Hi Strict Good Ordinary. LowMiddliar 10H Middliar .M ...... i0 Good MlddliBff;.....MMM..MM. j aaibv maojurrs I Spirits TarpDti&s...., 103 casks SLocis lp92i bbisi Ormde Tar Den tine 912 IIABIHE 17EW8. ARKIVED. Steamer Elizabeth. Chadwick:. SmlthvUle R P faddison. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smltrivllle. OeoMTers. Steamer Xsis. Paddlsoa. Point Caswell. R P Paddison J ' ! Steamer Wave, Robeson, Faystteville Williams A Murchlaon. I Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth A Worth. Steamer Clinton, Blsby, Town Creek, Master ! . CLEARED. Steamer Elisabeth, Chadwick, Smithville R P Paddison. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, SmlthvUle Geo Myers. Steamer Isis, Paddison, Point Caswell, P Paddison Steamer Wave, Robe sen, Fayetteville, Williams Murcnlsou. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth x wortn. Steamer Clinton, Bisby, Bamnerman's Bridge, Master. ; WEEKLY j STATEMENT or STOCKS 0. Hi.M XVQ. 18, 1879. .11" i Cotton ashore......... ! afloat. Total eeeeseeeese see. 67 54 121 Spirits ashore 6.706 ! afloat 3,342 Total..... 9,048 Rosii ashoreJ... T8.871 afloat 11,018 Total.... tessssese 89,889 Tar ashore ... M 8,688 afloat. M 25 Total. 8,71 J Crude whore 3,100 afloat i Total ......... 3,7C6 I ! I I 1 : aSOXIFTS FOB THS WSRK EMOIHS ilCO. 18, '79. Cotton. 11 Spirits.... i 2,982 Reain..:. 13,581 Tar 76 Crude J 3,895 exports roa ths wbik esdims Jtvat 18, 1879. I - Domes tie I Cotton. M......MM. 12 Spirit? 166 Roaia... I.. M 460 Tar i L.....J 1,160 Ormde... j i 118 Foreign. Cotton.; Spirits.. Kosin.... Tar Crude Uow Advertisements. " USE JPort rape J Ui Cherche. for OBlJ : T1 on,nio Tivoli Lager Beer 9 -jgRKWKD sXPRESSLT FOtt BottliDg. Of the purest material! and warranted whole some and autritleus. Price $1 per d zen, (bottles to be returned.) Sold by the principal groceri in the city. ! . i AbK FOR f Aud take no other. ! I Persons havinz empty bottles la their posiesslon belonging: to me will leave I K) ifT7 notice at the office in Currie's Block, so tha the wag:on may osil for them. aug 9-tf Jk 1 1 II lk Ml 1 FM ' ROBERT PORTNER. Sltir's Port Grape lViDe Jb onrs Years Old I IIiH I M Jl TMTT . nil tnn I Boatwrlght & McKoy's if . r " ! I - " "Mi me raica nf V. k Or.p., rwwl talhli coMU,. lutoKJJ Tonic ani,'. Slreitlieiiiii Fn; are unsurpaiied bv snr sther Bti. ku Being the pure juice of the gtttt under Mr. Speer'eown perioM.i. its purity and gWitxl. "e VVr invalid IS THE PL AG E TO FIND ouj quahtiee, and tle ue it to adTsnttjre. i r l in., i. to the various ai'ments tLstafflict'th.w J: THE BEST SELBOTED STOCK Speer's P. J. Shf'r OF rr. of m ike nf A, The- P. J. BHEKRT ii a Win ornn in n . . j w jnAiyiui and part Kiueo qusuues or me grape is made. For MEDICINAL PROPERTIES ttii ue luauu unexcelled Speer's P, I This noted J. Brand AND Fancy Groceries ! reL or Pedro J. HraDdrii a tnr rfi.tln. : from the graps and is equal to the finest P nessy or Otsrd Brandies; for mediciul h. poses it can b relied upon a strictly parv See tbat the signature of Alfred 8pT Passaic, N. J., is orer the cork of etch I IN THE CITY". nrttK n Mt. Prospedt Xhiu Sew Jersey. Office. No. 3Wlrren kt. s J orkv , 1 1 Hi. I yorsaleby GREEN h FLANlfHU r MUND8, Druggists, and P. L. BRIDGEK"' kOO. aprii -It Boatwright c MbKoy SELL GOODS LOWER THAN ANT HOUSE IN THE CJTY rma are a idmo( baalnMMTwwd hr si? Kyou are a uaa ot lettenloUi& ' omryouwtiM "U work to restore hrala nerr kad wike,' tr you MTerovag and sufferl&ff trvn ty lDOxm Boatwright vuutf . nuwiuw iron poor dmju or nwa & McKoy rrer ran are. vrfce rarer roa are. wtantrww SbM roar arstem need cleansbfrtoninfv r ettmalatfng. without intoMciitina. 1 I 3,360 4,658 ! THE NEW YORK I 'I WEEKLY HERALD. i !' ' il-'' JAMES GORDON BENNETT -Prop'tor, i .il The Best and OTaaapest Newspaper Published. I- Pottage Fre. ONE DOLLAR Per Year, SO Cents Tor Six Months, i . : r : : I An Sxtrs Copy to erery Gluh. of TesuQ New York Herald, PuWUhed eyery Day in the Year. Postage Free; $10 pays for one year, Sundsjs included. $8 pays fer one year, without Sundays. $b pays for six months, Bundsyi ineluded; Si pars for six months, without Sundays. $2 pays for one year br any specified day of the week, i y $1 pays for six months fsr any speciied day of the week. : i $1 per month (inclfifing Sundays) will be charged on fuoscripuons ror a less penoa than three nontns. TO EUXOPE Including Poetags. Dallr $17 30 Wecly(Suropean Edition)............... 4 00 Weeklr (Donestio Edition )M........... S 00 NEWSDEALERS bUPPLIED, . Postage Free. DailT Eaition...Two and a half ets. per Copy Sunday Edition. Four ets. per Ospy. HMUT M1UOB......M.M. I WW mH omr UUVT 41T. B. ot lees than copies mailed to newsdealer at wholesale rates. We allow no eommiauons on suNcri poems Dailr EdiUon. Atfaress, mch 10 vvv rnotr nvvii.n A. mm A vwa mttmmm iiif j Broadway and St. Ana N. T NEW PIANOS $125 Each- and all styles, Including Grand Sanare and Upright, nil strictly msT-exass. sold at the lowest bit cash wbolxsalb FlerenT prices, direct to the rumcHAszn. These Pianos made one of the finest displays at the Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re ooznmeaded for the. Hi 8 hist Hovoas orer 13,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory established orer 36 raars. The Samara- Grands contain Mathu- shex's new patent Duplex Orerttrmn; Seals, tne KTeawar unpniTomwH us U9 uswry mi Piano making. The Uprights are the finest in America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptirs catalogue or 48 pages snauca tree. MENDELbiJOILN PIANO CO., apl 14m n East llth street. If T ARE ALWAYS ! i Ali e to the wants of the people, and keep lor their accommodation a FULL FRESH SUPPLY OF GROCER- IES, from which they cn se lect at any time. Ton will be cared tf yon m tirinan eomvkmLm , blood, if r,ar wnat To our friends aad the pablic gen erally in the distance, we will state we are preparing for a BIG FALL TRADE. We are bound to hare it if selling GOOD GOODS LOW will ac- omplish our pur. pose. Write for samples and prices. All communications answered promptly. Again we state ' the string hangs on the outside". .Won t you drop in Have you the heart to decline such an invitation ? We trow not. Boatwright & McKoy , Bare you d: V llaXlWTOWS n w v w v v www If you are simply weak and low spirited, 7ti InaUtuponlt. Tour drugglrt ke lt-i It mmr MTe your life. It lias sstU NopCoaehCaNltlheiwaeMtwfUn4tat AAAMa Tlt Hop f Ml for Stommch, LItct mi KMnyi,ii mfhrn exhtrt. Cum by kbrptloo. Iiliprfwl. Atkint t. I. C. U folate tnilliTwiiUMt cort 1m ratt . j BBBBS ! oplom. toUooe or Bwootts. a4 O l 7 XXorth Front amg!8 fltreet- OPEN DAY! AND NIHTfc QIMMON8 LITER REGULATOR, PAR- KJ rer's Uinger Tonie, Indian Gholago me, Bonfmae Asthma Cigarettes, ..and full line f Drags, Medicines and Ferfentery. Open day auf lS-tf F. C. MILLER, Corner 4th and Am 8 tree ts. and night. , . , - Corn , Bacon , Molasses. 4I0 000 Duih Frimo Whlta Co 350 BW CQbHS.:. Mdi 250 yresh.rlosr, . 1 OOrannlated A, Extrs C, tf 210 B" offe jl'xrde' j Q(J Tnbs Cboice Tamil; 150 Boxe Toloc0' Tix ot' j Half Bbis and.Boxes.Si.s 1600 Ke' Nil-': D5O0 SUrcbi Olse, M I i ALSO, rotash. Lye, Hods, Hoap, Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrels, For sale low by . I WILLIAMS k MDRCeiSOV ano-11 Wholssals Oro. k Com. f' Steamer PassDorf, TO $e000 ayear or 95 to $20 a day in you, own locality. Mo risk. Women do as well as men. Many make more than the amount stated above. No one can fail to make money fast Any one can do the work. Tou can mak fn 60 cents to $2 an boar by devoting your enlli5I fend spare time to the business. It costs noiLing to try the business. Nothing like it for money mak- want to know all about tbe best paying business before the public, send us your address and we will send you full particu lars and private terms free; samples worth $5 also free; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address GEORGE STINSON A CO., Portland, Maine, j jane 7-dotw 1 QAPT.T. W. HAEPEB, Will resmme 8UNDAT . permitting. Daily Trips Deek at 9.3 A. M. , 1 . . . EfsaL T a AM M TKKS. if1' For Smlthvil e. Come! SEE A VERY FINE LOT OF BRETON NE, ITALIAN, AND REAL LACES, I t - The Best SCISSORS in the World 1 And the best fitting and fastest j Sellis CORSET, (Flexible Hip) Irs tonne Laos Ties and other Fancy Articles I 1 XJLVMJLMlim CORNKK. t S. B. SPRUKT. mm t QTEAM 'TACHT ELIZA BETH, Capt. D.W.ChAdwiek, carrying uanea siates mu. :imfllf! . a K ( i Removal.' rp B. HENDERSON k CO., -tohfij Dealers aad Commission Mereksatt 1 ag, moved from Front street, to tk iters' lyoecmpisd by J. Wi Alderm I ner Cbestnmt and Water streets. amgl3

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