THIS PiPfiK MUhed every afternoon, Bnadays ex- jOSH. T. JAMES, IDITOB ASD PBOFKIKTOK. . . usCBIPTIONS, POSTAQ E PAID, 5 ear, $5 00 8ix nM5nthe 2 50 i Thr j JoBthfl, $1 1 5 ; ne month 60 oenU pper will be delivered by carriers, ofcbarin any part of the city, at the r 'ritea. or 13 cents per week. "idTertiaiBK rate, low and liberal Subscriber will please report any and glares to receive their papers regularly. Miscellaneous. DGV I. N ffl AKPhTK ... TTftirniT n i Tinri m n ROWN & RODDICK, P 45 Market St. Will show' the largest assortment of Carpets South of New York. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Further particulars next week. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. i ;-.. .. vSO "M HAA T? :inrnoon f.Ail in fill SI New Enterprise. Tarpets, Carpet Ca ii1f, Carpets. V; invito all to call who have AXYilea of purchasing such goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. AYe also invite all to call whether, they have any idea of pur chasing or not. Carpets ! Caroets ! Caroets ! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 X&arket Street nor 7 ' MARSHALL ANDFUYERPQOL SALT. , JUST IN lnA Sickj MARSHALL' JUUU FINE.8ALT, Qflfth Sacks LIVERPOOL 8 ALT, OWU Striped Sacks. BaggingTies, &c- 1000 Whclend-Half Bolla BAOGltfO, QQQ Bandies New TIES, OftA Lbs Bailing Twine, 0JJ 1300 Keas Nails, all sizes.. Hoop Iron, Spirit Barr Is, Glue. Molasses, Flour, .Sugar. Jyj Ends and Bola Mohvses, 1100 Bbl FLOUR, Ft mil j to Super, I II bl 8r?. granulated A, Extra I x LO C, and U. Q Bags Rio Coffee, 125 Tttbs Choiw Leal Lard 200 BXe8 Pur Candy, 1 25 'Ebl and Boxes--Freh Crackers, 150 BIe 8elected Cream Cheese, .tbhrr !nd Toilet Soaps, Lye an( Soda, Candles, 8nua, Tobcc I, A id Pot Ac. or sale low b v WlLLIAMS ft MDRCH1SON, aec i5 Wholesale Qro. Com. Mer. Notice. 'pas FEMALE SCHOOL will be resumed a the Burgaw Academy building on the first Monday in January next, under the di ction of competent teachers. Bgw, Dec. 1, 1879. dec 2-lmd4ji nn i VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1879. NO. 267 LOCAL NEWS. , New Advertisements. Gse. N. Haaaiss Knights f Honor. 4 (thioi Clothing. j', ' A D Cazacx For Sale. Rich abb J Jo ski Notice Reduction in price f Qas. i I John J Bedeick For the Holidays. A. 4 1, 8Haisa8Deciil Bargains. P HaiHSiasaia The Most Attractive. Wicdow Glass ah sizes at ltafler i& Price's. t The steamship Hegulafdr, with a full cargo, arrived here this morning j froni New York. " 111 . : , I 1 "Eggs is eggs'Tuow. Tliey sell 5 cents a piece in the five ceqtj stores but they are built of porcela'n I i If. will be good news , to consumers to learn that the price of g:is in this city has' been reduced by The Company ( to $J.50 per M feet. ' ' I1 -j ' ' Mr. G. S. NortoniLspector of Lijgbt Uouse8, visited the Light Ship on yester day. He was taken oxt by the Revenue Steamer Oolfax. ,1 1 i Save your money by buying 3 our iiuild ng Supplies from Altaffer Sb I'rice. f The tramp who was given one hour by His Honor the Mayor, this morning, to leave the city, was carried to the uard honse this afternoon dead-lf-druuk. , Do not forget the lecture at the Opera Hcuseto night. There is a treat in store for those who have not heard it. And then there is charity for the obj ct, in 1 - ueiivertng it. , . , You can buy a No. J heating or Cook Stove at almost any price jat Jacobi's.No. 10 South Front street. ,1 1 f The Raleigh Observer 1 Sites that' over 57,000 bales of cotton have bjjen snipped from Hamlet in the direction jof Raleigh since September 1 . j ' . Poultry i- rather scarce in this market now. It i a said that the (luuntry people are holding back ur til a little nearer Christmas in hopes of getting still better prices. j The river was still risisng, but slowly, when the steamer Murchlsoji left Fayette ville yesterday morning. J At that tim mere, was upwards or hve teet of water on shoals. Gustave Rieb was carried before the Mayor this afternoon, charged with sell iog goods without a license. He was ordered to pay for, the licence and was subsequently made to pay g10 for tempt of court. f con- Mr. Orr, t'ae photographer' took a photograph to-day c-f the Telephonic Ex change in this city. The I view presents the . interior of the ExchaWe. with Mr. He DeForest and his corps oif Operators. succeeded in getting a very good type The elegant summer residence recently completed by Capt. A'. I) Cazaux, at Msonboro 8onnl. u oflerdd by him fo: sa'e. It is, perl f l aps, the 3. most desirable p?ace ' on t he coast, with an elegtt sra I fron t. arge rooms, extensive piazzas, aiid good water. It was built uuder Capt. Cazaux's per sonal supervision and is evry j respect a charming and desirable resid jncd. ' -i4- At Hff insrjerffTS. Mr V Heinlerer h is ii lde l largely! to his stock of goods for the feo'iday trade His novelties and fancy artijpks are , dis played in large handsome show cases' and his store presents a beautiful appearance. It is one of the most attractive places ia tho city and the display is superb. 1 Robbery.' j Thieves have again visited the residence of Mr. Thos. Sheppard, on the jold plank road.abont two miles frpm this (city. An ' j entrance to the . house was tffected by cutting out a transom on the side of the frontdoor. The theives succeeded in car rying off a law bags of pease and jsome bedding. Mr. S. has been! I robbed two or three times in as many weeks. Physicians' Wine. I j New York physicians say tbkt they hava been using Seer's Port Grapf Wine and Wine Bitters in their practice pr years, to the eutire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, and take great f pleasure in recommending them to the public as being all that is claimed for teni, and, in fact the most reliable they can fiud. For sale by Green 6 Flanuer, Jis. C, Munds and I Li. Bridgers & Co. I . ... - i A peifec, crying sick child lis trans lormfcd into a perfect cherub of rest and comfort by the application1 of FUgg's Liver and Siomich Tad, which cures without medicine. Office, Room No. 43, Purcel? House. i Da Peno&al. Mr. J. M Dowd, of the Farmer & Mechanic, of Raleigh, dropped in to see us this morning He U in the city on business for hU paper and will call on our merchants to morrow. Ylslt of Inapectltn. I. B. Abbott, colored, of Newbern, Grand Chief of the I. O. G. S. aod J. of 8., has arrived in the city on a tour oi inspection and is the guest of Geo. W. Price, Jr. To-night he will visit and inspect the Lodge in this city. Meat Cutters aud Sluflers, Guns, Grind stones and so on, at Jacobi's. Turned Ills Back i Pon Us. I The white tramp mentioned yesterday in the Review as having been arrested aud lodged in the Guard House, was this morning told by the Mayor to turn his back upon the city in the shortest possible space of time. In other words the Mayor said "you get" or words to that effect, and the fellow, be got away towards the setting, j ' A Daring Tliicf. The town seems to be infested at this time with daring thieves. Chickens ap pear to be the principal objective point, and it is hot only, the hen roosts, hidden in back yards, which suffer, but coops in trout of stores. A daring rascal thus rifled last evening, before it was well dark, a poultry coop which stood in front of Mr. E. W. Wards's store, corner of Market and Eighth streets, and succeeded in making off safelyjwith his boot, without being discovered. ! For the Holidays. Col. Jno. J. Hedrick comes to the front in this issue with a handsome double column advertisement for the eyes of the Holiday trade. Customers, ojld aud new, will find him at the same stand, north west corner of Market and Front streets. He has a beautifu Btock of goods for the Xmaa trade selected carefully by himself. which is a guarantee for the qual ity of the goods. Besides, everything Col Hedrick sells is sure to be found just ex actly as represented. Election or Officers and Installation. At the annual meeting of Wilmington Lodge of F. & A.Masons, held in Masonic Hall building last night, the following named persons were re-elected officers for the ensuing year: C H Robinson, W M; WH Chadbourn, S W; E G Barker, J W; A J, Howell, Treasurer; W S Warrock, Secretary. The installation will take place at the Lodge room in the Masonic Hall building on Saturday, the 27th' day of December, St.1 John's Day, at 10 o'clock in the morning. You pay the lowest cash prices for Household "Hardware at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. t The celebrated Zeb Vance and other Cooking and Heating Stoves at the lowest cas'ilpricts at JacobiJs Hardware Bepot. Returned to Ills Old Quarters. Dan Howard, colored, the j i'.or of this county, one of the suretieb on the bond i i t of George West, colored, who waa arrest ed some 'month or so ago for the larceny of a ham, brought back to this city last night the aforesaid West, and thereby saved his own bacon by producing the prisoner whom be was surety for, and who afterwards took leg bail and made a trip to Newbern for his health. It was from that place that Howard beard of the ubiquitous ham stealer, who jit seems was playing eff as a United States detec tive. 'But, lors a massie, honey, dat ting am long played out down here for sho'" was Dan's soliloquy, no doubt as soon as he h ;ard of West's sharp practice,so arrang mcnts were all made.the trap sprang and West fell right into the Sheriff of Craven's hands and was afterwards delivered to Howard, who, as above stated, brought his prisoner safely back here on the train last night j , : ; Indications. i For the Scnth Atlantic and East Gulf falling followed by raising , barometer, warmer southwest winds veering to colder northwest winds, partly cloudy weather followed by local rains. Cause and Effect i The main cause ol corvousness ie in digestion, and that lis caused by weak ness of the ' stomach i No one can have sound nerves and good health without using Hop Bi iters to strengthen the blood, and keep the liver and kidneys active, to earry off all the poisonous and waste matter of the syetem- See other column, i KEY New Advertisements. Fortune LMIolDdays AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF NfCX TIES. 10 cei,ta to $1 5". Great Bargains in COLLARS AND CUFFS' ai and Fancy; Fancy and Plain HANDKERCHIEFS. Cheap. A great bargain m Misses BORDERED HAXDK'S.l ure Lineuiao prdt. Balmoral SkirtsCheap Qualities. The Best 50 c Corset in the City at 4:8 cts A sensible present for a ne ly fuend can b3 had in Jur 25c Dress Goods, the very best ft r the price iu the city. Black Caslimcrs, all Wool, 50 cents upwards ! English Ilosioi'y for -Ladies and Children, 1 With a full stock of cheap and desirable Staple Goods. Buyers are invited to examine. dec 17 ' DIED. i II Z JEKALD In thU city, yesterday af temooQ, MAGGIE A., youDgest daughter of Margaret and John Fitzgerald, aged about even years and sine months. Board of Aldermen. 'The Board of Aldermen met in called session last night, at the City Hall, pres ent, 11 is Honor Mayor Fishblate, and Aldermen Myers, Flanner, Bowden, Vol lers, VonGlahn, and Hill. The Mayor stated that he had had an ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to enforce the collection of the balance of the taxes for 1879, which he desired to submit to the Board. He then read the following: Ordinance providing for the collec tion of Taxes due the City of Wilmington for the tear 1879. Whereas the dilatory system heretofore pursued by the city in the collection of its taxes has been the direct cause of a arge accumulation of dilinquent taxes, which have entailed upon the city an additional burden of expense in the ad justment of the same; therefore be it Ordered, by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of said city of Wilmington, and it is hereby ordered by the same, That the Treasurer and Tax Collector be, and be is hereby required, under the penalties prescribed for non-performance of duty, to make full and complete re turns, on the 15th day of March. 1880, for all and every amount charged to the several taxpayers upon the tax books of 1879, which said several charges amount in the aggregateAto $ . Ordered, further That for the purpose of carrying out the foregoing ordinance, the Treasurer and Tax Collector is here by authorized, empowered and directed to give legal notice, by advertisement at the Court House door and three other public places in the city of Wilmington, for thir ty days, commencing with January 15 th, 1880, of all real estate taxes remaining unpaid on that date. On February 15tb, 1880, the Treasurer and Tax Collector shall proceed to sell and dispose of said real estate, in satisfaction of said taxes; Provided, however, that at least ten days before such sale each delinquent shall be notified, by personal service of so much of said advertisement as relates to said real estate; and, Provided, further, that in every instance where a delinquent shall have sufficient personal property to satisfy his said taxes, said personal property, wherever the lime may be found in said city, shall be levied on, and, after ten days' legal advertisement, sold in satisfaction of said tax before his said real estate shall be sold for said taxes i In all cases where poll or personal prop erty taxes are due, the Treasurer and Tax Collector shah;, after giving ten) days' no tice before the first day ot February, 1SS0, levy upon the personal property of such delinquent and sell the same as by law pro vided to satisfy said poll and personal property taxes. Aud the said Treasurer and Tax Collec tor, in his said settlement to be made on the 15th of March, 1880, shall not be al lowed to show the sale of any real estate or the return of any delinquent as insolvent in said settlement, unless he can show, j by actua 1 levy and return, that he has ex hausted the personal property of each de linquent real estate taxpayer before selling his said real estate, and that he has ex hausted the pei sonal property of each de linquent poll or personal property taxpayer befoie returning him as insolvent, j Ordered, further, That Interest, at the raUoi 8 percent pet annum, shall be charged and collected on all taxes remain ing unpaid after the lat of January, 1880. Ordered, further, That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, inconsistent with this ordinance, we heraby repealed. Alderman Myers preiented a bill of Mr. James F. Post, for repays to Opera House porch, amounting to $107.24, and, on motion, the B ard Japjrovel the biP, The rebuil ing of firel wharf j at fbet of Walnm street, at an efenses not peed 3208, was reooocinended by the Board of Audit and Finacce. Adjourned. w. New Advertisements. y Knigrhts of Honor, QAROLTNA LODGE 434. Meeting tomor row (Thursday) evening, at 7 o'clock, fur the purpose of Conferring Degrees. dec 17 GEO N. HARRI83, Reporter. Office of The Wil. Gas-Light Co V Wilminsion; y. C , Deo. 16, 1879. "gY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DI RECTORS, the price of Qai ias been-reduced to $2 50 per thousand feet. Keduo tloa to take eft'act on all gas consumed frem December 1st, 1879. . . RICHARD J. JOXEP, cccl7-lt Sect'y & Trea. ' A FINE STOCK OF lot' -hiti i - - ' I AT 3YI TJ IM S O Iff' r j EXCEEDINGLY LOW. i dec 17 For Sale. A MOST DESIRABLE PLACF, on Ma eonboro Sound, with a beautiful Water Front, and the finest Ocean View on tte Sound. Two story Dwtlling with tix rooms, large piazzas,- metal roofj fine .Cistern and 8prinr; two room Cottage and KitcheD, be sides Servant Rooms, Stable and Carriage House, Bath and Boat House. All new and built of best mateiial. Farties desiring to examine premises will find keys on place. For further information apply to decl7 2w A. D. CAZAUX. Lecture. WBDNBS3AY, DSC. 17. HON. 4. M. WADDELL, will repeat h!a 1 ecture on A New View of North Car olina History" at tte Opera House next Wed nesdayj evening, for the benefit of gi. James' Home.! Lecture to commence at 1 P. M, 1 Tickets 25 cent. To be ha 3 at the Book stores and at the door. dec 13 Fair and Festival, B Y THE LADIES of Front slreet LI. E. Church, at the City Hall, THURSDAY . I - NIGHT, the" 18th, when they will hare GOOD THINGS to eat and a uch Christmas for the Children. 1 dec 16-ut Around the World in 80 Days. nfl HE "NEW j GAME. InteretiDfr, fxci- J. ttcar and xostruchre. HometbiOK entire y new. Variety is the spice of life. Cali'at LT P.Newman's Tobacco and Ciar Emporium and tee for yoursalTej.1 An nout's amuse ment in a novel war. dtcl6 3t fL. P. NEWMAN. Visitors for Xnias Goods ' -! ' -'J--- y'OULD DO WELL to stop at the HOWARD HOUSE, Corner Front and Mar ked streets, fl per day, 5 per week. Rooms and beds are neat and clean and the tablls are supplied with the best thi market jffjrda. dec 16 6t Special Bargains, M AY BE HAD THIS WEEK AT in ere-ythin in the waj of Gent's and Youths' Clothing, HatsJ Cap, Timbrel! w, Satchels and FornULIng Gvodu Oar ar rangemesta for theHoljdar Trade are com plete and we are offering rare bargains sew. Call and see them at SHRIEK'S TOO STORES, i dec U Market sU PLEASE rroucE. We will be glad to receive eoaiiscnicatica . from ocr frianda on any and all e"abJecteVt I central interest bat : 1 1 ! - 1 I v e atie of the writer must alwayr to far j r,--W to the1 Editor. . j snjunicaUons mast be writUn" on rnlj j t side of tLeaper. Personalities must be aroidod. . And it is especially and particularly 'n:.;, r stood that the Editor doe cot always erd.. the views of correspoadaate. uuless so s'n'f. in theedltoriil coluans, New Advertise monts. FALL h WtM GOODS. AT fl? M. KATZ'S. MarKfOl. HAVl(i MXCFFl)tl f , weeks of uniij iug itulii;. iUr in buying Hie C1IOR 1 1 (-Ul't1 of European aud American Manufactur ers. I am. prepared to otl'or to my Fktixiis aud Frit-mis - i Bargains J lu air the-tlim-ront De'partiiieLtjs, which cannot be excelled iu ' - - ')"'' A R IE TY AND Dyaiiy Iluuse in; the city or elsewhere. BLACK DRESS SILKS'! Ofliellon, Guihet, Teillard ai;d Icnsoi! I manufacture. ' I Cur celebrated heavy Soft GKOS qUAlN for One Dollar per yard. I - : ; - : . V i Colored Silks, "Silk Vel- vef, Saline, iii: I'lain a-d Satin Suites. ESS GOODS. Satiii Mfdange.OasLmero, fcoieV Brocage ie1, Brocage ur, btupe-l rersan, rersan iiaye, j Itaye Brqcbe, Cavalo Mohair, bacm, C.smeFs Hair, Colored Cashmeres from' 15 centa up,! Colored Alpacas, all shade?, Vi c'it3, Double Width Colored Alpacas, heavy, only 10 cents per yard. A Great Variety of diffarent'stylesi suit able fjr the season, very low. j i' Mourhing: Goods. The best aso'-tmnt ever offered here, in Drab D'Ele, liombazine, TamUc, Crapo Cbth ; Plain, btriped andi Diockde Cas'i mere; Henriettas, Mohairs, Australia- ' Cloth -v. : . 1 " i . i V GloaKsIalwoofs.Sliwls, Trimmings, Silk, Grass and Clieneil Frin ges, Gloves and llosiery, every stjle, good and cheap, Skirts and JCorsets, .. r The best Fifty Cent Corset ever'soldiin the city. j. . . , i . Ribbons, i Fancy, Satin, Striped and . fjweaded. Lazes and. Embroideries' in rcateit varle ty:. Housekeeping Gxds, Iilauket?, Flan- Men and 3075' Wear; ' ' - I-'' Ladies' Cloth, Ladies and Children's IL'e riuo Vests, Hucbings, Ties, Fancy Goods.. One Thousand Dozen Lincri Handker-f chie&, from 5c np. DOMESTIC GOODS, etc.', etc., &c, all at prices which defy com: petition, 'and Qualities which cannot fail to give satisfaction. I can assure my kind patrons that every arjtic!e will be sold AS EOW, and TUE MAJOUITr LOWEIt than at any previous season.- 4 l, Order Samples' andjyou wiirbe'certaia u patronizy i 1 1 20 Market SI. oct 27 he Most Attractive ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL PRESE.NTAriON GOODS, ever brought to Jhis,city,: Is to bo ssenkt TBS LIVE BOOZ OTORZ. Call early and make jour eelectiort. Tbll are all new designs, and just the thing jou want. . Handsome Bibles, Prayer Bookf, Hymn Books, Desks, Jewelry Cnef, And Ten Thousand and Una New OrnamenUl Articles for sale at HEIN3B1RGEE'H, 33 and 41 Market sr. dec 11 Warm Weather, A ND I AM glad to say lower piicci Tor WOOD, as it U ar nnmow In fell Ir.w tnA sustain the reputitioa of the CEN1IUL TRD. Prepare yourselves for the next cold snap. j decs. 1 . j. hpri snv.rt, 1 J-.,-.:-.