i - THIS PA FEB I, paoluhed every afternoon, Buadari ex cptJ br J OS II T. JAMES, IDITOB AWD PROPRIETOR. gUBSCRIPTI0N8.J,O8TAGE PAJD. One year, $5 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Tare months, $115; One month, 60 cent. : fhe paper will be delivered by carrien, rM of charge, in any part of the city, at the iDo re rates, or 13 cento per week. AdTertisiBfr.rates low and liberal "Sabacribers will please report any and . ; failures to receive their papers regularly . plea.se notice. ' We wiU bep'ad to receive ccmmuntcaUoot . from our friend on any and all ittb!et" general interest but: "uu- The naae of the writer meat alwtysbe'faf ciahed to the Editor. ' r IT 1 i CoBcmnnicationa a ait ti one side of the.paper. wiitUn on only rersonalities'nrust bv avoiJcd'. - - And it is e5peclal2y acd;!tlcalarly uoder stood that the Editor does not awaj. eadtna the views uf 'correct ndecu, ualtjfi go ia the editorial ciu-' ' VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1880. NO. 20 i ! Da REVIEW t: New Advertisements. tfii & KODDIGK, 5 & 10 Cent Store, jN. COkNE.K OF MARKET AND 8.C0D STIUKTS.) T?KK THl OPPOKTDNiTY.of thanking the general public Tor their very lib erl patronage in the bove branch of our bu tiuMS na" ueaireto state that at no time since our tkst uprnibfr hare we ever carried ench an a8 rtment as at present. Haviag antici pated the recent grea advance in such goods, wt are now lully prepared to offer the Largest and Cheapest agaortmeht eTert8h( wq in this section at any time We can with truthfulness acsert tht our stock is more than doable the size of any iith;r of this kind -nuth of Baltimore It is a very easy matter to call in and verify the above statement- We would also adi that we hare of late a-j'cd ieveral new departments to the above, which we retail at higher prices, consisting of many useful articles in Housekeeping, Ac, sue'- as we hare a demand for, and in future it will be our endeavor to keep adding any and everything we can buy useful and below vane., Our intention, is to make this THE titore of the floi th for , Bargains of all Kinds. The following is a vry imperfect list bat cur epace will admit of no more. Japanese Wfe, t O aes are. Tin Ware, 1 8cid80rs, Frerch Dreeing, Blacking, Ink, Oil Cans, Machine Oil, Fauceis, Trays, Trumpets, Toiletl Ho, Childrens' Slates, Perfumery, Jewelry, C'mbs, Pep Guns, J)oor Bampers, Cork Screws, Dolls, Hair Pins, Pulleys, Lemon Sqieex )rs, Wa lets, Brushes, Fo; ks. Bracelets, - Table and Tea Spoons, Beads, Marbles, Balls, Ftove Polish, Pistols, Can Openers, Holes, Needles and Pins, hhovels, Hammers, Pocket Boak, . Padlocks, ChiBels, -Fcrew Drivers, Mirrors, Clothes Pins, Hponges, Jumping Kopes, ote Paper and En-Toilet rets, velopes, Vases, Feather Dqitets. Vtlocipedee, Doll Carriages, Carts, fcazor Straps, Wagoss, Brooms, I -Wash Boards, Buckets, I Clocks. Bakets, Hamburg Edging, Spool Gottoa, Hamburg Insertions, Spool Silk, Ladies & Gents Hdk'fs,Spool Flax, Linen Table Napkins, Ladies Hose, Liven Tab e Doilies, Childrens Hose, kuchipg. Gents Socks, Collaretts, Gents Shirts, &c, Sec, &c, &c, &c, " WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL. I BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 10 Cent Store, N. K. Corner of Market and Second Streets, feb 21 ' Fresh Every Day, FIXE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, just received and for "THE ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy in the city, will be found erery day, fresh and sweet three doors South of the Postoffice on Second street. Also, Nuts, Raisins, Fruit, Ac. C. E. J EVENS, jan23 Neat the Postofflce. Mules and Horses. 2 0 HEAP MULES AND 15 Head Horses arrived to-day and for sale. ipplv to ''. T. J. SOUTHERLAND, rach l-3t Sale Stables, 3d st Yellow Tobacco VTrE WRITE ABOUT IT, year in and V V. year oat, in the BORDER REVIEW, FdiUd and published by JUFU8 AMIS, at Henderson, N. C, - ' An unterrified l)em e attc, and yet a live and practical business man's paper, i Tells how to build up the industrial inter ests of the State. How to make money on the farm, aad secure the best rewards for labor. ' Send $10 to pay one year's subscription and get Tobacco Guide Book and Tobacco Seed Free. Address, BORDER REVIEW, feb 27 Henderson, N. C. Cuba Molasses, 2Q0 Hhds au-i Bbl New Crop, and other graces Molasses l or sale by ; inch I HALL PEARS ALL: Flour. Flour- 1200 BBLS Q00I) FLouRt Every Barrel Warranted. At low prices by , , chl HALL 4 PEAR3ALL. LOCAL NEWS. , New Advertisements. E. 8. Maetih, Att'y Mortgagee's Sale. E-. 8. Martin, Att j Commissioner 'a Sale. P HaiHSBiaosE The Time to Buy. -Tatss. A Large Stock. Window Glass all sizes at zltaffer & Price's. ' ,f Only the rich cn afford to wear paper collars. The storm signal was agaiD displayed to day. Steamship JBeneJ actor,- Jones, hence, arrived at Xew York on the 3d inst. Nor. brig Ndrsen, Christiansen, hence, arrived at Christiana on the 3d inst. Schooner. Matliews Kinney, Bates heuce, arrived at Matanzas Feb. 24th. Save your money and bay your Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. t Schooner lialph llawcs, Getchell, " for this port, cleared at Belfast, Me., Feb. 24th. Full Metal and Walnut Show 'Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffeb, Price &Co's. Steamboat men rep irt the Cape Fear as very low and the water still falling off. A sealskiu sacqae is very good in a house where the girls are all of nearly one bize. Learning to carry a muff gracefully is easy enough, their hand in. Those who try it soon get For twenty five cents you can get Kid Gloves in all sizes and shades, at Hahn's, 8S Market street- It The work of tilling up the street car track on North Front street has progress ed as far as Princess street. ' Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Fluting Machines and every sort of R4?dare at lowest Bort of cash prices at ACOBI 8. Railroad officials inform lis that it is miserably dry and dusty on the lines of travel from and to this city. Schooner falter E. Chester, Case, cleared at Boston on tbe 2nd inst for Parker's Head J to load for this port. The man is not necessarily brave who i knows nothing; about fear. He may be a fool wko knows nothing about anything. Steamship Gulf Stream, Ingram, for Morehead Cityj and this port, cleared at New York on tbe 3d inst., and sailed tbe same day. 'Shall I hereafter darn your socks?' is said to.be the fashionable language for a young laiy to use when making a leap year proposal. McAllister, the magician who has leas ed the Opera House in this city from tthe 15th to the 22nd inst, is drawing large houses in Charleston this week. The buds on the trees are bursting and many flowers are in bloom iu the open air. A cold spell would nip many of our hopes of a good f uit sea3on ' . ji ' '. Second Lieut. Qeo. F. J3 Harrison has teen ordered to Fort Johnson. He is expected daily and will fill a vacancy which bas existed for a long time. There was a fine attendance at the dime party .given at Mrs. J. A. Willard's residence last evening, and we trust that a handsome fund -was realixed for the benefit of the church . - , Wilmington District Secund round in part of quarterly meet ings for the Wilmington District, Meth. odist E Church, South. Cuharie Mission at Hope ell, March 20-21 Ookesbury circuit at Salem, March 27-28 Bladen circuit at Soule's Chapel Apl S 4 Elizabeth circuit at Bladen Springs, I - ' April 10 11 Whiteville circuit at WayiRan, Apl 17-18 Waccamaw Mis at Lebanon, Apl 24-25 L. S. Burkhead, . - Presiding Elder. . From a Prominent Drug Houso. . 11. 11. WARJiEB & Co., ROCHKSTKB, S T. Dsar Sib; It is now only three mouths since we received your, first ship ment of Safe Remedies. We h,ave sold drugs in this place fox twenty years, and have never pold a proprietary medicine that gives such universal satisfaction as yours, especially yoar Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, and Safe Diabetes Cure. We could mention many who have re ceived great benefit in cases of Kidney diffi culties, Asthma, Rheumatiasa, D ia.be Ue. Brigta's Disease, etc, Rjsspectfully yonra, SXSSJN FOX, Alexandria Bay, H X j Thelr Annlrertary On the 22nd inst. the Little Giant Steam Fire Engine Company will cele brate their anniversary. There will be a a trial of tbe engine during the day and at night the festivities will wind np with a sapper. Transferred We learn that oar former townsman Mr. J. G. Hashagan, bat more recently located in Washington, D. C, as an attache of the Signal Service Corps, ban been transferred to the Signal Stat. on at AUantic City, N. J. I - , - Untnailables. The following nnmailab'e postal hat ter remains in the postofSce in this city: David Gasken, Moles Point, N. C. Hilliard J. Hulia, Briukersville, N. C ; Alanda Hollars, Magnolia, N. C; Moses Armstrong, Asbpoo Postal card no signature; Enrich & Co., no address. Kid Gloves in all size and shades for 2! cents, worth 75 cents, at Hahn's 38 Market street. It Personal. Mr. Henry A. London, Jr , of Chat ham county, is In the city to-day and favored as with a visit.' Mr. London is just here front Raleigh, where as Chair man of the Democratic Executive Com mittee of the Fourth Congressional Dis trict, be has been in .attendance-at the meeting of the State Committee. i ice for Fayettevllle. Two flat loads of ice, from the cargo which arrived her6 yesterday, were taken in tow for Fayetteville to-day. The steamer Governor Worth took one of the fiats in tow and the Wave the other. The iee is consigned to Messrs. 'Starr & Williams, of Fayetteville. The accom panying documents grow profusely around Fayetteville. Here's lack to you 1. In a New Role. Ex-Sheriff Tim Lee, of Wakex, who i known in every section of the St te, is in the city, not in the capacity of the keeper of the "Delmonico of the South," but as a commercial tourist. He is traveling in the interest of Clark Brothers of New York. Old Tim has not severed his con nection with his interest in Raleigh and still runs the "Delmonico of the South.f City Court. John Guthrie was arraigned last night and taken to tbe Guard House upon two separate charges, to wit: disorderly con duct, and assault and battery. This morning he was arraigned, first upon the charge of disorderly conduct, and next upon the charge of assault and battery upon vthe person of Justice J. C. Millis. The Mayor prnnounced judgment of $20 fine, or $10 in eaeh case, which defendant signified his willingness to pay. The court then adjourned. - i . Kid Gloves iu all sizes and shades for 25 cents, worth 75 cents, at Hahn's, 38 Market street. It Fine Fish aud Oysters. Mr. John Carroll shipped oyer two hundred 'pairs of roe shad to New York this morning. It is a great pity 'that he cannot ship some of those fine fat oys ters raised by Mr. ;Wlnberry on New River. He is the only person here who gets them and the demand in this city keeps him busy supplying orders. The oysters received to-day are particularly fine, and would make almost any one Carroll sweet melodies. '.! ' : A Tindlcation and Correction. - ' jWt learn that at a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Navigation, held at the office of the Chairman, Mr. James H. Chadbourn, yes'erday morn ing, Mr. J. W.MintE. the pilot on board tbe schooaer A. & E. Hooper, at the time of that vessel's collision with the steamer Korth &taUtujmi fujly exonerated from all blame in tbe affai. We are happy to be able to state mIso, which we do most cheerfully, that the pilot left the llcoper after she bad come to anchor, aad at ttie request of tbe Captain of tbe said vessel, to go ia search of a tug. I : Notwithstanding the advance in Cloth ing and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Shlieb BnpL are selling beautiful suits from $10 to $12. The well known Diamond Shirt at $i a piece. It will pay all who have an idea of buying a suit to call and examine the immense SprLg stock they are now receiving. t ! -L - - -.-- True success results from true merit. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hsir Renewur U placed before the publie, resting , solely on iu own merits. Its tncctsj U already indisputable. : -iSi' J-- Fxainining the Pilots. Doctor Thomas F. Wood, Assistant Surgeon in the U. S. Marine Huspital service at this port, has been bui'y en gaged all the morning in rnttki :g an examinatiou of river and bar pilots for color biiadne6a. This we believe is in accordance with a recent act of C nress and appiiea to all pilots, whether tbe piy tbeir vocation at the mouth of the river or over the oar there, or whether the) steer a boat Irom herd to Fayette ! vilie. We learn hww.-Vtr that ail wh have been exa'nir.ed thus fir have nhowi ; no dtfects iu thcir: vision, either in color bluulnesii or anything else. The Fire This Morning. At about 11:30 o'clock this forenoon! theaiaim of tire waa sounded, and an spw peal to tbe telephone informed us that it was at the drug store of Mr J. W. Cono ley, on the corner of Hanover aud Four h streets. The tire caught pp the roof and it is supposed ignited from a spark from one of the locomotives oh the railroarj Mr. Frank Maunder, who lives nearly op posite, went with a bucket of water and extinguished the flames. There was no damage except to the building, which is the property of Mr. J. H Straus3, and that will not exceed three or four dollars Tha fire department was promptly on hand, but owing to the prompt action of Mr. Maunder its services were not need ed. - For twentj -five cents you can get Kid Gloves in aU dzes and 6hades, at Hahs'.s, 38 Matket street. It Canal Meeting. According to previous published not'c a meeting of the stockholders in the Duplin canal enterprise, who reside in this county, was held at the Produce Ex change Rooms this afternoon to receive the report of the Committee, who were appointed to solicit subscriptions and ems powered to appoint a Collector and Treas urer for this county. Mr. B. G. Worth was called to the chair. . The committee then reported that ten per cent of the amount of stock sub scribed had been paid in. The chair appointed Mr. Robert H. Mc Koy as a representative of the stockhold ers in this section to attend the meeting of the general stockholders, to be he Id in Magnolia, Duplin county, on the 10th inst. Mr. McKoy will call on all the stockholders andjjettheir proxy, so that the full amount of the stock held in this county will be represented at Magnolia. The appointment of Mr. McKoy, however, does not prevent any other stockholder who may happen to be in attendance at Magnolia from acting as a delegate also. Tbe Fashions. The latest designs in buttons are mice, lady birds, dogs and owls. Colored satin gathered Bands are worn half way up the arm, bracelet fashion. 1 The newest in hosiery are plaids and Roman stripes, with handsome 6ide clocking. Gilt and silver balls for the hair, are the fashion brought in by the Spanish marriage. Pretty little cat es of jet are called 'coats of mail,' . and are designed to be worn with any costume. Pretty shopping bracelets have pencils attached, either silver or gold, and are often richly jeweled. Handsome jetted bonnets are worn with carriage, reception, church and full dress promenade toilets. Indestructible French flowers are the best kind for art decorative purposes in doors, as well as outdoors, as neither beat nor cold, storm, rain or snow can harm them. A pretty ornament for a writing-desk is the new pen-rack that holds pen holders, paper cuttter, eraser and pencil, each with heavy ebony f tick finished with a dog's hea. Merino is used for morning and house dresses; they are trimmed with borders of rich-figured cretonne stripes, usually seen only on curtains, with veinings and shadings an 1 embroiderei ' in silk,- These bands are very handsome. The newest lace cravat is a large lace bow, called the Marveillense, in imitation of the bews worn during the French re volution. JUll coiffurei for young ladies are very simple this sea-on, the only ornaments admissible heing a few flowers, or a jeweled comb or pjignard. , A lady in oar neighborhood who has suffered for over three months the most extreme torture by a violent Cough, has become completely cored by 1 Dr. Ball's Cough .Syrup, For sale- ia cv ery Drag Store, -- - - New Advertisements." WAIT I WAIT I FOll THE c i J OF tli: Mew tore WITtl AN. ENTIRE 1VTEW STOCK-! ! HA 5 38 SVlarket S a NOT A SHOP WORTi ARTICLE THE ENTIRE STOCK AT IN yiH! arket St. Easter Goods ! Easter Gloves ! NEW CALICOES ! PIQUETS T a mm DRESS GOODS in all varieties, shades and figures, at , M; AW N 5 3 38 iVIarket -St. FULL LINE OF BUTTONS, FASHIONABLE FRINGES, ETC.. to match Cress Goods, at AH 9 38 Market St. Fullest and most comilete Stock ever in this city ! Eibbons, lUbbons, ; lUbbons, In all patterns, qualities and sty'co. Opera Kids, Opera Kids, In all desirable; tints and of the best make at ' HAHW 5 38 aT arket St. HOSIERY ! HOSIERY! The finest stock of Ladies' and Children's Hose ever brought to this city. At 38 Market St. MILLINERY GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, ETC In great variety at - Hahn's, 38 Market St. Remember the place - 38 Market St. Wait for the Grand Opening and have an entire New Stock to select from Prices to astound the na tives. Eemember the Grand Open ing. - V: ' . .' TJIOWDAY, 8th. S3 TJarlzet Gti, New A f 1 r o r t i f m o n t. q. Vlortgaree's Sale. o'.tf ni-rrapnc auction. fr cafb, t the Cout M ue do .r, la the li y of :mi l-.ob. i Monday tbe 5ih dy ot April, m 12 ,,'d . M. the fo -.lowing dtecribtd tta! estate iu i. -Lityt f W i iiunn. n, at'o'epair: Wvcirrinr" n the Southern hae of .Ksr.n'L .t, t a f",u';j "-ei irom its inter icm.u with the K. 8 3JARTIX, Att'y for Alortgapfe. mch: 5-'s Coiiiiiiissioner's KaJ.c. BY VriiTUE AND 1 YVKU AXCX of a decree f the Superior Court of New L'a-over County. ' ma jo at the' Fall Term, 1379, tho undersipntd, us Coianiidinrter ap pointed for that purpose wilt espote for $ ale atthe Qourt Houe Uu. r in the f'itj of Wil mington, on Tuesday, fit-h dr of April 1SSJ, at 12 o'clock, Mi t'ie follrwinjr tract of land ?nsiH Ci'y : Uetirinir.tr at the Kafteiddrt Front. etr et66 feet .outh from tha interew. tinn in.it southern line'f Wooster street, tf ence bouth with Front street 16 frt nd running at right angle with said gfet feet, b-ing a part ot lot' 1 block 45, otliciaf plan of City of Wi'itis-gtoa. Term caU. i:. 8. MARTIN.- Comniiasicner; mcL 5-lawts For Sale. PERFECTLY NLW OFFICJG SAFE, Moaler, BahmanQ & Co., . inaiiuuctarcrs, combiDation lock, wcighi 1,30 Iba. .For eale cheap. Ayp'y at mch 3 Till ?.0FJCE. . , i t j . The -.Timeyto Buy A PIANO OR OIUJ h X. is when they are s -Msg cUtapi TUE PLACE TO 'JLTY A First Class Instrurneut, either for Cash or on the iEbtala.eat PUn, is at THE LlVi-J iiOiJiv STORE. i I TLANK BOOKS, a'l siz a and ctvlc, VTri I J .tiug Papers of every variety, ai d Knvel- opes-to matco, lexg, 'luciiage, Jnxatat-dj, Penp, Gold and fet-el, Penci Ponholdera, and every thing in tbo liovk, btitione;y and Music Line, at II V NSTJKRflER'fl, o J and 41 Market St. mch 3 CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDCWE. TRADE' MARXTnj GRKATTnAD2 MARK Enpflieh Rem- ior oetaiiiai 8 periritcx' hea, 1 rapotea..TS cy, and nil dls- cw v ur-. BEFORE TAKIXC. eases thatfol-AfTR -TAXISC. low, as a sequence of celf-Abase; aa Losa ot' Memory, Universal latitude, l'ain ia, the Sct, Diinnesa of Vision, Pem stare Old Age, and mny other Dideses thU lead t? Insanity or Coneumptioa aad a 1'rematarj tirave. SSU particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free b7 mail to everj one. The HpeciCc Medicine is Bold by all druggists at$l per package, or eix pack &ze for $5, or will bo nent fre by wiil tu receipt of the monev by addressing . ' THE CPAY MEDIC1KE CO.. .Mechanic's block, Detroit, Mich.. !5S, Sold in nimingtori, "Wholesale ar.J Retail, by Green . JIa-Ecr ted 'l drufc'flijla everywhere. .ct 11-dawly., . Dr, E. S- Pigford Q.BADUATE OF TIIE niONZMAN' Medical College cT CLiea&'d, w'ul cccupj Ho officeof Lia preceptor, tlie lata, Dr. Wou.TU Freeman. mch 1-Jw A Larq;e Steele yLLVET FRAMED, WALNCJ F.iAMm, M I'TM Fi:A2fi, etc. Alco, cut vajr cl ..... i ii j'AijUevard Cardi, Uitlcs, Hymn 3ook, Prayer li jols, Ac, at Seed Rice. 1000 BU33ELS vv'V:iZ . BZKD ElCr. For sale by f-b 26 tf ALFIiED HAT 1777. Kotice. r . AlOkT BESPEOTFULLr 7ZHDE& MY scrrlcci as PLyiiciaa aud Curgcoa to the cliiiem of Wr.xciLgtoa ad Ticiaitj. OfCce oa Ncrlh svla 21&rkct, bitweea Sec ond ard Third irfcu. I l, W.POTTES;iLI. ' fib ?7-' -. FOR! CHAPPED etc I?LS aULVENT, lirown ' Woodland -Balm, and a freah ciocfc of Drags and Altdi cineajust reciTed. FbU and frcih jrt meat of OAKDEf SEtDJ. I lur? uoHh year Seed', i, . , -PrwcriDtioaa accartlr comWn-d. -. . F. C. MILLEH, O VIRTUE NI) TV PURSPAN'OR of J the provisions jf c rtHia ded ofMort ZQ executed to. Joel Vv. Woivn tv YUI '.'m.hainr-n and wiTp, on the 21 t dav i f ' " .r"V1?'3'Bna C'Tded ia the Reci- s 'JUic i.f ew Hauover Couatv. tn brok . , S, pjre 5sy. c., the ondeBred Attorney f".r id in(rtt'a will wtaiern ai.e o: Ar.noa tr tUeuce west wftrdlv with K'"i.!n,r .f-.,.,. tn ' p ; - - - .i,cllCurvj loei.runDiBir back 6 fet, bMnr part of Jot I, block 269, ullioi&l pJan tf the j;y of Wilniirgtoi. Tax: - 7 !: Open diyii xJrtt. f.V I-tf ;