r IN CONG HESS YESTERDAY. SENATE. Washington, Dec 11-MrAllisoD, from committee on Indian Aff.itB. re norced, with two ameDdments.the joint iesoiutlon tbat the Secretary or the Interior be authored, through b commission of five persona , to be ape pointed bv the President, to negotiate with th Ute Indians for their removal from Colorado. Passed. Mr Piutnb introduced a bill to amend the Revised Statutes relating to taxes upon bank and bankers I provides that no association (shall be liable to the tax impjad by HtcUor. 5 254, of the Revised Statute?, upon any sum under the name of deposits which mlty be deposited with any oth cr association, bank or banker, and which is subject to taxation in such tseociation. The bill also proposes to exempt from taxation deposits in pru vate association, except iu oases where deposits to the credit of oue person, 1 firm or corporation exceeds, $2,000. Iu such cases the exces above that amount u to be liable to tax. On motion of Mr Maxey the Senate then took up and passed the biil ap, proprintiDg 3200,000 for the erection of -inch post on or near the Rio Grnrrto frontier as the Secretary oi WVr n -v dictn necessary for the ude qo n,h-oii -n' thereof Oa Loi.vuoi tir B rier the Senate took up aiid pasFed the joint resolution Rnthorjz'ng tho Secrehuy. of War to l' e the areenal property in Charles M.fi. S O. to the Tru.Hteea of the Holy r a,fui.ti;u Chureh Institute, for x.i 7i ; iccouniodation. At 1:55 the Senate went into execu tive etbeion, and when the doors were reopentd adjourned uatil Monday. HOUsE OF ItEPKESEN 1WTIVE3. Mr Baker, ol lud, from the commit tee on Appropriations, reported the Fortification Appropriation bill Op piopnating 875,000), which rc. order td to be priijtcd and recommitted Ho gave notioe thut he would report it bciek timorrow morning aud a k its otmsiderutiou. Mr MoCord, of Ijwa. from the com n.ittee ou Manufactures, reported bacK joint resoluion proposing an amend iuent to tne CouHiitution relative to trde murks. Ordered to be printed and recommitted. A bill was introduced by Mr Acklen, oi Lr, and rt-f erred, for the appoint nieut ity the President of a commissioti or evg-urem, io tzimiue the surveys i t Mie c nitemplated canal across the Ihtucuus of Panama. A resolution was offered by Mr Shelley, ot Ala., for the appointment of u select committee of five to investigate the causes of tiie negro exodus from tne Seutb, and report such measures as the exigency may require. The Ho ae went into committee of the Whole on the bill authorizing au aliottULCJ for loss by leakage or cas ualty of spirits wi hdrawu from distil Jeiy wa e houses for exporta'iwn. Mr Morrison, of Illinois, who origi naiiy introduced the b II, spoke iu its support, ai.d stated that it had the ap proval of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Tne committee then rose, and reported the bill to the House, whereupon it was past ed. Air llabbe'l, of Michigan, from the App!Opriatiou committee, reported the p Mis on appropriation bill, which was ordtred printed and recommitted. The bill appropriates 23,400,000, an in crease of about 3,000,100 ovtr last yeai'd appropriation. BEtfOCIUTICSEXATOKS IV CAUCUS Unanimous Agreement on- the Dis iributlon of the Senate Patronage Washington, D.c. 10 The Demo cratic members of the Seuate met in cuuoii", this afternoon, to receive the' report i f a committee, headed by Judf?- TiiU'a u upon the eubjeel of the distribution of the Seuate p ttrpa aa. At j-T very foU inteichaDge ot iws, a id hq exhaustive d scussion of thi t-nbj-ct, the Committee's re port wu a 'opted with great unanimity J fc ... 1 . K . . . . . 1 , 1 ( H .1 . , t HUH UUtip C.IU uniuiuuiuu?uroo ui freliig. Is was to tte elToct that there was ho just cause of complaint agamat tbfvcltiors of the Seuate for themauLeriu which they have acttd with regard to the cuicas instructions of Jast March that the present Seuate employees are deserving and cpiible, and that the instructions ubure referred to (which provide for the intention of ali disabled Un;ou soldiers aud of vari oua oth-.ir enq Joyces upon ground of f p cial merit irrespective : of politic) should be continued iu fotcc with only one amendment, namely, to atthoriz-3 the Sergeant -at-Arms to ap point three additional messengers for service connected with' the three com mittees which were left in the control of ttL3 Republicans. The effect of this author zation will be to enable the thive Up''b'icin Chairmen Messrs Anthony, Eimunds, and Conkhng to retain in the s-rvice three old Repub lican raVssfnge-s who have heretofore ben borne ou u m:reiy t mporary roll The unanimous agreement of the c: UCU3 was that the 1) mocratio mi jonty in the Senate should come up to the full measure ot tne generous treat ment which was accorded to them in matters of patronage by the Republi cans when the Democrats were in the minority . The caucus meeting was wholly devoted to this subj:or. The Biyard resolution concerning green backs was not mentioned. Resignation or Spanish Generals. Madeid, Deo 10 The Correspon dencia says tbat fifteen generals of the army, including several belonging to the artillery and the corps of engi neers, have resigned their commands. It 8 believed tbat their resignations have been accepted. Tarboro Southerner.' Ninety-three bales of cotton belonging to Noah Biggs, of Scotland Neck, N C, was burned at Edwards Ferry, on Roan- rke river, on Sand ay, 30th alL A i CLica?o News. EDISON 3IADE1 USELESS- A Chicago Man Discovers a Process omakins Water Burn He Utilizes it fur Lighting and Heating Im posts i A Chicago mau ifc about to astonish the world. Moro than that he claims to have revolnt oniz d philo-ophy dipcovering truths wmch complet-ly overthrow nn any of the ommcnlj accepted ' theories upon wh.tla are bisedabege jaws cf batfire More than that, thefco new discoveries will, ii pracricahl'e irT their! operations, , con vulee gs compani' h nith' fright, de moraliz coal complies, acd dicgui' nature w.tb htr ill' -rts at growing trees for iuol. , The gentleman's nerre is Mr A B W if d'an, rtnd he resides in the west d:v; o;u' i ..a. He appears to be a thor- y educated mai ; is a' chemist miioLiuict and h3 b-ieu1-lor yejt.'t. au txpeiimenter in mattt-rH looking to new sources of light aud seat ' la1 the course' of big invebtigitions he be came satined tnat cejLaia claims of natural philosophers as 1 to the ma terial bases of nntHrf;l hws were all wroDg. He put hitnte f Jo work iu inexactly opposite 1 dwtAion, didre garding ceitam Kccep!-u tenets oi scianMhc men,pick.-du;-- eej- c ed ideas, wok?d out his own theories as tc creative powers, and after yearg ot experimout, etudy and pcyety, is pre prd ro demonstrate, (by exhibition, that water nan be utilized! for hat cd light. His m- chine is composed ot ovr thirty pieces. In that'muohine tie difciDtegrates water, and, bringib its compoiient parts together agate, produces light, neafi or steam, as he chooses. The light corjtaineid is a beautiful aid very brilliant flirre, ind chu be perfeotiy coutrolled. Its heat is of the most intense 'character. By the turn of a valve he can trans form the light into steam, ihe pro cess by which this is acoompjihhed i- a swcret. The discoverer admits that he generates a tremendous explosive power a power i.as great as that ciaimed for the Keely motor; but he utilizes it at once in the manner men tioned. Mr Woodman knocks philosophy all to pieces, denying xaany of itsmosi important laws. As a result of his discovary ho declares that the electric light is not needed either for brilliancy of illumination or for economy, be cause his burning water will supersede it. As a motor power be think he can make a locomotive boiler of sixteen cubic feet capacity, that will draw to New York ouy a train of oars of any length. If these claims can be sub stantiated, then Mr Woodman will reuder' any further study of the elec trie light by Mr Edison entirely uur necessary. With the chain of great lakes to draw upon for material,, Chi cago ought, should Mr, Woodman's 'discovery be of use, to ba the best lighted city in the world. A large generator i now being prepared in Or der to make a thoroughly practical test of the discovery. CAB0L1NA The receipts of cotton in Raleigh on Wednesday amounted to' 550 bales. The Vanca Guards of Goldsboro, co'.ored company, have reorganized. Goldsboro Mail : Mr Geo W-35est of Best's Station, had hia gin bouse and several bales of .cotton destroyed by fire h a week. Work of an incendi ary. ' Goldsboro Mail: More negroes have bought aod paid for land in Weyne in the last ieu years than whites, said promii e it citizen in oar presence a few days e;nco. Greensboro Patriot: The Richmond Sc. Danvilie Railroad authorities are so weiipieasea witn toe two ten-wheeled engines recently put on the5 road,' that they have just ordered six more of the same make and size. Newbern Aw S.he'l: As David Meisenthaler, ilo well kuowh stock juan of VVThitectone township.w-a driv ing nis cows to the parn about day- ngnt tnis moruintieiwas 6tiuck by an acolite'ard istaniJy killed, Goldsboro Messenger: Another shab by crowd of exodmtera It-ft for Ii diana last night. Twenty. adults aLd a lot of suckl.ng childrea. Twelve of ihtse had bought ticket a vreek ago, and wero mo'uded in the 139 then re ported a having left. GreeneLoro Patriot: George Wither spo6n, the engineer ou Capt Sp ag gins' tram going South, Monday morn iog. was severely scalded in ibe face by hot tallow, at High Point. He had picked up hia tallow box and was un screwing the lop, when the hot fluid sputtered into his face. Goldsboro Messenger : Dr Davis give-i us a woeful acoount of the cot ton and corn crops in the immediate section of Lenoir Institute. The crops were so seriously damaged by drought that many o"f the farmers did not make exceeding one-third of their average crops of corn or cotton. Charlotte Observer.: It is ' now pretty well understood that there is to be a grand cocking main between chickens in Alamance and Mecklenburg counties about Christmas. The ar rangements hay not yet been fully made, but there surely will be so a: e lively fighting during the holidays. Washington Presr. Mr Alfred Gir relt died suddenly at his home n ar Wiltiamston, on last Wednesday. Hav ing been unwell for a day or two be fore, but feeling better he had his horse and bnggy made ready to go to town bat wan taken again very sud denly and died before assistance could be obtained. Raleigh Observer: The Governor yesterday. appointed L F Howard a Commissioner on the part of North Cirolioa, in regard to the settlement oi tne oounaarv of thia Heat ni 1 Ueorgia, at the point where Macon countj, NortU Carolina, and Etpuix1 county, Georgia, join. Re will meet a similer Commissioner of Georgia to adjust the matter. Goldsbo o Messenger: The W & W Railroad, end Maj A Pope, of the Atlantic Coast .Line, wise5y decline to sell emigrant tickets to the colored ex odusters at less thin half rate fare. This actionl of Mfcj Pope is highly commendable, viewed from a busine s standpoint. Libor 'makes freights for the railroad?, and a scarcity of labor would reduce our productions, it is easily seen how the exodus wiili hurt railroads as well as our planters and land owners. I Charlotte Observer'.- Dr Walkup and his niother, an aged lady, left1 the city -lay brfore yesterday afternoon for thttir home in he -country. A few mifes out, as they were going down a bib, tbe horae e tumbled and fell, breaking the enaft of the buggy. The momentum of tbe vehicle impelled it forward, i and when the occupants real zd the sit-uation, it was eome ihiog like thir: the horse was directly underneath the buggy on his back, with his feetag 'inst tha bottom of it. and his head tuiLe.1 in exactly the op posite direction to that which Lie wat going when he fell. He was lying perfectly still nor did La move 'until Dr Waikup got his mother out of the vehicle, unhitched the animal acd pulled the buggy from over l.im, when it was found that the only thing that had been broken or in any way injur ed was the shaft, which was snapped when the animal fell.. Foreign Vessels lor this Port (.Corrected Weekly.) i Nor b'i' Edwia. , sailed from Bji- tol, ec. 5. I , tir barfc Jeo Davis, Can pbcll, sailed from Lond n, Dep 4. Ger britr Atlantic, Harder, Bailed 1 from Havre, Nov. id. ! , Svrd brfc Carin, Schmidt, sail-d from Hull, Nov. 25. I Ger brifr Diara, pchroder, sailed from Gloucester, Nov. S8 , Buss Hermo, Mickelsen, at Gloucester, Nov. 27. .Nor brijr Salters Hoye', sailed from New port via MartipiQue, Oct. Nor bark Arctic, Hansen, at Liverpool, November 20. Nor bark Dagmar, undelin, sailed from London, November 19. Nor bar Dia a, Roth, sailed from Hull, November 28. Nor D.irk yiiibeth, ; sailed froax Ant werp, November 28. . Aor bak .JTroj a, Ha'vjrsen, sailed from Oporto, November 9. Nor bark Jerbuin, Hvendsen, sailed from Haaburg-, November 24. Ger bark Marie, Kuyper, MaaSj at Liver pool, November 20. GerJark Meerkonig, Carstens, at 31ouces ter, -November 0. Ger bark Ottile, Lemtke,s ailed from Glou cester, November 16. Ger bark Wanderer, SrubiDg, at Glouces ter, November 20. Br bark Bl ckpool, Atchison, cleared trom London, November 18, Ger brig Einile, Whale, at Gloucester, November 16. Ger brig Martha, Lacge sailed from Lit tlehainpton, Nove nber 20. Nor schr Mary A Verden Bailed trom Am steid&m, November 2 J. Ger bark Fritz Von der Lacckin, Friere, sailed from Bremen, Nov 20. Nor bark J H Schweosen, GunJersen, cleared fr. m London, Nov 22 Nor bark Mar curias, , sailed from Ham burg, Nov 15. Ger bark Onkel, WaUenstein, sailedTrom Hamburg, Nov 22. Ger biique Gazelle, 418 tnm Ancker, sailed rom iverpool November 15. Russian brig Atlantv 344 tons, Nyberg, at .Liverpool, .November b Nor brig Dolen, 3 6 tons, Dietrlehsen, cleared from Liverpool November 6. Nor brig Knut Alfisn. 2d2 tons, Pedersen, sailed from Trieste, October 31. Nor ba k Rector 8tf er, 74 tons, Alobertr, sailedfrom London. November . Nor orig tit Halvard, : 97 tons, , sailed from Bilboa, November 1. Nor barque Brae, Njholm, sai-ed froai Rcchefort, Ocf. 6 Ncr ba-que Haven, PeterseD, at I iverpool, October'3j. Njr b ig Fram, Afarcbuieu sailed from Marseilles, October 29. Swd ba que Carin, Wcsterland sailed from Whitehaven, October 29. Nor brig Falus, Hansen, sailed from Bor deaux, October 29. Ger barque Cbarlotta & Anna, Iewein sailedfrom Hamburg, Oct. ?5. Nor barqne Frank, Parlnsen, sailed from Glasgow, Sert. 25. List of Vessels Over ,100 toas in Port Dec 12, 1879- BARKS. Ger Mauuro, 441 tons, Schul'z, Kobinson & King Xor Viva, 382 ton?, Peters n, R E Hride NorTitinia, 30J Ions, Albertsen, a v RE Ueide Xor ! iuga1, C;i2 tons, ra-uleusen, K E Ueide Sp Augusta, 374 tons, Gortia, E Pes. hau & Westeruiann Br Bessie Parker, tits tons, Tucker, C P Mtbane G ?r Treue, 4o0 ton?,. Slelrlj E Pygctiau Westf-rniann Arg Enr:q ie,5S2' foi's, Parson, CP Mtbane Nor Vikii g, 2G4 tor:?, Rasrnussei., RE Ueide GerLydia Peschau, 370 tonc, Breniers, E Peschau & Westettnann Ger Mai k', 5( 7 tous, Pennien, repairing, E I'os hau & ster.nann a. 9 Gsr Helios, 300 tins, Bergar'z, E Pe?cbau & W esterrnanrj Nor Yultare 224 tons, Rilerfsen, R E Teide Sp Dos Cunados, 227 tou, , Laid up fr r pairs SCHOOLERS. Am Charley Bucki, 24J tons. Fcs, Am Wyoming, 107 ton, Foss. U li tkei & Co Br Carleton, 09 t"ns, Albtiry, E Kidder & Sons Am T B WitherspDon, 364 toes, Sbepard Master Am Annie R l,iewis,2l4 tons, Lewis, E G Barker & Cn Am John Griffin, S05 tons, Selover, llarnss & ITowpII Am Jeiicle F .Willie, 09 tons Chadwick. f I ' easier Am Altavela, 128 tons, Holt, repairing. X G Barker & Co in, R,.ni irtiMit. tnn w,itOP . EG Barker & Co COMZJESCIAL HEWS. i WILMINGTON MARKET 1 Decembks 12-4 F M.I ... . SFlKl'I-a TURPENTINE Quoted firm at cents.' Sales f75 cafcks at that figure. KOSIN tooted quiet at f a 30 for Strained and Good r-trained. LiaterWe hear of sales 2,oJo bblsGood trained at SI 27'. 1 ' TAR Firm at fl 10. Sales receipts at quotations. ) CKUDE TURPENTINE Firm at ?1 W for Hard and 2 60( for Yellow Iip. i?ales receipts at quotatioos. 1 COITON Quoted dull. No sales report d The following are the official quotations : Ordinary Good Ordinary Strict Oood Ordinary., , Jjcw illddhog Middling. Qnd iliidliri$r 11 ot. ll J3-16 - ' 12 3 IC c )22' MX DAILY BICKIPTa Uou n 1,106 bales Spirit Tarpentine.. 1$ casks Bosin 1 136 bb Tir 66 " ' Grade Turpentine 16 " MARINE !NSWS. AHK1VED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smith ville Geo Myers. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville Worth & Worth. Steamship Benefactor, Jones, New York, T u Bond. , CLEARED Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smith vllie Geo M yers. 1 Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayettevilla Worth &. Worth. Danish barque GaleonJ Kallsball, Liver IK)ol, Robinson and King. Ger barque Margaretha, Hillerichs, Ant werp, Williams & Murchison. 1 Exports. COASTWISE. , I New York Steamship Benefactor 1.91 1 b lies cotton, 244 bat;s rough rice, iUO pk's$s shooks, 300 Jobls tar, 34 csks spts turpt, 10 hales yarn, 1 do wool 11 bb!s crude jturpl, 12 pkss mdse. roasiss. , Liverpool Dn bariue Galeon-2,8y.3 bbls rosin. i ' 1 Aetwerp Ger barque Margaretha 4.9SU bbls rosin; : WEEKLY STATEMblUT OF STOCKS ON HAND DEC. 8, 1879. Ootton ashore 10.065 afloat 1,737 Total 11,862 Spirits ashore...., 1,769 afloat..;... 207 Total 16,976 Rosin ashore 110,4 ' 1 afloat.. 8,42 Total 1I8, 8 b Tar ashore. 5,314 afloat........ Total 6,314 . 1 Crude ashore.: 1,374 afloat. Total 1,L74 f BB0KIPT8 FOB THS WEEK KNIMSfi DBO. U, Cotton 4,f08 Spirits 1,C9 RoBin 12,485 Tar 1$4 Crude 2,14 KIPOBTi FOa THH WEES ESDISS DEC. f tb. Domestic Cotton. 2,139 dpirito 11 ftosin..., i r'7'i Tar 486 Crude 21 Foreign. Ootton 2,551 Spirits 2 5u2 Rosin 12,150 Crude Miscellaneous Salt. Salt. Salt. 21,000 Sacks Salt NO W ON WAY FROM ENGLAND AND A PORTION PAILY EX PECTED ! Factory Filled Fine Table AND Liverpool Ground Alum, FULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED. EVJolasses. CUBA, PORTO RICO, SUGAR 1IOI si; IN H1IDS., TJERCES AND BARREL5. AGENCY FOR MARVIN'S SAFE AND SCALE COMPANY. HAZARD POWDER Co. BLASTING POWDER, in Kegs. INDIAN RIFLE POWDER, in Kess. K ENTUCKY RIFLE POWDER, io Kegs. DUCKING POWDER, in 6 lbs Canisters JTiNE ELECTRIC Sporting Powder n 1 lb Canisters. APPLY AT " WILL ARD'S." dec 8 Just Received. A TRS. 8. J. BAKGK haajcitrec ired a if Xnice s'ock of Millinerj aod Fancr Goodi, cyuf s, Hoods, Hoct$ and Children1! Croch eted' Cloaks. AU finds of Mourning Bats aod Bonnet. Also, an:celetot Hair Goods, Braids, Puffs, C quel's Carls and Wigs, jest arrived. 1 trl f y "T" 7 " dec 9 Houses and Stores to Bent APPLY .TO THE McKOYS, Attorneyi andlConxisellors at Laxr Ofica Aorta BWe MartetBt between 2d and 34. .... aofSS Miscellaneous. The World for 1880. i Dernocrtta t rery where should Inft rm them- se.ves ca elnllT sake of the action of their party throughout the country and of the moTmet of their tepublic&n opi onen s A f i are to ro th f in 8 6 contributed trest It to the losbj the Ueuocrcj o the fruit tf thetict rj airij won at the polls. T e jtir 18 0 pr mises to be one of the most interesting and import t jears of this crowded and eventual century. It will wit ness a Presidential election which may result in reestablishing the UoTrnment f this country on the principle! of its constitutional founders, or in permanently changing tbe re lation of the Htates to ihe Federal power. flo intelligent man can regard such au elec tion with indifference. '1 ne World, as the oclj daily English newspaper published in the city of htw York which upholds the doctrines of constitutional Deaosracy, will steadily represent the Democratic party in this great canvass )t will do this in no spi it of eervile partisanship, but temperately and firmly. As a newspaper the World, being the organ of no man, no cliqie and no inter est,' will present the fullest and tbe fairest y iciureit can make ot 'esc'i day's hintory in the ci y. the State, the count' y and the world. It will ai in hereafter, as beretolore, at accuracy first of all things in all that it publisher No " an, hoaev r humble, 'shall ever be1 praitted trul? to c itni lain tha he r aa betn unjustly de-ilt with in th columns of The World. .No inttjreri hiw rr pner fal, shall ercr be pe-'oifted truly to boast that it can tiL-nce tbe fair critiisnis of The W'.rld. During the past year Tbe World hassen its daily ci. culwtiou trtb'ed and its weekly circulation pushed far beyond that of aj other weekly . 1 ewspaper in the country, 'ibis peat 11 crease t.as been wen, as Th WoUd believes, by truthfulness, enterpri e ceaseietts activity in collecting news an-1 un falterint loylty. to itself and to its readers in dealing with the questioas of the fay It i our hope and it will be our enoear rtha The Worl d's re"rd for 1P80 may be written in the approb; tion and the sur po t of many thousands more of new readers in all parts ot this InditsoluDle Lnion of Indestructible States. 1 ' 1 RATES. Our raies o' f ubscr;ption remain unchang ed, ard are as follows : I)m1v a d Sundays, one year, $ 0; six tn' ii b:, $. 0, three mortis, $i 75. 1 hiiv,. with, ut undays, one yr f R; six OK-Cihs $i.25; th-ee months, $1 2b; !e n. a three mnth-i, $1 a month. Ilieunday Wo Id. one yar, $2. lhe Mocd y World, containing tne Book Reviews and ' College Chronicle," cne 3 ear, $1 60 The etui -Week v World (Tuesdays and Fridays; i wo ' Dolla s - a year. To Club Ace. jts An xtra c py for club of ten; tbe Daily for en b cf twenty-five. The Weekly W0;ld (Wednesday) One Dollar a jer. To Club Agents An extra copy for c ub of ten, the 8emj Weekly for club of twenty, the Daily for club of fifty Spec mn numbers sent free on app jea tion. ' Terms Cash, inva iab'y in advar ce, Send rosf-oflice mony order, bank drsft or reg'stered letter. Bit's : t risk of the lend er. Acdrtss 35 Park Row, W. lr. A SPECIAL OFFER- 8ub3cihers who send $ I for a year's sub scription b fwre D ceuber 28 will receive Tte Weekly World from the date of their subscription To JJ arch 5, 1881. "hi ill i elude the Presid ntial campaign nrt the i' auguration of Ue r ext President. Old sub8c iters whe send before lie C'-n.bei 21 f r a renewal of their sob er ip ti'n for 1880, will receive The Weekly orld to Match 5, 1881, without missing a number. ThU -OflVr will be With drawn leeeniber 29. Takeadvantage of it at onca Subjcribe a ore, bene w at once. - dec 10 MARSHALL AKD LIVERPOOL (AtT. JUST IN. i rrr Sacks MA RhH ALL.- iOUU FINE,8ALT OOOn Backs LIVEKPOOL HALT, Ouuu htriped l-acks Eagginff, Ties, ic- 1000 w hcle-and-BaIf KolIs B A 00 N 3000 Bandies Hew TIES, AAA Lbs Bailing' Twine, CJUU 1300 Kejrs Naila, all sizif. Hoop Iron, Spirit Barrols, Gin Molasses, Flour, .Sugar. 175 Hhds and BDls Molasses, l lQ0'Bbhf FLOUB,-Fjmilj o Spper, j q Bags Bio Coffee, 200 Bo?e Pure CandI; Bbls and Boxes-Fresh Crackers, 150 Boxe Selected Cream Cheese, Laandrj and Toilet Hoaps, Lje and Pot ash, Sods,, Candles, Unuff, Tobcc, Ac For sale lowbj WILLIAMS k M0BCBI3ON, dee 8 Wholesale Oro. 4 Com. Mer. Four Dollars; FOR FOUR DOLLARS joa etn buy an elegant Hand Sewed Gaitsr. oiada on an elesrant Hand Saved CiAtr m nn f T ..A . Saw T . mm I uiin sew, neat ana VK&Y CHEAP. booxm ana oboes of erery ceecrip tion at extremely low prices. THOS. H. HO WET, No. 47Maiketst dec 8 SCHOOL OF DRAWI3G PAINTINO. ETC. TNSTRrCTION GIVEN io Crafoii, Lepi. A and India Ins: Draw in r, aJso. Palatiav U Water Colors, Oil, Pa tel and Coloring Photographs, at reasonable rates. - For fn-thar ntrHMlin tmmt-. .a iv School Booms ofilijaea Barr 4 James, in the rear cf St.' James Church. nor 23 Ilisoellanooiis. THEY ARE STORMING THE FORT Hut, than. Heavens, REINFORCEMENTS Arriviher Daily ! bV Rail and Steamer ! In ibo vvy )f TONS Of C -NDY. , ' NUTS. RAISINS. APPLES GRANGES. FIGS LE MQNS CRACKERS. CANNED GOODS MV'C MEAT. ' ' ' JELLIES. PRESERVES. FIRE CRACKERS. And o'lier aitic'es tdo numerous to meutiou. - i ' We propose to light It out on this line" If it takes until Clnis-mas. Ourst'H'k of H- a'-y (iroceries is Urge, ur WiiW a: d L'quor Department tine- quallt 1, all f which we will sell, either Wholesale cr Retail, gua?ar irt iug that j ou ran't lo belter in price eitl.er Ntiiib or South. Then hy ', . .''' i j not buy no r hou e ? Call antl see Us and' be c,tviuceit. v Boatwiight & XcKoy, S & 7 Worth Trout Street. d c 8 . - Watches, tHRONOJJErKKS, JEWELfcY, Ac j Re: aired noatlj an ! i roHptlTt br J L. WINNER, No. 3 South Front street, Wilmington. N. C. Orer tuentj years' exDerienee. Oire tra' trial. m.T ' wu varieties Alt any Cakes and Crackers -Cheap Xnough, FULL LINES Floor, T?ngrs,i Coffw, Teas, Syrnrs, Molasses, 8oa s, Ljs, Bakicf Ponders. Cisrara. ConfectioneHe4. Ac. told at mannfaetarers prices. Coaaiftn-mer-ts Apples, Oabbsge, Oiions, Potstoei, Butter and Country Produce constantly oomr ing u to '' -,' ' T. B. HENDERSON A CO., oct 23-tf Corner Cbesnnt A Water iti- ND HIS UNCLES AND HIS Coosini sxd Lit Sisters and his Aunts is inrited to wit cess the Grand Dress Parade Krery day and erery ereaing at the Boston 5 and 10 Cent? Store, On North Front Street. The Stock is tbe largest and meat azteftsirs of the kind io the S Ute, and embrace a r$rj great rariety of wful aad pret Iff hich are sold tfc ere for leas tnao kalftke money urn ally demanded for then Th lMttmi mul In Mm and tkeT tr u reliable goods. , Visitors from the oouatry are particularly iaTited to call and fee how far a Uttle aoosy will gn. ' ' ' . . ' '''.."' Kemesuer the plaee, tta ' Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store. North Front Street, beiweea Friaeeai aad Cheitaat. oct 25

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