T11IS PAPKJi FLEA3EJ?0TICE. ! r r BSCKlPTIONSf POSTAGE PAID. iU .r 5 00 Biz months, $2 50 Three h. 11 J5: One month, 60 cents. per will ' be delivered by carriers, Jf charge, in any part of the city, at the Ve rates, or 13 centa per week. '"'irertisin(? r&tei low and liberal aeSabicriberi will please report any and Shires to receive their papers refrularly. ICew Advertisements. SOLUTION la CARPETS SHOWN & RODDICK 45 Market St. Wiil show the largest assortment of Carpets South of New York. - r - Carpets, Carpels, Carpets, Carpets. Further particulars next week. Carpets Carpets Carpets, Carpets. Over 250,000 JRoprosonted in this New Enterprise. Carpels, Carpet-?, Carpels, Carpets. HY- invite all to call -who have AiWiJea of purchasing , such goods. Carpels, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. We also invite all to call whether they have any idea of pur chasing or not Carpets ! Carocts I Caroets ! BROWtf & RODDICK, 45 Market Street, nor 7 MARSHALL AND. LIVERPOOL SALT. JUST IN. Iftflfi Sacks MARSHALL'; JOUU FINE.SALT, QOOn Sacks UV1RPOOL 8 ALT, o JVU Htriped Sacks. Bagging:, Ties, c&c- 1000 Whcle-ndHalf Kolla BolNG 3000 Bundle8 5ew TIES Ofin Lb Bailing Twine. JvVJ 1300 Ken Nails, all sizes. Hoop Iron, Spirit Barr Is, Glae. Molasses. Flour, lSagar. J 7 Hhde and BdIs Molasses, H00Bbl8 FL0UR F.mily to'Fnper,. Mr Bblg Solars, Granulated L, Extra 1 W C, and c. 0 B Rio Coffee, 1 25 Tubs Cb ,ice L61 Lard 2Q0 Boxw Pure Candy, BbU and Boxes- Freah Crackers, 150 BoXC 8elected Grm Cheese, ..hLTwrj.!DdJToilet FoPS Lye and Pot t h' S"dk Uwdle., Snuff, Tobacco, Ac ftr sile low bj ' , W1LLIAM8 A MURCHISON, fle la WhA!...i.fi ri w MoeAe VmI e uiu a Notice. TlMi FEHaLE 8CHOOL will be resumed lu the Bargaw Academy budding on the h:t Mondaj in January next, under the di ecti.n of competent teachers. BarSw, Dec. 1, 1S79. dec 2-lmdAw : l-i - .- " r" - ' - Ur iii VOL; IV. I i WILMINGTON, N. C., THUKSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1879. NO. 268 LOCAL1 NEWS. rirh New Advertisement; K. M. McIntirs 8tapl and ' Fancy Gaa. y, Harkiss, K Knights of Hon r, Aesss SeHaiYsa-Administrator's Netice. ji onion Clothing. ' Cbjnlt & Morris Oranges. Jh e I'o to Kico A. A I. SaaiEa Special Barerin8. P liKiKBBKasia The Most Attractive. Another beautiful day Just one week io C For other locals h e fourth pa;e Wii dow Glass-' -ah fciizeis at luffiJr & Price's. Bid weaiuer lir Ubristuiaa is among . ii the prophecieB. 1 j The meeting i f it Juts oT Honor called for to-night has been postponed I i i S'.eainsbip JAufadort J -ne?, hencej. arrived at New Y oik on the 15 h iiist. Ba que Concur lia, (No ) OJs?n, h'.-nce, arrived at Liverpool on , the 14fb ins?. Baique Edwin Herlolrom, sailed j from Bristol, Eng., (or, this port on) tlie 5tb iust. 'Turkeys are raring i sumptuously now little thinking what their iloom will be iu the near future.' Barque Emma Ctyv'k, (lii) Woodl-uid and brig Anna (Nor) Salversen, hei.ee' arrived at Liverpool on ihiliiih inst. Meat Cutters dud iSviiffdis, puus, Grind stones and so on, at LlACout's ' I ! i M The oyster trade is now in full blast and the delicious bivalves are to be had in almcst any quantity in; this market. How charming the iladies look in seal skin sacques 1 But a yourg man who opens oysters for a living may be just as Save your money by buyiug 3 our Build- ng Supplies frorii Altafl'er & Prise. f - J :A h . ; Christmas is rapidij coming this way and the joung man with a No. 9 foo1 will, as usual, be presented with a pair 0 No. 6 slippers. j . " ! ; it ' H IndicaUons. For the Scuth Atlantic States north east to southeast wids, cooler, partly cloudy weather and rising Barometer. J : 1 j I ' i j The ladies are takirg advantage of the beautiful weather and are beginning to throDg tho streets arad slorep looking fi r somethiui; for the dear little ones at home .. . ? 1 Painting pictures on o'ii tea cups is very nice employment for a wpman, but the girl who can fix up a ' las winter s bonnet is the one Who wi in the world. 1 1 make her mark I ! New silks are of gros grains, in mul- bprrv; Kottle.preen. .TaD anese blue and Jt c , r shades of brown which 'partake of copper Hign colors are represented; ny poppy and peonyTshades. , 1. Mr. W. M. Co'iinf,! tha 'well known - 1 1 : 1 1 i caterer, hjs opened a (restaurant a tem perance house, id the Tierken bui ding, on Front streat, a lew d ors abcjve i D.ck street. He is nicely oca;ted and is pre pared to sleep as we41j as to f el people. Skif ta are worp short this jeason, and are trimmed witi the usual flu ace, ior k;ltflounces, kniJe blade arJ d box pun iiose skirtsjor lugs. Patters appear 01 t scarfs, and arranged to proiluc? panier cfT-cts. Yoa py t. loW st c isjh j pi icesj for Household Hardware at Jcofji's Hard ware Depot. ' I ' t Three or four stuffs Ire jieduir 3d to make a black silk jcoitume now. First is the heavy silk, hen the velvet brocade for the draped sash, thjm the satin for pipings, aud la.t of all! Jhe cheap silk for the underskirt. Tb1? best receipt for g mg through life in an exquisite way, with beautiful manners, isj.0 ft-el that everybody, no matter how rich or how poor, needs all I the kindness they can get from others in this world. You cau buy a No. b6atiun or Cook ce! at JacJbi'so. Stove at almost any pn 10 South Front street. t The M. thodists in t bis State. t 1 1 1 During the year there were 241 locil preachers 61,613 white rbembers, 445 colored members, 713 Sunday schoo'a. 4533 teachers, 34,461 scholars, and the librarief of the various schools contained 24,530" volumes, valued at 7,398. ((There are 70 parsonages, and 764 churches, valued at $68,175, at I $702,385. Tbert are about 190 ministers, of which Dum- ber 15 are superannuated, active preachtrs. leaving 175 I1 i I ImproYins. Mr. "rantis M. James, who has been very sick for the past two week, has w far recovered as to be able to appear on the streets. He will enter upon the dis charge of his duties as a health officer on Monday. Notwithstanding the fact that the o d gentlemen has been sick for some time, bis "smellers" are as keen as ever. Dispatching Uogi. 1'be dog killer was cn the war path last eight He armed himself with strych 1 1 iu'do and fresh beef and distributed the poisoned beef in the vicinity of Sixth and Ann streets. This morning five or six fine caLines were dead corpuses, I and it the owners of the dogs should manage to Bud he "dog killer'' he woulcil not fare well. 1 Portu Rico Orances. I ' ! The schooner rost Doy, from Poui e Porto Rico, arrived here to-day with a lot of very sweet oranges. They were plac d in Messrs Cronly & Morris hands and it was ! decided to retail them from vessel at $2 25 per hundred or $18 per thou sand. The so who want a lot of very sweet oranges for Christmas will do well to send in their orders to Mtssrs Cronly & Morris. ' : I - 1 - I Tocjleau SilTei Spoons. The disagreeable discoloration of egg can be read ly taken from silver spoons jy washing them in potato water in which potatoes have been boiled. : It is much beter thon salt and does not scratch the metal j The taste offish may be re I moved very effectually from steel knives and forks by rubbing .them j with fresh orange or lemon peel. Magistrate s Court. Geerge West, colored, the ( same who 'played U. S. Detective in Newbern, after he had played on the Jailer and Register of Deeds in another role here, was to-day arraigned before Justice Millis for carrying a concealed Weapon at the time of his first arrrest, inj the shape of a bowie-knife or dirk. The defendant was committed to jail, after an examination I to await his t ial at the next term of the Criminal Court for this county. i : : i At Mclntire'.: i Capt. R. M. Mclntire has a new and very attractive; advertisement in tli issue. He has many things that would make nice Xmas presents, combining the useful with the ornamental. He knows what to buy for this market and just how to buy it and everybody, especial, are invited to call the - ladies in and see the display he makes aad ti e low prices he asks, before making up their list of holi day presents. Tlie Excursionists. 1 Our paper will be on the street when the excursionists sh all have arrived here this afternoon. There is a large crowd expected, some even from Virginia, many from Tarboro and j crowds from Goldsboro and stations this side. The streets of the city will probably be filled with them to-morrow and it is hoped that our " merchants will have all they can 'attend to! in the way of customers. I ! They Are Coining. 1 1 ! We learn from a gentleman who came down last night that a large number of rafts of timber and naval stores are on i 1 1 1 their way to this port from the Cape Fear and its tributaries. ; Several are re ported which are from the Coharie sec tion in Sampson county, besides others from different Iacalities. Our Informant siys that be did not count the number but feels confident that he passed n many as thirty after he left the vicinity of Point Caswell. City Court. The drunken white tramp who was carried to the guard home on a dray yes terday afternoon gave his name this morning to the Mayor ae Tom Kelley. He tried hard to work up a little sympa thy for himself but the Court j was inex orable and remanded him to a cell until i 1 ' i the law applicable to bis case could be looked into. -j A colored woman who gave her name as Mat Moore was arraigned upon the charge of disorderly conduct, but was re leased by Mayor Fishblate after a short lecture and permitted to go and try atd do better, , Seven street corner hucksters, all color ed individuals, were brought before the Mayor for non-payment of the huckster's license tax. After a snort examination the parties were all ordered released upon the payment of the tax. This ended the proceedings and the Court adjourned. II II tt ttm T tt ti rr n.'Hri. I r4 JUfiViBW: New Advertisements. Staple and Fancy 1 1 -: MY STOCK HAS BEEN IN As many are in q-test of Christmas and New Years' Presents, I will suggc.-t a lew arti cles as being both useful and ornamental. e ( A Good, Carpet with Rug to match. Niee Crumb Cloth, any 'size you wish. Uand ! 1 some Lace or Muslin j Curtains. Cretons for Lambrequins or Curtains. A Stylish Cloak, Diagonal or Plain. An elegant Dollman, Plain or Diag nal. A i'Mtty Dress,' a? you mat fancy. ( make a specialty of Black! Silks )T A good; BROCUET or; Wool Shawl. Table Cloths, in all sizea, in white aud all I colors, with Napkins to match. Hdkfs, IIig ery, Gloves, Ties. And mmy NOVECjTlE-J which we will be pleas-?d to show you. All areiuvited i!j - . I Respectfully, ! dec 18 ! U. M. UcZNTZRZS. The Cape Fear. Steamboatmen roport a rise of about 8 feet in the river with a very slight falling J oSf within a day orltwo. There is now a plenty good boating wa":er and the boats have no trouble nor delay in makingj thsir regular trips on time. ! Origin or Familiar Words. I Husband j is the bouseherd one who keeps the family together by supporting it. - Sometimes the wife is, practically, the husband, i j Wife means a weaver one who makes the cloth which dresses the family. Spinster is she who spins the yarn which makes the cloth which covers the family. ' j Lady is compounded of words which mean to give away, to dispense charity to the poor. The heirloom of a family is literally the apparatus for weavinjcloth. In early history it waa an indispensable article of household furniture, was well taken care of aad lasted for generations; was kept in afiectionate memory of those who bad gone before. In Qermany and Holland the j petticoat was considered the heir loom, worn by mother and daughter, aad granddaughter sometimes; so well were they made, and of so substantial a mate rial, and so cleanly kept, that they seem ed a'moet to never wear out. . ; ; I About Drinking Water. I i 1 1 : The following communication, which we have received from i Dr. Thomas F. Wood, Secretary of the State Board of Health; relative to .a I well knows spring in ttis city, is important and of interest to those who study the health of the peo pie: j 1 j N. p. Boas or Health. OtFCE or the Secretary. Wilmington, N. O. , Dec 17 1879. Editob Riview: M Dear Sib For the information or a 1 conceraO I send you the analysis made by Dr.; Ledoux of) the water from a spring cu the corner of Dawson and Second streeti, used ver largely Thy the people living in that neighborhood. It is known as the ' boiling spring' and its water is much esteemed for its supposed j purity. "Total solids in solution, 18 86 grains per gallot; chlorine, 2.20 grains per j gallon, free ammonia, .0932, parts in a million; alburxinoid ammonia, .182 ! parts In a million; lisae, large amount; carbonic acid, j large ameunt; iron 0; magnesia, trace. ! 'Nwe. The large amount of chlorine and of ammonia indicates that this water is aotjsafe for drinking. j 'A. R. Ledoux, Director;." -Yours, very truly, I Thomas F. j Wood. ; Secty. N. C. Board of Health. A Good Indorsement. It wculd no doubt be highly amusing, and at the same time astonisbiag, te see a complete list of all the expressive and 'powerful' names of the multitude of short lived medical preparations placed upon tie market during the past few years as 'most wonderful discoveries' and j'io fallible cures,' (In loc sigrio v inces.j bj unscrupulous speculators and ajdveDtur ers. lwho, recogniziBg the value of adver tisingeek by tbeie means to obtain public favor and popularity for their doubtful and too often entirely worthless and even dangerous preparations. And it is a genuine pleasure for us to commend Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup as one ef the few really deserving medicines offered to the public. Its adoption by many of our intelligent pbysioiamis due only to its real wo'rtb and merit and by thousands ef families it is regarded as 'the standard household remedy. ( PawA. D. C. Critic ) 1 Physician f Wine. ! New York physicians say that tbey have been using bpeer's Porl Grape Wine and Wine Bitters in their pctlce for years, to the entire satisfaction o? their patients and themselves, and take treat pleasure, in recommend ng them to e public as being all that is claimed for tern, and, in tact tbe most reliable they CM find. For sale by Green & Flanner, Jw. C. Munds i and P. L.Bridgers & Co. New Advertisements. INCREASED FOR THE BOTH .... 1 Goods ! Knierhts of Honor, QAEOLItfA LODGE 434. The Meeting called for to-aight, for the purpose of Confer ring Ijegreee, hag been postponed. declfr i GEO N.HARRI3S. Reporter. CHOICE P0RT0 RICO ORANGES. ' '; j TE ARE SELLLVd FROM i I I , 8CHR. POST BOT' , ' ' I ' I 1 I $2.26 per Hundred, tJ8 00 per Thousand, ! They are very sweet. Send oidcra to I i . , CRONLY h MORRIS, Star copy, j Auct'rs. deo 18 it j Administrator's Notice.1 rpHE UKDERSIBNED baring qualified a Adtainiatrix on ' the estate of Clans Schiirer, deceased, hereby notifies ail per- mm having claims against said estate of said deceased, to make immediate payment, and all persons haviar claims against said estate te prereat them, ior payment, duly authen ticated, en rr before the IS th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1880. either to the .mndersigned, or to Marsden Bellamy, Ei., Attorner-at-Law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery, j 1 1 AGNES 8CHR1 YE R, i1 i Administratrix of Claus Schiirer. deo 18-lt i 1 I 1 1 A FINE STOCK OF i h 'at M U 1T S O WS, EXCEEDINGLY LOVY. dec 17 1 1 For j Sale. AM 083 DESIRABLE FLACF, on Ma sonbore Sound, with a besutifal Water Front, and the finest Ocean View on the Sound. 1 Two story Dwelling with aix room, larfe piazzas, metal roof; fine Cistern land Bprintr; two room Cottage and Kitchen. I be sides Serract Rooms, tt table and Carriage House, tiata and Boat Uouee. All new aed built ef best material. . Parties desiring to examine premises will find keys on place, for further information applj to ! dec 17 2w, i A. D. CAZA.UX. i Fair and Festivalj i ' I A- BY THE LADIES of Front Street M. l 1 i . I Church, at the City flail, THURSDAY NIGHT, the.' 18th, when they will hare GOOD THINGS to eat and n uch Christmas for the Children. dec 16-3 1 Around the World in 1 , 80 Days. THE iSEW GAME. Interesting, exci tlne and iestructire. Bomethine entire r new. I Variety is the spice of life. 1 jCelit L. Pi Newman's Tobaoco and Cigar Knporium1 and see for yon rial res. An hoot's amuse ment in a novel way.! 7 i 1 i dee is st l. r, nWMa. , Yisltors for Xmas Woods yyOULD DO WELL to stop at tie HOWARD HOUSE, Corner Front and Mar- ke' streets. $1 per daj, $5 per week. Rooms and beds are neat and cleaa and the tables I' are supplied with the best this market 1 fTrda. dec 16 6t J ! r - Special Bargains. jyj-AY BE HAD THIS WEEK AT in, everything in the way of 1 Gent's end i i -i ' Touths Clothing, Bats, Caps, Umbrellas, Satchels and Femishing Goods. Our ar rangements for theHolldar Trade are eom- - plete and we are offering rare bargains now. 1 ' Call aad see them at SDRtKR'S TWO 8TORK8, dee U Uatlef eu We will be jrlad to rjccelve eommuhii aiioa? in oar friends cn any and1 all t: general interest bat y ) naae nf the 'writer mast slwayr be fa i'hed to tha ..Editor. ! I i-ogasiunicauoas meet be written f-n n ne side of thepaper. j - 1 ... 1 ; ersonauttea must be aroidd. And it 13 efpecia'.lj and particular 1. 1 etcod that the Kditor dWv not alwsyl erdr ia the edltoridlicolaocnf.l .1 1 ' I New Advertise menu FALL t Willi GOODS. AT WLV M; EATZ'S, :iC Maikel MJ-df HAVING MCCFKI; , 'J.,.. weeks of ui.tiriii" i: ., , h If, in buying the CllOK I1 . i'i.oI'C'i f Eurcpeau aud ! Amcricaii 1 nniacti: ers. I am prepared to ol t to my. l'Ltroi and menus 1 i . Bara:alins In all tl;e tHnirH iit 1)( p;.r ckai.ii(t be excelled in ' I iM . A R ! E T V AND EXCE IrXiE?iSr'OE ! ' i,i ni . ISy.any JJouscintbe city br elstw here , 1 1 1 1 I BLACK DRESS I Site OfnelIon, Guinet Tcillard arid V6Lso: I manufaciure. 1 Our celebrated heavy Soft GROS gi:ain t ffir HnA Tinllor 1 rvt- ric, 1 j v aviiMi 1 4 ;j. Colored SillsiiK vet, S.'jUjb, i Tlain and Sxilh DRESS GOODS. Satiu MIangCashmere:, oie,i; Persah, I'ersan Have. 6ca' Kaye Broche, Qavalo iMphaJr, HiH 1 - i JH)tl I Colored Cashmeres from 1" ceti'i uhj Colored Alpabas, a'.l sliadls, 12V c nl", Double Width Colored i 1 J 1 ' il ' J - " j J "A 1 A Great Variety of diiTiiW able for the season, very low. a'y'.os, suit- Mourning Goods. The best a3soniuent ier oir;rcd' here, iuDrab D'Kte. nnmbnyi -10 Tihnliin V, I,., Cbth ; Plain, striped aikjl Iirpoi-3. Cali- lucre , xruieiiHS, Moi airs, I Ai.strajian Clotu 1 Cioalcs, Watemroofs, 81 a wis, TrimminsP, Silk, Grass and Cheneil Fi-in ges, Gloves aud Hosiery, every style, good anu cneap, aKirts andJCorsc The best Fifty Cent. Corse the city. I Its, '! ever so'd in Ribbon si . 1 Fincy, -Satin, Mr'ped aul Br ikied. Laces aud Kad roideries in in "reatleit rar!- y. Housekeeping GaoJs, li;a!iuVr, F!au-' Men and Boys' iVVear, Ladies' Cloth, Ladles and ChiMieiis rino Vests, KucbinW Tics. Fancy GrJd's. One Thoimnd Dozen Linen 'Handle r- chief3, from 5c up. DOMESTIC (iOdl S. &o , dc., &c, all at prices which defy co m petition, and qualities which cinrifi fail to give satisfaction. lean assure my k nd natrons that every article I will be sofd AS LOW, and THE MAJORITY" LOKl: than at any previous season. . I ' h: 1 Order Samp!e'aiidyou' wiii'bejf certain to patroniiie " , . ' " r1 'j' 1 'r 1 f -1 ! 1 6 Market oct 27 The Most Attractive A SS0RTME5T OF BEAtJTIFUL i I i rl PRESENTATION GOODS, erer brought to , this .city, li to b iecnat TXZS ZiXVXS BOOTX STOUS. r 1. 'I '-.Hi i Ca'Iearljand make rour floetloni. Tflt are all new designs, and rut the thicrirouj want. , I I . -h, .: . j ! Handsome Biblw. Prsrer Books. ' Hymn Books. Desks. Jewelry C. I And Ten Thoostnd and One Sw, Useful t : 'fand' vrnameniai arueiti tor saie at 1 HELVBBBRGEn., dec 11 39 and 1 Market weather, Warm 5D I AM glai to say lonjer pricja WOOD, ai it is niv dus in T..J tor kd sustain the reDUtition of th ccnipJji. YRD. Prepare yourselrei for tha ndis cold map. . -1 . j j . A. SPSINGLuLi r- s .. i 1 1 1

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