THIS PAPER ubi every afteraooa, Hm.days ex- j null. T. J1M E8, toiTO aud pBoraiJEToa. ...oaCRlPTIONS. fOSTAGK PAID. r IS 0 8ix mth, 3 60 Thrw U"ioth., 1 15; One month, Wcenta. .--er will be delivered by carriers, ehrre,inJ Prtof ty, at the Advertising ,ow nd 1,beTal -fSuberibrs will please report any and natures to receive their papers regularly. " flew Advertisements. SOLUTION ifl CARPETS BBOWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. Will show the largest assortment of Carpets South of New York. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Further particulars next week. Carpets Carpets Carpets, Carpets. Oier $250,000 Represented in this New Enterprise. Carpets, Ca p t, (aipifF, Carpets. We invite all to call who have A IVY idea of purchasing such goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. We also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing or not. Carpets Caroets 1 CarDets I BROWN & E0DDICK, 45 Market Street BIT 7 Mullets. Large, Biigbt aid Fat, Every Barrel Warranted. HtLL & PEAR 8 ALL, Flour and Coffee. 100 BBLS Q0OD rLCDB." 200 corrsE, For til by HALL St PEARS ILL. ffeFim of It Is fHlT THK RUSH FOB Gents'.Youtj BoyV ClotbUg and Furnishing Goods, rtfc t2aaes at our two i tores, aotwithttand iaae&Mamoxmt of Qoodi we hire tfiaSSaM ' v.boifht bftd barfrain at b rfff . ' WUB ear ft00' although low U th. ki? Ju,t M represented. 80 Uuiied.V,f Bd ,eheP Snirt in Ce city, soritd and uniaandried, at TWO STORES, SO I 11 irket s. Dental Card. I ill Uiriun . "7,.'" Ar uncial Mr.- . vcnecuy ana M th aWrl tUth. Tm! b Ul tto Te lh tnral t-eth if ttU. . P100" " Pes call with ckSr U u "ted et comfdrt Hespectf ally, J AS. E.'.KEA, wn.i... . 34 Market at.' , a. u.. Kot. 8, 1879. To the IC. 4 itt a !y f BOoTd 8UOKS will Hj tSttM, what, they will find WuJ. f,tok andPri respectfully DAQ TV wumi hITTTTTt Pllhl No. 47 north ttaiketst. nn VOL. IV. VyiLMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER I!, 1879. NO. 237 LOCAL -NEWS. If ew Advertisement. 1 i P. HxiBtsiiaaxa The Improved Vienna Copygram. The Bun for 180. Mr a. 8. J. Baker Faahicnab'e liilliaery Goodi. ' I . . . ' I A. & I. 8HEia The Fan of It Is. Mdmioi Try Our Cutter. . Wir do w Glass -al sizes Price's. ! at Jtaffer & t A change in the weather is imminent. It will be welcomed.! The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot op 1 296 bjalea. When a mau'a temper getB the be st of him it reveals the worst of him. A dog frequently worries a cat, but man, who is nobler than the dog, worries himself. The barque Br age, Nybolm, j sailed from Rochefort. on j the 26th ult. for this port. The thermometer to-day, at 1 o'clock, registered 77, which is one degree aboTe Summer heat. , . i i Save your money by buying 3 our Build ng Sapp lies from Altafier & Price. ! t Washington's Birthday, the Fourth of July and Christmas all come on Sun day in 1880. i I i i 4 V - 1 1 A boy who is not fond of fun and frolic may possibly make a tolerable man, but he is an intolerable boy. 1 ! Duplin County Superior Court con venes at Kenansville next Monday. II is Honor Judge Eure will preside. j i It was an Ohio man who d.scovered that no newspaper proprietor ever died from swallowing a twenty dollar gold p'ece. .!.'. j Money saved in b' tying youi Household Hardware at Jacobi-'8, No.; 10 South Front street. ! j t There is plenty of coal and wood in the market, and if. this weather continues a large portion of it will remain there fcr some time to come. Persons living in unhealthy localities may avoid all billions1 attacks by taking a dose of Dr. Bull's (Baltimore Pills oc caaionally to keep the liver in a healthy action. Price only 25 cts. At all drug gists. We are informed to-day by Oapt. Worth, of the steamer A. P. Hurt, thai the water in the Cape Eear yet continues very low, although he succeeded in com ing through on time, having left Fayette- yille yesterday and arriving here this morning. Kicked and Shot. . 1 A valuable mule belonging to J. A. Willard, Esq., and stabkd on that gentle man's premises, co -ner of; Third,and Mul berry streets, was shot thjs morning as a necessity from inju ies sustained last night. A bofse was in the same stall, and dur.'ng the iHglit the two animals got together wVnVthe horse kickid thai mule aid 'br'ke Lis Ug. It wasL'or.nd'this more ing iu a critical condition and as nothing elee cou'd le dece, MriWiilarJ in mercy ordered the atnial hoi s-o as to end it&i snnerinss". Gornf? Hack to Peanuts. Wo -undtioUud that Oapt. J jmes I. Metts, a gentleman jwell-known here as a man of business qualifications, has con eluded to return to the j peanut business, from which he bad lately retired. He has leased the premises on the 'corner of Dock and Water streets, .immediately oppositie Messrs Preston Cumming! & Co's1 mill, and in a few days will have in the neces sary machinery and be ready f jr busi ness, Capt. Metts will .have every facili ty for conducting the business in a thor ough maaner.and we bop6 that we are not betraying confidence when we state that he is provided with funds enough to han dle a large'portiou of the crop. Success to him. j Strangers iu the city should not feilto visit the S ish Factory, Jfoot of Walnut street. . j 1 t Almost Toonk Again. My mother was afflicted a long time With Neuralgia and a dull, heavy inactive condition of the whole system; headache, nervous prostration, and j was almost helpless. No physicians or medicines did her any good. Three months ago she began to use Hop Bitters, with such good effect that she seems and feels young again, although over 70 think there is no other years old. We medicine fit to ose in the family.' A lady, io Providen c, R. I. DA i Si. Slccom. We were pleased to receive a v isit il is forenoon from Mr. Spencer Piitchaic' Business Agent for the Frayne-Tifi'aio Combination, who are to ar pear here hex Monday evenirg, one n?gbt, in S locum, a famous picture cf border iife. It is bing played; this wetk in Norfolk and Richmond, and to crowded houses. Full particulars to-morrow. j City Court- Ham HargraTey colored, cbLrgd t?ithf assault and battery upon the prrsou of Din'l Hines, colored, was fined So. The same defendant, charged with as sault upon Addie Foster, bad another fiue of $5 imposed upon his pocket. A colored man for beicg drunk and abusive was fined $3. James: Thomas, a little colored urchin, who was found upon the premises of Mr James Hanby, corner of Eighth and Dock streets, underneath the dwelling bouse at a late hour , last night, was ordered locked up for the present. This finished the docket and the Mayor adjusting his high silk hat upon the headquarters of he city's executive officer stepped down and oat. i Economy is wealth buy White Lead Colors, Varnishes, and all kinds of paint ing materials for the lowest, prices at Jaco bins Hardware Depot. t Jumped His Bond. George West, the distinguished colored citizen from Masonboro township,! men- i tioned in the columns of the Review yesterday as being charged with the theft of a fine old Westphalia ham, was ar raigned before Justice Millis upon the charge and the trial ct the case at the urgent request of the defendant postponed until this morning at 11 o'clock. Mean time 'the defendant was required to furnish surety in the sum of $100 for his appearance at the above named hour this morning. And sure enough ...when the time for the trial arrived. George West weren't there; in other, words, as old Judge Smith, of Vermont, would say, he was r.on comatibut in swampo or 'tha'r about.' Proclamation for Geo. West to come forward and stand his trial was made by Justice Millis from the door of his office, and then for his sureties, at the hour above named, this morning, to come forward andjproduce the body of George West, but! at the hour at which we write the delinquent George 's still non est. The truth of the who!e business is simply this: There was a Wes' phalia on the part of the defendant in this case to steal successfully a ham and on the part of the trial Justice a failure to get West for a ham. You pay the lowest cash prices for Doors, Sash and Blinds, Builder's Hard ware, &c , at Jacobi's No.10 South Front street. I t Tbe Sadie lyillcutt. We learn the following particulars relative to the accident which befell the schooner Sadie Willcut, mander, Captain Watts. from her cont- The schooner left Brunswick, Ga., on the 5th inst., bound for Boston with a cargo of lumber. Had pleasant weather and a pleasant passage until about one o'clock on Sun day morning, the 9th inst., at which time we were 25 miles. E. by E. ha f E.; from Frying Pan Light Ship,when we were run into by the schooner Joanna Doughty, carrying away our bowsprit, foremast head, a portion of tbe stem and the port cut-bead, and causing her to spring aleak, so that it was only ty the utmost exertions of the crew at both pumps that she could be kept free . The Joanna Doughty, after striking, swung alongside where she remained about ten minutes before she could be got clear. After gettiDg clear and remaining so for about an hour, she again run into us on the same (port) side, carrying awsy our chain plates, breaking main rail and staving bulwarks, besides doing considerable damage to the rigging, after w;hiob she got clear and kept clear. At 9 o'clock we were taken in tow by the steamer Virginia, of the Philadelphia j and Charleston line, and towed to tbe month of the Cape Fear, where we were taken in tow : by the steaming Gladiolus and brought np to the harbor opposite Smith ville, where the scnooner is now at anchor. This is surely unhealthy weather. At daylight this morning the fog was "so thick that you could cut it with a knife" and it took two hours of sunshine to dis perse it. ' L'. RETIEW The Whiting Rifles. At a meeting of the Whiting Iiifles, held last night, the Captain of the Com pany, Mr. F. W. Foster, whom Ibig. Gen. Taylor had refused to recommend for a commission, tendered h: resignation, which was accepted, and Mr. W. P. Oldbam, formerly a Canuin uf tbe Company, was tendered the p. Milum which was accepted by him. - A committee was then aypointe-i, cou. afettng of Messrs. W. P. Oldham. F. W, Foster and J. G 7 Dafden, to boVcil funds and uniform the company, am! the meeting then adjourned- J I ! A Bovine.Iluns 4 way. Considerable amusement w:ts created on Market street, this oioiuinr, by an ox funning full tilt down the stiest with a cart. The driver, a colored wan,, who was in the cart at the time, swung hold of the lines right mhnf ully until the seat upon which he was perched eapBized and threw him backwards, and then ha was lost to view for sometime. Meanwhile the bqyine steed made rapid heaJway, turn ing$he corner of Front and Mai ket in a full gallop, while a crowd oi small boy addgdmuchj zest to the runaway for- the lookers-on by their cries of whoa! Emma? and other like interesting expressions. The beast was finally run In or hauled up on Front street without having done any damage. Anj thing j for an item; thank you. f Meeting of the W L. I. and Resig nation ot Captain Coney. , At a regular meeting of the Wilming ton Light'Iufantry, held at the Company's Armory last evening, Captain Walter Co ney tendered bis resignation as the Cap tain of this time honored organization The resignation was then voted upon and accepted and resolutions highly compli mentary to their late efficient- commander were introduced and unanimously adopt- by the l irge number of members pres ent. The ' name of Captain Armand L, Do Rosset, a former officer of the Company and a member of the Veteran Corps, was then put in nomination for the Captaincy by First-Lieutenant Thomas C. James. A vote was then called aud tak n and the result proved that Captain Deftosiiet was unanimously chosen to fill the position. Captain Coney was votel an honorary member and his nmo placed upon the honorary list of the Company. Indian Summer. We arj now enjoying: the delightful season of the year known as Indian Sum mer. It is the season of the huntman's keenest delight and to him who follows the sports of the forests and streams, Indian Summer always recalls happy re collections. The eupy able character of this genial reason of the year has been the theme of poets for years and years, and lately has attracted the attention of physi cists, some of whom give the following cause for this periodical phenomenon: As either pole of the earth is turned toward the sun after the vernal equinox, the solar effect increases in the direction of that pole until a thaw of the winter's ac cumulated ice! sets in, when an interval of cold occurs, caused by the rapid absorp tion of the solar heat, and thus the frequent 'cold spells' of the later spring months have been accounted for. When, on the contrary , either ole is turned away from the sun after the autumnal equinox the converse process takes place; the higher parts of the continent are chilled, and the ensuiDg condensation of the vapor in the air liberating its beat raises the temperature, and ah interval of fine and comparatively warm weather or 'second summer' follows This simple explana ticn of Indian summer, first advanced by Admiral Fitzrow, is corroborated by the fact that the increase of temperature at tending it "13 greatest in; the higher lati tudes of America, when it is described ss sometimes i oppressive' just when, of cjurse.the earth's crust in October is under going the most lapid refrigeration, where ice ia forming, axidconiequently ihe heat of condensation is most freely hUrated from the lower atmospheric strata. The heat generated by condensation is familiar to all whoreUect on their sensations when a shower is being formed iu th6 clouds by this procea ou asuhry day. I Were it not for tha comparative dryness ot tho air in the interior of tb coutiuetit, or, rather, if it was moist enough at ihis season, ihe cooling of the soil woull produce ihjud and rain, iustead t flii,tdry ! Indian summer is tecl.rm atlv ciel Giapr JaK'e ...-' . The art of faiuiiuiiu; ,'' Cirape into wine i this cmuu bruugij to a snsuu -re j of peri c-tu by Mr. Alfred Speer, of Passaic, New Jersey, than by any other person, and his wine is uery popular as a ladies' wine, as well as for tbe communion table and for invalids. Fa sale by Green A Glanner, Jas. C. Mands and P. L. Bddgers & Co. The c Jebratf I Zib Vance, Southern IJ.ikcr and Chief CoOk Stoves, Parlor and llo.ttir' Stovrs lor old prices. No advance at Jacobin. Hardware DcpjU t Now Advertisements. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS. YfRH.'8. Jf. BAKER has jnst receired a If L new 8npj.Iy of lia e, botr ts and eTery thing it ibe MUlinerr line, v inch abe will sell cheap for cash . Also, lU;r Work done in th? belt etjles Wigg, Toupees and inviii ble earns, r-roU lambs' bindeur, made or repaired.- I am receiriap new got da weekly and especially inrite the ladies to gire ae a call. Corn-r of Or angel." J Third etreeta. DOT 11-iUI Tie Iuipyei Vienna Copygram. J C-TST KECHV Ac other Lot of Vienna Copjfjranis. Pcstal, Note, Letter and Cap sizes; complete with Ink and Sponge. For sale cheap at i nEIXgBERGErv'S. BLANK BOOKS I'IpER, ; Knvelopes, Inks of all colors, j-aoer s ana uixon b rencils. Pass and Alemorandum Uocis, For gale cheap at Hhl.VuLkGEIi'd, no 11 1 ir book and Music Store. THE SUN FOE 1880. Thk 8uh will deal with the events of the year 1880 in its own fashion, now pretty well understood by eyerybody. Froai January 1 until December 31 it will be conducted as a newspaper, written in the English language, and printed for the people. As a newspaper, Thk Hcn believes in get ting all the ners of the world promptly, and presenting it in the most Intelligible shape the shape that wili enable its readers to keep well abreast of the age with the least unpro ductive expenditure of time. The greatest interest to the greatest number that is, the law controlling its daily make-up. It now has a circulation very! much larger than that of any other American newspaper, and en joys an income which jit is at all times pre pared to spend liberally for the benefit of its reader?. People of all conditions of life and all ways of thinking buy and read Thk Sun ; and they all derive satisfaction of s me oxt from its olumns, for they Ljeep on bujirg aad reading it. j " In it? comments on men and affairs, The Scn be'iorea that the only guide of policy should be common sense, inspired by geuu ine American principles and b-cked by hon esty of purpose. For this reason it is, ac.d will continue to be, absolutely independent of party, clas, clique, organization, or in terest. It ia for all, bat of none. It will continue to praise what is good, aad repro bate what is evil, taking cae that its lan guage is to the point and plain, beyond the possibility of being misunderstood. It is un influenced by motives t".at do not appear on the surface; it has no op nious to ssll, save those which may be had by any purchaser with two cents. It hates injustice and ras cality even more than it hates unnecessary words. It abhorB frauds, pities fools, and de plores nincompoops of every species. It will c mtinue throughout the year 1680 to chastise tne first class, instruct the second, and dis countenance the third. All honeLt men with honest conv ctions, whether sound or mis taken, are its friends. And Thi cx makes lo bonea of telling tbe truth to its fri-nds and about its friends whenever occasir n arlee. for plain speaking.' The-e are the principles upon which Taa 8un will be conducted daring the year to come. 'I he year 1880 will be one in which no pat riotic American can afford to e'ese bis eyes to public aSaiis. It is impossible to exag gerate the importance cf the polit'cal events which it has in store, or tbe necessity of reso lute vigilance on the part of every citizen who desires to preserve the Government that tbe founders gave us. The debates and ac's of Congress, the utteranc s of the press, the exciting contests of the Republican and Dem ocratic parties, now nearly equal in strength throughout the coon try, the varying drift of public sentim eat, will all bear directly and effectively upon the twenty-fourth Presiden tial election, to be held in November, Feur years ago next November the will of tbe nation, as expressed at the polls, was thwart ed by an abominable conspiracy, the promo ters and beneficiaries of which still hold the offices they stole. Will tie crime of 187s be repeated in 1830 ? The past decade of years opened with a corrupt, extravagant, and in solent Administration intrenched at Wach ington, Thk Bun did something toward dis lodging the gang and breaking it power. The same men are now iotrigaing to restore their leader and themselves to places from which they were driven by the indignation of the people. Will they succeed? The coming year will bring the aaswers to these momentous questions. Tbe cx will be on hand to chronicle the facts as thiy are devel oped, and to exhibit them clearly aad fear lessly in their re'atione to expediency atd right.. Thus, with a habit of philosophical good humor in looking at the minor affairs of life, and in great things a steadfast purpose to maintain the rights, of the people and the principles of thi Constitution 'agiinrt all aggressors, Thm tSvm is prepared to write a truthful, instructive, and at tbe saoio time entertaining history of 180. Oar rates of subscription remain unchang ed. ForthePaily Hch, a four-pae sheet of twenty eight coldmn, the price by mail, post-paid, is 6-3 cnts a montb, or SO 50 a year; or, iccludioe trie b'unday paper, an eight-page sheet c f Q;tj-tii col emus, fc price is 65 ceets a mostb, or.7.70 a year, postage paid I The Hunday edition o! Thk Pcais alao tar nished aeparately at l 20 a jear, posttge paid. T The pric f the Wkkklt Sva, eight pa?es,-fifty-six colamcs. is SI vear, postage paiJ. For c ubsY.f ten sending $10 we will send an extra copy free Address I. W. K5GL4.5 D, Pob ihrr f Toe i-'tir, New York City, ner 11 6t Try Our New Cutter ! JOXE BKTrtli lirWHEBE. The mot t stjliih garments in the city., ifest workmen. PEBFECr FIT3. For good work at reasoaable pi ices g to MDJr8053,"THE CLOTHIER HOT T 1 UE3. TAILOR. PLEASE ironci. i - HWe will be glad to receive eotamanlcaticts from our friends on any and allsubjeotp'et general interest bat t The name of the writera3 tlwayr tefar nished to the Editor. CCommonieatiocs most be wrltUn on on y one side of tfleiper. Personalities must be avoided. I And it is especially nd particularly nhU f -a. ... i woa tAe Lditor d-es not always ': u-1 the views of correspoadeau. ualessso Uu ia the editorial colua ns. J .". "i - New Advertisements. FILL & MM WW:' AT ilii Mark it i. TJAVIXG fcUCCKEl;tD- tftcf sever 1 . jljl weeks of untn ing industry aid effort, mbujii.g tLe Mil It EST rEQDUCTS of European aud Amefican Manufactur ers. I am pu'i3rrd to c Her to my Patrons auuriieijus r Bargains Inall the iflern-t DepartineLtswbich Ci'i.h, ; becAcelled ln, A V AR i E T Yi AND 1 By any Uouseju the cily 'cr e sew here. BLAGIC DRESS SILKS,! Of Lellon, Guiner, Teilla:d ar.d TonsonJ mauujscinre. Our celebrated heay Soft GHOS GliAIX j , for One Dollar per yard. Colored Silks, Silk Vel vet.', Safins, in, 1 lain a :d Satin tripes. DRESS GOODS. Satin Melange, Cashmere, Soie, Brocade rersau, PersanKaye, I Raye Broche, Cavalo Mohair, Striped Satiu, Camel's Hair, Colored Cashmeres from 15 cents up, Colored Alpacas, all shades, 12 i cents , Double Width Colored Alpacas, heavy, only 1G cents per yard. ' A Great Variety of different styles, suit- uic iur tne season, very low. Mourning Goods. The best assortment ever offered here, iu Drab D'Ele, Bombazine, Tamise, Cropo Cloih ; Plain, Striped and Brocade Cash mere ; Henriettas, Mohairs, Australian Cinth. . i it V Trimniingf, snk, Graw and Chsneil Frin ges, Gloves and Hosiery, every style, good and cheap, Skirts andJCorsets, . ! The best Fifiv Ck-.'.i Corset ever sold in the city. Ribbons Fancy. Satin. Striped ar.c Brocaded. Laces and Embroideries in greatest varie ty. Housekeeping Good?, Blankets, Flan nel. . Men andg Boys', Wear Ladies' Clotb, Ladies and Children's Me rino Ves's, Rucbings, Ties, Fancy Goods. One Thousand Dozen Linen Handker chiefs, from 5c up. DOMESTIC GOODS, Scc . tc., &c-, all at prices which defy com t:ition, 'and q'laliUes which cannot fail to give satisfaction. I can assure my kind paUons that every article will be sold A3 LOW, .vd THE MAJORITY LOWER, than at iny previous season. . -. j Order Samp'e and you - will bo ce to patron izo haia IIG IMarkct St. The 5 Brothers T8 NOW DI3CUABOI.NO FOB ME between 00 and 10 tons finest quality " . I I". Red jBush Coal, Selling at brcft mirk et rates. i J. A. HPBISOEB, ! bot 8 : . cf tit CcrtrtlYar I. CIoaMs fipnrnnffi fin aw Is Ul Ul UUlUiUUlf. II 11

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