i .1 C1S0U5A Raleigh got 2,694 bales of cotton list wiek. Hickory Carolinian: Wilmington ihould be proud of ber piesa. Few cities in the South of its eize hare bo strong press. Lenoir Topic : Mr Enoch Coffey, the oldeat bear hunter and trapper in the county, caught a large black bear last Monday. It was sold here at 10 oents pound. Raleiffh News: The colored people's Fair beeics to-morrow. It is expect ed to be grand success. Orer two hundred entries have been made and more are expected ta morrow. Durham Plant A.t St. Matthews Church, Hillaboro, on. the bth mac, Captain ,W B Shepard was married to Mist Pauline C Cameron, the Right Rer Thomo Atkinson, assisted by Re? C J Curtis, officiating. Raleigh Observer: Mr Turner Allen planted turnips and manured one part of the land with ashes and hen manure, the other with stable manure. The former produeed worthless the latter splendid turnips. Wanted, an expla nation. Ijenoir Topic . The Adventists Conference bus been in session at John's Riser Store for sereral days. The Rer Mr Anderson, of Henderson, and other ministers were present. We learn that the attendance was large, end sereral additions wore made to the church. Concord Register: On Wednesday James Harris, son of I N Harris, of H trriqburryiged about fourteen years, Luii his rig lit ana to terribly lacerated n. h.B father's cotton gin that it bad to be amputated at the elbow. The op eration wai snoocssfully performed by Drs Blair and Wilson. Henderson Review.- On Monday night last, three of the conricts quartered Dear town, escaped by cutting at!, opening through the stocksde. Oue escaped last week and among the four iB Adam Lewis, well known in the Western part of the county, and who was captured there only a few months ago and returned to RaU eigb. j Raleigh Observer: A corresponden writing us from Halifax county gives us the details of the loss sustained by Capt J M Grizzard in the burning of his cotton gin and its conten's. He represents the crops as very short, not averaging more that a half crop, and closes with the cry that is coming up from all (sections, the drought. Durham riant : For a number cf weeks Mr J M Smith, one of Dur ham's most euooessful tobacconists, has suffered with fever, and atone time his friends were very hopeful about his condition, but death had marked him for her owd, and cn Thursday night about ten o clock his spirit took its everlasting flight. On tne 25th of last December he was mar ried to Miss Addie Reams. Ureenfcboro special to Raleigh Ob server: The appropriation of twenty thousand dollars to the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad was carried by an overwhelming mjority. The vote of Morehead township was three hnn dred and eighty-fire for, and twenty one against. Gilmer township four hundred and ninety-five for, and. thirty-six against. Hurrah for Greens boro I Nowbern Nat Shell: A few days siuoe Mr Stanly Smithwick, of Broad Creek, in company with two other men, went out into the woods to catch wild hogs. The party soon encounter ed a fine porker, and two of the gen tlemen were proceeding to secure him, when looking around for Mr Smiths wiok, they found him down on the ground Ou examination, a portion of his body was found to be cold, and being still conscious he complained of swimming in the head, and acute pains. The two gentlemen did all in their power to relieve him of his sufferings, but he continued to grow worse and was carried home, where he died the same afternoon about 4 o'clock. LOCAL i NEWg. The receipts of cotton jat this porj. t- day foot up 365 tales. ' , Save your money by buying jour Build ing Supplies from' Altaflr & Price- t Years and years ajo it used to be said that a girl might be willing! to be kissed when she voluutarily puts a boy's hat on her head. Thi3 cannot be rup, for hun dreda of pretty girls are now wearing the little round Derby bats, nd looking well under them. ' Grean oak wood; fresh from (the river swamps, was retailing from flats , to-day at 65 cents a load. Buy a load, pay 25 cents to haul i. and 25 cents to cut it up, and then you'll wish that you had gon to a woo lyard Jand got a load of good blacl j "k for less money. ' For New York. i Mr. Victor D. Good roan, of the ifirmof llahn & Goodman, Jeft for New) Ycrk Saturday to purchase a new stock of eeoda. He is said to be: the good-looking half of the firm and it is thought some body will anxiously await his return. On a Big Hum. Hon. Alfred M. Waddell aud Dr. VVm Henry Green left here last Saturday morning for a weeks' hanting in oLslow county. Tbey expect! to return tjo the city on Friday next and their fjiends will meet them beyond the city limitH with a view to a division jof the spoils. They will surely have a good time of it as tbey are both expert .Nimrcds and the woods are sid to i be full of game. The weather, to, is 'decidedly j in their favor. : Kemorai Mr. John M Robinson commodious store Purcell House, k Brock's Exchange, and will have somely fitted up for just posvo has leased the South of the for so long as it hand' the reception of his stock of hats and caps &C, which will be removed there as soon as tha place is thoroughly renovated and repaired. In addition to a large stock of hats, caps and umbrellas, Mr R-jbinson will lays in a full line of :ruaks, uarchels and traveling bigs.and a full stock of gents' and youths, underwear. j Change of steamers. i ' i The steamship Gulf 'Str eam, an old friend in onr waters, will sail from New place of the ruti between York. How in to New Ail is to continue we are York on Saturday next, Reaulator. which ! is! Morehead City and 'Ions the arrangement unadvised- CaptJ Doaqe, of the Regula tor, is a thorough seaman, a good, clever gentleman, and a very successful com mander and we wish) him, good luck, wherever and whenever he may sail. Fiffht Amsng tne Samaritans. terminate The gopd Samaritans c as excursion a short ti Wests which did not pleasantly r satisfactorily to all cerBei. Nad Giue, of kicking fame, was a committeemian and seemed torun the excursion paj-ty very pleasantly until they struck Charlotte on the down this city had mo ago to the very King Alfonso's Marriage "London, Nov 33 King Alfonso's marriage seems to be definitely fixed for the 27th inst. The Archduohess Marie Christine will reach Paris on the 19th inst, whenoa she will start for Madrid on the 21st inst, and arrive in the latter place on the 21th. Admiral Jaores, French Ambassador in Madrid, will represent President Greyy at the marriage. This disposes of the appre hension that France would not be rep resented owing to rivalry among Frenoh officers who desired to repre sent France on this occasion. Political Disputes In Main e. Augusta, Nov 14 Rumors in re gard to the Governor and Council in tending to count out the republican majority in the Legislature are ex citing general attention. Messrs Baker and Baker filed a notice with the gov ernment to-day to be beard in the disputed otse in Franklin, Lioooln, and Penobscot counties, and II M Heath did likewise in regard to the oases in Washington county. It is re ported that so bearings will be allowed ia disputed oases, but that certificates will be issued on Monday, as has already been determined. A carefully compiled list of ha Legislature shows that the repnblioaus have eighty-nine members in the House, and one vaoan oy by death, while the democrats have sixty one in the same branch. Iu the H...U k. i members and the democrats twelve. . Humbugged again. I saw so much said about tbe merits of Hop Bitters, and my wife who was always doc oring, and never well, teased me so urgently to get her some I encduded to bj humbugged again ; and I am glad I did, for in less than two months use of the ' Bitters in wife was cured and she has re mained so for eighteen months sicce. I like such humbugging. H Tn St. Paul. trip. The water or seem to agree with Jfed himself Sherman's Army the sea. Hewhippeloat oi ine excursion'scs. was corn juice did not and he imagined on the march to two or three going to make twS more and mince meat out of one or was finally ej ctedj from 'he car in order that he might satisfy his, proclivities on the gnarled oak's oft, the forest. Upon , Ned s j I return i to, this city he accused i one Richard Farmer of larceny. r he case was tried this morning and Farmer was discharged. Gause was then arrested on two peace warrants swroru. o t by the female colored exhorter, Rev., Mrs. Williams, 'and Robert Johnson. Gause then crossed fired anJ swore out peace warrants against Henry Brewing t in, Robert Jackson and Stephen Wash ington. There seems to be considerable interest taken in thete siits by the memt bers of the Good Samaritans and nodoub that before they are adjudicated other warrants will fce issued as the "family quarrsl"' is evidently fierce. ') A Sensible Innovation. In the latest fashion cojtes we observe the following, which, considering that it is an innovation u pi)1 n the fold custom seems tons very sensible : ! Instead of the bridesmaids' fashion pre scribes two tiny pages', I , who are chosea from the prettiest of the boy relatives. These are dressed in (velvet of the bride's favorite color, made in a style of a coart dre!8 They perform the usual role of tbe bridesmaid, carry the bride's bouquet and gloves, and in addition meet and assist her irom and to the carriage 'steps . Now the next thing in ordef will be, webopje, to abolish the senseless habitthat custom forces upon newly married folks of taking an advertising trip, more famil iarly known as a Oridal one. j When this shall have been doae and marriage be looked upon from a more practical stand -poiflt tbero will be fewer bachelors in the land. The unusually warm spell operates against the interest of the oyster dealer. Those whb ought to know, however, inform us thit an oyster is always good in season, whether warm or cold that Is, provided it is proper! jr kt pt Meat Cutters andStuffers, Guns, Grind stones and so on, at Jacob i's. The Two l ourts. The Criminal Court" of New Hanover county, His Honor Judge M tares pre siding, convenes jin special tession one week from to-day. This is to anticipate tbe regular term'of the Court, which con venes tbe first week in December, which is also the regular term for the Superior Court for this county to be held It Is to obviate the possibilities of the two Courts meeting at tbe same time that this spccia' sesiion is called or convened. The Benevolent Society. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Bonevolent Society wi'l be held at Hook land Ladder Hall, Thursday, Nov. 20th1, at 11 o'clock1 A. M. The President of the Society says: "The contribution of $1.00 constitutes a membership for one year. We urge all, and especially the German ladies, to aid us by their contribu tions in our good work. The treasury is empty and bills due for provisions aud medicines which must; be paid." 'You. pay the lowest cash j prices for Household Hardware at Jaoobi's Hard ware I'tpot. t Si si tcuni. A really enjoyable: performace will be offered at the Oper i House this evening, the occasion being the first and only ap pear'ati." here of the Frayne-Tiffny Combination. Tbey come to us strongly recommended and the piece which they present is one which has met with re markable success everywhere. Its scenes are lai d in the wilds of the West and it is replete with thrilling and dramatic situations. The accessories to the piece, such as the wonderful dog and the bear and the remarkable rifleshots, will add greatly to its interest. We believe that Si. Slocum will prove the most attractive performance we have had this season and we look for a rou3iDg house. You can buy a No. 1 heating or Couk Stove 'at almost any price at Jacobi'sNo. 10 South Front street. f Don't Believe One Word of It. , 'Ex Congressman Waddell of North Carolina, who is an extreme Democrat and was a member of the last Congress, and a candidate for the Secretaryship of the Senate last! March, says that the best thing the Southern Democrats can do in 1880 is to refuse to go into the National Democratic Convention and nominate General Gr nt. He thinks that the South would really fare better under Grant than it would under a Northern Democrat, and he says that he and many other South em men have come to the conclusion that the sol id Democracy of the South must be broken up in some way in the inter ests of public order aud national prosper ity." We copy the above from t he Hender son Review Ii is an extract from some Northern paper (name not mentioned) sent to Capt. Amis by a friend. As Cel. Waddell. is not in the city, and will not be here for seveial days, we take the lib erty of entering an emphatic denial to the assertions contained in the extract. Col. Waddell never said any such thing! We know him and his sentiments too well to admit, for a moment, that there is one word ot truth in the statement. We be lieve it to be a Radical campaign lie. Col. Waddell will return here this week and will doubtless immediately enter his own disclaimer. The celebrated Zeb Vance and other Cooking and Heating Stoves at the low st cash prices at Jacobi s Hardware Depot. , City Court- 1 William Uolloway, charged with disor derly conduct, was the first case called . It being the first offense, judgment was suspended and prisoner discharged. N. Salvoy, a sailorman, chirgej wit rescuing a prisoner from the police was fined $10 in default of which he was sent below for fifteen days. Wm Ware, charged with disorderly conduct, was released in consideration of its being bis first offense. But tbe in vestigation of this case devJoped the factthat Violet Ueury, colored, one of the witnesses for the prosecution in theca.se was guilty of very disorderly coLluct oud cursicg and s v earing ai.d aimoai breaking the p?ac-i on yti?erd iy (Sun day).. The Mayor very proper-y then ordered a sentence of $5 r teu da s in the city prion o be eattred tj-J loud mouthed witness, in default of which she was escorted below, where she will tebose in the solitude of a cell for the next ten days. ' Maria Hall.one of the. Paddy's Hollow s dark skinned damsels, was srraigned for loud cursing and swearing and disorderly conduct on the streets. Ten dollars or twenty days, remarked the Mayor, and not having the $10 defendant very meek ly took the alternative of twenty daynnd went below. I WILMINGTON MARKET I MOTBOSa 17-4 F M.I SPIRITS TUBKHTlinC----Quoted filrm at 87 cents. ' Sales 250 casks at that figure. Closing quiet and steady. ROSIN Quoted quiet at SI 25 for Strained and 11 40 for Good Strained. Sales 500 bbls at quotations. TAR Quoted quiet at fl 10. Sales at quotations. CRUDB TORFEOTINEH-Steady at 1 25 for Hard and S3 25 for Yellow Pip, Sales receipts at quotations. COTTOW Quoted dull and nominal. No sales reported. The following are the oflclal quotations : Ordinary Cents. Good Ordinary 10& Striot Good Ordinary 11 Low Middling 113-16 Middling.. Good Middlinar... tt 41 ti AMii . nsosirT Ootton.............M.......M....M. ...... . 3S6 bales gpirlU Tarpentins................ 23( casks Rosin... .............................. 18 bb s Tit ....M.MtMttM 178 " n j f- If n tt i ir bub a m ummioMt ................... . ' UABIH NEWS. BMITD. Stenm-yaeht Passport, Harper, Smlthvllle Ghso Myers. ' I Steamer Isis, Robeson, Waddeli's Ferry, Williams & Murchtsou. Steamer North State, Green, Fayetie ville. Worth A Worth. Ger barque Margaritha, Hellerieha, Tybee E Pescbau A Weatermann. . Qer barque Irene, Biebart, Liverpool, Peschau A W ester mann. Schr Lucy M Collins, Curtis, Charleston Northrop 4 Cummlng. Nor barque Bravo, Joss, Ty bee, Paterson, DOWDlOg & UO. CLEARED. Steam-yaeht Passport, Harper, Smlthvllle, Geo Myers. Steamer Isis, Robeson, Waddeli's Ferry, Williams Murchison. Steamer North atate, Green, Fayettevllle Worth Worth. Schr Five Brothers, Bengali. Philadelphia cargo by Colville A Co ; vessel by Harriett tk Howell. i Br barque Ella Moore, Fielding, Liverpool Paterson, Downing A CO. Nor braque KrUtine. Jensen, Galsgow, Paterson, Downing A Co. Schr E S Powell, Williams. Amsterdam, Williams & Murehison. Exports. if.. j COASTWISK. Philadelphl-Schr SFive Brothers-174,648 ft lumber. Liverpool -Br barque Ella Moore 550 casks spts, 3,100 bbls roein. Glasgow Nor barque Krlstlne 2,895 bbls rosin. Amsterdam Schr E S Powell 2,810 bales cotton. WEEKLY STATEMENT e stocks o !. wov. 17, 1879. Cotton ashore....... afloat 7,321 Total........ M 13,166 Spirits ashore......... 14,810 afloat. 6S0 Total........................................... 15,390 Boiin ashore.. ...124,001 afloat 6,862 Total........ i 30, 8 1 3 5,122 Tar ashore.... afloat....... 1... Total........'...1 Grade whore....... afloat... Total... 6,123 1,10 1.10 KioxirTS foe ill vriii nem k t. 17t . Cotton............................... 4,48'J Spirits 1, OS Kosin 11,872 Tsr 934 Crude......... 1,834 I1POKTI FOB TBI WBBK SKDIXS HOY. lTtb, '79. Domestic Cotton... 1.65 1 663 Rosin 1,674 Tar.......... , .... j50 CradeM 25 Foreign. Gotton .,.;. 2,130 spirits l i Rosin....M (100 Ts?eX eoo 3 Orads......M.....MM..i.M.....MM.M.....l.... M - Lime ! Cement 1 JUST LANDED 10-DAY, A CARGO of FRESH ROCK LIME and CIMENT, which we are selling- at lower figures than ever known here. Call on ns. ROBINSON 4 KING, nc v 10 tf Cor. Watsr A Orange sts. . Winberry Oysters- THET ABE GOOD now. Another instal ment just received this moraisg. It's cold enough ow for hot Whiskey asdfat Orteri, F ee Lanch everj day at 11 o'clock. sept 29 JOHN CARROLL. For Rent. 'pHAT DESIRABLE WHARF, at oet of Molborry jtreet, Intel j occupied bj the Baltimore Stamahip Company, com plete with Offiees, ,8heds, c Also th COAL and WOOD YARD,' eorter ot and Mnlberry streets, at present oecnpledby J. A. Springer. Apply to i 3 Pt 80"tf B. NDTT. Dental Card. I AM MAKING Artificial dan tares to fit perfectly and as DrettT as tha natnr.l ttii IKssible. So my patrons will please eaU with Bespeetfollj, JA& . fKEA, Wiladntton. V. a, JTov. "mi?1 UisoallaneotLB. MisccllaJ neous. Fallll vsJin K WILL TAKE PLACE AT Wednesday, Thursday and Friday November 5thv 6th and 7th. Dr. Warner's ABDOMINAL mm We invite all who aie interested in the ncAvcst r.iul Laiuls to attend. We promise all who will favor us with a call to show hem all the Latest ItTovelfies In the Klillincry We have a nice selection of ! ' eaO Firench Patterns which is really worth your ccming to see. -:o: Our prices are lower, Style the best, Quality unsurpassed, ami can't fai! to please every one who may -desire a BEAUTIFUL HAT OR BONNET ! Our 4- - Trimming Department is Complete Comprisirg,4lie leading1 Styles ! -:o:- OUR FLEXIBLE KSP CORSET. ... ! . I '.'.! A new lot of them just in, with improvements. Xo extra clarg 1 be I hav worn this Corset I have worn the Flexible fl-.rM flnra tw1 vcrT lvnn I Tim Corset tlireft UlOTitliS and i mr-TiPV Will oyOT the hips is broken. every bone lis etUl perfect. ' ;n, ,, f: . refunded for Mf fIWM cemf, ihWy ihi Corset fa flip which breaks over the hips. It fits : a li'vuv car. L'e -Iu n in it villi ca-e. Trico, witii plain bust, 1. j :o:- jSl Izarge Assortment oi Fancy Gibbons. Special Bargains in Feather Tips. i -:o: ( A Very Great Variety of Birds at all Prices, from. 35 Cents TJp ! H . . :o: , -'. , Our Fancy Goods ISepariment Is larger than ever with an elegant assortment of Goods to please H Ladies. A VERY FINE LINE OF CREPE LISLE. ALL STYLES OF RUCHING FOR TK HECK. ' ' jo: . THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF TIES?IN THE CITT -:o: Satin Ribbons Cheaper than Can now be lion IVorth ! A beautiful line MlNl KTnS' As"? of Ladies', Misses ? and Children's JJutterickCo Puttc-rrs.1 A1 line X'J PATENTED JUNE 13, 1870. Fancy p ose. tPhese Ooodshava been sold during the past throe years. All Who have worn them be kept cn pronounce the Mode of Fastening: - ABSOLUTELY PEBFECT. r f . j . The many annoyances connected with the old syv- ejjj yOUp tern of Button Gloves are entirely overcome, and the xoiiowingaa vantages secured.: i I 1st fhe perfect ease and rapidity with which it is ; -nv.Vcictf tuJ t tt. -i' laced. . ' for any - , ne UOSter Kid Sua Its adjustability to fit tbedifferent sized wrist-;- I 3rd The advantage grained by rarfWy strain in? . -ak Ue Kid, instead of the old system wnrca vGa ;vui .' ruins so many pairs the first time buttoned. i 4th Strength of Hooks and mode of clinching dll V. thm. The fastening will outlast any glove. . au tne .--which is a very rare occurrence with button. 0 get .J Inoiependentof Improvement in fastening the quality ia guaranteed equal , i r n ot bu -pviox, to any other glove in the market, - . Glove is H, SPRUS!T .Exchange