? : TUI3 FAFER Snadays ex- f,lTS ASU PiiOPKISTOE. ' RiiTio.V8.POSTAGK PAID. ' ' 00 Six months, $2&0 ; Three t js: One month, 50 cents. 9 jf-lsrMelivred by carriers f F ... .r,v nartof tbe rity, attbe . ,,,or 13 cmtp p-r week. '?:'V, , rtr low tnd liberal " ...... A hnir paper rejmlarly "VeW Advertisements. SOLUTION in CARPETS tjOWN & EODDICK, 45 Market St. rishotv the largest assortment of Carpet South of New York. Carpets. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Farther particulars next week. ;arptts Carpets Carpets, New Enterprise. Carpets, Carpet V rJ:ff, Carpets. lit? invito all to call who have A AY ilea of purchasing such good?. larpets, Carpets,1 Carpets, Carpets. e also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing or not Carpets ! Caroets ! Garnets I SOWN & EODDICK, 3 Market Street lOTj pvercoats! Overcoats ! ! Overcoats ! ! ! RI STOCK AN D LOWKST PRICES tit SHRIEK'S TWO STORES MrVet St.. por Rent. CH ESlRaBLK WHARF, at sss. h with o jf"8? Company, com- "U-oo rus' c- Alio, me hl.k,.- UUD Uku. corner of Frost 'l-f:rin7J V fct rrent occupied by U. NUTT. 'WAOE CANDY A.D POST- W .v N 1 ' 1 x u: 11 M K-M ADr r-aTc ct ' li,r e -outh.oi the Posni j. , rtew bakerv. itjiiouoce to tLe cid -1 mq n,w P,;ti to deliver to 1. - K AND PH.. t jr(tiivi!,l', T .t 'bi, 'wrc tepe j wii.nna it r MTte to give roe a tria. Kpectfully, W. F. LESS MAW. hi f I Hi VOL.1 V. WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1879 NO.248 LOCAL .NEWS. iVew Advertiseuieuts. D. A. b m n h Cjo w for Sale. Ties, Molates. i ( Boatwbioht A MtK t Ch ietinaa Uol day. I Yates Book Hto.c atd, Pihoio Roomi "a Gentle Bellq." ( F. C. AIillkr Baby8yiup. Gk-shardt A Co-r-Buirgieg, Harnesi, Ac, THfta. H. UowT-Haad Scmd Oaitera. Opsxa Hocrss Lecture. P. L. BatDSsaa A po Mod j1 lecture. Cronlt A Moiais Buggies at Auction; CaojiLT A MoaRi8G oc&ries at Auction A. Q. McGirt jo. Card. S. Van Aurino? Notice. J. R. M- MciNTIttK it Rec ived. HaiNBBERSHa Vew Books. c m bo-i To- Morrow A.- A I. Hhrikr Overcoats. For other locals ste trurtb pace. Wirdow Glass --al. sizes at Itafl'er & Price's. t Mr?. Gates is boo ied for Charlotte De cember 5 th. Gen. Allau liulhe, foid is in lhe city on a short visit. Bishop Green isj in Kaleih , and preach ed at, Christ Church yesterday. Save your money by buying joii r Build- ing Supplies from Altaffr & PrijeL t The bui que Lindo, Dah, saile l Irjm Troou on the 7th iust for this port. But one trifling case beforj the Mayor this morning, which was, dismissed j The Midgets General Mite add Majoir Atom will be on hiiid in Raleigh tbis week. The barque Atlanta, Nyberg, cleared at Liverpool on the prt. ! lOlh inst. fur th is You can buy a No. ,1 heating or Cook 6tove at almost aijy rrice at Jacodi's,No. 10 South Front street. The barque Doltn Dietruchsei, cleared at Liverpool on the 9 th inst. for thisj)ort. The trial of Miss Amelia Ltnkhaw. for murder, was reeumed in tbej Buperior Court of Kobeson County toiday. The barque Fritz von der i Lmcktn, at Bre- (German) riese,!' men oa the 20th inst cleared for this port. The celebrated Zeb 'j Vaiice and other Cooking and He atipg Stoves at the lowrst cash prices at Jacobi s Hardware Depot. t , The stock of groceries at No. 9 South; Water street, will bo sold! at auction to-i morrow morning, at 10 o'clock, by Messrs Cron'y Sc Morris. 1 j A very important notice to executors administrators and guardians, issued by S. VanAmringe, E$q., Clerk of the Supe rior Court, appears in this i9surj. Fire This Afternoon - i i t The roof of a twojBtory frame building near the corcer of Frot ar.d Red Cross ; i S ! streets wr.s !iscovercu,on tire to-day about 1 o'clock. The alarm WiS sounded but the Cre was c x ti ruiMitk before the .-V departments coalil was light. Insurct urri e. e damage '1 he Paper fJi I t 3iKhr The rt-guar-moiithjy mc l'iiiZ?y the litstoncai acu rctibi nc cot ciety will be held this tvenipg n Pjocif ty - Ii:il! ic rear of St. Janies' Ch'i(ch,!oa w qich occasion Mr David Cash well, the !cc ure, for the occasioF. will read a paper on the"Effects of the Panic a Ilcsult cf the Political Condition of the Country." Ladies aDd entlemen who would like to hear .this piper arc respectfully uvitcd-to attend Criminal Court His Honor Judge Mf ire., pre I'm Tue Court ecavenediia specia session at 11 A M. to-day. Tned:awiug of the Grand Jury was first proceeded with and res-ilted in the following n;ra3d persons biiu Oiawn in that body to se ve for the tern), v z : II. B. Stillis, rmau, John J. Boas ey, II. Bayden F V. B. Yopp, L. Flanagan, C S. Ljve, Hi B. t i ers Join A Hargrove, John W. GaU oway, riciiry Davis, DdWitt C. Love, George Grady, F. W. Oftraan, F- M, Garrion, Halifax L-JCnari, a W. Wat son, It K Sullivan, K. B. "Wiood. The - i I ill ury being duly .impacnelled llis Honor delivered hia charge, when the jury re- ircd. The balance of the morning sea- tien was then occupied in! callidg. witness- s to go ttfoie the Grand Jary. This finished, the Court took! a recefea until 3 thij afternoon at which time the DAILY UnmalUbles. The following unmaible postal matter remains at the Postoffice in this city : Sallie MitchelL Newborn, N.C.; Allen J. Cameron, Hillaboro, N. C ; Mary Dixon, French' Creek, N. C. Meat Cutters and Staffers, Guns, (irind stones and so on, at acobi's. I . i Hirer Newt. The steamer No th State, in this morning, report about two feut and a half of water on the shoals, with a pros pect of a fall again soon unless there is more rain shortly in the opcountry. Sudden Death. Audrew Hall, an old colored man who for many years has rua a lemonade and peanut stand, near Exchaage Corner, died viry suddenly last night of heart disease Old Uncle Audrew was to all appearance ia his usual health yesterday and attended church twice during the day. Just after returning tJ his home from church ser vices last night he went to bed and died in a very few minutes. Ashore on the Beach The Norwegian brig rrosperita, Gap taiu Beruldsen, which cleared from Lon don for this port on the '25th of Sep tea ber, wentashorejon the beach at New In let, near Fort Fisher, at 1 a. m. to-nay. The Captain, we understand, mistook the Federal Point Light for the Frying Pa Shoals Lightship. The brig was loaded with ballast and consigned to Mr. It. E. Heide, the Norwegian and Damish eoaiul for this port. Consul Heide, iu company with others, left here this afternoeu on the steamer Passport for the scene of the wreck. I Nipped in the Bud. Last night about 8 o'clock, roundsman Wte'jse.discovered a two-story house, on the Northwest corner of Third and Church streets, owned and occupied by Hector Davis, colored, to be on fire. He gave the alarm to the inhabitants, who with the aid i of others succeeded iu extinguishing the fire with a few buckets of water! There was no general alarm, but for a short time considerable excitement prevailed in the neighborhood. The weather-boarding in the second story of the building was on fire when discovered, and it is thought that the fire originated from an imperfect flue. Damage very light. You pay the lowest cash j prices for Household Hardware at Jacqbi's Hard ware Depot. t An intolerable. nuisance. On behalf of those of oar citizens who are in the habit of frequenting perform ances at the Opera House, and who pay their money for an evening's enjoyment, we mast protest against the Intolerable annoyance to which they are subject at the hands of those who are never happy unless when making a noise and annoying others. This nuisance is not confined entirely to the gallery, bat is found to ex ist, to a great extent, on the first floor ef the building, only a few feet removed from the seats reserved for ladies and their escorts. These facts are cited for the attention of the police authorities, and we hepe to be able to chronicle a great improvement iu this respect the next time nere is a ineatricat representation in me Opera House. OPERA HOUSE. 'I ne Madame Rentz Company I Quite a goodly number of Opera Bouffe admirers, of- the masculine gender, were at the Opera House oa Saturday night to witness the performance of the Itettz-Santley Novelty Company. The troupe is a variety company and the programme was interspersed with songs and dances, negro delineations . and so 'forth, the whole concluding with burlesque repreientation of Pinafore, if Euch a thing can be burlesqued. As usual about the same number of rowdies were on hand in the gallery on the o:casion, who kept op their infernal din and confusion in pretty much the same manner as is certain with them at every performance here, much to the annoyance ql the actors in this instance as well as the audience. So mush so, in fact, that one of the performers came to the foot lights and remarked upon it, stating that one of the lady actors, who bad just quitted the stage felt very badly, in conscience of the re marks and behavior of those in the gal lery. The performance then continued until the close without a repetition of lhe interruptions from the peanut stall near the roof. Reyiew. Changed his Quarters. Mr. A. G. McGirt, who for m:ny year p st has been at. Mr. S H. Fwhb'Utt'j store, notifies his friend ia this issua of' t:e Rsview that ho is situated with Messrs. Sol. Bear&Bros. Lieu . McGiit is a whole-souled popular man, and is as fine a salesman as he is popular a d good looking- New Advertisements. Model Lecture?. BY P. L ERIDGERS & CO. Grocers. Drawn from the actual experience of P. L. B. in keeping house. No 1, TO -HOU.iEKEEPEKS Hou ekeepers as a class are either ac tive or passive. The latter take charge. but give the keys to Betsy, Sarah Ann or 'Jim. They leavo the front. door and windows open to Tramps and Sneak Thieves and then go gadding about among the neighbors. Those are thy who make even Saints mad.: St. Paul to Timothy ii, chap. 2, v 13. . I The active are described in Jhe same chapter, next verse. They are young and teachable, stay at home and econo mize I They are a crowa uno their husbands, and, like a prudent wife, are a blessing from the Lord Prov. cuap. 19, v 15. Speaking etymologxilly as P. L. B. does. Good Housekeepers are always of t ie feminine gender singular number nd second person, agreeing in all things with their Husbands, except as to housekeep ing, and makiog hiai attend to his own business when he dares offer advice about that. A man who is his own housekeeper is a fool,' L. P. B. says. He who carries his own pantry keys, opens a door to the devil, L. P. B. sajs. He is fit only for ehaviogs and whitewash, L. P. B. says. He needs no dealer but the undertaker, L. P. B. says, and deserves no board but a coffin. He ought to trsde at P. L. Bridger & Co.'s, where are posted the fol owine standing rules: Sunday reading and Grocery informa tion for the Customers ol P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. The ti rat rule for good housekeeping, L. P. B. says, is Never ktep ou hand more than three days' supply; L. P. B. says, Groceries will melt and wither away like smiles and flowers. Meat and Sugar, Whiskey and Cigars, Batter, Larl and Sausages, Irish and Sweet Potatoes bought at P. L. BRIDGER & COS MAMMOTH GROCERY STORE, last longer when brought home fresh day by day; and L. P. B. says tin smaller the lot the longer it kteps and the farther it goes (proportionately), and servants, L. P. B. says, have their friends. The hospitality of the kitchen, L. P. B says, is like that of the ISedouins, wno lavish on strangers what they pillage in the Desert. Your alley andbak window boarders, L. P B. sajs, eat more than the houses. What is "flav and Neigh" ia the stable, is "Here and Near in the KUchenV and L P. B. says. Waste is a short spelling of more than enough, like the .tallow candle, whose drip is bigger than the stem. An unsnuffed lamp, L. P. B. says, has more flame but gives lesi light, and had better be acquainted with, althoegn cat by the scissors. Neverthe less. L. P. B. says, it is wise to nave something over in the locker for the poor, and a plate on the table for the stranger, who may come unawares. 2. Keen evervthlne nnder lock ana key. and the key at the girdle. L. P. says an open cupboard is a rat's delight and the devil's hiding; it is, he says, the parlor of the roaches and a censtant temp tation to your weak brothsr. It leaks, L. P. B. says, like a ship at sea; it is like pumps for bilge water and gutteis for cis:erns. A small bucket costs duc a quarter, but if kept full will save more money, L. P a fire engine in the garden. on the spot it B. says, than 3. Don't buy your coal or wood in Au gust, or your ice in December. L. P. B. says, fuel put away gets seasoned, but it mast be kept from the Sons of Osiris. This heathenish divinity was the brother of l is and the father of Horns, and L. P. B says has a host of relations among us, with cold shins, who are fire-worshippers. 4. Lastly, watch closly, and leve fried ehicken; live well and throw nothing away; eat what yon now have, and then p7 L. BRIDGERS & GO, and bay a fresh suppit , and,L.;P. B.says, If yoa promise not to give it away he will inform yon that both qaality and prices win auit.as nenimaeli natn tneu it. nov. 24th. For Sale A JSR3KT COW. GIVES THREE Gallons a A tDi t n n aorU 2t i. A. BITH. To-Morrow "YyE SHALL RECEIVE FULLUueset CEOU' NECK WEAIIi AKD11EB. TAILOR. New 1 Advertisements. OPERA HOUSE. ' wtDSWDp- EVFf.NIXfJ, 26TB ' NST A ST, AT 7f O'CLOCK, Hon. George Davis Will delivar a Lecture, entitled A 8tudy in Colonial Biato-y," 'or the be "it of tne Biitorical and 5cienti:ic 8 ,c : v of Wil mington. 1 Adfiiaakia 25 Cent. .( ect 24-3 1 Improved Copygrams, QOPV BOOKS, letter Presaes, -Brashes qi Cups. I Ick Staada in great variety; Pern, Goll and S'eel. Penholderi all kinds. Inks, Writiag and Copying. V All for sale at THjE LIVK BOOK STOKE. PIANOS and OROAN8. The Largest Stock in the city, Sold on the Faiy Instalment Plan, at HKIN.HKfCRGtUV, nor 24 ;0 d 41 Urktt tt. You Want rnHESE THINGS, YOU BAY,! MADE X .1 skillfully, of good materal and for the least money. Yon will patronize home industry if it ocsta no more tban to placa your orders elsewhere. Good.. That's businen. We're everything now j ia appiepie shape for the manufacture of Buggies, Wagons, Carts, Drays, Harness, Ac. Bit how if we can't please you and keep year money home, nov '21 GERUARDT A CO. ' . ' 1 h - - 11 - "A Gentle Belle", Y CHRISTIAN KLID. The Musical Won'fe-, tho marvellous OR- GD1NETTE, still costinues to sell at! eigbt. i Pictures, Frames and Moulding. Framfs of any mo auade to order upon thort notice. A fine aisrtment oi iVdiiis, '(-'hb irii'a Dooks, Fancy Box Paper, Inkktand?, oid Pens, Bibles, Hymn Boukd, Ac, Ac. ' i ' ' Slank Books, School Books, Papers,' En velope, Ptns, Ink, always t-y be Lad at low prices of . nov24 C. W. YATFS. MARSHALL ANDILIVERPOOL SALT. i - ' - JUST IN. i 2AA Sacks MARSHALL'S JOUU 'i finf;salt, OHOn 8cks LI7ERP00L 8 ALT, Ouuu iitciped 8acke. Bagging:, Ties, &c- 1 nrVA Whclend Half KollsAGGINO, 1UW 3000 BandIe Jew TIES, AAA Lbs Bailing Twice, yUU 13C0 Kes Nails, all sizes, Hoip Iron, 8pirit Barr. lsOlue. Molasses, Flour, 'Sugar. j Hhif and Bola Mola ses, 1100 Bbl FLOUE F:,milJ .to Boner j iir Bbls Sagars, Crashed, Granulated lit) a. Extra C, and C. 1 ( A S Bio Coffee, JLJJ 1 Or Tabs Choice Lea! Lard, oa a xtm T rti I - Bbliand Boxes FrejhCrackere, Boxes Selected Cream Cheese, Lanndry and Toilet Soaps, Lye and Pot ash, Soda, Candles, 8nnff, Tobacco, Ac. For sale low.by WILLIAMS A MURCH130N, nov 18 Wholesale Gro. A Com. Mer. IVoticc to Executors, Ad- i. ministra tors and Cruardians ! The UNDERSIGNED, JDDGE OF Probate in and for tbe County of Stw Han over, hereby notifies all Executors, Ada.Ir.i - trators and Gaardians and all other persons i ' acting ia a fidciy capacity, and who i i . by law are rtq Tired to report to Liai, aad who. bare vox filed their reports, end made their settlements, as they are rrqaired bT law to do, that unle:s such settlements are made on or before the 1ST DAY OF JANUARY A. 0. 1880. 1 will report tfieif delinquency to tba 8olic- i - "' i itor of the Cr:minal Court. Those interested will please take warning, and sare me the -. i en. leasant duty of enforcing tbe law. 8. Vas AM BINGE, Jadge of Probate of New Hanover Coanty PLEASE 50TICE. , We will be glad- to receive communication from oar friends oa any and all subject o general interest bat : - Tiuname of the writer mast; alwayr beftr nUhcd to tho Editor. v QCommanlcatioas mcst b? writUa'on orlf one tide of tfcejpapejv Personalities must be aTuideJ And it is specially and rtrU.nlar It an.lcr stood ttarrke Editar GMl Tint .1 v. a . .' the viewsjpf jcorrctj,ondeais, oni .-. ia the e&to ial colas na. Advertiscmont?. . -j ;j ,' . , : a by Syrup. pAfcKfcfKS GINGER TONIC, Indian CJologogai. Ball's Codgh Syiap. Klata', Chill Cure, A i ers' A cue Cure aod com plete rtock of pore i)rug and Med feints. F. C. FILLER, C rnen 4th and ua' Streets. Upn day aLd night., 1 i nov 21-tf - . i RATHER THAN BEAK TttK , har etcaje your pedal exfrt-ttitie- i paiJ of thote eJegent Maod . A at Four Dollars per pair. Ti t t t . icat4 Shoes, but are warraln-- I . , : the ilia that feet arp h ir t-; M . . vatd It tbe neateit and Cheaper t LcJ tJ, ib. mtr ket. A fair triI solicitid ?tj 'sJl d'fatiafac. tion gaarantecd. 1 TH '.H HOWIT, No. 47 crth Alaiket at.- nor 24 Groceries at Auctoh ! jQN TUESDAY SIX rj 25th, ireLj at Tl 0 s A. 'M , we will se'M at Store ' A'o.V 0 fcatY i .. Water street, the entire irto:kfl Groceries, Liqaois, Ac therein. ! I CUONLY A MORRIS, pot 24 Autionters. , n. CRO NLV, Aiirlibncer. Ii V ( Mr, i A ,V MOKHIS. Buggies, at Auction. QN WEDNESDAY NIXT; 20TU IX- stant, atl2 o'clock M , wo will idl-af our Sales Rooa t, - , IO OPEN KLCJIIi, . . i i Our recommendation is that they are from i tne iVew Manulactory of Louis Cook, Cin cinnati, OLio, and all s Id with fall guarau tee. tor 24, A Card. rpUE UMDER8IG:LD liEGS lcaro to ia- fo m bisf.'iends ami the public generally that be bag accepted a"po:ition iii tbe largo and poialiir Wholcsala and lictail Dry' Gocdi House of Mvsrs Sol Mear & liroi., where ne wwl always ba'gladLto receive M.f fiiends and scrre tbcm as in the jpst. My faciliticfs for giving satisfaction to. patron i were never better, as with so large land com plete a stock to select from, all caa! be eutte'fl and at prices lower than the lowest,! r : nov 24 Keppectfully, A. O. 3kOIItT. Boatwright & McKby Have in t.-re a d f arrive for tho CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS! A 10,000 Lbs. PURE -SSATSISV. ' -' Ii ' Of every Tarict-.i tyi-, it ' i k .izcr of from 1 to 5 i i a ls 35:) Packaees Raisihs. it HalTes, Qrs., and Whcle Boxes. 'i 5,000 Lbs. Almond, Brazil Filberts, Pecan at d I n'llbh Walnats. 200 Bble. j i OTADgf-t and Lsaaoa?, Carrant4, Citron, Cranberries, Dales &c. fe d'esi Bais'ri ,00Q Large ! - ''. Cartliasrcun'Coca -Nuts. 300 Bases it " And Goods too naxeroai to mentloa, k,We are determined to eJ if we can find bayers, so yoa bav the ad ran tag It4- is your own.faalt if j oa don't pojh it. Senl in your orders? ;-1 ' " U'1' Boatwxiglit & McEoy, O St 7 Worth Trout Btrbct. ( docket was proceeded wit a. XCV 24 il " - BSC nov 21 . ' - -'

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