The Daily Review juax. X. JAMKS. d. anil i'io SATUKuAV. HfcPlEMUhK 12, it Entered at the 1'osToKFt ce at WlLMLXGTCOf, X. C, AS fcKCONL CoAiio Matter. The eWth am Ual session of the Loco motive Firemen's Association began at Chicago Tuesday. The society is a benev olent one aud has fifteen thousand nuni berg. A business is eiid to le carried oa in England, France and Germany for the manufacture of Jao similes of United States postage stamps, which are sld to perEons who are tiabiug oullections of pos tage stamps. The receut gold?i: wedding of Cbark-& Frarc.s Adams, at Qumcy, Mass., was the third held in the sa ne lious-i &rA- fainiiy. Presidtnt John Adams' was celebrated there in l14, wl en he was 7&, ai,d I'resi dent John Quiucy AdamsJ in 1847, when :t was the same age. Charles Francis Adams is To General Butler, according to a B iston correspondent, will make his tight for Governor of Massachusetts on State issues alone. He will aim to avoid anything like antagonism to the Republic-ma on national questions, and will, it is said, wholly ignore the currency question and the Southern question. The railroad drawbridge scene in Bouci cault's new play at Booth's Theatre, ac cording to the Herald's correspondent, is received with more applause than 'Booth's best ac'.ing in the house of his misfortunes was ever rewarded with,' ai.d he mjkes thissugg stior: If machinery is so much more tfiective vhau men aud women in exciting an audiencerhow long will it be before somebody will ' invent a tragedian of wheels, springs, and bellows, to go I y steam power.' On account of the order issued seme time 2goby Secretary Shejman, r quiring that all persons tending national bank notes to the Treasury for redemption shall pay the express charges thereon, tLei e has been such a great falling iff in the receipt of these notes that a reduction in the ioice of the National Bank Redemption l)ivis ion has became necessary, and twenty-five employes have been discharged, includiug one teller and one assistant teller. Clark Brown murdered his father and sister at Winchester, Out., but there was little evidence against him. The Rev. Mr. Rowan visited him in jail, and told him that if he would ?;nfes8 he would be forgiven. Brown made a full disclo sure of the crime. He now. says that be uhderstcod the minister to promise him forgiveness at the hands of the law, to be followed by release, but he learns that a ppiritual pardon only was meant, and he will probably be hanged on his own con fession. Tha Nationals of Lawrence county, O., bad a convention the other day, and were greatly bothered to find material for a platform. . Resumption was an as j aured fact; the crops were gcod; there was no questioning the fact of general and growing' prosperity . At last the fol lowing declaration of principles was for mulated: Resolved, That we are in fa' vor of the immediate and unconditional repeal of the dog law." On this plat form thoy propose to make a heroic con test. The New York Sun has interviewed a Southern statesman who says that Duon, the Ypzoo bulldozer, was killed for cir culating the story that Mr. B.rksdale's relations with his own sister were im proper. The gentleman said: "Idon't think there was ba'f a dozen white, per sons in Yazoo, no matter to which party they belonged, that looked upon the killing of Dixon as a political murder.. He was not a representative of tee Re publicans, but, on the contrary, had been ore of their greatest persecutors. S'nce his death another man has been nominated by the Independents. The cauvass is going along quietly and peaceably and.the Independent ticket will no doubt be elected." : The advertisements of London money lenders might lead a reader to suppose that cash was to be had for the asking. One heads his card with, 'Money without security,' and adds: 'No inquiries made in the neighborhood or place of business Another says: No sureties, law costs, or unnecessary expenses required, and the strictest secrecy can be safely relied upon.' A third declares that he 'wilt grant loans t? both male and female applicants, no matter what the nature of their tenancy or their positioa in life This advice is given by a fourth: 'All in debt or difS cutties should consult Messrs. & Co without delay, who undertake to arrange the most Jpresaiag matters in town or country, privately, "without publicity or stoppage of business. nts, summonses, and other legal processed attended to, and immediate protection obViaed v THE FREEDMEN'S SAVINGS I BANK. The Xcv VorkJN atwn, one of the fairest aud ablest press with llepu fof the independent ! f. lican, proclivities, lie villainies con- iu f peaking of nccled withlthea Hairs of the defuuetj KreediueiiN' fejvitijrs Haiik, offers! .o me, piiiiy,' truthful and compre hensive remarks, j which' we com mend to tiie perusal of our readers. 1 1 i i . j The JSalton papi' : j "The Freedjjueiij'rf Savings Bank became insolvent iu 1S74, and special machinery forj winding it up was created-in the! same yead in the shape of a boanj of three commis sioner's, at a salary of $3,WD a year each. AVe commented on this ma chinery in 187o, calling (attention to the fact that no depositor r Creditor was empowered underlie law to sue the commtssionei's on jtheir bond for the raunjui i periormance or men duties j thatthey were! -no t required to report to anybody ; ihat !i i a. i i a. hey were not matte accouiuaoie io anybody, and that their decisions were final News now conies from Washington that the ."vvin ing lip" is still going on, live years after the failure ; that the most shocking talsihcatioii ol tne books has been j discovered; pages having been fieqbently torn out, and the index to the ledger destroyed ; "but, unfortunately," says the dis patch, "the statute of limitation will prevent the prosecution ofj the per sons responsible for this misman agement of the affairs ofj the bank." Tiiis is exactly what we expected. The perpetrators df this immense fraud were the members of the Wash: ington King, which grew; up and flourished under the favor of the White H3use during General Grant's Ad m i nistratibn a ml the Freed iiien 's Savings Bank ivas simply joiie of several nefarious schemes. It is Very discreditable to the Democrats that they should not iavje followed this matter; upl and thoroughly exposed it. Of the effect of it on the thrifty and intelligent portion of the iiegro population we heed not speak. When a buil-dozer goes after a blackj man with a whip or a gun it fills him with bodily terror, but it does uot shake his tail h in the existence of morality itself. But when a bunch of Stal waits get together, and, after weeping oyer his condition, offer to take care of his money for him, and having got; it, divide; it among them selves and jd'sappearj t makes him doubt whether there is justice any where en earth; and this is very much what the Stalwarts of the bank did. We warrant that ! every oue of the rogues is to lay bewailing the "outrages" at the South, and shout land at the helm" ing for a "steady iu VVashingt6uT" The Nation seems to have forgotten that the Democrats in Congress made e very effort possible :o arrive at a clear under standing of the coniton of the bank ana to have its affairs speedily pround up, that the pcor duped depositors might receive a moiety ;out of ihe general wreck and ruin, if The Democrats in Congress did work earnestly and faithful 'y, in season and out of season, $ accom phsh this . result,) but the strenuous op position which they met at every step from a Republican majority and the clique who were reaping a gulden harvest by sharing the ill-gotten spoils of the bauk, made their jevery effort for good of no avail, j It was only when the Coa Democratic that the gresa became clearly rascalities connected with the affairs of the bank have been fully developed. POLITICAL STORMS ABROAD. Troubles, it seimi, never come singly upon nations hor individuals. The English government at present is almost overwhelmed with difficulties at home and wars abroad. The good Ship of State is adverse winds now from encountering every quarter, and the weather looks thick ahead, with ho immediate prospect of a break in he clouds that are dark and England; succeeds in chris lowerins. I tianizing India and Afrca, she will have to absorb the entire territory of eaoh country in order to establish a revenue of sufficient the; demands of the yiVV-. j "j " heavy obligations she has incurred to ac complish this purpose. 1 A Xorth Caro ina System. Editor Review: The article published in your irsue of Sept 4th, with the above caption, i i very amusing to: those posted in the facts of the matters X labors' so hard in discussing: j There are three points in j the long article referred tc worthy of note, or perhaps, miahit mora prpperly be pnt in a negative form and say, it raises three .questions worth qneatioa- ing- i- I ! 1st, So this North Carolina System er polioyjreferred to.Qov Jarvis or is it the ghost of the old Morehead policy, which died of eoneumption and ws buried many years ago, and now resur rected by parties "having an axe to grind" through ihe medium of Gov Jarvis? ' (', 1 ",' l' 1 ! ' The word consumption in this con nection ha 3 two applications: First, It consumed a large; amount of money of the iaz payers of North Carolina. jl, 1, '. j Second, 1 hesj acid still is, consum ing a vast au:oaut of the prosperity of tbe people of the -fata of North Caro lina in a hopees effort. to accomplish an lmpossibaitT In the mean tima the business of the State goes to competing sea port towns in adjoining btatts, cheating for them ftcilitits jor ecouomioal ; trantporU tion, giving their xnetchanta advan tages over one, and creating markets at a distanoe, 1y and from which; our producers and consumers must pay freight, instead of : concentrating the business by a ise policy at the most cocy mient and available pciit within the State and there creating facilities for cheap transportation to which the in r ets will follow. ( Governor Morel e id's N rth Caro lina System" baa damaged Nor'h par" nli? a and "Ncrth Cro in ans more tbnn ftry other nd all other sth"roe8 eric c1 in le S ae eh ce ltj eiist- ..c-. i r. i i " I hMVp not the time fo go into proofs, but leave th problem for your iritfdligef t reider to solve, but will sky, while mskii k it, I have freshly in mv mind the revel v scheming and stealing of carpet baggers. These the State will soon outgrow, but the Morehead 'North Carolina Sjstem," or policy, has rested as an inedbus on be whole State for many years, retard ing her material progress. And now. the euchanting phrase has been disinterred by designing parties whose interests are inimical to those of Noifa Carolina, and held up to as pirirg politicians who will use it as a lever for their own eliv&ti in, 'regard less of other results. 2 I x referring to the A & N O B R. X SAys, "it is the shortest by mny mils to the sea " j This wonderful announcement set me to thinking and investigating, and n referring to a railway guide I found the A & N C Tt Ri commenced at Mo-ehead City and terminated af Goldboro, a distance of ninety-four miles, and found it was the shortest outlet to the sea from Newbern, and no other pcint in the State worth men tinning. I . . Every pchoo' girl knows that thegrea! bulk of the Stat of iNorth Caroliuii lies west of the W & W R R, and noi on!-, foot of it is naturally tributnry to Morehead City, and notoje-hundrrdih part of that. portioDj of the Sat eau ot the W & W R R wpuld be tr':bnta-v to .Morehead C y even if it could reaoli it. j One railroad cannot budd np p commercial oity and ore ate faci itias for doing business economically so as to create a desirable market the Railroad system of Morehead City is tiniRhpd, b canse ifs lcoatiou admits of but ore Hoe from the west. Tns lire was finiiiihed in June, 1858, over 21 yf ar8 ago. Why is th -re not a live citv at the term nus of that rod on hnt maKuifie-jnt harbor? 3 i, In referring to Morehend C'ty, he 8a ?8 : 'With a harbor spacious enough to hold in its ample bosom tbe navies of the civiliz d world.' X might a. truthfully have said the i a ne of the Atlantic Ocean, and with eqnal truthfulness added,' and a safely dur iDpr easterly winds j O e of thn necessities for bu:'di -r a town is a few square miles of dry land to build it ou Iitt us Blre-'ct our imagination and fancy! a fit hd been c ea'ed a id a towu of forty or fifty thousand inhabitants had been built thereon, and a hundred ship1? had anchored in fiat oapack us har bor the night previous to the storm last month. Would it not have been a pad, yet somewhat ludicrou cccno to have rey.i one hundred captains of ytssels, ib twica as many of their mates, the cex? mornincr searching tbrouKhout th marshes and woods for many mMes about Morehead City, end enquiring for their missing ships ? I do not desire to disparage I More head City ; on the contrary, I wish her success to the full measure of her advantages, but I do deprecate tbe waste of energy and effort in trying to accomplish an fhede riment of, and retarding, wbat u prac ticable, where such j a vast interest of the people of the whole State is at stake, and that designing ! parties should e-uccaed in catching sensible men with such a myth. North Carolina. 'The early bird gets the worm,' but a gnurly apple gets it also. American Punch. j " The engineer of a 'lightning express' reoentyl ran over his own accounts, but the train was not injured in the least.--New York News. j flow dare you swear before me?' asked a man of bis son recently. 'How did I know you wanted to swear first?' said th a Fpoiled urchin. Ex. Letter from a boy j ependirg his vacation in tbe country: 'We dug a woodchuck out of his hole; it . was a ckunk; we slept in the bain that night.' Boston Journal. There will be five Sundays i:i text February.. Think of so much Sun day night bliss in the shortest month. But then this won't happen again in forty years. .Let the old gent'eman remember this and be hopeful when ia the winter coal - suppiy. New York Express, j Now, Mr Robinson,' said a fair you op city visitor o the kind-hearted farmer woa't y; u fbov, us your watermelon orohara?' I haven't a watermelon tree on the place this year, ma'an: they were all winter killed;' and his questioner wondered why he fmiled so pleasantly as he answered. New Haven Register. ( Now comes Johnny in from schoo', with 'I've gut to have a new slate anu a pencil, and a spongo land a second reader, and teacher wants me to stddy geography, and I'll have to have Ian atlas, and the new boy got a licking and Bay, ma, won't . you ask pa to buy the books this . noon, because I'm in a hurry, and all thel!rest of the bovs have got their'n. ' New Haven Regis ter. Is it Possible. Thai. romedv made or anch enmm -m simple plants as Hops, Buebu, llaudr&ke, Dandelion,' fcc, make so many and such marvelous and wonderful cures, as Hup Bitters do ? ' It must be, for w hen old and young, rich and poor. Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer 'and Editor, all testify to Lavng been cured ty them; we must believe and doubt no longer, bee o her column. 25i3cellaneou8. CELEBRATED TiiU. I Fever and Ague is rang t common in tbe spring, but most eTeie in the fall aod winter. It is strictly a ma'arious diseas , and so sure- Ir will the icdiridual who adopts tbis pre caution be eicrted from its pains and pen alties. Add to this ita Value as a etoruachic &nd acti billi jus agent, and who wil! rtn ture to nii6hy itn clim,j to the first place among fainiiy medicines ror a le-byall Druggis s and respectable Dealers ifenerally. sept l-j&w. VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD r ! And Grand Medal of Honor. Economy, Durability and Rapidity combined with, perfect work. ! J j Are Dringulshiing Features of th ! celebrated Giant Farm and Warehouse Fans, I ' UADB B' A. P. DICKEY, Racine, Wis. ; Now havine many late improver, thev are fulry equal to every demand ; cleaning all kinds of Grain, Peas, Beans, Castor Beans, Corn and Small Seed. They grade Wheat perfectly by once handling. Sep arate Oats from Wheat, Barley and Rye. They have very perfect arrangements for i cleaning Timothy, Clover, Flax Seed, Orchard Grass, and all other Small Seeds. They Chaff perfectly, and combine every qualification required to do the best work in the sbortest tsne. Warehouse, as well as FarnWWIlls, are largely con structed, both kinds requiring, nine sizes to. accom modate the demand, and giving a capacity of front 50 to 500 bushels per hour, according to sise cf.rnilL They are shipped, boxed for ocean transportation, and "set up" or "knocked down" for forwarding mlar-d, as requested; and in all cases put free on board Cars or Steamer.p Orders filled same day as received. . ' Mills shipped '"knocked down" go for half the freight charged as wh'n forwarded "set up. Oleo graphs and Circulars supplied on application. Prices will be quoted low and on liberal tenna. Cc-frm,. ondence solicited. AGENTS WANTEO For the Beet and Fasteat-Selli. 2 Pictorial i Books aDd Bibles. Prices reduced 33 per cent. National P;- lishing Co., Philada.; P. Atlanta, Ga., o 6t. Louis, Mo- j e-pt "H ( j nnn returns in 30 days on $i00 in JJ)X L U U nested. . Official reports and infor mation free. 'Like crofits weKlj oa Sioct options f 10 to S60. AddreBi T. Potter Wight & C ., Bank er , 35 Wall St., N. Y. j teptl TEACHERS rai; MuNTH during Faii aT1d Winter- F full particulars address, J. C. &c? Ui)"':. & CO., Philadelphia, j Pa. &et-t 1 1 4 v BAUD rUSTRTJimTT CATA10GTJE. Our tievj catalogue or U&nd rm Instruments. Music. Suits, Vt Caps,Belts(roucheB,Pom-t ILSp5h nnna. Tmm Maiora' Staffs ! A. 1 ! and Hats, Epaulets, Cap Lamps, Stands, and Out-I fits contains 85 pages of information for miuicioni. Mailed rrce. Address LYON & HT.AI.Y, 163 State St., Chicago, IU. Dr.SAIVFORD'S L5VER 8Ni60BATOB i t 1 is a Standard Family Remedy for dis uses of he I-iTtr, 8tomach and bowels. It is Pure ly' Vegetable. It neyer bebilitate. It i Cathartic and Toiic. It has been used in mv practice and by the public, for more than 35 years with unprecedented results. Seni for Circular; S. X. W. SAN r'otiO. M. D., 162 Broadway. New Yck Cite AnyDrurgit will tell you its imputation sept 11 I j j NEW FUNDI $125 Each, and all styles, including Grand Square and Upright, all strictly fibst-cxass, sold at the lowest bht cash wholesale facto et price, direct to the prfBCHABaa. These Piano? made one of the finest displays at the Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re- commended for the Highest Honoks oyer 12,000 in use. Regularly incorporaUd Man ufacturing Co. Factory established oyer 36 years The Square Grands contain Mathu Bdeic's new patent Duplex Orentrung Scale, the greatest improrement in the history of Piano making. ! The Uprights are the finest in America. Pianos sent on I trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptire catalogue of 48 pages mailed free. J apl 7-6 a 31 East 15th street. S T Removal. B. HENDERSON CO Produce Dealer and Commissioa Merchants hare re mored from Front street, tothstre recent ly occupied by J. W Alderman Jt, Co., cor ner Chestnut and Water street. i i fS w STOMACH ! 1 i i eept !. I Miscellaneous. THZBLST the woRiP SOLD BY ms djdtim'ii a p i rr inni it,uuin. WHITESEW1NG MACH ineCo. YELLOW FEVER- ftLACk YD MIT. i i. j It ia t ;o 8uiu t" forget thu rar4g8 of this terrible disew, wLicti doubt riurn in a mo-e ma ignu t and yirutent f.:rm in the fall months of 1k79. Merbell's Hlpatink, a hiuiedy discoTered in Southern Nubia and used with uch won derful results in Scuta Airerica where tbe aiost aggrnTtea caes of fdTr are found, -.aue- ironi oue t two ounces of bile to be filtered or strained frbm fe blood each time it pascess through the Lirer, as long as an ex : ceeofbile exists. By its wonderful action on the Liver and Stomach the HEPAT1NK not nly prevents to a certainty any kind of Fever and Black Vomit, but also cures Bead ache, Constipation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia and all Malarial diseases 1 So one ceedfeai" Yellow Fever who will expel the Malarial Poison and excess of bile trom the blood by u ng MsanEi L's Hepatinx, which is sold by ali Druggists in 25 cent arid 1 00 bottles, or will be sent by express by the Proprietors. A. F MRhkLL & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Dr Pemberton's Stillineia or Queen's Delisht j The reports of wonderful cures o Rheumatism, Scrofula. Salt hhtum, syphi lis, Cancer, Ulcere and Bores, that come from all narts ot the country, are not onli- remark able but so miraculous as to be doubted wer it not tor the abundance of proof. Remarkable Cure ! of I Scrofula, &o. CASE Ot 4. J. ( BRANSON. I Kingst' n, Ga , slept, lo, 1871 ! I ' ' ' j 1 " Gents; For t-ixien yca'-s ' I have been a great sufferer trom Scr fu!a in itj u.obt dis rensijg forms, jl have been - o fi ed to mv mouj and be fcir fifteen y ars with scrofu lou ulc rauoug.! "rbe most approved reme dies for cuch cases bad bren used, and the most eminent physicians consulted, without any decided bentfit. rl hus prostrated, dis tress d, desponding, I was advised by Dr. yer, o Floyd county, Ga., to commence the use of your CompoU' d Fxt art St'llingia Language is as insufficient to describe the re lief I obtained from th use of the cUHingiA as it is to convey an adequate idea of the in tensity of my suffering before using jour medicine ; sufficient to say, I abandoned all other remedies sod c ntinued thi use of y u Extrkct of Stillingia, until I cn say truly, "1 cured of all paio," of all disease, with nothing to obstruct tt e active pursuit of my profession. More than eight months have elapsed since this remarkable cure, without any return of the disease For he truth of the above stafement, I re fer to any geatieman in Bartow county, via., and to the members of the bar of Cherokee Circuit, who areacqnatnkd with me. I shall eyer remaii, with the deepest gratitud , i our obedient servant. JJ C liRANSON, AUy at-Law. A MIRACLF. WkstPoikt, Ga Sept. 16, 1870. Gnts: Wy daubter was taken on the 25th day ot June, 1863, with wbat jwas supposed to be Acute Hhenmatism, and was t eated for the same with no success. In I. arch, follow ng, pieces ef bone began to wo k out of th" right arm, and con i inn d to appear till all the bone fr-m th eibow to the shoulder joint ctme out Many pieces of o ne came out ol thu right foot an . lee. The, case was then pronounced one of White dwelling. After hiviug been confined about six jears to her bed, and ihe case c nsidered hopeless, I was induced to try Dr. Ft-mberujn's Compound "'xtrsctof 8ti!u-ia, and was eo well satis fied with its effect that I have continued the use of it until the present. My daughter was confined tft her bed about six year s before she sat up or even turned oyer without he p. She now sit up all day, and sews most of herti -e has walked across tae room. Her general health is now good, and I believe she will, as her limbs gain strength, waik well. I attribute her recove y, with the blessing of God, to the use o your invaluable medicine. With gratitude I am, yours truly. W. B. BLANTON. I West Potkt, G a.,. Sept 16, 1870. Gents: The abrve' certificate of Mr.W. B. Blanton we know and certify to as being true. The thing is so; hundreds of the most respected itiiens will certify to it. As much reference ban be given as may be required, j Yours truly, CRAWFORD WALKER, Druggists. HON. H. D. WILLIAMS. r 9- Dft. Pemberton's Stillingia is pre pared by A. F. Merrell A Co., Phila., Pa. Scld by ali Druggists in $1.00 bottler, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canvas everywhere. I Send for Borki-'Curious Story" free to alL Medicines sent to poor people payab'u in instalments. may 28 ONLY 19 DOLLARS 1 PENNSYLVANIA mm rac Equal to any Sinser in the Market ! The above cut represents the most popular Ptyle for the people, which we offer you for the Tiry low price of 19, including attach ments. Remember, we d not at-k you to pay until you have seen the aiach;.ne."S After having esamiued it- if it is not all we represent, retmra it t us at our expense Contu't your intarests acd order af once. If yoi live withia aevea bud red miles thf freight will sot b mr than one dollar. . Address, Pesnsjlyania Sewioz nape Co., . 17 N. lOth Street, Phlladotphla. Pa. ! - rtiii HIBE Miscellaneous, SO , J O ft f S S S Cleveland, ohio. LIFE IN A BOTTLE. , The Most, Valuable Medical Discoy ery ivnown to the i World V, uLuro u se ior quinine, Calpriiel or Mineral Poisons Life oSr the Blood, Strength for the Nervr and TTpjiltr, All N V AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PuilJc ' i ' i j ' ' Believing that bt cleansing tbe blood tn.j building up tho constituUwn wastheooly tru wa. ot bui hie g dUeiae and being troabNi with weaknesa of the lungs, catarrh tr much broken down in constitutioa, Ao '"in'i after trying the bet physician: id pariBr out my monej for mai.y kinds of medieu, advertised without finding a permaneni ca- -I b gan doctoring myself,! uing undicin, mace trom rooU and herbs. 1 forroiir litcovered a wonderful Uitter or I EUoi Cleanser,the first bottle of which gave me'ne life and vigor, and in time effected a perm, nent cure. I was free troin catarrh, my became strong and sound, being able tcj iu J the most severe cold and exposure, and -1 bi .8 gained over thirty poundj in weight. ng confident that I had made fa wenderrtl discove. y in medicine, I prepared 4 Gianfi r ot the Root Hitters, and was in the ibabi- giving f em away to sick friends ana nt-!,.1 bora. I found the medicine effected hl tu t wonderful cures of all diseases cmld tr ni huinora or scrof ila in the blood, lmpeudeuw BvJ rit. mach, Weakness, I Kidney juJ Torpid Liver, Ac, Ac. (The news of u, liacovery in this way spread frotri 0Deperi. B to anttner until I found myself called n to supply patients with) xneriicii e tar ai.'l wide, ana I was induced to esubllsh a lab- "--ator? for compounding and bottling the ko ,t Bitters in large quantities, and I now d.ww al' my time to this business. ! I was at first backward in presenting eitnec myself or discovery in this way to thepible, not being a patent mediciLe man ana with small capital, bat I am getting bravely ottf tht. rimce I first advertised this medicine' I have been crowded witn orders from dru. gists and country dealers, and the bundrtdg icucit x uiis icueivmi trom persons ca,-'0, prove the fact that no remedy ever di1 to uucb good in so snort a time and bdiinucH ..r l. ....... I ; . r convinced that they will soon take thof ienl ot all other medicines in use. -ea;ly one hundred retail druggists, right here at; h um in Cleveland, now sell Roct bittes, lotuii uf whom have already sold over ooe theoiiud bottles. ' ' ! ' ( Root Sitters are strictly a medical prepar-1 ation, such aa was used in the good: old ''j i four forefathers, when people w re cured by some simple root or plaat, and wbna calomel and other poisons of thi ijniinertt kingdom were unknown. I I j l ri hey act strongly liver and kidneys, keep the bowels regular and j build jip the nervous system. ' hey penetrate even prt of the body, searching out j every nerve, bone and tissue from the head to the cleansing and strengthening the fouotin springs of life, hence they mast reach ill disf ales by purification and nourishment ! So matter wbat your feelings or ymtvimt o a-a urhoi i Vt a XiaAaaA rk sh 1 man fa vtmtw H v.. . Bitters. .Don't wait until you are slcW, btt if you only feel bad or miserable, ul tit Bitters at once. It may save ypar life I Thousands of persobs in all parts off tie ountrv are alrealv una? Koot rJ Uteri They have saved many lives ! of cnn'miIW who bad been given up by friends and pbjii cians to die, and have permanently cuie4 many old chronic cases of Catarrh, crofuU, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and Hkin Diiea, where all other treatments had fa-led. Are you troubled with sick headache, costi renew, dizziness, weakness, bad taste io the mouth, nervousnes,and broken down in; consututiout You will be cured if you take Koot bitt rJ Have you humors and pimple j on yoarlcd or skin? Nothing will give ypu inch gxl health, strength, and beauty las Root bit tera. II !- 1 1- iS55u I know that jealous physicians will cry humbug because my discovery cures to many of iheL patients, b :t: I care not' It U now my desire and determination to place my Root Bitten as fast as possible within the reach of all those eu tiering ' throughout tbs world. Isold by wholesale and retail i drujf gists and country me chants, or sent by ex press cn receipt of price, $1.00 per bottle, or six bottle $5.00. For certificate jof won derful cues, see mj large circular around each bottle of medicine. Read audi adge for yonrelf. 1 1 1 i f J Ask your druggist or merchant for FRaZI.WS KOOT BITTER,) thfl grea 4iood Cir anser,and take no substitute h mi erommnd because he makes a large profit G. W. FKA1ZER, Discoverer. 338 Supei ior St., Cleveland1 0. Fo -s leby J. C. MundsftBdT. H. Bb' .rugisfs. march 26th eowMJaw THE NEW TORE1 WZEZLY ESEAijD. ! ' ill) JAME3 GORDON BENSiCTT. Prop'tof. I I i hi. The Best and Cheapest Newspaper Published. Potage Fro . . '' ': . ONE DOLL All p Per fear, j j 50 jCciits for Six jMontlis, An Extra Copy to very Club of jTen. Mew York rierald ti Published erery Day in the Tear I Postage Free: ' :- J: $10 pays for one year, Sundays incloded. $3 pays fur one year, without tJundayj. 9 pays ior six mourns, dbdmi iv. $4 pays for six months, without 8unT $2 pays for one year br any specified flJ 01 the week.. : j 1 ' ! J' $1 pays for six monti-e for lany ptS.fie of the week. . 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