THIS PAPER Ii DuoHahed every afternoon, Sundays; ex cepted DT JOSH. T. JAMES, , XDXTOK AND PKOPKIXTOK. UBMCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. Uae year, $6 00 Sue months, $2 50 ; Thro months, $1 35 ; One month, 50 cents. The paper will be delivered by carrier!, :Te of charge, in any part of the city, at the abovej-atea, or 13 oenta per week. Advertising rates low and liberal VSabteribers will please report any and tll failures to receive their papers regularly. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. We have jus? tiuished taking our annual Brc,u"t nf sick, ami are now daily receiv i '.." NKVV GOO US from the Northern mZi kits, suitable for the FALL AM) WINTER TRADE! t mr patrons will study thir best inter fcl.tby lUhkiiiiitlwirpurchases as early in the Season aa eonvenient,&s the general in- dieations of the market have an upward tender cy. We have just received ov r 20,000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! ' price ;ents. Wholesale buyers would do well to look over our ttoc'k before purchasing as we lnve a reat many?os w are offering mch below THE PRESENT MARKET VALUE. Fans & Parasols. CJosing oat the balance at Greatly Re duced Prices. riain, Striped and Checked Nainsook Musliiis. The best value ever offered. Call and examine. Liuen Lawus from 12 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. Our Variety ia Large. Our prices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Laces. Bretonne, Torchon and Italian Laces. We have very much th Largest assort ment that has been offered in this city and our prices either by the yard or piece, can not beuudersold. Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked none up in price, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wants at he old prices Table Linens-Towels and Napkins. Our present assortment excels anything we have ever shown. Call and give our stock a look over. Our Buyer Is in the market at present and we are receiving many Novelties. OUR 5 and lO Cents Is situated on the S. W. corner of Market and Second streets, and every Steamer that comas into this port brings a Fresh Lot of the most surpns.ngly Cheap and Useful nords that ever were offered in any mar ket under any circumstances. We offer great inducements to wholesale liuyers. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street aus 10 Warm Springs, Western North Carolina, TS NOW OPEN for the reception of pleas X ore seekers anc invalidg. This lovely placo is Bituated in the beauti ful valfcy of tha Frtnch Broad, within eight miles of tbe raitroad. We have a fine band of music, attentive er rants, and all other accommodations to be found at a first-class watering piac. For particulars apply for descriptive pam phlet. W. H. HOWERTON, joae 10 Proprietor. Come I JHD SEE A VERY FINELOT OP BRETONNE, ITALIAN, AND REAL LACES, The Best SCISSORS in the World 1 And the beat fitting and fastest Selling CORSET, (Flexible Hip) Bretnon Laoe Ties and other Fanoj Articles EXCHANGE CORNER, aujr 22 . N. H. 8PRUNT. Steamer Passnort, QaPT. J.W. HARPER, Will resume1 SUNDAY TRIPS TO 8MITHVILLE, Aprii;2T,weather permitting. Dally Trips as usual. Leave Dock at 9.39 A. M. apl 28 GEO. MYERS, Agent. Houses and Stores to Bent. APPLY TO THE TJJcICOYS, Aitorneyi and Counsellors at Law, NorUl Bide Market Bt, Utwtm U ; ; , i r ; - - ; : - . j . -j ii i i ' f ' ! ' ! I '.' '!' I ' .' ' ' '!'. z. , :. . I ' j' - . . I ' : 4 - -i : . . ... , i fM$ Bahy EE VIEW. I VOL. IV. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. R. M. FowLia(-Glad riding. j Oehhabdt A Co -Buggies, HameBS, Ac. See ad Clyde's Steamship Company. Yates Book Store and Photo Rooms School Books Photographs. BoATwaiBHT & McKht Large ad Fresh Stock of Groceri s. j , B. P. Paddisoh, Aepnt Fo- Rmithytltei F. C. MiLLKR-r-Haby tyrupj Ac. 1 I Read ad German Picnic. 1 1 , P. HBiNSBRROKa'i The Earl; of Mayfiold No City Court! to day. Pleasant days! and good nights for sleepj iDs- " -!' in. I .M What makes life motive. I dreary i the want of There are 1,800 000 mArriageable girla in France. ' M' ' -I f ' In Nevada they call hanging fjumpm down a rope.'? An exchange reraa ks that eating is a chair-at-table act. Window Glass of all sizes at JCOBl'S Hardware l)e p ni , Political advice If ai firstly ou don't suc ceed, lie, lie again. A grace! ul method of getting home! a watermelon, still awaits invention. ; 1 L A I "Shooting intelligence" is a standing de partment in certain Nevada papers. ! The man who goes down cellar to cool off pleases the mixer of cough medicienea. jit I i ! 'in t A woman with a shabby) pair of shoes can never be convinced that short dresses are not vulgarj I J There ia no chance fer continuous they're all trouble among sewing girls the time making up. The young manj who prides himself upon looking spruce, should bear in mind that the spruce is ever green. . Felt bonnets and round hats will be worn again, this fall, notwithstanding the suggestion that they j were losing favor last year. You can get the! best White Leadi Paints and Oils, and lowest prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot; ! ! N T MosQttitoes fold thy weary wiogs and i i cross thy legs upon thy breast; put up tho bills and horns and! things, and sink into they final rest. i ' ' . i : f j Morals and religion! aside, it woul d seem incumbent on a1 good citizen to be friend, when he can, a fellow citizen who is imposed upon and: defenceless. For bar steel, iron and carriage goods go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. , J J- J L , i An exchange says; Striped parasols We don't believe it.j Tfcje idea of a striped stocking overhead to keep off the suqJ and wearing parasols on her! I -1- rt 'Twenty years ago, 'said a colored phil- ssopher, "niggers J was wuf a thousand dollars apiece.1 Noy dey would be dear at two dollars a dozen.; It s 'stonishin' how de race am runninl down. A newly married Udy was telling an- I it other how nicely her husbahccould write. 'Oh. you should! just see some of his love letters!' 'Yes, I know was the freezing reply; 'I've got a hushel of them at home in my trunk.' The new lightship, recently built for the government by Messrs.' j Cassidy & Ross," has been hauled upon the marine railway for the purpose of j being copper ed previous to being put upon her sta- tion. , , I' . ;jh An Irishman discharged an overloaded U ! gun at a rabbit. Having; been knocked and rose from senseless, as he recovered the ground and saw the nimble rabbit making off over the hill exclaimed 'Faith an' if ye'd bin at this end of the gun, you wouldn't be scampering about in that way,' sure." ( I' It makes a person feel sad to hear a crying bahy, suffering probably from some slight paiD, which could be easily relieve ed by tbe use of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, which is for sale at all drug stores. Signal. Skkvice, U. S. Ai, Station Wilmington, N C, Sept 8, 1879 10:30 a. m. , ; Tbe following order has been received at this station ; . I Signals are ordered up at New York, Lewes, New Haven, New London, New port, Wood' Hall, Boston, Section Eight, Portia nd, Section Seven. Off-Shore Sig nals are ordered! up for i May, Atlantic, Barnegat, Hook. I Rising Barometer ever Lake Erie. A ' ' . ! . . . J. II. Watson. Sergt. Signal Corps, U. S. A. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1879. i i i ! i 1 ' i I I ' : i . i i . ' I 1 i , Fire Alarm. We are informed by Gen. M. P. Tay lor, the agent here, that the Fire Alarm Telephone will be placed in. position and put in working; order during the latter part of the present week .... . ; j Personal. Mr. A. Shrier, of the firm of Shrier Bros., in this city, arrivod in New York by steamer! from Europe yesterday, whither h has been for the past two months on a vUit to the land of his na tivity. Base Ball. A match game of baie ball will be played at the Athletic grounds at 3 p. m. on Thursday next, between the Cham pion Club, Capt. B. G.Em pie, and tbe Home Club, Capt. R. H. Grant. A cor dial invitation is extended to the ladies to grace the occasion by their presence. Mrs. Moon's R elisions Rays. Mrs. Moon, the woman revivalist, has converted a revenue agent in Person county. This is in consequence, we sup pose, of Mrs. Moon's shedding religious light upon the dark path of the agent. Constquenly the revenue man must be following in the wake of a "moonshiner. Said Good-Bye to Charlotte. i Walter Allbright, colored, who was ar rested in Charlotte on Thursday last to be sent to this ity for trial having burglar, ized Mr. Henry Nutt's residence in this city, some months ago, and abstracted therefrom a gold watch and other valua bleSj has succeeded in making his escape from the officers of the law; and is again at large, i The prisoner, it seems, was confined in the city guard house at Charlotte, as we learn from the Observer, and during the night cut a hole in the ceiling, through which he crawled to freedom once more. Isnaslus Graefl- The subject of this notice died yester day in this city in his room on Second, between Princess and Chestnut streets. He had been a sufferer for years with organic diseases. Very little is known of his early history. He came among us a stranger directly after the war and died a stranger to most of our citizens. He was a gentleman of the old school, a thorough linguist, but exceedingly reti cent about matters touching upon him self. Those who knew him best have learned that he was a titled Hungarian and was banished in 1848 from Hungary about the time of the Kossuth rebellion. His banishment was caused .by politi" cal troubles) though the exact nature of them are not known here. He was a man of influence in his own home and one whom the Governmentj of Hungary at that time, feared. He was man of family. In conversation with us at different times he! has spoken of his daughters and one son. One ef his daughters wedded a count, and we think his son lost his life in a duel. When he came to this city he had some little means and started in the manufac ture of spirit casks. His losses were heavy and he soon settled down to a mere sedentary life, that of a cigar -manufacturer. He made but few acquaintances and al most lived tbe life of a recluse. During his attack, of sickness he was always well cared for and made as comfortable as pos sible. He was buried this morning from the First Presbyterian Church, his remains being followed to their resting place in Oakdalebyhis friends and acquaintances. Bishop Atkiason's Appointments. Rutherfordton, October 2nd. Shelby, October 3rd P. M. Lincoluton, October 5th, Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. I Beatty's Ford, October;7tb. High Shoals Ootober 9th. Gastonia, October 10th. Charlotte. October 12th, Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. Statesville. October 14tb, Consecration of tbe Church. I Morganton, October 15. i St. James' Iredell. Co., Oetober 17th Monroe, October 19th, Nineteenth Sun day after Trinity. ( I Wadesboro, October 21st. I Anson vilie, October 22nd . Rockingham, October 2Jrd. Lausrl Hill, October 24th. I Collections at each of these - places fr Disoceaan Missions. C j Highest Prize Port Wine. The best wine in the country, that took tbe highest premium at the Centennial, is Speer's Port Grape Wine, which has be come so celebrated. This wine and his P. J. Brandy are now being used i by physicians everywhere, wty rely upon them as being the purest and best sold by Druggists . r For sale by P. L. Bridgers & Co., J. C. Zlusdj and Green & FLinasr. Could not Hear. Nothing from the regatta up to the hour of our going to press. The race was called for 1:80 o'clock to-day. The telephone wires between this city and the Sound are not in working order to-day, nence we are eut oft in getting informa tion from this race. Fell From a Scaffolding. Julius Waiters, a colored laborer, while at work on a scaffolding around the Cowan house, on Front street, fell from his perch on Saturday evening and dislo cated his hip joint. He was picked up, put on a dray' and carried to his home, but was out this morning and walking with the aid of a stick. Whose Mistake is IUi The Raleigh Observer of the 6th inst under the heading "Executive Appoint ments," publishes the name of Wilkes Morri8,Esq.t of this j city as being ap pointed a member of the Board of Audit and Finance of the city1 of Wilmington by His Excellency Gov. Jarvis. We respect fully call the attention of the Obterver, or Governor Jarvis if the error be his, to the fact that in section one chapter one hundred and forty-three of the laws of 1876f7, it is explicitly stated that Any vacancy occurring among the mem bers of said board during their term of office, shall be filled by the remaining mcmberb.'f Which law was? complied with directly after the death of Mr. T. W. Player, whose demise caused the vacancy in question, by the appointment of Mr. John S. McEachern, and which occurred at a regular meeting of the Board of Au dit and Finance of this city, on the 18th of August, 1879. ! Magistrates Court. Justice Hall's, attention was claimed this morning for the hearing of cases in which Kit Hnggins the Secretary of War of the Hollow figured as the hero. Chas. Richardson was arrested on a warrant sued out by Kit on the charge of assanit and battery. Judgment was suspended upon the payment of the costs. Peace warrant by the same party was disposed of by giving a bond of $50 and the payment of costs. i Chas. Richardson, had Kit arrested on the charge of assault and battery. Kit adjudged guitly and required to pay the costs. Josh Johnson, colored, was before Justice Gardner on . the charge of carry ing a concealed weapon. He was bound over to the Criminal Court and committed to jail in default of the required bond. , , : i The: best Windows, Doors and Blinds and Lowest Prices can be got at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. , X Ihe Southern Planter and Farmer, for August, is an unusually good sum" berj Every article it contains is of vital importance to the farmer. 'Interesting Experiences in the Cultivation of Wheat, Best VarietiesFertilizers, & a num ber of the best farmers in the country, is worth double the sudscription. Also, DrJ Ellxey's article on Green Fallow Crops,! Animal Manures and Commercial I Fertilizers is a strong paper, and ought to be read by eyery farmer. Send $2.00 to Dr. L. R. Dickson, Richmond, Va. ; h They were walking along the village treet, and , they were newly wedded husband and wife. Tbe au was insuff erably hot, when he looking at the signl 'Ice cold soda" and lemon ice cream1 said: flee is very bad for the teeth, it ruins the enamel." Then she took out her new set and putting them gently be hind the tying post, said, 'Sweetly we will take all the precautions and save all the enamel." t 1 Baggies and carriages were, out in numbers en the Pike yesterday afternoon between here and hyrighUville. I The schooner if. W. Mc Cully, Dough ty, arrived at Philadelphia on the 5th inst., from this port. For the first time in more than a year there is an American barque in the port of Wilmington. : . j Summer weather seems to have returned again. The t her mometer to-day has been within a fraction of 90 degrees in this office. ! r Printers' ink is the most effectual lubrK cator for the wheels of trade. Try it. The Bj. baque Lawrence, sailed from Liverpool on the 4th inst., for this port. It agrees with tha skies to hare , the US3, NO. 182 Hew Advertisements. Glad Tidings. RHEUMATISM CDRlD WITHOUT fall, by the use of LARRABEE'S RHEU MATIC LINAM&NT. Rheamatism. and all pains to which the flesh is subject, are eured by the application of this world-renowned Jjinament Bold vnly by R. M. FOWLER, ' - Afent for the State. IT. B. Price only 26 cents per bottle. aeptS-lt j j For Smithville" gTEAM YACHT KLJZA- I BETH, Capt D.W.ChaJ wick, tST carrying United States Mail. Leaves wharf root of Market street daily (except timndavs) at 3 P. M. Returning, leave Bmithville t X A.M. R.P. PADDlSOrf. ept8 Agent. Buggies, Buggies, Harness & Saddles, FOR SALE AT QSHXZAZIDT l CO'8, I 3rd St., opposite City Hall. IMPAIRING DONE WITH KEATWESS ! JlHD DISPATCH. HORSE-8HOEINO A SPECIALTY septS-tf i German Picnic. rpHE LAST PICNIC OF THE SEASON, under the auspices of Oermania Lodre. No. I 4, K. of P., will be had at the WILMING v- , ,1 TON GARDENS, on WEDNESDAY EVE NINO NEXT, the , 10th instant. All Ger- mans and ether friends are ! respectfully in vited. W. H. GERKEN, i- E. EARLS BERG, W. GENAUST, sept 8-1 1 Committee Boatwright & IIcKoy ALL THE ATTENTION OF THE pub- lie generally to their recent receipts, vis : J QQ BbU. PRIDE FLOU7, gQ Bis. Plant's do. 50 K Bbls. do do. Q0 Bblg ArlinRton jQQ Bbla. Avalanche do, I ' i . Bbli. Low Grades do. 0 BoaM D 8- Sides, jQ Tubs Fairbank's Lard, . i 1 ; : .1 0 Tiercel do. do. 20 Pierces Elegant Hams, Boxes Cheese, jO I Butter, 2 Bolt. Irish . Potatoes, ! 0 BoIi Oood Cuba Molasses, 500 Boxe nned Goods, j Boxes Candy, Ac,, Ae. i I. .A' : 1 . 1 All of which we offer, to the Trade at a Small Ilargice I i . We are giving special attention to the Retail Trade. We know that the competition is strong, from the fact most vounz men believe "there is millions la it ') We 'I ' I : 1 . 'i meet it. Call and see us. propose to BoattTiight' &:UcEoyf O l 7 UotVk Front Otrett. septS j notice, ay MY FKiENDFpvAND TUB PUBLIC generailj, r-tfal?y ttoti2e4 tha I will rura X Wllat " pl time &ifxnTDa TCchoolforthe PLEASE If OTICS. i s We will be flad to reeeive eofunmaicatloxs front our frlendj ea any and aHsmbJectJ et ffeaerallntsreftbmt t ' , ; 'v: I ' ; ; - The name of the writer must., always far siahed to theEaikr. ' Coramnnleations mast be written oa oal one side of theSpaper. i Personalities mutt be avoided. And it Is especially and partiealarly'cmder stood that the Editor doe not always smdoVe the views of correspondent, unless so statt - ia the editorial columns. T Hew Adverticomonto, Baby Syrup. EAkKER'S I GINGER TONIC, lia Colof ogue. Bull's Ceufh Syrup, Data Chill Cure, Aiers' Ague Cure and, a eom- plete stock of pure Draft aid MedUUts. 1 ; ' . n F. C. MILLER, 1 I If n A Co: th and Ana Stmts, j ! Open day and night. . ..i . - t , , epi O-U : '. j . . .. jjj j The Earl of Ulayfioldv y. N0VW" The "Ear! of May! , . JM7 J th?m of new and eower fuJ Novel, by a distinguished American aV thor, the opening somes of which are laid ia Louisiana durins the earl t da tt th B. days of the Be- belli n. The hero it a rich ni&aiar. v j Vr exaaapie or true womaa hood. The old English home is very likely a correct pbotegraph of an Ideal house, as many simUar ones exist in that immediate lo cality. It has the advantage of having but chrcrs, with good deeeriptloni, ex cellent dialogues', well sustained interest, and contains all the elements of a successful novel, the whole being well told, with in the limits 6t probability, and tha wnrV will a w.: i 1 i. j , r . r. ' p8 a greai success. v iii For sale at . : l!1 sept 8 HEINSBERQER'8. - ' " w sua sjav WVlBfV Send in Your OrdensJ 'R3 i in will find it to their advantage te buy their ! i -1 I SCHOOL BOOCS 1IONERY of and SCHOOL j 8TA P. W. YATES. Photdgraphs. rjlAKEN AND FINISHED UP IN TBI . if , j I i I , I latest styles, at l Low Prices, at VATta BOOK STORE AND PHOTO sept 8 ROOMS. I CLYDE'S Mew Vo Wilmington. CJ J Steamnhin LiriAD Th Oteaxaer REGULATOR. CAPT, DOANB, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK OJ i - . . -,l SATURDAY, September 13. Shippers ean rely upoa the preapt ; . i ssvilins; of Bteamers as adrertised. ta i ). .11. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. EL BOND, Sup't, , J Wilmiagtoa,! N. G. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., i it 3&. Broadway, New York sept Female School, 1 l : I : : ! MISSES BURR A JAMES, Principal. MRS. M. 8. GUSHING, Instructress in To cal and Instrumental Musie. i . i- rpHE FIFTEENTH ANNUAL 8E8SI0M - jl oi mu Dcnooi wui eommence onThura day, Oct. 2d, 1879, and close daring the last week ia June 1880. The course of iastruetiea is solid and thorough, and the utmost eare will be tak a. as heretofore to avoid every thing pertaining to a superficial edueatloau Young children carefully and Judiciously trained, by means of object lessons and Kin dergarten occupation, U conjunction with the best text book instruction. i f Free hand drawing taught without extra1 enarga. , , T ! I M For further particulars see circulars at the different Book Stores ia the city, or esquire of Principals. Ii " ; I ' Notice to DeliMflent Taipayen. rpHOSE OWING BACK TAXES to the City on Real Estate, for the years 1877. asi 1878, will take notice that,' la accordance with instructions from the Mayor and Board . j I -h- i.t. of Aldermen, I will Cause to be advertised -1- . r (: i! -I on MONDAY NEXT, at the Court Houu door, and three other public placet ia the county, for sale under execution and levr the Real Estate upon which taxes aredatir These interested will save additional costal by making settlement on or before Hoaday i . ' F. H. DARBY,! i sept g it City Attorney. Eoomo and Board - TITER Y FINE ROOMS AND BOARD 3T V be furnished to families, couples, or tin glc persons, on favoralle terms for the tSua mcr. at the pleasant and eosTealcnt 4wU lag oa the corner ef Front and Hulberr streets. ' i i ' ! Both, tranrlent, pcrsiseat and day totrf- ; crs atcotaaodxtsi at alrrti prisss. : ' 4-Tcr fzrtirzZzTi r cf j I J r 4

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