Fighting Before CabuL AFGHAN TROOPS IDVAXCIXG FROM THE CITI W CHEAT FORCE Mr Hani wil not return to Washing ton this winter, and intimate th t bis retirament from the Hupreme bei eh Will u itt n t Iff m ' J nho'fl wn I (in i n vi t u n aid mi ijijcd p pioiw ui I AKOLIXA. Occopjlng (he Hills that. Command the the Roads Leading to the Capital Tha British Dlslodlns them After a Hot Engagement- Gr ensboro Put riot 'i of W limine tor j the comtruo.U" - road? I 8helby Aurora Does the city i U F fc 1 V Mr W Wl j ail McFar London. Oct. 8 Sir Frederick Roberts telegraphs from Charasiab on the 6tb inst.. at 8 PM. that the Af- crhanH advanced from Cabnl in feror and there was heavy fighting all dy. den, will beimarritcf next MoLday in The Afghan position was carried, and .Sew York. iand, of tbia plao has discovered that it takes just .4.469 turnip seeds to nil a tablespoon level lull. Midshipman Perrin Busbee, form erly of Raleigh, and Mist Ljilly Wur den. daughter of Kear-Admir.! Wor id twelve guns were captured. The British loss was about eighty killed and wounded. Gen Roberts hoped to be able to march close to Cabul ntx day, Tuesday. London, Oct 8 Gen Roberts, in bis M, says : 'Keoonnoitarirjg parties sent out on al the roads lendwu to Cabui at daybreak this morning reported the enemy advancing in great force from the direction of the city. These par ties had to retire ocon afterward. Ihe high range of hjlla intervening be tween Charasiab and Cabul was crowu ed with troops and people from the city, while parties of Ghiizis appear ed on the hills ruDniLg along both flanks of the camp: and reports wert received that the road to Zabibab v-as threatened. Along this roa'l ile I'hereon, was advancing with a larg convoy of stores and ammuLiition. Warning was bent to MoPueisou and some assistance in cavalry. Ti i I 1 1 A xii was ausoiureiy neceesary to car ry the heights in front be. ore evenir g T..1 a i i -.i . . jjaner whu miruacea wnn mm very aiiccuit uury, wmcn ue compirtea in the most admirable manner, lie Bent a party under Major White, of the .Ninety-second. H ghlanders, cunsist- mg of a wing of that regiment, three guns of the Eighth Battery, Third Brigade, Royal Artillery; 1U0 of the Twenty-third Pioneer.-, ana two q aid rona oi tne Uiltu I'uni ub Uuvaiiv. to aavanou Dy toe rigut of ihts gorge. After an obstinate resistance Mi ioi lira. A - ... " wmte succeeded in driving the enem on the main hills, and later in the day ue capturea twelve guns. Our log? Here was four killed ana nine wounded Baker, with the Seventy-second Highlanders, a wing of the Fifth Uhoorkas, 100 of the Fifth Punjab r m . . . . xQiantry, tne remainder of the Twen ty-tnird 1'ioneers, four guns of No 2 Mountain Battery, and eight Gatling guns, made a turning movement to the left, and was soon hotly engaged. Ht reports that the advance of me troops maae io nis entire satisfaction Goldsboroi JJaii: The numb-r of bales of cotton weighed by Mi flood and KooiDeoh f or ( the last two wetk3, ending Wednesday evening. amounted to 2,000 bales. Chatham I fiecod: The screech of the cane 'mills is nowjheard throigh out the land, for our farmers re buoi- "ly engaged in ranking sorghum fcyrup O'litea large amount is made in tbi and some of it of an excellent A revival of relig Ken cnurcn. in '.Hiurjiy, fualuy. Goldisboro Mail iuu Hh xncKory ow Green coanty, rebultedjiu the addition of quite a nubbc-r to the church. The services were conducted by Elders Hill, liaiheld and o-3. , ... .1 t I-!-'" I;.rcoro S- ulierner: Below Hamil-1 o', ia B ack Gut neighborhood, Peter b reeman, coioied, was killed by Robi uaiToruge wiui as sua loaded with pewter balls.1 The Wife of P. ter the murderer. v7oman. Feeman is said td have moulded the balls and otherwise aid-d and abetted (Special Correfpondenca Dailr Review.) The Jasper Centennial. 8avannah, Qa., Oct. 9, 1879. Mrt Editob: i ! . Tbia is a grand day in this live city. Savannah is wide awake! Everybody is n the atnets, on the piazzas, or at the windows lo king on Madieon Square. There are 2 000 troops in line in full ele t;ant gray, wjth colnrb representing all the corps and ana of (service. The "Georgia army" Btands by the gray. The band an 1 oae compaty of the loth U. S. In 'an try lead the escor. in 1 blue. from Atlinta. The 6rst regiment of Georgia Volunteer Infantry is commanded by Col. Clifford W. Anderson, who also commands the en tire Infantry force. j Volunteers from almost every larg town in the State, with five or six com jjrujie'j from South Carolina. The.Geor da Hussars, c-valry, and Clfatham Artillery were among older organization. General Lafayette McLaws is marshal. General John B Gordon,1 the orator of the day, in now (12 o'clock) apeaking. 1 pe corner stoue of the ' monument to Surgeaot Jasper has been laid. My effke i full of ladies looking at the "show" iu Madison Lquare. which ia about 20o! feet iiiritaDt. rou know I am now iu "Ole tiiorpe Barracks," which forms one anie of that Sqnarp. Of course there is no work to-day, and 1 au receiviu company. If I weie to give you a Ue&criniion ct tbe maitial look aud bearinc of the sol diers and elegance aud beauty of the ladies. your Wilmington boys would all want to lijirate to Savannah, for a season, at least, lint really the Georgia volunteer troops are as wed dulled and uniformed as thr present U S. Army trooi s, and are fulh the peers f your North Carolina ''boys in t-ray." We have infantry, cavalry ahj fTOlIHEKCIAL 17EWS WLLMINGTOM MARKET I I October 104 F M. I 8PIRIT8 TURPEXTINE Quoted strong at 27lA cents. Later, we hear of sales 38 caaks at 28 cents. - ) j ROSIN Firm at f 1 20 bid for" Ptralned and Good Strained, an or 20 cents on Strained and 15 cents on Good fetrained. Sales of 2,500 bbls at quotations. TAR Steady at $1 00. j 'o receipts and! no sales reported. CRUDE TURPENTINE Stead yj at f 1 10 for Hard, and f 1 SO for Yellow Dip. Sas receipts at quotations. COTTON Quiet and nominal. No sales reported. I ' j The following are the offi cial Quotations : Ordinarj Cento. Good Ordinary... . , Strict Good Ordinary I Low! Middling 9 7 16 " Middling a.. 9U u Good Middling L. 1 , - 1 DAILY aaOKIPTB ! ootton.... L 224 bales apinta lurpenune........ IScasA- 59ia- llt bb it Tar...i " Orode TorDentina...! iA Miscellaneous. -j :.uqignontt,f Pry (GootJsOa(-pets ALMOST DAILY! ARRIVALS OF ! Our friends are caliin i. from liloi-oi 1 1 1 r ae, c r 111 w . I elude they are pleased. No efforts will b faction. Very Resaectf ullv. octV MARINE NEWS. i ARHIVED. JStaamer Elizat'eth, CUadwick, Smithyille K P Paddisou. ! KLeam-yacnt Pa sport, Harper, Smith vllle, Geo Myers. Steamer Elia-ibeth, Cnadwick, Sniithville K p Paddison. teaiu-yacut Passport, Harper, Smith ville Geo Myrs. I Steamship Benefactor, Jones, New Yd X DUUU. rk. did another negro us, and a her bodv Mt s en in man v. be ladies, of course Raleigh tibscrve-: Captain Thorn- burg, the late Treasurer of the! North Carolina R-iiiroad, died a few day.-, agt ana lelt nis wittow in very Htraitentu cironmstanoes. C61 T B Loner has presented her name to the Postmaster fPost and hag for the Goneral for thl appointment tnitdress ar (Jompany Shops, -irongiy recommended uer plnce. j I , -. : Greensboro Patrot : List day Air Lemuel Ooitraue Was down oyoamore J street, with produce, when 1 the mules! Thnrs- drivmp a lond o of ctimt frightened aud ran 'in the direction o the market. Turnitiff the corner sud denly Mr Coltrfne was thrown out, the vagou passing iover his faoe. neck and chestbreakine the liawboue. coliar bone and sevra ;ribs.;TLe injanes sus tained were fatal. 1 was height after height being carried in Tgaiiant style. Gar loss was a? follows : detain Young, Punjaub Infantry; Lieut Fer guson, Beventy becond Highlanders, una vt uancan, Twenty-third, wound ed, and about seventy men killed and wounded. The euemy s loss is nu known, but mn t have been consider able. Thtpfl d in great eonfusiou, and lost two standards. We have strong pickets posted, as larg numbers of GhilzUs are still in the neighborhood; but I hope to-mor, row to be able to march to withiu a short distance of Cabul. The Ameer says that the palace of Balar-Hissar is no longer in possession of people he can trust. His family have moved into the city. The head men of Chardeh and the suburbs of Cabal have aeked whether they may pay their respects to me, and others will probably follow thoir ex ample; and I am sanguine that the country will quiet dovn oow that the people see that opposition is useless, dui at present tnere is very great ex cnemem iq tne city and country gen larboro bouthetner: The interest, in the protracted nWetings, held at Bat tleboro by llev J N Andrews, assisted py Uapt aimmons, of Halifax, and Rev .uessrs JtSatts and ,lrk. remains nn?. Dated. SlXtV of the'beSt in it is one o the have ioiiied the the community, and beet in the State. .Uetnodiat fJhurcb, while others hnve connected themselves with the Enie I 1 -w- 1. t . I oopai ana xiaptist. meetincr of lanticand North held in Golds Much business Raleigh Observe'' the Directors ot'jthe A Carolina Riili-oad was boro .on Tuesday last. of lmuortance wan tran(4HntAd. Ar rangements were miide for a regular iine of steamers to ruiij between More aead City and NewUYbrk. The first steamer, the 'Ashland.' will lr.orl ot Alorehead Cityion Fridav. -i i Charlotte Democrat: The Pastor of 6:eei Creek and Pleasant Hill Presby. tenau -congregations in iliis county. uie lo.y jonn uonglas, died at his residenoe m fcjteel Creek on Wednesi lay iast, aged 70 years. He was sick ouiy aDout a week, and no fears were felt as to his recovery until Tuesday "o" c w woreu Buuaeniy uu uiou iu u iew nours. artillery ou the groui 01 men 1 nave u many a day. As to i I am no judge of beniity, although I used to be, but the cierks iu my .fhVe seem to thii,k,:or,they net as tihoU"h thev rhousbt. Mit;in apleudiu! perfectly splendid! and just the best girls in the world! jl think they must be rL-h ; th y say Savannah a hard to bea- in the nay of beautiful iadiea. ''.'. , There is to be a Gr.tad Review this af ternoon in the Military Park, by thn Governors of Geo.gia, South Carolina and, Floriu. i 'lihe.lri6!iinea are oat in full tbrce with ibeir green fl.tgs and sren ornaments, oliimiug that Syrjeant Jasper was Lheit ;Dul they are met by the pcoreh with a counter claim that he be loiiged to their uation, because his christian lame was William, which is no Irish ame. Had it been Patrick, they would not have said a woid, but- bei: g William (Wallace, most like), they, insist hn wa. heir man. Then the Anglo-American come in as umpires in the dispute, aiu decide that Jasper was a cotch-liishman, and a splendid specim -n hi that race. It is I o'clock and the 8peak;-e is qrer. Gvl-a 1 Go o has ad ed a her sprig of laurel to th wreath that adorns his brpw. May be wear it well and w, ar it long! He is certainly a noble Georgian! New bbl (1 ba Kvport8. COAsk-WIHK. York -steamship Benefactor 15 bispeanuts, 2o do ei ude turpt, 75 do tar, 260 o pitch, 329 do rOsln. 46S casks spts, 914 aies cottou.80J27ft lumber. 151 pkgs mdse. j 1 - -i T List of Vessels lOver 100 Port Oct 6, 1879- I BAKKS. Female School, j MISSES BtJRK & J LMKri, Principals. MSH. M. 3, CUiUI.SG, ! Instructress in Vo cal and Inst utueatal Musio. rpiifc r 1 h TKKNTli AXVUAL, 8FS8ION J. of this School Will commence on Mn lav, Oct.16tb, 1S79, and cloe during the last week iu June b,0. Tbe course of instruction i? fo!id and thorough, and the utmofit care wiil ba tajt b, as heret -fore, to avoid every hinar periiai in? to a auDerfieial .iurtin-i Young child-en carefully and judiciously trained, by means of object lessons and Kin dergarten occupation, in cocjonction with ite uesi text dook lustraction, -Fr e hand drawing1 taught without extra obarga. j 1 For further particulars see circulars at the different Book Htorea in tfee city, or enquire of Pjlncicals i J nL I MhcellaneQus.) Port Grape .n Irenes for Coamnn' 1 I PASSAIC. tons in A limited number of dudiIs can bp n Jl . 1 1 . ydia Peschau, 376 ton, Bremers, i escnau ce vvestermaun bwd Israel, 3:0 tons T:,fliuf K E Heide U -vhou liicardo, i'83com Koddatz, TT , E l'escuan & Westermann v iKing, 277 tons, Rapmusseh, J I ! CPMeban sor Thor, 333 tot s, Olsen, ti E He'd- i or Concordia, 356 tons,01sen, K ifi He'de r D H Bliss, 542 tons, Jones, .T . E G Barker & Co -w 1 nndsesse Cyda, 313 tons, Helgensen, ORRflNS 13 Stops, 3 set Re 3 , 2 Knee UnUW111 Swells, tool and Jiook, only 1 ct- Pi¬ Stool, Cover and Book, oniy ji4j 75. llludtratd Newfpaner sent free. Address Daniel F. Baatty, Washing ton, N. J. oct tj.yy $10 to $1000 month. Books thing. Invested in Wall Street cit ck8 makes fortuof-s t verv sent free nxolai. insr evrv- T.Vn.f. m J oc 9 4w BAXTER A r?i Bankers. 17 Wall 8t., New R E Heide Dr- Cincinnati Labor Strike; Cincinnati, Oct 8 At the strikers luocwuK ima moruiDff it was mnnnn. oed that the German theatre will ive entertainments on Sunday night for me Denenc or. tne strikers. Thia morning all the stove monlders in theOhioValhy etruo;kforan advance oi hi teen per cent, ana a renewal of old board prices. The President of the Internal Union being stationed here, all other towns are governed by the action of the men io this oity. Three prominent stove manufaetur era have yielded to the demands of th strikers, andtuamen nont-imi tn nr- A number of other manufacturers de clare they will not aooede to ihe do xnand for an increase in wages. Rileigu New : A private dispatch city ( yesterday states jury yesterday indictment foi The Colorado Election Denver, Oot 8 The "election in th. Btate yesterday was for a SSupieme I .. 1 ar ' t . than half the uual vote was polled JlU6 returns come in very Blowly, but the indications are that the Rt-pubh cans have carried everything. Ex- Gov Routt, Chairman of the Republi can State Gommittee, estimates tht majority for Beck for Supreme Judgt ub nearly u.uuu, h gain or ii.uou over 1 fc. & rriL t . i iast year a voitj. iuero was little in terest taken in the contest, as the State ticket contained only one name, that of Beck. received in this that the Federal grand found a true bill of conspiracy against the sheriff of An Hon county, the clerk pftbe Superior Court aDd three prominent law vera viz; Alessrs Bennett, Dariran and remnertou, rorjrestonng a wagon land team, captured by a United Rtafps Deputy Marshal, to its owner1. ' The counsel were included in the oonspira ey by reason of their having advised cue return of tbe property. vuaiiuuo Ksuxerccr: a piacK neerro laiueu uooert uonuaton, wbo haa b-en John O'Alexaudet's place, in Provi lenee townsbip, tuis cjuntv. ran IT ;ast iUonday night, taking with him a dttle daughter of ' Mr Sueal, , aged 13 years, xney were tracked in tbe df- tnua oi luo oouia Carolina line, bu up to yesterday hothiog had been 'u oi mem. At is: claimed hv t.hf. parents and friend - . . i f v ..v. luuaic girl that she was forced away, as it wa of. I I ! , occu wuere sue was atasnrpei alnnn k ouustou in inej nurry, of his Idepart- UID. Moll's Endorsement nf Sntv Port Port Grape Wine. The followioEr. from the clehrafprl n. Mott Of New York. Sneaks wnneru fr Air. bpeer a efforts to raise the. (-. Grape in New Jersey: j 62 Madisok AVexuk J New Yobk, April 11, 1878 Jj Mr Alfred Steer Dear Sir ; The vjsit whicu I made last year to youi Vmeyards, . wine-pns-es at"d vaults ur. assaic, N. J.. satisfied me thn'mnuKu- that thj wines mannfwtnrpH K " jju. ni t pure and unadulteratted, and the ver Kifi- U...a. 1 rr i . ... J ucot tuiti can pe ouered tj the public for medicinal uses. Acting upon my favorable imprsioiifi -it the time. I hive since ien th. i Port Wine more particularly in m practice, and am satUtied, with markec beneSt, to my patients. ; There can be no better 1 proof t to j the doubtidg mind, 'as to the Wine bebt made o the finest Oporto Grape, than a visit to the acres of land covered with th. -- .- i u yme bearing the luxuriaht fruit. W sh uu you success in your praiseworthy enter prise, remain respectfully yours. ALEX B. MOTT, M.-D vjtci rndiK, out ions, rermien, repairing, E Peschau Si Westermann I BIUGS. Am Alice Lea, 297 1 tons', Foster, Sr. WivwoM Br Signal, 30i tons, Williams, ! ( Alex Sprunt & Son Or Busy Beej 329 tons, Graham, EG Barker & Co Sp Dos Cuualos, 227 tons, j , Laid up for repair? j SCHOONERS. j Am City cf Chelsa, 151 tons, Maddox, ! ! is.enan & rorshee A ii Lorretto, Fish, 316 tons, Watts, J H Chad bourn & Co ForeifM Vesjjls ior t us Pjrt 1 (Corrected Weekly.) i Br barque Ula loe, Fielding, sailed Mugnusn, sail-d Michaels, al AGENTS WANTED For the Best and astest-Felli g Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 33 per cent. JVatioal Publishing-Co., Philada., Pa., Atlanta, Ga., or St. Lojuia, Mo. " pet 9 iw d idnn retarns in 30 days on $100 ' in 4 1 U U vested. Official reports and infor inauon free, hike nrofita weilv oh Stnrt ptions of $10 to $60. i Addresi, T. Potter Wight & C ., Bank er,, 35 Wall 8t., N.iY. ct 9 4w r Speer's Port Grape i re Ours 1 on Vm tin rjlHlS JUSTLY uktBKATED lilj Wine is made from thl m! r .l! . Grape, raised in thii cojantiJ It, (U'U D AGENT va-sl Wil ms for the WAN TFn A-good - - mar j0 canva- miaKtOb, and the adini nine tunna i t,. . . - o - - - oesi seuiDg nouseiold articles in the world Hp top profits, write at nceto World Manu facturing Co, 122 Nassau tit.1 New York, oct 9-4w i i are unsurpassed b7 any other aatife L rteing the pure! juice of the grape,' under Mr. Hpeir'a own persoaal . tlrS f Ms its purity and GOOD PLAN. Combining and operating man v orders Va8t 8"m ha8 vry advantaKer capital, with skillful management. Larpe protltn diri.led pro rata on ' in veBtmcnti of 25 to inonii iiniJ. .i.i. r.. ..lauations how all can succeed in stock dealings,mailed flee. vi.-unavo s w., i uroa street. Hew York. r and am n n ..... 1 he vouneest child mir dmI n. ouj quahUes, apd the w eaieit invalid use it to advante. It is particularly hcialtothe aped and debilitated, ndff M to tbe various ai rnenta tat afflict thnne VI't ri1' eTJ respect, A WISilOKl sailed from Yar- M I . from Lidb-n. rteut 2. Uer ba: que Vonder Heidt, Rio, Aueust 30. br brig Heiress, Brotheron, sailed Opor to, Sept 3. I , Nor bri Ja len, moutb, Hei t 11 Sff i barque Antelope, Rj berg, sailed from fc-xfai uth, f ept, 6. I ! .Nor barque Kristine. Jtnlen, sailed from Nor barque Zapn jt; Jensen, at Liverpool, Csept 4. i Nor barque Anna, SIversen, tailed from Gnmsley, Aug. 21. I trer Drque Apotheker, Dising, 385 tons, deebaarth at (ilouceate.-, Sept 4. Brba-k Emma Cro-.k, 2&6 tons, Wood ward, at Liverpool, Aug. 28. j Ger bark W W Harv.y, 377 tons, Peters, at Gloucester, Au. 28. Br barque Resolute, Lawrence, sailed from mot. barque Hjdmmet, Ingmundsen, sailed TSSIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS Has a Pad differing from al 1 otheii, is CUP shape. With Salf-Ariinctinir BaH in cnter, adapts i tse If to all positions of tbe body, while the Ballln tbe cap presses back the Intestlnesjnstaaapcrsoa would with the Finger. With light nressDM th. Hni. 1. h.l.l ! day and night, and a radical cure certain. It Is easy, durable and cheap. Sent by mail. Circulars free. EGGLESTON TRUSS CO., Chicago, 111. Speer's P. JT. Slurry. P. J- WHfeHKl is a Wir e and, of LfsV p aruket'f it to vhidr. INSTITUTED Established 1 n 1879 for the core of laneer, I amort, L leers, 8erofula, and 8k la Diseases, without the use of rnwormation, circulars and references, address. : ! Dr. F. L. rOSD, Aurora, Kane Co., 111. The KIOR CHAKACTER g iden qualities of the erabe fro1 is maae. ror M h.llC'l AL PrUJ iRllES, it wil be found unexcelled. , j '(j Speera P. J. or Jdro J. jBraniif. This j noted brDdj in a pure distill t from the grp ard isequa. to the bafelf a nesy or C'tard Prar.oits; for d eliiiltfii-' poses it can be relied upon ih nt-iltl r j. tJ . See tbat the aionaturp ofAIffer fj'f, Pafsaic, N. J., is over the cork of fcb bw A.. HPEER'8 Mt. ProHpc: Vm New Jersey. Office, .Vo. ork. -I , Forsjilebv OrtEKN A ilJi.V.N K J C. MUNDtt, Uruggists, ind P L IiMlil OO. ! I Mt 1 WANTED Prof, of Surnery, Bolleyue flosp. Med'i from -Antwerp, Aug, 31. College, &c-, &c torealebyj. C. Munds. drn FlaDoer, P. L firidjiera & Co. & imuonaiii o me Afflicted.; ! We would advise all wlm m t.J tu. d j , -. I V k. I JI syujrotcu, io euner can o,- write to ur. Koertsou. 19. So. Etitaw sr s.u., wLiu iroui 10 ve.ra cxriH ncuco.m Hospital and Special Practice tuaiauiees a cure in a 1 tlUoaMa Af i f V- . - wwwsw, w Va LUt uriwiry uraan and or the Xervuii,Sv. wigauic anucmiual Weakiiess. Irh potency qioss of sexual; power). Nervous Leuu.iy ana treuiblii'!?. Pinittifii. nfr Heirt, dimness 6f &ieht or eidditi.v vft(. tiimal Enissions, Ac, all resuldng from The Disorders In Ireland. London, Oct 8. Tne Comrnittef oonsistiug of Meesrs Parnell, O Con nor. Power and FimigaD, Horn Kult members of Parliament, aud others, formed for the purpose of coudactirig Ihe anti-rent agitation in Ireland, have agreed upon an appeal to the Irish srA in tlin trkfYta on i r fK TT.;n as WW wu w wtvaaii wi hm4 au i uj vJ 1 wCTd States, to promote owner-hip of the coil by the occupants instead of the landlords, who, tbe appeal declares, should, fully compensated Justice Hoot to Betlre. . Washington , Oct. 8. Justice Hunt's Irieads write to this city and say that Set baek 42 liears. "I was troubled for manv vr o;K Kid ley Oothplaint. Gravel. &c m,- bjood becamf thin; I was dijll and Suae", tive; cou'.d hardly crawl about: was nr old worn out man all over; could get neth os w neip me, nutiljl got Hop Bitters md now I ami a bov at?ain. M w hw poy aeain. Mr blnod ind kidneys are all right, and I am a. tctive as a man 6f 30. althoush I am and I have no doupt it will do as well for t tiers ot ray ace. 1 It is worth a (batner..) Wine , m and Cak i trial. 3 for Erenlntrs. Alfred Speerof New Jersey, it should be known, is one of the most extensive producers and deles in Purq Wines and Brandies ia the Uuited States. He makes a Superior Port Wine, which Itook the highest premium it theCentennial, known as.Speerx8 Port Grape Wine. It sold hy J, C. Munds, P. L. Bridgers & Oo and Green &FUnaef Ang-t abuses in votith. or exrv.wn in mih.i. llwrk oil 1 . : j.i ... ' si anu oiooo aiseases quickl Cured. Dr. R. is a pradnafA nfnn rr tu. oldest and best medical schools in i.m country (TJriversity of Marvlard), aud rt lers to the leading nhv an consulting him can rely upon houorable nd confidential enclose stamp for reply. Special attention ,?ven to all lemale comolaiuts. (inod commodations for all wishing to call and o um. jieuicioe sent to any aadress. I ' j j1 JL CARD. To all who are suffering from the Pr , rors and indiscretions ot youth, neryom -.uuloo, cny uecay, toss OI manhood c, l will send a recipe that wilU-urf you, ittfcrj ut' LJUAKUK. This great .cuieuy was ciscovered oy a missionary in ojuiu America, oena a selt-ad Jressed juveiope w tne iv. JosKPHi T. Inxan Station p. New York City. , Batting, i ' ' 11 QTJIoT?, NICELY CARDED, and BatUnf for Diatilleriet At the LMLVQTO COTTOHILLS. Fr. barque Keunion, sailed from Ant- werp, Aug. 31. j j Nor. barque Ross, Hansen, sailed fron Caen, Aucr. 14. I I . vrer oarque June ileTn, 332 tons, Pchro- oi , DBiieu irom uioucester, 8. Br oarque Summer Cloud,292 ton9,Rotiers' at Lent), May . 1 f Br baiqueSasie, 302 tons, Huson, sailed from Glaosrow, June 3. I i .nan b,g ,llw 2li Anders n. rucu irum liunaon, August 4.1 . ter ba'bue a naa. 3 9 tnn. 'ij : - j r , . uignui sail- ed from Rotterdam, Aujr 2i, ed trom London. AnLr. 22. ' Nor ba.que Finegal, Ingmundsen, sailed tiom Antwerp, Aug: 31. ' ior Da:q ie iru.e, aiebert, sailed -rom Ur rpol, Sept. 24. Nor brii? ProdDerita. B I n-r,A O. r.'- ' v-,.ltutiUUi a . 1 awvB parties to 1 act as ueneral Agrnt.1 for the pale of our snecialtiM. j . B"ine88 respectablei. ooas f eu rapmiy. we pay a salary or a ' yiuiaBliu nn saies. Kroui $1C0 to! 120) a Mon'h can be made by live en. Kare1 wuauce iormssiBgmoner, address I !J. S. M DONALD A 0O., oct 9-4 w H8 Clark St. Chicago. ' A Word 1 irpO PARENTS AND TEACH The University Series of r-chool were adopted by our State Boa.' d rl Ji: 1 . 1 1 1 bf fW eorqsuMPTiorj S.lrSf' jA. aimple vegetable remedy ipr tne tpeejt and permanent cure of ConBumn tion Jironchitis.Catarrh.Asthmawid ail Throit and Lung Affectvon.hlso u. nositivn Mill raaicai cure for xservons Debility and all Nervous Oimnlaintu rhirk x j. . A , 7"??"" f ?eciPi ''"th full directions U.-?!111?1 French or English) for prepar- w.w.s: tion. and f have m(lp irrsr treinet Publishers for tbeir irtrodactiin at rrftd or Introduction tint s. nittr the Driri trfi xchaneinif Ol ' Bo. k tv.r ti.. Ibw" nil iur arare IK Ui BUUUD. flmJM mm . HEKAB.149 Power.' W They are Here. yy BEQ OF I OCR FRIENDS TO call and see us. Our Fall and Wintl HrnnV i. -rriTing Dy every train and steamer, i 'i and we have no hesitation in pronouncing it j the MOST DESIRABLE ASSORTMENT of Gent's Ciothinr and Fnmiqhin hIla. 1 . . . . . . . .ciui0agmioijer3ut9. It will take our two Urge and hand-ome stores to hold it all. oiwimsianciing tne recent advance in the "UIUI maraeia we guarantee to sell at LOWER PRIGESTHAM EVER BEFORE Call and see us and we will prove it to jou. We Do Not Claim I i PVTROXAGE simply because we are - ... i l a home enterprise, !nor do we expect it a '.he expense of any one's pocket; WE hat we can fill any order for DO CLAIM Sash, Doors 'and Blind?. Or anything iu our line, at as LOW FIGi i I . URES, and as g(Kd work and material, ept 24 I A. A L RHBIER Houses and Stores to Bent. I . APPLY TO 1 THE McKOYS, Attorneys and Connsellers at Law Office NorthJSid. MarketL8t, betwei 2d as can bo boiK-ht anywh-re. Window, Glas miji.jeJ'd Mipp!!4s always on hand Our new iyft,Y K1L.N' U in and u ne uut he hmr I nn-ir ; . i Respec fully,! AL, PRICE racto-yroot of Walnut street." I OrhceCor. Nuttand Red Crosa streets. OCt 6- . ranzement will ro flirne time. Secure toui! Km.ka ch'ap ! lyOunnes im eiste er can be t in h- can teruiH as by oct 6. the 1.1! a Jt a1 they. r ubi. !..; s. HI r til Hit" A Wanted. JOtTKNK Y . p . brieg the jLlgh. r. ronsofa positive i, the country. WilJwi ri fert 16-tf SIVA, .te lidti i, 4j vrpa et f elu-ap. iddrH, .care;f i,J h h 1 r w PAILT i state rairi 7"I8ITOR8 TO TJ1E STATE FaI '! not fail to-stop at j TIM LEE'S CLUB ROOM where board can be had th Plan, or othprwin Mr Uar arJ rarlois are tbe bet in te citT a d cancot be turpassed in the Htate. TIH LEEr oct 3 tf Ka!ci:if Buggies, f Buggies, yllarness & Saddles. - FOR SALE AT 3rd at., opposite Citj flail. REPAIRING DONE WITH i7CiTvv , AND DISPATCH HOR8E-8HOEINO tLuv'n . . Thoi. H. McKoy, Robt H- H'l ATTOXlCTmra-AT-LAW WTLMINGTON, N -1 lyujcc .lurui Blue disuses - econd and Third street', iaa 2T- j 1 : Old Newspapers. A QUANTITY OF OLD Sb. Cor wrappmir, offered for ialecbP sttt a fBd34 angle Oct G-tf - UUUUJIl apt I J DAILY RJTIW 0lCf V.-.