-I The Daily Review, JOSH. T. JA3IES, Editor & Irop. WILMINGTON. N. c. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1879. Entered at the lsT0FFtCE at Wilmington, N. C, as Second -Clas Mattes. TEIW8 AND REVIE WS. The Greenback National Convention, to nominate candidates for President aEd Vice-President, has been called to meet in St. Louis on the &th day or January next. A visitor to Ilempstead Church (Eng land), where ofCirculation the Blood liar vey lies buried, feund his tomb decaying and writes that his family is extinct in the male line, as is usual with great men. SCRAPING THE CONES. Under the above beading the New York Sun publishes the figures showing the amount of expenses incurred in,wind lng up the affairs jofj the defunct Freed man's Band. They are, taken frojm the re port of the special oommittte of the Sens ate, appointed to investigate that mon strous swlud'e iu')nijthe colore! p!r. It will be remembered that comtnipsiono jrs were appoinjei by Congress in 1874 to wind u ) te affairs ofjthe Biuk, and the report of the special committee shows hew economically and how much in the interest of the poor .deluded depositors thfcCommissioneJ-s perDrmedthat import ant duty. It gives tbe items of the ex pense incurred J from July 13rh, 1874 when the Commissioners touk 'charg of the Bank, to Nov. 30thJ 1878. ard they are as follows I i ;i ' made of well known valuable remedies, that furnishes its own certificates by, its cures. We refer to Hod Bitters, the pur est and best medicines. Exchange. See another column. 1 Salaries of Commissioners fr m July 13, . 1874, to Nov. 30. 1878. j.i .l.L . .. Salaries to amenta.'.. Advertising, s atiouery, ex press ge, postage, and It is rumored among the army gossips A , f aQd ; ; that duriDg the President's tour West he Kents .. . i coiiferTed.with Gen. Sherman a:.d decided Expenses incident to loans. to place on the retired list all the heads of insurance, - advtrtisin, the staff bureaus of the army who are tli gible by reason of age. The New York Star (Tammany orgar ) has a story to the effect that Tilden has bought stock in the New York Times to auctioneers' fees, 'expenses of foreclosure. &c.j Expenses iucident! ;to thju maintenance o ' properties ini.uraiicej repairs, iuel, g, Jcc... Pa V u J ..in.l ufrij'l .fL.d 1 t t IUO CAWUt VI ifilUUU, itUU tUlb LUC I . lav I 1 Times is to work hereafter in the interest prj0r eucumbra icesi. ..t of Tilden. The Providence Aldermen have voted down a resolution to give up Lheir quar J terly banquets at the city pcorhouse. One of the arguments set forth agaiust the re? olution was that it 'was Lot light tc dico turb a tlme-honortd custom.' Moltke's sister married an Englishman named Burt, whose daughter, by a former wife, became the JUardaai's wife. She was 16, he 39. It was a thorough love match. Moltke has a fine estate in Sil esia, to which he is greatly attached. The area of British India, exclusive of native States, is 819,041 tquare miles, th. number of inhabited houses 07,043,524, and the population 101,090,003. The area of native States is stated at 575.265 square miles, and the population at 40,161 540. penses' Sec. I . $39 58 '32 64 229 67 11 761 09 32 378 82 9,231 32 28,236 34 40,145 04 78,735 30 l'i,S81 54 3 096 30 Miscellaneous ex Total.... 1..U.. .1. $318,753 64 The deposits made by the cojored race in this institution, which was created os tensibly for the purpose, of encouraging H0UJ8U1NE. . ) . . . i , 1 Can a Scandinavian nncilist be called a noxious Swede?- -Rome Sen tinel I Old war is 'aep those cerulean caped oYt rcoats. They are fast goiug.Bos- ju xranpcripi. Mill operatives are wsce laborers. bat professional1 walkists are wager laborers. Liowell Coarier. 'What has 'once passed can never be recalled' a street oar, for instance. Philadelphia Sunday Item. ! I Let the next spelling-reform con vention be held in Maine, and adopt ra asures to reform the spelling of the fakes of that State. Some of the lake t sere on!y, a quwter'of a mile in length, have names half a mile long. The re formers might wrestle with Lake Mac goguehutikittchognemu quitamackino gue to begin with. Norristown Herald. A Filial1 Rebuke: Squire .Quiverful (who has a large family, to his eldest boij) 'These are uncommonly good cigars of yours, Fred; what do they eost you?.' Fred:'Sixfy shillings a hun dred,' Squire Qaiverfu: 'Good heavenel was extravagance! Do you know, sir, that I Lever give more than threepence for a cigai? Fred: 4 And a very good price, too! By George, governor, if I had as many children to provide for as you have, I woujJu't fmoke at alLj' -London Punch. New , Advertisements. For Rent. THAT DfcBlKABLiS WHARF, at JU foot of Mulberry street, lately occupied JJLX. by the Baltimore Steamship Company, com plete with Offices, Hbeds, Ac Alio, the UUALi and WOOD i A till, corner of Frost and Mulberry street at nresent occupied by Jm A. springer. Aplv to. f sept30-tf i H NUTT. For Rent, THAT DF8IRA RLE RTORE, also UaLL oa thirw fl or. new ly fitted up, corner Market and South Water Streets from the 1st of October Apply to sept ll-tr ! H. B. JJLEKS. t III! S600. RENT THAT VKRT desirable store on Market Street, . i occupied by Mr. Thos. H. Hcwey, aa a 8hoe; dtore. The cheapest Store on the street.'" Ab (Mia Mm tbrly to sept 10-tf THE McKOY'S. rpHK EL-OAT CLYDE f 1 ew York For Rent. HSIDEA"CE i ob corner of Third and Walnut sts., recently occupied by Wm. Calder, Poesetsion given October let. Miscellaneous. r ;-Tl, ; l J i jLXio viii y. luiiHuv tsiiit.iib i cvGr Tnn.fi a 11 PORXJS PIASTER. ) It contains greater and more powerful i PAIK-RELIVIC STRENGTHENING. AD CUsatiuc li than thebommon Porus Plaster, and ik fir r.xrFS oct 9-4 w sunnrki.... i- .' '"I It tne so-tjaiiea electrieal applhrjees. ' nmk THEBST S0LD BY i si5oo:oo Feq pept iZ tc Apply tol J. F. GARRELL. tbeta ia habits bf thrift, amounted' of Congress, and industry, economy and to several millions of dollars. It was dbartered by a special act Ibe benetit to be derived1 by Ibe poor .nerufes Wiho should deposit I heir scauty Ueralde-J far earnings ia!its vaults were Blanches were J 1l ! and wide. estiblisbed at convenient localises anil circulars were Scattered in every direc- i i i 'i tioD.to tjvery village and hamlet, eo that no colored man or woman bdou'd escapt the seductive invitation to place the surplus earnings , where they could con - The Paris Uaivcrs asserts that the Em- tin,e t0 increase without, trouble to tbem, I . i . - L . J M peror and Crown Prince of Germany have auJ at D0 rjetM(jt lts being loot or squan se ceded from the Free Masons on account ,lIed through the drelessuesn or improvi of their resistance to an inspection into denCQ which is a cbaracteristiq of ihe their archived by Dr. Sch.ffman, whom race. ' The' bait was thrown1 out, tiuaelled the Crown Prince w isbed to inquire into with the most tempting and alluring in- the origin atd secret tendencies of Ma- ducements, and ,i was hailed as a god sonry. send by thousands of the poor deludei An American engineer has been study ing the great wall of China. It is 1,728 miles long, and, t.ein built without the AND Wilmington, N. Cs Steamship Line. She Steamer REGULAT j CAX1T. DO AXE, The New Boot and Shoe Storje 32 MARKET STREET. r0 MY FRIENDS AND Patrona : Thankfal for past favors, I will In-' PJ form them that ! have just returned from1 the North, where I hare visited all the celebra ted markets for Boots and Shoes. I am determined te sell a good shoe for a i i i low price, each aa you never bought in th's market before. All I ask is a call and a i .1 fair comparison. My stocl. is now ari iving with every tr ain i no cannot be excelled by any in the city. I Respectfully, sePtl3 C. ROSENTHAL. nrr-rrr , Tf V rTkmr NOTICE oa,GSURSooaEPU FOR PARTICULARS . " lfBK 0 w ADDRESS WhiteSewing Machine Co. Clevelid. ohio October 1st. FALL CAMPAIGN WILL COMMENCE. 7 It is too soon to forget th. terrible d J " "H.a W.I Tin ,.am.? and riruTi:,01? in Southern Nnhu ?fm7W derfnlresults-aeT;:-'' most agrvtea oaes f f" wVi caase from OLe t io oLci flW filtered or strained fromTe ii pas.ess tnrough the LiTer Lln. ceseof bile exUta. tiy on the Liver and rttnm7h .1. V ... "w 4 Lit only prevents to a cerUiDt? rer and lilack Vomit, bB. not Fever muKi an iua aliases mi iihh iaof i -1 1 m i . . .vol CHOW K..a. l expel the MalarUl Poion and J,L trom the blood by uint iH, "ten iuo iiui Dottles, or will hk 77' l' l . I. ' """f Proprietors. for! People to Head- Advertisements. A. K MR FULL LINE OF i WILL SAIL slightest regard to the cod figuration of thr ground, ia some times carried 1000 feet down into abysses. Brooks and small luded i i victims, wlio in their newly-found posi tion were ijtterly tost and at sea in all which regarded,' their! iThe ol and prosperity. who bad just jd temporal 'welfare ETer came from those FROM EW YORK O jnferred upon them the right of suffrage and uuduly elated with the dignity, the Colored race coiiceived that rivers are bridged over by it, and strong m . ' !., I , , - J ' fi this was but! another step towards the oct 6 towns on both sides protect' large rivers. SATURDAY, October 11. fea,. Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised, "tfe jFor Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, Snp't, 1 Wilminstr-n, N. C. Tf JO., r. Kj Li 1 LCj & W.t 35 Broadway, New Vorlr. Utopia to which they imagined themselves Vannlo ir UnIo !.! - .111 I ..... I CTia ii. x no ,CIJ uiuo ui tuiier to be hastening under the! impetus of an VaU Inst T- : ,3 i. -r . I I i if i .uc.i , Ui x ,,uul. . u;ev) uncalculntiug frieLklship and regard. is a silent- spnsihlft man. hnt. iVio Pariaianc I I : ,, , . . I .Instead, however, i of investing the; would prefer a more glittering one. ' Thej m nnuTr fKi-iia annsifB 1 U u l. C OVftn 111 nr. t n at Ha nnoo nnf snan HVi1fViel . - i official income. Mme. and. M11 r.r J the dePositor8 thf are at one of the watering places,' where made use of, 11 f speculations for per they only occupy a couple of bedrooms at a hotel, and keep no carriage. Zebhyr Worsteds. NOTHER LARGE LOT . JU -'T RECEITKD. mknx ism Dr- Pemberton's StUlWia mCj! Delicht ', i i The reports of wonderful tvtt atisin. Scrofula. Salt ii 1 lw, Cancer, Ulcers and Sorei, that coM all Darts of the conn trv are nm.i.Jj able but ao miracnlena kul m h a.Jt .. . li "v uviuui .uviui uio awuu jauce III pruut. j Remarkahle Cnrej of Scrofula, 4; CASK OF VVL. J. a BKAXSOf, Kingsioh, Ga.,SeH.15,liU ent: Fo r fixteen JUST RECEIVED AT jearg I bile tixi jrreat sufferer from jSc.fma in iti'n '""'"K loripfl. i lareiDeen ro D edtv rotn and be i for fifteen t a;i iih U louo ulcerations. The most nnrnT!. dies for such ca?es had been Bsed, itiii WQat eminent phypiciaES coniilwJ, rlawl ueciaea Depent. i nag proiwtfc n i risniir n aaia ny M I II .SU Jf. i'H'Y trees d. deonondino-. I .h, k. I I LI UIIIUULilO Wl UU'Ol yer, of Fld unty, OU S500 Reward! i 1 For a Cigar at the same price that Gen. Stoneman derides Gen. Fremont' scheme for turning the waters of the Col" orado into the desert basin of California and Arizona, fie sajs that preeumicg the connecting canal to be 1,000 feet wide j and 10 deep and running at five miles an hour, it would take 200 years to fill the bariin. After being filled it would, he " as serts, require an additional cutti n. of tbe same depth and 250 feet wide to compen sate for evaporation. the depositors, t hp officers of the Bank WHIT.E 10 CENThS. sonal gam, and through this means, to i 2 srether with erusa mianftnarmnt an,l r. S-oox out tor announcement of Grand . o-r O- ------ ter disregard Qf the sacred trust confided """aery Opening. to them, the! institution soon became ONLY 19 DOLLARS i PENNSYLVANIA ! ilWGER MACHINE equals onr P-R-I-M-C-I-P.E the use of yoar Pompoand fe'xk-act StJiurk Language is a inafficient io 'describe ike M.fT K. i r .t i. . -.ii ....... a uuumcu i rum m iige Ol IQ8 PU'Wi as it is to ;onrev an adequate idi of bti tensity of hit fuflering befUrei nwtj jr; medicine: sufficient to sar.il abuxiuL ' ouicuica aiiu U'u IUI UfU III? ILR Di I Extract of Ktiliingia, unt.l I can itj "1 am cured of all pain," cf aP diKue.fi: Bottling to obstruct toe acuta pu tatt of f profession. More than eichi monthi kr eHpsed since this remarkable curt, M any return of the disease I I For the truth of the above ttt'emtlH fer to any gentleman in Bartow coiutj.W and to the members of the bar..f Cbrij Circuit, who are acquainted with m. 11 eyer remain, with the deepest grautsai Tour obedient servant. J. C. BRANSON, Att. sept 15 bankrupt. It was estimated at the time of closing business that I tha condition of the affairs of the Bank was such that the depositors would be able to receive about 20 per cent. 'upon their deposits,1 but the expenses incurred as stated In the fore going figures, j hajve reduced he proba bility about tblreej fiftbB, and if this condi i0l!f.IiiT8,'r'i"nfinuo' thf ,H Selected Fruits uvuamuia ituuiu uavc vj uc asaessea in or . h. 8Prunt, Eqiial to any Singer in the Market ! ' S250 I Re Ward ! Fxchanee Corner Flour. Flour. i nnn biu good flour. JLVUV i From New Whpa - i i Every Barrel wa-ranted. I- "- ; i oct 6 1 HLL & PEARS VLL. The above cut represents th fhf";. THAT BEATS OUB Remember, we d not atk vou 'iry ments. The British farmer is by no means aa 1 i 1 ' y . . , Vrtrtf , . .. . 7 der to a final settlement. Buch infernal rooted to the soil by patriotic attachment tnur iL;J a . i- it o i,;. a.!,;. 1 u -a u fendVe, cheating and stealing was, we . . . . ' . " Deen- believe, never practiced before upon any in nisi cm! ln nnHAfnnDfAf a f..u: I , i w- v L t , , Peop, and we hope may never be again, packing himself ofl by the dozen and the p. i I I , , -0i1K , :,: r i the t crime iniore infamously . ' v i u. t , , eP mean and wicked, it iwas accomplished by oua estates m Yorkshire a hundred and tht 'fi ' , 111 F , i , mv, uuc iuiuuuu prjitssious oi regaru and Vegetables f N 8TORE AND TO ARRIVE, i X I-XTRA SELECTED DUTCHESS PR A Bi A Va ietv of ADDles. Potatoes. Oninna "ge, flwwr, . neese, o. for sale cheap bv sept 26-tf . Corner Chesnut 4 Water sts. eighty farms are deserted; over twenty es tates in another shire are being farmed and sympathy. It 'was men ot tbe keenest lutel performed by ect men who by landlords for want of the tenant., who afcnn1 hiljh in tia An are going with a rengeance. The farm- :.i I v i , . Ars bfo pansvtafi . iM. .i., . - wuHu-npon a emulous, ignorant, I mant political and inferior class, who took everything for granted when earning from such a souice It was "made the more despicable from' the fact that it was the effort of accomplished, j COMMERCIAL HOTEL WILMINGTON, N. C. I 1 r- A- OCEtTJTTE, Prop. to pay until you hare seen the machine.- ".uiiucu it, ii it is not an w represent, return it to us at our expense commit your interests and order at onnL rf you live wimin seven buhdred miles the ireigni win sot Da more thaa one dollar. 'Address, Sewing Macline Co., 17 N. lOth Street, au,29.wtr Philadelphia. Pa. Winberry Oysters- THE y ARE GOOD now. Another intal- M ,ment juit received this moraiog. It's cold SOLON SHINGLE ! IS100 Reward ! ! . - i . For an all-tobacco Cigarette, of same fctyle, finish andquality, that can be sold, as low as our Hose and Lilly. sept 3 1 500 TO $600Qayear or$o to $20 a dav in vi n own locality. I No risk. Women do as wel rpHE COMMERCIAL, formerly the "EM- FIRE H0U8E",having been tkoroughly rn cultured, Uusted, intellectual duplicity OTted and refitted is now one of the leading connaing and unmtellect- Brst-claM Hotels in the city. Tha thi sJ as men. Manv make more than t1i 0,. . ... . . . statea a Dove. .No one can fail to makr s.pphed with the best our hom. and north- money fas'.! Any one can do th? iSt era markets affords. ! ou can lLA " rr w cents to $2 an hour uy uevoung your e ?iiiu spare time to the business. It costs notLing to try the uiismess. rnr.mncr 1 1 irt it tnr mnrn i Larg Sample Rooms Jor the Com- ing ever offered before.! Iiusinss nlP.t to year will be a! bad one, quality and quantity, parts the reports are the Bordelais, iCharentes, Maconnais, Bourgogne, Touraine, jind Champagne the prospect of a bad crop is general. It is estimated that the total produce of wine in France this year will be about fifty millions of hectolitres. 1 ers are reported as far less inclined to trust the lutnre at home than restrained by tbe prospect which invites tbem to a juth Texas territory. Of the European nations Germany is first as to fighting trim. She can put in Upon ignorant tne neia kat twenty-tour hour', notice ual dupes. iweiye nunarea tnoasand men of the lice. the reserve and the Lanwher. The grand Lovers of the grape will be sorry total of the German army is two million larn that the wine crop in France this Board per Day $2 and $2 50 wt uuumcu luuuaauu men, exclusive of two hundred thousand not reckoned in the field strength but deducted as garri sons. Tbe st ength of the second Laud wehr and the Landstrum is generally exaggerated, but they are thoroughly efficieut soldiers, the best in the armv. France has a nominal strength Gf three millions and a half men, but practically it must be decreased to two millions, and even of this total a very large proportion is still in process of organization. It is not believed that France could place in the first line more than eight hundred thousand men. enough now forihot W hisrey ana fat Oyster-, i-ico jjuuiiu eT3;jr aay at ii o clock P 26 I JOHN CARROLL. as regards both From nearly all ; M . i , mercial trade. mniavorabie. in Bogus Certificates. It is no vile drugged stuff, pretending to be made o)f wondarfui foreign roots barks, &c, aud paed up by long bogus certificates of prended miraculous cures but a simply jure, efeciiT0 medicine! and strictly honorable. Kead-r. if want to know all ! about the best navinrr AiuHvMpr,ua JJLUiaxd Hall I "l'oliJC wwie iuc puuiic. senu US vour i I I A A A Ml i - .. w uurc8s auu we wm sena you rail particu lars and private terms free ; samples worth $5 also free; you can then make up your mind for yourselr, Address GEORGE ST1NSOX & CO., Portland, Maine, june 7-d&w i connected with this HoteL jar Pi 12.30 p joly 19- jar PKEK LUNCH daUy from Hi m to 12.30 P.M. II For Smithviile. CJTEAM YACHT ELIZA- BETH, CapL D.W.Chad wick, carrying United 8tatea Mail. Learei wharf foot of Market street daily (except Jndays) at 3 P. M.Retomiajr, leave 8mithvilla at IKLM, R. P. PADDWoi. Holasses. Mo J asses. 100 Ihda &Ed Bb!s Ci;ba Miassea Bbls Fine Sugar Syrup, At low pnees by oct 6 HALL & PEARSALL; iw -mm $125 Eah nd all styles, Ineludinfr Grand Bauairt and Upright, all strictly i fikst class, sold jai But CASH WHOLKSALI FACT0 BT prices, direct to the PcacHAKa. These Pianw maae one or the hnest displays at the Cen tennial Exhibition, and wenaBinimnnaiv r. commended for the Hishkst Hofioas iver 13,000 in use. I Reealarlv inaomorat-d Man. ufactarinu: Co. Factory established over 3 years The Square Grands contain Mathu- "c new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale th greatest improvement in the history of Piaau making. The Uprights are the fine! in America. Pianos sent on triaL Don't ril t write for lUostrated and Descriptive catalogue of 48 pages mailed free.' MENDELSSOHN PIANO 00., apl 7-n 11 Emat 15th street. N Y 1 Warm Spriners, Western Horth Carolina, TS NOW,OPEN for the reception of pleas A. ure seekers an c invalids. This lovelv nloyv ia mit...A i- tv. v m les of the ruo-oad. . We have a fine baad of music, attentive ear vants, and all other fouud at a first-cl&M w For parUculars apply for deacripUve pam- Ph.let- w: fl. howerton! A MIRACLE. ' - i . i i I Wkst Poij. t, Oa.i Sept. It, ( " Gents: Mv daurb ter ran taken oa day of June, 1863, with wh!4 ! toDe Acut Kbeomatism, and muim the same with foo success. vi In tarch,.fW'f 'ng, pieces ef bone bean'to wo-k ajtf8 right arm, and con tinned totrf: the right foot an ' ler., Tbe iae w pronounced one of W 'hiH wt!linr. V. baying been confine ao.jjit sixjei-tj bed, and the cue considered bopfllrt! j induced to trj Dr. Pt-mber-oft's war- i xtrn.fi nf Rtillinvi. km 0 Vrf fied with its effecte thai I hTe cotri My dau.htar was cnfiLed to ber W15 sixyeais befo e sne sat dp 'T efen i nvur nrithn.it KaL..irlit DDI" and sews most of her ti i ijM 'eJK'J iue room. Her kratr 1 ,balth i and I believr ebe wii , &8 Bt.ength, wait well I awrib rtr nriK .1... ki - J- . f i,,.I your inva ublf m-.:icir e. I a m V r n r a rnlr VV" . i.. TI v ..;, ..ra if k.f."' oianion we iuow aui coi i-; -Tvji respected citiiens will certify to t. reference can be given as ma w p r tr -v nrff I I I LU 1 uti. remoerius pared by A. P". Merrell A . is. 1 1 r- j S pcia Dy ail uruggisis iu - ru sent by express. Agent wadmxi:4' i everywhe e. ' il Send for. Book "Curious W all. Medicines sent to poor Pr .. I in uuuiaieou. . t . . - ber im te h trtt' i tbe iLIAMo. . stiiiiDn Co-. in no Ha Weekly rV TOE8DAY, the 7th &J ,rL KJ 1879, and in the City !is undereurned will commence w r of H ALE'd WKFKLV, a A T uemocraiic 3 e wspp"-. i These lour words eonfey ,f J ... 7' . Ktite: the sac ess ot tne rmr j 1 .... r .1 ni.na set tneirseai 01 ppr he does 1 Balk's tnr) Ka anf if n 1 tvn The price Will b ft pe; ".SJst P . s. iwviki wit"0".':' and no paper will be sent Hr y$l. the time paid for. . ir -.tl" wtite; tne sac -ess 01 me r - 1 . lb r 1 life of the tittteand the c 0 1 rt . 1 Ucatiun of a l the news ; tb e it,i propose!. That ht can a y'th, I tnbute to the fir-t and J " le 'f t affect o d-ubt '.''yp r seal of approval m oa 1 not doubt the future. , I 0t 0' '.ir.PKLTwillbeprit. utiful tTP" n 0D r,,v" 5 l0- ! ProprUtbr. Esleigb, Sept. 15, 107 1)

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