"REMEMBER!" iLmerober, when the timid Dawn uncloses Hr matfic palace to the auu'g bright imemtr. when the "pensive night re lu.um)L 0,.a,ih her silvery veil in tender dreams ii i,-r. nleasures call thee, when thy heart 1 uv r - is light. , j4 , L.is.1, through the deep woods ring sweet voices, murmuring Kerne ruber.' impmber when Fate's cruel hand has hrokeu ror ' the tie that bound my life with thine: When ith long years and exile, grief un spoken. iirvilrlng heart and blasted Hopes are nine, TUni. ui my love, think of my last adlea. Lreuceaud tima are naught when love Is tru-. L nz as my h a t sha'll beat, tvcr it iiall itjeat. IKemember! K member, when beneath the cold ground lviuu. tv inou hrt.irt forever ia at rest. K-iiieiijlH.-r when some lovely flower In tryiiig lis petulu soft to open on my breast, i huu wlJi not see me; Lut my soul, set free. Faithful In death hhall.till return to thee Ttifii hum to the iad moans Ut a deep voice tltat groans, Kemuiuber! Alfred de Mussett. 4r a , il. iLc Courier .Journal. TUE XUriTIOSS OF FORTUNE, fcumellilns: of G?n, branl's Earlj Ills tory. Washington, fciert 29 The uplen dur of U-ju Urant's reopiiuu lnCalifor- Dia must recall to some, who are now living m tian Francisco, the h amble posiiiou which he oiciipibd there lesb than a quarter of a ceutury ego. Five years ago I was visiting the family of a retired officer. They had purchased a fa:m near Qaakertown, PeDDbylvania, not far froai the farm owaed by Feobter, the aotor. We, frequently, ia our drives caught a eight of the actor and Li zzie Pnoe, and the neighborhood was fall of sto ries in regard to Feohter'g eccentrici tief. After returning from oar drive aiid taking supper, we would gather around the centre table in the parlor and chat about many things. Often the conversation turned on President aud Mre Grant. The now retired gen eral had been Grant's senior officer, and bis wife was one of Mrs Grant's bridesmaids. The friendship be tween the four had been of long aUhdiug. I was shown the original brticies of copartnership between the general aud Grant when they opened a billiard saloou iu tian Francisco Thegeue.ai held an inferior rank at tuut time, and Grant, to avoid being cashiered 'or habitual intemperance, hbd resigned hiB captaincy in the ar my. The general furnished the money tu open the humble saloon and Grant kept the tally ' Bat the piohts did not just fy the keepiug of the billiard f&ioor, and the p ace was given up, Gran, laiiing back upmi bis fatherm lav's farm, uear 8t L mis, where his wife and son r a tied. He mide hiru seil nsefui to old Air Dt-nt by driving to town on the Joada of wood whicn he took to marKtt for sale. And now, bt)Lo!d the spectacle tf a man who fuiltd to kep a &ucc ssful billiard sa kon receiving the honors of a gret-t potentate and the mos. celebrated huo . f the age! Strange are the muta tioufr of fortune ! St. Louis Times -JouruaL Pat Donan's Woes Tetrr Douan is certainly an unfor tauate yoang man. For several months he labored assiduously to get control of a daily paper at Hot Springs Arkansas', but hnallj gave up in des pair and went to Dead wood and Bought earnestly to obtain the pro pnetorehip of the Daily Tribune of that place. Daring his absence bis Hi t Springs friends made a grand ral ly nd purchased the Daily Sentinel lor him aud telegraphed him to return. He returned by way of Chioago and li l in a suppsy of new type and went iven so far as to buy a new presi. He htd no more than reached Hot Springs with his luggage than aloug came a telegram from Dead wood, telling him he could have the Daily T.ibuue if he tuted it. He preferred Deadwood 'to Hot Spring, but he apprehended ranch d.mculty in direDgaging himself iita his obligations to the Sentinel. Finally, however, he fcucceedtd in making a satisfactory bettltment," and, havinj; phipped the new pres and type back to Chicago, he bade his Hot Springs friends a tearful and eternal farewell and started far Deadwood. He arrived there j tut in time to see the town ablaze and to find his newspaper office a bmouldering mass oi ruins 4 ALd with the smoke that curled g race fully up to high heaven, there ascended ords which we will not quote and which made the ceiuleau vauli several fbad.s bluer than its original shade. A onderfal Clock. Felix Meir. of Detroit, -hs devo'ed Unymr and $7,0(J0 ro the coostrno tifii of a e'ock. It is 18 feet high, 8 bi ad, and weighs two tons. It has a Rrtut v-utty of automatic devices, but e n ost n m t, kable are those oonntct t.Lnh the striking oi the time. At tl-f nd of every quarter hour an infant iu a carved niche Btrikes with a tiny hammer upon the bell which he hr Ids jn Lis hard At the end of each half hr, a youth birikes; at the end of three-quarters cf an hour, a nun, and Jt the eud cf each hour a giaybeard. l ath then follows to toll tht- hour M the same time a large muaio box htgms to play and a ecene is enacted upon platform. Washingfon elowly tises from a chair to hi 4 feet.Jexteuding his nght hand, presenting the Declara th0Dif IudePendenoe. The door on jfce left is opened by a servant, admit a'l the presidents. Each is dress ed m the costume of his time, and the il r e8St? are eood. Passing in file d lore Washington, they face and raise ineir bands as they apprrMCh him, and fv!i,DF Datarll7 across the plat orra, disappear through the opposite th?Z:?hloh 18 Prmptly oiosed behind "4ea bJ a Btcond aervaatt Philadelphia Times. The Great Trade Eevlval. i i I . Moulder 8 at Quincy. 111. have been advanced ten per cent. Eight hundred men Jtre on the rolls at the Joliet, III, steel mills. New Haven manufacturers cannot get hands enough to do their work. New Albany, Iod, rail, mills have started up after three years' idleness, American orders for 50,000 "ns of English iron ore have benn sent over. Large additions are being made to the works of the Piceoix Company, at Trentoi , A Ne Uayen firm have rejected an order for' UU platform cais To . much work. Several Cincinnati merch nts hare called in the drummers. Overrun with business. i Uue inouftana more men are now tmplojed in Taiiuton, Mass, than this time last year.. j J 1 j There are' 2 250 namea on the m1. ohanics' pay-ro.l at the Baldwin Loco - n.oLive Works. ! Three hundred men are now i m ploybd at the Q ! ve1 and Car Works. Average pay 12.00 a I week. Two thousand jmtn are now at woik 'n the mills of the Albany aud Ilua eelaer Iron and Steel Company. The Vicksburg Huraltt says that business in that city was never on a more solid fyuudaiion than it is to day. The Corliss engine, wbich so many people saw at the Centennial, i uow used to run a breioh mint at tian Francisco. I I The Cincinnati Commercial says that the amount expended in erecting dwel ling houses iu Washington tlna year will reach S1,800,U 1. , 1 There win De a meeting oi ue dusi- nec8 men of the Mississippi Valley, at Quincy, III, on the 15th lust, to dit- - . . I i I . . . . i cubs tne rmprovtment oi i rue great riyer. For eight yars the large rolling Da il ha t been mill at fcjpuyton closed. Ik now, has an order for $100, 000 worth of steel rails, and work will be resumed at once. It is the 'opinion of the Riilway World that much of the extraordinary and rapid development of business is due to the efforts of dealers and cou sumers to supply themselves in excess of present wants in o der to provide against an advanoe in prices. j The cotton crop of itue- present sea- son is estimatta at an increase oi ouu, 000 bales ov9r the crop of any pre vious yearsj in the history of the coun try. The wheat crop shows twenty to thirty million bushels increase, the corn crop eighty to, a hundred million bushels increase and the tobacco crop twelve million pounds increase. A strong editorial in the liailway World contains the following: 'Look ing at the businees revival as an aston ishing example of. quick dtVolopment and of the display of energy and fore in a nation which seemed so recently prcst ate uuaer its reverses, we need not be surprised if , we have greatly underrated the progressive capabity of such a people. It is, after all, more singular that lor live years there could havejbeen ucu an inter eatinoaon of enterprise and 6uch an enure lack f contidence.' 1 ; I Boatwricrht & BtcKoy OFFER TO 'HIE PUBLIC. NEWARRIVALS ! INANELY The Choicest HamsJ Furel Lard.1 Cheese of every desci'ip ion, I Flour Our Pride Plant's Yl.a. Arli' g- t m, b sides half d .. 'A oilier brand- Mackerel, in ked eef, Siuoked Tongue , Large Euily Hose pltatoes ' Or ious, Apples, i j ' ' l I .' 'I : I Tickles, put ? pjin every style, frt iu a bar rel to a pint,! ,1 Eiegant Table Butter, Coukiug Butter, i , ,H I Cooking Wines and Brandijs? j The very best flavored Teas and Coffees, : 1 I i Sugars, from Cut Loaf down tn Yeliow, Roasted CoflVej, the lest in tneity, i ' ' N j ! " Smoking Tobacco, any : brand .you can name, Canued Goods of eveyi stle and variety known to the tiade, ' Cigars, numberless brands ; Parepa is 1 s I ' our tavoriteJ I It , ' h I Fi est Syrups, Buckwheat, i . I , ! I I ! WiLes, Whiskeys, Brandies, Gins, and Rums, from thirteen years od down to two monlhl dp, , &c In fac, we have EVjflRY- ARTICLE IN STOCK that jou can find in any fiistclass Gro ery Sur. 1 I We extend to ail an iavitatioh to call and examine Stock and ric s. We aie s isfied with very small profit?. - i ! "V Boatwi ight & HcKoy, 8 & 7 CTorth Front .Street- - j oct 6 Miscellaneous. THE DAILY REVIEW, STOSH. T. JAMES EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Is published Every -Afternoorb (Sundays excepted). At the following rates, postage paid One Year.. ....$5 00 Six onths . . . 2 50 Three Months . 1 25 One Month .... 50 The paper will be delivered by carriers, free of charge, in any part of the city at the above rates, or 13 cents per1 week. The Daily Review is now in the fourth year Of ltS existence, IS per- manently established, with a large i and steadily increasing subscrip i i . I ; tion list, and presents to merchants and others a most desirable medi- . I '''! Um for advertising. i THE WMI1T0N JOURNAL. JOSH T. i CAZvUJE, EDITOR AND PUi LISHEE. Is pnbKshed EVERY FRIDAY. At the following rates : One Year. ... . I I Six Months. . i . .S2 00 r 1 00 Three Months. . . . . 50 The Wilmington Joubnal circu lates largely in the adjoining conn ties as well as in the Western por tion of the State and presents un- i i ' I equalled facilities to merchants for v making known what they have for ; I ' ... 1 sale ' ' "i Hiscellaneons. THE NEW MARKET Awakens Considerable Interest I BUT KOT MORE SO THAJi 1HE POPULAR WHOLESALE I 1 ' - I AND RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT I - " ! GEO. MYERS, 11, 13 and 16 JSouth Front Street, i 1 i Pecaate of the 1'iTeIj interest ; ' being kept p receiving freih that ia Groceries i 1 And Filling Orders. "PAROLE D'HONNEUB," 1 And other Choice 1 Brands of Flour, We are se'.ling at Low Pricea without reg-ard to theadrauce. Supply you'r- selves at once and Bave ($l per barrel. , Cream Ale and 8weet Cider by the Gallon. Fruit and Fancr Goods. The Largest. Stock in thn fltatA in from at popular prices. ( The Rosa Concha Havaaa Seg&ra, 6 cents, hold the supremacy. i I geo Myers. opt 24 ! - li LIFE IN A BOTTLE. I ! The Most Valuable Medical Discov ery Known to the World No 1 More Use for Quinine, Calomel or Mineral PoisonsLife ;for the Blood, Strength for the Nerves, and Health for AIL AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PUBLIC Believing that by cleansing the blood and building up the constitution was the only true war of bani hing duease and being troubled with weakness : of the lungs, catarrh, very after trying the best physicians and paying out my money lor maoy kinds of medicines advertised without finding a permanent cure, I b gan doctoring myself, using medicines made trom roots and berbs. 1 fortunately discovered a wonderful bitters or Blood Cleansertthefirbt bottle of which gave me new life and vigor, and in time enected a perma nent cure. 1 was free trom catarrh, my lungt became strong and sound, being able to staad themont severe oold and exposure, and 1 hare famed over thirty pounds in weight. Feel ing confident that I had made a wonderful discovery in medicine. I prepared a quantity ot the Boot Bitters, and was in the habit ot friTittar them away to sick friends and neigh bors. I found the medicine effected the most wonderful cures of all diseases caused from humors or scrofala in the blood, Imprudence, Bad stomach, Weakness, Kidney Disease, Torpid Liver, ate , Ac. The news of my diacoTerv in this way spread from one person to another until I found myself called upon to supply patients with ' medicine tar and wide, and I was induced to establish a labor atory for compounding and bottling the Boot Bitters in large quantities, and 1 now do vote all my time to this business. I 1 I was at first backward in presenting eitner myself or discovery in this waj to the public, not being a patent medtciiie man and with small capital, but I am getting bravely over that, since I first advertised this medicine I hsve been crowded witn orders from drug gists and country dealers, and the hundreds of letters 1 have received from persons cored, prove the fact that no remedy ever did so much good in so short a time and bad so much success as the Root Bitters. In fact, 1 as convinced that they wiy soon take the lead o' all otbe- medicines in use. Iea-ly one hu&d ed retail d'Ujrgists, right here at home in Cleveland, now sell Roct Bifers, some oi whom have already sold over one thousand bottles.1 - i I Root Sitters are strictly a medical prepar ation, such as was usbd in the good old nays of our forefathers, when people w re cured by some simple root or plant, and when calomel and other poisons of the mineral kingdom ere an known. I 1 hey act strongly on ti liver and kidneys, keep the bowels regular tnd build up the nervous system, 'hey pecetrate every part of the body, searching oit every serve, bone and tissue from the head to tie, feet, cleansing and stiengtheniDg tbe fountain springs of life, hence they must reach all diseases by purification and nourishment. , So matter what your feelings or symptoms arei what the disease or ailment is, use Root Bitters. Don't wait urn il you are sic, but if you only i feel bad or miserable, use the Bitters at once. It may ave your life. Thousands of persons in all pans of the ountry are already using Boot Bittes They bave saved many lives of c numtivea who had oeen given up by friends and physi cians to die, and have permanently cured many old chronic cases of Catarrh, scrofula, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and 8km Diseases, where all other treatments had faded. Are you troubled with sick headache, costiveness, dixzinesa, weakness, bad taste in the mouth, nervousneM,and broken down in constitution? You will be cured if you take Hoot Bitters. Have you humors and pimples on your face or skint Nothing will give you such good health, strength, and beauty as Boot Bit ten. I I kow that jealouf physicians will cry humbug because my discovery cores so many of their patients, b t I care not. It is now my desire and determination to place my Root Bitters as fast as possible within tbe reach ef all those suffering throughout tbe world sold by wboleaale and retail drug gists and country merchants, or sent by ex press oa receipt of price, $L00 per bottle, or six bottles $5.00. For certificate of won derfel cures, see dt large circular around each bottle o. medicine, uead aad j udge for younelC v ' , tz&-Ask-your Jruggist or saerchaat for FBaTisR'S KOOT BITTKR-, the gTe Slood Clanser,and take no substitute h ma "eoomtnend because be make a large profit : a. PRAIZEB. Discoverer. tu H.Mtnr Ml.. Cleveland O.i I mevtfiaaa v. For sale bv J. O- Manda aad T. H. Borbaak, druggista, - march 26tfl wOW-dAW,V ttcb W-eow-dA J e fbllowiBf Quotations mnr ml olesaJe pricea renerallv. fa mtWn. orders higheprieea have to be charged. 1 Double Anelii,,,,. ,.w Double Anchor ' A" Standard Domestic BACON North Carolina, Bhoulders, fb..L. 10 o 11 & Q 6 10 Q IS i T Western Smoked- Hams..... Sides, If lb......M.... shoulders. . Dry Salted- Sides, V B... Shoulders, fb... BEEF Live weiirht. ike OF BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each........:. 1 2S 0 1 50 Hew lork,eack, new..... 1 75 9 1 85 jK4oWAi y,fb 20 Q 11 BRICKS Wilmington, y M 8 00 10 00 Northern 00 tfU Of BDTTETJ North Carolina lb 16 O T 20 northern, ? lb.... 15 CANDLES Sperm lb 25 9 40 Tallow, f lb. Adamantine. ? seL 9 Q y 8 O UK 7 & 28 Q I 11 OIlEESi. Northern Factory, fb... Dairy cream, V fl) i SUte, V fb.....:.h 9 13 8 SO COFFEE Jswa, V ... uio, y n .., 18 0 20 76 10 70 COTTON TIE8 bdl.. I 35 9 J O o DOMESTIC I Sheeting, 4-4 f yard....... Tarn. bnneh fiK FI8B Maekerel, No. 1, V bbl....l 00 No. 1, y X bbl 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl.... 12 60 ' Wo. bbl...... 6 00 Maekerel, No. 3 V bbl 00 00 i Mullets, ? bbl 2 00 N. C. Herring, 19 keg 6 60 Dry Cod, 8 7 FLOUR Fine, bbl 0 00 Super, Northern, y bbl... 4 00 Eitrado . bbl... 6 00 Family. bbl... 6 00 City MillEx,.Super V bbl... 7 00 " Family y bbl..: 7 60 Ex. Family bbl... 8 00 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Ouano, 3000 Bs.6C 00 O30 00 0 9 00 4900 00 6 50 8 6C 2 60 6 00 0 4 00 6 0C 6 00 8 00 7 26 7 T5 8 25 00 00 O00 00 51 00 40 00 46 00 47 00 O40 CO 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 Baugh'a Phosphate " " 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer " 46 00 Ground Bone, f Bone Meal " Flour Navaasa Ouano, Complete Manure 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 35 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 Whann's Phosphate Wando Phosphate, " Berger AEruta'sRos. Wilcox, Oibb A Co.. ma nipulated Ouano .8 00 067 60 SLUE f ft) 8 10 ttUAlTf Corntore, V 66Sf 05 O Corn, cargo, 56 fis...... 66 O Corn,ycL, V busheL None. Oats, y bushel..... 45 Peas, cow, V bushel 65 BIDES Oreen, ? fi 4 Dry, ft..... 9 HAY Eastern, ? 100 fts... 1 00 North River, 100 lbs.... 1 00 O 60 65 1 10 HOOP IRON ton. 60 00 65 00 LARD Northern V 0) V9 8 North Carolina V S LIME V bbl .:. LUMBER City steam sa' wd 11 90 12 00 Ship stuff, resawed, Mft.l8 00 Rough edge plank. V M ft. 16 00 .West India cargo, accord- I 1 ing to quality, M f t.12 00 Dressed fiooring,seasoned.l5 00 Scantling and boards, com- 1 mon, M ft 1? 00 MOLASSES Cuba,hhd(rl 32 20 00 18 00 14 00 25 00 00 3 1 1 1 Cuba, bbls., gal. ; Sugar house, hhds. y gal. " " bbU. gal... Orleans Choice bbls. gaL NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,Vk?g 2 OILS Kerosene, V gal. l-rd, V gal 1 Linseed, ft gal........ 1 Rosin, gaL PEANDTS bushel i POTATOES -Sweet, 1? bus.' Irish. Northern. V bbl 3 36 18 20 35 60 13 10 00 12 90 00 45 60 r 45 10 20 25 60 00 3 60 PORK Northern, city mess. 10 00 Thin, "f bbl 00 00 Prime, bbl (extra) 10 60 10 60 09 00 11 00 00 00 00 1 15 Rump, bbi;. , 00 00 RICE Carolina, V S....... 7 JLast India, B) Rough, V busheL. ..1 00 00 1 uoontry, s City, V .lb.... ROPE . Hemp... inauuis 13J 70 80 75 1 75 X iox 00 SALT Alum, V saok Liverpool, yf sack. American V sack Marshal's fine, fl saok.... Cadia V sack......... SUGAR Cuba, V fi. Porto Rico, i A- Coffee, V B) B " V C " V lb ! Ex C W ft .)... Crushed-- Tb Jl... oOAP Northern, V ft SHINGLES Contract, V Common, w" M 00 00 80 36 00 10 00 9 7 00 6 00 60 11 00K 7 2 25 BTAVEi4 W. O. bbl. 00 BO hhd. " E....! 0 00 TALLOW V Tb. 8 TIMBER Shipping V M ...10 00 Mil, extra per IM..J 8 50 Mill, prime per M... 7 00 Mill, fair per M U. 6 00 Common, per M 4 00 1 Inferior to Ordinary, per M 3 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 25 North Caroina, per gal... 1 50 1 WOOL Unwashed, per tt... 20, Washed. zer ft 26 Burrv wool, per fl... ....... 16 oo bo oo 12 00 10 75 8 00 6 60 4 60 4 00 3160 2 2S 22 0' 28 Q 17 A, Sure Cure for Piles. A SURE CURE for the blind, bleeding, il Itching and ulcerated piles has been dis covered by Dr. V lUiam (an Indian remedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointsent. A single box has ta-ed the worst old chronic cases of twenty-five and thirty years'standing Mo one re-d satier fire minutes after apply iig tins wonderful sooth ii.g medicine Lo tions, inrt. anient ' and clectaariea do more harm than good. William's O.ntment ab sorbs the tumors, allavs the intense itching ( particala. ly at night after getting warm in bed), acta as aj poultice, gives instant aad painless relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts and nothing else ''I cons il ted physicians in Philadel phia, Loaisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and this city, and spent hundreds of dollars, antf found no re ief until 1 obtained a box of Dr. William's Indian Ointmett s me foar montht ago, and it ha cured me completely. 1 Josara M. Kvota, Cleveland, O. Has done me more good than all the mfcdi cine I ever tried and 1 t are pent more thax SIM) wita doctors, betides medicines I -.am cure cost me more than $40." David SraLi&a, Ingraham, II'. "Have suffered twenty yeaia with itchit g and ulcerate 1 piles, hiving used evey reme dy tnat ease to my notice without benefit until I used Indian Ointment atd received immediate relief. i Jaaas Caikol, ( an old mi er) i Teooma,Ilev. ta. Na Pile Bemedj ever gained such pid favor and extensive sale. Sold by all rapi m wholesale and retail drerrwts. ror sale by I J. C. Mvnds awd TJ fl. Baibank. Rail Road Lin ITm T' Bn it1':' wiLMmein?; fiAILROAJO COMP A JTt. i ll! lh 1 1 9 r Wilmington, N. a, Jue is. change of son km i !' On and after Snndit Jnr l!jh raasen enger trains oe the Wlminct 'h, Railroad will run as follows I . 1 w don DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TKAi.N Leave Wilmington, Front St Depc AirlveaVwrtd&nau!"." Leave Weldon . 11 Arrive at Wilmington, Front" Sc r'. 1 ('I l L. iepov at..... ... P flfj NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRKSH id A 25 I , DAILY. , - ,.1 teave )4 llininrton. Front Ht Lepot at.. & j i v. - . Trr , w v m Uave Weldon, 2 13 A Arrive at WUmington, Front St. Ml J wePl - 8 45 : M- Traint on Tarboro nnch 1. Rockv Mount for Tirhom itunn i u L.s '.- 16X and Tuesday, Thursday and rtaturc ay at 4 : 1 A H. Rntursinff'. TarKr.m . . 4 . H dailv. and Monday. wHn-4.. i . - ' Jf " VMM VP U SB V t S T Friday at8:30P M. . i . Tbe Dav Train makM U,m AnnnAA.:nJ . . neldoa for all nolnta North i. i daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via Kici mond and all rail route . , I Nifht train make Mnt L.! - Weldon for all Doints north r!i Rirhmm i Sleeping Care atUdied to all Night 1 rains, JOHN F. DIVINE, General Suut. June 13 i I '! 1 1 bi liana".? i .1 r Cen'l Sup'ts Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AC OU8TA RAILROAD CO , i - '' Wilmington, N. 0., June li; 179 " CHANGE OF SCHEDTJiJe; I j i i in ' I On and after nndav. June lKJ thJ'..l.l jowlng schedule will be run on this road ,j DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL ' TRA 1 N . dai v J Leave Wilmijgton................,.r.... 9 C5' A ill arrive Florence t 1 25. 1 P 1 Leave Florence 3 50 P M Arrive at Wilmington.... 8 v0 P i 67 NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmincton 1") la h Leave Florence 2 t- l a H Arrive at Columbia..................... 9 Od A M Leave Columbia J 6 ( 0 A M beave Florence a a M Arrive at Wilmington 6 50 A M This Train stocs onlv Whiteville, Fair Biut, and Marion. . ' Passengers for Auzuata fvia Columhia. should Uke Night Express, Train from vV mins'ton. . ( 'Thr'Mnrh Hleerin Cars on nich trfrf iot unarteaton ana Aueuta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General taPj jure i J CAROLINA CENTHAL liAILWAY Orrioa Oirieil SoraaiimifDtRr. - - - . I! iV Wilmington, N. C, My 18, 18V. ' Change of Scuedule, m- .i , . r "rt' : : rr-n 1 i Swjgea?M i i iw ON ANP AFTER THiS date, tb in? Schedule will be oiurated i e Schedule will be operated on '.th.s Railway:! PassengarMail and Express Train LeaiirWilminrton at.... I 7 0 . R In No. 1 Arrive at Uamlet at '2:27 a! J " at Charlotte at.... :20 A Leave Charlotte at. 8.2 P Ne. 2. VArrive at Hamletat. l;3i A IK ) at WUmington at 9:50j A M Close connection made at Hamlet vi'ith trains of Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Ks.il- waj. - i : ' I Shelby Division Mail, Freight A- Pasgcng ana r-XDrefs. 1 No. 9. Leave Charlotte 8.-4U A Arrive at Shelby 1:33 P Wo IA e Shelby. iJ:l 5 IP M no,10,j Arrive at Charlotte t:05 I' M V. tr. OHNHON.Ii mar 1 General Superintendent. 8K OO VALUABLEiTltUTIIS. If roaaxewnfferincrfromMpoor health, or languaa. tag on a I bea Jl n.it new gjuuteciKuer, i or Hop Hit I em Tf too are a minister wl; .'Cure Von 1 ana have orcrtaxed yorm iei or a mother, rP if you are tnmply ailincr piritoU,, without dearlj i - . . i 1 f . ith Tour oantoral du-l mit witn care ana wore, oi If Jon reel weaK aou out lmowlng why, Hop Bittern will! IleMorc Yoa ' I ir you are man or ihw-i ines, weakened 1T th Strain of your everydafy IdutuK; or a niaa oi nxidiiiLt work, i " iSlrengthen VonJ 1 Jsufferlnflr from any India iftfct, 4 1 often Um cain j Relieve Yoa, ten, toinng over joA , 1 Hop Hitters will' Tf you !i younar. and Sreuon,crar" growxrjjf wo Hop Bitters will Tf you are in the worV shop, on the farm, at .nfr deak. urvVrf, and fee?! thai your yw-in inwli eicamung' toumg or eum- lulatln witkuat iatxi Hop Hitters it R What Yon Need, j If too are okl. and rent Irxxi-w la feeble.1 1 youi berre unsteady, and ourfj faeultii's waning, Ump BlUxn will girt yu ,ev Lire aa4 lxrw Hop Cocoa Craa i the sweetext, waJutft and beti Jf A It I MUM. ' " D Dm n -pad ror Ktnrnacn. ia rer ann kjh nern tf toaUothera. Cure by abHorptioa. it la perfei-t. ClLCUu atiaolnte and LrretdKtJ&Ie core for drunk- f nnrant use oi opanm, tooaooo ana narcouca. ' Abrm Kii by draextk llr BiUcr. Ml. Go. R.r, J. 1 . Headquarters ior AU i , ' J 'i Lager Beer ati ( For tar. No. S Market Street YOU WITH TflE 3f c IN FURNISH Alt, Lager Beer and Porter, twnb keg ar; bottled, ia the city. HCoentrv order" prnmptly attended ta CHAS. KLEIN, :..! Uniertater .ail 'CaiinetiKalep. He. 24 South Front Street, WILMINGTON, If. C. A fine afrrrtmeat or Coffins and Ci kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired,! Cleaaed. aM Y.VUUsea, -.orders br tele. g rapi' m iuail rvafftlj filled. . an 13 I W5, i O I il M M I-1.-: I-' 4- X J. 1 -