THIS PAPEB wtri afternoon. 8 sad ays ox- r. .1 A iM K. clTOK AKD PHOPKIETOa. drvaTidf. tATT. r i""" ... .t- A . Thr ..... I PTlUo. - . H1X IMVUtWl v , mw J' ' i in intinth. BO cent. , . t l T ' ' ... 1 J trill be aeuvereu uy cvrwn, Dy part of the city, at the . irti!iB rat jl uwcribera will ras report any and . t.. receive their papers refralarly. "jew Advertisement. f EjjTION in GARPBTS SHOWS EODDICK ' 45 Market St. Will show the largest assortment of Carpets South of ' V New York. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Further particulars next week. (arpi tc, Carpets Carpets, Carpets. Over 250,000JRepresented in this1 New Enterprise. Carpels Carpet, CarpetS. We invite all to call who have AXY ilea of purchasing such goods. Carpefs, Carpets,' 1' Carpets, Carpets. We also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing or not. . Carpets ! Caroets I Caroets ! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 EZarket Street nor 7 Overcoats ! Overcoats ! ! JKST(STOCK AND LOWEST rRICE8 in the cltj, at SHRIEK'S TWO STORES, M irket si. aov 22 For Rent, rpHlT DESIRABLE WUARP, at nt of Malborrv street. 1tclv occupied the Baltimore hteamship Company, com V't! with Offices. 8bds, Ac Also, the COAL and WOOD YAKD, coraer rf Front od Muibarry itreets. at present occupied by J. A. Springer. Arplj to . tepi 4U-u n. 5UTT. HOME-MADE CANDY AHD POST OFFICE GCQEER STAND. rPHE ONLY QVJN' INK HOME-ilADh 1 Cindj in the citr, will be found ev rv frh and sweet.' t rcr dori South o" ' fost'ffiM on iJeoond strtet. Alio, fiae French Gaudies, Xnr. Kaii:i, Fruit, Ac. C. K Z...-T .8 'ei the Postotflce. Myrtle Lawn ! KOViL Hr UOlcttT E. 3 aLL RDj "f rth CaM.iua, and DeJiea'et o Q. linnch A if toD. ot" North Caro ina - Juit received ana for la'e-at UKIN8BeKUtKM lY Author of -1AtidOJJiOlR," The Markets of Paris; Co: q t ot Plaasa&f j Koagoa Ma quart Familt fleUte; and The Abbe's Temptatioa. By tmiie Z)la, rice7l cents In paper, orf 1 35 in e?ota. For iaU at U ElNSbKRGKR'd, nor 2 3? and 41 Market st. r HE " ") A I LIT iEVIE W - ' ; - i.r i I : i. . - ' JALl VGL.IV LOCAL NEWS. ffew Adve fttsemetits. IN otic-. I' E. E. Hinu-Ship Bee ad. Corns, etc. WlLLABDS Salt I Waliih CoKKT-tTobacco and Ci'srs. Jho. M. RcBiiiOH New Hat Htore.1 : jiViifOs We shall Open. Crxsl. Hooga kr. ani Mra. MtKee k11' - ' ' j ; )" -;! - l! Uall 1 Pi laaiLL Inutactired Ran To- baceo. . !' F fiaiHaiiaeia Mjrrtle Lawn. r 4 . t A. 'k I. 8HaiKa Overcoats. Day's length OjhoHrSjand 54 miuutes anps a burnint' shamtj' make a big fire? . 1 . :- I M ' Wit do w Glass -ah tizes, al Uafler & l'rice's. t No interments this week. iu Bo)uvue (emjetery A touch ot nature when you get your nose frost-bitten. TBree things you mu. tongue and conduct'. j t govern temper, Meat Uutters and jsuiji jrs, Uunsj, G ri nd stones and so on, at jAcoiii'si Full moon yesterday oiinuies pait 3 o'cluck. a'fteruoOn nt 43 Every political guardian able to control his ward. OUilUt to be In Oakdale this week thtjre were two i 1 interment?. One adul t ana one ciiiiu. The brig Silas N. Mrhn :(ol iUastme) Brpwn, hence, arrived the 27th inft. II- .1 E at New York All kinds of insects are fashionable for pins, and the mosquito pad: a'.wats make your ear ring. The storm signal is displayed to-day, tho wind blowiog during the forenoon fresh from the West I'm afraid ot a gun without lock, stock or barrel, said a small boy, when his father took the ramrod to him. Save your money by buying 3 our Build ins Supplies from Akafier & jPrice. !t ' 0 - J j - 1 'L Th- brig AmbroieLight, Hatch, clear ,i nt Rnstnn on the 26th inst. for Wood's Holl, to load for this port. There were four interments in; Pine Forest Cemetery (colored) th lis wek. Two adults and two children. And now doth, the young man buy a h:gh vest, a scarf a yard square, and get out his old shirts for the winte r. j Three things conducive to happiness A full stomach, an empty pocket and a clear conscience. .We are fearfully happy. The Register of during the week four two of which were f for colored couples. Deeds has issued marriage licenses, or wuite' and two Tnmnrrow is knowD as AtSveut, Sun day, the first day of tile new edclesiastical year There are four Sundays i in Ad- vent and then comes Chris.' maJ Day. The Nurweinan bafque Thoi. Amund sen. hence, fur Glas-pw, whictj aravea at .1 . I f . ! V T Q'jeeDstown on the 2Gth 1 iiiSt. ihas part of her crew kick a'd two of them had dtd. ' Messrs. Willard Btosl present a i.ew and very attractive advertiseuieat in this issue. One itemof especial interest to farmers at this time, is tup 2 1,000 sacks, of silt offered for sale. xt, Tvtrrfst.. thecencrali manaeer of thfl Reli Telephone Company, to day Beli Telephone Company placed in the bouse of Gbl. Roger Moore, Chief Enfiinter of the F.rje Dej artment a i irm ! uvu You ay the low.$t CM-ih prices i for Household TIa-dware at jAC0iii;s Hard- ware Dept. ! Uh n a j ke is too stupid to read well in E rariish if, ciiiv be p ut iu Fiencb, and nin1 pj-'ile u - of :ea w t ptl i g-,a-id -vi3h thy 11 think i is a tip could translate it The schooner hence, a r ved Five Brothers, al New York on Borsell, khe 27th inst. Experienced a heavy ga e on the n;hint from E Nl E. b-ckirJ to N . . . i 1 W stid ya8 hove to 00 -hours. ProtiabllitlfS. fallowing is the report received to- The lUy from t higufel Uflice m mis witj. tlu'Suuth Atlantip and Eastj Gul St:a rising au i inzti barotnetf-r North west and N'ortberly i wijidsj colder, c.ear or paitly cloudy weather, possibly occa sional liht coast raios. and! high winds on the North Carolina ooait j j WILMINGTON, N. C SATURDAY NOVEMBER . 29, 1879. NT0. 252 Uitinallablet. Uumailable matter remains in the Poatoffice in this city addressed as fol lows: T J Erana, Etover, S C ; Mamie M WatU, Eigtover, S 0; Mary Pixon, French's Creek, N C; Mis Robert Chaffin, BennettaTilleJ N C; Daniel Richardson, McDowell co, N C; Joi Hankens. i 1 PtACotkV.NC Conej'i GIfiari. Capt. Walter Coney i8 now Tery com- lortably est&biihed in bis new and cigar sttirrf, hich wa opened to the public to-day. He has a beautiful and a j?ery ojesirable stock, all of which was jwlecte l by him carefully, and in person. iHi brands of tobacco are very choice and iiis stock of cigars, pipes and fancy tobacco goods is one well worth inspecting. At tention is iuvited to advertisement, pub lished elsewhere. Music by Telephone. Last night the Italian harpers were id the Mc zart ! Soloon and began tj p ay when Mr DeForreatj the-raanager of the Telephonic Exchange, becoming aware of tho factt connected the wires leading to tha saloon with some fifteen or twenty others leading to as many residences or pi ices of business, whereby the listeners were regaled with pleasant music for awhile, rau;h to their delight. Found Guiltyi Arthur Fisher, indicted for harboring the escaped convict, Tom Johnson, was ried yesterday morning, and the cast given to tbt jury in the evening, but tbey did not agree upon a verdict until 5 o'clock this evening, at which tim they arrived at the conclusion that the defen dant was guilty of the offence charged, i and so rendered a verdict accordingly. Sentence has not yet been passed upon the prisoner. - ' ; r : : " The celebrated Zeb Vance and other Cooking and He iting Stoves at the lowest cash priixs-at Jacobi si Hard ware Depot. ' 1 I -i i Annual Meeting. I At the annual meeting of the Wilming ton Library Association, held at the rooms pf theLibrary last evening, the following named gentlemen were elected officers and directors of the association, for the ensuing year: President 0. II. Robinson. Vice President R.J.Jones. Directors Col. Wm. L. Smith, Cap- tiin John Cowan, Col. F. W. Kerchner, N. Jacobi, C. E. French, B. A. Hallett, T. Calhoun James. i The International Postal Card. On next Monday, December 1st, the countries in the postal union will adopt anjnternational postal card. The cards ot this country will De two cenxs in price, blue in color, but otherwise similar to the one cow in use. They can be used without any addtional postage. The figures show thU the United States now sends abroad about twice as many postal cards as come here from foreign countries, all of which indicates that weare benefited by the treaty In this particular. ' - I The AlldjTets. Mr, W. R. Anderson, General Agent for the "Midgets," was in the city on Thanks giving day, for the purpose of making prep arations for the appearance here next week of two of the most wonderful marvels of nature. These are the mite3, two little creatures, living, moving, mortal beings whom1 auy man can easily raise in cither hand. One of thesa, General Mite, is 15 years old and weighs but 19 pounds, while the other, Major Atom, is 10 years old, and weighs but 12 pounds. j These 'Midgets' have exhibited expen sively throughout the country,1 aiid every where tby have appeared they have ex cited a great deal of wonder and enriofity. Crowds bate flecked to see them every where. They have been in Raleigh for a week, will stop two days in GoldabDro and will open their exhibition here for thejfirst tiinon next Thursday afternoon, Decem ber 4 h , in the City II til. You can buy a No. 1 heating or Co k Stove at almost any price at Jacobi'3,No. 10 South Front street. . I 1 1 The December term of the Superior Court for New Hinover county. His i Honor Judge Eure presiding, will convene here next Monday. Criminal Court will adjourn for the erm this evening. II The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 59 bale. i Toe South Atlantic For November has t eec received. Tim 1 papers contained in this number ar , Ti .era, by Tn. Von Jiim n ; C r - lita," (eooUaued) by W. H. Babaock; "Ah, Pictured Leaves, a pcm by John Henry Bojtr; Athens an 1 is Eovirons;" Frai.k Benson Live Story, ' by E. W. L , besides very appropriate editorial remarks unon Our! Common School System." i I 1 he Unknown j We have received the first nutubar of thejrlrat volume of an amateur pap.-r with the ab3ve rather romantic an 1 mystciius title. It s publishad in this city and Messrs. Howell & Fiencb, two juvenile aspirants fcr journalistic honors, are editors and proprietors It is printed on gxd nice paoer with cleir t)pe and has qaite a presentable appearance. We wish the yuuug gentlemen in charge of the enterprise much pleasure and an abundant profit from their undertaking. ! The Grand Jury. The Grand Jury ot the Criminal Court which has been in sessfiou here this week i ' were discharged to-dav. Thy have d .ne ! " j a good week's work, h;tvia f utid t 7 true bills, 4 not true biiN an'i 4 present ments.acd having examiued 100 witnesses On their discharge Mr. Solicitor Moore arose in open Court ! and thanked them vary handsomely for the efficient an 1 in telligent manner in which they had dis charged their duties, asserting that it was decidedly the best Grand Jury he -had ever had end assuring them! that they were entitled to not only Ibo thanks of the Court but of the entire com munity. His Honor, Judge Mearep, also gave a warm endorsement to all tbat the Solicitor had said and afterwards,, in private, Maj. Dunham, the Clerk of the Court, added his congratulations. Criminal Court- The following cases were taken up and disposed ot to-day: State vs Jane Williams, Charged with larcenv. Verdict euilty. Sentenced to 3 years in State prison, j State vs Henry Gerviue, charged with larceny. Verdict not guilty. Defendant discharged. , I State T8 Geo HilL charged with larceny. Verdict not guilty. Stntfi vs Jane Williau-S. ch-r.i-d' with larceny. Submits. Willis Drake, cbareed with MVevW ' - - 9 w assault and battery. Not pros entered. State vs Wm Pickett, charged with assault and battery. Verdict guilty. State vs John Pleasant, charged wiih assault and battery. On trial. a Positive Nuisance. We do not forgei that we were once a boy . (it has been several years age, though) and that when we wore round abouts and caps it was with genuinejjuve- nile. delight that we would take a short pull at a long horn (just as in after years we sometimes take a long pull at a short kern) but we haven't forgotten either, that liberty may sometimes degenerate into license and that too maBy juvenile bores are just as much opposed to the peace and dignity and welfare of mankind as are too many of the' longer sort. In! short, and briefly, the tin-horn nuisance has this year anticipated X:ma by fully a month and' we feel constrained to call upon the Mayor to abate the nuisance. Let the little fel'nu a blow but let their blowing" be in reason and not to the exasperation and coLderr.nition and tintinnabulaticn of the ainlt -rs about them. Give the young OGcs two v. ekt one wetk before Christ maeDavand one wetk af:er aid we wil try and be content but, atop the icferra din until then. Reserve for them two weeks of holiday and then let them blow, as the lawyers have it, ad quad damnum New Advertisements Ship Notice A LL P&B30N3 are hereby can tmnt ...!. harboring or trnstlsfr "t-T- f thaDan. ta kOALhuN Capu H. H Kalsball, as no debts of. their contraetion will be paid by either the Cap tain or Ccneignees. B. E. HEIDE. j Consignee. ncr IS-3t The Wew Hat Store. rjlHE UsrjRSIGilEI) a this mtthod of infor Irg hlsuoineroBspatrua- thhere after be i i p'ewed to i So. 13 Norm rront strw , wbere can he found thlt.t, pretUestjand '"h ab!a styles f Hats, together witha fine as. sortmeatofOenta' Oaderwear, Traaka, Ya-. Uses. Umbrella aad to fortb. ' JOHN M K0B1NS05, Ho. 13 Kerta Front st , B0V 19 oooto q. raxvxu buuc. Now Advertisements. We Shall Open ! .1 ' i , MONDAY, A RSSH STOCK OF Ovt i coats. I MDNSuN, THE CLOTHIER ' , AM) MER. TAILOR. TOO Boxes. Manufactured Tobacco ALL JU'FS AND QUALITIES, For sale bv Hail & PearsalL no 21 CORPJS, etc MUUFAb OP DIBi)I r Th- F ain)!i A i: riiu C'l iroi o hat AT THE COMMER IE HOTEL. wbo irm ea Sufferer?, whnge waiting is im peded by CORNS, BUNIU.V8 or IS VKftT- EU TUK If AILS, to call on him at once, if they desire to hare their sufldrin alleviated. 10 JVjIAHTES Onlyftqiired for the Care of a Malignant Corn, !a id jou can carry it Home in your Pocket after. No pain, no bloq.l nor Medi cine usjd, INDIES DQonia can or sena lor biai, ana cm do ro Oil - i' 1 1. '. i with c.r.nlencv a' ne apsurrs them the greatest delicacy abd attention. KtmaiLe out one week, i pST-Hours from 3j A. M. to 6 P- nov 2. OPERA HOUSE. Oae Night jOnij ! Wednesiay , 1 I) ec'r . 3. EBgagement ol tuo UiiieJAaier.c'aa Anisfs , Mr. anfl Mrs. McKee Rankio, lu Mr. Jaq lin Miller's Besu iful American Dram of the The PUy wiil be presented iwith Entirely1 New tcenerv aad a Woctlrfully STRONa PHENOMENAL CAST ! In whiph Each and Erervl Pereoa, on ac countof their adap ability to the Characters, liave been S ecially ' hngsged. Peserved Beats $l.C3. Feats for forsi'e at lleinsoerffer's B.ook Store. ! nor 29 4t Salt. Sail. Salt. 21,000 Sacks Salt NOW ON WAY FROM ENGLAND AND I A PORTION DAILY EX i ' PECTED ! j Factory Filled Fine Tabic 1 AND Liverpool Ground Al im,t FUf-L WEIGUT GUATt T E I Violasse 5. CUBA, PORTORIK), NEW ORLIl.lA sugar bio I fca:, IS EUDS., li.ERCES AND - 'A JU7.L AGEN C Y FO It M AK VI N' s A V irl- A ' t SCaJ.E COMPAN Y. j HAZARD POTVMU Co. BLASTING POWDER, in Kegs. INDIAN RIFLE POWDER, in Kesr?. KENTUCKY RIFLE POWDER, ia Kegs. DUCKING POWDER, in 6 lbs Canisters FINE ELECTRIC Sporting Poxder ! tn 1 lb Canisters. ! ' "APPLY AT I "WIL LARD'S." nov 26. I s - . ; . Tobacco and CiasT i RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE Public that I bare opened a irt Cim TOBACCO AND CIGAR STQ3F, Qn Mrset Street, oce dtor Eas of Mcliucn fcey'a !ra; rture i ie!iCt-t B.j Ooodi in perui nd tnv friend. d the pabhc bed that I bt an "xcel t Asjorm ent of SM1KING & CHEWING TOBACCO Cl'.JAlttJ AND CiOABST" E J. M erccbaaa?, Imitation, Briar, Apple, Oriiral aud Clay Pipes. ilerchaum an- Briar Cigr Tnb, !-rchaam Clzarette label, Mo-. sehaam Bartons. ' Wtica. Cherry and Pith Stew?, C'gar aad Cijrarette Cjtf, ' i bicco Pietca, ' Uirn hit, Ac , Ac. ac, ' 1 will ea earo." to pi ae, ud keep f irst Class Good, and hope thU I may rtceire a liberal share of patronajte. noyWtf 1 WALTER CONEY. VLEABE iroficE. We will be glad, to receive eo Buccal, atk n i frota o friends m any and'alj: subjects general interest bat: , . , , - - awj V WW W WM Tie same-of the wtlteroart; te fsr naked to the Editor. ' I .... , , j i , I QOommocieatioos in nit he written one side oX tLepapejw - PersotaalitiasMTist tea voided. 1 j Bind it ITeJftepirtifiji J tood tta the. Ellto'r 4oet not always en.v f ! t'le riews of correspOndeau, micas go ; ia the edltorarlgysv ul-:v.. -'" FALL GOOl .a. 30 -Mar kef TJ AVlNG . SI CCI-iE U 1. 1 ) JLX wekAor ofEuroiv?an aud Amerllcan Manufactur es I am prepared to olnf to my I'atron: and t nenos Bargains In all tl.o -t!if!t'ir-Tit Dr'parjmei.tsLMjjii 1 cannot uef.u,JIea in i V ; i-Z I E T AM) i 1 lly "any Ilousin ll.oity f Wihcte. BLACK DRESS SILKif! i)filJelli)ii, (iuii let, T.eilSau? ESC I manufacture. Our celebrated heavy i-oft (;r05 for One DoUar per ardi. UfAlN Colored .Silk ' i)!: ! . j Vc I, Safin, in l'lam a d S.din . jflripcs. DRESS GOtrViC I 1 ! .- J7-' .! baiiu Mi-Ian Ouijtncrc, feoie, Brocade 1'ersau, l'ers:iu ItaVj?, j I . , Iiayo llnlie, Cavalo "Mu'iair, ! Striped ? Satin, Camel's Hair, .-I'll ' I- Colored Caihrneirs fronl . cents up. r r'oiored Alpacas, all shades, 2 tceht", Double Width Colored Alpacas, lavy only 1J cents p"r )ard. ; I A (iifat. Varltity f di( style?! ' suit- able i r Uii: seastn, very lov. . - j i " ii Wloumina Goods. The b ist assortrn!it veri,!! ir?rcq ii?r. in Drab U'K'.e, Bombazine, '1 amis; Crsp (yloth ; rui;, auiptd aiid Brocade Casn- mere ; Cloth, lle;i:io,.'ar, Mt.liairi, Austrjil Ultaxi Gioaksay atom roofsShg wi Trimmings, Si!!;, Graw and Clnnoil F ges, (iloves and Ilodery, every s'j 1, r ?nd cheap, Skirts andCorscL?i. The ,1 ( i-l FiOv C t'':t ft the citv. " . ' ' I la Ribbons, Sitin, 5 triped and Urccju d.1 ai.d Embroideries' in sreatett var t: ty. IIcuvike-3; irg G x)Js, Blinkctf, Fla&r ii'. ! .Men and Boys'- Weab L-adiej' Cloth, Ladies and Children's! Me. rino Vests, Ruchings, Ties, Fancy Gos. One Thousand 'Dozen Licn Ilandkf'r' chiefs, from 5c np. DOMESTIC GOODS, ttc., S:c,, all at prices which 3efy Com petition, 'and 'qualities which cinnot'fall to give aatifaction. I can a&sare iaj - kind patrons that every article will be sold A LOW, and THE MAJORITY LO.VEri than at any prczious season J ' Ji . Order Sample? ar.d you wiil be certaia tn r"T' T'7 : ' A - ' ' I u ' " I :16 .Market- SI. ocl 'j. t Baby Syrup. Q AhKfeR'8 GLVGEB 'TONIC, GLVGEB iTONIC, Ch6l.ygogn, Ball's Coah Hyiap, KJaUV Chill Care, A i era' A rae Care and a com plete t tock cf pare Drojrs and tfeieintri " F. C. I1ILLEB, ,". vroraer ui ana aa nil u. upen aay ana rjigtt , nov2l-tf . V - -4 (i-U- p ATHEK TUA .N.HEAB THK ILL 8 j-fca" xvoire eccase jour jcjn eztreniuei ta w pair of thje e-Vent flsnd-Sewed Gaiters at Four foil an per pair JlLejr are; set Mc i;attd8ho. tut are Warranted to core all the ills that feet ae heir t and ae decided--Ir te seateit aoI Cheapest Sbpa ta the tear kiet. A fair trid solicited and solid eatisfae- tion airar.t-cd. . -, I' 'I : Tiias.n nowEYJ nov 24 No.47Kcrthlfaiketit. I

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