THIS PAPER i,DBolUbtJ eerr afteroooa, 8days a- JOSH. T. JAM B8, CDITOB AKD FBOl-BLETO. . 1 1 K4CKIFTION8. POSTAGE P AID. ... 00 Six months, $160 ; Three . moaths. $1 ; One month, 60 cnti. fhe PPr wUl bdliTee, by carriers, f-e of char-, n "- rt ' 108 C"T " " idTerlwing rates low and liberal jf-Subicribert will please report any aad .. i!aroto rr-W their papers rerularl y. ew Advertisement?. THE LATEST I BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market St. ARE NO.V FULLY EQULPPKD IN THE DRY GOODS LINE. H A VINO BEEN FOR THE LAST riVell W Ct K 3 111 IUC ..iw ul u luaiowbo, " r now fully prepared to show the most extensive ass rtmenta in each 'aiid every dpirtment oi our esiaDiisumeni. uur attc bss been selected with all care so as to meet the wants of every one. Oar Dry r;oods were bought daring the late warm weather whn Importers were anxious to realize on their goods ana many aavan, Uges were gaine J. We have many which it wi'lbe impossible for us to take - til a 1 1 . MM.. notice or as our space wiu noi aww. m following can give but a very limited i . nf what we nave on nana, a ca.i o.o can cover the ground. THE CHEAPEST LINE from Auction w have ever shown, $1.00, 1.15, 1 25, l :17L l.tO. 1.75 and 2 00. ' Colored Silk for Tnmmiog, 75 cent , id ii tiiA nonulai shades. Brocaded Satins for TTrimniing, $1X0, tbe latest styl " ' Black iilk Vtlvets, for Trimming. i.ou, 1.15 and 2.00. Blaok Silk Finish Velveteens 75 cents, a good article. Fancy Dress Goods. i The lanrest and most vaiied assortment I io this city, embracing au ine u eiuw w r . ... i r-i i iz. tTK rvo I - r.nm ij m - rami. i IOIUIqU VOULUCl CO li UIU vu tJ I OLE Mourning Department Is now replete, having added the new fab- rica oi bu scaawu. BLACK CASHMERES Wt MAKE A SPECIALTY. BLANKETS from $1.50 a pair up. COMFORTABLES, a full assortment, all made from pure clear Batting. Flannels. A very large stock, too numerous for de- tails. Bottom prices guaranteed. Ladies' Gents and Children's Under- wear, Hosiery and Gloves. wusi eive us an opportunity oibuuw- i inr w hM f do nt f.r the result. w ' m " " i me res For Men and Boys' wear, all prices. Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings. Bleaohed Shirtings and Homespuns. No space to quote prices, but jou can rely they are as low as any thing in the mariet. LITEST NOVELTIES Ia Ladies' Ties and lcck x - I Wear. BALMORAL AND FELT SKIRTS, from 50 cents to $2.50. Calicoes from 4 1-2 Up ! 'Lack of space prevents us from adding I 1C u nuoung as many prices as we de- jire. We have a great many SPECIAL r, GAIN8 which we aie offering away hlow mark .! market ain Jussive us a call; it is much Uie safest " OI -securing any of them. brown & roddick, 45 Market Otrat oct 27 omethine: TJew ! A BprM4oaafrom one wrttiar ia a few I lamtea. pric fi 50 to SX.00 each. j 1T1t4 j - vi s: a tuurs) ntadwmii uiortasat, all sixes. A complete rft T1 and Fancy Stationery, ftehool 2l,T,k-?ookf. Bible, flJm Booki vpio Kfi, c., AC ORCrANS, iirVlc,-tv,m,t wrybody. pa Depoal- cet,7 a W. TATE8. Ml,, 1 i, ,1 i'j 1 . J:, . -- : - ' j. 1- -.- , , . j - ! - Tib 'DaM 1 , rWwa VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1879? I NO. 226 ' i I i : 1 1 1 " 1 1 ' i 1- . . i j 1 , ; LOCAL i NEWS. New Advertisements. , I IM Mi P. HaiHsaaaesa The Conquest f Plasains J. A. BpaissKu Cheap Coal. Gao. Uthi, Agent Ktmr. Paaspoxt. Jai. E. Kka-Dentistry. I L. P. Miwms-Bome Maid a Horse Kadibh 11 caiov Bring the Little Boji. A. A I 8aaiaa Unsurpassed. Wirdow Glass --ah ! sizes at tafler & Price's. t Shoot the straw hat No City Court to-day. Opals are liii!Dj?tpopd!'r. Ladies with shaptjly bands avor mitts, for rolJer The tail'Ta arei prayiujj- weather To be good, fresh, also salty, ytters should be jquiie Who ever saw a sju Omental poem in scribed --To Bridget? ' The weather 1 is as independent as a young man with a 1 itch-key. 9 Give a boy anything thu vill make 8 'i .iuiacuu l wiu bid heart. Save your mouey by buyiug jour Build in Supplies from Aliafier & Price. f The issue of greenbacks will hardly be an issue in another campaign A startling novelty is an owl's bead as a trimming for misses round hats, j I I . j ! It is better to have one 'vice in a car. I 4 i I i penter's shop than two virtues out at pawn Teople take the business revival as a matter of coursa and have ceased talking about it. Save your pennies for Christinas pres- en,g for your Bisters ' youriousins and - vour aunts. w . - Money saved in buying your Household t Hardware at Jacobi's, Noi 10 South Front street. I I I , t The Czar of Russia wears a mail shirt i Tnat is wherelhe is right; a female shirt would look ridiculous. LU The barque Shanghai, (Ger.) Nam- scbutz, hence, arrived at 6 apgow, scot- land, on the 27th inst. 1 The man with a faded I overcoa, and no money to buy a new one, wants the mild weather to continue. The steamer Passport will leave for Smith ville daily (Sundays excepted) until further notice at 2-30 P. M.I - . rr 7" ; ' . .nu i wi, jwmi Den ucuiaeir horses you 4 think they could never drive a1 1t . . i, , lueui we" uuieM fcaeJ sanoea em. The off-shore signal was displayed last night and part of this forenoon, but the wherefore has not yet been developed. s ! i Mr. L. P. Newman advertises his home-made horseradish! in this , issue. Read his advertisement in another col- imi. Last night was singularly .beautiful. The nearly full moon shone in an atmos phere wonderfully clear and the streets were thronged with pedestrians. If your skin is yellow.or if you are troub. KIp163,, Boih, cleanse your blood with Dr. Bull s Baltimore j PiUs. l'rioe only cents: 1 I i i Lecturers aie queer people. They al most always prefer to deliver a lecture themselves, rather tlhan have the news- papers deliver it for them,1 verbatim. j- : : i ' You pay the pwest cash prices for Doois, Sash, and Blinds, Builder's Hard. ware, &c , at Jacobi's No.10 South Front street. I !- t The cotton compresses were running last night without any icessation. and I ' . those who happened to wake up during the night found it a hard, matter to get asleep again, owing to the bellowing of bl'owing-off steam., - t Indications. War Department, I EST, "I Officer, J ), 1879. J Office of the Chief Signal Washington, D. C Oct. 29 For the South Atlantic States, , warmer and clear or partly) cloudy weather ,with Northwest to Southwes, winds and flight changes in barometer. Signal Sebvicb, U. S A., Station Wilmington, N. CM Oct. 29, 1S79 &10 a. m. ' 1 ' Tbe following orders have been received at this station ; i i ' i Signals are ordered down at Smithville, Wilciogtonj Macon. Lookout. U at t eras. Kitty llawk and Cape Henry. , J. M. WATS03T, Sergt. Signal Corps,! U. S. A. ! : ' ' l . , 1 i i ! I i i j . v : Personal. i Ho'j. Geo. Davis, of this city, is in Baleigb, in attendance on the meeting of the Committee in regard to ' the Suit debt and the North Carolina R R bonds, recently appointed by Gov. Jar vis of which he is a member. M The Barqaentiae VlAlnff. fill. t . TT'I . . A Z mm ine ptor. narquenune vifctng, uapwiB ltasmussen, mentioned in these columsi two davs ao as havin? collided at sea I with an unknown Teasel, U now dis - charaine her cariro of lumbar on 1 Fowler's wharf, on the West aide oi the liver. A tJoara qi ourrey has been calle l topaas upon thextentof the damages,! and as soon as the Cargo Is put out jit will re determined by the Board whether it necessary or not for tbe ship to be hauiea upaoa the Railway cr go in the dry dock for repairs. Ecoonmy is wealth buy White Lead Colors, Varnishes, and all kinds of paint ing materials for the lowest prices at Jaco bi's Hardware Depot. t Telephone Exchauge. i i Mr. D. B. DeForrest has, for the con- - I veuieuce of the public, connected tbe Bell and sLdison Telephone Exchanges, and .. .. ., n n Telephone can communicate with the .h.,riu. .na ann Fifty Bell instruments were received last night and will be put up as soon as pos sible. The work of taking down the Edison instruments and replacing them with the Bell will be commenced in a few days and pushed forward as fast as possible-. Mr. DeForrest has worked hard and faithfully and has accomplished an undertaking thai but few men could have done in the same length of time taking tbe drawbacks into i consideratien, a Joke on the sheriff. Sheriff Manning wrote a letter to a party in Henderson ville, in this 'State, a few! davs azo. , to which, of course J he appended or affixed his signature. This morning he received a letter postmarked ... b .tl . t. . , . , Republican Committee, relative; to the Hendersonville, and directed with his own prnt jmd prospectlve political talU3 of signature, S. H. Manning, on the back of North CarolJna Gur comments bn it are it, to Wilmington.N C. In( other words the rested until to-morrow. t j correspDndent at Hendersonville, failing to jt ja Underst:od that Mr, W. P. Cana comprehend the marks which the Sheriff collector at this sport, and also made to represent his name, Cut the sig- Chairman of the Republican Congress nature out of the letter he had received, onai Committee, was also in Washington pasted it on the envelope containing n raply, and then wrote Wilmington, U underneath. Aud now for fear the pec pie in the country wilL not understand who it ia writing to then about their taxes that are due. and to avoid any further trouble, we suggest to Sheriff Manning to advertise the. fact over his signature in the Review, and we will guarantee to have it printed perfectly plain so plain that he who runs mav read, and he who reads may understand . This advice, though perfectly legal and legitimate, we charge no haven't any license to ;hing for practice as We in thu Courts. Strangers in the city should not fail to visxt the bash factory, loot oi vvamuti street. t A Waif on a Door Step. A night or two ago, a white female infant, apparently only a few hours old, was left on the piazza to the dwelling of i Mr. Wm. Holland, near the corner of Fifth and Nun streets. Exactly at what time of the night the waif was left is not known. A little pet dog cf Mr. Holland's was scratching at the door and otherwise acting in an unusual manner and so per sistent was its behavior that Mr, H. opened matter, the door to see what Was the when he discovered a bundle I Irino nA th teh. " It waa nicked nn and , I carried into the house and to the surprise of all the new-born babe was discovered, The little thing was taken I care of by Mrs. Holland, who nursed it aa she did her own little one. which is but a few .i. u mi. r i u months old. The waif was nicely but i i j 'u u v i- a plainly clad paraphernalia and its parentage is a mystery to its foster par- ents. It is said to be a large, fine looking child.perfectlyformedandwelldeveloped. We do not know what disposition will be made of the little foundling, but if it lives and grows to womanhood it will owe nothing to its unnatural mother who. after giving it life, cast it from her, a helpless thin-, on the charities of a cold world. Talk about straining at a gnat and wallowing a camel; the average bevy of scandal-mongers in agoeaiping neighbor- hood strains at invisible animalcule and swallows a whole menagerie, and thrives I on it. I I 1 F ull moon to-night at 55 minutes S o'clock. I The receipts of cotton at Vi day foot up 707 bales. - 1 p rt lue Almanac promised u lair weather to day and I for once ibis year it gu. sa d ibt. h i Omall quilted mantles t.f siik and I ... satw are announced as likely to supersede i0Cg coats and wraps, 1 Bands of broad ribbon, tied in sailor I knoU are worn: on tie wrists, with dcgUrkfig i-f"huiabU at preUjtynpfayriria Tbe kLeat ,n .aumfU . made from celluloii They are claimed T' J ry to be indestructible, and imi ate rbell so clearly as to defy detection striped material of dark velvet and cloth of gold is one of the novelties in trimming stuff now on the way to Amer ica, being an imported goods. The celebrated Zeb Vance, Southern Baker and Chief Cook Stoves, Parlor and Heating Stoves for old price. No advance at Jacobi's Hardware I p t . t The Review office is uuw connected with the outside wo ld by means of tLe I KaII I PlAnhnno u o will KA honnv obliSe cur fxienda ami take iD in tbis way, y ltemsof nowa tb4t mav be hanJy to I The Sociable This Evening:. Thanks to the Committee f jr compli- mentary cards to the Sociable cf , the Young Catholic Friends' Society, which is to tnia eyening in Meginney Hall, yVe beg to remind our readers that this wiii prove a very enjoyable occasion. Tbe ljgg wili provide, refreshments and the itsdian band will famish some of their I excellent music. rouncs in norm taronna- ' We publish to-day, on the fourth page, n rticle extracted from the New York rod, in the shape of , an interview be- 2. I last week, which would seem io indica- that "something is up." I Tto0 Synod On the fourth page of this issue will be I found a pretty full repurt of the proceed logs of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church, in session at Charlotte last week, on Saturday, the last day of the session. It completes the publication which we have made Irom day to day of the proceedings of the Synod, we haying been indebted to the Charlotte I vOZerVGr. J.ue principal iicui ui luvei- s t ir : ; 1 : i r est on Saturday was one which will interest christians of all denominations, viz: preaching by women, and the able discussions which took place on this oc- wUl found ibo interesting reading matter for everybody. The Sy nod is to meet in Raleigh next yea. A Highland Laddie (1) i ' J i An old man who claims: to be a Scotch- man and says that ho is 75 years of age lackincr four months, was so much over- come with the load of John Barleycorn that he attempted to carry yesterday, that he sank down under tbe weight cf his burden oh Dock street last night and fell fast asleep, from which he was aroused u tuo WIWO "f . . b noaQ in a band cart, and this morning i . ii i. . ilLi. l-- rc wnen " w" . cientl-y . .recoed from his last night'tupefactien, he was discharged r . i i . i vr.-tk Dm inu " uo w" - Water street and from bis PP"e it Plain ' ' ;hafhd takina cood deal of the hair of the dog l 0 ..... , . to da7. The old fellow walked up to a i- crowd of Water street merchant this after noon who- were dl5CQfiDuS the plrit.. od entertained them with apar- accouni of hia PMt hutory by lnrrm in tbera of hl ifiiJ anJ h fe8r ion- claimed to be from the hdls of Scotland and said that ho was five and enty years an actor, and -tea years barleqain. To an inquiry as to whether he pliyed Hamlet cr the itnost ne re- plied, Hamlet, sir! Hamlet, of course. From the last glimpse we caught of the old coon j we expect he will play a part before Major ) Fishblata ia the morning as he was evi- dently in training this aiternoon for a second anrearance to-morrow. important 'o inc Afflicted. We would alviso all who may ncd the aiv!Cft of a, to eillier cMl or wriiUi to Dr. U :ertsvn, 11, So. EtitawjSt., Ii ilti more, MJ., who from 15 ye;rs expe lience in Hospital and, Special Practice, cuaiauues a cure ia all diseases of the rr i . urm iry uruaivt auu oi me iservousbvi ?3' 'SS. tern, Urgamc and Seminal Weakness, Im- poteriCy'(l8 of sexual iowpr)."Nerv Debility and tiemblirg, Pa1 Hon of ervous the Heart, dimness of sight or turnal E nissions, V:c, all waiting from abuses in y.ulh, or excesses in manhooJ ; ali all skin and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr. II is a graduate of one of tlte oldest and best medical schools in thi country Uriersity of Marylacdj, and re all consulting and conui euclfiso stamp Civeii to all lujakannplaiuts. Good ac conimntlations for ail wishing to !call and lee l im. Mediciue sent to any address. f Weakly Persons.' Wine. o d and infirm persons need some tni!d w.iioyi jaunts Bumuianr, especially id warm wcamer. ibe wines made at Speers Mount Prospect Vineyards, in New Jprsfy lvM. ( Steer's Turt fJrmK ti u i-ei .j wi; e kuowu. and is regard ed as pure, aud is) very popular among pnysiciacs. i?or sale by Ureen & Flan ner, J (J.! Munds and P. L. Briders & Uo. ' Blue surge ulsters, filled with 1 earn dinal, are wrn by English ladles. They pn t be uglier than the American linen ulster. ! I . I Bunches of small fruit and berries, aU autumn leaves of velvet, are worn as sub- stitutes for knots of flowers at the belt. New Advertisements- Steamer Passport; QAPT. J. W. HAliPEB, WiU leave Wilmington daily, (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. It. Oct 29 OKO. MYERS, Agent. Dentistry. PARENTS TOO! OFTEY neglect thtir Childrea'd teeth ; there is a specialtr tor their use, in my BewvCbair, found no where eisj. Bend tnem and hare their teeth eiam- ined and treated, before thej are past savirg. JAS. P. KEA. Wilmington, N. G Cct. 29, 1879. r r- : t- liome Made liorse Radish i Nc ADULTERATIONS or iriarions unsmicais used. u.verv bottle warrant ed pare and fresh. I have increased ay facili tin ltd hare a Iaree. line, new machine ti.a u.u uit m iarire, uoe, new machine which maxes a superfor article. Goarantetd superior to any offered by a Northern fioufe I I Li. f. NKWSlkN, oct 29-lt Market St. near Secotd rit. Cheap Coal ! ! A T WILMINGTON while it CDiitinnes Booming at the North. Consumes wUl b. I prudent by laying in Bupplie3 NOW from the best yard io town, by r oct 29 J. a. springe:;. 1PU lMMM..Ar.t r nT: aces auu jcmoroicenes in greatest vane Tfie LOnqUeSi Ol rlaSSinS. ty. nousekeeplcg Goods, Blanket , Flan- (L Conqiets di PlartaEi). By Emiie Zola. Author of L'Arsonsmoir, Uelece, or Unc Paje D'Amoar; Th9 Abbt's Tempta- , tlon, or La Facta De L'AbbevMcurct; I I The Roagon Micquart Faaii i or, La Fortune ties Eougon. For Eile at HEINSBERGER'S oct 29 Brinlthe Little Boys, 4.1 5 8 7!8 9 ai 10 yeiM.of.age tnd 1 , ! buy 8niti, ( Short Pauti) from $2.50 and op- wards. Boys' Suits (Lonj Pants) 10, 1J, 12, 13 sjid 14 yeais T6.50 and npwtrd. MU3S0N, THE CLOTUIEIl ocM8 ASD MER. TAILOR. Headquarters for Ale Lager Beer and Porter. JXEXAZIGU2 & SOIL'S, 1 lio. i .Market Street QAN FURNISS IOU WITH;TI1E BES1 Ale, Lager Ber and Porter, both keg aad I bottled, ia the cry. i Coiotry orders promptly attend! te PLEASE 2T0TICE. iLWe will beg lad to neerrt eomnmnlcatictf from our friends oa any aad all tnbect:ok general interest bat :, .'. . f , ' j ' Te oaos of the writrwtjalwa;r! be far matted to the Editor. 1 - . i ConuntinicaUoiis most be written cn oriy pne side of thapaper. 1 . Personalities must be avoided.' 1 J I And it Is especially and particularljl ucdit stood that the Editor does not always iadd 1 I te views of correspondents unless so tta'f ft i a the editorial coluM. . !. I ! New Advortisementa. FALL & WINTER G OODS AT 3C Mar fit I oriun)pean a-od American Manufactur! Y A ni PPParou to ell r to my Itrons Bargains In nil t!i 'in'! t Derarlinef tf, ti.itoi In' excelled in wliith V A R I ETY AKD By any House in the city or elsewhere j BLACK DRESS SILKS! Cf Bellon, Gurnet, TeiUard and Tenson1 , manufacture. I . C'ur celebrated heavy Soft G IOS G IAIN for One Dollar per yard. i i ! Colored Silks, Silk- Vcl- vets, Satins, in I Plain a d Salia SLripes. RESS GOODS. Satin Molange, Cashmere, Sole. Brocade f Persan, Persin Raye, , i ' f Raye Broche. Cavalo Mohair.1 Stri Satin, Camel's Hair, ' I 1 ' uoiorea Uashmeres from 15 cents upL :olored Alpacas, all shades,! 12 J cents! llOTlhlA Wi.tfVl Clnr-arl 1 t I only 10 cents per yard. II I V1 1 .-. t - J " "'"'VKl VJLJIW, Ot.ll I. auiu i n uic season, very low. Riourning Goods. The best a'sortment ever tilered here. i ;,, ti-k niPi. t, rn . Ete, Bombazine, famise. Crape Cloth ji i.iu, uuicu auu iHuvaua viuu'i Henriettas, Mohairs, Australian mere,; Ciotb, I IS, j I I UIVA MA UUlftJI Trimmings, Silk, Qrass and Chenell'Frin- I DAfl Atrio nnl TTva Iawii ha-ii 1 1 a m-.a..1 r,BWr The best Fifty Cent Corset ever sold ;n the city. Ribbons Fancy, Satin. Striped and Brocaded. 1 t i . IfiOII ailU OUp Vff Cctl Ladles 'Cloth, Ladies and Children's Me- rino v esis, Kucmngs, Ties, rancy lie Goods. One Thousand Dozen Linen ! Handker chiefs, from 5c up. DOMESTIC GOODS, &3 , tc., &c.t allj at'prices which defy com pelition, "and qualities which cinnot fail to give satisfaction. I can assure my kind patrons that every article will be sold AS LOW, and THE! MAJORITY LOWER, man at any previous season. Order Samp esandyoti will be certain to patronize m. hi. : ' ! '. . C Market St. ccl27 Unsurpassed! QDR STOCK OF ViES'B, TOUIHS'iaad Bcj' v and Cipi, is anyarptesed, in sfr, xnake,1 qualit.r aad piiccs. We have two Stores fad cf New Goodr, aid we are apLUy, cell. ectioa - ! J acd see tow cheap y oa cas bay. v i The best and cheapest tbirt la tbf eltr. Uundried and unlaundred, at V f" SriRtER3 TWO STORES, tct 21 RPnrnnLS! Shaw Market tt it ii t i . I : ' - i - i ---- . ' .