THIS TAPER kpooliehed ever? mfternoon, 8udvs -pted bv ' " t JOSH. T. J AMES, KOITOH AND PKOPRIKTOR. -SUBSCRIPTIONS. POSTAGE PAID. ,ae jear'.SS 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three moatbB.fl Mi One month, 60 cents. The paper will be delivered by earners, r of chance, in say part of the city, at the ,j,(lTe rates, or 13 cents per week, ertieing rats low and liberal r-Hiibacribers will please report any and a failures to receive Cheir papers regularly. Now Advertisements. nHOWN & EODDICK, 5 & 10 Cent Store. : (N. K. CORNER OF ..MARKET AND T KE Tfl.d. OPPORTUNITY, of w thnkio? the tcenerai public for their very lib erl troe in the abo e branch of . ur bu ti,Je nnd ueircto ettte that at do time sire ar tint owning have we ever carried each Aa ..Wtinent us at present. Having antici Ded th- re.ent grea adTaace in such goods, we are now iully p-epared to offer the Largest and Cheapest a-iortmen eve r h WQ in thia sectlon at nj tiaitf We can with truthfulness a'Bert tht (lUr 8tocc is more ihn doable the size of any .,tver t this kind .-oath of Baltimore Itn a very eaiy matter to call in and ver fy the t.-ve etateme&t- vVe would also ad 1 that we have of late al. cd several dw departments to the above, w hich e retail at higher prices, consisting r f.i ..lition in HnnipkniDI!'. aC. 8uca as we haTe a demand for, and in tuture it 111 be ou' endeaTor to 'keep adding anv . . a .K;f can hnv otteful and below Ta ue. Our int-ntinn is to make this IBt ritore f the So th lor ISargdins of ail Kinds. The (..llowing is a vry imperfect list but our fface win aumii ui u Japanese Wire, U ka W a-e, Tin Ware, ticusors, French Dresiln?, Blacking, ink, Oil Cans, Machine Oil, Faucets, Trays, Trumpets, Toiletl So,', ChildrenB Slates, Perf ornery, . 5 Jewelry, C -mbs, Pop Guns,' Door Bampers, Cork Screws, Dolls, ' Hair Pins, Pulleys, Lemon Squepzsrs, Wa lete, Brushes, 1 Bracelets. Table and Tea Spoons i, Beads, Warbles, Htove Polish, Pistol", Caa Openers, HcaUs, Needle" ar.uPins, hhovels, Hammers, Pocket Bookf, Ball, Padlocks, Ctrsels, Screw Drivers, Mirrors, Clothes Fins, Hponges, Jumping Ropes, ote Paper and Tn-Toilet L eta, Telopes, Feather Dust is, Doll Carriages, ator Straps, Brooms, I Buckets, Ba-keta, " Vases, Vtlociptdes, Carts, WagOPS, Wach Boards, Clocks, Hamburg Edgings, Spool Cotton, Hamburg Insertions, pool Silk, i Ladies A Gents Hdkfs,8pool Flar, ! Linen Table Napkins, Ladies Hcse, Linen Tab e Doilies, Caildrens Hose, KuchiDg, Gents Socks, Collaretts, Gents Shirts, &c, See, &c, &c, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 10 Cent Store, N. E. Corner of Market and Second Streets, feb 21 New Crop Cuba. :;OS Hlids and Tierces iNew urop uuua, Now landing ex Brig Flora. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. PotatoestFlour,Sugar, ttOO Bbls. Early Rose Potatoes. lOOO Bbls Flour, Super to Extra Family, Standard A, Extra C and C, 4.25 Bags Coffee, Rio, " Lagayra and Java, 350 Boxes Smoked and D S Sides, 150 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 4LOO Boxes Lye and Potash, 225 Boxes Laundry y 1, and Toiiet Soar), 150 Boxes S Larch, 250 Whole and Half Boxes . Canclles, Candy, Paper, Snuff, Tcbac--co, Nails, Buckets, Hoop Iron, &c 500 Bales Choice Timothy and Eastern Hay, '3200 Sacks Marshall's Fine Salt, 1500 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 3500 Sacks Peruvian Cotton Guano, - For sale low bj WILLIAMS A MURCHI80N, feb.lft WhelesaleGro. A Com, Ilerta. :TM-BmT'EEIVlEW.- VOL, V. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1880. NO. 15 1 I ... LOCAL NEWS.- Pfew Advertisements. Da. W. W. HAaaies Resumes the Practice of Medicine. Washbuhhb k Co No More Bheamati m or Goat. Milton W. Johnson Lumber Commis sion Merchant. Ckonlt k Mobrts Fruir at Auction. CaoNLY k Morris Opening of the New Market, P HxiMSBiaeaa A Great American Novel. Yatbj . Fair Dealing. ' No interments in Oakdate this week. Day's length 11 bourd and 13 minutes. February steps dawn and out to mor row. Wirdow Glass - -all sizes at ltaffer & Price's. t 'Belles' cUl a great many people to church. ' . The marriage mania has measurably abated. ! No interments in Bellevu :Cemetery this week. The principal thing about an interest ing baby is its pretty mother. To-morrow is known in the Church Calendar as the Third rit n lay in Lent. Ger. barque Von der. Heydt, Michael is, hence, arrived at Bremen on the 26th inst. Full Metal aud Walnut Show Cases, all styles and size?, at Alt ap feb, Price &Co's. . ' . There is now aad then a thing whjch the more it is cut the longer it grows a ditch, for example. The Register of Deeds has issued mar riage licenses to three white coupler and two colored couples this week. ' French ladies carry little ehina apples ailed with hot water in their, muffs to keep their tiny little fingers from beirg frostbitten. 1 " . ' Free of Charge. Your Druggist wil refund your money if Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup does not give you satisfaction and cure your Cough. . Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Fluting Machines and every sort of fl irdare at lowest sort of cash prices at a cobi's. . . V If your mother s mother was my moth er' aunt, what relation would your great grandfather's nephew be to my elder brother's son-in-law? Talking about big Early Rose, potatoes we saw three at Capt. C. D. Myers this morning which together pull down the scales at 6f -pounds. They ' will please go up head. A little girl went into a drug store the other day and said to the proprietor, in a half whisper, 'If a little girl hain't got no money, how much chewing gum do you give her for nothing? Low-necked dresses are now,out of style. Thos ; who have the old style dresses and would economise, cau take up a few yards of the trail and lengthen out the upper seetios of their suits. The new market is to be formally open ed in -a few days. The choice stalls will be offered for rent by Messrs. Oronly & Morris at public auction, on the premises on Thursday next, March 4-th, at 12 o' clock, the lease to run until next October 1st. The occasion will be one of interest. The schooner JuHa Elizabeth t Capt. Ingraham, arrived here to-day from the West Indies with a cargo of oranges,ban anas, pinespples, and cocoa nuts on board, which will be offered for sale on Monday next on board tbe schooner by Messrs. Cronly & Morris. Dr. W. W. Harriss has formally re named the practice of medicine. As one who stands deservedly high in the ranks of his profession and who filled so accept ably trustworthy positions during tbe wur, we trust that he will meet with thai success which he so eminent!? deserves. - IP' ' " " " 'T" - 111 - Wa uuderstand that Prof. McAllister, a-famous .magician, has lease 1 the Opera House in this city for the week tunning from March 15th to 22 J. lie opens, an engagement fjr a week in Charleston on Monday next. From there he goes to Augusta and from Augusta will come to Wilmington. Dandrufi eradicated, the scalp made clean, and gray hair restored to hi origi nal youthful beauty and vigor by the use of Raub V to eta b lb Sicilian Haxb Rxhxweb. - i The Canal Meeting-. We saw a you Dg gentleman last night, who is engaged in business at Magnolia, Duplin county, and he stated thatthe projected canal question has aroused quite an enthusiasm in that county, and that the meeting for organization, on the 10th of March next, will be largely at tended by the people of that section. Correction. We stated yesterday, or meant to state, that Mr. Walker Meares was collecting back city taxes the printer ma le us say Mr. Walter Meares. But we were slightly in errcr. Mr. F. H. Darby, the city attor ney, Is collecting the back city taxes, and Mr Meares is only collecting the city poll tax. There now, wethiok thats all right, unless oar everlasting : evi genius in the composing room causes us to s - make another bull. i Marine Disaster. The British schooner Julia Elizabeth, s Ciptain Ingraham, arrived in .port from Nassau, this morning, and reports having passed the barque James . E. Ward, Captain Atkinson, which cleared from this pert oa the 14th of thia month for Pensacola, Fla., aank on the Martinllla reef of the Little Bermuda Island. The Captain aad crew are thoight to be safe. 1 . . ! Dot Loedle Game. A few days since a family living on the North side of the railroad ordered a load f wood of a drayman who had been in the habit of hauling wood to quite a num ber ef families in the same neighborhood. The wood was hauled, but when it ar rived it was noticed to look suspiciously small,' although no complaint was made at the time. A few hours afterward one of the neighbors, who had also been in the habit of purchasing wood from the same- drayman, called at the house in question and stated that when a short distance from the house, tho man threw off quite a number of sticks from the load, and on, his return, after delivering the re mainder of the load, put then on his dray again and carried them off. The act was noticed by a number of persons, and all those living in the vicinity were notified, so that the drayman has no more custom among those people, and will be compell ed to : seek ''fresh fields and pastures green'j 0 carry on his business. The dray man was a white man. City Court. j John Taylor and Ferdinand Byan, two sailors who pull ropes on the same ship together, were arrested last night on Fourth street, charged with an affray. It appeared in the evidence this morning that one was drunk and that the other was trying to take care of his messmate, who had a full cargo of string lightniug" aboard,. The Mayor thereupon disc charged the first named and held Ryan for the costs . The next case on deckct- was that of Josh ;G alley, colored, versus Harriet Moore colored. The charges preferred by Galley against the defendant were aumerpus, but the one on which the party; was arraigned in court was disord erly conduct. Galley rxing called to the sland to give in his evidenoe.made quite a harangue before the court which in be t Id all the vices ani none ef the virtues of the defendant. The witness took a great many liberties for a witness, in his. dia tribe against the prisoner, but nothing of that j kind 'compared with the liberty he took with tba king's English; this was openly slaughtered and vilely cut to pi eces in the presence of His Honor the Mayor. Arson were among the numer ous charges brought against the defend ant by the plaintiff in this case, alleging that the woman tried at one time to set his huuse on fire. But the last greviance complained of was the fact that defendant went to plaintiff's . house after midnight last night in search of her husband. The plaintiff and his sister live in the same building, and it was proven by a competent witness that Harriet Moor husband hsd frequently visited the house of the Galley and the green eyed mous ter, it leaked out, was the' cau of the defendant's trespass last night upon their premises. Thewitaess Ga'Iey concluded his philippic against the defendant by urging the Major to send thaati Harriet Moora! the prisoner at the bar, to the Penitentiary for life, otherwue, p'eaded this eloquent kinsman of the Zuluj, "somebody will have to hang ber or me j 1 OQe. . J, UO ALajur remiuutu ucicuhwi to the cell, pending the further consider ation of tbe case, but afterwards released her on bail for her appearance at tha City Court whenever wanted. This done, the Court adjourned, For Charity's Sake. The charity quilt donated to the Ladieai Benevolent Society of this city, iome week or tw ao, will be sol t at"uc?Ln at S o'clock on Monday evening next, at .r. P.' Heiusberger s bookstore. Th pro ceeds, .asu well knowu, are to b devo red to charitable purposes, consequently it is hoped that the bid-ling will ba quite spir ted and the price -at which the article may sell ully commensurate wiih the uo ble obj-t :n view. 1 he Aew louring a leceut visit to New York we 1 had ihe pleasure of an interview with Mr. liates, President of the American Uaiou Telegraph Comr any, to whom we carried a letter of introduction. Our readers here wi'i be p'eased to learn tht Mr B-Ufs promise to plant h;s wires iu the btieets of Wilmington within a shor period. He thought it likeiy that they wouid be here in sixty uavs ard was confident that it would be inside of three : i months. This is an item of good news to our people and we cau only trust that they may not be disappointed this time 'Tbe Fire Last K Ight. The alarm of fire was sounded at about 8.15 o'clock last evening, which was caused by the ignition of a quautity of litters and papers stored in a wooden tx x in the second story of the house occupied by Mr. John H. Allen, on Fifth, between Market and Princess streets. The Fire Department responded promptly, but its services were not brought into reqaisitu n as one of tbe members of the Hook and v? 1 Ladder Company and one also of the Stedman Bucket Company made their way to the room' where the fire was burn ing and threw the box with its contents out of the window. It is not known with certainty how the fire originated, but the fact that the room had been used during the day for the purpose of ironing, may afford a clue to the cause. Windy and Dusty, w To-day is the windiest, dustiest, most disagreeable day we have experienced thus far this month. .North Water street has been iu a cloud ef blinding dust all day, and to add to the discomfort we should imagine all the phosphate factor es in the country, with all the guano depos its of every ocean, were piled up In a pro miscuous heap and were being mercilessly stirred up by some senseless and scentless vagabond of the earth for, our special torture. If we go upen the street we are knocked down by the guano, and our eyes and mouth are plugged up by the dust; the nose only is exempt and that seems to be reserved especially for the guano. If we remain in-doors, and the door is opened for a moment, here they come trooping in without a word of apol ogy, and dust and guano take possession, and bold undisputed sway. LiU of Appointments by Bishop At? kinson, for his Spring Tfsitatlon. Wilmington, Sunday before Easter, March 21 St Mar k's Church, Morning. St. John's Church, Evening. Rockdsb, Good Friday, March 26. St. Joseph's, Faye teviue, Easter Eve, March 27 cl Easter Day, March 28 St. John's, Ta b ro,First Sunday after Easter, April 4 Maribnro, Tuesday, April 6. S iojv Hil', Wednesday, April 7. J-t. J hu'.rut ounty, Friday, AprU 9. Greenvi.le, Second Sunday after iCaster, Aaru 11 Trinity, Beaufort county, Tuesday, Apl 13 SU John's, Durham a Creek, Wednesday, Apru 14 Aurora, Friday, April 16. Wash;ngtou, Thiid Sunday after Easter, April lb Zion Beaufort county, Monday, April 1 tfath, ruesaay, April zkk St James Church, Beaufort county, Wednesday, April 21 Makeh ville. Hyde county, Friday, April 23 Swaa Quarter, Saturday. April 24. St. George, Hyde eo., 4ih Sun. aft. Easter, April 20 Fairfl Jd, Monday, April 26. Yancebort Craven county, Friday, Apl SO Newbern'N Fifth Sun. afu Easter, May 2 Beauf rt, Tuesday, May 4. Kit ston, Ascension Day, May 6. Holy Innocents, Lenoir co , Friday.. May 7 Wilmington, Sunday a$t. Ascension ,M ay V Ft, James Church, Morning, St- Fauls Church, Evenirg, Warrenton, Whit, Sunday, May If. Kidgeway, Monday, May 17. Htderson, Tuesday, May 18. . Oxford, Thursday, May 20. Kittiell's, Saturday, May 23. . Louiiburg, 'J linity Sunday, May 13. . An Old Han Restored to IHealth. Batayia, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1879. H H. Wabseb & Co .Rochcstkb, N Y. Gkntloemkk "For forty yeari I have suffered with P:abete, being obliged to void urine as often as once in 20 min ute, and have also been & great tuScrer from palpitation of the heart. I am now using your Diabetea Cure, and can truly say, at 70 yaars of aff that U caakea me feel like t c?Tf nan Physicians' Wine. New York physicians say that they Lave been using ISpeer's Port Grape Wine and Wine Bitters in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and thomaelves, and take great pleasure in recommending them to the public as being all that is claimed for them, and, in tact tbe most reliable they can find For sale by Green .A. Planner, Jas. U, Mumls and T. L. Bridaers & Co. . From the Quaker CHy. fi. J. Campbell,, of Philade lphia, un der date of Oct 4 1879, certideti to th wonderful efrtcaoy of Warner's Safe Pills and Safe Tonic in removing a liver dis ease acoom pan ied by chronic constipation and yellow skin. - Fes 0! Doctors. The fee of doctors in an item that very many persons are interested in juBt at present We believe the schedule for visits is $3 00 which would tax a man confined to his bed for a year, and in Deed of a daily visit, over $1,000 a year for medical attendance aloLe! And one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in time would save the $1,0 K) and all the year's sickness. Ed. Save your mouey and bay jo;ir Build in$ Supplies from Altafler & Price, t New Advertisements. JOOTOR W. W. HARRISS will.resume, oa March 4th, the practice of Medicine and offers his provisional serv'ces in the practice of HOMEOPATHY. Office (at present) r next Court House. Residence on Fifth, near Orange street. feb 28-2t MILTON W. JOHNSON LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANT, Washington, D. C. feb 28-ly Fruit ait Auction M. CROINXY, Aiiclioneer f BY CRONLT & MORRIS. MONDAY, March 1st, at 11 o'clock, A. M., we will sell on board Br. Schr. Julia Elisabeth, just from Deep Creek, Eleuthera, ORANGES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, COCOA NUTS, 4c. teb 21 It OPENING OF THE NEW MARKET. CHOICE STALLS FOR AUCTION, RENT AT M.CROjVlr, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. ON THURSDAY NPXT, 4th proximo, at 12 o'clock, M, we will rent uatil 1st Oc tober next, the cheica selected Stalls in the NEW MARKET HOUSE, Front, between Dock and Orange streets. isd w t atar c-py at. NO MORE OR GOUT ACUTEOR CHRQNIO A 4 AILDCVILICiSl SURE CHRP U Manufactured olIv under the above Trad Mark, by the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., of Paris and Leiozig. I tamed late Relief W arranted. Par a an ent Cure Gaaranieed. Now exclusively used by all. celebrated Physician of Europ and Ameriea. The nignest Medical Academy of Paris reports 95 cures oat of 100 eases within three days. Secret The only disso!ver of the noijon- eus Uric Acid which exUU in the Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients. CURED. CURED. CURED. H 8 Dewey, Esq , 201 Broadway. Inflsm- matory Rheumatism, i J Leavey, Esq, 46 Washington Market, Chromic Rheumatism. Mrs KTrwoe. 3 Kast Ninth street.fehalkT formations iu the joints). Chronic Rheuma tism, AM Prager, 74 Newark avenue, Jersey City, Chronie KbeumMtism. John F Chamberlain, Frq. Washington Club, Washington. D C, Rheumatic Gout. Wm E Arnold, E q, 12 Wey bossst utreet, Pi0vldae, R I, of twenty years Chronic Rheumatism. ' i John B Tursgate, 100 Sanehes street, 8sn Francisco, Neuralgia and Sciatica. For MalarialtInUrmiltent and Chronic Fever, Chills, or Ague, SALICYLICA IS A CERTAIN CURE, Fuperseding entlralj the use of Sulphate ef Quinine, e it will not only cut the fevers, but will achieve a RADICAL CUBE, with out any !of the inconvenience and t troubles a iaing QUININE. Ol a box, six box is for 05. Sent free by Mail oa receipt of mosey, ASK YOUS DRUQQI8T FOR IT, but take no imitation or substitute, as our Salieylica (copyrighted) Is guaranteed to re lieve, or maaey refunded, and will bedehv tred free on receipt of orders, by eallisg on 4r addresaiax " Waohburnejii Oo at SU Broa4tray9eer. Fultoa st. (Ejuox BcKd- PLEASE 50TICE. We will be f' ad to receive coicmunloationi from onr friends on anv at all subjects a katuiwrH( out: The name of the writer znuet alw js be fur nished to the Editor. CommnnieatioBiricjt be written oc cc:r uuo 004 01 tne. psper. Personalities'mtist bx an ided. inM t - j 1 1 . . . . . . stood that the Editor does rot always end. rte the views of corre oatfeTitt nnle so tUu d rn the editorial eola- r. Now Advorti35inont3. Yellow Tobacco V "T TP TIT UITP niiiim .i W" : ai, jcar in aid year oat, in the BmjOER BEVIEW, Fdited and rnbluted bj hUFUS BJI-J, at Henderson, N; C. An unttrrirledlJemrc atiCj. aad yet a ih e and practical busine man's aper. Tells how to build up the iudvtril in , eft if the State. Ho to uifk - v,orv 1 the farm, a-.d secure the bt . vid. iUr labor. . SendSl.'Oto par oriA Tpr' iiihi(iini inn r jDdl Tobacro i, nide Book and Tobacco otTcu rree. Auares, r u BOKDEll REVIEW, feb 27 Henderson, N, C. Commissioner's Sale; w. w . Lane and others, 1 will expose to sale . uuiic ncnon, at nxcDang-s Corner, in tbe city of Wilminctow, 0n Wednesdar, the 31st day of March, 18-0, the lot of land with improvements tnereon, situate on the South side of Princess street, between the old Jour nal building and the Baxter lot, fronting on Princess street 50 feet and runnic? back southwardly that width 97 feet, being naMa of lots No. 1 and 2 in Block 165 according to tbeofficUl plam.f the Citr of Wilmington, fale to take place at 12 o'clock, M. Terms ofnale liberal, and wUi be mads known at sI v A. T. LONDON, ' '' Commusioner. Hronly k Morris, Auctioneers. ; Wilmington, N. C. 27th Jfceb. 168). fen 27-ts Seed Rice. 1000 BUsaELS iRIviB .PEED EICF. For sale by feb 26 tf- ALFRED MI ARTIN." A Great American Novel. rpHE MA8TER OF P.ED LEAF", By Mrs. E. A. McriwetLcr; First American from Lone oa Edition. , Cloth fl.23; Prer 75 cjLts, Son?o, TROjI THE PUBLISHED Writiort rf -L Alrred Tennyson, set to iliuic by Vari ous Composers. Price $3. For sale at HElNS3BRfER'S, feb 20 30 and 41 Marke s'. Notice. I MOST RESPECTFULLY TENDER MY services as Physician asd Surgeon to . the citiieni of Wilaiijgton and vicinity. . Office on North side Market, 1 etween cc- ond and Thi-d streets. F. W. POTTER, M. Dt feb 27-lw Fair Dnaliny ND L1YINO ;PICE3 RECOMMEND YATE8' Book Store to t'ie puVic. A freah ' and well selected fctaok alrrfyj on 1 atd Chromos, ' Picture Frames, llou'dlngi, ic. Organs sold on ths Instalment Plan at feb 23 BooVJHtor?. Dissolution. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofjrcVxistlc: under the name and strle of ifKlSShH k LYONS. s Machiriit, in ihU civ. Is thin day diMoIred bf matagl cor$ .it. The dtLtv of the concern rciU b p i l br: r . Sicair. ffb 2V !. I4VON8. A V IN U COMPLETED. ODU i CfTOr.Y we are prepared to fill orders for SaDcc.p, Blinds and Building MaerlAi''rf fcvery ro- scriptlon. We have added Plaaing L'LIs to cur tsi-t- lishment, ! and will kep. oa hand a Iare stock of well selected and thcouihly skater d Flooring. Westher-Boardicg, and all Ku.a4 oi Dressed Lunjbar. -i . Respectfully. ' - ALTAFFEP, I'KIClS & UO. ! y J ctorv : , Foot of Wa'rut st. Natt, near Red Cros Coney's Tobacco Store TF YOU WAN T THP. UE3T 5 and 10 tit. L Ciar go to OONKV'8 where roa rt!l f nd the largest selection cf Importel and DomtB- . te larai?, U&ewing and HuioK-nj Ti-barc'.. Uftutiemen will plena reaembir that 1 cV not keep open on Sundays, therefore tltt ho wbh to purchase my goods will have to do so during tbe week. . " jn 3 tt WALTER C05EY, ! Steamer Passport 7lLll RESUME regular - ' trips THURSDAY, Ttbrnary &r i 16th, leaving Wilmington at 2.39 P. ii. Having been put iu the most perfect order. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF'THS Superior Court of Xew Hanover count j, m tbe case of E. B. (inpl nH n.

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