, 1 TO M. For II. P. the Review. 1 ,-.! uuti.lcn rftxty-fciXi i ler teens. r i nil.- MHVes on apace! !. I i.if 'lleb; lavs were bright I W 1 ... .t ! f I llfr- I ,(, i u -i r!ou!y watli-r, ,lt, .jui.-kly eptti. l-ar -VI, wet tS, ink of thy rosy lips, i.-ii iia r in tresse. ;Ki, f,l(-,-;ii.d iautiful form. .ii i shoit drehes. n,.t a r l i- left to mark ,,t w. fn.U chrilifcl, If ii v A- v i ii' ,.r I i :i- the slighted iot, (ii,,.,-. wee modv&t girl. iIiU art so very dear. in.tv, l,a'i"-el thoughts spriDg up ,.. . ruv heart anew, " : t rr-iie loii trie pearly beach, -infill the old church pew. p'iiy on the grassy r on, . i.hlhiui' hea. mi me oio i ,i-t to Hit , ,..-;.r toirelner iilli!V. ' . wiirm nreniu iww; i." ,'i ,Li oa the portico. , ttiK -Tf the happy, lovely days. Ii i i ; ,ft at Ictor C'8, ,.rotiuiy lour. Lhy rich. lull 1 vt- ti.' llni i lit-' TLio Lh'oi-en parlor door. ar voice as it U tj.H t ; . i.iut--t of ine i'r; V) in. i s arrwy td, I see thee again, . . . . ... . in Mil TIIOT Ifl AJ T I i,uid with thee compare as the p ndent People's candidate. Judge Tourec, lately removed from jour midst, baa been in on-mltation with the leading Republican managers in national po'itic,, and has, . backed by K'-och. 1 Hettfe andi the ad 'l.r"A ne'er return to us, j .., ha j p'4l 's o'er. Il.lt !' " - t it t "ol deplore. i.i dear M, dear M, i i il think of the past, the happy past, Al 111 1 1 J e 1 1 1 I j utm, we II lt-HVc to llieijouoi iiiue, A" ii. i i" iii. rt- ".-wteL r.t. hear my prayer, me to ( say in this doggerel i'.oW Mv i ain'.fui irirl, now grown. 'I i. !-. l.ot a slar Ai liriiiliiiil u.-tuiue oWU. in tne zenith of fame C. k.si-pt.tith.l. Charlotte Otserver. Anions the Slate-Makers. 0KT CAKULIXA AND 18S0- Ibe Alleged Tarty Programme lor Ihi Stiitt' Mxt Ytar How Some are t be Tut l'p and Others Put Duwn The Alleired Means by which the Keyiiblliiins Hope to Carry the Stale-A Letter Full of Hewllderlns News. " WAiiN-oTox. D. C, Sept. 19 1879. Ho political situation in North CiitKUia is studied at the national cap- i'a! wi h bu iuteudity and interest that Las net Lithorto ctiarHCterizd party hjhdhp-tb m tls couutry. ibe Dem ocrat. c outlook, or ruther success, dot not ahow for one moment the rf.biliiy of your Stato goiLg Rrpub- ctiU in ISisO. hui with tile-national Dctrectatio managers, as with the Rtpnbl'.eans, the absorbing interest is m the ehctornl vote, each being bout tqii;illy indifferent as to the fate of bt btnte ticket, bo that the electoral ote comes out ail right. Ab for the Republicans, they would cheerfully nni e their fi re s in support of the Democratic hUte if by eo doing they could Bt cure enouKh Democxatic ftrfcetb to figmre the election of the R'jubhcrin electors and this species of tactu-s will mark their political maim u nions iu all the Southern bhiteh iu th cimuaiLrn of next year. fhus irj'pire.l, Juilcre Settle speaks cintidetitiv i f the biiceesa of the Re- puhhcfiu electoral tickets in North Carolina aod Florida. As for the Dem-rriitic iusinftf7ers. while, thev hoDe 9 - A torttaiii local control of all the South eru sintis to pernetrate the policy of QOme m e. thpv n.pnn tn npa tn it that be State tiomiuationa do not handicap . i .... . me ctngressioual and electoral tickets Aid Hiitttever nominatiotis the North Unl:na ll-nnhl Tnarto TYiflr motp will t e w ita the purpose to promote the success of their electoral and congres wonal candidates, rather than the ie ticket itself. The electoral and cntRreional candidates of both par- will run tocetber. While the Dttutcrats cunr.ot affjrd to luse the -v.urii vote oi tue fttate, nor a con- fcwstciD, the Kci-ub'.icane feel that ('tej must hold what th. y have' of the 'ttter, audgaiu in both directions: and ite Dtn.( criits are uuder the necessity rfCiaimiLg the nrst aLd third dis- -v.r lJttu c uuie or i.o hone if re- lll.ll JT tte n. Ini .1 nr hlriL- -liafn'rtt TH T MAX GRANT, l atev r bv-niav mav 1h indn1re1 lathepres, or colitts 8 and decei- "olb pi noticed sLuorg presidential as P'rantti,. Pr.dLUt-m iKer. and the machine pohtioiaus geuerally, there is Se'.t ed Conviction in tha naimm'rn sic ls oi both part.es of the inevita- uie nommif.on of Grant and the plans "-u ueuiiis oi canip-nn "U KtU ' a I 1 v.ory boara ,oi ine oreauDoro nr tr, indicattd ! pUinly ( the mn The ludg. Htbtes tbat he has been in t a nu g tor h iodepi-ndeuWcand daoy ever tdnC h: vaw beaten t ly an inde pendent cf hi county fpr utat in the House of Repre.-t. natives . latt year. The name has uotiyet oue beyoud th confines of caucus aud eouclave, but ue in repreht nttd as a mnxx jof great popularity, immeu-e weahb. and strongly identifi dl and fortified with the commercial, agricultural and manufacturing interests of your Stat . It i.i stated upon authority of Judge Toupee that the most powerful and popular D-mcciatic raer in North Carolina is rebdy to enter into this alliance;rtbat ho has been a' contributor to its columns for Borne months. hap iag its course in thid direction, and that the same paper has beeu defend ing kim against the assaults and denunciations of( the rabid press of your State for some chance declara tions of bis in ati tffhand interview with a New York paper. And Re publican .leaders here are open with the declaration (that while tey have a candidate in view who enn command he support of one ieadiug paper, the Timep, he has a controlling inflneLCr which can fileuce, ifhesball ohooe, the other Democratic daily at your State capital A leading North Caro lina lawyer has the management oi tnis independent boom, and witii tne in fluences at work. aVsibted by the pro- fa .ble clean sweep ; I the Ee b iana in tue fall electiohs this (year, it is De liered he can work up a very stroug ami acfteiitsbie independent Ot: t ticket iufullj wit n ir KJLl ill. N T.n ITH -TANDIXQ. the mdepetd nt ft:m come to grief before the beginning, it hai been pretty generally agreed among the stalwarts of the Grant per suasion that ex-Qovriior 1 Brogden is the best man for the Republicans to put in the field for Governor - in 1880, his former administration having been auch as to most favorably recommend um to the peop e of his btate, And as a Democrat of the old school he ns, they say, stood in publia station for foityyeais, without blot or; Diemis-n upon his perboual jor official charac ter. For other posit ions of Si ate, Bow man of Mitchell, and Barrmger of Mecklenburg, for Lieut Governor; Hon D A Jenkius of Gaston, for treasurer, ana tiuugo uauies j-i uoui; carry. He would. In all likelibooV go to the Senate in 1882, leaving his lieutenant in the executive chair. , Miscellaneous. i THE i 7 DAILY REVIEW, JOSH. T. JAMES EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Is published Every Afternoon (Sundays excepted). At the following rates, postage CLYDE'S . i Mew ' Vos-lk AND Wilmington, IM. C. Steamship Line. The Oteamer REGULATOR I CAT. DOANE, WILL 8 AIL FROM NEW YORK 03i i - SATURDAY. Septemb :r 27. paid : Ai LATE 13 at btiou d th perhaps, himself attorhey-general. been canvassed CANDIDATES. One Year . . . . ....$5 00 Six Months. Three Months . One Month.. ...T.. 2 50 1 25 50 The paper will be delivered by carriers, free of charge, in any part Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Ste&mers as advertised. "" For Freibt Engagements apply to THOS. C BOND, 8ap't, ' Wilmin-tjn. N. C. WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. I 36 Broadway, New York. sept 22 I COMMERCIAL HOTEL, i WILMINGTON, N. C. r- A- 0CHTJXTX, Prop.i fTlHE COMMERCIAL, formerly the "EM PIRE H0U8E",havinfcteen thoroughly r3n- orated and refitted ia now one of the leading ... i first-class Hotels the city. The table ia supplied with the best our home and north ern markets affords. Board per Day $2 and $2-50 ! Large Sample Rooms for the Com mercial trade. , i A First-Class Bar and Billiard Hall of the city at the aboveJ rates, or connected with this Hotel. FREE LUNCH daily froa 11 A. M. to 12.30 P. M. iulr 19- are being ar- l.tV.'dlLclv Tif- frrcnacfirtr sjadow of (irRnt i what is giviug S-ub-'tc-. t,. the fH campuiKns North Ri'il '?.r RI'il It truij ... 1 . .1 i. j - "o uuuer toai iu "C ttr.,t Coiiklip "iccu.... d ai barat tli-t that f 'g to hat d-cmely Ka; and it 16 ty r ell hoot s to o ejiDcr. a a C tl H piVic;i r ti:e coming Gram, 'iif u hrru "nsgers are ehaping .Xrar's catnp.rgDd in the a , ti - -c-, n.a wtmt tney are ith .e er, tee toy cur State may atce RS f"ir mcde: fur J frLdrCtui INDf V UNDENT. i ti e lioubl Ciiu lor the Sont ii..'. . w 'P.. ill;' 1 t l wj niiu. a. kj iuti i " lJnt of iusnbordination cikI 1, er"nc r"llk-. tht Rpubli. hoLorv . - moLeJ ud behtOW i"J LVlSitin:. . .r.n Hie. w..y.. 1 Htiul the in bin political , lADQ 1t I A Hi A ( . r t h I i eii.,.,?.HLuLO nomination for riu " luey can induce Viui Lots r, .... dh, , . uutvcr dpt Jual. a,d whattver UUl, p-t. pro- Go v - iflaet tiaT V an indace a PopnJ" "d cllaA democrat to take the field of Abbeville, for have, among others CONGRESSIONAL! It is the determination of the Re publican congressional committee to secure a majority of the next delega tion from North Carolina, mating srrAiaht-out nominations whenever prudent to do eo, and swinging me, in dependent boom where it wnij do me most cood. In the first district, ex- Judge Wm A Moore ia thought to be j invincible : Col ' Thomas .rowers, late Shermanized collector, or Col Lott J Humphrey, in the 6econd; the present j incumbent, Hon D L Russell, in the third, Dr Grizzom, of the State i Asy lum, in the fourth ; James Boyd, or a strong Democratic independent in the fifth ; Judge Bynum' aa an independ ent in the sixth Judge Furches, if there is not a Bobbins and Armfield bolt productive of an independent, in the seventh, and possibly an independ ent in tne eighth, if hot blood can be raised up there among tjhe Democrats. The Grant party' has recently captured a strong Democratic organ at Ashevile and caused it tcj run up thejensign of true colors. 1 J THE NORTH CAROLINA DEM CUACT. Representative I Democrats from your State in consultation with thsif national leaders at the capital repre; sent things as exceedingly hbpeful, but tbey all prayj a safe1 deliverance 1 rom Tilden. Injthe event! of Grant, and especially j with Tilden, the more Vjautious are not assured! of succpsS in your Slate without a struggle. In re eard to the first and third districts, t evt ren)tov uneu nein the i C3 of unf jrtuuate uivisions in both) in the first, the rivalry berween Yentes and a man na jaed Latham, a brotl e in-law of our present Uot rnor, is said to be f r.al if pressed! to issue. In the thi d Waddell, thei od member, and one ytedm&p, haye raised a dead ly feud. But an amioablel arrange ment Jseemsj projbable there, in the nomination of Judge McKay, upon whem everybody can unite, tbut it is not so easy to composo the v troubles in the first district. The name or uoi Billy Martin baa been proposed . as compromise, but he is lath to enter a rl it is nott certain that even he cou'd command an undivided support. Gov Jarvis,! if he (would ao npntth nomination' could sweep the field, but it is not known if he would re linouish his hold neon the gove nor- ship, which nomiuatidn he appears at present to command. ;! it is, noweyer, the intention of the party managers to induce him to take theloongressipnal nomination, if at a sacrifice, beyond nil question. In the four,tb district uen- eral Cox is eaid to tnejprooapie nomi nee ; Scale?, present member in the fifth ; Col Hani Jones, (of --Charlotte, tbeeixth; Armfield or Rcibbihs in the seventh, and James L Soninsoo; pro- bahle. in the e-ehthJ Gen Itoci vaiice. present representative1 wi'l be aeked 'o tase the soooua piaee ou lue oww ticket, witr a view to make It, Istror and ii vincible iu all portiouf of North Carolina, ai d because his s; ction , euiht ed in the extension ot the 5iate rUilroad, and his prtseDce abnt.the Legislature, and his vigilant and. working qualities on the IiLe are deemed essential to the suc cessful progress of the undertaking. Should Jarvis retire fron the guUrnatori al field lo save his district in Congress, Judge Fowle would undoubtedly receive the Democratic nomination for Governor, and being a singularly able man, and a NAtional Union man withal, he would give the Grant stalwarts all I they could 13 cents per week. Hale's Weekly.1 v TUESDAY, the 7th day of October, V7 1879, and in the City of Raleifco, the undersigned will commence the publication of B '.E'8 WEFKLY, a North Carolina Demouiatic xsewspapr. Ihese four words convey all tha a column nf Prntof etna oonld tell: the cood of the The DAILY REVIEW is now in the State; the success of the Parj y which is the life of the State and the c- nnry ; the pub lication of all the news ; these the objects proposed. That he can do the last and cop. tribute to the first and second, the subscriber does not affect 'O doubt. Ihe People hare set their seal of approval upon his past and he does not doubt the future. Hale's Wbbklt will be printed from new and beautiful type and on fair white paper. manATitlv PHfAblishfid. with a larce The price will ba $1 per annum. No name J will eo upon its mail books without payment and no paper will be sent a-ter expiration of the time paid fur. r. m. a aiiis. Ralaiirh. Sent 15. 1879. seDt 16-tf . - m 1 " P K and steadily increasing suDscnp fourth year of its existence, is per- NEW PI AMIS $125 tion list, and presents to merchants 1 Each and all styles, Including Grand Square and Upright, all strictly, first-class, soia ai th InvMt .kit r.xan WHOLK8ALH FACTORY and Others a most desirable medi- prices, direct to the purchaser. These PianoF maae one oi tne nnesi uiopiajo at mo vou- tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re commended for the Hishkst , Honors over 12,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory estaonsned over at rears. ThetSauare liranas contain aiaiuu- shek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement in ine niBiory o; Piano making, i The Uprights are ine nnesi in America, rianos sent on inai. won i fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive catalogue of ! 48 pages mailed free. MENDELSSOHN P1AJNU CU., apl7-6n , 21 East 15th street, NY kim for advertising. THE WILMINGTON JOURNAL; JOSH X. JAJMBS, '' i i EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. I 'I . i l' ' I ' I Is published EVERY FRIDAY, j I At the following rates : Headquarters for Ale Lager Beer and Porter. H-1VIAB.CU3 dt CON'S, i No. 6 Market Street I - JAN FURNISH YOU Willi iul DMA Ale, Lager Beer and Porter, both keg and bottled, in the city . 1 Country order promptly attended ta rxixoxiG. The following quotations repreeent rholeaale prices generally. In making ! price nave to l y.... r v kmmm m'w I a r 'A"..... f 10 the mail oraert nigne- price have to be charged. Double Ancbor.i........ I 11 O Double Anchof' A ....... f 10H standard Dumeetie BACON North Carolina, nams.w D Shoulders, lb Hides, ' W m-.. Western Smoked Hams. ., Bides, B..1.... snouidera. Dry Salted- Sides, y D...L....... Shoulders, y lb... BEEF Live weiirht.. IA RRELS SpiriU Turpentine second Hand, each. 1 New York,each, new 1 BEESWAX V WRICKS Wilmington, 8 Northern j.. BOTTEJt North Carolina lb Northern, lb.... CANDLES Sperm lb . Tallow, lb Adamantine, V set. OHEESii j Northern Factory, Tts ... Dairy cream, V ft.... ...... State, fb...L COFFEE Jawa, fb Kio, lb... f .si or ii v tt fs CORN MEAL bwhel... COTTON TIES- V bdl. .. DOMESTIC i Sheeting, 4-4 yard..... Ysrn, y bunch FISH Maokerel, No. 1, bbl....l6 00 No. 1, y 4 bbl 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl.... 12 60 No. J, i bbl 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3 ? bbl.... .00 00 2 0 60 7 00 00 oe 00 00 60 io e ii b 6 10 o IS 26 0 1 60 75 Q 1 85 20 0 21 00 10 00 00 0U Of 15 20 16 0 25 25 40 11 Vi 9 Q 11 8 19 UX& ia 7 9 8 28 30 12 UX IS 20 70 75 6b 2 10 O 7 96 Bail Road Liros. &c WILMINGTON a WELDCN I ii' RAILROAD COMPAiry.' ii Mullets, y bbl N. C. Herring, keg 5 Drr Cod. Hi fc FLOUR Fine, V bbl Super, Northern, "V bbl... Extra do " i bbl... FamUv bbl... City MillEx,.8uper ? bbl... 7 " Family bbl... 7 " Ex. Family VbW... 8 00 ERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, V 2000 lbs. 6C 00 Baugh's Phosphate " 00 00 Carolina Fertiliser! " 45 00 Ground Done, " " 00 00 Bone Meal ' 00 00 " Flour ' " " 00 00 Navassa Guano, " " 35 00 Complete Manure , " " 00 00 Whann's Phosphate " 00 00 Wando Phosphate, " " 00 00 BergerABrnta'sRos." " 00 00 Wiloox, Gibb A Co., ma nipulated Guano 48 00 GLUE fi 8 GRAIN Corn,store,V 66Ss 65 Corn, cargo, f 56 lbs 66 Corn,yel., V bushel. None. Oats, V bushel 46 Peas, cow, y bushel 55 HIDES Green, V JO 4 Dry, fl) ,. 9 HAY Eastern, ? 100 lbs... 1 00 North River, 100 lbs.... 1 00 HOOP IRON V. ton. ...... 60 00 20 00 9 00 00 00 6 60 8 5C . 60 6 00 0 4 00 6 00 6 00 8 00 7 25 7 75 8 25 Omn or Gsjc'l McrsaiiiTKHDaT WiiiAiajctoaJ N. C, June li. 9 T. i i CHANGE OF SCTJEDULF. On and after Sunday, June 15th, IF79, Passenger trains oa the Wilmington a AcL doa Railroad will run as follows : I ... DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, ds :v. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot , , u j ioa Jl Arrive at Wel don at. Viol M Leave Weldon... j.:.... s 3? 'p v Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. I uepot at. . 9 63 p 24 NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS T!tt A tSu l I DAILY. ', 1 1 Leave Wilmington, Front St.' Depot at. .. Arrive at Weldon at. Leave Weldon, Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at................... Trains on Tarboro Branch vtam.a Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 6.00 P M and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturt y at 4 ivsi a -mar r a. m. neiurning, leave laropro at louu A M daily, and Mondav. Wednaadav ul Friday at 8:30 P Mi i i The Day Train makes elose connection a t Weldon for all polnu North via Bav Like daily, (except 8unday) and daily, via Kich-I mond and all rail route . 1 Nirht train makes elose eonnectinns at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains. frirrar -n -v w v? mv n M I .1 nn r. uivme., uenerai obdu , june n ;M 00 00 00 00 61 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 40 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 67 50 10 67 60 65 11 90 LARD Northern ft). 7 North Carolina y lb....... LIME TO bbl.. LUMBER City steam sa'wd Ship stuff, resawed, Tp M ft. 18 00 Rough edge plank. V M ft. 16 00 West India cargo, accord- i ing to quality, y to ft...li 00 Dressed nooring,seasoned.l5 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, y M ft...;...... 12 00 MOLASSES Cuba.hhd el 32 Cuba, bbls., V gal........... 8agar(bouse,hhdi. gal. " - 1 bbls. V aral... Orleans Choice bbls. & gal. O 1 10 65 00 9X i8K 12X 00 20 00 18 00 14 00 25 00 NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,k'g PILS Kerosene, gal Lard, y gal Linleed, y eal.... ............ Rosin, I?7 gal. PEANIJTS V busheL POTATOES -Sweet, V bus. Irish, Northern, V bbl PORK Northern, city mess.10 00 Thin, bbl ,. 00 00 Prime, y bbl (extra) ..10 60 Rump, V bbl 00 00 35 18 20 35 60 13 10 00 12 90 00 00 14 I 3 1 1 1 00 7 00 00 lk VA One Year. Six Months. .... ... 1 00 Three ' Months.. J..L 50i The Wilmisgto ' Journal circu lates largely in the adjoining coun Femafe School, MISSES BURR A JAMES, Principals. Mas. M. 8. CUSHI'NG, Instructress in Vo cal and Instrumental Mcsic. .. OU J 0f frig gcnooi will commence 1 on Mon dav, Oct- 6th, 1S79, and close during the last wees in June 1880. The course oi instruction is soiid and thorough, and the utmost care wUl be tak a, as heretofore, to avoid every- - r1 i - a.: tnvng pertaining to a euperncimi eauciuon. Young children carefully and judiciously trained, by means of object lessons and Kin derararten oecHnation. in cotjonction with the beet text book instruction. Fr e hand drawing taught without extra For further particulars see circulars at tne different Book Stores in Ue city, or enquire of Piincipals ' ' A limited number of pupils can be aeoommodated wirh board. i ties as well as in the Western por- a WEEK m vour own lV f5V town, and no cai iul risk V LipA. You can give the bu siness a trial without expense, me dcsi opportunity ever offered for those willing to work. Yn ahnnld trv nothi. e else until tion of the State and presents un- you see tor yourself what you can do at the uuBiyess we oner, no twin equalled facilities to merchants for making known what they hare for sale. here You can devote all your time or ony your spare time to the business, and make exeat nav pvpfv hour that vou wOrki Women nuV u ranch as men. Send for special nrivatn tpmw and Darticulars,which we mail free. $5 Outfit free. Don't com plain of hard times while yon have such a chance. Address EL. HALL all Portland, Maine june 7-dw. r 12. 13K 70 80 75 75 9tt 10 RICE Carolina, V & East India, fi Rough, V busheL 1 BAGS Country, y X2 City, y,m ROPE. Hemp...... Manilla SALT Alum, 9 sack Liverpool, y sack. American y sack Marshal's fine, V sack...... Cadis 13 sack SUGAR Cuba, fi Porto Rico, y tb A- Coffee, fi .1 B-t " 2) C- " ? 2... Ex C Crushed ft) b'OAP Northern, ft...... I 5 8HINGLES-Contract, V J B 00 Common, W M '. 1 50 BTAVEii W. O. bbl. M.10 00 S O hhd. V E. : 00 CO TALLOW V lb... : 8 TIMBER Shipping M ...10 00 Miii, extra per M b ou Mill, prime per M.... 7 00 Mill, fair per M 5 00 Common, per M...1. 4 00 Inferior to Ordinary.per M 3 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 25 North Caroina, per eal ... 1 60 WOOL Unwashed, per lb... 20 Washed. xer O ............ 26 Burrv wool, per ft) 16 45 3 50 1 45 1 10 20 1 25 60 3 60 10 50 00 00 II 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 IX IK 00 00 80 1 35 00 10 00 9 8& 7 11 7 00 2 25 15 00 00 00 00 12 00 10 75 8 00 6 50 4 60 4 00 3 60 2 26 22 28 Q 17 8 40 I 'M 1 3 60 A M I 3 13 A M, 8 45 A M leave dai.t mm Cen'ISup'ts Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA ANTj ' AU GU8TA RAILROAD CO. Wilmington, N. C, June 13, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, ! I On and after Sunday, June 15. the bl owing schedule will be run on this road: i lit DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL' TRAIN, daily Leave Wilmington 9 05 A i r arrive Florence..1 1 25 P M Leave Florence...... ' 3 60 P M Arrive at Wilmington '.. 8 iO P j NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily)., Leave Wilmlnirton.. ....T........ 10 13 P M Leave Florence.. 2 6) A M Arrive at Columbia.... 9 00 A M Leave Columbia. M 6 10 A ,:M Leave Florence ;.J... 2 66 A M Arrive at Wilmington. 6 50 AIM This Train stors only at Flemineton, Whiteville, Fair Blui, and Marion. I . 1 'I. : Passengers for Ausnuta (via Columbia), should take Night Express Train from mington. 1 i ' . ."I Thrmfl-h HlnlTi(y P&ra nn nitrh I tralr si lor Charleston and AuirHsta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Supt. june 13 ! ! . CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO Orrioa Gihskal ScraaiitnifnasT, Wilmington, N. 0., May 18, 1879 (Change of Schedule 179. J, ON AND AFTER THf8date, thf -vi ing Schedule will be operated on tl 's Railway : ... I I I " ! ' "r Passenger, Mail and Express Train. Leave Wilmington at.... 7:0 P M Arrive at Hamlet at 2:7 A M " at Charlotte at..,. 1 1-:20 A M Leave Charlotte at.....J.M8:25 P to, Arrive at Hamlet at. 1:31 A id " at Wilmington at 9:50 A M j Close connection made at Hamlet with trains of Raleigh A Augusta Air I Line Rail way. Shelby Division Mail, Freight A Passenger and 'Express. I I n w o Leave Charlotte... ....8:4J A M ao "Arrive at 8helby....,..L.12:33 P M Leave Shelby...... L 1:15 P M Arrive at Charlotte....!.... 6:06 P M T. W.I wOHNSON, i may 17 General SuDerintendenL' ! t CEBITS lip No.10, JUST OPENED A NEW AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS1 Of various kinds and styles and descriptiocs at the : ( j . Boston 5 and 10 Gents . ' ' .'.Store. ' i' A Sure Cure for Files. A SURE CLRi! for the biiDd, bleeding, itching and ulcerated piles has been dis covered by Dr. William (an Indian remedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst old chronic cases of twenty-hveand thirty years standing No one ve d auiJer five minutes after apply ing this wonderful ' soothing medicine. , Lo tions, m-truments ana fiectuanee ao more barm than god. William's Ointment ab sorbs thv tumors, allajs the intense ltchicg ( particula. ly at night after getting warm in bed), acts as a poultice, gives- instant and painless relief, and is prrpared only fur Piles, itching of the private part and nothing else .1 ' l' I I cons bed pbjsiciarg in Philadel phia, Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and this citj , atd epeut buudreds of dollars, and found no re if until 1 obtained a. box of Dr. William's Indian Ointment pme four montlu ago, and it Lao cu.e4 me completely." Joseph M. K y per, Cleveland, 0 good than all the mdi I ave rpent more thax medicines 1 am Ingraham, IP Has lone Tie more cite I ever tried ai.d f 100 with doctors, besides cure cost me more than $10. i Davio Sparliss, Have suffered twentv veais with itchier and ulcerated piles, having used every reme dy that case to my notice without benefit until I used Indian Ointment aLd receiver immediate relief. I , Jams Carrol, (an old mi er) 1 I Tecoma,Nev. N Pile Remedy ever gained such rapid favor and extensive sale. Hold by aL wholesale and retail druggists. For sale; by J. C. Munds ana T. s.urbanx. inch 20 aow-d&v NEW GOOD S j' RECEIVED EVERY TWO DAT8 I ' -I 1 111 ,i For., the purpose of keeping the stock re i plenisbed and thoroughly tip to the mirk. No Such Variety ; ' AT SUCH PRICES I I I has ever before been offered in Wilmirgton. CALL AT ONCE ANDMAKE YOUR SELECTIONS And get wonderful bargains I at the. .. i ! Boston 5 and 10 Cents : , ! - I ! ; Store. i 4i If. Front Street. aqgW' j j j Steamer Passu or t,1 QAPT. J. W. HAEPEB, 1 WUl make Dally Tripe, ( Sundays excepted) .. To SMiTHYILLE and Return. I Leave Wharf at 90 A. M. sept 23 GEO: MTER3, AgerL.

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