C1B0L15A. 8ix membew of the Charlotte police force weigh 1 183 pound, and the av enge weight of them all ii 183. tloortsTille Oazettc. Three of our joxrok men, Tho A Miller, Abner Mil ler, nd Ed Hargrare, hare just left lor Txaa. Mooretrille Gazette: Mr Cyrua Al exander, of.thia (Coddle Oref k) Town hip, baa picked 18,000 lbs seed cot ton from twenty acres, and ia not yet done. Goldaboro Mail: Leonid as Coggin, a youth living near Caatalia, Naab county, left bis borne in apparent good health to go to Caatalia one day last week. After getting out of his vehicle, while holding his horse, he fell and expired in a few minutes of heart dis ease. Wilson A dvance: For the past two weeks trade has been remarkably on the increase. All our merchants have been busy, and we believe that more goods have been sold here in the last few weeka than at any corresponding time in the history of Wilson. Einston Journal : At Pamlico Court J 3 Lne ahowed one hill of potatoes, raised by Jacob Rice near Bay river. Which weighed 25 pounds. Also one Mingle potato weighing 9 pounds. He also has a stalk of corn measuring 10 feet from the ground to the first ear, end from the ear to tassel 7 feet. Elizabeth City Falcon: On Friday last while at work Mr Samuel Meads WHS8rickn with paralysis and obliged t be curried home where he died on Tuesday without having spoken a sin gie'word. He was an old man and leaves a wife and family. Charlotte Observer. Nearly every man, young and old, who had a dog and a gun, went out hunting yester day. Tne day was fine, but was not eumassed bv the snort. liircU were found in the greate t abuudance and hundreds of them killed. O je part; alone brought back 84. Another par ty from town joined with friends id the country and slew 27 rabbits, be aides birds and other game. Others were doubtless more successful, but the returns have not yet come in. Charlotte Observer : Persons who stood in the yard of the Charlotte, Columbia & -Augusta Riilroad, in tbiB city, yesterday morning, and watched the freight train after it pulled out from the station, following the pas aenger, about 11:30 o'clock, saw a green hand, a negro, standing uncon cernedly on top of a box car, bis back to the locomotive, and trembled for hiassfety as the train neared the bridge which spans the railroad at the More head street crossing, almost in front of the Carolina Military Institute. Their fuars were well-grounded, for, the negro, being a new hand, either did not know of the bridge or was un mindful of it, and "as the train passed under it at a rapid spee l,he was struck bn the back of the head, and thrown the whole length of the car. Another brakemaa, seeing the accident, ran across the on to the injured man and caught him before he could roll off. The train went ou and nothing ha. since bsen heard of the victim oi tii accident, but it will be a wonder if l shall turn out that his skull was not broken. TilF SLIfaU TKMLS. Ihe Streets Asaln Patrolled by a Throne or Excited Men. Siiiao, Nov 27 Mr Davitt is confi dent of acquittal, if tried at vthe com ing ania a h'r , but dejlir s that if his tral be removed to the Court oi Qu n's Bench in Dublin by cartio ari ne win loc ezpena a i art mug in en gaging coaosel, securing vmnesses ko, n be will be convinced that the Crown i determined to inH ct another year's imprisonment upon him. In the trial of Killen to-day, Mr John Ilea, his counsel, in oross-examinine thi police witnesaer, asked absurd and irrelevant questions, provoking fre quent altercations with the mag is rates, 'who pointed out that be was keeping bia client in duranoe while be amused the audience. The only fact at all material to the issue which he elioittd was that the notes of the sborthard writers, while agreeing upon the main points, differed somewhat as to de tails. Mr Ret, during the temporary ab sence of the magistrates, harangued the audience, telling them he had been threatened with imprii o ment for con tempt and had received a letter threatening him with assassination. Mr Bee was constantly interrupted during his cross examination of wit nesses yesterday by the magistrates, who pointed out that his remarks were totally irrelevant. The examination lasted ovtr four hours, and embraced -every variety of topic, including poli ties, polemics and adventures, in all of which Rea himself was the hero. After a long cross-examination by Mr Rea of witnesses for the prosecu tion in the trial of Killen, the oase for the Crown was closed. Mr Rea then commenced a rambling defence, in the midst of whioh the court adjourned for the day. Dubu, Nov 27 Daty'a return to Oastlebar will be celebrated by bon fires and other demonstrations through out the county of Mayo. Mr Farnell left Sligo to-day, but Messrs Davitt end Dly will remain; tn'il Ki len is released. Mr Prjell Las received invitations from all parte of the country to addrea -meetings Hie propaganda has been actively carried ou in Sligo during the trial?. The speeches and other .incidents cause increasing exoitement in the town. Last night a mob of 3 000 persona paraded the ttreeta, followed by twenty armed constables to prevent a repetition of the stone throwing and violence that occurred on the previous night. London, Nov. 27. The Manchester Guardian's Lccdou porespoDdent says it is generally believed that if the releaseof the Irish prisoners on bail is not followed by the exhibit.on of anything like intolerable defiance the trials wilLnot, lie at oyce presetu forwfltd. It is tLoaht itit hihition of the tutboiitv of the ex Ia the has already done Rood which migrht be dissipated if the Uoyerumeni pi;eBeu the trials ai I ailed tion. i to ab-am conviC' The Executive Committee of th Irish Land League has addressed a manifesto signed by Messrs. Parnell, Biggar, Davitt, and o here, (appealing to the Irish farmers for Jprtcacil as sistance iu the movement fpr the re drs of the Lind Lw grievances. Balla wab illuminated on Wednesday night, in honor of Davitt and Daly. An extra poiice force Las been draft ed for Meatb, in consequence of the authorities haviDg received iuforma tioi; f he disturbed condition of fed eral diotricU. i I ronrs that the Jeanueiie lis ice " ' " i! UOUIIU San Fbancuco. Nov. 27 The whal ing bark Helen Mar arrived here from the Arctic Ocean larft night. She brings the officers and crew of jtht bark Mercury, abandoned in the icp Oct. 24, just north of the tierald Shoals. Taey leftj the bark iVigilant ia the same pao&'oi ce, frczeij iu, but the crew were a!l well. Opt Hick mott of the Mercury, J'k other whalemen, fears that ihei jJeanaettc may be frozen up in the pick of ice. in which case they have but little hope of. the veasel ever getting out though the crew may reach a place ol safety. The Mercury had onboard when abandoned one thousand barrels of oil, 9,000 pjuuda of bone, ana 1,000 pounds of ivx)ry! rbe veseei was owned by Bartlett & Scin of New Bedford, and insured for about $i0, it (10. Accused of Treachery San Francisco, Nov 27 News from Mexico says that Capt Lund,' com mander of the gunboap Deniocrata, bad been arrested in Jeziclah, aLd, upon giving his pa.rqle, had been per mitted to depart withj Minister Foster for the City of Mexico. It is j report ed that he left Foster, and, joined the insurgents twenty-four hours ajtei quitting Maztlan. Previous arrarjge ments had been made to turn oyer thf Democrats to the insurgent who were still in force outside Mlzitian, a'ud the inhabitants were apprehending ar attack trom them. , It was feared that the insurgents had captured a treasure train with $30,C00 in specje j Gen Manuel Marquis had attacked Laroz. and sucoeeded in entering iht oity and putdng th4 Government troops to flight. H3 wis still in pos session. I Fighting in Afghanistan. ' London, Nov 28 The News' dis patch from Cabul gays Gen Baker cavalry oame intoponflict with a force of natives near Maidan, in the couree of which several of the natives werp tilled. Gen Baker wa I 'ai?ck the natives in fdrcn on the '2iih inst.- I ... i i i i New Bishoprics in the United Statis. U mb ff 27 "Xijft I psoiJri'jand'i fide uhs approved ':'jp.j.s.ra l Or din;;i y.-f, .rkev for th estbl;t.'tiaeEt. oi i. r b shorr ci in A .er c , and r he jnrisdiotiou ot tho Ari-'.bbuop oi ooa na. id z wil 1 in- struct Car Ji al iicOiOikiy na. tjo thv most suitable loc uiou of the etcs. The Sultan s Small Dt bis. London, Nov. 27 The Telegraphs Vienna correspondent says th. purveyors for the Sutin:8 pal ice have suepecd-d the daily 1 1 pp: e , owit g to the non-payment of lou-jtindiug bills but that O.tnan Piha is siili able to draw his tnormo4fl Eulaiy. J M. De Losseps' Cabal Project. Parh. Nov. 27 M de Lesseps will start for Pausma early in jDjcember. A brigade of pioneers and' surveyors has already left to prepare for cutting the canal. Mott's Endorsement of Sneer's Port Grape Wine., I The following, from the celebrated Dr Mott of New York, speaks wonders for Mr. Speer's-efforts to raise the Oporto Grape in New Jersej: j 62 Madison A vknue, New Yokk, April lip 1S7S. Mk. Alfred ISpeer. Dar JSir; ITbe visit which I made last year your vineyarus, wme-prfs?es aca vaults at Pasaaic, N.jJj., satisfied ; me thorouhlv that the wmes manufactured by you '-are pure and unadulterated, and the very .best that can be oflered to the public for medicinal uses. ,! - - Acting upon my favorable iraprje-sont: at the time, I have since recommeHacd the Port Wine more particularly, in rnv practice, and am satisfied, with benefit, to my patients. , . There can be no better proof i tb the doubting mind, as to the Wine being made of the finest Oporto Grape, tbau a vim to tne acres or land covered with the vine bearing the luxuriant fruit.1. Wishing you success in your praiseworthy enter prise, remain respectfully ypurs, i ALEX 13. MOTP, M. D , Prof. ofSurcery, Bellevue llosn: Med'l College, &c-, &c 1 , ror caie ny j. u. Muuds, Green & Flanner. P. L. Bridgers & Co. 1 World of Good. One of the most popular medicines nw before tbe American public is flon Bitters. -You see it everywhere Peonlp take it with good effect. J It builds tbem up. It is not as pleasant to the tas'e as some other Bitters as it is not a whiskey drink. It is more like the old fhi. boneaet tea that has done a wnrM pood. If you don't feel just right try Hop Bitters. Kunda toies. Church Services. ' Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows : ST. JAMES paeish, comer Third and Market streets. Rev. A A. Watson, ,D. D., Kector. The First Sunday in Advent Nov. 30th Cele bration 7:00 a. m. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock, bund y School at U p. m. Even in? Prayer at 4 U0 o'clock. ST. PAULTS EVANG. LUTHERAN CHURCH i Ojrner of Sixth and Market street. Kev, G. U. Bernheim, D. D., Pastor. Ei glish Service at 11 a. m. Germau Service at 7:-0 p. in. Sunday School at 3 p. m Christian Association at 4 p. m. CateWiet icil Instruction on Friday at 3:30 p. in. ht. joijn's chukch. corner of Third and Red Cross streets. Kev. George Patterson, D. D., Hector. Nov. iOlh. The First Sunday in Arlvem, 6c. Andrew's Day Celebration at 7:-JU'a. tn. . Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Even ing "Prayer at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday School U :j::30.' j 'pihst ntEsiiYTrm vn ciiuncii, ;?orner Third and Orange streets. Kov. Dr. J. II. Wilson, I). D., pastor. Services at 11 a. ra. and "i'.'.H) p. in. Sabbath School 1 p. m. j 1 FIT STItEET M. E. CllUKCH, (SOUTH) turner Front and Walnut streets, Rev. E. A. Yates pastor. Services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p. m. , W M. Parker, snp't. Prayer Meeting and Preaching Wednesday evening ati 7:30 o'clock. Young Men and Women's Chris tian Association first and third Tuesday evenings in each mouth. SECOND B jtTlSTj CiUBOi, on! Sixth, bettveeh Church and Castle sts. liev. J.'P. Kit e, p istor. Services toUJOi- i'ow at 11 a. in. and S p. m. Sunday School at 0. a. in. ' FIFTH 8TKEET M. E. CUU C3. (SOUTH), dn Fifth, between Njur and Church s'treete. Rev. B. R. Hall, pastor. Services at 11 aj m; and 7:15 p. ru. Sabbath School at 0 a. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday eve uing at 7:30 o'ciock. ljT. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHUKCH corner Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. Al. Ambler, Rector, j Services at 11 a. m. and .7:30 -p. m. Sunday School at 3:30 p, in. Seats fit e. . ; SEAMEN'S BETHEL, , Dock), between Water and Front streets, liev. 'Jas. V. Craig, chaplain. Services at 11 a.m., to which seamen are cordially invited. The public are invited to attend religious services at the Tileston upper room, in the Tile ton Norm 1 School building, on Ann, between Fourth andi Filh streets, every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. FIIIT KAPTJST CHUKCH (COLORED ) corner Fifth and Caupbt? 11 streets. Kevi A. M. Couway, pastor. Services to-morJ rjw at 11 a. m. and S p. in. Sunday School at 0:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting on Thursday night at 8 o'clock. FIIJST CONG KEG ATIONAL CHUKCH. Memorial Hall, corner Seventh and Nun streets. Rev. D. D. Dodge, Minister. Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. and 3 and 7:o0 p. in. Praise and Conference meeting every Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock. . Thermometrical. From the United States Signal Office in this place wre obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this - morn irjg at 7:31 o'clcrk : Atlaa a, a .41 ! Mobile, Ala.... 4t Augusta Oa .54 Montgomery Ala.i.43 Uairo, 111.. S3 Nashville 36 Charleston, ti. L New Orleans ..51 Cincinnati...". 33 Xew York 53 Corsic;inas,Tex 3i j 1'ann ;ta8d, t ia...B e'ort Oibson, 1. T8 i avannhh, Ga. 63 'ialveston . 4'? ; . r t -rt. 3c 'iianola ".4 3 1 St. Lrnvis Mu .21 Jackio.'.ville, FU...t;5 St. .Marke, Fla ;0 &ioiFllc .......40 I vi.jjtfibur'g, ios....37 Lynchbuig.....'..... 4S,j Washington ...4 Uempmgj Venn.... ot Wilmington. 62 " . s h . , Wine lor Invalids Trie Port Grape Wine of New Jersey i8 the best medicinal wine in the market nnd it is said that the vintage of A Spc-cr far excels any other produced. It is heavy in body, rich iu flivor and well adapted for 6'ckly persons and tor genera' family use For sale by J C Munde Bridgers & Green & Flanner and P. L Co. important to me AfUlcJcd. We would advise all who may nef d the advice of a physician, to either call or writ! to Dr. Robertson, 19, So. Eutaw St., La'timore,Md., who lrom 15 years expe lience, in Hospital and Special Practice, cuaiantees a' cure iu all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous Sys tem, Organic and Seminal Weakness, Ina potency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debility and trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, dimness of sightj or giddiness, No, turual E nissions, Ac, all resulting from abuses in yuth, or excesses in , manhood; also all skin and blud diseases quickly enred. Dr. R ia a graduate of one of the oldest! and best medical schools in th's country (Ui iveisity of Marylai d), and re fers to the leading physicians in his city ,and all consuItingLhn can rely upon honorable and confidential treatment. In wiiiing en close stamp'for rep'y. Social at!mtion civen to all Kindle complaiiits. GoMd ar Commodalions for alt wi;hing to cab ai d see him. Medicine sent to any addr-&3. You "Want. j-uese tiiixg: you say, I mad skillfully, f good mr a' ani for t) 0U money. 1 cu will patronize hou:e i lU(.t, if it orets no u.ore thn to plce you,-.,r er. eliewhere. Good. Tbat'a baeina H'e'vi ererjthirp now ia app.eiie shape tor tbj manufacture of Bugz'es, Wagons, Draye, Harness. Ac. ' i' He now if we can't please you an I keep nor 21 OE3HARDT A CO. f A Gentle Belle", JY CHRISTIAN R-II. The Musical WonJe-, the marrellouj OR. GDIA'ETTJS, elilPcoctinues to seU at sight. Pictures, Frames and Moulding. Frames of anj sue made to order upon ihort notice. A fine asortrrent of Poems, Childre Rooks Fancj Box Paper, Inn lands - Qa't Pens, Bibles, Bjmn Books, Ac, Ac. vlc Blank Books, School Books, Papert En relope, Pent, Ink, alwaja'to be had a't loJ prices of w bot24 a w. tates. I COIHIERCIAL HEWS WIIiMINQTON MARKET I NOTE3CBKK 29 -4 T M. I 8PIKIT8 TURpiENTINE Qouted quiet at o7 cents. Later Sales 209 casks at 38 cenUv. Htlll later- -Sales 100 casks at 39 cents Closing firm with an advancing tendency. ROSIN-Quoted steady at L SO for Strain ed and Good Strained, a decline of five cents on .Strained and ten cents cn Good Strained eince last quotations. No sales reported. TAR Steady at fl 10. Sales receipts at quotations. j ! i OKUDK TURFENTINESales early in the day at fl 55 for Hard and t2 55 for Yel low .Dip. Later Sales were made at II for Hard and 12 65 for Yellow Dip. , COTTON Quoted steady. Sales 300 bales reported on a basisof 11 cents for Middling. Closing firm. The following are the official quotations : Ordinary viood Ordinary fctrict Good Ordinary Low Middling....... 10 Cents, ll 1-16 " 11 5-16 11 7 16 1154 12 $4 a it u Middling.. Govd Middlicsr OAILT tiomrTi Oottot... .'. 659 bales spirits Turpentine i 01 casks osin : 1 699 bb s Tar J ' 57 " Orads Tnrpentira 3.5 " MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. ; ! i Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, SmithTille Geo Myers. Steamer D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette rille, Williams & Murchison. Steamer Clinton, Wallace, Point Caswell Wallace fc VouKampen. SchrT-B Weatherspoon, Shepard, Rock port, Master. I Nor barque Fingal, Paulensen. Glasgow. R E Ileide. J CLEARED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, SmltilTllle Geo Myers. . ! Steamer D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette yille, Williams & Murchison. , Steamer Clinton, Wallace, Bannerman's Bridge j Wallace & VonKampen. Schr SLucy M Collin's , Curtifi, CapeHayti and a Market. Iforthrop & Cummirtg Nor barque Krone, Gjeme, Liverpool, Alex Rprunt & sons. Nor barque Bravo, Joss, Glasgow, Pater son, Downing & Co. I Exports, ( F0B1I8H. Cape Hayti Pchr Lucy M Collins-118,209 ft lumber, 61,525 shingles. Liverpool Nor barque Krone 1.000 bbls' rosin, 684 bales cotton. Glasgow Nor barque Bravo 2.500 , bbls rosin, 450 casks spts turpt. 1 Mi8cellaneou?, Kerosene Oil 8 Cents Per Gallon ! TO MEET COMPETITION I ffer a NO 1 article orsBAoasiifi OIL at 8 Cents- Per . Gallon oaieiy un w cents a uauen. sold uniy at ceUil. , t'aab, Doors, Blinds, Paints and Oil. it bottom prices, tiend Along your orders. GEO. A. PECK. ,$50 Reward! TO SILENCE Malicious Rumors I will paj the abore Keward to any one who can prove that the Kerosene Oil sold bym is not in every respect exactly as reoresented 1 coy 'IS tf Star copy OKO. A. PKCK. Police to Witnesses, In Statb te. Allen Mathts. j 'pHE ABOYE named Case, remov d f. om Pender County, has been tct for t ial in the Superior Court of New Kanover on the fire' WEDNESDAY ofsadrWta o the Wit nesses in said Case . will .attesd acc trdinffly. excert tee foliowir.g witness.? for the State who are required to attend on the da (TCE8DAV) before, to wit: T. H W. yc tntire , Calhoun Melvin and lu y QuVranufJ W. T. BANNKRMAV, Clrk Pender Superior O. u't. hoy 2813td ltw ' ' Notice. THE REGULAR ANNOAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Navssss Guano Company will be held at their office, io tb's city on TEORSUAY, the llih of De cember, prox., at 11 o'clock A. Mi 1 DONALD MacRAK Secretary and Tretiurer. Wil uington, N . C, 20th Soy , 1879. nor 25 Warm Weather. ND I AM glad to say lowr prices for WOOD, as it is my purpose to sell low And sustain the! reputation of the CENTRAL YARD. Prepare yourselrea for the nex cold snap. j oot26 J. A. SPRINGER. i The New Boot & Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET. AM NOW, DAILT IN RKCEIPT of fine Lot of I LADIES' KID AND PliiiLE BOOT?, in all iieS, from 2 to 7, which I am sellis oi mo i.of rrice oi i.Jt to $1.5v. Uomt aodlook at them aud aar mooej. I Muies'i,ebb! Button Boots at $1.C0. Ladiea Kid and Pebble Lace Bocti at $1. Child'a Shoes from 50 cqlU up. And all olher 6 ooda in proportion. ro advance on mr Goods. Cume and ccr. Tince joui self ofit. i All New Stock. No old Goods to work off. I am determined togire j oa a gcod a tic e. Bespeetfullj, . . C. ROSEIMTHAL, 32 Market Street noj n Sign of lb Show Case. Steam er Passport, QAPT. J. W. HARPER, , WiU leara Wilmlngtoaailj, (Sondajt excepted) at JJ P. z 5 ot OKO. HTXR8, Agent. Zliflceilaneous. lEXCHA'NGE CORNER !J t- ' , .-: "'.V Kul Q'oves for Ludiee ! i Kid Gloves for Gcct emen ! .1 j ' Kid G ovea for Misses and Children'! i 1 j ":" 1 , Kid GIotos to matob bdt aha il I ' "Gendsm," Lontre. Maroon, Pinmb, Marine. Myrtle Ic e,P M 1 Bretonne Fiscbnes. stylish. - ' 1 1 1' Handsome Silk Tie, ! Elegant Lace Ties anl &ott Qlor- .0 b..ut,fal A;n,ti-. , ETerJ'hiB8 I' Dr. .Warner s ISf We invite all who are interested 1 to We promise all who will favor us with a call to show them all tl'e 1 Latest Jtfovelties in the Millinery We have a eal French Pat teriis, which is really worth your coming to see. ; i Our prices are lower, Style the best, Quality unsurpassed, ami caivt fail to please every one who may desire a BEAUTIFUL HAT OR BONNET ! Oar Trimming Department is Complete ! Comprising the Leading Styles I ' . ... t,,.r OUR FLEXIBLE HIP CORSET 1 A new lot of them just in, vTith improvementp. No extra charge I have worn this Cortet thra days and every bone Hie mcnev 'will OTOr the 18 broken. be ref tin tied for every Flexible Hip VorsetP i which breaks over the htpr. It fits m.u ii u a l i 1 ?- ro:-- JSl Large Assortment of Fancy Ribbons. JX Viry Great Variety of Birds at all Prices. ezgTJJ from 35 Cents Up ! Our FancTf Goods Department Is larger than ever with an elegant assort meDt of Goods to please the ' : - Xiadies. : ' - ' . ' A VERY FINE LINE OF CREPE LISLE. ! l ALL THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF TIESiIN THE CUV Satiu'"Riblions Cheaper A beautiful line of Ladies', Misses fZ-2 " PATENTED ThesM Oooda have tnr years. All Fancy Hose. -V l11lt . t ill . Tne many annoyances connected with the old sys- Qt-i j nT1 ciH Urn of Button G tores are entirely overcome, and ihc OnOUia JOu iollowin advantages secured : - lit-Tbe perfect ease and rapidity with which it l . , t rm, -ni t?' i . . lacea. Xne iTOoter IVld Sad Its adrustabintT to dri TbcadTantafre crained bv rrttdull vuiimnt the Kid, instead ruins to many f U5tiengta of Hooka GIotj i all the tbem. The fastMinc wilt outlast an v clove. which is a very Independent of Improvemerit in faateninr UMqojattyisffaaranteedeauaJ.if notsm- i TJ. H, SPRUrJT M iscellanooua a pair of :o: THE BEST CHEAPEST ! in the newest and LaiulscmcfetlsiVv attend! 1' 1 -o- nice selection of -:o:- -o I fcare Worn ths FlMiWa Hip Corset three months .nd every bone Is stUl perfect. elegantly, vctUo comf( rtablv that a latly can I lie & down in it with ea?e. Price, vritli plain buftt, .1. :o: :o: -:o: STYLES OF RUCHIMG FOff THE hiC :os- :o: than Can" now be Boiishf Agent -'.for Buttericko:Cc('B Pattern s. k i - . "i ,- ' ' ' line will alwaji JUIJE 13. been aoU during th oaat who have worn them Jk -et)f cn lor any INUlii1, 6tth different aiiMwrists. J 1 t 41 1 ts. tae grained by gradually straining aa ot tne na sratem wnica ot the old sratem which -n t- , 1 I pairs the firat time buttoned. and mode of clinch m rare occurrence with buttons. Tr, mA if 1 Exchanere Come?-