4 THIS PJLFEft H pmblijhd rtrj JUreooa, Smmdayi: tx JOSH. T. JAMES, gDITOm AXV FKOrmiXTOB. ... BuBaCRIPTION8,P08TAGE PAJfc. 0M jer,$ 00 Six month, $3 50 ; Thre oatki, $1 16 ; Oae month, 50 eeats. fbe papw t dUrered by carriers, free of et;, U 7 P f the city, at the tbore rates, or IS cents pet week. Advrtiijr raUt low and liberal tfSmberiberi will pleaie report any and ill failures to receive their papers regularly. Miscellaneous. BROWN & EODDICK, 45 Harket St. We have just finished taking our annual account of sieck, and are now daily receiv ing NEW GOODS from the Northern Markets, suitable for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE! ,Ur patrons will study their best inter eats by making their purchase as early in tbe Season as cou?enient,as the general in dications of tbe market have an upward teudeDcy. We have just received over 20.000 YARDS BEST CALICO ! V PK1CE CENTS. Wholesale buyers would do well to look or our Hock before purchasing as we hve a ereat many &o ds were offering SSi iJtow THE riiESEN? MARKET VALUE. Fans & Paraaols ciosing oat the balance at Greatly Re ducod Prices. Plain, Striped and Checked Nainsook Muslius. . The best value ever offered. Call and examine. Lineu Lawns from 12 1 to 20 cents. Dress Goods. Our Variety is Large. Our prices ARE LOW. 8c upwards. Bretonne, Torchon and Italian Laces. VTe have very much th Largest assort ment that ha been offered in this city and our prices either by the jard or piece, can nut be undersold. Ouilts. Domestic and Imported Quilts. Our stock of the above is large. We have marked none up in price, preferring to give our patrons an opportunity to supply their wants at the old prices ' Table Linens-Towels land Napkins Our present assortment excels anything we have ever shown. Call and give our stock a look over. Our Buyer Is in the market at present and we are receiving many Novelties. OUR 5 and Is situated on the S. W. corner of Market and Second streets,and every Steamer that comes into tbis port brings a Fresh Lot f the most turpi isingly Cheap and Useful Goods that ever were offered in any mar ket under any circumstances. We offer great inducements to Wholesale Buyers. BROWN & EODDICK, 5 Market Street aug 16 NEW STOCK OF Fall and Winter Clothing. A. & I. SHRIER, XTot. SO" l 3 Market Street. WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF the pmblie to their large and varied Block of handsome and well-made Clothing now: receiving, embracing all tie leading styles, elected In person by A. SHRIEK in Hew York. They offer alio a handsome line of GENTS FURNISHING QUODS, HATS, TRUNKS, VALISE8, Ac. The celebrated DIAMOND SHIRT, FOR ONE DOLLAR. All finished and laundried.. Unlanndried Shirts at T& cents. ' ' ept 12 A.U 8HRIER. Zephyr Worsteds. NOTHER LARGE LOT JUST RECEIVED. WIIITE 10 CENTS. t COLORED 12J CENTS. Look oat for announcement of Grand Millinery Opening. IT. H. 8PRUNT, Mpt II. Fxchange Corner Old.Newspapers. A OriA KTTTT OF OLD VEWRP1PEBB ftr wrapptngi offered for sale cheap at the sept 4 DAILY RKTIJSW OFFICE Tft '. BAH u REVIEW, VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY,: SEPTEMBER 20, 1879. NO. local I News. 5ew Advertisements. f. H. DimsT. Attornev Final Nctiee to Delinquent Taxpyyers j- D. a. DbFobkst , ror Bent. A. A I. 8Hawa!-r" d W in tar Cloth No City Court to-day J The Storm Signal ia up to -day. Feather bonnets will be fashionable. " : t t i , ! Wide ribooDS ae coming into favor. 1 Hh- . I -" Day's length 12 hours and 11 minutes. Window (wlass all izes a,t ltaffer & Price's. -Sunset this aiternoon at exactly 6 o'clock. Window Glass of, all Hardware Depot, i ries at Ji.com' 8 The receipts of cotton at thlport to day fcot. up 1061 'bales. I ! Blonde hair being no logger fashionable young worr en will prepare to dye. I One still born infant was the on'y in terment in Bellevue Cemetery this week. There were three interments in Oak - dale Cemetery this week two adults and one child. Schr. John 4.1 Griffin, Slover, arrived at Philadelphia on the 18th inst., from tbis port. I City hotel men are a. smiKs, while their bprs dispense large quantities of the same. ! : il ''I 1 Schr. John S. Beacham, Woodland, from this port, arrived at Baltimore on tbe 17th iDSt. I Horseshoes of silver studded with dia mond nails, are among ' the shoe buckles of the season.; Recently manufactured carpets show a great advance fn the mat3r of artistic ptterns. For bar steel, iron and carriage good go to Jacobi's Hardware Depclt. X The equinoctial put in itj appearance promptly :oi timej but it has hit very mildly thus far. I I i The Register of Deeds ! issued but ore marriage license this week, and that was to a white couple. k i S eamsnip Tybee, ed and sailed from pert on Thursday. Capt.'Tribon, clear- New York for this There were seveo interments in Pins Forest (colored) , Cemetry five children and two adults. this week; I To-morrow is known in j the Church Calendar as the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity ; it is also St. Matthew's Day. A novelty this season is feather felt with loose shrews of 'feathers forming the pile of fine felt ;! in white and pale gray i hese will be used for .dress bonnets. .Save money and time (by havjng Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills always on hand, and using them- forj the numerous diseases which 'more or Ues: trouble families at times. Sold everywhere. Trice 25 cts. ; M , 1 :. Nothing can be healthier in the warm weather than a judicious fruit and vege table diet, but the trouble with! most persons is that they refuse to be judici- ous. i , r You can eet the best White Lead, Paints and Oils, and lowest prices at Ja-Cobi's Hardware Depot. J f i. wwm i i i m New tints of cloth sbadei are shown in the bonnets for w inter. I Rembrandt green is very largely ref risented, and is dark like myrtle green, but with more bit in it. The steamer D. llurhhison, due here from Fayetteville, at ii) o'clock last night has not yet put n ankppearance. This is owing to the extreme low stage of the river. rhe shipments of freight to and from this port and the Northern markets are now unusually heavy and it as much as the steamships and Atlantic OoastJLine can do to take it away as fast as it ac cumulates. ill Wine and cake for KTenincs. . Alfred Speer of New Jersey, it should be known, is one of this most extensive producers and dealers in Pure Wlnee and Brandies iu the United States. He makes a Superior Port Wine, which took the highest premium at theCentennial, known as Specr! Port Grapa Wine. It is sold by J, O. Munds, r. Li. Bndgers , uo. and Green IFlanner. Aug-tf. In Port. j There are now bnt 20 vessels on the way to this port. Of these j 19 are bar ques There are in port here but seven vessels in all. over 100 tons burthen, 3 barques, 1 brig and i S schooners. The square-riggers are all foreign a d tbe schooners are American. A Novelty in Wed time Cards. It consis of a double card, like the new memorial cards, and is edged with a prf'e blue and.s'lver border, with tbe wod Marpi: e' iu the center of Lhe first page, in silver. The secohefpage has fhe iutl mation At Home,' a. tea such a date as the wedded pir may deci'le upon, together with their address. The third page is ap propriated to their names, j the date of marritje, and th church audxhe m'jrr, by whom and where, the ceremony was peifoimed, the fourth page being reserved for the complimentary expression, With our kind regards,' to which 'then' iuitia's are appended. The c-d is a .eat im provement oa the old-f; snioued wedding crrds. Odd Fellowship. ' i I The following statistical information concerning the order of Odd Fellows in the United States, was furnished by the graud secretary of the meeting of tbe grand lodge in Baltimore, and will be Of interest to members tf the order else where : ; Number of grand lodges, 50; increase, 2; subordinate lodges, 6,975; increase, 97; grand encampments, 39 same as last year; subordinate! encampments, 5 863; increase, 28; lodge initiations, 33,60; de crease, 2,227; lodge members, 44,229; de crease, 6,728; encampment members, 82 -408; decrease, 2,379; total relief, $1,740, 405.68; increase, $35,138.97; total reve nue, $4,266,986 53; decrease, $156,065. 33. Strangers in the city should not fail to vitit the S sh Factory, foot of Walnu street. t A Scarcity of Freight Room. The number of vessels now en-route from foreign ports to Wilmington is un usually small for this season of the year. This is caused, it is thought, by the jj heavy demand for transportation of grain from this country to! Europe, which sends so many vessels to Baltimore and New York. la the meantime, freights are accumulating here and freight room is in demand. The stock of rosin, already large, is rapidly accumulating and the price remains correspondingly low. Last Monday, the stock reports of the Produce Exchange showed nearly 1 1 1.000 barrels on hand and it is likely that this amount has been increased 5,000 barrels during the wrk. Last year, for the correspond in week, the stock was about 119,000 barrels. I Save your money by buying jour Build ing Supplies from Alaifier & Price. t Arrested and Locked Up. Tonie Swain, a white lad, about Un or twelve years of age, was arresvd this morning and carried to; the Guard House I upon the charge of larpeny, which it is alleged he committed of Colville & Co., by abstracting from the abqve named firm's office certain tickets or orders upon a grocer for a certain amount of pro visions which the firm is in the habit of issuing to their employes. ' Young Swain was taken in charge some time ago by the Mafonic frateruity and sent to the Orphau 'Asylum atj Oxfurd, but by some strategy he managed to es cape from that institution, carrying with him another boy from the Asylum, The next seen or heard of the misguided you'h was his! arrest and imprisonment as re lated above. -j. j To Attain Long L;fe. He who strives after a long and pleas ant term of life must seek to attain con tinual equanimity, and carefully to avuiJ everything which too violently taxes his feelings. Nothing more quickly conr sumes the vigor of life than the ' violence of the emotions of tke mind. We Lnow that anxiety and care can destroy jthe healthiest body; we know that fright and fear, yes, excess of joy , become deadly. They who are naturally cool and of a quiet turn of mind, upon whom nothing can' mike too powerful an impression, who are not wont to be excited either by g re-it sorrow or great joy, have the test chance of living long and -happy after their manner.' Preserve, therefore, under all circumstances, counsels, the Sanita rian, a composure of mind which no happiness, no misfortune, can too much disturb. Love nothing too violently ;Jiate nothing too passionately; fear nothing too stroogly. ! The scarcity of silver change in the city is noticeable. . The banks are deple, ted and the article is in demand. It Is said to have gone int!o tbe country to pay J the cotton pickers ouc uiiue newest tanciei in ewe:ry ;s the 'old oakei bucket,' set in solid gold; tbe earrings are tiny golden buck ets, and t&epin is a perfect little wind 'ess, with rope coiled around it, from the end of which the bucket is suspended Among the maay coquettish acces siohs to tbe toilet are the prettiest imag inable little side sachea of lace, muslin or crape de chene. These are lined with some delicately tinted satin or silk, , per haps whits, and there is always a little cluster of flowers det on one side. At Home. . . i I he Kev. Jas. B. Tavlor. ot the Firs Bjaptist Church1, returned to this city laJt evening after a sojourn of nearly four weeks with his friends and relatives in Virginia. Mr. Taylor is looking well and says he feels improved in health. He will occupy his pulpit to-morrow. Personal. We were pleased to receive a call to day ifrom our good friend Oapt.,1 II. T. Fulgham, recently of the Ealeigh Obser,' ver, who1 is en-route for a visit to his father, near Charleston. ,! Capt. Fulgham, wekare pleased to learn, haa , recently purchased the Gre3nsboro Patriot and expects soon to' assume control of it. He will go into a splendid property for -an enterprising newspaper man and we are sure that he will make a very successful thing of 'it. Fina As will be seen No. ice. by reference to our advertising columns, the City Attorney, Mr. F. II. Darby, gives final notice to all delinquent tax-payers to make an imme diate bettlement of the same or the prop erty taxed will ba sold to satisfy the claim. So just "walk up to the cap tain's officii and safctle" or take ths con -sequences. It is well to understand that Mr. Darby has no personal discretion in the matter, but will be compelled to sell on the date mentioned personal property as well as real estate to satisfy the claim fur taxes due. Don't Notice Their Gazing, At Rosenthal's shoe 6tore, on Market street, there is an attraction in the shape of a cobbler seated in the show window of the store, on a benGb, last across his knee, and any one can see him, all what he was put there with shoe and in this position day long, doing to do, entirely h3edless of the crowd of small boys, white and colored, who gajher around the window and stare at him, and the many remarks made as to bis personal ap pearance. .The fact is he seems totally oblivious to everything but his work, and no vonder, as he is a wooden works by machinery. man and The best Windows, Doors and BlinJs and Lowest Prices can be got at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. ! TTilmluston District. Methodist E. Church, South. Fourth Round of Quarterly yetings, 1879. 1 Whiteville at Liberty ,.Spt 20 25 Waccamaw Miss;on.j Sept 24-26 Brunswick......... ...il LSept 27 28 Wilmington at Fifth Street.. ..Oct 4- 6 Smithville Station... ...Oct 7- 8 Wilmington at Front Street.. L. .Oct 11-12 Topsail , ...Oct J8-19 Onslow ". Oct 25-26 Duplin at Wesley Chapel. .. .Nov 1- 9 Clinton at McGee's Nov 8-2 Cohrie' Miss, at Wesley ChapelNov 11-12 Cokesbury at Bethel .jNov 15-16 L S Eurkhead, Presiding Elder. . BishoplAtkinson's Appointments Rutherfordton, October 2nd. Bhelbv. October 3rd P. M. Lincoluton, October 5th,1 Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. ' - , P3atty's Ford, UctoDertd. High Shoals October 9th. Galtonia. October 10th: Charlotte, October 12tb, Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. i Statesville; October Hth, Consecration of the Church. j Morganton, October 15J. St. Jame3r Iredell, CoJ, October 17th. Monroe, October I9ch, Nineteenth Sun day after Trinity. ! j 1 r Wadesboro. October 21st. Ansonville, October 22nd . Rockingham, October 23rd. Hill. October 24th. Collections at each of these place tor Diocesan Missions. I I Life in the country, life actual and hearty, where living itself is luxury, only comes with th crisp and Btimulatiog breath of an autumn morning. 13 Important to the Afflicted'. We would advise ali who may need the advice of a physician, to,; either 'call or wrilPto Dr. li u errson, li. So. Eutaw St., Baltimore. Aid., whJ from 15 years expe iience in Hospital ana iSpecial Practice, cuataiitecM a cure in all diseases cf the Urirutry Orjanx and of the fervous Sys tem, Oijaoic and Sfir'nal Weakness, Ini potency (loss of sexual power), Keivous Debility and tre-nblirg, P, jpiutioiji of the Uejart, dimness of tight or Ciddiness, Npc tumal Enissions, tvc, ali losuitiiig frbm abuseS tn y ulh, or excesses in manhood ; also all skin and blinnl diseases iquickly Ciired. Dr. K is a graduate of one of the oldest- and b-st medical ' schools' in this couujtry (Uriiviviiy ut .Miiiylaid), and re feis to the leading physic is'itl his city ,and llconsultinhim can rely upon honorable hd coiifidentiid treatment. In wi ing ehclose stamp for reply, ifep.'cial attention commodations for all wishing to call and i. veu io an iem; 'e coiupiaints. (jou ac- see luui. iueujcme &euc io any aaaress. j Better than Foreifrn Port. Speed's Port Grape Wibe is better than Imported Port, and since the adnlteratiot, ot tbe latter, it must tak jits place. 1 is pure, and really exeditedt and health giving. Trey rThnt.s. ' , ' The most select. Fif''i Avenue families of New York use this wine at theif eve ning entertainments. Messrs P. L. Bridge ers & Co., J. G. Munds and Green & Planner have some direct from Mr. Speer. i Worthless Stufi! Not so fast, my friend; if you could see the strong, healthy, blooming, men women and children that have been raised from beds of sickness, suficring and al most death, by the use of Hop Bitters, you would say Glorious and invaluable remedy." See anot' ;reolumn. Newj ' Advertisements!. Final Notice to Dehn 1 9 uent Taxpayers. TINAL NOIICS 13 HEREBT GIVEN to those owin? city taxF, fr the years 1677 and 1878. in accordance with law and the instrnctiona of the Mat'Oif and E-ard of Al dermen and in rui-su&ncje of tbe advertise ment and the notices eerVtd, the real estate upon wbi"h taxes are da s will be sold in eat ibfaction therefor;on Oct ber 6ih,l&79. Tea days before that date, y5 . - September 25. h, the personal proi err.r, furniture, c, of de lit guents (there beinj; ho txeraptioas for tax-is) will under the l&WRnd tte iiistrcclions of the Mayor arid Koud of Aldermen, be levied on a!.d sold by th!e proper officer, to eatisff the real estate t-x! s ktill due aDd un paid. My instructiong admit of no excep tions to this rule and the lw will ba rigidly carried out in all ca?es, utileaa dc Unite and positiv arrangements are made beiore the above date for the payment of the said taxis. y All interested will please take notice.! ' ( F. H. D ARB V, 8 eijt 20 2t. ' ' City Attorney. AUaffer & Price. M ANCFA ;TCaiERS AND DeALEHS 11 SASH, DOORS, ELITES. ORNAMENTAL WOODWORK, , AND Builders' Supplies ! GENERALLY. t Factory Foot of Walnut street. OfEce Nutt, near Red Crops street. ; sept 19 ly ! AND FLOUR. 1 HPi Q0ie3 aiid Fmoked Side?, 1000 BWs Good ew ficr At close figures by , sept 13 HALL fc PEARSALL. School Booksl , rjlHE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF School Books, Book Bags, Book Straps aad ClampB, lunch Eoxe,i. Slate PeEcila, of every variety, in the city,' is at nEiySBERGEK'J Pianos and Orerans, IjBOM LEAPING MANUFACTURERS, -L gold on tie instalment plan at the very lowest prices. Gu'tarajViolia, i a tea, rife, astrurnJnU lAccorceonj, Ac. etricga for all at tfte eept 13 LIVE LOOK STORE. Orean o rpo ia03b WHO WANT OLGANS, I vwi'.d ray tbt ia f stare I'll ksep cocetantly on hand a LuLb,r of FIR3T-CLAS3 02- i ' - II OAJId, liich I wiU offer fcr salt Very Cheap My rtock of SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIONERY is cow cozpUte. I''-.. PhotogTapli Rooms Connected with Book Store. Work fLbuhed -i j i i up in the very best tjle. at eirtlT YATES BOOKSTORE. - PLEASE 507ICE, i. We will be glad to receive coir.ir.cai auV-oi from our friends on any j aad all ?uh:ect r f general interMt bnt ? ! Ml Th-nam of the writar nioft,; niahed to the Editor. I alwayr oofnr r, . .. . i ' I vuaiinuaicauop moet N writttc on oclf one aide of the.paf tr. Personalities must be ( :rio!.i. And it is especially nd parti u'fcrly anker tuiiut uues uoi Itwf v( ecno 9 tV. : - . ri iuc iewsoi corre?i ondeDt, vals'so stair io the editorial colntrns, I New Advertisement For RerYtL rilHE EXTIRE "THIRFK-Jrrf U e 4 i. Mu ct-isoB Build'ip, ritntt-d ,n T'-d Front Street, next Norta of ihb HnnK JLi u u .,YXr' -recalJy1 suitable tlall or tor Club puipcssj Apply to ?j B. D. DhFOREH T. I1 or GILES A MDKCUISON se i j-t Store for Rent rpHE STOUE NOW OCCt tij oy Bebrecd A Monroe, on North,1 at corner of MarKet and Second , strf eto. Aprljito fept l9-5t TeROSSET A COn For Rent. HlF FINE r" No STORE, ; 0 Alaiket S reet. Apply to sppt l".tf D, CVCONXU For Rent. mWO NICE DWELLING i X 1 HOUSES, Corner 'Forth Bladen I sopt streets. Apply to 3-1 w i D. O CONXOR For Rent. . - rRCM THE lit OF CCtOBEB 1879, -tie BKICK DWELLING, fi southwest correr ot Orarg andTTbird Apply, to- JorjN h. treema: tart IV f tJ 1 llll -mT a k ft' m a .r For Rent, . also liALli on third fl .or. new-J5?J 1.. (,'.. J . iv . i - -nH' ij -utieu up, corner -Diaraec ana uth W ater St-eets fronji th? 1st Hl of October App'y to b?i ii-tr U. B. FJLlKS. S600- RLNT THAT VERY dtpirabije store on Market Street, : J v fP! X T it mi vy jar. inos. xi. ri fiTrry nr rru ia i I 1 If - f as a 8ho More. Tae cheapest Ftorelon the ( street. Apr ly to TUE McKOjY'Sj, sept 10 it i i i ; i r i , i i ll..lFn . i 1 -h . I- 'f -! ' ft : . rt i- I To Rent. QTOP.E HOUSE AND DWEL- O ; I LING to let on Brunswick and Seventh street?, in, perfect orti. Tioes'is - 1 ! i ,. ...'!'. ' '" i ' 1 sion given immediately. ; ( '( l " A!s, three Nc. 1, Fro it Rooms to let at the First National Bank,'old iuilding, cor-' 1 uer Front and Princess streefs. , For nartienlars annlv trt 1 1 i t?pt 15 -tOl SOL. BEAR HQS i Halefs Weekly. OV TUESDAY, the 7th day of October 1873, and in the City of Ralei, trie nndersignpd will commence thej pcbiicntian of HALfc'd WEI KLY, a North Caroiira Democratic Newspipri ' I 1 beee our words convey all tha' a eoloren ofProspectuJ ccnld tell: th j?ood cf the State; theiauccess of the Pany which isfthe me oi tne oiate ana tne conntry ; tbej pub lication of a'l the new s ; these" the ot jects i do the last and con proposed. That he can tribute to tbe first and second, the sabscriber Qoes not anect o aoaDU ine reopie tare set their seal of approval ! upon his Ipsa knd he does not oonbt the future. - r 1 i ! Halk's Webklt will be printed uom nw and beautiuT type and on fair White paper. The price wIl b $2 per annom. No paoie will g6 upon its mail books wituout payment and no paper will be Bent a'ter 'expiration of the time paid for. y. A. H A1.K. t Raleigh, Sept 15, 1879. aept 16-tf , Wanted, ! JOURNEYMAN PRINTER, kU can bricg the highest recommend atlcn, Is desit roas of a position in a newrpaper dfflce in the country. Will work eheap, Adpreai,, 1 ' 1 M-, c aretf . tezi 16-tf DAILY REVIEW. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, WILMINGTON, N. C. j I rjuuf. KJunut.&viAij, formerly tee t-M PIRE HOUSE",haTinben thbroutly Un-j ovated and refitted is now one of tbe leadirjf first-claM TJokLi in the city. The table ii' I , I 'i '. i '. I applied with the best oar home and rcrth. ! i , .V IS am markets affords. 1 ' Board per Day 2 ani $2 50 ! i i - ii i t Large Sample Booms for tte C mh mercial trade. " ' '.' 1 I A Firit-Clajis Bar and EUliarJ Hall connected with thij HoteL I T" FREE LUNCH daily from 11 A.M. to 12.30 r. u. July 19- t

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