THIS Pi FEB bid eterr afternoon, ouaaays - : m a f0ITCB AND FBOPBIKTOK. rnTioN8. POSTAGE PAID. Hir months. $3 60 ; Thrte J e Jer' , t 35 ; One month, 50 cent. 2108 . will be delivered by carriers, & in any part of the citj, at the .te. or 13 cent per. week.. " rt iU rtee low and liberal Cb.-eriben will please report any and . revive their papers regularly. glares to reci Advertisements. RRVOLUTIOK H CARPETS ROWN & RODDICK, 45 market St. Til feliow the largest assortment of Carpets South of New York. Carpets, Carpets. Carpets, Carpets, Further particulars next week. (arpets Carpets Carpets, Carpets. 0,,r 000 Represented in this I Now Enterprise. Carpets, Carpets, w Carpets. We 'invite all to call who have AXY ilea of purchasing such goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. We also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur - chasing or not. Carpets ! Caroets ! Caroets ! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street dot 7 CORNS, etc M1VALMBB0IT ! The Famous American Chiropodist. AT THE COMMERTIaL HOTEL, n inrites SuflTerers, whose walking is im peded bT CORNrt. BDNION8 or IX VERT ED TOE WAILS, to call on him at once, if lUj deiire to have their suffering alleviated. 10 fti i:utes aly rr qaired for the Cure of a Malignant Corn.a&d you can carry it Home in your Pocket fter. No pain, no bleod nor Medi- LADIES ! 8Wld cull or send for him, and can do eo w,Jo caiifi'lencs, as he assures them tbe potest delicacy and attention. Kemains fat one week. Hourg from 9 A. M. to 6 P- MI hot 79. Look Sharp ! QLD PR0B3SAY8 THERE IS PLENTY of cold weather juit ahead. Be early . then "'.a eetioa and bay Ood, warm, hand ,oaClothiig, Overcoats, Bats, Caps, Col lkrtt fcn4 e cheaptit Bhirt in the city, at SB MiiR'a TWO STORES, Market st. dec 3 Notice. jot rEMlLE SCHOOL will be resumed Bargaw Academy building on the ni- HondJ January next, under the di rwtU of compeUnt teachers. nn VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N.-C.,1 SATURDAY,' DECEMBER 6, 1879. N0.25S LOCAL ) NEWS. New AdTerUieroenti. Waltm CeTNtwi tobacco fetore. jIvhiov Overcoats. P Haiasaaaaaa Organettes. A. A I. 8mn Look Sharp I P Day's length 9 hours and 48 minutes sizes atj.luffer & il t in Bellevue Ceme Window Glass ali Price's. But one interment tery this week that of a child. In Oakdale there were three iuterments this week, ont, adult and two children. Barque Madura, Get) c vannah,on the 4th inst., tor eared at Sa- i this port. Meat Cutters aud Siuffiis,' Guns, Grind 8 to ties and so on, at Jacobus. To morrow is known in the Church f!aldenr as the Second Sunday in Ad rent. The Register of Deeds has issued mar- riage licenses to four,whitj e and five colored couples this week. There were six Interments in Pine Forest Cemetery (colored) this week, five children and one adult. I A deaf man can get out of a crowd as soon as any one when tfUplIection is tO:be taken ud. and vet the fact kas always puzzled philosophers J Society ia a feast where every man must contribute hia quoU, and when our geat at thQ table is noted as the home of silence and gloom, we are spun ion, iu . . ifj. I enjoy our meditations alone A fashion writer speaks of new designs in umbrellas. U'WI. h i ahnnt it. he ,o icect 'a boomeraog imbrella tllat .11 r.tra to it. ownlr fu U b been can borrowed. Save your money by buying jour Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & jPric6- t An exchange throws out the ntimatioD that a man can make more money attend ing to his own business for one dayij ha can bv attendineto hii neighbor's than busi- neas for a whole year, r j John Kooner. A" ay or Fishblate has signified his in tention to let the Kooniers parade durinj .1 the Christmas holidays.' We are glad of it en account of the little folks. Once more we are to have an oldfaffhioned Xraas, with Kooners dancing and singtngja they pass along the streets enlivening the day with their Xmaa tongs, j ; I The Planet Marg. During December the planet Mars will come to the meridian during the evening and precede the group of the iViades A small telescope will trnow j peculiar marking's on'the planet, but a very large teWne is reauired to distinguish tbje r- - i moons. Probabilities. rrua cnMiihtr ft.rn the probabilities re ceived here to-day from the Signal Office . . .. i ' ; UlUlSV.ll. j ji For the South Atlantic States falling increasing souineriy wiuu, . . i i . and warmer, cloudy v.eather, followed hr rising barometer, westerly wiLds and colder, clearing weather. Tcrsonal. Rev T. II. Pritonard, u. v., i resiuui nf vk Forest Coiled, is ia the city, ai.4 looking very weli. lie is me guesu oi xxot. J.B.Taylor. We learn that Dr. Pritcb ard expects to leave tnis eytuiuS i Carolina Central Railway, for Monroe, where he U expected to pread, on to where he is expected morrow, the dedication sermon M a new Baptist Church c atholic Jubilee. j' The entire Catholic world preparing mmacuUt. .S:h.lM0n. to solemn iz i the jubilee of the Vmention. which falls on the next, and Tope lieo illl., by a lately published, accordingly grants day rfrree lately puuuaucu. twiun.i,ij - I . .. i illsl -I y& all Catholics a pieuary iuuuiSciiv u - .... ' . j the day of the feast, or ono oi tne uays r ti rvtvA of the Immaculate Concep - V UJW I I i . T tion. In Ills New Home. Th Tarboro Southerner has this to r rk t xr nrm fnrmprl v Af this uj oi. ur. - Tj: SP-, the pra tice oi JP . ur J r;" rucb clowlng auspices. maderignter and Mp- 5 ier brghi. fine social quaHties, added to " .ri ftf hi Mtimabie now graceiiu - ? . - u m . moval to Uie fine, new building of C C fuasionai uaiiueaiiu" m nier, uaaauuou wuii. Vru: " . a MAmrnrr rii ri ia a i icxaub as weiiMwuBpiui.u.... Di I The ( ape Fear. i Steamboat men report that in -eon e- quence of recent rains there has been a rise of about 6 inches in the Cape Fear river, between here and Fayetteville, within the last two or three days, and it is still slowly rising- Floated Off. The Norweigan barque Relfomgt hich eleared from this port for I London j t j-k 1 - a - J - . 4 J .al. a on tne zna instant ana waarepuri,eu wuuic near Smithville on Tuesday from having parted her hawser, was yesterday floated off by lightering a portion of the cargo, some 350 barrels, into a lighter alongside. The barque will now proceed on her voy age to Loudon, i Toucan buy a No. 1 heating or Co k Stove at almost any price at Jacobi.No. 10 South Front street. t A! contrast. The Observer tells us that rvaieigu has 38 streets and 40 lawyers, or a frac. tion more than a whole lawyer to each treet. Now, Wilmington has 87 streets and about 30 lawyers, or within a frac tion of tnree streets to each lawyer. Will the Observer tells us why this is thus. It can, of course, draw its own conclu sions as to why the result is in favor of Wilmington. Fire in Bladen. We regret to learri that the residence of Dr. James S. Robinson, at Elizabeth- townf Bladen county, was destroyed by fire on ia8t Wednesday week The furni- ture Gf th'e Doctor, we learn, 'was saved fr0(m te flames, but tne iuruuure vi u i . ..... r v:.. father in-law, Mr. Wm. SutUn, who oc cupiea a ruuu """Tu . Zl KODinson, wan au uuuJCu. no in o AU , taiUbg Dor'. lo.. ..fmatod at fm $t !.- 500 to 83,000. me origin oi mo mo, wc are told, was accidental. You pay the lowest cash prices for Household Hardware at Jacobi's Hard- ware Depot. v ' t . i ' Corns, Etc. When we see a thing, we are bound k believe it, therefore we testify with pleas ure to merits when deserved. A number of people, operated upon by Dr. 3. Deboit, the famous chiropoaist, stopping at the Commercial Hotel, are now carrying their corns in their pockets and those who I . have been wear suppers are now wearing shoes. His operations have J, .V i ,anroaont piUTeU tucuiovi i v. j - 'Mr and the public should appreciate a man who thoroughly understands the nature of his calling. Those who suffer hereaiter have to blame themselves, as the Doctor leaves on Wednesday next. Cltj Court- Mary Eliza Lively, a frequent atten 1- ant on the Mayor's levees, was the only prisoner at the bar this morning-arrest- prourai & edupon a warrant sworn out by Officer Woebse, charged with disorderly conauc. ti.. o.ts her twantv davs in the ... til C, P.thU time or $10 fine Un. rirtf n suOi- having the circulating uicuiuu Viawtnrr t Via r? IV lllatin F I . , A TOltVl fVlfl cieni quanusy I i il rnnWanf tnnt- loncrinO'II rim- i uiers, iuo uBicii o-o lon M-. - ,raA vmifHa fnnnd j, J,-c. t r u.n,w. augly ensconced in Mr. J.D.Bellamy. . j . i r's, office last night, was continued unt 1 . im - .U snu J of thej i onaay morning. iuo umo three individuals are Ed. McFarland.alias Fot MOoks, nenry Avantanaaviu Ai- jtt rhe defendants were i not brought into but remained betow wnere h wiU likelj be found on Monday l . ' Honn(r balled out. v.fe Amicably Adjusted At the last session of the Legislature vi.ik Poi-Alin a lair was nused re w ui t4- . , -- - dicing th. Iry of th. Judge of tb. Crimin.1 Court of this connty from $2,500 to $2,000 and alw making it optional with the county to pay the salary of the j -- - - I ,. : J-IKI fraa nrtf Thfl i ooucuer, iu . - I ... , - L. 1 nty did not nesuate to pay toe aaiarj 1 -hut concluiel to take ad Ul fcfclW - - , vanUge of the law relative to the former, and since Aoril last have only been pay : .u. ta- .fth rata of S2.000 I per year As the law creating the i:fficft .tinnlated that the sa!ary of the Should be $2,500 p,r annum, hh of office haa not yet cxpired, h tknnht he was entitled to the full sum iu the original law, and to test the . . . a ;f. 8uit waJ tnUred at the I - i . . ,- DrM8nt term oi the Superior ;w. nntv. f.hert. after a careful and ra- - , Uent hearingf BU Honor, Judge Eure, i m -r a w i n i ai .intifjRi i vv I decided in laror oi mo turn . . s , . lEYIEW, Coronet's Inquest. j . A surf boat containing Mr. .Rich rd Tietgen, Henry Galloway and two iber colored men wis capsized in the surf, op posite Middle Sound, on Wedeesday laet Mr. Tietgen and two of the colored men hung to the bottom of the boat while Henry Galloway attempted to swim ashore but when about kalf-way he t rned and started back to the boat acd had nearly succeeded in reaching it when his strength tailed aud be was drowned. Yecterday his body was found iD a few roia frem the place he went down Cor oner Hewlett held an inquest and render ed a verdict in accordance wit n the facts as reiated'above. Tbe December term of Superior Court for this county, Judge Euro presiding. adjourned for the term at 12 o'clcck to day. I i Going lo Georgia. J i - . Messrs Wilder & Morton, distillers oi this citv. are about to estabhbh a branch of their business at Biunswick Ga. The senior member, of the firm, Mr. Jesse Wilder, leaves here to-night for that place, where a distillery is to be at once erected. They also have a tur pentine farm some six miles above Brunswick, on which there are some twenty or tweaty-five tasks of boxes. The firm at Brunswick will be known as Wilder, Morton & Co. Mr Wilder will leave his family here for the present and will probably remove them in the Soring. He does not cal this a permanent move as he hai imbibed too much of the Rock Spring water for that, but it may be years before he w w a, returns to take his place amor r us. We lose in him an excellent citizen. The celebrated Zeb Vance' aud other Cooking and Heating Stoves at the lowfst cash prices at Jacobis Hardware Depot. I Quiet Nights and Happy Days, with Healthy children and hearty old lolks, are certain when each in the family has a Flaggs Liver and .Stomach Pad to cure and ward off disease, umce, room 4j, Purcell House. ' Physicians' Wine. New York physicians say that they have been using Speer's Fort Grape wine and Wine Bitters in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, and take great pleasure in recommending them to the public as being I AXrVauu-avtJ-AMaM " l O ttat ig claiined for them, and, in tact, tbe most reliable they can find". For sale by tireen a; riauucr,uM.v,i.iuuUa auU P. L. Bridgers & Co. One Fxperlence from Many "I had been sick and miserable so inntr and hxd caused mv husDana so much trouble and expense, no one seem i-i ed to know what ailed me.thatl was com oletelv disheartened and discouraged. In this frame of mind 1 got a DOtne oi nop . . - . . ..! !. TT jy.tters and used them unknown to my family. I soon began to improve and gained so fast that my husband and fan,.. ily thought it strange and unnatural, "7 . thwhat had belned m they said 2urrah for Hop Bitters f hnnopmav th7 nrosoer. for they have T UVU A - marift mnther wen auu ua uvvj . juuo Mother. I w - I ... n.r WnlD1'g ur. nQlV3 finuuruuit I Ttn naana U InP i ruri wawfo The following, from the celebrated Dr Mntt nf New York, speaks wonders lor Mr. Sneer's efforts to raise the Oporto Mr. Speer's eff brts t o Grape in iiew jersey, 62 M . V T- Madison Avenue, u V 1 78. J Mb. Alfred ST-DSlr; The ar wine-presees ard vaults at vt'ij satisfied me thoroughly tnat tha wfties manuiaciureu u juu a. pure and unadulterated, ana uw j very best that can be ofiered to the public for mfidicinal uses. IMinn nnnn TT". V favorable imprefsions at the time, I have since recommended tbe w particularly in my Port Wine a ... catUfiptL with marked prmbiv, uu , benefit, to myUento. . , Thecan be no VJ0, the ins me 0the fioeat Ororto Grape, than a Tigjt to the acres of land covered wit n tne i . . r n7;.,v,!rrr I wina lu..inn ho MlTUriaUt ITUlt. TlOUlufe " " ..i-ortbv enter I 7An maco in VOUr Draibfl WOliUj cuvtt fv- , - - r remain respectfully yours, a t i?v r MOTT. 81. D , Prof, of Sureery, Bellevue Uosp. Medl Uouege. &o, iKC I 11 e 0 For a! bv J. a Munds, ureeu . r f. Planner. P. L. Bridgers & Co The Wew Hat Store. mHE DiiDERSIGMED Ukes thij mathod of infora to hii Bnmeroui Pton;fJehr;t tftar he wUl be pleased to wait oa Oiem or fdUUC "SMSt aLd -ostbio,. able style, f J!?jZ i w. i norm - . -'. 4 A "V:ear. Trunks. Ya- wruueDi muw -"-- UmbreUa. and.c BJgios, Mo. 13 Norta Front at., Qouth ol FurceU House . nor 29 M A RRIRP. At ihe ret-idei ce of I)j . J. C. i erard, cn th Si inst. Dy Mfj. C W. McClammy, J. f., Mr. A B Dk AK, .of Iiamttt county, to Migi CAUHlE SUPAKD New Advertisements. HeW TobiCCO StOIG S ingTobscco. " The best 5 and H1 ".at Cicar ia the city. The larrest asso ta i ; f ilter- cbaum, Biiar aad Arple Pits in tie city WALTF-U COXKV, Market tr et dec 6 verc 4 NhW SUPPLY AT II, ND. CALL AM atLior. dec b For the Uenieterv. rpilE WAG'VTTC will be -u hvtz.-u the Cit? Ld ihe 'Mutt3'j c-Te-y ' ednesday and Saturday Atieruoon, coiumenciu on Wednesday, 3d ot December Leaving the curiier of Front and Nun eta.. at 2 30, 3.30 and 4.30, firoine up A'un to Third street, (fovn Third etreet to Orange etreet. up Orange to icurth street out tourtnto Campbell street, a&d cut Campbell street to the Cemetery. Keturninc:, leave the Cemetery at 3. l and 5 o'clock. Passengers taken up any where on the Route. Fare. 10 cents each war. Twelre Ticket I for $1. Twentr-even Tickets for fr'-- 1. J. &UU,itl.i'.lJA17. . dec 2 nactc-sat ta FJSozart Saioors, JOHN II A Alt, Ji:., l'n.pri tor. Ho 1, GraLitc Eow, South Front St. F 'RESH OYBTE1I8 rccervd vx evtry day, aaJ terveJ up in . j Qi any manner called for. "L.. Billiard Tabre rencTated a-d ready fcr those who like the game. Drinks served in first-clasa stvJe. Latctt I apers to read. . Every persrn who yici:s tie city hunts this saloon. dec 5-lm Organette rpHB .IMPROVED. OROANETTrlS, fcr sale at the Live Book 8tore, are the mut perfect instruments of the kind in ue and lowest in price. Copygrams, in Walnut Case.', ail piz-r, Copy Books and 'Pres ph. Leeal Cap, Foolecap, Bill, Letter and .. . t: Paper. t An elegant asaortmcnt oi nox raj et-neB, -n th9 latest at vies. For sale at 1 " f HEINSB'ERGKF.V, Live Book atd Music Store. dec 4 Four Dollars FOR FOUR D0LLAR8 you can buy an elagant Band Sewed Gaitsr, made on an improved Last with London To. home thing new, neat and VERY CHEAP. Boots and ahoes ot every aascif tio.i at extremely low prices. TIIOS. II liOVVLY, I , 'o 47 Waiket et. dec 4 Salt. Salt, Salt. I 21,000 giicks.Salt NOW ON WAY FBOM O AN 1) A POIITION DAILY EX PECTED : Factory FillcdFinc Tabic 1 AND Liverpool Ground Alum, FULL . WEIGHT .GUARANTEED. Molasses. CUBA, PQRTO RICO, SUGAR HOUSE, IN IIIIDS., TiERCES AND BARRELS. AGE-NCY FOR MARVIN.S SAFE AND SCALE COM FAN Y. HAZARD POWDER Co. BLASTING POWDER, ia Kegs. INDIAN RIFLE POWDER, in Kers. if KVT1ICKY RIFLE PO iVDER, in Kegs. DUCKING POWDER, in 0 IU Canbters FINE ELECTRIC Spoiling Ponder in 1 lb Cants', ers. APPLY AT "WIL LARD'S." nor 26. PLEASE H07ICH Wo will be to 'reeclTt ccrnr-icxllo a i from cur friends on aaj aid U , riijecti'o general interest bat : : il - ' . -' . Tee name of the writer mart alwajt be far niihed to tho Editor. QwOszaunlcatioci moit ba one slid of the'paper. written' oa on i rerona!IUwEu?t be amide".!. And i; is efcia'lj and parti mlarly'nhJc r stood tlat the Kditor does not alw V tae Tiewsof corrc?j ondestj unl jo r4- in tie editorial coiaa cs. I i New Advertisements. fill a mm AT El 1 HAVING M ( ( IU ill i u wt ks !' um ir in i: '::si ai i Kt Vt J.-i mluivinc tho ( IK K l.S l' 11.0l)CdT ' 1 . . I .! 1 trs i am prppar-i jo ;iv.T lo ivx i'alrrt1! s . W . . ... 1. . ! 1 - and Fiivm s Bargains Ii:J ull tie d!!!rn'tit repnrfii'u Ur.w lit li , uni.c t U'C-.v.cIIt tl ia y A il 'I STY SS3;!- By any Il.t use in ihti city cr t Ittheic. I Sti. OfUelloP,Guiiet, Ttillaiil dud TcnscMQ manuiiCUiie. Cur celebrated heavy Soft CLOS (IKAIN for One -Dollar per jar J. M 1" vet?', nti2Nv !ari a :d Satin Stiis: in E7 GOODS. 'itin rf-bii-;( 'ashaK're, So! ?,,Brociilc iv It-.y r.roelip, i.Jivalo ilol.air. Stripe! Cclured Cashmeres from 15 cental Up, Colored Alpacas,'-all sliaJs, VJ ' cent3, Double -Width Colored Alpacas, heavy, only H.5 cents jr yard. 1 A ( Varlefy of -dilfirpnt styles, suit able f-r the season, very -low.. ' - Mourning Goods: The best: a s. ' in Mt ever lofl'.ired here, ia Dm') l), Lionjb, Taiuise, Crrjje Clv.ii ; Plain. 'liped and 'Brocade Cjtsh Tnere H'm i'-ltas, Myhairs, Australian '.'i .th. . - CioMafeif Trimming", Sl'.k, Grass and Choice T Frir. g?s, Gloves a id JIotio;y, every slyi", good and cheap, - Skirts' andCorsets..- Tle Lest Fifty Cl"jt "Cors.'Jt ever soidiri" tho city . ' j '-' .Mrlj-cd ".tii-r ;uLdf vaui -Fla:i and KaiVeldeiie.-i in '.r;-a:e;t ty. ' IIju(;koepii'g Good,-Bs tnlc.-tpj Mon and Boys' Wear, Laille' Cloth, Ladies and Children Me rh.o Ves.s, Uuehin?, Tit3, Fancy Gcods.. 0!)i Thousand Dozon Iwnen Handkcr chiefs f.rm'cnp. DOMESTIC GCODS, to., iVc, ail ices v.iiich defy tom ntition, and OTiali'.ies which cannot fall to gie satisfaction. I can assure iny kind- patrons that every artie'e will te eoM J LOW, and THE MAJORITY LQWEJ truxn at any p:eviotis season. Order Samples ar.d yo:i w; Ik to patronize m, na, katz, fllarkct St. V oct CITY-HALL-ONE WEEK. C 0 IA M E U C 1 N C: T H U R S D A Yf D E C . 7hs Greatest H ur:a2 Mar Tel C-) eTer Create. The Famous, Wonierfal i V1IDCETS ! ,r;l- . - - - - ' GENERAL MITE, I yean, weitr'il it i r Hp. il ... ' ;i i .. I -j oofslawli r li certaijt MAJOR ATOJ:, Afjed 10 years, weighing 15 Itr, These atoms of humanity, perfect inform handsome and intelligent, have created x trHordinarj exJment ill A'orthjrn aid Southern citiei and Coney Island. 1 On exhibition daily. Afterxooi 2 3D toS. Eveaifl,7 to 3. Saturday Uo:siog, extra, 10 to 12. , AVOID CROWDS. COME EARLY.' Don't fail t s.vj ttem. Adccf?;ion 25 eta. dec2-8t hrgw,DK. 1,1879. dec2-lmd4w j will be bis permanent location.

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