The Daily Review, JOSH. T. JA51KS. Ktl. and Prop WILMINGTON N. C. WEDNESDAY 8EPTEMBER 17, Entered at mf; 1'cstoffick at Wilmington, X. C, as Secomj Cr.A?s Matter. VIEWS AND ltYlEU A physician at Bloomington, Intl.. is on trial for giviug a fatal do?e of morphine to a patient. The indictqjent charges maralaughter. Iq a circus at Paris, 111, a suddenly crazed young lady ran into the ring, em braced the clown and declared that he must become her husband. Ireland heads the list of crime in the United Kingdom, as far as minor tfl'ences are concerned, but in serious crimes "Eng land and Scotland are ahead. Socialism is daily extending its influence in Switzerland, owing to its energetic championship by. the many Communists expelled from France and Germany who have settled there. The telegram handed into a German cf fice lately 'Can't possibly send 5,000 daggers in one day; not till to-morrow' plurged the police into excitement until they found that daggers are a kind of needle. A young Japanese lately played a game of billiards against three of the best players united, at Moscow. The game was 5,C00 points at carrom for 75,000 roubles. The Jap's first run was l,S5o points. The game lasted fourteen hours, and he won by three points. In the silk factories of Italy 120,428 women are employed, besides 26,976 in cotton, and 13,707 in tobacco factories. There are 9,177 manufacturing establish monts of all kinds in the kingdom, em ploying 392,048 laborers, 188,480 of whom are women. General, do you think Grant has ary desire to be Prenident again ?' asked a Cincinnati Enquirer reporter of Gen. Sherman. 'I am sure he has not,' replied Gen. W. T. 'He would like to have employment, but but he . does not want to be the President of the United States. 1 know him well. We correspond, and 1 know he wants to get into business so as to be able to make money. lie would like to have the presidency of a railroad com pany or something of that sort.' Ah ha There seems no end to the liberality of the Duke of Norfolk in the matter of church and chaj el building. The new cathedral at Arundel, which would amply suffice for the requirements of all the Catholics in Sussex, must have already cost a fortune; and the foundation was laid cf a new church on the DukeV property near Sheffield which, one way or an other, will cost nearly 12.000, the whole of which is to be paid by His Grace. John M. Langston, the Minister to Hayti, is earning his salary of $5,000 a year bj stumping Ohio for Foster, or rath er for John Sherman, who appears to be his f ivorite for the Presidency. The ; Hartford Times calls attention to the fact that, although Langston has held the office of Minister of Haytl for over twoj years, he has spent but three months at the post of duty. Such instances go to prove that the diplomatic service is not only a gross humbug, but likewise a gross frau An officer who has just returned home from Zululand says that the Imperialists of France are indebted to Zulu superstition for the preservation of the chain, crucifix, and other relics worn by the Prince Impe rial, and which were found intact when the otherwise stripped body of His Impe rial Highness was discovered. The witch doctors attached to the aimy of the sav age king carry their magic materia medica round their necks, and it Is believed that they entertained a superstitious dread of toucblng the trophies, believing that they contained a magic power that might be used to the destruction cf any one med dling with them. It .was in all probabil ity thus that those simple relics were pre served. In a London ' letter to the New York Sun Mr. Charles A. Dana gives in creat ing particulars relative to the crops in Europe, from which we gather that the prospect is even worse than has hitherto ben supposed. Incessant rains, from the commencement of the season, have produced most disastrous results?, especially in the British Islands. The best of the ci ops in most favored localities are below the average. Iu many places the scarci ty will be such as to produce great suffer iog. As to the great cereal, whet, it is poorest of all in England and Ireland, where the yield can not pay more than half its cost. In France there will be, perhaps, about three-quarters of a good average. The same is true of Western Switzerland, Southern Germany and Hol land. But the United Kingdom will have to seek for its supplies elsewhere. In Rus sia, on the other hand, an immense wheat crop ia reported, A SENSIBLE The Ne York Express announced re- I oently that a transparency, six feet high and thirty feet long, bearing the words: 'Fur Goverrjor, J"hn Kelly," was to be placed in froMt ojf Tammany 1111 The Sun thereupon ; verjy aec s.bly re marks lhat, ' jsir.ct 'it ia transpare t th;t thi tr. iijji.4r'ijcy means something oih r than it pays, why not inscribe on it just what it !doe mean?! which is: "For Governor Alvzo B. Cornell." , The expense i pf a campaign and of printing tickets for Mr. Kelly is 'sheer waste, as there is no possibility of his election. Indeed, he himself proclaimed most empha'tibllly at Syracuse that be had no expectation bjf beiig elected. 1 Robinson or Cornell will be Governor If you don't want to go for Robinson you might as well learn to'Sy liable Cornell at onoe, and be done with it, and drop the name of Mr. K-llyj entirely TlIE NEW YORK TRIBUNE AND TUE 1 I'll IS HOLM TRIAL. The New York Trib cne .is fearfully ex- ereitsed at the verdict of he jury iu the trial of Gulljl for, the murder of Cornelia r I j Chisholm in (Mississippi and derides and defames the State as a black blotch on the map of the country, where law is ignored, justice trampled under jfoot and the de moniac passions pf JJ law defying peupls hold undisputed sway. We read :oi.siderable of jhe tesl imony, as r ported! in the newspapers, which was' adduced !in thajcourse of toat trial, and we are free- to admit id accordance with our judgment that the verdict of the jury was hot at all in consonance with the facts presented for their guidance. There was mlirder .committed, and the testimony pointed unerringly to the party charged as the perpetrator of the crim. But the T ibune has neither nght nor i j i I reason to meddle with the matter at all. It should remember that, if the jury in the Chisholm murder case were needing a pre cedent, thb murder of Richardson by Mc Farland, in As" own Tribune building, and iu one of the most public offices iu theen tire establishment, where the shooting was witnessed by nearly a score of Tribune employes, would afT'id tham all that could reasonably bej desire. There j was no qnestion on the trial that McFarlaiid fired the fatal shot-i that he waited lor hours i t - - r , for the appearjkice of ids victim, and then stealthily approached and shot him from behind, giving1 Richardson no warning, and, coiisf-quetly, no means of defence. T-hese facts were well established and but a feeble attempt; was uiade to controvert - v I i " i ! 1 them, yet a New York jjary brought iua verdict of "Notl guilty." . j Both the assassin and hisj victim were men of rare literary attainments; both had been in the employ of the t ribune as cor respondents ; the crime was perpetrated, as we have said, in the Tribu te building, I j i I ! ; and a NewYork jury brought in just such a verdict, under very similar circumstan ces, as was the cerniny which Mississippi Terdict, con- the Tribune is so much exercised. , Until the I - ' i memory of that event has been sunk in oblivion, it be hooves that journal to avoid criticising, in the slightest partjcalay, the actiop of the courts outside of its own ungodly city. POSSIBILITIES IN OHIO. A change is observed to be coming over the spirit of thel Republican ' dream in Ohio, says1 the Washington Fosi. The brag policy has suddenly been (dropped, and the best! efforts of the managers are now being devoted to the work of educa -Mil: M j. ting the truljj loyal backward into the belief that Foster's election is so far from being assured In advance that nothing but O w .-. ' "-"fc the hardest kind i of Campaign work will secure his success! in October. Two weeks ago tliej Radical State Central Committee, judging by itsi outside professions, would not have asked anybody to assure their candidate a majority of 40,000 rotes over Ewing. Now they are glad to compro- mise upon a cliim of 15,000. Thea is probably about as much reason for this doubtful state of mind among the Ohio Republicans riow as there was for their exuberant felling of confidence in the first plaice. 1 in! otlier words, there really exists! to-day, as there has really existed since the opposing tickets were put in the field, nothing upon which to base a sensible prediction as to the way in which this Ohio struggle will iesult. The i if j i Republicans may lalk about 18.000 cer- tain majority for Foster, and the Demo- i I j crats may pin their faith upon 10.000 ma jority for Ewibg, but in the light of the real facts it ill arnouuts to very little The whole truth of the matter is the con test is as doubtful now as it has been at any time, which is but another way for ., i m, ii i : seating that at the present moment one of the two principal contestants s jnst as likely to secure the prize as the other, and no more so It is very p !e. however that the drift of sent iii vnt has been tovrards Gen. Ewing siLce" the Maine election The defeat af the Creehbackefs the re. per- hips, may the third be I having an (effect uoon party in dnio, the very opposite of that which followed their success in the Pine Tree State last fall, when their party associates in Ohio allout that time upon the p int ofj going over to the Democrats, wer encouraged by the victory to hold out and preserve their organization intact. Then j again Gn. Beatty, the leader of the Stalwart i faction took recent occasion to say regard ing Foster's chances, that: "Twenty thousand soldiers, will scratch h m!" "Nu eff rt cn prevent this stampede, and - I 1 I U' "i0'ti v,i ion cm it. At- at Mission Ridge, the boys will act without order;-!" This must b considered, if any thing s very favorable t Ewing, for Gen. Beatty was oiiCe a schlier LiuWlf, and he ought to kuo what he i talking about, j The Ohio outlook is just now, perhaps, as interesting as it ever will become. A Democratic victory this year might go a long way toward straightening out the Democratic Presidential question after its tangle in New York. The Liverpool Post says that the enoro mous richness of the old gold fields on the Guinea coast has not been exaggera ted in the reports received of late. Sir John Glover's statement, that he had travelled over districts where oue might dig up gold like potato s, is all but liter ally realized in recent discoveries, which give $000 per ton of quartz at a depth of 50 feet, aud $15 on the surface extent ia practically unlimited. Their, The watch lacks seif reppect; it is al ways trying to run itseif dc wu. B jb ton Tost. 1 ; j 'God save the mark!' exclaims tbT N6w York Commercidl. Is our nobit friend about to take pa t m a targ c excurbibn? Buffalo Express. A hair on the head is worth ii dt.z n iu the hash, says an exch mge. But then it doesn't attract near fco muc!i attention. Oil Ony Darrick. Will soma one who is versed iu the science of sound piease get up and t-x- plain why a horel waiter, who can t near the cailof a huugry man two ieci. and a haif away, can bear tli.s jingic of ft' quarter clear uciosa a da.ncr roomV ! Lord Cockburu was seated one day onthe hiiisidwoi Boually wituu JScotcLij shepherd, and,! observing the elieep repoping in the coldest situation, ise observed to him: 'Johu, if I wero a sheep I would he ou tie other sidd ot the hill.' The shepherd anaWered, 'Ay, my lord, but il ye had bseu h ahe.-'p y. wad have had mair eeuse,' jGive your poultry doub'e rations, in view of Thunksgiving. If intendad f r naarket keep them well supplied wxiu gjavel. It help digest " their food. There is nothing that ho liber, i!y re pays investment. Gravel can got for the hauling, andjbriugs n siiiiln g a pound when sold as poultry The farmer who sells a chicken witti empty gizzard has .mistaken his calling Boston Trantpript. A few days ago Justice of the Pekce Johu Weber took bin little faoii 4own toiToledo on an (-xcurijiion. The lad iLtervitwe : the n an at the wheel, arid gathered mucu imormat ion relative to the business of eteainboating. Pres eatly bis tther j nuell h m on the har-. ricane deck and askbd him how he was enjoying himself. 'First rate,' was the enthusiastic reply. 'I'm going to be ra. steamboat man, papa.' A11 right, responded the 'judge,' 'but you'll have to slrady navigation, as tronomy, and divero other sci noes in order to be agooM one.' The lad Raid nothing at the tike, but appeared to be revolving the difficulties of the case in his mind. Perhaps halt an hour later he remarkejd, with much gravity, 'Papa, I guess I von't be a .steamboat man; I'd rather he a Justice of the Peace; you don't j have to know auy thiDg for that.' Detroit Free Press. - - Beautifiers Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes wi;h all tho cosmetics of France, or beautifiers bf the world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you euch good health, strength, buoyant spirits and beautify as Hop Bitters. A trial is 1 certain proof. See another column. I Manchester I Yarni ! - M ' 25 Bales MANCHESTER YARN. I A superior quality, just receHed. Salt, Bagging, Ties- ' : I i - I j Cr AA Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT. ! OOUU 8triped SacV, 1200 Whcle &nd Half Rolla i,AGijfi(, OrAA Bundles Jfew TIES, OOVJV. 1000 do P'cd TIES. Floim Bacon, &c. 1000 Bbls Fresh Flour,! 250 Boxes D. H. and Smoked SiJes, 60 Bbls City Mess Porkj 7 Tnhi C.hnir.a v i Lard. 125 Bbis Sugars, Crashed, GranuUtedJ A, Extra C, and C, F0 Bbls and Boxes Freh Lemon Cakes 175 Bajri Coffee, all grades, Potash, Lye, Soda, Soap, Starch, Buckets, Paper Twine. For sale low bj WILLIAMS & MORCHISON. sept 15 Wholesale Gro. A Com. Mer. Employment Wanted. IN THIS CITY OR ELSEWHERE, in doors, outside or on ilie road, sales man, writing or canvassing orders ani consignmeuts. By a man -ho is familiar with trad in all its Lranrhes, who will give his undivided time and best efforts fur alsmall salary. Address, 1 1 J, 1 july 22 Wilmiiigton, X. C, J& iscellaiieous. 9 CELEBRATED ; Fever and Ague is Iraogt common in the spring:, but meet perei e In the fall and winter. It is strictly a ma ariou digeas, and do Bare ly will the individual who adopts this pre caution be exempted from its painls and pen alties. Add to this its value as a stomachic and anti billious agent, and who will ven ture to gainsay its clniins to the first place among-family medicares. ,! For s le by all Druggists and respectable Dealers generally. j sept l-a&w. , 1 i . VICTORIOUS ! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD And Grand Medal of Bonos. Economy, Durability land1 Rapidity combined with perfect work, i J . L I Are D'ltinguishing Features of the I i celebrated Giant Farm anft Warehouse Fans, HADE BY A. P. DICKEY,' Racine, Wis. It Now having many late improvemints, they aire fu;ty equal to f very dgmand : cleaning all kinds of! Grain, Peas, Beans, Castor Hears, Com nd Small Seed. They grade Wheat perfectly by once handling. Sep arate Oats from Wheat j Barley and Rye. They have very perfect arrangements for cleaning Timothy, Clover, Flax eed, Orchard Grass, and all other Small Seeds. They Chaff perfectly, and combine every qualification required to do the best work in trie snortest urr.e. Warehouse, as welt as FarmMills, are largely con structed, both kinds requiring nine sizes to accom modate the demand, and giving a capnfcity of from 50 'to 500 bushels per hoar, according to size of mill. . They are I shipped, boxed for ocean transportation, and "set up" or "knocked idowa" for forwarding inland,j s requested; and in! all cases put free on hoard jCars or. Steamer,) ' Orders filled same day as received. 1" . ' . J M ills shipped "knocked "down "gofor half the freight charged as when forwarded "set up. f Oleo graphs and Circulars supplied on application,' Prices will be quoted Icjj and on liberal terms, i Corres pondence solicited. JRPXTS WA XTIU) For th Knst and hastest-rteili z nctonai uoofs ana Bitwes. fices reduced 33 per cent. National Pub- lis-hinq Co , Philada., ;P., Atlanta, Ga., or rtt. Loiii-;, Mo. eept 11 OnA returns in 30 days on $:00 in 3) 1 Z U U vested. Official reports and Infor mation fkee. i.ike profits weeKlj on Htock options 1" 10 to f.0. I Address. TJ Potter Wight & Cc, Bank er , 35 Wall St., N. T. sept. 11 TEACHERS &FjsSK Iu.NTH tiurn g Fall and Winter. V full pariieuJars address, J. O.McjlJKI)Y & CO., Philadjelphia, Pa. s tsept31--4w BAJS'D rNSTRTJMElTT CATAX0GXTE. Our new catalogue of Baud Instruments, Music, Suits, Caps, Belts, PouciieSjPom pons, Drum Majors' Staffs and ITats, Kpaulet", Cap- Lamps, Stands, and Out- r fits contains o pases of information forj musician. Mailed iree. Address LYO" & ilEAXY, 162 SUte St., Chicago, I1L eept ll-iw j. ' j ' Dr.SANFORD' LIVER SNVIGORATOR 1 ! 1 I is a Standard Family Remedy for diseases of vhe Liver, titomach and Bowels. It is Pure ly Vegetable. It never L-ebilitate-. It if Cathartic and Touic. It has teenused in mv practice and by the public, lor more than 35 years with unprecedented rtsultaj Send for Circular; S. T.l W, HANf OitD, M. D., 162 Broadway, New Yk Citr. Any lruggi-t will tell you ita reputation. sept 11 Headquarters for Ale Lager Beer aud Porter. No 6 Market 8 tree; i - i ! IAN FURNISH YOU WITH THE BESl J J Ale, Lager Beer and Porter, both keg and bottled, in the city. Conntrv orderi proniDtlv attended to A WEEK in your own ;town, and no car itaP risk ed. Vou can give the bu siucss a witnout expense, ine test opportunity ever offered for those willing to work. Yeu should try jnothi. g else until vou see for yourself what you can do at the business we offer. No room to explain here ! You can devote all your tim or orJy your spare time to Uie business, and make greit pay f .r every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for soecial piivate terms and particulars,which we mail free. $5 Outfit free. Don't com plaiu of hard times while you have such a chance. Address II, HALLKT1 & CO. ' . 1 , rr Portland, Main june:7"d&w Miscellaoe ous. THBS T SOLD BY F-k m -k. IV Kill si 500:00 m ... BEWARE 1 - 7Lf iY; NOTICE Oh r.r.?USD&LERS TJ7 FOR PARTICULARS "UMBEROM , ADDRESS; White Sewing Machine YELLOW FEVER BLACK VOMIT. . I . "'!. It is too soon t' forget the rav'gpsof this terrible ditieue, whicb wll no doubt return in a inore maiignant and virulent frni in the fall months of 1879. Merrell's Hkpativb, a Remedy discovered in Southern Nubia and used with such won derful results in South America where the most aggravatea cases of fever are found, arises from one t- two ounces of bile to be til tired or strained from tje blood each time it p assess through the Liver, anions aa an ex cesBofbile exists. By ita wonderful action on the Liver aDd Htomach the HEPATINK not only! prevents to a certaintv any kind of Fever and Black Vomit, but also cures Head ache, Constipation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia and all Malarial diseases. t i o one need fear Yellow Fever who jwill expel the Malarial Poison and excess of bile trom the blood by u-ing Mkrhkll's Hbpatinb, which is 8jld by all Druggists in 25 cent and 1.00 bottles, or will be sei t by express by the Proprietors. A. F. M fiRKELL A CO., I Philadelphia, Pa. Dr Pemberton's Stillineia or Queen's I Deliffht. The reports of wonderful cures o Rheumatism, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Syphi lis, Cancer, Ulcers and Sores, that come from allDarts ot the country, are not oniv remarK able but so miraculous as to be doubted wer it not for the abundance of proof. I ! . I -I Rema'kable Cure of Scrofula, , &o. CASE Ot t;uii. J. C. BRANDON. Kingston, Gai, Sept. 15, 1871 i Gents: For nxiet-n vears I have been a srreat tufferer f oin Scrofula in its xnoetdis cressiLg forms. 1 have been cp fi ed tq mr room and be' for fifteen y arS with scrota lou ulcerations, ilbe most approved reme .lies for such cases had been used, and the most eminent physicians consulted, without auv decided beneht. 1 inns proatratea, ais tress d, desponding, I was adv'sed by Dr. ver. of Flovd countv. Ga.. to commence the use of your Compound Exti act Sttllingia Language is as insatlicient to describe the re liefl obtained from th useofthei Millingia as it is to convey an adequate idea of the in tensitv of my cuffering before using your medicine : sufficient to say, I abandoned all other remedies &nd continued the use of y ur Extract of atillinffia, untJ 1 can say truly, "1 am cured of all pain, of al disease, with nothing to obstruct the active pursuit of my profession!. - More than eight months have elapsed since this remarkable cure, without anv return i f the disease. I l For the truth of the above statement, I re fer to anv gentleman in Bartow county, ua., and to the members of the bar of Cherokee uircuii, wdo are acquainted wnn me. x saii eyer remain, with the deepest gratitude, 1 Your obedient servant, J J. C BKANBON, Att'y at-Law. A MIRACLE. , West Poist, Ga., Sept. 16, 1870. GentsrMy daughter was taken on the 25th day ot June, lH6i, witb what was supposed to be Acute Kbenmatism, and was treated for the same niih ho success. In flu arch, follow' ing, pieces of bone began to work out of the ight arm, and continued to apne&r till all : the bi)ne from the elbow to the shoulder joint csme lout. 1 Many pieces of bone came out ot the right foot ana leg. The case waa then pronounced one of White Swelling. After having been confined about six years to her bed, and ihe case considered hopeless, I was induced to try Dr. Pemberton's Compound extract ot Htuiifigia, and waa so well satis tied with its effects that I have continued the use of it until the present. j My daughter was confined tfther bed about six 5 eat s before she sat up or even turned over without he' p. She now sit up all day, and sews most of her ti e has walked across Uie room. Her general health is now good, and I believe she will, as her limbs gain strength, waik well. I attribute her recove ry, with the blessing of God, to the use o vour invaiuable medicine. With gratitude I am, yburs truly. W. B. HL ANTON. I West Poikt, Ga., Sept 18, 1870. Gentsj: The abeve certificate of Mr.W. B. Blantoni we know and certify -to as being true. The thing is so; hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to it. As much reference can be given as may be required; Yours truly, CRAWFORD WALKER, Druggists. HON. H. D. WILLIAMS. DR. Pemberton's gtillingia ia pre pared by A. F. Merrell A Co., Phila., Pa. Scld by all Druggists in f 1.00 bottle", or sent by express. Agents wanted to canvass everywhere. Send for Bor k "Curious Ptorj "free to all. Medicines sent to poor people pavable in instalments. 1 mar 28 The iSew ,unny South. THE BEST ! ANDi HANDSOMEST PAPER IN AMERICA. Send for it at Once See Our Club Bates- rPHE U3UNNY SOUTH" ia nnw fi mnA el Weeklv Of the acre. It rimm nnHn an entire aw drew and new make-up generally and is overflow iag witfl the richest and spi ciest matter cf the day Poems, Essays Stones, News of the Week, Wit and Humor, Female Go.-aip, Domestic Matters, letters from all Sections, Notes of Travel, Puzzles, Chess, Problems, Marriages, j Deaths, Hea th Notes, Personals, Stage Notes, Movement in Southern 8ocietv, Faahion Notes with Plates, Answers to Correspondents, BI graphies with Portraits of distinguished mein and women, Humorous Engravings, f?encatiuiial Clip pings, Correspondents Column, Local Mat ters, Railroad Guide, and forcible editorials upon all aubj eta. Is it possible to make a papr more complete? Get a copy and ex amine it. It now circulates in all the 8tato aud Territories, in England, Ireland, Cana da, Austral.a, Brazil, and the! Indian Natien. It ia rea'ly an honor to the South and cur people are proud of it, and every one should take it immediately. I The price is only f 2.50 a year. We will seed, the "funny riouth" and the Daily Baviiw one year for S6, or. we wilt send the 'rtunny South" and the Wiuhgto Joca u on year for $3.50. The "Sunny S'mth! and "Bovs and Gi-la 2 furnishede'; s . "mcc, t.r J. fi. A W. LZ B. SEALS, . Atlanta, Ga may 17 ,K sccllarjecu. H tflTu NUMBERS A0 DSri KACE-PIMtf Co, Cleveland, ohio I LIFE IN A BQTTlE The Most Valuable ledidl j) ery Known to tlk L,i auu utjaiiu lor AilJ j AN OPEN LETTER TO 1 hni Minor nn ik. n. " r bio -r vvueuiuuon was the wav of bani hing direane and biin . 1 with weakness of the lug ICt, uu&1 4 much broken down in constituting Ji' U:' after trjidg the beet phygidaai ni ''M out my money for many kindal of IXt : onderfnl Kin-,. Cleanser,the first bottle of whicn i , 1 life and vigor, and in time effectod i 1?' nent cure. I was free trom catarrh Li became strong and sound, beihir ablSr, . the most severe cold and expoaure, aid 1 gained over thirty pounds in S fliunvrv in itiAfliim. I . . . j -I -j .v,f . yL cuirw a: oat.. ot the Root Bitters, and w thVbJ giving them awav to sick fnr.A, .j . " bors. j I found the medicine effected th J humors or scrof ola in the blood, UprXJ Torpid Liver, Ac ,. Ac. The ninnf" discovery in this wajv spread frotn bneMrr to another until J fnnnH' milf i..n.j . -jovi nUcn u j to supply patients with! medicire Ur atory for compounding and bottling the) (u. Bitters in large quantities, and I how c -, ' al' my time to thiB buaineig. -n I was at first backward in presUtinaeinei not being a patent ined'Cibe maQlanattu small capital, but I anj gettingl bratelj otef that. 1 Since I first advertised hit iHiciji I have been crowded jwitn ordefi f om iH. gists and country dealers, and th hnd' of letters I have received from ptjraofii cur i prove the fact that no remely ee dw M much good in so Bhbrt a time and had'sdichct succB8 as the Root! Bitters. 1 lln fact, 1 ,4 convinced that they will soon! take the fti ot all other medicines in nie. I p y 0 hundred retail druggists, rigiit here at hm in Cleveland, now sell Root Mitten, auj i wom have already sold over one ihila-ul bottles.- . I .j !; : ' -i j I : Root Bitters are strictly a medical prepir. ation, such as was uaed in the good old cwi four forefathers, when people wfre ntk by some simple root jor plant, aDd whei calomel and other poisons! of the miLeril kingdom rere unknown. I 1" I I They act strongly on tk liver and k dat-iv keep the bowels regular and build op it nervous system. 'hey peretrate ererTPt of the body, searching oiit every irerr?, bone and tissue from the head jto tie feet, cleansing and ' strengthening j the foLotn springs of life, hence they mnat reach til diseases by purification and noufuHmeEt. No matter what your feelings or lymptoai are, what the disease or, ailment js, useRr4 Bitters. Don't wait until you re- jiick, bit if you only feel bad or miserable,; tiaetU Bitters at once. It may save your lijfV, Thousands of person's in j all pant of &i ountry are already using hoot Bitten They kave saved many lives of cniumtiM who had been given up by friendaand phwi cians to die, and have permanently & e4 many old chronic cases of Catarrh, rsrofuit, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, andHkln Iiise-, where all other treatments had fa' led. A-t you troubled with sick headache, coatiretf, dizziness, weakness, bad tkste in the moi'b, nervousneas,and broken down in coDBtitatioi! You will be cured If you take Root Ititt r. Have you humors tina pimples pri your he or skin? Nothing wih give you BuCb.?tJ health, strength, and beauty aa Root t tert..- ' I '.' M . , . I know that jealous pbysioaii J cry humbug because my discovery! cfirei many of their patients, b t, I care not It now my desire and determination ifl plw my Root Bitters as fast as pos ible wifhin the. reach of all those sufleHng throuKhoat to world. 8pldby wholesale and retail, drr giataand country merchants, or sent bjM press on receipt of price, $1.00 per bottle, of o;. KnitU. ts nn i o;fi.f(i I of woo D1A W"l HDD tpV.VV. M. J k -y , derfol cures, see my large circular lirem each bottle of medicine.. Head andjndjefor yourself. Ask your rurglst or merchsnt tot FRAZIKR'8 KOOT BlTUtR,', the fre Blood Clanser.and take 'no wbhutntsiftt" recommend because he makia,a lareesro-l. G. W. FKAIZER, Pjacoverer. Forsle by J. P. Munds andT. t. Bnrbaak, .. J i T ..v. 9t). nwI 338 Supeiior rt., CJeTeiana . druggists. 1 "Pri - For Smithville. OTEAM YACHT ELIZA BETH, Cait, D.W.Chadwick, carrying United States Miail. liivewMrf foot of Market street daily (exceptJ. at J P. M. Returning, JUli Biirbank's Pharmacy. undaril pRESCRIPTION8 COMP 3DlED care ani accmratiy by competent hand. Onlv agency in the city of Bo I iver Pad Co'a rexedies. ng It Theodore Joseph Corner of Harnett & Saliibnry f One Corner West Raleigh 5atioatJ ' ' RALEIG ff,!N, C ,. ; n a h. a nn the Europe Pf, Satisfaction gurranteed in eyer j Y'(iui4H My bar is applied with . FfaehM Wedding, 1870, Gibson's VTT ' j rt 1 mnra i Ol w - brands of Rve and Kentucky bow'" ands of bet ltf Furniture CTOKf TUST RECEIVED FBO FA aid t large usortment of Walnat grades of FURNITURE. b5ch WC at Great Bargains. Call and fob 19 D. A-1SMU V : I . !

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