THIS FA Pitt la paoUeha erery afteraeoa, Saadaji aepted by ' . I JOSH. T. JAMES, KOZTOB AHD FKOFKJKTOK. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID, joe year, $5 00 Six month, $2 50 ; Three moatns, $1 J5; One month, M eenta, rhe pPr will - be delivered by carriers, reofeharge,inanT part of the city, at the bote rates, or 13 cents per week. AdTertisiag rates low and liberal -Subscribers will please report any aid 11 failures to reccire tneir papers regularly. New Advertisements. BHOWN & BODDIGK, 5 & 10 Cent Store, (N ; E. CORNER OF MARKET AND SECOND STREETS.) t TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY of thanking the general public Tor their very lib eral patrocag-e in the there branch of our bu tiuess n aeeire to sUte that at no time since our first opening have we erer carried . inch an s rtment as at present. Hariag antici pated thf re ent grea adrance ia such goods, we are nw fully prepared to offer the largest and Cheapest assortment eertehown in this section at any time We can with truthfulness assert that our b toe It is more than double the siae of any other of this xind .-outh nf Baltimore. It is a rery easy matter to call in and yerify the aboTe sUUsmeat. We would also ad 1 that we hare of late added sereral naw departments to the above, whicb weretAil at higher prices, consisting of many usefal articles in Housekeeping, Ac, met as we hare a demand for, and in future it will be our endearor to keep adding any and everything we can buy useful and below u na. Our intention ia to make this THE Store of the South for Bargains 9f allJKincls. The following is a very imperfect list hat our space will admit of no more. Japanese Ware, Childrena Slates, O fs ' a-J, Perfumery, Tin Ware, Jewelry, Scissors, C unbs, . Frerch Dre sing-, Pep Guns, Blacking, Door Bampe-s, Ink, Cork ScrewB, Oil Cans, Dolls, Machine Oil, Hair Pins, Fauceis, Pulleys, Trays, Lemon Squeezers, Trumpets, Wa lets. Toiled Soap, Brushes, Foi ks, Bracelets, Table and Tea Spoons, Beads, Marbles. Balls, Store Polish, Padlocks, Pistols, Chisels,. Can Openers, Screw Drivers, Scales, Mirrors, Needle) and Pins, Clothes Pins, Shovels, Sponges, Hammers, Jumping Ropes, Pocket Book;, . Note Paper and En-Toilet Jets, velopes. Vases. Feather Dustei s, Doll Carriages, Razor Straps, Brooms, I Backets, Baskets, Vtlociptdes, Carts, Wagons, Wash Boards, Clocks. Hamburg Edgings, Spool Cotton, Hamburg Insertions. Spool Silk, Ladies k Gents Bdk'f,8pool Flax, Linen Table Napkins,Ladies Hose, Liaen Table Doilies,' Childrens Hose, Keening, Gents Socks, Coliaretts, Gents Shirts, &ot &c, &c, &c, &c.t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 10 Cent Store, V. K. Corner of Market and Seeond Streets. 'fob 1.1 ) Fresh Every Day, J YISX ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, just received and for sale. . TAB ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy in the city, will be found every day, fresh and swee tbree doors South or the Postoffice on Second street. Also, Nats, Raisins, Fruit, Ae, O. E. J EVENS, jan 23 Near the Postofflce. Yellow Tobacco W E WRITE ABOUT IT, year in and year out, in the BORDER BEVIEW, Kdited and published by fcUFUS AMIS, at Henderson, N. C. . An un terrified Democratic, and yet a live and practical buaine s man's paper. Tells how to build up the industrial inter ests of the State. How to mske money on the farm, arid secure the best rewards for labor. Send $l.f0topay one year's subscription and get Tobaooo Guide Book and Tobacco Seed Free. Addrets. BORDER REVIEW. febI7 Henderson, N. C. Cuba molasses. 2Q0 Hhds and Bbls New Crop, and other grades Molasses, l or sale by .xach 1 HALL A PEARSALL; Flour. Flour. 1300 BBLS OOOD FLOUR, y- Kvery Barrel Warranted. At low prices by mch l HALL k PBARS L.. Cydomin FOR CHAPPED SKINS, ete. PKL'S CORN SOLVENT, Brown's Woodland Btla, and fresh stock of Drus and Mdi Cinet Just received. Full 'and fresh assort-' feaat of GARDEN SEEDS. I have no last year's Seeds. . . Prescriptions accurately compounded ; : f t, a MILLER, Corner 4th aadtiaa Streets. Onen dy and nlht. . . " . x ' . - . . . . ': VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. New AslTertiacmenta. P Haixssiaeia Field Croquet. LCTCE My Rev. Joseph R. Wilson, D.D. Hbt Bataci, Clerk k Treat Tax Sale. W.iW. Habeias, JL. D. Bomeopathy. Yaim A La-ge Stock. Eggs are selling at 11 cents a dozen. Day's length 1 1 hours and S7 minutes. Wirdow Glass--all sizes at luffer & Price's. t The greatest strike of the day Twelve o'clock. How to get off a good thing get out of your girl's lap. ' A general revival of military spirit is anxiously awaited. Oliver Wendell Holmes calls a kiss a lisping consonaut. In Oak'dale there were two' interments this week, both adults Turners Almanac speaks of the weath er 'to-day as changeable. Gamblers frequently claim to belong to the better class of society. - Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives &c or the Children at Jacobi's. V Tha steamship Regulator left for New York 1 1 2 o'clock this afternoon. Nor. barque Arctic, Hansen, hence, arrived atLiverpool on the 3d Inst. Schooner Albert -Da'tey,Nason,hence, arrived at Baltimore on the 4thinst. Save your money .and bay your Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. f Nor. barque Titania, Albrechtsen hence, arrived at Trieste on the 1st inst. Nor. brig Dolen, Dietrlchsen, hence, arrived at Bristol," Eng., on the 4th inst. Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altaffeb, Price & CoX One adult in Bellevue ig the only in terment reported in that Cemetery this week. Health (.fiber Schrf condemned and sent ont of market yester ly a lot of spoilt sausage meat. To morrow is known variously as the Fourth Sunday in Lent, Mid Lent and Refreshment Sunday. Schooner Eagle, Bobbins, from Bos ton, arrived at Bath, Me., on 'the 2nd inst. to load for this port. The wind hag got round to the North east and the weather is colder in, propor tion. Rain is threatened. The Register of Deeds has issued four marriage licenses this week all of which were for colored couplet. There,have been, seven interments; in Pine Forest Cemetery (colored) this week. Two adults and rive children. The sale of real estate for city taxes for 1879 will begin at the Oourt . House door on Monday next at noon. Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Fluting Machines and every sort of flirdare at lowest sort of cash prices at aoobi 's. There seems to be another boom in cot ton. Futures advanced ten points to .day and have advanced from the lowest point this week between forty and fifty points. New River oysters were offering last evening as low as 40 cent a gallon. and without takers. The weather was eo warm that but few would risk a purchase. Sixty thousand of the new 13, 15, 14 pezzles have been sold In Boctcn. Tha alleged inventor of the thing claims that he has already lost $80,000 through the delay in getting a patent. A youDg lady, who ought to know, ac ' counts for the disposition of the average young fellow to put hi arm around a girl's waist, by the supposition that be U looking for the rib that wag taken, f torn him so loDg ago. Life is put together considerably like a set of harness. There are traces of care, .lines of trouble, bits of good for tune, breaches of good manners, bridled tongues, and everybody has to tug to pull through. indications, For the South Atlantic States, colder north to east winds, cloudy, or partly clondj weather, 7 possibly occasional light rain,' higher barometer in northern portions. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1880. Notwithstanding the advance in Cloth ing and Gents Furnishing Goods, Shbjeb Bros, are selling beautiful suits from $10 to $12. The well known Diamond Shirt at $1 a piece. It will pay all who have an idea of bQying a suit to call and examinp the1 immense Spring stock they are now receiving. t City Court. Emma Frazier, colored, was arraigned this morning for disorderly conduct on private premises yesterday afternoon, for which she was fined $S and costs. An old colored weman who whs ar raigned, tor committing a nuiaanea U the streets was released. This was the ex tent of the decket for the Mayor's consid eration this morning. j UomaMablts. The following unmailible pottal mat ter remains in the postofflce in this city: Mesee Armstrong, Ashpo? ; Hilliard J Hnllen, Brlnkleville, N O; Dvid Gas- ten, Malls Point. N O; Agnes T Pol loci; Warren Oo, N C; Rob Kenby, Onslow Co, N C; Mr Bryant, C C. Onslow Co; Bradstreet Directory, 279 Broadway, N T; Aloinda Sellars, Magnolia, N C; Pes tai card to Ehricks & Co, enquiring about bustles with straps and hooks In front. Alinest a File. As Health Officer Ssharff was crossing Fourth street bridge last night, about 9 o'clock, he noticed afire on the premises of a colored man named Merriek, on the North side ot Campbell, between Third and Foqrlh streets. He hastened with ailsreed to the house, without giving any general alarm, and by the prompt appli cation of three buckets of water extin guished the flames The damage was very insignificant. Don't. Don't speak angrily to a child. Don't kick a dog when he is asleep. Don't go back on the friends of your parents. Don't otten visit your neighbors at meal time. , Don't neglect a cough thinking it will cure itself. (Thousands die of con gumption by go doing ) Don't forget Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Disoovery, for it cares a cough or cold i i onehalf the time required by any other medicine, and is the only mediciue known that positively cures consumption in Its early stages. Sold by druggists. tts The Fo Hanttri. A party of fox hunter went out early this morning to engage in the sports of the chase, and ia the Southern portion of the city the hounds captured a young fawn, which bad probably gtrayed from its parent doe, and found its way into the suburbs of the city. They also, before their return, captured one fox, and . our informant, who was one. of the party, says that thsy ought to have captured two. No change or Schedule. A rumor having been circulated that a change of schedule on the Wilmington and Weldon railroad was tojtake place, to go into effect to-morrow, we called at Oapt. Divine's office to-day to ascertain if such was the fact We were informed by an "official fhat the subject of a change of schedule had been mooted, but that it had finally been determined not to change the schedule now in. operation for the present, and it is very uncertain if any change will be effected during the sum mer. At any rate there will be none for some time to ceme. ! Look. Oat for Burglars. A few nights since Mr. E. Turlington, who resides on Walnut, between Sixth and Seventh streets, was aroused by some one attempting to enter his house through one of the windowg. He aroee quietly and went out at one door, while his son, who bad also been arouged, went out at another, and each passing around he. house in a different direction, caught the would-be burglar in an alley way In the rear of the house. In an attempt to surest the rascal, who proved to be a colored man, a scufH ensued between him and the younger Mr. Turlington, but he succeeded in freeing himself, and crawl ing under the house made his escape. Hr. Alexander Johnson, who lives on the corner of Sixth and Walnut streets, was alse quite recently visited by one of theae midnight marauders, (presumably the game who made the attempt at Mr Turlington's; who was discovered trying to get in at the window.but being aware that be, was soen and bi$ plans frustrated, made hU eWpe. Oar people cannot be too much upon their guajrd , against . this sort of critry. ; - : 7 ; A lia trill travel a tr2rcd cila jrfeib Trutb la cutllss ca t!i boots. : Meeting of Greinbackeis. The Executive Comrnitreo of the Greenback party held a meeting at the Court House to-day for the purpose of reorganizing and markicg out ,a lire of policy for the next campaign. Captain F. M. Wooten, the Chairman of the Com mittee, tendered his resignation, which was accepted and Mr.'.Thomas M. Gard ner was elected- to fill the vacancy created by Captain Wooten'a withdrawal A committee was appointed to como-H nicate with Hon. D. L. Russell to a seer- tain at what time n;ot convetiient to biraif, hucaoi) -in 'Wihninftlon Bnd participate wi'h the other scattering Greenbackers here and hereab uts for the purpose of having a m iss meetiog. The committee, which is to correspond with Judge Rueseil, will4rueet at Squire Gard ner'sofficeou Moodsy, thi8h inst.,at 10 a. m. llow men who have the interest of this country, and the Southern section of this country at heart, atjd who profess to be true Southern men, as we know some of the Green backers to be, can go and ally themselves with a party which chooses for its leader one of the most inveterate Republicans in this section of the country is sometbiug beyoLd our ken. For they must know, if they know any thing, that they are just" being made tools of by the Radical party, who give thtm all the countenance' and encouragement they can, even to voting for their candi date.' Cannot our. friends who have hitherto been so true to their own section and people see what use the Radicals propose makiDg of them ? It is not the Radicals' lota for the Greenbackers, (though they do love the almighty dollar), but it is their intense and undying hatred of the Democrat i party which has driven them in disgrace from place and power when they were pillaging and plundering the people of this good old State of all their wealth, that caused the Radicals to ally so closely with the Greenbackers at the Congressional election in this district The miserable Radical party for, long years, like a great political vampire sat upon the body politic of this dear old North State and almost sucked the last drop of her life's blood in its cravings and inordinate greed for gain, which was wasted in riotous living; and these are tie people whom the Southern Greenbackers are aiding and abetting in their opposi tion to the honest sons of toil who are working with the Democrats to bring about a reduction in the enormous taxa tions which the corrupt Radical party in this State have saddled upon the present generation of people in North Carolina. Memorial services. Memorial services will be held on Sunn day, March 7, to commemorate the death of Monsigneur Adolph I. Cremieun, Life Senator of France, and President of the Alliance Universale Isralit, and whose I3rvices to the cause of humanity and enlightenment are eo widely known. There will be services in the Temple of this city to-morrow afternoon at 5 o'clock, and a Eulogy will be delivered by .Rev. S. Mendelsohn. Seats free. Dr. Wilson s Lecture Ticketa for Dr. Wilson's Lecture on Monday night next are now on sale at tie bookstores. Much interest is being mani fested in the cause, and we feel sure that a fine audience will be the result. The pre ceeds are for the benefit of the Wilmirg too Library Association. - .1 Be sure and call for Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup, if Ten. are troubled with a bad Cough or Cold. It will give you relief. For sale by every respectable druggist. Price 25 cents a bottle. It is expected that the steamer Pats port will change her schedule, leaving here in the morning, and returning ia the afternoon, about the first of April. If Mr. Myers would only inaugurate a doable daily acheduje, as suggested by our SmithYille correspondent some days ago, we believe that it would put money in everybody 8 pocket. From a Prominent Drug House. H. H. Wabneb & Co., Kochcsteb, Y. Dear Sib; U is now only thia months since we rec ived your first ship ment ot Sfe Remedies. We have sold drags ia this pUc lex twenty years, and have never sold a proprietary medicine that gives such universal satisfaction as yours, especially your Safe Kidney and Liver Core, and Sfa Diabetes Cure. We could mention many .who have re ceived great benefit in cases of Kidney diSi coltieg, Aathmt, iHhenmttliin, Diabetse, Brlgh.'d Disease, etc;": ; ... .- : IpectfaHy yours, r. SISSOX&FOX, - AlexandrU Day, 11. T. NO. 21 New Advertisements. WAIT I WAIT 2 FOR THE OF TLB Mew tore WITH AN ENTIRE MEW STOCK ! ! 38 Market St, NOT A SHOP WORN ARTICLE IN THE ENTIRE STOCK AT IHlIHllM 3 38 market St. Easter Goods ! Easter Gloves I NEW CALICOES ! PIQUETS ! in all 'varieties', shades and figures, at H A HI' J 38 Wlarket St. FULL LINE OF BUTTONS, FASHIONABLE FRINGES, ETC to match Dress Goods, at 38 (Vlarket St. Fullest and most complete Stock ever in this city ! Ribbon?, iiibboBS, ltibbons. In all patterns, qualities and sty'e. Opera .Kids, Opera Kids? In all desirable tints and ofth c ; best make at HAMM' 38 PJlarket St. HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! The finest stock of Ladies and Children's Hose ever brought to this city. At 38 Rflarket St. MILLINERY GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWER, HJ. In great variety at Hahn's, 38 Market St. Remember the place pej 38 Market St. Wait for the Grand Opening and have an entire New Stock to select from. Prices to astound the na tives. Remember the Grand Open ing, , MONDAY, 3th. UEJEi jELII'ELIJ, ' E3XlarIiet Gti mwwwm in, PRHfi DRESS GOODS PLEASE NOTICE. . .' - We will begfad to receive eommnnicaUom from our friend on aey and all injects o general interest but : The name of the writer most alws rs be fur nished to the Editor. - v Communications a us t be written on only one side of the pepcr. , v - Personalities'mwt tc avoided. And it is esrally atci psuicaiarly jmdvt stood ttat the Editor does not always end ri the views of correal -o.adestt, unless so Ulcd in the editorial etii a t rs. New Advertisomonts. W, W. Harriss, EI.; l)m IJOUEOt'ATIilU riiYSIOIAN. Office ' (t present) text Cenit lioure. Hay be cor au'.ted, on Sonr' ajs and evenings during the week, at residence, 5th atrcet,tiear Oranja. mch -lt Lecture, rpiJE RLV JOSEPH R. Wl OX, 1. 1- , tvJl deliver a Lec are, for tb 6ene5t'of the l ibrary Ast ciativu, at tWUPKK , m MQUA V, M-ch 6th, at 8 o'clock. P. 11. Bnbject; "riacces". . ' ... . V. AdmU-gfon 25c. Tickets to be tad at the Bo.kstores acd at the door. v mch 6-2t nac 1 i " Office Treasurer & Collcplor, . . City of V7ilminfftont II. March' 6, 1880. Tax Sale- rpiIE SALS OF REAL ESTATE for City Tax of 1879, will be commenced on Monday. March 8th, at 12 o,o!oci, noor, at the Ccurt House door. ' , . . . i HENR5T SAVAGE, s mch 6 It btar cony. Treas. A Tax Collector. Field Croquet, THE BE3T SETS F03 THE MONEr ever offered. j o Four Ball Hets, and Eiht Ball Sets, with Boox complete, ia dovo-toil boxes with hmjjea. For sale cheao at . iiKINSBERGER'S: A Great American ! Novel. rjlHE MASTER OF RED LEAF, . . Bj Mrs. K. A. Mernwetber. rirst American from London Kdition. Cloth 1.25;FaPor 75 cents. Second supply just revived at . HKi.NailLROER'P, - mcb6 39 and 41 Market st. , mortgagee's Sale. rT VIKTOR AND IS PURSUANCE of the proviiions of a c ;rtaia deed ofjiort effe executed to Joel W. Wnfihin hv wn- 1 ham Sampson and wife, on the 2l-t dar t f reoraary 18h, and recorded in the Keau -ter's Office of New Banovei- Ciunty, in Hook -N, N, N, page 69, ic, the hnders'giied as Attorney for said mortxageo will .expose for sale at pnblic auction, for casj, at the Court House door, in the t-'itjr ofvv llmington, bn Monday the 5th day t April, at 12 Voider, M. the followicg described real estate In th City of. Wilmington, aforeaaid: BeginnlAjr' in the Southern Una. of Fanning street at A point 83 feet from its inter-ection with thu western line of Anderson stroet, thecce west-wardl-y with Fanning street 82 feet,ruBniiJ(j back 63 fet, being M part oflot 1, block 269, official plan of the City of Wilmington.1!' " mcb, S-s A tt'y for Mortgagee. For Sale; PER FE OILY NW OFFICE 8 AIE, Mosler, Bahm&na A Co., mtnufiu turcrS combination lock, weight I ;f 0 ) lbs, ;'4i For sale cheap. Apply at i mch 3 TUH OFFI03.v Dr. E. S. P.gford, - Q.BADUATE (7 TUV RAHEilAlT Medical Col!ee f onicag'o, v. iil cccvpj the office or hV' klT tbe late D'.' Wm, L Freeman. mch 1-lw A Lare Stock Y"ELVET f 'M, : WALNDT FUAilLH, -MOTTO FIUME3, etc. Also, Buniaj School BookaReward'Cafis Diblee, Hjrnn Hooks, Trayer Iiokf, Ac, at "mcb 2 PookHt-MP; The . Kevv .1:1-1 Z2 MARKET STBr,ST.V:' :i .... oots and Shoes FortheSHclidayG"; RaIVIN3 DAILT BY rX?iirfi3. Come soon to arold the rcsf JaienM calef ' daily, . . k . Vj Goods in Pri.M aad Q-Ult? cszzot hi " excelled by any; - " : Ifone batthe test aid mcH-pvpVLltT zniYes ' in thecoantrj. . . i. - no ad VAxucs xi- rzc2is" v Another lot of thosa Bcoteh Battja Ectcol -Shoes jatt arrircd. - , Coxae ard examUa. The Saine Old Prlcea ::ROp E H T E3 A L' - co TJarlrct fiercer; V.