s 1 t i, 1 . ' I " Tai3 PAFER hed every afternoon, Suadaya ex- j ft. JOSH. T. JAMES, JOITOBAJJ3 PEOPKIITOE. , rKIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. " r 15 00 8ixmonths, $2 50 ; Three ih4 SI 25; une moDui,o ceuu. .npr will b delivered by camera, '.'',,'char, in ny part of the city, atthe . jrertin?' rate! low and liberal .becn-" iH plcnse report any and 'ai! j'Mo rer-ive thir peoern resrnlarly. ( New id V7t3rT,iP.811l8llt9. I 'n,rnT TT TimiT i H A TITiniTin & EOLLICK, 45 Market St. Will r-Xiow the largest assortment of Carpets South of New York. repels, Carpels, Carpets, Carpets. Further parlicalars next week. A arpcts, Carpets, Carpels, Carpets. V. :- si ")),()'.) Represented in this New Enterprise. . , ra: pels, Carpet 4, .', Carpels . Carpets. V-i -invito:. all to call who have ArVYiJca of purchasing such goods. Carpets, Carpets," Carpi els, Carp ets1. Wo also invite all to call whether they have an' idea of pur chasing or not. Carpets l Caroeis ! Caroets ! BROWN" & RODDICK, 45 SaXarket Street nov 7 OPERA HOUSE. Oe Xiht Only ! Wednesday, Dec'r 3. Vnagemect of the Gifted; American Artists., Ir:aMMrs.IcK63 Rankia, In Mr. Jcaquin Miller's Beaa:iful American Drama of th'e iDanites V The PHy will be presented vf ith l'ntiely New'.-ccnerv and a Wonderfully h i tiO N J I'll fcN OM LS AL UA JT ! In Fach and F'verv Person, on ac . cou:-tof their ad.p ability t the -haracters, ave been 8j ecially 1: nsgeti. Perrei Seats $1.00. Seata for for sa'e at Hrisoerger's Book Store. hot TJ 4t Tobacco and Cigar?; I RESPECTFULLY lNFOim THE Public that I hare opened a first Claas TOBACCO AND CIGAR ST0SF, On Market Street, one door E&s of Mcllhen I eltct d mi- Goods in person and my mend atd the public will fic arr nwl! sd that I tare SMOKING & CHEWING TOBACCO- CIGARS AND CIGARETTES. - Mferschaum, Imitation, Briar, Apple, Original and Clay Hpca. - ' i!ee.-chaum and Briar Cigar Tvb.s, Mrschaum Cigarette Tube, Me rgchaum Buttons, Wtichsei. Cherry and Pith Stems, Cigar &od Cigarette Cues, Tobacco Poucbea, Uarn Bits, 4c , Ac.; Ac,' I will endeaTor to plrase, aid keep Jirst Cla?i Goods, and hope that I may receive a liberal share of patronage. noyiy;f WALTER CONEY. 4. c a vj r fry cui kj a m VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C.i WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1879 NO. 255 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. I jdcsBOi We Bhall Open, j J B Farbae Handsome Xmaa Preterit, P Bkinsberbbr Holiday Prj.8enta. Thob. H. Hcwar Four! Dollars. A. A I. 8HttiER Look'Hharl ! For other locals see fourth page Window Glas3 ah sizes at ltafler & Price's. t We hear of but few psinesa changes to be made next month New River oysters were plentiful yes- i i aay av uity cams f bhuhv - .Save your money by buying our Build ing Supplies from Akailer & Price. t Barque Jen' L. I'endcrff.ost, (Bt.) Bates, hence, arrived at Rio Janeiro mi thc.L'iat u!t. Schooner Wyoming, Fot,: from: Wood's Hole for this port, was at Viheynrd Haven on the 30th ult. The price of admission tp the Skating Rink has been reduced to five cents. Use of tkates ten cents. You can ge a good square meal at Burgaw for a quarter, coppet tion having this small rou?ht the price down to a , a s charge. You pay tie lowest c ash prices , fu Household Hardware at Jacobi's Hard- ware Depot. t uise W. A paper addressed to M iss Sampson, Wilmington, N C, ii held for postage in Raleigh, The market is now well supplied with beef, pork, lamb, venison, wila ducks, poultry, fih and oysters. Our dealers are now; beginning to re ceive installments of holiday goods, and shelves an il windows indicate, the early advent of Santa Claup. The fire bell rang aat evening and the alarm was located in he First district, but it turned out to be nothing but a foul chimneW Meat Cutters and Sluffiis, Guns, Gri od stones ai:d so on, at JAjcoiii's. , at j It was Alderman Foster, and not Al i 'ii' ! derman Flaunerj f who moved that the CommitiCe on F re Department be in- structed to order an instrumen t for test in kerosene oil, in the meeting of the Poard of Aldermen on Monday last. We mahe this correction by reques Travellers ! whose health is in danger from bad water and disease producing vapors, are secured against all attacks byj wearing Flag's Liver and Stomach Pad. Office, room 43, Purcell House. The celebrated Zeb Vance aijd other Cooking and Heating jstoves at th lowrs cash p'ict s at Jacobins Hardware! Depot. t Southern Products. ' We were shown yesterday' samples o t-uar, syrup and molasses made by our townsman, Mr. A. Hi VanBukkelen, on his plantation in Southern Georgia. They were all fair 'samples 1 he sugar n, and the was not ciarifi'.'d. being i r w tyrup was ?.bout rqinl to.--the New Or leans brand, while tie moUsj-ea woul pass L-r a go:d Jartic trv wst'1 uM fcv- eel tooled f t- . lot. of Mna "o'vido, and e k off. for Vi6 Magistrate's CoujI Before Justice Gardner to-day J. feb badly woun idled Bolton, the young man at the Rock Spring Hotel a few nights s:nce by C. Z. Costin, was arraigned up oa the tfhirge of :assault and battery, the warrant for his arrtst haying been issued upon tbe afudafit of Costin, i who j also swore out a eace warran Bulton. The oath made against : Mr by the prose cutor, Costin, locates the difficulty on the night of the lt of December at the Rock nrinc Hotel. The cae or cases were r e I ! i .sot for trial at 10 o clock to-morrow (Thursday) morning. j One I jpcrlcncc Trom Many I had been sick and miserable inn rr and had caused my husband so 80 much trouble and expense, no one seem-t,- knnwwtat ailed me.thatl was com- oletelv disheartened and discouraged. In this frape oi m.nu x got & uukuo ui BittefSnd used them pnknown to fQm;itr T soon be2an to improve Hop my and gained so fast, that my husband and fam -j i!y thought it strange; and unnatural, but when ! told them what had helped me, they sjaid 'Hurrah for. Hop; Bitters ' long may trtey prosper,!', for they have mother orfill and us haPDv'." The Mother. Old Seed Cotton Whoever heard of seed I cotton seven teen yearaold? Dr. J. C. Broadhurgt, of ong Creek, in Pender county, telU us that he sent to the gin the other day a t of seed cotton that was grown in ' " . - mm 18e2. It wa raised by his wile wnue he was away in service and bad been kept ever since in a box. He sent it last week to Ool. R. W. Moore's gin and had returned to him abomt fifty pounds of beautiful linV Col. Moore says that notwithstanding its age it turned out as prettily as any cotton he had ever ginned. I . JCou can buy, JU$fvl beating 99 ,,k 10 South Front street. , t Duplin b Onslow Canal. W. T. Bannermaa; Esq. !, qualified on Monday last as Treasurer of the Duplin & Onelow Canal Company. He gave a good bond for the required amount and entered immediately upon the discharge cf his duties. We are pieased to learn that the pros pects of the Canal are now very favorable The first ten per cent, called is coming in quite freely and as soon as is is all in an organization will be effected. This, it is thought,will surely take place this month and soon after, say early I in January, the work is to be begun . The season of Advent. The season of Advent, so designated in the e clesiasUcal calendar, as the period immediately preceeding and preparatory to the festival of the Nativity for Christ mas, began on Sunday, when, as is cus tomary in the Episcopal and Roman Cath olic churches, as well aa amoDg the Lu" therans, the religious services partake, more or less, of a penitential character. In the Episcopal Church, Advent, which is the commencement of the Christian year, has not only for its theme the first coming of Christ, but also points onward to His sec ond coming to judge the world, and hence the season ia invested with peculiar so lemnity. The Danttes Mi. and Mrs. jMcKee Rankin and troupe arrived in this city last night and ire stopping at the Parcell "House; They have a full company and among them actors of no mean reputation. The Boston Post says: . 1 The play of "The Danites" is one that is well known to the people of Boston, and the present cast has made it more a favorite than almost any other cast could have done. It is quite possible to agree with other critics and speak of 'The Dan ites" as a poem, and yet it would be more proper to call it by its right name a poetical drama. The shadows of the mountains are upon it, and the golden sunlight that lingers in the glens illumines it with a radiance tar greater and more in tense than its author cou d have eve hoped for. The rugged nature and child like simplicity of the pioneer are shown wedded to a perfect man, and the whole, poetical as it is, is never without the pro I er dramatic elements. It is hardly nee, es lary to speak cf Mr McKee Rankin's rendition of the part of Sandy. He has showii the people of Boston what he could do, and received the praise of the press without laying himself open to any blame. Mrs McKee Rankin's Billy Piper is artistically beautiful, and rendered with a fidelity to nature which makes it more pleasing than any of the good things this really good actress nas ever aone. Donations to the Fire Department. Capt. E. J. Pennypacker, Prtsident of the Champion Compress Company, has addressed a note to pol. Roger Moore, Chief Engineer of the Fire D3partment, in which be encloses a check for 8150 which be wishes to tender, along with grateful acknowledgements, to the Fire Department, for their nobli efforts in res cuing their property from fire en a recent occasion. Col. Moore has responded to the note, thanking Capt. Pennypacker and those whom be represents for the handsome donation. He states in this note that an additional sum of $100 has been also placed at his disposal for the benefit of the Department by a gentleman who desires his name withheld. Col. Moore has apportioned the $250 as follows: To the Howard Relief Fire Lnglne Co , 54 5i Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co., $45; Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Co., $50; Wilmington Hook and Ladder Co , $35; Brooklyn Bucket Oo $35; Brooklyn Engine Co , $25; C. M. Stedman Bucket Co.j $15. Physicians' Wine. aw York Dhvsicians say that tbey have hAAn ninr Sneer's Port Grape Wine and Wine Bitters in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction oi tneir pauenu aua hmiTM. and take ffremt pleasure in recommending them to the public as being all that is claimed lor inem, ana, in laa, the most reliable they can find. For sale by Green t Planner, Jas. C, Mauds and P. L.Bridgers & ixv I Free Exhibition. There was a rival exhibition in the square in front of the Market House last night between Dr. Flagg's Liver Pad agents and banjo nickers and luinst e's and one Dunn, who has a few trinkets far sale, and one or two automatons on xhi bition to amuse the crowd while he tr.es to dispose of his wares. Dr. Fiagg's men held forth from their carriage while the other party had an impromptu stage erected from which he tried to amuse the crowd and draw them to his performance. Everything was quite orderly, but the crowd reminded us of a political ineetiug when the lata tanamtWt-tTtwUTOton in his palmy days used to run the polit cal "mersheen" down here for the Radicals. The erformauce kept up quite late, we understand, much to the amuse ment of the large crowd in attendance. The Alit-KetS Thi-se wonderful pigmies of the human family vi ill arrive in this city' to-night and will take .rooras ' at the Purcell House. General Mite is 1. "3 years old and weighs U pounds, aud ia, without doubt, the small est specimen of per fectly formed humanity of that age ia the world. Maj r Atom is 10 years of age and weighs" 15 pounesi which, though he is the larger of the two, wouM make the world-renowned IV m Thumb a giant in comparison, it seencs incredible that a person could live to the age of 15 years aud have possession of all his faculties, and yet remain no larger Lor heavier than a newly-born infant. The Cincinnati Cotn'ncrcial says : The amazing' reality of these incomprehensible pigmy prodigies cannot be conceived of torn pen descriptions, for no language is potent enough to picture to the mind such atomized fragments of the human family.' Two Reports. The fjllowiDg communications from the City Attorney and Superintendent Of Health, to which reference was made in he proceedings of the Board of Aldeimen were crowded out of our report yesterday : To the Honorable Mayor and Board c f Jldecmenof the City of Wilmington: Gentlemen : I herewith transmit an itATnizpd account, coverinz thirtv-eiiiht naeea of legal cap, showing the amount of arrears oi taxes couecieu oy me irom me Mst ofMav last until November 19th, in- elusive, sgsregating tne sum oi !jio,5di.oy, aud showing tbe years for which and the from whom each amount was col lected.all of which 1 have turned over to the City Cleik and ireasurer, witn me excep tion of some amounts credited on past due bonds, ior which I hold certificates, and amounts expended in necessary expenses, for which 1 am ready to account, in viaw of the fact that a voluminous quantity of writing is required in order to keep these accounts straight, and to in sure a systematic collection of the delinquent taxes which run over a nurn ber ot years, I. respecuuuy reueab iut Hnnorablei Mayor be req uired to re- q uest the Board of Audit and Finance to : A . . 5 . 4 J audit my booKsana accouam uy to uic, ?S 1 f ll 14J so that 1 may get ciear oi ma actumuiineu airJfintT i-flndered.'necesary to!kep my ac counts straight, and make a new start. I think altogether tne amount collected will aggregate twenty thousand dollars by thelarst of January next. Respect fully submitted, City Attorney. Wiltoiugton, Dec. 1st, 1879. To the Honorable, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Lily oj Wilmington: Gwktlemen: I have the honor to present for your consideration the follow- a . if a a.' ing resolutions, passea at tne last meeung of the New Hanover Board of Health, on the 4th day of November, 1879: "Whereas, It is apparent to tms Rnard tnat the removal of health inspec tors from duty leaves the Superintendent of Health withomt such assistance as is oeceesary to properly perform the duties of his office; we therefore recommend that health inspectors be reappointed. "FurtJierTvore. Tho number of carts nrw in use bv the eity for scavenger duty is not sufficient to keep the streetB, alleys and byways clean; we tberetore recom mcDd that, in addition to those already used by the city, four additional oues be added, and these to be under the control of the Superintendent of Health, exclu sively for saBitary work." it will at once be evident to your hon orable body that it is only during the cold months that much of the work aeedeJ to put the city in sanitary condi- . " i T.--...;nr. r. .... ; n n tion can be aone. "w6i ,uiuiu6 nn k nil to clean ditche?, the renewal ot sewer and gas pips, the excavation of & J privy sinks, and tne nxe, are aangerous t k- Hnn in the hot months. - By com- m-M.;nr w. and workinz steadily day by day. there will be no harrying and no panicky feeling about our sanitary anrronndinsM when yellow fever is an- h ;n diatint uorts The work UVOUWVM mmm ft cannot be done in a harry, aod means are nur tncarrv itn. The New Han over Board of Health therefore offer these suggestions, and urge upon ym tue ne ceasity of prompt action. Respectfully, your ob't serv't, J. O. Walker. M. D., aup't of Health. December lit, 1879. mm. Probabilities. The following are the p cLaLilities re ceived to d v From - the Signal. 'OHice-in this citv: " For the South Atlantic K.ist GvM States lower pressure, win la mostly iron) aumerous rains fliuwc in lat (-r rising barometer and C'.der X thorlv winds. Wilmington Enterprise - Handsome Work. I A need Ion-felt in this con. i!,ity l.:v- bjen supplied by Messrs. G . i & Co. ii permanently e.-:Ubli. hn; a Linage anl harness fjictr.ry. 'They luruout I cuu tiful work which they u krantt-e to be as d irabie as pretty, i- rum tt,-u to hi teen hands are regularly employed in the h;t- 1 t ry, and work of all kiuds in tii:it L r.tr.clv of businccs is turned out in a manner waich dues credit, to the city and rt llects much praise upon the projtx.tors ut the en. terprise. Three buildings are ucd f ;r tiu wt-rl; done by Messrs. Gerhartlt C ., aud eich building is sot apart exclusively for one kind of work. The one used f r ro- pairing is COxGO I furnishing dt'p-r sipplicd with .til "eet, while th- t'.:ii a; ,'. Ili.'.'lt is oObO U'.i.U.u ti u n 4'i.reaients ncccs rirst class work. Tne 8ary to turn out harness department face on Th'rd street, and runs back eighty feet. Harness of any kind or quality that is desired is inadu aid each piece is guaranteed to be as oid aad cheaper than any brought here from Northern marketa. . Thi buggies, car riages and wagons made byOerhardt C Co. are very much admired, arVlight lun ning, and as everyone is made und.r tho personal supervision of the proprietor.-. they know the 'quality cf material us-vd 1 and guarantee each and ever- cue cf J tham. It is their boast that they can turn 1 out as good work as is done in Norilr-. -m j markets and at a mush less price. . ':-.. enterprise is one whscu deserves t:r)i:r QTamor.f tint timii'.' si-.' - f 'f i. enterprise but because it LuruL bast of work at th lowest pf ices. Now Advertisoments. Four Dollars FOR FOUR DOLLARS you can bay fr. elegant Hand Sewed Oaitsr, made on an improved Last, with London Toe. Some thing new, neat and VtKI Boot and Shoea of every ' deacristior ii extremely lew pi ices. Tliti". 11. 11U i. I , dee 3 No. 47 North ifarket .'t. Handsome Xm Present. NOTflER LOT NLW HOMS SE-.vi.V j MA CHIN SS, juat receivei. Call in La-iles and Fxamine the Lijrht Sunning, New Hox-: Machine. J. P. FARKAK, dec3-2t ' 2i" Market Strce'..' Holiday Presents, mHE PLACE TO BUY" Holiday Presents X is the LIVE BOOH sror Where you can qet ju3t the Ih'r L' . - t- most Complete Aeaortm-nt-. ! ' icfn! '. Or namental Goods. Call early and make your ?u'' Ct!o;.-. PIANOS and ORIAN. it nri - s tt ul', all fold on the Iittalctent l'i n -t dec 3 10 aLd 41- Market ,t. Look Sharp ! LD PR0B3 SAYS THESE IS I'LLNTY o of cold weather Juat ahead. Be early then and in seaaon and buy ood, Tvarm, hand- ;oaie Clothing, Overeat!, IiatJ, Cape, Col- Ian, and the cheapeet Shirt in the city, at BORtEIi'S TTO aTORE8, M irket tt. dec 3 Notice. rpHE FEMALE SCHOOL will be resumed in the Bnrgaw Academy baildicg on the firt Monday in January neat, undtr tbe d.'- rectnn of competent teachers. Bargaw, Dec. 1, 1879. dec 2 lrn'lAw We Shall Ooen ! MONDAY, A FRESH STOCK OF OvercoatSi MCNSyN, THE CLOTOIEK AOV 29 AND MEH. TAlLtH. PLEA8E '50TIC& win b&rlad to rsceive conmcnicatlcni frors ozr friends ca any and all '!nb?e?t . gcn:rtl izicrait bat : I i Tie cin;o cf.tta writer cert alryf te fur nljhfd to tLa LMIt r. - r . ' E"o33:rL:tatiDrs'nic2t bd written on cp.y one side cf th.V paper. j Personalities must be avjofc. ... And ii ii e?recia'Iy hn'i pirn' .fa'.crltojiiv.r atood tLat the Ldltcr docz not always tbe riewi of corre.-nonJen t, unlcf j s So ia the editorial coluins. &gy' Advortiscmoiiti FAEL Mira COP. AT EVl- m. KATZ HAVi.Nv, . i t I hi A 1 1 V.Urh ! U ! ' ! in- i. i ni "uyip- tl'.: ClK-lrilM- i t.oiU'CT. of EniviK-an and Aii',m it-.m iJaiJi.tactur- Patron athl r 1 1 im. Bargains in all' V, . .'ilM-n.K.t I1' I ;;r,!n-.a-.t i rf.int i ! ce('II'-l i:i ' w - r m ' w Uy any 11- uie m tne ci'y cr (.Ih w J;crc MQK DRESS SILKS. r O:Belloii Guinc-t, Ttill iit' an 1 r.cno; Q uianuiae. u: e. Uur cok-l.ratcd heavy Soft Gil OS Gli..N for Uno Dollar pb'r yard. j i r.. in-... . l t.- . . .:. .-J r WIS ESS Q0ODS. tin M'-I i7V7rCasIm:t Solo, lirocaac . ' . - ' Ilayf! Jlro.-K, (; iv:t: ) ;,Ir,hiir, i ' ;.;. (.yi:v V, ll., ;; striped ( !--r i ' . "... i.s :jvm i- e'!iN up GoiortMt io-te. eha if s, cents' Uduhic A'idih. Golo: cd Alpacas, lioavy only 10 cents pt-r ani. .1' only 10 cents 'r ard. - A dro it Y:vUyi dhT-ron!. styles, 1 able f'.r tho season, very low. ult- & Gaming: Good 5. I'l'-t- le. a s-' tinv-nt over rfJied here, i'i)ra; 'o-hb.-t.ir.-e-, Tatiiis'v Grupo ;l.:li : i l -'i', ', A rm 1 JlnX'atle C'asttf in. 'i '- : I k ''io:;.. oJiil: , AtiLtruliari OioalWaiDiiiifligwl 'Irimniina1, h'i'k, firass and CJiencdl Frir.. c;es, Gloves a;.d Hosiery, every; stj ie, good itndThcfp, .Airl-i ;in.if;r.s-!.!.- Tlie U:k Fifty C " v f-v-r 3 !d in th" f it''. " : Ribbons r:. i.c", S t' it:, Mrli.c l : rt-.l cad id' .".and r ':: :.- iu t'i I'.-.'.e.tt varlc If .uvM!-'i '1;.: Gor.il , ir-a?, Fiau- . : Mor and - Boys'. Vear Ii I!e :':;., 1;, LarSes arid Children's Mc- :" V':- K ich;r. -, Ti s, Fancy GK.-ds. t: i iioNSitKi l)i.:u JJj.cn Uar.'dkcr- :..'.. 1 - in fip. jjOMF-VriG ;ooj, . it o.'c, a l at pi ices which dcfy.corai. j;-.:;:), and ontiii; s v.L: h citiuot fail '. ;iw L.iUsfac'iou. ' 1 can assure my' Lind, '. prions that :vc.ry arlic'c- v. ill le told A3 LOW, and THE MAJOKITV L'JW'VM :Lan at.any previous scascu. Order Sample: and you v-id be certain to patroniz-i - , Trl. M,' KATZ, IIC, Market St. cx:t Si. CITY HALL-ONE WEEK. CCrMEHCIHC THURSDAY, DEC; 4; The Greatest Hunun Msxvtls ever created. ILe Famcua, Woaierfal GilN'ERAL 3J iTil, ' A pre I'j jtiri, weiijai I? lbs MAJOi: ATOM, A ge? 10 year, weihias 15 lis, These,, atones of hatBanity. perfect in form han-Jiosia and intelligent, bar created ex trnordinary txiteaect ia Nortiiern and Southern citlef and Coney I!and. " i On exhibition daily, afte-noon 2 20 ; toi. Erenine, ' to J. riatarday Momiajr, extra, 10 to 12. AVrOID CKUWPS. GOME EA11LY, Don't fail to teefhvp. Adicsi!)n 25 eta. dee3-8t M

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