For he Review. fWI LIGHT MUSINGS tlU.' and cosy in my sanctum; . ,1 Vt.t fleeting shadowed walls; i i ai using while about me pu ttie twilight stillness falls. vhm the eaves a ceaseless drip, drip, I uiis in drowsy monotone, a ( Mr adwn the wide mouthed chimney "gl'i the wind its hollw moan. , nt flung on the creeping darknes--hou 'ht is roaming far to th e; ti tiile the ruddy embers glowing Paint fantastic dreams for rue. - lael o'er the rosy panting i rre hriglJt fornix and facs blend, . '(1 sn,i)g the now-remembered -umis thy im-ge. dlataiit Irieud i well with thee. I question J; , ,1( twlligiit voice replies, iu-lied 1 listen through thenhadows 'iiUje btorm that obs and. sighs, I ke a tired child at even v'.mn'ng f'-r the mother-heart, 1 Wihe lambkins- pUeoi.s bleating iroM tiie sheep-fold strayed apart. It js well with thee, to-night, friend, w uii Id there were a voice to tell. vr,,ji mv Hi there falls a. whisper ueikeij gmut it may be well." U1; with thee? Oh! yes, forever j, i ti e days that are to be i BP'iiu'i thine hours of joy and sadness j.vt;r be it well with thee. Well with thee, when softly pealing, KalK life's closing vesper-bell, ;a tli f ather's upper mansion, Krieiid. with thee may itbe wejl, Ih. .;, 187!. M. E. C. A t iv Remedy fur Diphtheria. iMi'titiAL KDftbiAN Legation, Wa h ivs, November 1G, 1879 To the EJi l,r of the New TorK Herald: In view ,,f the increase of diphtheria in several j, c s of the State of New York, I : sten to communicate to you for p.,b icity a very eimplu remedy, which, i, .ring been natd in linsia and Ger ujftuj, may prove frffective here. Out ,,t peveral others Dr Lefzeriob, who made extensive experiments iu the . plication of this remedy, has used it ;u twenty seven oases, eight of which ure of a very serious nature, all of vLich had a favorable result excapt m i iVe Cie, when the child died from a complication of diseases. For children . i one ytar he prescribes the remedy lor internal use evtry one or two hourb an follows: Natr, benzoic, par. 5 0 solv. in rq .libiiiattq menth. piper, ana 40.00 Mr. cort. aur. 10 0. " For children from one to three years t !d he prescribed it from seven to eight grammes for 100 grammes of iistilled wttr, with kame syrup; for children from three to seven years old e prescribed ten to fifteen R'ammeB, and for grown persons from fifteen to iweuty-iive gi amines tor each 100 grammes. lichidcbthis, he uses also, with great Micce s, the iosi 111 vtiou on the diph i ii rial membrane through a glass tube i.i urioud cases every three hours, in i Lt cases three times a 'day of the uarr. bei z ic pulver. For grown peo pe he. prescribes for grgliig a diiu- i on vf ten grammes of this puiver for 1 The tflect of the remedy is rapid, r.ffer Iwentjafour or thirty-six houro ti e fevirish symptoms disappear com jiU teiy a ad the temperature and pulse Income normal. ThiB remedy was aleo u (1 with the fame euccess bv Dr Bra Irnw liraum and ProrKlebs, in Prague; br Senator, in Oassel, and several nthers id Russia and Germany. Ilopicg that the publication, through your widely-epread paper, will prove btmfioial iu the United States, I re main, yours very truly, N. SniSHKiN, Minister of Russia to the U. States. Feeble Ladies. The larguid, tiresome sensation, causing )"u to feel scarcely able to be on your feet; ilut constant drain that' is taking from )"ur system all its elasticity ; driving the blotm from your cheeks ; that continual strain upon jour vital forces, rendering you ir: liable and fretful, can easily be removed iy ti e uso of that marvelous remedy, Hop Bitters. Irregularities and obstructions of our system arwrelieved at once, while the sjecial cause of periodical pain is per inaneuly removed. Will you heed this ? Dr. Moll's Endorsement of Speer Port Grape Wine. The following, from the celebrated Dr Mctt of New York, speaks wonders for J.r. speer a ettorts to raise the Uporto Grape in New Jersey: 62 Madison Avenue, V New York, April 11, 1876. J Mb. Alfred JSpeer. Dear Sir ; The isit which I made last year to your iDeyarda, wine-prestes aid vaults at Passaic, N. J., satisfied me thoroughly that tha wioes manufactured by you are pure and unadulterated, and the very 8t that can be oflercd to the public for Medicinal uses. Acting upon my favorable impressions the time, I h ive siuee recommended the rt Wine more particularly' in m practice, and aw PAtihfied, with marked wnefit, to my patients. . Thprecan be uo letfer pnf to the u 'Ubting mind, as to the Wine bein made oi the ficest ( tporto Grape, tha" a ')it to the acres .f land covered with the v,De faring the luxuriant fruit. Washing 0U8uccet8 iu your praiseworthy enter 1 rise, ' remain respectfully yours. n ALEX B. MOTF, M. D , rof. of Suretry, B.llevue Ilisp. Me!! Allege, &c., &c . for eale by J. C. MundH, Green & anrer.- L. Bridgers & Co Old Newspapers QUANTITY OF OLD NEWSPAPKR8 0r rappla2, offered for tile :heipt the DAILf KEntW OFFICE gNTLFfS:? D1DI CP PtB i dleo 'tranoni, with all the NEW FEATURES, o for ... ' witb over 4C0 Vh rature Att and snt Eworavihqs. i AUT AiiD tor tae ir . v g , Ple Cireulari and termi lent on !lCfn to J H VMAiBltB8 & CO., BOr il w AUanU,Ga Miscellaneous. SPEER'S Oaed in Churches for Communion purpoa Spenr's i3or? Crape Wine four ear Old. rjima JUSTLY- i U.E irxjLTIA' N ATI VI Wine is made from the juice oi the Oporp Grape, raised inthi c.iujrit y . lti invaluable Tonic and Sirenztiienini tPfoperti are anBarpa?eei bv nv other native Wine, Being the pure juice of thv 1 jrrpt, produced under Mr. Bpeer'sown pernuna sa-ervision itf purity and genuineness ar uariinteed The Tounprest child ma artnkr o its greDer oua qualities, and. ti e wt ake-t invalid may use it to advantage. It it particularlj bene heial to the aed and debilitated, and s iter to the various ai monts tata3)ict the weakd seir . It is, in every respect, A. V71NE LIED UN. ? i TO BK I RELIED Spccr's I. IL Sherry, , The- P. J. 8HEKRY ie a Wine of jUPt RIOK CHARACTER and partakes of the g .lden qualities of thn erape from wbicrit ia made. For MKDICISAL PROI 5RT1ES it will be found otiexcelled " 1 Speer's P. J. or i'edrOiJ- Brandy. Thip noted Hrandj a pure dit-tillatior, ! rom thn : grapw ard Isequa' to the finest Hen nersy or Utaid Brandit 8; for nSedicinal pur poses it can be relied uplc as strictly pure. See that the signature o Alfred Hpeefr, Pafaeaic, S. J.t is over tht ccjrk of each bet tie. I A. 8PEEK'8 ML Prospect Vipeyards, New Jersey. Office, Xo.i3iVarren Bt., New ork. Ij .. i ... For gale by QHEEN FLNS R, J . C. MUNpS, Droggists, and Pi L. BRIDGERF CO. M Aoril l-lr STOMACH A stout backbone is as eeaentiai to physical heatLi as to politicil consistency, j For weak ness of the bii k and di r ers of the liver and kidneys, the tocicacd moderate dietetic action of the Bitters is the one tbing need ful. Remember that tbe st mach is the mainstay of every otter orjraa, and that bv invigorating tho diestijn w ih thii prepar ation, the spinal column and all' its depen dencies are gtreng hened , , For Hoatetter'a ALM AX A C ior 1880 apply to Druggie's and Dedlers'geceri.llr. dec 1-dAw 1 t ' !'' I HOME-.VADE CANDY AfiD POST OFFICE GC0BES STAND. , rpHE ONLY GENniNB HOMEIADE X Candy in thf'citv, will be fcund evprv day, fresh and sweet thri e doors Houthi of the r'OBt"rfiC on teci nd street.) Also, fine French Candiep, ut?, kafhiriS, Fruit, ic . noT-18 T-'j'Rt the fotj filce. ftotice. i jjn. v.-y ii,Vi: m. -'u.'.i ".iij ell, i - hav in. b en ai'mittt.d a iii-.iiv -or of out - i i - i Sim ou Lite 1st iisuui..,, i-Le Lane ard syle vill ' 'hereaflcr I AI.TAFFER, Le'ittfury. dfch ALTArrjllKA i UICE. , NOTICE TO MERCHANTS' AND ' 'l ' OTHERS! t New Job Printing Office ! rpHE UNDSHSIG -IEP, t aving leased the Pre rs, Types and 5iatfri's of the Dailt tiKViEW Jcb Printi-.u Otfics, begs to an nounce tfcat he is fjillj prepared to do every description of PUin. and Ornamental Print ing, in good style snd tlow rates. i A share of the piibl c Datronaee is reppect allr solicited. Satisfaction euaraateed in every Instance. "Neat and Quick and Cheap' is the motto of this office. t - Office in Rhvihw bailding, 8- W. Corner Wat -r and Chestnut streets. 1 Orders by Telephone will receive prompt attend n. . i 1 Ary kind of printing carefully executed for persons residing out of the city and mailed o them free" of pottage. , i Andrew all communications to EDGAR 8. WAURi CK i Job Printer, Wilmington, N. C. hot 15 . ' 1 I VINUM BONll ' Bl Miscellaneous. II. T. ELIBOLD'S Compound Fluid Extract PH A.E M ACEUTI CAL. A SPECIFIC REMEDY F f R A OF THE For Uetiliy, Lo s of Memory, Indispo sition to Exerton or Husi'x s-, shortness of Breath, Troubled with tbotights of Dis ease, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Cbes', and Head,! Kusb of Blood to tbe Head, Pale ountenauce and Dry ikin. If theee symptoms are allowed to go on, very f tquently Epileptic Kits and Con uiMpuun foljow. When the constitution biie:m s afleeted it n quires the aid of an invigorating medicine to strengthen and tone up the system which ,, . "Helmbold's Buchu Docs iu Every Case. wold's emu 1 13 TOEOOALLED By any remedy known. It is prescribee by the most eminent phjsician all over thd world r in Rheumatism, 1 1 I Spermatorrhcea, ' Neuralgia, j Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and Pains, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint. . Nervous Debility, 1 j Epilepsy, Head Troubles, i I i . Paralysis! General 111 Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica,1 1 Deafness, j Decline, i Lumbago, Catarrh, Nervous Complaints, , Female Complaints. Headache, Paip in the Shoulders, Cough, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Eruptions, Bad Taste in th3 Mouth, Palpitation . of the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a thousand other painful symptoms ... . - r T-vJ ! are me onspnng oi xyspepsia. HELMiiOLD'S BUM fur Igorates Hie Stomach, And stimulates the torpid Liver, Bowels, and Kidneys to healthy action, in cleans ing the blood of all impurities, and im parting new life and vigor to the v hole system. 1 A single trial wi'l be quite sufficient to convince the most hesitating of its valua ble remedial qualities. I I PRICE S1 PER BOTTLE, Or Six Bottles for $5. Delivered to any address free from observation- , "Patients" may Consult by leter, re ceiving the same ottention as by calling, i Competent Physicians attend to corre sp r den s. All letters should be addressed H. T. HELMBOLD, Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa i CAUTION! See that the I private Proprietary i S tamp it on each bottle. Sold Evervvvhere. no? 18-4&W1J BLADDER 4 K1D1VS Miscellaneous. ModeFEectures, BY P. L- BRIDGERSj&'CO. Grcrer3. DraA-u from the actual experience of P. L. B. in keepiDg house. No 1, TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Housekeepers a8 a class are either ac tive or passive. The -latter take charge, l ut give the, keys to Iietey, S'-irah Ai.t or J:m They leave the fr mt .vH.r mi ' windows open to'Tratrps, and Srt-;ik Thieves and then go padding about a'-vr-ns the Deiijhbors. Those are th even SaiuU ruatl St. Paul to Timnhy ii, chap. 2. v 13. The active are described ' in the t-ause chapter, next vf-rse. They are Vuuug inrl teachable, .stay at home anxTtcono mizc They are a crowa unto their unsbands, and, like a prudent' wifej aro a blessing from the Lord. Prov. chap.-1'J, v 15 Speaking etymolosicaily as P L li. dues. Good Housekeepers are always of he feminine gender, singular nuinrxT and secoud person, apreeiug in all things with their Husbands, except as to hon.-eKeep-itiji, and maki g biwi attend to h;s own business when he dares offer advice about that. A man who is his own housekeeper i a fojl, L. P. B says Ho win. carrie hts own pantry keys, opens a lonr to fix devil, L. P. B. says. Lie is fit only tor! shavings and whitewash, L. P. B says tie needs no dealer but the undertaker, L. 1. B. says, and deserves' no board but a ooflirj. - Ho ought to trsde at P. L, Cndger & Co.'s, where are posted the fol owine standing rules: jSuuday reading and Grocery informa tion for the Customers ot P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. The first rule for good housekeeping, L. P. B. says, is Never keep ou han l more than three days' supply; Ij. P. B says, Groceries will melt and witht-r away like smiles and flowers. !Met and Sugar, Whiskey and Cigars, Butter, Lard and Sausages, Irish and Sweet Potatoes bought at 1 . P. L. BRIDGERS & CO.S MAMMOTH GROCERY STQRE, I longer when brought home fresh day by day; and L. P. B. says the smaller the lot the longer it keeps and the farther it goes (proportionately), and servants, L. P. B. says, have their friends. The hospitality of the kitchen, L. P. B. says, is like that of the Bedouins, who lavish on strangers what they pillage in the Desert. Your alley andba.k window boarders, L. P B. says, eat more than the houses. What is "Hay and Neigh' in the stable, is "Here and Near in the KUeben: and L. P. B. says. Waste is 8 short spelling of more tbau enough, like the tallow candle, whose drip is bigger than the stemj An unsnuffed lamp, L. P.' B. says, has more flame but gives lees light, and had better be acquainted with, although cut by the scissors. Neverthe less, Lr. P. B. says, it is wise to have something over .n the locker for the poor and a plate on the table for the stranger, who may come unawares. m 2. Keep everything nnder lock and key, and the key at the girdle. L. P. says an open cupboard is a rat's delight and the devil's hiding; it is, he says, the parlor of the roaches and a constant temp tation to your weak brother. l!c leaks, L, P. B. says, like a ship at sea; it is like pumps for bilge water and gutters for-cisterns. A small bucket costs but a quarter, but if kept full on the spot it will save more money, L. P. B. says, than a fire engine in tbe garden. 3. Don t buy your coal or wood in Au gust, or your ice in December. L. P. B. says, tuel put away gets seasoned, but it Tust be kept from the Sons of Osiris, his heathenish divinity was the brother of Isis and the father of Horu3, and L. P. B says has a host of relations among us, with cold shins, who are nTewo.rahip pers. 1 j v 4. Last y, watch closly , and leve fried ohickeD; live well and throw nothing away; eat what you 'now have, and then go to 1 P. L. BRIDGERS & CO, I . ! and buy a fresh supply, and L. P. B says, if you promise not to give it away bej will inform you that both quality aLd prices will suit, as he himself hath tried it.! novi 24th. The Mew i Boot & Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET. " AM NOW, DAILT IX RKCKirl of a fine Lot of 1 LADIKS' KID AND PEBBLE BOOT?, i ' in all fixes, from 2 to 7, which I am selling at the l.ow Price of f 1.35 to $1.50. Come and look at them and sar money. Mi' Pebble Button Boota at $1.00. I LadW Kid and Pebble Lace Booti at $1. Child's fchoe from 50 cent up And all o;htr Goods in proportion. . No advance on my Uooda. Come and con vince yourelf of it. 1 i All New 8tock. No eld Goods to wp off- I am determined to give 3 ou a g od a'ticle. Betpeetfully, C. ROSENTHAL, 1 3S Market Street ; noy 17 gnof Ihf Sbow Case. wZZOIiHSAXiTl ?P.t CHS 'he following caottior. rrr?f IK) ill orders hihe prie b te oAuul. Ki ticrjj Double Anchor Doable Aticho " A" Str.n-iar.1 Domestic BACON XortL C&rciiLS, 11 BacLg, V E) ii) ft 3h,oaldert, y 2 b Hides, ... .,.'.... 7.' Wreetern 8moke1 . 1.' tr 1 Hai . 12 r Shoulder. G Orv 8ltod ' Sidw, y E... 8hoa!ders, y . BEKF Lirr weight., Spirits Lary-cavre riC(nd Liana, e&ch 1 'ew Vark.eaci, Lew....... i . csswax y ft . '; KIOK Wilminjrt.-ti, V -' Northern lioTTLT-i North Cart lies G Northern, 1$ 5.. .. 1 (J A N U L ES e p t r n. V Tfciiow, y a Adiuiatlne,l ;u.- g? i .r 0 76 4 hri (J ii ( ! S IS ! ii- - . ; s (i i ntc 1 n v 11 j 1 : it i ! : i s i ' a 11 1 i- -AO ; V !') j l .. 1 ' ! 7 . . -0 ! 75 l) J Q 1 j ?5 ii . Northern Fa?t y, ? Tb Dury creaai. &. Htate, y fb .... COFFEE Java, y Rio, y Tb Lasruvra, " lb. ... ook Meal br i COTTON TIES- 3 bdl DOMESTIC 1 Sheeting, 4-4 y yard. ,. V'arn, y buiich XiKLi Mackerel, Vo. 1, y Lbi. iC 00 So. 1, y 14 bbl .....!.. 75 M&ckert-i, No. i, y bbl.... 12 .SO No. 2, y K bbl... 6 00 Mackerel, No. 6 y bbl..... 00 00 Mulleu, y bbl.... .......13 00 N. C. Herring, yiv 5 SO DrrCod, y jb 7 JTLOUJi Fine, y bbl 0 00 F.aper, Northern, V bbl... 5 WO Eitriado V bbl... 1: 00 Famiiy " bbl... 7 00 City MiUEx,.8uperW bbl... 7 o0 ,f f.l: & ? 25 UO 0 ft, r - w 50 CO 7r S3 & it 4r Family bbl... 7 50 iERTILIZEUS , Peruvian Guano. lOOOTbn.rO w " 0-? s tb 10 " oh-if 'J " 00 00 " 00 00 " 35 00 1" 00 00 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 Carolica F-rtii.,--Oround r.'u? Bone Meal I " Flour Nftrasaa Guano, Complete Manure i -1 o-J 00 (J"45 CtO 47 00 fe40 00 67 00 70 GO f70 00 C'CO'OO V it Whann'e Fhoapbate . Wando Phogphate, " Berfl:e&ErntI'8Ro8.4,! Wilcox, Gibb k Co., ma nipulated Guano 43 00 GLUE y lb 8 GRAIN Corn,atore,ip 56 7 3 Corn, cargo, y 56 ,rbs...... 60 Corn,yel., y bushtl........ A'une. Oats, y bughel...... ......... fib tFeaa, cow, y bcehl......L 53 HIDES Green, y lb ........ 4 Dry, y lb 10 HA ii Eastern, y 100 &s... 1 10 11 1 2j Worth River, y 100 lbs.... 1 00 HOOP IRON y ton DO 00 LARJJrtorthern ) lb....... North Carolina V E) LIME y bbl 11 a bo v 1 0i LU M B KR City a team t a' v.- d Ship stuff, resawed, yiA ft. I 00 f'10 CO Rough edge plank, y Jijl ft . 16 00 lb v.0 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, y"ii f t...l i , 00 Dresed nooring,! uu scantling and boards, com mon, M ft 12 CO 14 MOLASSES Cuba,bhdVgl 32 Cuba, bblfl., y gal.. no is Sugar house, hhds. y gal. 2 2 " " bbls. gal... i 22 & Orleans Choice bbis. y gal. 35 Q NAILS Cut, 20dto ld,kg 2 60 -G '' OILS Kerosene, V gal...... Ii & Lard, y gal 1 10. & 1 Linseed, Vg&l i 00 1 Rosin, y eal 12 4 4:1 10 20 PEANUTS y bushel. 00 1 53 POTATOES -Sweet, y bus. 00 , 50 Irish, Northern, V bbl 2 00 2 50 PORK Northern, city m ess. 13 00 & Thin, y bbl Prime, y bbl (extra). Kump, y bbl ,.. 00 00 k e--o 00 CO 00 CO 0J 00 00 600 00 7 & 7 00 9 O'l RICE Carolina, y fi East India, y lb Bough, y bushel 1 BAGS Country, y 2 City, V. ft...... ROPE. Hemp M .. Manilla SALT Alum, y sack Liverpool, sack.... ....... American y 'sick Marshal's fine, y eack,...M Cadii y sack SUGAR Cuba, y lb... 1 Porto Rico, y lb A- Coffee, y Tb ...... 00 1 15 121 70 HO Q 00 & 00 00 00 Q 1 45 70 & 10. Q (;0 10 00 1 11 10 B " O.. C " V lb 8 9 9 & & Ex C a. u 1 ' Crushed "a lb oOAP Northern, y Tb. .... 5 SHINGLES Contract, yX 6 00 Common, y M 1 60 btave;a w. o. bbi. y oo B O hhd. yE 03 00 llk - 0 T CO; 6 2 1 If) CO & 00 012 00 TALLOW V 2- 1 i TIMBER Shipping ' M ...10 00 Mill, extra per M i0 Mill, prime per M 7 00 Mill, fair per M i 5 00 & 6 Common, per M 4 00 1 4 IQ Inferior to Ordinary,per M 3 CO Q 4 00 "WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 25 0 3 Si North Caroina, per gal ... 1 50 $1 'i IS WOOL Unwashed. per j.J. 2; Washed. xer To C 2 Burrr wool, ber fb 15 Q 17 CRAY'S SPECIFIC 1 MEDICINE. TRADE MARK TRADE MARK Thi Great EDglieh Rem edy, An un failirg cure for ecminai W e a k n eaa, 8 permitorr- hi. 1 ra pt- rv.and all dis- -W BEFORE TAIClllQ.eases tbat f .l-4rTE? TAI1KS. low, as a sequence of 'elf- Abuse; as Loes rt Memory, UniTersil I assitade, Pin inl ih Bcz, Dimnes of Vuion, Premature Old. Agre, and manr other ii?esscs tnt lead Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Urar. "Full particulars' in our r&rnrh'tt, which we desire to lend free by mail to every one The HpeciSc Medicine i- sold by all druggists at $1 per package, or six pack ages for $5, or will be eent fre by mail on receipt of the money by addressing . THE CAY MEDICINE. Cpt Mechanic's Block, Detroit, Mich. 3, Sold in Wilmington and ereryw-her by alldrogjristJ. , ct ll-da lF- COWEY'o New -Tobacco Store 2 8 TBE PLACE TO BOY YOUR. Cnc-w- ing Tobacco. Tbe best 5 and 10 cent Cizar in the city. Tbe largest assortment cf ileer- Bchaum, Briar and Apple Pipes in the city. . i WALTER CONEY, dec AUriet Street- Rozd Linos, etc, if! nTril iri n? xLUOD COMPACT; . I t . Sl it 1 ?. Cn sn: 'i'rer Scalar. nr' A u : j Pawen-r trais. on the "Wi'iTi-iv-, j don lUilrn.vJ -jr, s? :". :!ov. j DAA y . 1 l a .n i r i; k s :;At, ' Lar Vi!CT'ic: F-cct t. t ...... .... . . t: ,- . Arrive a: V . ... 0 S3 P i. i' iir MAIL AND rSriiLS TiiA IN, DAILY. ' v.tfST VVilicint n, Fr.!Et St. i I' f 13 X M 3 50 A M i n A .V : 1 Depot t. .rri.rt at Well i nt.. .ve Weld, n, ......... --ccy M '.urtt for Tarb"T at 5.-M Mid rut dy, Thurila-r and Stur K Y.., b-Ht-e T-r A M d&slv, and Morvd'av.- . t'rniay at:.;o V il. i tiny 11 mil it.ASi C.'iff ion for all . J . LOU i ria Kjtli. P1I!U N , rt si:,. (except M:ud-.r) and d-.i 1:1-3. J and & 1 rcil rout, . 'r,u tr.ia Uiaktd c.oge 1 i' ai fiMv-n tor all points north via Jiicnuoo i. i)H.: ' i I-t '"INK, f.ncral tj E 1 I AU - . : t'o t'iiyii3iior., N. C, N ov2, ! :. CHANGE 0? schedulk; H Oa and after Sundav, Nov. 2:1, the fa'.. lGWiEpchedule will bercn on this ro..J: DAY EXPKESS'AND M AILITRAIN. "daiSy. Leave WiltnlDgton 9 43 A M Arrive' at -Florence 2 00 V y. LeT. Florence..... 3-0 j Arrive at Wilmington, 8 0 KIOUT EXriiESl-l TRAIN (Daily). Leve Wilminctr.n .... I5I13 f .V.f Lfave Florence ; '2 2 f A K - Arrive at Camden Junction '. 4.15 A M Arrive at Columbia...1.. it 00 A W L.-ave Columbia j.. 5 f,n I ' ii 1 t'HLaden Jur.ction.. .... '2 00 M ep vo i lorence.. 2 ;;oa Arrive at w urtington r, "JO A Train etor? v.ulr at rh-i. niton VTli-U-vilie, Fair-lllafi; a'r.d MArin. ' I ; I ':-.5fi?Cirr f.r Columbia, arid al! olrt'io-, 1 & i. Ii. -arid in Wotern North Can !i ri i Columbia and SpArtf tburg, should I-- Kc vht 1 x;re?9 Train from W'ilrnirffton. l'i.".caera tor AniroMa rhould tak Night ?-'! r.r, v Lich COrn. CIS clopAjy pi ' '"i .r'i c, Ciiu' .'t-:n Junction and Ci'mden 1 i. i-.c: :..:!. 1 . f C fdr.c Cars on hH n.-pS : r, Acgueta aid Colaji- srl a 1 hi a. Traicfl le.-vintr . Wilmington .Falqrdur nights d.inot mi Le any c jnnyction f r ("ol-" umbia. J , JOHN F..'DIViNlT,Gcb'orLl SclL mv 2 i - .. Ci:vv: .-... t T . f 1 :avj. a ( k x 'i 1 : a 1 1 1 a i i .v a Via '' H 1 "I ' ' N. V., My 18, 1671.. j I I ClIANOK i lV AND ATTKr; TIC 8 dite, the flirt?1 A ) J irigScLfcdul'e will be oi .Tfttod oa fi i. i I litilway : ! I ,- Passenger, S!ail and Zapresa Train. . ") Leave Wilmington at.... -7:oVp M No. 1. S-Arrive at Hamlet atj 2n7 A M )- " at Charlotte at.... j:20 A M !LeTe Chrl.ntteat.... K2T V is Arrive st Wamleiat....... 1.31 A " tt Wiljrxinton'at 'J:10 A M. CU s or.nertion . made at'Hamlfct. with trains of Kaleich. Sr Aa- u; ta k A ir iLico Hai!1-'-wiy. ' " 1 1 Lc!l'7 Division Mai' u 1 Lr; 1 e h. i Lave Chariot-; ..pJli) 'a . Arrive at Shelby.,...,. I' ) Leave Shelby. 1:15 V I Arrire at Charlotte :05 P -V' . 9. No.!?. may W General riaorintendl-nt. Ser rctary 'is Cfiicc, I Wihniagton & Weldoa K-R- Cc,f Wi mington, N. C, Nor. lit, Ul'J. 1 f?!ajis" j wrsjasw j,cri ST- ?T jT: s DIVIDEND OF THREE PER CENT., oa the Capital Stock of the Wilmington Al W'eidon Rail "Iload Company, Laa been de clared, payabl 3 to tie Stockholders on t ad after the 22i inst. - ' . ! '- Thje Tr nafer ooks will be clostjd rcm tie 17th infant .til after the 22d. I , J. W. TflOMPSON. Secretrr. nr 1-tf ilcailfjaarteriS lor AJo L:igcr Uccr and Forter. 1 No. R HurWft Stre'' MAN IXKMill.TOU WITH THi: Uttjl A:, La-s-r H-r z.d PciUr, bjJ ke battled, in th- city, j .-'j CoaiitrT order, promptly attsr ' :j 7 CHASKLEIN, " " Dniertater aeii Catinct Maier. Princess Street, in Easement cjf l.o i 1 JcurrjJ ruiliicf;, , ' ' j W I L M I N G T O N, N. I ' , A fine aw ftment of Coffina iLd CV. keu conatantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished. Orden by to. r&;h or mail prusDtij filled. to? 5 IS i M S S

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