d. at Mem- ! i lit n J the ioard ol iiealtu from prevuLfc the briugmg cf fce.d cotton into Mm hi -Co. Willie Smith, a distin guished Peruvian artillery officer, dud August Slat. The loss i. a severe one to the country.. -The Bbop ol Nicaragua, Manuel U' oa T U, died at L.eon, August a7.h, cf ..ear? di -ease Arrangements ure pi-naie-e-. ; Tendon for a niai-4 in etiug a! tTi.. P.rV Satnrdav. to d'J nt trriive erin. to U UlCDvu B coverumeut'b reckless incapacity, bul To demand ad immwl appeal to the coartrv. I" convmuou, yettetday, the Democrat, of Pui adeiphia n-mi-Timed for Ciiy Treasurer, I Davn Sig' fur 1. Willi. Tlio. GrSeib-nk; for Sheriff, &e tauft. The Vhdx Commute ah tus tmed the nomination.. A nuui ber of the principal bat keepers of K.chmond. Va. hav-i bu indicted lu the Huntings Oonit for uelliog liquor on Sunday. Toe I' ri a u a r ' ' w nur tb. d-uoULC. th they declare has reduced the price ci rw material at! Liverpool. Tbe workmen at Corsett.ij.rr w, Stock-on md l.ar..e Pol strnrk aas the award of 31r Dale, tie aroiiraur u ,,,r! .... r-- m the Aorui-i- t-aviiii: d-'vleJ jivi;0 Hi 1 a toe ir n tri Je. tie wage? of tcne pcciil c'asp?e ol upe-ativ. s h hi re 1 1 c!'jcea VI h :--r -Tit v. i i i.-i fid i'fi. s Mass. who signed ao um - . eume work, yetrdy defaulted. Uu ion ilII ienc- ih huspectcd Ihe re ports from Vienna ure lull of r p;e TeutatiotH ot theKod feeling txibg between the German uli Au-tro liua garian empires -The under Uniing Ltwt en France a:.d iu -g-nd on. tue Greek and 13gjpii-u qacwua ib u W be perfect. Che aJvunc-1 de tachment of the Russian tip d it ion against the Tekke Tarcom ins L ib suf fered a t-evtre defeat at tour liu-a.-. The Cuban planter are,, ap;;t aiig to Spain for prompt action ou tue slavery question. A bauquefc d signed to aid the cause of tu project ed Frauoo-Ara-ricau treaty was given at Paris on Tuesday. the llaulan Courtney raci Uaa -been postpuina unt.l Ojiobe'r 1G the Uon J War reu Wood ward, Justice of tue Supreme Court of PenuHlvabia, ui-d in Uauj deu, N Y, hUcou itry aai, n Tues day evening. liie a''0'iai orn lngmen's party of Atiw i' k, hi , special nieetingln C4raud Central Huii,' Tuesday eveuing, sen; uu addr:3s3 to Tenia Kearney oougrhtulatiug him ol his approaching visit to that, city, and ripre88ing their b Hei in hs political principles. The Dela ware, Li-ick;i wanna & Vcsttru Kaiiroal Couipuy soid one huudred tons of fcJjrau on coal at auction yet terdaj. vJoutraey to t-xptctatiou, the prices were a trifle 'lower-ttau at Ja i mon tli's sale, Oue hundred and fifty colored emigrauts,fromNaanv:iie, ii Vd arrive 1 it 3z Loui, eu route to Kansas. . Tkey claifn to be bona lida cuiigrants, able to pay t'fieir-way and to take up iui,d oj reaching thiir des tinatiou " The business houses of Devlin & Co, druggists, Mortimer fc Sons, uuibrella makers, and Young A: Andersou, wholesale warehousemen, at Bdfast, Me, wero ourned yesterday involving, a loss of $130,000. Alid dletcn, Answorth & Co.manufacturers, U7 Cnep.vi le, L 'Lulou, E C. have failed. Their liabilities ure 40,000. "It rront, the champion bicyclist oi France, and ,the Engiiaamen, Keen, atauloa and' Cai:n, Uave sigut d ar tioles to procecrt to Am r;oa on the 30:a mst. Ir is cxp eted that Waller, the loi g distance chem pion of li.nglacd, will also come. The State Prohibition Convention met ac lijat'.m yesttrday a-ad n.imenated K;'v Dauiel C Cddy, oi Hyde Prk, for Gjv ernor, and '1'iuiothy K Erl ior Lieu.en ant Governor. Tho Committee of Fifteen ?ired by thj Syracuse ru-tkc-speare lUil Convention lias estatiifued i.8 lua(!qianers at .ibe &t. Kiobjlac Hotel. '1 he Cjmuiittee will dirtct a thorough Siate organiz tioa of trie Dun oracy fav rabe to tbe election ui" lis ticket, headed by John Kelly I r- (.i .-ver nor, and Wtili lcs'iean ad I rot iext week. Feist," Frank iSf Co, wLo!eaie icukr v.i ban tranci.-co, have tailed jLi-ilniitie 3 000.000. A dispateli 'troni love; to the I'reso As -oe-iatioo sij s it is ru:n'red that the cxiui6iu'i bieambc-at UiiOtuii.eJ, from il lii.f ite toi. l'o of V'.j;l.t, has been tuu down, and all on board, uo.;r Negoii t i-ue net -veen Germany and the Ya.it.au L.e recomuieuccd on a new hK.uuj,'. 'ibe Papal Nuncio at Vi.-Lna has been auibu'.iz-d to submit more p.i&iiive aud pretiuah plans Duri:-g tne pafet teu days four hr-s uavo iceurei at Astrakhan, Russia. Oe staraer, with twtlve barges ioadtd witn napntna, wa. burned on the river Volga, aud a naph' na fraiu was burned jfsleruav. Nitit ne caress and six deaths reported in lempbis yesterday. It is announced f;oiu Prague that the Bohemian Deputies have resolved to take their seuts in tte Austrian Keichsrath. The Courss ul Auu ric uists opened at lirusseh Tu dy. 'I he King of Brlt:iuai and Pijr.oent Blaaco, cf Venezuela, were pr-euj. Several countries were represented. 'ine V.ceroy of Iudia announces the irn yal ol tue Ameer's represeut kiiv'ea i U Kbeyl. The Standard's Ali-Kuej i eur respondent reports that large uun.--.--r-? of natives are assembling in ihe vici.tuy o: the British camp in bUutar-Liar.l to I'. 6 -Reports are current in Cairo,' ..d are g 'Ueraliy credited, ttiat the Ka u. ; L. asked the Porte to send Uo is io Massowah to threatea tiij A'ovs siaian army, and ' that the Porte lias consented . to do s. JJdrs Mattie Potts, the pe-JestrM i wi. tramied t New Crleans, h is ;:ot ; i r s Uiehmid on her rt turn home. i'te B itis i Coverutneutseriousiy co.iteaip' r.e uium'Hiiu-Pa-iiamcui early m .ijvi''- lr NT i fi:;itP Clll(:l UslOLl 11 t-t-i leached, luuJ Q3S not jet bee t . ;,xt lug ot the Cabinet, but the pr b Sj-.iiies are strongly in favor of the . ..ember session. Notres of a riv J tr tent reduction m ilia wages of the c it-u opera lives at Crfui, atfectin from .U00 to 10 -t) MJ prs . expired tsttrday. ine tpats tuu of a sirike or itie accr.pt iuce ct ine proposv-d reduction has rcu referred to the pare-; uuioa at Mai.chester, and vork will be i'ispended until the decision 5s made known. The mill owners O'-dh express satisfaction at the resu t Junnj; the fi-vivii i I. r e ,j I'rince Nuncio rent. irjs'eal I lo er t c i-nel by 'be mao'ers. ,. v jiij iron market is acti ve er tiian at any im i .i rr. - ei'Uteen rrj"Dtns. iiv . 1 are n 2 alriot I 8'.- v-rkrs froih Bism ifck has leiv oue Afneric 1. vi si led the! tc Papal Hn jV'.i' nna. j ife ojinnuiu n t..jn despatch states ihat neotilatiot.s Del ween Germany and: th tican have recora n.enced btt a new footiM. Mgr Jacbii:', the I'apaL Nuncio at ( Vienna, haa ' beei. authorized tP submit r -re positive ani jractical! plans -Mr G e et, a New York millionaire,! di(d on Monday ev tiirn? and his br ler Mr Pcer Goelet. is dan1 gerous'y fci. k Miss Mary K Bussing, the eliest dakighter f K S Bussiu?, i Brooklyn, wasi u i cA er and killed, by a 'rain nekr 'Knglewood on Monday!. Dii.iel I)rev was buried oa Tut-bdy. . In the pel str'au t..i.intmfiit in New York' Uovl4!, who's- w 11 ahead, tuiueci his 300: hi I rhi-e ai 9:4 4. last n'ght. mriy and i tiru -Hungary-23 -A Reuter di- licrinun pa ch.fr-. m Viennu ay the conferei ce o -tween PriiiCi B.: mar.'k and Cjudi Andrassy hns rebulted id an agreement i. at the German and Austrian inter ests in all per. ding European q iestione are ldeAlioU- ai.d tnat thecoa.tion of Euiope is Inch as will leave no doubt mat the two 'm pi rep Will be aeie to assert loos - inter;ests praoeab'y. ( Tu.e corres pondent of the Times 6uy that tuo fiaiure audi aim of the sup posed (negotiations aie still 'unocriam He, howejr, thinks there cau bo no doubt that the expres-siops of certain Russian -'ewtpupers about . the ocpu p.ttio of Bo-uia ind 'tferz-goMn-nave contributed in a high degree j Ormg at-out a jcous'ilii-ition of ;h in- teic-Ls oi my wnoie group ol Vjr -rm.tL: l uklng peoples Ui prooeudibg !U whici is Vldnua. Ueil Vcd to rue Paris correspondent of the Ttmfcs ouytj that oa both of the mam ootnts whiOh indue d the interview! rtjtv7tea th -durquis of Sali-bu.y nd: M V.;ddipgton, nam jy, the Gieek jl .d Egyp!t:au qef-tiot.s, tbe nude'r at sliding between tbe two powers is complete. As lo tbe 'p aus attributed to Austria, Gerniany Lod Ru-sia, it id naturajdy held ttiiit liiit'i'v Fiauo-j nor E'iglaud jas!tjo pay much al'.texjtiou to Lhem. Copa' Anirassy in all proba bility Wi retire f rem hiB present office only to oecome tue tui'rd g,eat Chan cellor m Europe, while Birou Hay merle w'iii hli J n Aii tria the specialist roio lied in G-rriiauy by Count von Uiilov?. -Prir-Od -Rismareb, after tiie Berlin Coag ess, nadj t4o Ca-tLce'lo. caodidates iu view. If he h?s nor .-uecefdfd W R'l-sia, where1 Prince GortbOU'ikofj's age prot-. cts him from any change, he will at least succeed in Auetriaand, C sjuit Hhoufallolf is stili young enough) to wait his turn pa tiutly. There is no reason' why tue lutiire Ahstriiij Chancellor eiiould have a diile'reut policy from that which he hag had as sMmisier of ; Foreign a! fa'irs. : . 1 1 ' I The Standard's Yihnn cjrrespon deut'has .A-ajson' to believe that Count Audr--y iik's received I the a-siirance of English -ympatby with the nnder--ra ding arav.rd.at with Germany. L'he .E'nperor Francis Joseph, 'u an aadieucc g'veu j Prince Bismarck, said Bitrori ' vou H ijmer'Ie would kaniuttac iri-'jd'y relation with Get many. 1 VienxA, Sj. pt. "23-p-Prihco Bismarck and Couut Aiudrassy hiave m aeanar rusg -ment cdri.jertiingjtheir respective L,iLi reg-jatijuua atiu means of com-mun-uation between Austria .and Ger oi!riy. Priiioo Bismarck has visited f i:ie Papal) ouucio io this cdy. CAROLINA. Capl P: grani be resigned the com maud of the Hornet's Neet Riflemen and "Mr Harrison Watts has been tlect ed to the vacancy . ! Dirham Ji ecorder : Mr EJ Parrish sent to f he recent ('inninnati Exposition a tierce ol tine bright yellow tobacco; and we arejp'easd t'i hear that it received 'tie award 01 superiority over all com- petiti u j llla'.eigh Observer : The Forsyth people have rsi.ed that a rand Sunday m h h)I r-'inion of aM the scholars and teachers of the vari- us schools in the county be heid in tb public square in S.pem on Wtdnesday, Ceptember 8, 1879 jDu'-bam JiecordPr: , On SuLday light a barn ol Mr Le. Howard, five miles North of Darham, was burnrd, with its contents, consisting of about -ix hundred sticks of tobacco, entail ing a probable loss of about $300. Newbein Democrat . ' Our market :s now bo weh supplied with sweet po tatoes as almost to be .called glutted ; b at load after boat load is arriving, not daily, but almost hourly. They, as a general thiDg, are large, smooth ud fair, and sell at really below mod erate figures. , 1 j Ra'eigh ICeivs: Step'uen Bell, en ?a el ' n Wulis Averad plat tation, in dohustoo. couuty, the old 'Northrop Beli' plao.i, commenced poking cottpn on Monday, September 8tb,"and this is tne r 8 iH of his work fortnight cn he cu live dfivs, excluding Sunday: 130, 250. 35 , 375, 31. 65, 321, 190; total 1,735 pounds. The cotton gave out n tue days the emalles picking was donv-T qr the aggregcit-i would have footed to a good round amount. 1 1 Raltigh Observer; A n-gro.whv died reccutlv.-ai Oxfo.d, N C, was fa mous for bi.3 gr-at "ttreogfh. Ih could lift a barrel containing thirty t forty g ilio.is. and drisik from the.buD: could tiirw an ordiaary anvil twentj-:.iv-.-. y aus, and could pull, four met wi'b a handspike at oue time. He lco killed a deer with a rock, over took atjd dispatched a bear with ei' tix ,' ami c nght and hamstrung a feio i "us bull. I H '-'n3s lifted a mortgftge 11 ai- taa-te 6 fa'm, too, as long a you will have ir. 1 . I Chir'.otte Observer: Actors, it seems. are noiessaftl cteO with even theoldsupei-.-UtioiiS than tne rest of mankind. Mr Edward Kendf1, the handsome Uapt Cor coran iu the last Piuafjre, preeuted bv U.e Tenipietion S'.ar Ailiauce.'wrote back to the proprietor of the Central Hotel for three c!d horse shors that he had mat. aed to pick up while here. He doesn't feel safe withojit them. Old hors? shoes, or parts of the same, it must "be leruem her (I, ketp oil" the witches of bad luck when kept about one's perou or place ol business. Some engineers. that eoti.e ii.:t this piace won it run without ono ot more neiu hiiog about the engine, an i a prin ter, why .he would be sure to pie a a'ley il nis rus:y hjrseshoe is not somcwneit about the cas. But a terrible fate seems to await Mr Kendel. His broken hprse shoes could I not be found , The iXeVf iaiiiinj -South ' 1 1 THE BEST AD HA?iDSGM!S7 PAPER IN AMERICA. I !-'!.' 1 I I T ic r-iaans' Advance !n Cen ral Asia. St..' PETEi'iiCtUr, Sep ' 23 Gen LmikiuJ jcoipi .'i . A 1: n the Kussiau'- ex pedition in (jenral Asia, telegraphs that the adv inced detachme;ut of the expedi tion agiicst the Tikke-TurcomaDs passed tne ivopet-uagu 3011 the 4 n inst. At Bashi ana jBeurnja no Turc .mans wtre encountered1, and only, fifty kibrka remaineti Lt 'Artcbmauf the rest of tbe jv.pulatna paviug decatmped. The Rus sian vanguard p.issed) the night of be 6(h mst. at Gurlim, thq maiu biy reruainiog t Artchmau. It is rumored that the Tekkes are asembn at Geek Tepe to resist the advance of ttie experliuon. The health of the trtHips is satisfactory. Thre Viceroy of Iudia confirms the re port that the Russian advanced column oi :he expeditijon ib Central Asia baa been defeated byj the Turcomans at Geok ieie, with a loss of jf 700 killed. 1 . hi i p . - , Slavef) in Cuba- I -'il 1 1 1 Madeid, September 23 The Govern meet Uas received! a memorial from tbt Cuban slaveholders, asking f,ra pronip: solution. of yhe slavej-'y' question. 'I' be memorial sa p that j unlets steps are speedily taktjn by the authorities the planters must themselves set the s arw tree to prevent! their property frcm tping burnei Tne jG vernrcet his reiilieti expressing the hope that the piuata-1 ,0 -ee Our Club the Captaiii -General spirit of patri(:is'u wi!l acti in1 c nj ;ncti of Cuoa uad in a iSe'nd for it at Cnce- I Rates. 1 j T-UE "SUNNY SOUTH" is nw tne mod--1 weekly of the age. It comes oat iu an in tire new dre-sad B6W tnake-up! generally and is verfiowi ig wita the richest and ?pi jiest matter cf the day beens, Kssays stories, ews of the Week, Wit and Humor. Kemale Go sip, JJouaestic M it'eis, b tte roai alt Secti np, Notes of Travel, i vzz es, Ohees, Problems', Mariiagei?, I'eaths, LI -itith Xotrs, Personals, dtage Notes, Movem-ut.'iL SoutLern docity, Fashion ioteswitb PiaU.e. Answers to tr respondents, Hi graphie3 w id Portraits of diBtioguLhed men and women, Hna.orous Enraviagi, peiniarion&l Cip pins, O'-rrespoLideMs Columr, Local Mat ters, Kailroid tuide, aoc forcible editeriale upon all sabj-cts. Is it possible to n?kea pap?r more complete ? Get a copy and ex amine it. It now circulates iu alt the iStdte? aud Te-ritorij in Knglaud, I reltnJ, Cana da, Australli, H zil, a&d tbelnditn Nation It' is rea ly an hon r to the 8oath and our people are proad -f and (every Oi.e should take it immediately 1 The p-ice is oiiij $2.50 a year. TVe will ?end the 'unry douth" aod the Daily Kevikw oce vear for $6, or, we wil. seiid the "dunnj South" and tha VTilminqton Jocra k At, one year for $3.50. 1 The "'Sunny South" and "Boys ad r?irl of the uth" will be furnished one year for jo cn - 1 1 ?e . 4j.uv, uu large anu 40jfniDcent pictur thrown in. Aodresi this office, t?r J. H. W. B . may 17 AtlaDta. Ga Superior Court, New Hano- L ver County. 1 ! . . Charles D. Hill, Charles R. Skir.nar and Charles Watiiaa, vs. Wilmihxtuu District. Methodist E. Church, Sou h. Fourth Hound of Quarterly Meetings, 1S70. j Pruuswick....U Srpt 27 28 Wilmington at I Ftftb Street. ...Ot;t 4 bm'thville btationu Wilmington at Prop Topsail. Ooslow. Oct 7- 8 ' S',tiet..L:.Oct'll-12 Oct 18 19 Oct 2;i ri Duplin at WedevlCiiai. .. .Nov 1- 9 ,rso o z. Cob o Miss ..t .Is ev Chnei.T.iv 11 1.: Cokesbury atMBuhel .4.N ..i-lj ( L. S. ButtK.ukii, ' 1 i Presiding "Zlder . . 1 - , - .- Farmviile Insurance and Banking Comoaoy. To Farmviile Insurance and Banking I CoraDany Take Notice. 'T'HAT AN ACTIO V h8 been intitued J I above for tbe recovery of even Quc 1rd Dn)lrs. with linwe-t t er on frora Jnity let, 187, due the PUintirla its As-ignee ol I j. R. Moore, that a Warrant of At'ach-m-1 was takn out ai the time or iiuinir tt e maom ite n the above action and n c?rTaia t Jnda, the pr-pert of said deft-ndaiit mpanv, o tne nn 'e ine ir i:i er i-f the State of . No'th1 f)a-o!ina n that it i b-reby rtquir ed to rpea-- and a- 6r or d. mur to the cou plaint of said PiaLntiff at a ourt to re neia i- r ine uuut.y of Neir Han over at the ti -art il cc e in H . intin, "on theThu-teenth Mondav afur the First Mon day of Sep emfcer n-xt, or the Pla'nutt nill ipply to said Couit fr the relief dmaiided in the co npla ut. I This the 23d day of JuJt, 179.- h". VasAMRIVOP C!rk Puperior Coort New Hanover Co. Removal. .'p. B. HNDERioN k CO., PfodBc CO SI fcLfc-xiGl Ai. ftXiWo I WILMINGTON MARKET I I SEPTEUBKB 2M T M.I H1IKIT8 TURPKN11N4U Market quoted firm at 25V cents. Salos of loJ bales at these figures. , I t ROSIN Market quoted quiet at 90 cents ror Strained and 9-3 cents far Good Strained. No sales reported. ' . . ' CKUDK TURPKNTINE Market quoted steady at $1 10 for Hard, and SI 7l) for Soft. Sales at quotations. TAK Market quoted steady at 97J cents. Sales of receipts at quotations. COTTON Market nuoted quiet. Fairs of 150 bales ' on a basis of 9, cents for Middling. The following are tbe official quotations to-day : Low Middline............ 9 .16 CenU Middling..... 5Jit DiiLT acoaiprs j Cotton... 539 bales -ooirita Turoentine I I 262 casks iosin .'. 1,041 bb Tar..., : i 100 Urude Turpentine i5'2 MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steimer Elizabeth, Chadwick, Smithyille It P Paddisou. , Steam-yaeUt Passport, Harper, Smith ville GecAlyers. I ! Steamer North State, Green, FayettevilleJ Worth &. Worth. ( , ' ' CLEARED- Steamer Elizabeth. Chadwick, Smithville It P Paddisou. steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville (ieo Myers. I Steamer North State, Green, Fayette ville. Worth a- Worth. Steamship Benelaetor, Jones, New York, r E lloiid. i I Exports. . I OoksTWISE. j New York Steamship Benefactor; 2X casksspis turpt, 85 bUls pitch. 95 do tar, 4S1 do rosiii, 1,7.V bales cotton, 15.OJ0 ft lumbwr 14 pkgs ruds,e. j ForeiA Vessels for this Port Swd barq ae Antfclope H3 berg, sailed from xtn- uth, hept. 5. Nor barqne Kristine, Jei sea, sailed from Antwerp, Sept ft. I Nor barque Z-iDhr, Jensen, at Liverpool, Sept 4 Nor baique ?. nca.j S ilvsree! eailed from Jrimslet, augj 21 Ger brque I A.otheker, I'isinfir, 385 tons, eiiebairth, atiGloucette", Sept 4. Br bark Emfaaa Crook, 26 tons, Wood ward, at Liverpool, Aug. 28. i Ger oark W W Harv. y, 377 tons, Peters, a Gloucester, Au, 28. Br barque Kffolute, Lawrence. railed frcm Liverpool, Se temper 4. Nor. barque Hjemrz-et, Inmnndsen, sailed from Antwerp, Auz, 31. Fr. barqae Reunion, sailed from Ant werp, A u 31. 1 Nor. ba'que Ross, Htnsen, sailed from Caen Augr. 14. . ( er b que Julie Ileyn, 332 tons, Kcro der, sailed from Gloucester, Aug 8. s Ger birquf Lyoia pe ,chau, 403 tons, B-e-iners, sailtd from Hamburg', July 1. Br barqne Summer Cl'jud,2J2 ton,Boeers' at Leitb, May . Br ba; quo Sesie, 302 tons, Huson, sailed from Olftsjow, June 3. Russian btig lima, 20 tons, Anders d, mailed frrm London, Aucst . Ger barque una, 3 9 tons, Siewerts, saU ed froai hotterdm, Aug 2'. iier barque Komta Augusta, 460 tonf, Wilre, sailed from Caen, Au. 8. Swe barq'ie Lydia, 3 i tons, Ntrden, sil ed from London, Arg. 22." Br barque D H BiilsJ 548 tons, Joae-P, sail ed from Santo, July 23. , WKKKljV STATEMENT. j OF ST-CKS ON HAND SfcPT. 22. 1879. Cotton ashore 2,031 afloat : I 7! Total opirite aeh-.re. aSoat.. .............,.. t 2, 0 If .,0.3 otal.. .. fios.n asho'ra 4Lot Toi&L.. 10,063 114.744 30. 115 0U lar asm-re... 1 atioar total.. U:u e asi.'.re.... Total. 5,3 H 5,319 1,145 1,115 RECEIPTS FO TBS WEES KSDISQ SEPI..22, '79 Cotton..... ......!, 3,83- Spirits..... i ,51f Rosin .'. 4.t9 Tar 170 Crude 1,40 EXPOBTS FOa THg WKlK ESD1SS SEPT. 22, '79 j Domestic. . i Cotton J l Spirits, tioem Tar Crude .... ............................ ...... . .......... . ................ ..... ........ M. ...... ..... Forehro. iCotion.. ripirits -toeui U ......M......M. Crude 1 3 41 33 4l) 1,445 ly ocenpiei by J. W AJieni& 4 t. ner Cbeatnut axid Water itretta. cur Last 01 vessels Over 100 tois in Port Sept. 24, 1879. BARKS. Br D H Bliss, 542 toi-s, J nr-s,' , . or Prmdsesse Gyda, tons, Illensou, I HE Ueid Ur -Geo Davis, 641 to.:s, Ho k- r, , . I Aix r-pruiit & Son .m Jt nes E wan. 4J4 1.01,8, Atk'nson i'uTf-rs .11, i ,(,, (j0 Ger larie, 5o7 to t'ernn-u, ? -: .;n?, , i" Irts.hail oc vVeUiiuian L1HGS. Iir &.ty Bee, 320 tons, Graham, ; ' f -EG Baiker &Co D s Cunados, 227 tons, SCHOONERS. A n Det i E D ckiL.foh, 374 tr-ns, ' . SUndish. J H Chiidbou'.n & Co Old Newspapis. QUvNTITFOPOLD KEWSPAPEB8 Ci rapine, offered for sale cheap at the Miaceiianoous. Miacellanooi DAILY ARRIVALS OF DRY GOODS AMD CARPgfg U4 TliT nrfu-irifTl . VTIV fAl1tUW A V Ti (lll?in ' i 1 ... I i I to the earl v Fall and Wi .ter. , " l I J .... J CARPETS, KuGb, I'lL lLUiU., HASSOUlvS, Jv,, VEIiYUEi . . -o- : I ' ! J HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, IS GREAT VARIET Y. The Chiapest U. ' r'wiss v nitiiiiis rtiin Liauiiriuj'iiiis ever Piierea to I THE GOOD PEOPLE OF 1 THIS SECTrox LADIES' WATKR PHOOF ClltCllUiiJ . i 1 L . : 1 ,i sept 53 IN ALL COLORS. Very, Respectfully, Port Grape Wine Used in Churches for Communion purpostj Sepr' Fort Grape Vtt Fours Years Old. rjlHlSJUSTLY CELEBRATED NATIVfe WiT.e 5s made from the juice of the Oportf Grape, raised in thii couafy. Its invaluable Tonic and Slrciijtlienini Prcjerticjs' are unsnrpassel bv any ther ntiv. w- ire. Bch. the pure ju.oe 01 ibe grape, produced jnder Mr. Speer'p wi perora1 supervision, its purity, and genuineness are guaranteed, 'i he vo npest chilri ruay partake o. its gener oud qualities, ard t' e1 weakest invalid may use it to advantage. It is particularly bene. ScTnl to the aged and debilitated, and s-iteo to the various ailments t&at flfQict the weaker teg. It is, in every respect A. WINE TO B RELIED ON. I Speer's P. JT. Sherry. , The P. J. SHKRRy is a Wine of SUPE RIOR CHARACTER and partakes of the :-dden qualities of the grape from which it is made. For MEDICINAL PROPERTIES, it wil' be found unexcelled I Speer's PJ J, or Pedro J. Brandy, ThiB noted1 HraDdy is a pure distillatiui from therapf abd isequa to the fineet hen aesy ur t'tatd Biacdif-s (or aedicinal pur jo?es it can r.e relied upu as stnctly pure. fe tt at the si rnature of a fired Speer, Passaic, N. J , is over the cork of each bot tle. ' I A. SPEER'S Mt. Prospect Vineyards, Vt w Jersey. Office, No. 3i Warren rih. New rk. 1 '. 1 ForaOeby GHEE V A FLANNR, J. O. iUNDS, Druggists, and P L. BRIDGERS CO. , auril 1-1 y Manchester Yarn. 95 Bales MANCHESTER Y ARN." , A euperio. qaality, just received 1 iaJt, Bagging, Ties aCif 8acks LIVERPOOL H A LT. V.JVJU ! striped SacVs, 1200 ' r hcIe &nd HaIf KiollB UAGQlS(l jQQ Bundles New TIES, 1 (JOO d p'c4TIE. Flourt Bacorii &o. 1000 Bbls Freeh Flour, h I 250 Boxes D. and Smoked Sides, I 60 Bb!s City Mess Pork, . IS Tubs Choice Familv F.ard, 125 Bb'.s Sugars, Crashed, Granulated! A, Extra C, and C. f0 Bb s n' B'pxps pre h Lemon Cakes, 175 Bags Coffee, all grad-s, 1 Potah, Lye, da, oap, Starch, Buckets, Paper Twine. For sale low by - W1LLTAMS A MCRCFISOV, 1 ept 15 I Wholesale Gro. A f nm m. Parestand Beat Xedielneevn- !! Sll b. iVt I wfSiVLf. Porfbly W exist i .C " uaea, ao varied asd oerfact 1 Tkcr gh mmw Bb ul t . a. . . - To aU lrhnoA omy.1. . . ! the boweJaurtf.0! . T a . V " "V. xcuuirn Mil .are invaluatJe wltiot UiwStSi , IwhAtiLIi ?' syraptoBM are. - imo nTai nnmrwiii e-rer HO, OOCOH Cr- The !ttiitoanahitii-., - . : jooi opmm, tebmcoo aod narcotic: I r drunk-1 itlCK I 'Ml For Rent.; rpHAT DESIRABLE RESIDK'Nck ou Third street, Weet iide,! recetUj occu-i d by Col. Jas. Q, bQ r ep t ' 4 Apply to R. - bANGhnv For' Rent, mHF.jENTlBF TMiKDTl.or .a. aiu cnieon KuifdiBg Front 8treei. next N.irtl of New Hariover. Es; ecu 11 all Oi lor Club purposes sept 20-9t or ''IRD'FUrtcW L IdiBg, f itDnted 1 I N'.irth rr O.J.IU J . v...i. .n.Tf.T irposes. ApplV ko 1 B. D. LIF0hEfr GILLS !k MtLfchho. 1 e or Kent. TTlfTAT liM V V- w . t.t. I i . I Lux . 1 j-i.ij on ikC.i No. 0 Market ij:Vet. jJ I Al'P'y to sept lo.tf For Rent fpWO NICE DVFLIJN(i HO SES, (Corner ' I c ; I I hi sept 15-lw 1). O'nrs'Vu ror rteni, pROM THE 1st OF WClOllhrp, 1879, the BRICK DWELLING, if - 1 " 1... southwest corr.er of Oiarpe and Thiraia Apply to JOHN IL FuEEVik eeptl3-tf or SAM'lijSr. Ca 0X For Rent rjlHAT 1 DESIRABLE STORK, JL also H ALL on third flj or, new J&i ly fitted up, corntr Market nd "'if! X. ih A a . - Ut-J.-r .1.. 1,.. MPll - uvu .111 t't'CCUTIIUlU Ul" lISi mj..r crt n-tf H B. HlinA S600. 1 I! , .111. r P0R RENT THAT VERYli desirable store on Market Ftriet,' ,(;;? i lei by Mr. Thos. U. llUej, MStA cccu as a Shoe. Store. The che&peBt Stjire jiX street. Aprly to I THE; McKOT' sept 10 if I I Fori Rent. TROM 1st October that dea.ra- ble STORF, No. 45 rth 'Trent Jj' 'I mi JA L -A ' A "J 1 w J LffL .-Jireei, ai prpeui uccupieu uj ru. Express Coirpyny. Apply tj j ' sept 23 lw ). A. 8MITJ A CO- For Rent, ' rjlHE ELf GAaNT RE SIpE.NCE1 on corner of Thud and Walt at iti , - recent y occupied by Wm. klia, Pcssesion givtn Cc'obier It. I ' ( Applj to , J t sept S3 tT J. F. 0iBri 8 To Rent; STORE IP USE AND DWEL- J LING to let on Linnswick ar.jJ 1 11 . or4er. Seventh stret L-, io pcrf : sion given immediately.' ! A'so, three No. 1 Fro-1 RbcKi j the First National BatAolcJ b uer Front and Princess stre F ir particulars appy to spt 15 401.' SOL. PEAR The Ilew ptJ Shoe Store-1 Z2 MARKET SXB n, HO M V FWiEV ,dfr ThankM for Vast favr?, Ii f 1 1 1 , firrn tt V. f 1. iont re'""' JTortt, w ere I have viited LI f ted mar kets U r Bo ti sod 8M I I am d ter ojii-td te tell low price, seh as yoa 1 ijj. .1 . n f .iV IJ I inis mariet oeiO'-e fair comparison. j. My atocL is now ariirixig and cannot be excelled bvaoj", 1 1 . ' I BtspetfaIIJ -iriJirf ept 4 DULY YIW OFFICE,

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