HE K.EEPETH WATCH. tan -led bard life knot may f'Xwe roe It. be. .JiT 'Vouch of FiUUerTlBQO r,Mr .L aav win sure umloU. i htfM. darling. wai. lu tu- iHibi mat anlnes forever. . . t h.rt. a friend Is gone. Ww?c!a f f U world'- uaran drilling; T m i t sorrows on every aide. Yet aa' TUrTm-unt forever. .Jtlhur of weal or woe. 'uldoubcunglveoraiur. M endetn light. lJesendtrlb liignt And cuauge goo oa forever. . not tafce life with cheerful trust 5ith ii ft " rath weakness.' ,."n-Jeret daUy wan, it. head vvuu courage. yet with meekness. A Minny Uc lU'ii noly grace. Xo woo the bua forever. Forrvrr and ever, my darling, yes 1 V.lea and love are undying. , iir.lv tnetioubU? and care of earth "re wiagvJ from the flrat for dying. 1 1 i r way w plough 1 11 tii furrow "now, Hut afierthe tilling and growing, the "'h lr the root, but the sun for the leaf Am: God krepetb watch forever. Profits of Sheep Ealslnz- Foar years ago, Mr Fleet bought tru brad of t berp. says tne AianKaio ti-fi-irt for which be paid $1 each, or i ):or the lot. The first jear the -.-d crio sold lor SIB : the eeoona ts. aud the third, or a total of 112. lie ua Kiuea aix new, wuica uve netted him more than the origi ...i nntlav. and still has filty head of old heep and thirty young ones which he estimates that be wm 8 near at jcsbi wnrth of WOOl. lhlS Will RlVe ilil for wool in four jears. and his tlock is worth 2o0 more, ui coarse ii.. ir irnina has been a eonroa oi ex pue, but the benefits of a flock of Bucep iu keeping down weeds and i. r. tii nn a farm almost compensates f ir their care. A farmer of experience I a .3 A. I a. iu wool growmg has weu Baia tuai iirA iu mnrft moneT in crowing wool a u a w w w at twenty cents a pound than to loan your money at ten per'cant interest. il nteoti farmer. YIce or the People- HILLSDALE, Mich, i:. V. Tiskce. M. D : 1 had a serious disaase of the longs. an 1 was for a time confined t my bed sail uutler the care of a physician. Ilia prescriptions d.d not help me. I grew wurrxj. coughing very severe'y. I com tnouced taking your Medical Discovery, which helned me greatly. 1 nave taiceo Hover! buttles, and am restored to good health. J Yours reapecttullv, juditu BUiiNKrr Youth's Companion. Curabllttj ofConsunoUon. Tue beat phyeioans are ooming more to acknowledge that tuburcular con sumption can be cared. . Dr. Carl Bjotb, of New York, a man eminent in tne regular profession e'aims that he is able to cure sixty per cut. of consumption at all stages; aud that it is easy to arrest the disease iu its early stages. His aim is to ee cure live points. 1 To get the muscles whioh control the aotiou of the lungs into such a condition that they can draw the air forcibly into the finest passages, thus clearing the langi of all phlegm and pua.and reestablishing capillary circu lation in the affected parts, and stimu lating the aotivity of the air cells gen e rally. J. To establish perfect digestion, aseimilalioa and excretion. Ia . this, Le doe not ek what to people gen erally 'ia the most nutritious and most eaaiiy digested food, but such as the pirticular patient can most readily digest and assimilate 3. To heal the tubercules by trans forming them into a cretaceous (chalk like) mass. Ha secures this (1) with food nob in salts of limp; (2) certain minerals, snob as lime and silicia; and (3) cartain aoids, as citric, which pre iu te oxidation of effete ma ter. 4. To increase the activity of the air Cdllj. This is scoomplisbed by bring ing the pitijnta under the influence, as much as possible, of sunlight, ozone, fresh air, aud bodily exercise, lie say: They sleep with open windows in Summer and Wiuter, and go out every day. So important is outdoor ixercis that I insist that mjjpatients go out in raiu, snow, dampness and tren in night and dew. I have eo iuttanee for twenty years where a patient caught cold from euoix expo sure. I only, guard against strorp head wiuds ltd extreme hot weather.' 5. To prevent all unnecessary waste of norvoua force, and to employ the latter, as far as possible, in promot ing the nutrition of the system. Attend to This! All IlAncock and Knjlish Campaign Clubs, and thr organizations which sup Iirt the Democratic candidates, are re q-tesUst to send to V. li. harnura. Chair. mn National Deuix:raiic Comuaiiue, ICS Fifth Aveuue, New York, lit. The name and looatlou uf their cr. gaiiUiUon. 2d. A statement of the number ol mem hvn enrdUJ. 3 1. The names of clli ers. 4ih. Axounls of meeting held. 5 u. Itr-porti, every two week during 1k) Campaigu, of the number aud iu crease ot iHein'oershtp, w th the CJiiditiou aud prospect of the canvass. r . , When jou visitor leave iow York City, stop at the Grand Union liotel, opposite ."a ax 1 lrand uentrai uepx. .orouean pian. Kooms redaced to $1.00 and upwards, liestaurant unsurpassed at moderate pi ices. Street cars, stages and elevated railroad to all parts ot the city. ly . lLT' - - - -i IUW HaTK? ror all; klndaof .Frintisr, I'araooj reidin ivt of tha city eaa havt tUr prtauag earefally aiitt aa4 wailed to tttm trt of poatag. a. 8. WABROOK, (la EUvUw BaUdbag) Job 1'riatar. apl 9 WWsSafe, IIIigf I Liver i i 8L25 PER BOTTLE ! A Positive Remedy for ALL Kid ncy. Liver and Urinary Troubles of Dotn xaaiQ and Female It saved my life. E.' B. Lakely. Selma. Ala. 'It Is the remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar to women. Mother's Magazine. 'It has passed severe tests and won en dorsement from some of the highest medi cal talent in tho country ' N. Y. World No remedy heretofore discovered can be bold for one moment in comparison . with it. O. A.Harvey, D. D.,Wa8bicgton,D.O This Great Natural Remedy is for Sale by Draughts in all Parts of the World. ' ; TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. Y- au 7 fin P A MO 1 dtftpa, Pub Baas Oct. Coup UnUHnO ler, Vx CelU and Vox HU- Fianos.125 qd. Pitilnirn. fro A. AHdx Daaiel t. iieattyj Waahiuiton, N. J. an it Agent Wasted for mith'a Bible" Dictionary """"'PICTORIAL BIBLES Address, for Circulars, A J Uolmaht A Co., PhlladAlpbia. au 11 IHi BONANZA FOR BOOK AGENTS u aelling our aplen 'idlj illustrated book Life of GEN. HANCOCK, written by his lifo long friend, Hon. John W, Forney, an author of national fane and an ardent admirer of the ''superb soldier" incladiog- the life of the lion. WM H. ENGLI8H. This work ia officially endorsed, low-priced, irameneely popular, and aelling bejond precedent. Outfits 6Co. Act quick and eoin money, j For the best book, best terms, and full particulars, address HUB BAKU B OS., Atlanta, Ga, au 11-aw THE NEW FOOD MEDICINE TO not confound this ilatohless Benova U tor of Feeble and Exhausted ( onstitu tiona with violeat cathartics, cheao decoc tions of vile drugs, aad ruinous in toxical ta iauecesUy labeUed "bitters." MALT BIT- Tlia appeal to popular confidence because prepared from Unfermented Malt. Hops, and Qaioine, and otner precious iscredlents acoordiog to the proeess of Liebi?, and are richer in tne elements tnat restore to perm a nent health the Weak, Convalescent, Over worker, Nervous. Sleepless, Dyspentio, Bu ous, and Fickle In Appetite, than all other forms of Malt or Medicine. The renuioe are plainly signed by the company. Hold every where. MALT B.TTEBS COMPANY, Bos ton, Mass. au 11 -aw LHIancock ! OUR NEXT PRESIDENT!: Crayon Portraits, H Size Of onr next Pxe.ident. . and Vic a President. Haj. Gen'll ?. S. HANCOCK, i - Hon. .-H. ENGLISH levant Specimea Copies, 22 x 28, upon Uary Plated Card htock, snt by mail on receipt of COc, and your addteas, (Two eopiea kg eenta.) THEHANCOK PUBLISHING C., PLAISTOW, x. n. aO. These two Puperb Portraita ahould adora the Home of eveiy ho; eat citizen of Go to VanOrsdell'a A RT OALLERt TO-DAY, if you wish to L V se the moat beanti;'ul li&e of Faney Frames, Eaaala, Easel Frame, Papepartouts, Matt), Mould in for miklnr fraei. Oord and Taaaels. 8ilrer aad Oold Wire, Uke.. ever or r n faraes aendiad: babies to tne by mail to be PaotOzTaohed. Will Dleaaa mtrk no th envelop, handle earefally. j U. at. VaaOK-nKLU Artist, maylT-tf WUmianton. S. C. Hot Weather is Upon Us ! JOWN WITH HIQU PaiOS3. Buy your Shirts at bottom figures at the factory The "Congress aad "Royal" still keep the lead. Look at prices. "Congress" 75 oenta, eqnaJ to aay $1 Shirt; "Royal' 90 cent I equal to aay $L15 8hirt oa the market '. KLMliACU, Uanafaetarvr i So 3, Market st. , few mm liliscallanooTis. The World for 1880. i Democrats every whet e ahould infer tn them selves carefullf ahke of te action of tnt-i' party throughout the country and of tnt movements of their tiepabiican oppODen-a. A failure to do this in 18 fC contributtsd 'eai y to the loss by the Democracy o the fruit cf the victory fairly won at the polls. - The year 180 promla-s to be one of th most interesting and imrorta t jears ol tLia erowded and eventual century. It will wit ness a Presidential election hich may result la reeatablisninir the UoTrtimi-n f thu eoantrv on the principle of it cocetitatiooal founders, or in permanently enanging tne re lation of the Htates to the Federal power. No intelligent man can regard such au elec tion mlth indifference, lne World, as the only dailv bngliab newspaper published id the citf of ew York wi.ich upholds the doctrines of eorstitati'nal Democracy, a ill steadily represent the Democratic party in this great canvass t ri.' do this in no spirit of servdepartiaansbip, bdt tmpratelv ana firmly. As a newspaper the world, being the organ of no man, tn cliqne and no inur est, will preseet the fulleat and the fairet picture it can make ot enc- day s iurv i the ci'y, tne HUtet tie count y and the worm, it a in aim nerearter, a neretoioie, at accuracy first of all thing in all that it publisher. No "-an, hoev r humble, shall ever be pro.itted truly to complain that he bas been unjuotlv delt with in th - columns of The World, no interest, how-ver power ful, thall ever be permitted truly to boost that it can tilt nee the fair criticisms of The World. Daring tbe past year The Werld has seen its daily circulaaou trebied aad its. weekly circulation pushed fir beyond thbt of auy other" weekly rewai-ape in the country. This great increase has been won, as The W orld believes, by truthfulness, enierprne, ceaseeaa activity in collecting news anJun faltering loyalty to itrlf aiaU to its readers in dealing with the aueotioas of the dkv- It is our hope and it a ill be our endear t that The Worla'sreeord for 1880 may be written in the approbation and the support of many thousands more of new readers in all paits ot this lndusoluole. Union of Indestructible State.: (RATES. Our rates of subscription remain unohang ed, and are as follows t Daily and 8undays, one year, $10 ; fix months, $5.50; three months, $2 75. Daily, without Sundays, one year $8; six montns, $4.Zd; tnree months, i 2o; I era than three months, $1 a month. 1 TheSunday World, one year, $2. Tbe Monday World, containing tne Book Reviews and "College Chronicle," one year, $1.50. The 8emI-Week'y World (Tuesdays and Fridays) Two Dolla-s a year. To Club Agente An extra copy for club of ten: the Daily for club of twenty-five. The i Weekly Wrorld (Wednesday) One Dollar a year. To Club Agents An extr a copy for c nb of ten, the 8emi Weekly for club of twenty, the Daily for club of fifty. specimen numbers sent free on applica tion. Terms Cash, invariably in advance. Send post-oifice money order, benk draft or registered letter. .Bills 1 1 risk of the send er. Address "THE WOULD," 35 Park Row, IV. Y, A SPECIALKOFFEB. RnhrrriSr who annd SI fnr a. ,irV anh ; " ' - - " - j - - The Weekly World from the date ot their iitusvripuua To ilJarch;, 1881. This will ir elude the Presidential campaign and the ir augural ion of the next President. Old subscribers who send $1 before De cember 23 for a renewal of their subscrip tion for T 1880, will receive The Weekly World to March 5, 1881, without missing a number. This Oiler will he W ith drawn December i59I Takeadvantage of it at once, t Subscribe at once. iRenew at once, deo 10 -j The Cosmopolitan Bar i 8 THK PLACE TO GET ANY AAD ail of the fancy, delicious, cooling drinks of the Season. Ice cod Lager aiwa on hand None but the vry bat of Lie iors d-alt oa t at this Bar Cigars of the bst braodj can always be foa-d at the Uoaiopolitan. JOHN CARROLL, P.-od , jy S No. 12 Market dt. Soldiers ! A. THOM A.f, Corner 9th and F etree , Washington, D. C attends to Pension and Back Pay. Boanty Claims collected. Ccn tested Land Ciawu Mineral and Agricnltu r.I, attend jd to before the Department of tie Interior and Supreme Court, Land War rants purchased, jeiaktf IN l'i a l-.tliVOL.UMK. THE RALE1CH NEVS. P. M. Hals, Editor, L. L. Polk, Cor. Ed. KDwatos, UKOUQdioH A Co., bus. Man'gre. AN. C.i DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL. DAILT AND WEEKLY. t Term1 Eaily, 1 year, $7; 6 months, $3.f0; icnoath.L75. . Weekly, one year, $2.00;;eix months, $1. Ac dress, ; THE -RALEIGH NEWS, Raleigh, N. U. jy IS I f you are a man of lisin?, weaietied by the atraic it rj yourauuett, aroia n?nui&ntji&ii(i onel ( f It jou are a nun of letter, toilinjr orer yonr tcidniylis won vo roworo urmn nerve aou wtnou:, &fi IX T&a are jonng and auffcrir.jr from any lndirrct!on or auBipaaoo . tI yoo are mamea cr aii.frie. rii or m youns sofferlnc from poor health or laouiab- rm II injronaoedof akrkxwna, rt-ly on J Waoerwyo are, wbererer yoa are, wbOTereryou feel lO&i yoar imeui neeas ciear&uifr wjui n uc Hare yon 1mV&L, kidnrr or urinary ronirfrf, c ut- V Wycaareatmpryweakandlowaplrltt Bnytt Insist apoalt. TourdraFgikenIt. tart raw lire. a mmm mmwm. .mifc vr vwtwi, m,m - NWn. CWrvkyabM-puo. ItSspcrfcrt. Askamouu. T 1 f! baAWMjliniWiHrnftMiruUHt.wnl w ariyViu wrTcX, Miscellaneous. THE DAILY MEW JOSH, T. JAMES, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Is published Every Atternoon (Sundays excepted). At the following1 rates, postage paid : One Year !.. 5 00 Six Months 2 50 Thiee Months. 1 25 One Month ' 50 The paper will be delivered by carriers, free of charge, in any part of the city at the ubove rates, "or 13 cents per week. The Daily Keview is now in the r F -1 . . . luuriu year oi lis existence, is per- manently jesfobHshed, with a large and steadily increasing Bubserip. tion list, and presents to merchants and others a most desirable medi um for advertising. THE WILMINGTON JOHInl, Is )nblisht d VERY FRIDAY. j , At the followingrates : One Year. . . .$2 00 Six Months 1 00 i Three Months........ L50 i i Thi WrxMisGToa Jocbsaii circu- tes largely in the adjoining comi ties as well as in' the Wefttem por l " - - ' tions of the State and presents un- qnalled facilities to merchanta for making known what they baTd for sale . - Miscellaneous CRAY'S SPECIFIC WIEDCINE TRADE MARK QasAtTRAOB MARK English Rem edy, An un failing cure for dentinal Weak n ess, 8 pnnatorr hea,'mpotea CT.andalldis- BEFOBE TAlllB.ease thatfol AFTlt TAKII8, low, as a sequence o( weu-Abuse; as ioes ol Memory, Umrersal Laesitade, Pain in the Baca, uimnees or vision, Premature Old Age, and many other Hiseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature rave. tSA, Full particulars In our namnhlet. whitn we desire to send free by mail to every one. 43a a iio npwiuo uwiicu? ib sola oy all druggists at $1 per package, or six pack ages for $5, or will be sent free by mail or receipt or tne money by addressing THE GAY MEDICINE CO.. Mehanic's Block, Detroit, Mioh. au Bold in Wilmington. Wholesale and detail, by Green A Flanner and all drasrsristM every wner. eet ll-dawly NO tVIORC OR GOUT JlCUTEOR OH RON JO A SURE CURE. Manufactured only nnder the abore Trad Mark, by the EUROPEAN HALIOYL1C MEDICI NE CO., of Paris and Leiosig. Immediate Relief W ar ran ted. Pern anen Cure Guarantee. Nw exclusively used by all celebrated Physician of Europe ! and America. The highest Medical Academy of Paris reports 9& cures out of 100 eases within three days. Secret The only disso'ver of the poiso ens Uric Acid which exists in the Blood o Rhenmatio and Gouty Patients. CUBED. CURED. CURED. H S Dewey, Esq., 201 Broadway. Inflam matory Rheumatism. J Leaver, Esq, 450 Washington Market, Chronic Rheumatism. Mrs E Tr wne, 63 East Ninth street. f chalky formations in the joists), Chronio Rheuma tism, A M Prager, 74 Newark avenue, Jersey City, Chronio Rheumatism. . John F Chamberlain, Esq, Washington Club, Washington D C, Rheumatic Gout. Wm E Arnold, Eq, VI Weybosset street, Providence, R I, ot twenty years Chronio Rheumatism. John B Turngate, 100 Sanchez- street. San Francisco, Neural a ia and Sciatica. For McdarialJntermitlent and CJironio Fevers. Chills, or Abue, SALICYLIC A IS A CERTAIN CURE, Superseding entirely the use of 8ulphate of uuinine, as it will not only out tne fevers. but will achieve a RADICAL CURE, with out any of the inconveniences and troubles arising from guiNINr'. CI al box, six .boxes for 85. jBectfrae by Mauom receipt or.morey. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST IFOR ITI but take no imitation or substitute, as cur . j v rj. p,-- - - liere, or meney refunded, and will ne aeuv- erea tree on receipt oi oraers, dj veiling uu or addressing Washburne & Co.. SOLE AGENTS, 312 Broadway, cor.juitost. (KnoBuiw feb 28-iydw. Is a comround of the virtues of sarsapa- rilla, stillingia, mandrake, yellow dock, with the iodide of potash and iron, all pow erful blood-making, blood-cleansing, and llfe-sustaininer elements. It is the purest. safest, and in every way the most effectual alterative medicine known or available to the public. The sciences of medicine and chemistry have never produced so valua ble a remedy, nor one so potent to cure all diseases resulting from impure blood. It cures Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Erysipelas, Rose, or St. An thony's Fire, Pimples and Face grubs, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Tu mors, Tetter, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scald-head, Ringworm. Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Mercurial Disease, Neu ralgia, Female Weaknesses and Ir regularities, Jaundice, Affections of the liver, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, and General Debility, -c- TW Its sftrrhimr anfl r.leansinff dualities It purges out the foul corruptions which contaminate the blood, and cause de rangement and decay. It stimulates and rhP vital functions. It Dromotes energy and strength. It restores and pre serves tiealtn. it inruses'new ma ami vigor throughout the whole system. No . an fforor frnm an v d isftJlKfi whichariseS from impurity of the blood need despair, who will give Arm's baksat'a-kjl.i.a iir trial. Remember, the earlier the trial, the speedier the cure. . .. Tra rwirw ha hfin furnished to thvI- cians everywhere; and they, recognizing Its superior qualities, administer u in uicr practice. Vrir TvparTxr fnrt v VAAra AvEB. fi dAB- gAPARnxA has been widely used, and it now possesses the confidence of millions of people who have experienced benefits from its marvellous curative virtues. - Prepared by Dry L & Ayer & ' Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, - Lowell, Mast. a sjols bt auir saueaisTS xtutwexbs.1 Freoh Every Day, I15E AESOSTifEHT QT CAJDIfi, French and Domettif, Jart reodrad aad for sale. THB OJTLY - GE2HJI21E HOUB-MADI Candy, la! the city, will be found everv day, fresh aad sweat, three doors South of m tbe ioatoGes on Baeona sxreei. aw, iu BaMns, Fruit, JkttJ 1 C E. JEVES8, -!aS 'pcsitiaFcrtoes Rail Road Lines, &c. BBS CAROLINA CBNTBAL RAILWAY CO . Omoa QuraaAL BtmaMTanixT, ... . . ( V wumiasjtOB, 7. O., jane 16, IE 80 ) Change or Scilkduut, OJT AND AFTER JTJsfE 16, 18S0, the fol ioing8chedul mttl bt operated oa tls Railway i Passenger, Mall and Express Train. . . ) lfve Wuminrtoa at.-. 6:00 P li Ho. L VArrive at Hamlet at.M.M. 1:25 A H J " at Charlotte au.. 7;00 A VL . ) lave Charlotte at...8:M p H ..1. VJLrriveatBanJetaU...... 1:27 A M J " , at Wilmington at 9.00 A 11 No. 1 train is dailv exceDt Hnnrf.r. k. makes no connections tt Kaleirh nn - - - B days. - No. 2 train is da By except Satn'dsjs, Shelby Division Mail, Freight h PasBese r and Express. Ho a. LeTe Charlotte at......8;00 A M Bo. 4. r V6 Bbwby at , J;00 P V X Arrive at Charlotte at...... 6:00 P M Lc cal Freight and Accommodation. leaye Wilmington at .....M....6:45 A M amve at Laarinbarg, at 5.10 P M Leave Charlotte at 4.15 A M Arrive at Laariahnrtr at a. nn v i Leave Lanrinbnrg at 5.30 A M Arrive at Charlotte at. a ?n i t Leave Lanrisbarg at....... .....5.00 V M a.r.ire at wumingion au. 4.15 p These trains leave Wil mine inn nA rk.. . lotte. Tnesdavs. Thnrrd.v. anti - V. . ' imu.i,, Lanrinbnrg, Mondays, Wednesdays snd J.J1UBJT.. Close connaefinn .'.i.t . n . . . ji """"II v BUM ill III Haleirn and at Chariot i. m.a.-.,iia all nomts in WeatArn Nnrth r..ni:.. a Ashevllle. "u xv tSIAlsO. Via RnirlinK... l TT A.. ,11. adjacent pomts and Asheville. .Men?T' r Ahe yia either route, eavintr Wilmlnvtnn . v i m ' . destination at 7 P. M. next day. Bleeping Car accommodations t:n Thrtnffh Train to and from Charlotte and WiUniair. ton j . Through Sleepers will also fc ti' 'to and from Raleigh and Charlotte. tune IT General Br.;-- ..-ufor. f WILf.llNGTON u DON &AILBOAD C0Kr; . ?. Omci of Oihl BuriBTBrmnan Wilmington, N. C., June 12, If 80 CHANGE OP BOHEDULlfi On tnd after Monday .June 14th, 180 , Passenger trains on tbn Wilmington k Wei don Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daJly Leave WUaalngton, Front St Depot at................. ................. e 60A Al Arrive at Weldonat......,........ 12 60 V h Leave Weldon........... 3 40 1 hi Arrive at Wilmington, Front Bt. I Depot at...M.............M.... 9 53 P M Passenger, and Freight Train, Daily ex- cept fcundays. i Leave Wilmington, Front Bt. I . ,DeP t".....f . 3 SJ Pli Arrive at Weldon at. M Leave Weldon, 1 CO A M Arrive at Wilmington. Front Fit. Depot at................ . 1 30 P M . Trains on Tarboro Branch Rosa Jeav e Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 6.1? P M daily, and Tuesday, Thursday and riatnrc ay at 6 tC5 A M. Returning, leave Tarboro 4t 1001 A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday arc Friday at 80 P M The Day Train makes elose eon. action at Weldon for all points North vi Bay Lis e dailj (except 8unday) and daily, tU Rich mond and all rail route . The 3.30 P M train makes cl&se cennsc tions at Weldon for all points north via Richmond, JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sar i. 1 June 14 CenMS jp'tG Office WIL'lINGTON, COLUMBIA A A D i I) GUBIA RAIlOAD CO. WilmlBfton, N. a, Jcne 12,!lt0 CHANGE OF SCHEDDLI , -On and after Monday, Jure 14th, 18f0 ' the following seLedule will be run on thi road: Pacsesger, Express, Ms.il and Th? oh Freignt Tiain, JJaily except BaLd.y,. Leave Wilmlngtoc. 4 00 Pi i Leave Florence 2 40 P M Arrive at Col am Lis 8 15 A M Leave Columbit 6 00 P M Leave Florence..;......... 4 30 J II Arrive at Wilmuigton................. 11 '43 A JJ fNIOHT EXPRESS TRAIN flatly). Leave Wilmlngton..... i ) 13 P M Leave : Florence....... 4 2 ) A rt Arrive at Camden Junction......... 4.15 A M Arrive atColuirWa.M..,...,......... 8 16 A M Leave Colnmbia 6 00 P Al Leave Camden Juction.........M..!2 00 M Leave Florenee....M..MM.....M... 2 20 A r i Arrive at Wilmington. 6 30 A i? ThIs Trail stops onlv t B'inklevV WhiteviUe, Fleoangto i i Blu, aau Marl cm. " Passengers for Columbia, and 'al points 01 G. A C R. R. and in Wtrn Mh r...... n , Columbia and Bparttnbarg, ahr.u : take Night Express Train from WiFmiagt&t jrMwsKn lor Augusta snould tak KlgU Express 1ttMi.s which connects via Csmdti. Junction. nuwych Bleeping Cars on all trai. s for Charleston, and August. Trains leaving Wilmington taturu... '-ights making connection for Coin at la c 1 via Camden Junction and Bcuth i arolii.t Railroad. r I JOHJT r. DlYUUtQnf9l tc June U r.mTGMVJ0KNS0, Commission Ulerclicjit, aaehl 2- JfOR BALJS LOW-BUIm Lading, Cbartef Partys,vIafpeetor's Certlilcatfr, Crcp Lleni. iver SUamers Recti; ac. ' ; ! - K. II. WARROCK, (InRevlewBalLUa) . Job Prixstsr. Lyihrobeir

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