THIS PI FEB - ,d erery ntmoonf Baadayi ex- " JOSH- T. JAMES, KOITO AND FKOFBIKTOB. nRHCBIFTlONS.FOSTAGE PAID. S is 00 Six taontha, $2 50 ; Thxae oer wl" b delivered by earriari; &teT low and liber! l.- .rill nluu rawvrt inr and flnbUn"" 'r" -r- j to receire their papers regularly. 'Advertisements. ilil UCIEPETS BB0WN3&BRODDICK, 45 Market St. Will show the largest assortment of Carpets South of New York. Carpets, Carpets; ; Carpets, Carpets. Farther particulars next week. Carpets, Carpets Carpets, Carpets. Over SiSOjOOORepresented in this New Enterprise. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Wo invite all to call who have A. Y ilea of purchasing tjueh goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets Carpets. We also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing or not. Carpets ! Caroets ! Caroets I BROWN & RODDICK, 43 EXarkt street nor 7 LooH Sharp J QLD PROBSSATS THERE IS PLENTY of cold weather just ahead. Be-, early then and ia season and bay good, warm, band- wae Clothing, Oyer coats, Fats, Cape, Col- lri and the cbeapeat 8hirt in the city, at' SHRIEK'S TVO STORES, , dec 3 Market St. Notice. HE FpULE SCHOOL will be resumed id the Burgtw Academy building on tbe fint Monday U Januvy next, under the di rection of competent teachers. gargw, Dec. 1,18'9 dec 2-lmdAw Candies Aire-Orackcrs. 1GQ Brx Awor ted Candy, 100 do Frch Mixel do, 9flfl do Fire-Cracker?. v s - For tale by Hall dc Pearsall. 'Warm Weather, ND I AM glad to tay lower pricea for .!if0tD M lt mJ Ptt-pote to tell low ind Y k n the rP"tion of the CENTRAL cold PrPr JonrtelTet for the next 8 J. A. SPRINGER. nn VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. Tew Advertisements. Cltd Like Extra Steamer. jdusaos Orercoats. Johs L Dudley K. of .P.. Notije. P HaiHBBiaeaa The Most Attractive. A. & I. BiiaiKtt Look Sharp t No City Court to day. Coal is heavy but doesn't fall. Raffling for turkeys is now the favorite sport. . Wirdow Glas--ah sizes at)Lifler & Price's. t Receipts 'of tottou at this pott to-day foot up 1,106 bales. The or3t factor in any community is . the malefactor. Tbe perfectly contented man is a pc. fectly useless man. ,' The trees than are most i a the sun bear the sweetest fruit. No man can get rich by sitting around stores and saloons. It is often much easier to feel than to see the point of a needle. A wise man will never lift the ijd from a red hot stove with his fingers Save your money by buyiug jour Build iu Supplies from Altafter & Price, f Victor Hugo says forty-five is the half way house bel ween youth and old age. More miles can be made in one day by going steadily than by stopping. Nearly 2,000 persons have visited the Midgets during their stay in this city. It is generally agreed that the most suitable dower for a widow is a widower Barque Germania, (Gar) Vilmoem, hence, arrived at Lndoa on the 10th inst. Brig Amb ost Light, '. Hatch, palled fren Wood's Hole on the 9 h inst for this port. , You py the lowest cash prices for Household Hardware at J acobi's Hard ware Depot. t Tt is es'imated that in this country only one person in five hundred owns a horse. Are we a neigh shuii? . The most difficult thing, for a woman only four feet high, is to marry beneath her, .try she ever so much. , t Schooner Emma II Drummond, Hig gins, from Deep Hole, L I., for this port, sailed from Newport on the 9ih inst. The regular weekly reception at the skating rink will take place to night. The tournament will be fine and enjoy able. Everything is embroidered in Paris at present shoes, dresses, gloves, bon nets, corsages, cravatg, wrps and tr;mr ming9. Country lads are singling out the most symmetrical evergreens in tie woods, preparatory to attacking tbem1 for Christ mas purposes 1 1 Balbriggau stockings are seen iu lead ing boisery department, hair lined hor izontally in color. and clocked on the siJes iu t',e aarne, Ihere are men who do not kuow whit they want, and being too self-full to allow anybody to, they are in a pitilul'condition. 1 According to a salesman of experience in one of the largest houses in that city, the average New York wdmn wsars a five and a half shoe. ( i ' Mioses Agnes Herndoh has cancelled her engagement in this city for tbeQ'h inst, and will only give one performance on the evening of the 27th. ' Btige and roastio gray talle veils, dot ted with chenille, are worn J around th crowns of drosy bonnets, crossir g in the back and made to frorm strings,1 1 ' Pllystclanp, Wine. . New York physicians say that they have been using fcpeer's Port ,Grape Wine and Wine Bitters iu their practicf for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patient and themselves, and take great pleasure in recommending them to tbepublic as being all that is claimed for thersatf, Jn lact tbe most reliable they cad find. For sale by Green fc Planner, Jas. C, Mands and P. L. Bridgers & Co. I i , A pei feci crying sick criild is trans formed into a perfect cherub of rest and comfort by the application of Flagg's Liver and S om xh PJ,whici cures without medicine. Office, Room No. 43, Purcell Houso. Da Magistrate1 s Court. Calvin Shaw, a colored employe or the W k W. R. R. Company, was arrested and taken before Justice Gardner this morning upon the charge ot larceny. He was committed in default of a $100 justified bond for his appearance at Justice Gardner's office on the 15th instant for trial. Shipping Statistics. By an examination of our shipping lrst, published to-day, it will be seen that there are low ia port 25 vessels of different kinds, none of which are less than 100 tons burthern and tbe largest one being 685 tons. It will " a's be seen tu at there are 38 vessels, of different kinds, s zss and nationalities, now on the ocean bound to this port This speaks well for the com merce of the city. A Barrel of Molasses Recovered. Officer Walker, of the niht police force, discovered a man rolling a barrel of molasses on Souih Water street, near the river, last night, who when he saw the policeman approaching fled, leaving h's long lick behind. The n.aoeu vered around in tbe neighborhood for a loug time but the pretended owner did nit come to claim bis property, conse quently this morniug it was hauled to tbe City Hall. On oue of the heads of the birrel is this mark, 'B. L & Co.' Messrs. Hall & Pearsall, we believe, are the proper owners, the barrel having been stolen from their warehouse on South Water street. Another Excursion. On the ISth of this month our friends along tbe line of the Wilmington & Wei don Railroad will have an opportunity to visit this city at very moderate rates. An excursion train will be run through and those of our up-country friends who would like to visit us can do a for a mere soDg." Tbe train will leave Weldon at 7;30 a rn, and pass Goldsboro 12 o'clock m, arriving in Wilmington at 4:40 p m. Returning, the train will leave Wilmington at 5 o'clock the next evening. Round trip fare from Fremont, $1.75; from Goldsboro, " $1 50, and from Fai sons, $1.25. Messrs John Horn, R Hines, J Welton and H M Daniels, four excellent raifroad men, have the manage ment of the excursion. The celebrated Zeb Vance and other Cooking and Heating Stoves at the lowrst cash pMcrs at Jacobins Hardware Bepot. t Salt fur the Throat. In these days, when diseases of the throat prevail, and particularly a dry hacking cough, which is not only distress ing to ourselves bat to those with whem we .are brought into business co tact, those thus sffl.cted may be benefited by trying the following remedy, which we clip from an exchang ; 'Last Fall we were induced to try what virtue there was iq common salt in about half a tum bler of cold water, and with this we garg led the throat most effectually just befoie each meal time. The result bas been that during the winter we were not only free from the usual coughs and colds, to which, as1 far as our memory extends, we have always been aubpet, but the dry, hacking cough has entirely disappeared We attribute it entirely to the salt gar g'e, and do most heartily recommend it to those of our readers who are subject to diseases of the throat Military News. The reports coming in from the, vari our commands composing the State G uard , says the Raleigh Observer, are in the main satisfactory, as showing that des( ite certain drawbacks the organizations have striven to fulfil the requirement) of tbe law. r There are at present a total number of fi(ty-twQ companies in the Guard. The First Brigade, headquarters at Raleigh comprises the following: First Regiment Infantry, ten companies; Third Regiment Infantry, ten companies; Fourth Battal ion, set en1 companies; one company of artillery and two unassigned infantry companies; a total of 30 companies. The Second Brigad", 1 headquarters at Wilmington, consists of the following commands: Second Regiment, ten com panies; Second Battalion, five companies; Fifth Battalion, five companies; a com pany of artillery and a company of cavalry; a total of twenty-two companies. Of this number forty are white and twelve colored All of the infantry save eight companies are armsd with breach loading Springfield rifles. Review Roller Skatlnsr. The bkating rink is in full blast aj.d ontiuues to be well patronizod. Mr Cashing has added a dozen new pairs ol skates to his number in ordtr to meet the demand. last chance. Those of our white citizens who desire to see the Midgets should bear in mind that the last opportuity will be offered thernjto-morrow morniug. The exhibition in the afternoon and evening v, ill be ex clusively for the colored people. The Steamer John Dawson. The work of placing the machinery in the steamer John Dawson is progressing and the tteamer wilrmake a trial tripsin about a month. Bhe is lying in the doc r; at Messrs Wilder & Morton's still yard. An iron Bridge. - The Wilmington & Weldon R. U. authorities are considering the propriety of erecting an iron bridge over the lower tr?ck in this city and at tbe head of Front street. The matter was strongly recommended by Capt. Diviue, the Super intendent, in his annual report, and wa3 endorsed by Col. Bridgers, the President of the Road. The present unsightly wooden structure is not at all the thing. T he North Carolina Farmer. We have received the December num ber of the above named agricultural magn azine, and notice wittfleasure the gener al interest of the questions discussed and the ideas advanced in its columns. It is a valuable journal for the farmers of the State, as it treats npon every subject which will tend to advance their interests. It is published monthFf at Raleigh, by Jas. H. Euniss, editer and proprietor, at a subscription price of $1 per annum. Meat Cutters and Stuffers, Guns, Grind stones and so on, at Jacob ;'s. ; To Leaye Us. Tc-morrow forenooD the Midgets will give their last exhibition to the people of this city the afternoon and eveving being exclusively for the -benefit of the colored people. Since they have been here with us they have been visited by many hundreds of people, and all have been delighted. Not only have the little ones afforded de light and amusement, but the management has been in the hands of gentlemen who have given the most perfect and entire sal isfaction. To the good citizens of Charles, ton, S. C, which city they will visit on Monday next, we commend them the Midgets, as being the most interesting lit tle people ever seen and the management as courteous and obliging. You can buy a No. 1 heating or Cook Stove at almost any price at Jacobis,No. 10 South Front street, f Signal Service, U. S. A. ) Wilmington, N. 0. Dec. 12th, 1879. V The following order has been received at this station, viz: Signals are ordered down at Indianola, Galveston, Port Eads, Eastport, Port land. Section Seven, Boston. Section Eiht, Woods Hall, New York, New Haven, New London, Newport. J. M. Watson ( Sgt. Si. Corps, U. S A. By order bf the Chief Signal Officer. oVlsthe Time to Subscribe for Frsnk Leslie's Sunday Magazine, as the January number, just issued, com mences the seventh volume of this deserv edly popular periodical. It is a brilliant Holiday dumber, and the contents f ur nih a rich literary banquet. Noteworthy among the more solid articles are, The Persecution of the Hnguenots,' by Alfred 11 Guernsey; 'Antioch in Syria,' by God frey A Hudson; 'Caves and Cave-dwellers, by Arthur Grabame, etc. Those who enj iy lighter reading will be delight ed with 'Obrysalis and Butterfly.' 'The Governor's Dinner' by Edward Everett Hale; Bebe, the Nailmaker's Daughter,' by the anthsr of 'Gideon's Rock,' 'Miss Olive's Boys.' by Mrs Robert O Reilly, etc., etc 'Christmas Day,' and J 'From Thanksgiving to Christmas and Mrs. Pnrynne'8 'Santa Claus,' are excellent and timely. Young people have not been overlooked, and willfind pleasant reading in Fred e T0untons Trust 'Hide and Seek, 'Lost ete , etc. There are poems by Bishop Ken, Gertrude Greenwood, and other writers of celebrity,Rev Dr. Deems, who has retired from tbe editorial chair, will contiQue a contributor, and has ar. admirable article, entitled 'Pessimism and Sociability.' Two new features, we see, have been introduced, 'Obituary Notices' and 'Recreations forSunday afternoon giving increased interest to the magazine. The 128 qnarto pages abound with articles of sreat merit, and the illustrations which number abou 100 are admirably executeJ, The price of a single eopy is 25 ceritsj the annual subsription $9, or tor six months,$1.50; four months, $1. Address. Frank Leslie s Publishing House, 53,! 55 and $7 Park Place, New York. 12, 1879. N0.2G3 One Experience from Many. 'I bad b'en sick and miseries so long and hal caused rcy 'husband so tnucb tumble ami (jxpjn se. no 0U3 seem ed fo know wj- at aikd was com pletely disbeartene.l. ani di.-eon razed. In this frame of mind I. got a bottle of Hop Bitters and used them unknown to my family.. I soon begun to improve and gained so fast that my husband ami fun . ily thought it straDge and unnatural, but when I told them what h..d helped me, they said 'Hurrah for Hon Bitters ' long may they prcsner, f.r Vy have made mother well and i:s bu j ; . " Tbe Mother. New Advertisements. Wotice. rpHERE WILL BE A Meeting of fecfon Ho. 211, Endowment Rank K. o? P., to tigl.t at8 o'clock. Atnusl election cf Officer?. JOHN L DUDLKY, ect'y A Ttea. dec 12 lt vercoat JUST RECEIVED A XEW PUIM'LY Call atil eel- c.. dec 12 Clothier A Merchant Tailor. CLYDE HUE. IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE receiv ers of Christmas Goods, Steamship Regulator, Will ieave New York in Fiiday, December 19, at 4 P. Mv Arriving at Wilmington. Monday, Dec- 22d. THOMAS E. BOND' dec 12-1 w nc EuperintendenL .; Proposal s WILL BE RECEIVED bv tbe County Commissioners, at their meetingf on the -15th instant, for tbe Maintenance of the County Poor and lnsine, and Inmates of the House of Correction, for one year from let January, 1880. J. E. BAMPdO V, dec ll-2t. Cle. k. The Most Attractive ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL PRESENTATION GOODS, erer brought to vthia city, Is to be seen at TSLJ1 IiIV! BOOH STOU'D- HCall early and mke yonr eelectiots. They are all new designs, and jast the thing. you want. : Handabme Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Desks, Jewelry Case', And Ten Thousand and Orie Sew, Uaefa! an J Ornamental Articles for sale at nEIN8BFROER'3, 39 and 41 Market at. dec 11 CITY HALL LAST 3 BAYS ! THURSDAY, FKIDAY & SATUKOAY The Great at Uuinnn Mirvelfc - ever rei iyi. TheFanKU3anl Wonderful MIDGETS ! GENERAL MITE, i Age 15 jeare, wti-h fJ V e. MAJOR ATOM, Aged 10 years, weighing IS its, These atoms of humanity, perfect inform, handsome and intelligent, hare created ex traordinary ' excitement in Northern and Southern cities and Coney Island. On exhibition daily. Afternoo 2.30 to 5. Evenine, 7 to 9. Saturday Morning, extra, 10 to 12. Exhibitions Saturday afterooa and niht for Colored People. Don't fail to see them. Admswion 25 ct; dec 10 t A Gentle Belle", B T CHRISTIAN.REID. , The Musical Wonde", th mirvellous OR GU1NETTE, still continues to sell at light. Pi;tarcs, Frames and Mouldings. Krame? of any size made to order upon eLort notice, A fine ajsrtment of Poems, Children'" Books. Fancy Box Paper, Inkitandr,- Ooli Pane, Dibit, Ujmn Books, JkC, Ac. Ulank Books, Bchool Books, Paper Fn yelnpe, Pens, Ink, alvrajt be Lad at low pric of dec8 r C. W. TATS. Tho. H. HcKoy, Eobt. H- Mciov iXTrORITE'irfl-ilT-IiAW I WILMINGTON, N. C e IE c Worth tid HartCftreet between Bxoid and Third itreeta, its 2THt 1 'x- I'LEASE NOTICE. oil be glad. to'reeeiTe eottiannkstif ci f.'a pur friends on any and all subjects nor al interest tat : a cme of tbe writer must aTwkyf to ia: jOoinnjunrcatiorB ciuat bs writtan" cn or; I'er.niJUi intst be aTouie;ii " . SAnd it ia especia'.lj and pa'rti:u:ir.y'cr..l r ' tood tLat the Editor Goes scfalwsjj'erJ ' the views of corresj ondest', nrlei-f ' , in the edlturiil colatr E9. ; Now Advortiscmontj. FALL WlIffFfiOODS. fV3. iV3. KATZ'f. HAVING M.Cf:.FKI)Tf lr - s vhv I wtf ks of until ity i: uu- t . Hidtllr', hi-iniying the ( UtUCEbT ThUDlCIfe frs I am propunul to oiler to my.. Patrons and Fiioii'is -. Bargains iu; all I!..- oilli r. nt Depar!im-,i.ti, h) h : i i ii t be oxi't-Hed in V A R ! E T Y: 1) liy any House in the city or clsowl.eie. BLACK BR?SS SilffS f - , u: Jbellon, Ciuiaet, Ttjllard and Poison , manufacture. Our celebrated heavy Soft GliOS GliAlN for Oue Dollar per yard. ColorcMl Silks, 8ilk Vtl v xcts, 8a(iii, .iu; Plain a d Sat-ia Hail sra -. trk. m.' m. m m. JS.-itin Melange, Cashmere, boic, Brocade Peisan, l'ersan llayo, Kaye Broche, Cavalo Moliair, Striped Sa'in, CmucI's Hair, Colored Cashmeres from 15 cfint.s up, Colored Alpacas, all shade?, Ul Double Width Colored Alpacas, heavy, only 1G cents per -yard. A Great Variety of different s'yles, suit able for the season, very low. -. Mourning Goods. Tlxn 1ac ... " .r i iuDrab D'Ele, Bombainc, Tamiso, Crnpo Oloih ; Plain, b!ij'd and "Brocade Cash- mere ;-Ilouricttas, Mol.aiis, Austnl'a:i Cioth, - . , Cioafeffatirnroofslitfls, Tri;i. ming,- Silk, Grass and Ciieneil Frh ges, (ilcves and Hosiery, eyery style, gocd and cheap, Skirts arxljCorseJ. The best Fifty Cint Corset ,eyer sold in the city. Ribbons. PaiiCy, Sa'in, &trited arid Brocaded- Bace? and Bmlro'deries in ieaiest varie ty. Housekeeping G ods, Biankcl., Flan nel. - - . Men and Boys' Weary , LaJies' Cloth, Ladies and Children's Me rino Vests, Ruchings, Tits, Fancy Gecds. One Thousand Dozen Linen Handker chitfi, froiri TJC up. DOMFSTIC GOODS, vV:j , drc., cVc, a!l atpriceswhich dtj,fy corn petition, and qualities which cannot fail to give fajilisfaction. I can assure my kind pations that every article will te pr ld A LOW, and THE MAJORITY LOR thau at any pievious season. s , Order Samplei'aiidlyou"; ill'becertaia to patronize " ' . M, TO,,: EATZ,; Kerosene on csats Per Gallon TP MEET COMPETITION I cffer a NO. 1 AR1ICLE OF KEROPEWE OIL at.7 Cents Per Gallon- pold only at retail. r&ib, Doors, iJlinf, Paicts and Oila at bottom prices, benl alo-g your ord-rs. I GEO. A. PECK. , SAFETY OIL AT 15 CTS. A GALLON. IAM KKLLI.VG a beautiful Cll, perfectly reliable and OUAKANTKED At't.:, im 15 cents a gallon. Jt produce a up ior light and ii p jmparatitlj freo from oaor. d?cS GLO. A. PKOKJ2 The New Hat Store. T HE CNDER3IGMED takes thi m:tbcd of inforaing hit numerous patron that here after b will ba pleased to wait oa them at So. 13 North tront street, wbera jean bo found the latest, prettiest and most faihloa ab'.e styles f liats, togetber with a Cna at. ortment of Genu' Dnd?r wear, Trunks, V ises, Umbrellas and to forth. I f I JOHN IU ROBISSO.V, Jlo, 13 North Front t , . nor 23 8ooth ci Purcell Uous