THIS PAPER I,puolUh.d erer j afternoon, Sundays' ex eepted by JOSH. T. JAMES, CDITOB AND FaOPBIXTOB. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. Oue year,& 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three months, $1 25; One month, 60 cents. -The paper will b delivered by carriers, frM ofeharge, in any part of the city, at the above rates, or 13 cento per week. Advertising rates low and liberal -Subscribers will please report any and til failures to receive their papers regularly. 3R0WN & RODDICK. 45 Market St. We have just finished taking our annual Hrc"Uiitf ck, and are now daily receiv ing NKV GOODS from the Northern Markets, suit able for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE ! ur patnns will study thir best inter f -ts by making their purchas s as early in tf, Season as conveuient,as the general in dentions or the market have an upward tendency. We have just received over 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! PK1.CE ;ENTS. Wholesale buyers would do well to look over our mock bef re purchasing as we have a great many eo ds we are offering much below THE PRESENT MARKET VALUE. Fans Parasols. C using oat the balance at Greatly Re duced Prices. Plain, Striped and Chpcuei Nainsook Muslins. The best value ever offered. Call and examine. Linen Lawns from 12 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. Our Variety is Large. Our prices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Laces. Bretonne, Torchon and Italian Laces. We have very much fli ' Largest assort ment that has been offered in this city and our prices either by the yard or piece, can not be undersold. Ouilts, Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked none up in price, preferring to give our natrons an opportunity to supply their warns at the old prices Table Linens-Towels and Napkins, Our present assortment excels anything we have ever shown. Call and give our stock a look over. Qur Buyer Is in the market at present and we are receiving many Novelties. OUR 5 and lO Cents Bazaar Is situated on the S. W. corner of Market and Second streets,and every Steamer that com s into this port brings a Fresh Lot of the most surprisingly Cheap and Useful Oo ds that ever were offered hi any mar ket under any circumstances. We offer great inducements to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street LIGHT RUNNING NEW HOME." TT HAS A SELF-SETTING NEEDLE. -L Automatic Tension. Large space under under the Arm.. Spring Tension Shuttle. Only one hele to thread. Device for filling the Bobbin without taking otf oelt or run ning the machine. Large space under pres sors foot. Ladies please call and see for your selves. Reepectfu'ly, J. B. FARRAR, jilj 24-lm 24 Market St. Warm Springs; Western North Carolina, 13 NOW OPEN for the reception of pleas ure seekers and invalids. This lovely place is situated in the beauti ful valley of the Frtnch Broad, within eight m lea of the raiiroad. We have a fine band of music, attentive eer ants, and alt other accommodations to be found at a first-class watering place. For particulars apply for descriptive pam phlet. Ci.W. H. HOYVERTON, jnnelO' Proprietor. For Smithville. gTEAM YACHT ELIZA BETH, Capt. D.W.Chadwick, carrying United States Mail. Leaves wharf foot of Market street daily (except Sundays) t 3$ P. M. Returning, leave Smithville t 7i A. M. R. P. PADDISOtf. g 5 AjrenL Come I ND SEE A VERY FINE LOT OF BRETONNE, ITALIAN, AND REAL LACES, The Best SCISSORS in the World. 1 And the beat fitting and fastest Sellins; CORSET, (Flexible Hip) Bretonne Laoe Ties and other Fancy Articles . EXCHANGE CORNER. u 21 N. H. 8PRUNT. IT VOL. IV. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. ; i i i i ' ' : ! P. HEiNBBKESaa's The Live Book jFtore. Geo. Mtees If amity k xcupeion. Read ad Burbauk's Pharmacy. The McKoys Houses and Stores for Rent. Chess, Caelet A Co Justjj Received. J. B. Faabek Light ; Running "New Home." ! No City Court to-day. Window Glass of all sizes at J vcoui'a .Hardware Depot. I It must be very warm will take the btarch out ' df weather that festiyal ice h cream. There is something suggestive j in the sight of a man walking along chewing a straw. ; ! I ' The ceiling in the Court House is jbeing repaired where the plasterin 2 tumbled down a few weeksago. 1 , H h- German barque LouUe Dorothea! Kraft, ! j' . from this port for Valencia, arrived at :i. ii t- . i t . . . i . i uriuranar uu oaiuruay jasi. Wide belts of woven cahvas. fastened with two leather straps and ilbuckles, ac company all seaside and mountain fatigue costumes. German barque Lucie, Koqpman, and Norwegian brigl3farta,Cornlien3en, both from' this port, arrived! at Hamburg on the 23d inst. . f 'i m jj ' ' I ' 1 ' The excursion of the 'Br oklyn Sunday School to Smithville takes place to-morrow, on the Passport. AH who attend may rest assured of a-jplea ar$ day. ' 'the case of disprderly conduct contin ued from last Saturday j by he Mayor pro tern was this jmoj-ning disposed of by the offender paying air the damages in the case. Health Officer Morrison sent put of Market this morning a quantity of tin- 1 1 j 1 i i . a J ' healthy looking watermelons that were beginning to rot. i Commodore Myers j thinks o giving the last grand moonlight excursion ot the season, on this full moon,1 provided the weather is clear enough! and warm enough to jusiifyj it. As we go to preb6 the base bail match between the "Sa wed-Off" and Moon- light" clubs of this city is in The "Sa wed-Off" was ten ipo i progress, nts ahead when our informant left. It is now the fashion for ladies to wear instead of the eternal diamond lizird, a jeweled heraldic animal griffin unicorn( lion, etc. bdrrd wed j from the family coat-of-arms. If you have jno family coat-of-arms borrow the animal from somebody else's. ! ' FSigjstal Service, U. . A., Station, Wilmington,iN. C, August 26, 187910:30 a. m. , ; , The following order has beea received at this station': j.1 I . . i i. I . Signals are ordereg up at New! Hano ver New London, j Newport, Woods' Holl, Boston and Section Eight. North east gale; lowest barometer on Middle At lantic Coast. 'i j 1 I . ;.v. ' ' 4 W. Watsox? i Sergt. Signal Corps, U. S. A. Found. I , A lady's crape veil was founnjl on the South side of Market between Bront and Second streets, last night and is! now de- i i posited at the , City Hall, awaiting a claimant. Unmallable 'The following unmaitable postal! mat- ter remains at the postoffice in this city: Miss Abbie Holt, Danville, N. C ; Richard Hooper, Marengo Co., Ala.; Mrs. Emma Brown, 1.418,' Mass.i Ave. bet. 1415, n. e.' - 1 , I ; j 1 Will it do no harm?' This is the ques tion often asked, aod the answer is. 'it can not,' for Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is an innocent remedy warranted to contain neither Opium Morphiaj or anything in jurious. Price 25 j cents a bottle. The two rivers are, contending , for the mastery to-day J The North West Cape Fear sends down its rjed clay mud from the interior and the North East Cape Fear brings the dark Waters gathered in cyprus and gum swamps. . The waterB divide just opposite1 the city, the North, West to the West' and the North East to the East, producing rents ia the same river two distinct cur- Speer's Port Grape Wines fob Wkakly Persons Th'ia excellent pro duct of the grape is prescribed and used by the leading physiciaus in the country, and by the most fashionable families at even ing entertainments, and by churches for communion. For sale by P. L. Bridgers & Co., J, C. Muads and Greeu & Fiap- uer. I I I I IT - WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST j Personal- i j Mr. Joel H:. Muse, City Editor of the Star, accompanied by his wife, left here this morning for a two weeks' visit to bin native heath, Newbern. It is the first time in many years that he has taken a vacation, and we hope that he hiay realize all his anticipations of pleasure, and may come back strengthened aid improved by the change of air and ot scenes. Mr. Harry H. Smith, formerly one of the Edi- tors of the Dispatch, will run the local olumns ot the S7ar during absence. MrJ Muse's WLat to dn With Mutilated Money. Persons are frequently at a loss to know what to do with mutilated money. A circular from the treasury department just received gives important informatiot in relation to this matter. Among other information is the following:1 United States noted mutilated not to the extent of one tenth, and fractional notes mutila ted not to the extent of one fifth, are re deemable at full face value. United States notes mutilated to tbe extent of one tenth, but not two tenths, are redeemable at nine tenths of full face value: two tenths, but not three tenths, at eight tenths of thoir full face value; three tenths but not I four tenths, at seven tenths of their face value; fourjtenths, but not one half, at six tenths of their face value Fragments of notets, such constituting clearly one half, are redeemable at one half the full face value of guch ! Whole notes. Fragments less than half are re deemed only when accompanied by an affidavit, except when they together con stitute more than one half a note, and it appears either from the notes themselves or from an affidavit made ,in conformity to the following paragraph, that they are actually parts of the original note. Notes mutilated as described above, accompanied by an affidavit from the owner and from such other persons as have knowledge of the facts, that the missing portions have been ; totally des troyed, are," if the proof furnished is sat isfactory, redeemed at the fall face value of such whole notes. The affidavit must state the cause and manner of the mutil ation; and muse be sworn and subscribed before an officer qualified to ' administer oaths, who must affix his official seal thereto, and the character of j the affiants ! i ' i must be certified to be good by a magis trate or other public officer. The treas urer will exercise such discretion under this regulation as may seem to him need ful to protect the United States from fraud. Unredeemed fragments are re jected and returned; counterfeit notes are branded and returned. I You can get the best White Lead, Paints and Oils, and lowest prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t North American Review The leading article in the North Ameri can Review for September 1 is a critica? paper by Anthony Trollope, upon 'The Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne.' It has an especial interest from the fact that it contains the estimate which one novelist gives of another, where there is tbe widest divergence between the literary work of the two. , Professor Simon Newcdmb fol lows with a paper upon Tbe Standard cf Value,' in which he discusses the relative merits of the single and double standard and the difficulties which must arise from tbe establishment of either as a monetary basis. The third article is the concluding part of Ri .-hard Wagner's The Work and Mission of My Life.' In this, he contin ues the description of art life to the pre sent time, and tells the story of the great festival performance at Baireuth, in 1876. The next article is a part of 'The Diary of a public Man.' In this is given the se cret history of events at Washington dur ing the week next preceding President Lincoln's inauguration, and of the intri gues in regard to the formation of a new Cabinet, and the estimate which public men at that time made of Mr. Lincoln's character. The 'Confession of an Agnos tic," which follows, is an anonymous pa per, and professes to be written by a fol lower of 'An Evolutionist,' who advertise ed for a new! religion in this Jlevietv, in Juiy, 1878 The scholar, it seems, has gone further than his teacher. 'Intri gues at the Par's Canal Congressby A .G. MeL.ocal,is a timeiy exposure of the plans and scheming of the ring of adventurers who called the Congress together, and using D.Lessep's iufluence.managed it for the purpose of -filling their own pockets. The number closes with a review of 'Three Important Publications by Mayo W. Uazeltine. . I For bar steel, iron and carriage goods go to JaCobi's Hardware Depot His Fall Trip. Mr. G. .Rosenthal wjll leave; here to morroW for New York, whither te goes on his regular Fall visitation, for the par pose of replenishing his stock of boots and shoes. .He Will: be gone several weeks and will take in the best markets in his line. He proposes to buy largely and when he returns ycu may look out ifor a stunning advertisement in the Review. . j : . j . i 1 A Slight encounter. I Two colored individuals of the raascu- .. . .i ( lipe genderj got into an! altercation a'nd then to blows on the j corner of Nrth Water and Princess streets, this morning, when one of the combatants beat a hastv retreat, while the other remained "victor of the contest and on the field of con flict. A policeman soon hove in sight. however,whenthe victorious pugilist sorter sided off until he reached his dray which he soon mounted 'and drove off. But we expect to hear of both the parties beihfi; hauled up betore a trial Justice when we will have a good opportunity to get at the facts of the case. Meeting of County Commiisioners and Assessors. ; The Board of County Commissioners and the Board of Assessors for the County met in the Commissioners' Room at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The assess ment on the property of Mrs. W. H. Lip pitt, , in Harnett township, was reduced from $1,000 to $400. Applications from the Carolina Central Railway, Wilmington Gas Light Company Kesiah Grant, Jas. A. Lowrey, Mrs. Martha G.: Gerrall, and J. C. Lumsden, were listened to, but not acted upon. j Maior D. J. Devaue made a very able argument before the Board, in regard to taxing the rolling stock and j)ther property of the C. C. Railway, which has never paid taxes under any previous administra tion, But the Board decided the property of the Railway to be taxable nevertheless, and gave the counsel until this afternoon to make up their tax list to -subscribe to under oathJ Otherwise, Mr. Chairman Smith, in speaking for the Board, stated that the property of the Railway would be assessed $240,000; and taxed . accord. ingly. The Board then adjourned until this afternoon, at half-pasttwo o'clock. The Board of County Commissioner met in adjourned session at 2J o'clock this afternoon. Present Col. Wm. L. Smith, Chairman, and Commissioners H. A. Bagg, A.. J. Grady, J. A. Mont gomery and B. G. Worth. j 1 The Board of Assessors, Messrs. O. G. Parsley, Sr., M. Cronly, and D. M., Fen nel! were present also. ' It was ordered that the assessment on the Hamilton place be reduced from $1,600 to $1,200. M Ordered that the assessment on the property of Mrs. K. A. Grant in Harnett township be reduced from $4,800 to $4,000. 1 Application for reduction of the assess ment on property of W. B, Giles, heard and referred. j Ordered that the assessment on Wil mington Compress Company be reduced from $60,000 to $53,000. Ordered that the assessment on Cham pion Compress Company be reduced from $35,000 to $32,000. I Ordered that the assessment on the Wilmington Gis Light Company be re duced from $50,000 to $ 15,000, Ordered that the assessment, on the property of Jas. A. Lowery be reduced from $2,200 to $2,000. Ordered that the property of Mrs. Martha Garrell be reduced from $8,640 to $8,000. Major D.J. Devane, counsel for Caro lina Central Railway, appeared before the Board and requested further time to consider the propriety of listing the taxes for Carolina Central Railway as personal property. Counsel stated that ia the absence of the resident Re ceiver he would request the Board to defer this matter until alter Monday next. The Board therefore decided to postpone the consideration of this matter in accordance with request of counsel, until after Mon day, the 1st prox. Cared of DrinKing. .'A yeung friend of mine was cured of an insatiable thirst for liquor, which had so prostrated him that he was anable tO do any business. He was entirely cured by the use of Hop Bitters. It allayed all that burning thirst; took away the appe tite for liquor; made his nerves steady, and he has remained a sober and steady man for more than two years, and has no desire to return to bis cups; I know of a nmpber of others that have been cured of drinking by it,' From a leading 11 K Official, Chicago, III, ' 20, 1879. NO. 171 Family Excursions. Many of our readers will be glad to learn that the series of p'eas iut family excursions given this Summer on the Passftort jwill be continued. Friday is the day set apart each week and the boat on these days Will visit Furt Fisher. Caswell and Smithville. LVery care and i j i ! i attention will be paid to the comfort ot passengers and there Will be music for dancing on each excursion d;ty. Contributions lor Beaufort. Mr. W. P. Canaday started out this afternoon with a subscription paper to circujate among th-j merchants' business, men and benevolent of j the city in order to obtain money with which to re lieve the unfortunate people wh lost their all in the late ter rible storm at Beaufjrt. In less I than two hours he secured $140, which i we thinfe speaks commendably for people of - Wilmington. Mr. the good Canaday desires to raise $200 to send to- morrow, and we doubt not he will be successful Lamp Explosion. A kerosene oil lamp exploded last nigbf , at the residence of Capt. Jno. W. Gallo way, on Ninth, between Harnett and Swann streets,, which did considerable damage, but fortunately inflicted no j per sonal injury. It was about 10 o'clock, and Capt. Galloway was abseilt iu attendance on the services at Fifth Street Church. Mrs. Galloway had retired and had kept the lamp tnrned down . on the piano in the parlor. Suddenly she was alarmed by! an explosion asj loud as a pistol shot and running out! into the parlor found I that the lamp had exploded. scattering direction, mind she ca the burning oil in every With much presence ' of led for help and at once be gan the attempt to suppress the flames by covering them with such woolen articles as were nearest at hand. In a few momenta afterwards Capt. Galloway, arrived at the house on his return home and just as his wife, assisted by a few of the neighbors, had succeeded in putting out the fire. The damages will amount to about 1 $25 and consist of a piano and sewing njachine slightly injured and an overcoat, blankets, quilt, piano cover &c, badly burned . There was no insurance. The best Windows, Doors and Blinds and Lowest Prices can be got at Jacob i's Hardware Depot. ! . j List of Letters. The following is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed in the City Postoflice Wednesday, August 27th, 1879: A Miss Rachael Allison. B Miss Harriet Boon,) mrs Sarah Brown, J Barkley & Co. W & Boyette E W H Banks, Elipha Boon, B F Bryant, Archie Brown, Anthony Bryant. C Miss Mary E Chad wick, mrs A G Craig, mi-s Edney Carman, Lizzie Casteeu, Patence M Craig. I i D Anthony Dewtet, Julius Dick son, j F--R J Fillyaw. J G Mrs Annie Green, Clarisey Gibson miss Elizabeth A George, miss Sally Ann Graddy, W J Grey, H C Gregory. J H Rev D D(Fr F Hill, John Holt, mrs Annie Hall, miss Lizzie Hardy, j J M C Jones, H P Jones, E A Jones. L Harvey Lewis'! L A Lewis, W E Lindsey, Malissa Lewis, miss Martha Lewis, mrs Margaret A Lowery, miss Sarah Latten. ( M A A MoLean, A M McCollum Washington Mosely, Wm Mitchell, E T Mason, Haywood W Miller, Harry Monford, John M Miller, Norman JA Mongomery, Silvia Merrick, miss Eliza Frances Mitchell, miss Ellen Moore, nrs Nancy McMillan. N R )VV Nickson, James Newton. P Miss Lottie M Purvis, Sarah A Proctor. 1 ' R Mrs Frankie Rone, Judy Rany, Lii ie Ray, Wm Russ. S- Wright W Shuffield, mrs Susan C Smith. T Mrs Caroline Tat well, Thos H Thornton. W Mrs Mary Williams, , mrs L;zzie Williams," Roseanna Waddell, mrs Eiiza Willians, G A - Willis, mrs Caroline Waddell, Mitchel Wooten, W H Walker. Y Wm Young, j Peioons calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised"; 'if npt claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. j ! E. R. BRINK, P, M. Wilmmgton, N. C. New Hans ver County, N.C, Wine and Cake for Evening?. I . ! ; Alfred Speer of New Jersey, it should be known, is one of the most extensive producers and dealers in Pure Wines and Brandies in the United States. He makes a Superior Port Wine, which took the highest premium attheCentennial, known as Hpeers Port Grape Wine. It is sold by J, C. Munds, P. L. Bridgers & Co. and Green & Planner. Ang-tL , You can eat oysters next week, pro vided yon are able to pay for them. PLEASE NOTICE. We will be gld to receive communications from our friends on any and ali subjects 6 1 1 general interest but : y. " ; The name jof the writer must.: always be ftL nished to theKditor. ' I I n ' ... . . .' . .I; 'I j wmmiuiMuoDi must oe written jon on J one aide or thejaper. 2 Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and parti-ularly under stooa ttat the Editor does not always endoU the views of correspondents, unless so stat-;' in the editorial columns. j j; ,! I New Advertisements. Burbank's Pharmacy. PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED with! o n i accuracy dj Competent h amis fe&J On lv agency in the city of Hoi an iirer i a t-o's re i edies. Just Arrived- 250 BBLS. KEROSENE OL,, which we are EelliiJar at 10 Cents per Gallon. an 26-lt CHE88, CARLE IT A CO. I - : 1' ' Houses and Stores to Rent. i i ..- . I APPLY TO i ; . THE McKOYS' Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Office North Side Market St., between 2d nd 3d. , , ; . i r 36 r The Live Book Store, CONTAINS THE LARGEST and choicest I - stock of I Popular Literature, Miscellaneous TjTorks, Music and Gifts in Fancy Articles, Buperb Ohromos, Pianos and Orgnnn, ' Music Boxes, Melodeons, Guitars, Violins.l .uu an uiuer jtiuHicsi instruments Blaak Books, Ink, Mucilape, " Gold Pens, Pencils, Stationery, Of everv variety and stvl. I Every article in- the line necessary to carry on any buiiness, mercantile or btherwise, will be found at S , HEINSBERGFB'S, . Nos. 39 and 41 Market st. aug 26 V Family Excursions.! i - . -i i Steamer Passport, CAPT. J. W. HARPER, yiLL CONTINUE THE , FAMILY EXCORSIONS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, and continue each ! ' i fodowing Friday until further notice, visij- ting Fort Fisher, 8inithville and CaJJeil.l Every care and att ntion to comfort and I pleasure will be regarded. Music for Danciog. Round trip only 60 cents ; Children and Servants half price. i I aug 26 j GEO. M YER3, Agent 5 CEBITS 1Q I JUST OPENED A NEW AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GOOT3S . i !: . I l! ' Of various kinds and styles and descriptions 1 1 1 1 ! ! ' i II ! i i ! at the . : . 1 ! . i. I - . ' I Boston 5 and 10 Cents j 1 1 . , i Store. N E W G O O D Received every two days S For the purpose of keeping the stock! 1 ; i . plenisbed and thoroughly up to the mark. No Such Variety '! AT SUCH PRICES I ' "I has h ver before been offered in Wilmigtor. CALL AT OiuCE l AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS i. , ' And get wonderful bargains at thd Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, ' 41 N. Front Street. 3 i aus:S5 " . JAKE WACO AM AW and Vicinity ; also, Views of all points of interest in and around Wilmington. Moore's History of North Carolina ; an other lot just received, i I School Books and School Stationery. Liberal Discount to Country Deal ers. C. W. YATEsi Dont forget tbe ORGUINETTF, Ur most wonderful instrument of the ago. aug 25 Ship Notice. A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY J. forewarned ot to trust or bar- .Tf bor any of the erew of the Da W,ST"i barque "Qaleon'V as neither the MgW consignees wUl be responsible for u n c a iMR't w auf 23-Sl in i