Iu IN SNOW TIM Ii. r. . .hould I caoose to walfc the world r E,w ith the witn thee. . . - . ume ovro IMJlUivU " BKi Am i bieew. and each lefy tree "J . itlr iUe ne--i of many a sliiKtg bird? -maofruaes. wneu toe earth dotn lie la uzLx La a garment 01 midsummer bass, "fT. canopy of sapphire any, J252 y wind' ahoula I -ailtwun thee along a wintry road, Thr"U flowerle tteitU. taIcaeown with frtht rime. .t. ice bound stream, whose waters voice mosio all the summer time 7 1" . . .i'i,iiu nr kiitnniHr uln I : i I f I UIW""' " 1 I chooe to mi mm. tue world wita tnee ? .. cAd trf f hA M TTIft rf IflTA in is dear heart I but winter fires are iuue'lack of sunshine from above e mor carefully love's uacred . tv, olla'among the roses lleth soft -u.i-id ud radiaut uuder youthful ant ou a' wintry way true hauds more oft nt. ad clia la prepare Cioae and Th re i8 more need ol love's supporting arm. i i,,!.!! life' s iypry pat i way iu froi. l'ng There is more ueed for love to wrp us Wctrm. , giut life's cola, when bummer flowers are tout. Let others snare toy lue a giaa suuiuiBr Bat let me walk beside the lu ItssnoWl In a new electric battery, one of the elements is composed of sheet-iron less than the ten-thousandth or an inch in thickness. According to an English patent, a mixture of locust beans (Cerafoni sili qua) and .tares ( Vicia sativa) may be made to.yield an infusion closely resemb ling M.ocha coffee. Ia the South Kensington Museum is Edison's original lamp with the carbon lwp. it i accompaniea Dy a ceriincate 1,390 hours. It is 6tated that Mrs. Schliemann, the wife of the great oriental explorer, helps her husband in all his scientific labors, superintending excavations under his di rection regardless of exposure to sua and dast. A "proclamation" from Dr. Salvator Vinci, of Catania, announces that a great hand, for he will shortly demonstrate, by it is switched so otten, J ne same eat :he most possible and incontestible evi- ment also makes a boy tender so much dence, that the essence of heat, of light, so that, like a locomotive, he cannot sit of electricity, of magnetism, and' of life, down. And for the tame reason. Nor is oxygen I ristown Herald. According to Dr. Edward Smith, an Eldest daughterI think you might egg contains 15 per cent. ,of-carbon let me come out, mamma! I'm 20, you and two per cent, of nitrogen. Another know, and surely I've finished my edaca writer estimates that the value of one tion! Festive mamma (by no means pre poand of eggs, as food for sustaining pared to act the part of chaperone and the active forces of the body, is to the wall-flower) Not yet, my love. So vslne of one pound of lean beef as ,1584 ciety is so hollowl I really must preserve tn 900. As a flesh producer one Dound that sweet girlish freshness of yours a . . 4. I of eggs ii about equal to one pound or beef. One of the leading chemical manufac tories of Germany employs six regular chemists, with salaries varying from $1, 500 to $2,500 yearly, and in addition eneages the services of an eminent chem ist for theoretical work.exclusively, pay incr him nearly 210.000 per annum. It is doubtless to this patronage of qualified scientists that the superiority of German chemical manufacture is doe. Near -Armstesr, on the line of the St. Gothard railway, .excavations for the road have laid bare a so-called glacier rrrtan mntainintr ft HflTlPS of "criantS." or larjre holes made in the rock by hy draulic or fflacier action. One-half of the garden lay across the railway track and had to be blasted away, but the other half has been enclosed by a wall and will be carefully preserved. The sources of petroleum are found in almnat twertr rrrt tf fVio rrlrK ATI fl tVlO - . . . .. . i I use of the article would seem wen Dign coeval with civilization. Jhcre is a spring in one of the Ionian Islands which has yielded petroleum more than 2,000 years. The city of Genoa was formerly lighted by oil from the wells of Armenia on the banks of the Zaro. In Persia, al so, near the Caspian Sea at Baku, num erous springs of petroleum have been known from the earliest time; and those of Rangoon, on, the Ira waddy, are said to have yielded, before the general intro duction of petroleum, some -400,000 hogs heads of oil a year. -Sir Wyville Thompson, in whose charge the Challenger deep sea explor ing expedition was made, considers the most important and remarkable biologi cal result of the work of the Challenger to be the final establishment of the tact mat contrary 10 me esiaousneu ueum, the distribution of living beings in the sea has no depth limit, but that animals of all the. marine invertebrate classes, and probably fishes also, exist over the whole floor of the ocean. He is an wil ling to speak positively as to the exact nature of the lite existing at the great est depths, but from a depth of some 2, 000 fathoms specimens were secured pro ving the existence of a vast and var ied than two and a quarter miles beueatn the surface. During a late visit to the solar obser- vatory at Mendon Prof. Ml was much uueresiea in oi. "I118a5u BP1C1U tha peopte of BoboT BiehmoDd and An photographs and expressed the opinion J ton eoautiae, in North Carolina, and in tha Zi . - . P 1 : l- f I . , :.? -r a v r -is.. tk. mac tne Tariauoaa ui uriKuiucas ui n ffiven solar neint miffht make the photo- phone sneak, and so reproduce in the la boratory sounds produced on the sun. M. Janssen put his instruments at Prof. Bell's disDOsal. and the experiment was made on a fine day. but without distinct success. M. Janssen has proposed that a eries of successive photographs of a par- aiM point on the sua s surtace do pass "efTapidly before an objective giving images on the selenium apparatus, thus condensing into a brief space variations which in the solar images are too slow to produce sound in the photophone. The Friend or Delicate Ladles - . WarneTa Safe Kidney and Liver -Cure the remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar to women. Headache, neuralgia, disordered: nerves, weakness, leatal shocks, and. kindred ailments are ffectaaliy removed by its ost. Th$ , v GalTeston News. Don ale-Barrelled Bribery. 1 Uncle Moser of Galveston, was not noticed near the Dolls on election dav . - rf" consequently a colored striker was sent out to hunt him up. He was siting hy the fire groaning dismally in his cabin. , "Uncle Mose, haa yer voted yit?" ask- j ed the colored rounder. ! "No, chile, I wouldn't risk ketch.V cold in my lungses foah all de money, in de world." - ' '"Here's $i to pay for your time." The old man secured the subsidy, re marking: "Ef you is comin' de bulldoze on dis old niggah he weakens. Hey you fetch ed a kerridge for me?" "Hit's .waiting at da doub, Uncle Mose." 'Is yer gwine to bring ma back after I'se roted?" - Bring you right back, Uncle Alose; nuiry up, now." "Gimine a dram foah I starts." "Here it i3,".said the emissary pro ducing a' flask.'- "Take a pull.' He pulled aud asked: "Gwine to gimme anuuder pull when I'se doue voted?" aud iht-n he '. pulled auin. "Yes; take annuder pull right now. Don't be afered ob it.- D.ar's plenty moah whar it cotne irom. So the old man pulled again and want ed to know: , "Hev yer got annader dollar bill wid yer?" , "Look heah. old man. tou must 'low de campaign committees' irade of money. Here's yer udder dollar; Now' jimp in. De polls is gwine ter close." "Lor', chile, you makin' out yon is a statesman, hean ! heah 1 I'se been foolin' yer. ,1 done voted the udder ticket only dia morn in', heah! heah! heah!" and the old image settled down in front f the fire and nearly chuckled his head on. The new style of fall bonnet may be photograp ed by slamming a ripe toma to against a board tence. Mauch Chunk Democrat. The Syracuse Times asks: "What is it that makes a , locomotive -tender?" i . i imi i r i. dune wnne longer: runw. " What do vou mean Dlavinjr marbles on the Sabbath, you young rascal?" exclaimed a father. "Oh, thi3 is a sa cred game of marbles, pa." That boy remembered that the old "rascal" attend ed a "sacred concert" the previous Sun day, wnereat the "Fatinitza March" and the '-Turkish Patrol" were the sacredest hymns. Boston Transcript, Wheel or woa. Countryman (to per spiring bicyclist) Carn't ride 'un np a 'ill? Tips up when she coom to a stawn? Whoy, I'd sooner, 'ave this 'ere donkey, sir. Bicyclist Well, but you see this thing requires no food, no stabling, no bedding and no grooming; only a litue oil now and then. Countryman Iso food, nostablun.'nobeddun,' nogroomun No more do this 'ere donkey, sir, and 'e nivir gets no ile. "I am so sorry to see yon have been out on such a day, my dear, without rubbers' said a middle jfsred woman to a 1. i:.l tn- nana nnlv youug gin wuusc muo v..v encased in French gaiters when the streets were covered with snow and ice; it does look as though you were too poor to afford rubbers." This had the desired effect, and the next time thejoung' lady weot to town she wore her rubbers, much to the gratification of her mother, who had found warning of sickness, per suasion, &e., quite unavailable. One harto become worldly wise in dealing with those will recognize no higher wis dom. , HOW U'CLb ano'ntR SG" SHIPMAN, Illinois. Dr. R. T. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Sir wish to state that my daughter, aged 18, was pron carabIe and a3 fu8ti failing, a ounced in- as the doc tors thought; with consumption. I ob tained a half dozen bottles of your Dis covery for her and she commenced im proving at once, and is ndw well and strong'. She took the Discovery last Fall. Very truly yours, Rkv. ISAAC N. AUGTJSTIN. THE LAUititfuUnU Cil i LnrniOC . TS THK BEST MK'JIDM: through which 1 y ; ooraw canu ui ovum vnruiuw, uv finterpn haa a larea and Joo'eaiing circa larton ia the Pee iee ani Oape Fer tectiona ofthiabtate bavioe obtainedja larjre oirou lation in the latter during the ax monthi it waa DUCtliaaed in Paretterille before ita re- noTAl to Lanrinbartr. a ad in the former within the laet few months. Advertiiemnts will be inserted by the month, quarter and rear at t eaaonable rates AddreM, H. I. McDUFIK, ' . Laurinbartc, N O Fresh Every Day French and Domes tie, jvst reeeiTed and I ale. v THE OLT GENUINE HOUE-UADE CandT in the elty. will be found verv dar. fresb andaweet three doors 8outh of tn jfoatoQO on oeooaa icreew a au faU Kwr tatPwIofioeg iianeoua. J?) I M fk CO Care your Eack Ache And a 1 disdssOT of the Kineya, Bladder aad Uriaarj Orjrau b weaiiig- the Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad It u a Mi:vel of Heslicf ard Belief, SIMPLE, SENSI31E. DIRECT, PA!KLES$P2WZRFUU It CTJR2I rh- all e. fl. A RUT KLiuvii a ia fc VC'LU t IO.N in Medicine. t boorr-ticn n- dl.'nct .iticstii .- ss oppoee to ursati-tActurj i-t-rr aiici'-ri eeiid tor oar treatise on Kiuue t.ob e, joatfres rtold by drsgiijt, or feat by miitaoa receipt of price, t U Address TWb iste Ofijrlasl sod Gnai' e Kid nev ia. Aslt for it and tike ao other, oct 'lb j :he "Only ' Lung Pad Co- WILLIAMS BLOCK DETROIT, Mich UjlUfAilO ytop Fiaaw 125 ap. Paper free. AddreasDaniel F. Bestty, VfMhingtou, N.J. ' aecUw HHPs Social ana Business Manual, Lawi of Etiqaetterwibles and other faleable b -otn. Beat agents wanted. Address W fl BHKPAKD, 9i fulton street, New York dee 24w CHEAPEST BQOK STORE IK THE WORLD 1756 r 2 Mafnifiwnt Gift Bookfc; orgeout Jarenile Beoks, superb Bibles and Prayer Booka almos 2g"ivn away Grand Holiday ;Ca.alogue free :LSGtfAT BROS.- 3 Brekmaa St. 0pp. Postoffice, H. Y. 2?ew and Very Attractive Stvles are Bow Beady. BEST 04HIN7 O?. PAR LOS. Q&OAN8 in the World, wlonera of hiehast dis tisc tion ateverv zret Worla'a Sxhi- AND ORGANS bitioA for thirteea years. Pri ce. S51. S57. $68. S10 t.- $500 ani upwara. For aiy payments, $6.58 a quarter and upward. UtaXoge iree. MA&Of i HAMLIN OROAi Co. 154 Tremont St, Boston; is po 14th Mt. ( Oaion Baaarel Aev York: na whsh ATPue. Chicarc. - deo2-4w HO! mas." Ig TSB tlTli OP k NEW ILLUSTRATED) PAMPHLET DesariotiTft of the noxmtry itng and tribu tary to tie'.! ioeof.tbo International and Great Worth.- em Railroad aad eontalns a ood copstt Kir of the State. It aUo contains tHe names aid addresses of Frmera and Planters in Texas who have . Farm fur Sale or Rent, and those who trill want Fark Hahds for next fiee tO tnOSe WUJ UBnro ioh.uio tutumxn.Mwu boat Texas, upon application bj letter or ,ostaleardto ALI'BJr WY, Oeaaral Freight and Paas'r Ajrent, dc 2-4w Palestine, 'Texas aw rr- aw 2 f,2.0a "Si 5S 5 -sag VZ S trc ? j r ' CEOHCE PACE & CO Ulannfacturers of Patent Portable Circular ailPortatla iTEAM ENGINES 5 IT. SCHHOESES Sj Grist and Flour MflTs, Water Wheels, Wood Working urplies, etc. . toena ior cauu-wr. HOTbl 'WiLMlNGTON, N O L.ire Sample Rooms lor Commercial TraTelers. ElCfeftl 3 aw wnjjRAr GOMMEROSAL rpHS PKOP&IETOK taTinthoronghlj renovated this House and famished It entire- ljaew,Is prepared to givto; th;travt lug pnblio aU tht(nvenianelM of IFIB8T- 0LA8S HOTBL It Is loeated 1m the vrj eeatre of tha bmisasi part of fte citj, beint convenient to the principal bo&ineet honjae, Postofflee, Ocstom Sov( City FXaUand Oonrt Hovae. jOmTA First-Giasa Bar and Billiard 8aloor oonaeeted wit this HotaL -k, ; RATES $2 EKS DAT. ootJ24 F. A. SCHUTTE, Miscellaneous Cures by ABSOBPTlOlT (Nature waj) LUHQ DISEASES THROAT; DISEASES. BREATHIFIQ TROUBLES. It DRIVES' INTO the intern cortUr stents a d healins; madicinaa. It UaAWH ruSH the ueaaad parts the pnicBs un cause ue&tn. TBODsa&as Taaurr to Its Vlrtour, Yon GaiiUB Selieyefl & Cnrefl. ,4 , Po't' despair ontil vou have tried ihU ?ett.ii-, Jiljr applied ana i ADIOALLT EFJfiOTUAL Rem dj. Pold br Drnjelste, er sent It mail on re ceipt of price, $ J, by Send for Testi- ffo Qnly' Lunff Pad Co. mosials and ."Three Williams Slock. Millions a rear." bent Detroit. SSleh. free oct 25 32 Market St, 32 Sisrn .of the Show Case with tb Shoemaker- jJT STOCK OF BOOTS AND H0E always cornplete. Call and examine.' Sat isfaction guaranteed to customers. Now ia the time to supply your families. A full '-line, of ' tnostf-CHILDREN'S SCOTCH SOLE, in lace and Mt tohs." See ing is believing. Convince yourself of the fact. ' A new lot "of those SCOTCH SOLB GAITERS just receive. Don' forgeiithe old number. - OSEWTHAL, S3 Market Street. BOVl Eecelved this Bav. 50 013X8 BOEDKEJIR A CO. I ; IRT - Ati.:.it'tr,i Price. 50 GA358 TBEfl OH ba v . . i From Bend thi Dy, i And for sile at ImporterVPrices. ! (Hly $LtC for a Bittle of Tmitad Iranch Braadf I At GEO, MYERP. f 25 Tbi JiLi:iDGB BTJTTrit, , sohoiBT3 a reus Choicest Gnu BattslS miSZa iKDjLIQrJOJB, of beiCerade, AsTopnlar Prlort. ! SEO. MYERS, ; - . . . -. .? -Kot,'. 1 13, 15 Sjith Fronl tL Besj. F. Gbaftoh, Stot B. Ladd 'Halbket E. Paisk, Late Commissioner of Patente. Pate mifis, PAIflt, GRAFTON & LADD,! Attorneys-ai-Law and Solicitors of Atner . can and Foreign Patenta, 412 Fifth Street, Washington, D. O, Practice patent law in all its branch in the Patente Office, and in tb Supreme and Circuit Court of the United States. Pamphlet teat fret on receipt of ttaap forpostagC! 'an 23 Horner School, - Oxford, 3d. pr,-: A CLASSICAL. Mathematical, Scientific and English School, ; with - Military Or- anizauon and Discipline. -.- !: . Principals, 1 c HOBNEr M. The Sprinsr Session will ; begin January 4th,lS81. For further particulars apply to Ml Port &raie 1 red in tt rlrcM nJ oc JLzcellent for &diej nud Weakiv Perfor end the Iced- Speer Port (jI rape H'ine Four Years Old. rpni8 CZLEBBATJED JTATITSINE Is made from the Juice or the Oporto Grape, raised in this country, lis invaluable Toaic am-' Strenjtlieniiu -Kojerties jisrjrrased br any ther natire Vr'ijie, rttriiig the pare juice of the grape, prodncec under Mr. Speer's own personal superTision, its purity and genuineness are jruaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its gener. ens qualities, and the weakest inralid may use it to adrantage. It is particularly bene ficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that afflict the weaker sex. It is, in every respect, A. WINE TO BS BELIED ON.gt SPEER'S P. J Sherry. The V. J. SHERRY is a Wine of SUPE. RIOB CHARACTER, and partakes of ths jrolden qualities of the grape from which it is maae. Jtor runty, Kicnness, jiarnr ana MEDICINAL PROPERTIES, it will! b found unezcoiled SPEER'S P. J. Brandv, This BRANDY Tstandj cnivaled in tale Country, boinr; far superior for a?.odica;pur poses. IT 13 A PURE distillation from the erapt and contains valuable medicinal properties. It nas a delic&ta flavor, similar to that of the irrapes from which it is distilled, and i? in great faver among: first-class familie3i Bee that tne sismature o. Alfred opctr, Passaio, N. J., is over the oork of each bet tie. For sale by W. H. GREEN, J. C. MCITOS, Dngtisia, and P ht BI41DGKSB & CO je 26-tr Rust Well Ausrer. Hust Well BrillEn Kust Horse Power. TiiS BEST ANDMOaT'BUCCFFSFUL Well boring and Prospecting Tools Man ufactured. GAS PIPE SHAFTING and Couplings. The most improved Bur face Attachments. Guaranteed to make good wells anywhere. "Works much fsster and with half the labor of any other tools. Auger ana Drills work by band or norse power. Drills and Horse power nave capacity icr 1,000 feet. t In use five, years and no failures. Made from best material and sold for half the price of others. Bead for circulars. ' an 37-lydlw 8t. Joseph, Mo THE OLD T THE OLD ESTABLISHED House of Georee Myers, 11 and 13 South Front Street, the people of the entire Cape Fear section will find a complete stock o FAMILY GROCERIES of all fclnds, which were purchasedsed ex pre&sly for this market, and which will sold at prices to suit the'times. Now opening a tme assortment oi uimst mas Goodies to which attention is invited In Liquors we defy competition. Oar Sweet Mash Wliiskey, at $3 a gallon, is thebest intheJmarketTo the price, and our DELMONICO CLUB WBISKET which we sell at $4, is worth almost doubl he money. Call and see the stock and "SAMPLE when yon visit-Wilmington. OSOB.OB.SIX7BB.S Family Grocer.ll &13 S-Frontstreet. de9-7w A LARGE STOCK OP Sash, Boors Blinds? AND ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK . LUMBER ILATHS. &c. For tala Terj cheap, at t ALTAFFERyJPRICi A CO. '--SSA I C , RjT" HOUSE. Faetoryr foot of vfalant n. . dte OfSee: - Astly mcar Et4 Crcas it I ,3, It-' & r I rr Lit ! T 5 e, yr t S ii. ;jvniajiagtot.,-N. O. CHAOK (i K On ard fir N"Trn:-vr .Ii. IS a. at e tuii!)itoa A Wfiaon IrtLr ai vii follow J rcn DAY AIAIL'ANP EXiMV.' hot 47 North en Leave Wlirinjjtcn, iroat ht at. .... .rriT at Weldoc 1 1 Leae Weldon... ..i, Arrire at Wilmirton, Fr -t;t Depot, at.M... e i Fast Ttroarh ?! rv. Daifj C8. i i h: T'-r ;r. h T I C - 4 . Leare 'HiiaiiigU.n, Frcct LBpft t Arrire at eidoi . Leave Wtlrfon..., Arrire at Wi,n i Depot Trsin No-4'i s. Point, Bnre s i b ij Tt .... Ii. Ill lire, if k b : !". i n' Train No 4v' Mount, Wilfcor, Gf W Kight Pa&sen?er, Ji lrc1 lr daily Si b. 45 N rlL - 1 Leave Wllmlngtcn, .i r it . Depot at.....;.;. Arrive at Weldcn tQw. ....... .; Leare Weldon, .. , , Arrire at Wilmington, I. r , Depot at.- Trains on Tarb'-ro RocW Monnt for Tarn and Toesdiy. TLnr J , n; rn' A 21. Keturiiin c , : . -. A M daily, &r .1 " : Friday at 8:30 P ; Ticin r.'o. '7 : - -Weldon for ll j . - rU Jtichmotd,.:.". Irain No. Wathiogton, ;.,?(,. daily to iiichtu! tj j, t. , x dar niah's fur u.l j . ; trsin No 43 ru s 'el ccnnecion ior ru pom mono ai.G cf irt' rs All trRi-a rcn V r:: I ; and Watliinti u, cza hts;o " Sleepera Atts.chtii. JOHN r. m;v;- A. VOV, Gea'i i'r: . nsT 23 ft! -f it WILMINGTON. v Lti CHAisGL OF ua era i.-t'- 3:45 P JJ, tj r ir viil be Tua t v. -'. Day Parserror, Leare Wih-.;. rt- . ..,.. , Arrive at Florc'ct;.. ....... . Leave Florence Arrive tt W:lsair..-t a-... . .. JSIGI1T EXJ"li;-.S T ". ' I103. 40 Vt'c:: cm. Le&ve Wllininsrto....,,...... Leave Florence Arrire at C C jsnd A Jrjt:; Arrire at Coin ra'oi Leave Columbia'i. J I' I' 0 A Leave (J C ard & . Leave Flo r or. 1 2.... Arrire at Win.'-; This Traii: r.t Whiterille. . . 9 .- -ion, 3 OA Florence,' 1 i;nrr C&raden Jacctjn Pascn?tr8 to: G. & C. Ii. K.. Vi.. U t"i t are,- O id , Aiken Junction, r. ' aj should taKe o 40 r. i-rh ' V Heparate I'cUxen ,-. and for Auuta o:i t's'ne All trains rr.a tcii Lc and Wilmington. JiJt' r ')jy. A. POPE, Gca'i T b. nor 29 rlcrt 'f.-c'rt l"t jt CAROLINA ClINTTxA; li -MI IIO,' ;1- Of lies Giaidii WL'r:.Isgt-'2, 2.r. C., I'i c K , Change of ci- ON AxN'I) AFTLT. Dec.:rb r . . f"Jt jvicsriichtriu c tl Raiiroaa i Paicenger, Kail and Fx; rer;3 ''Daili except t-VEia' If. 1 1 :. Lesre Vi'iri--t Ariiva at 1 tri ito at.. Jfo 1 A So Lcavo Cbsrh t r 1 a iiive ci v-1 1 c Trair a Nr 1 Rr.cl ?. ; t ooy. ana points ct?i;r ny'sTiae Table. Passeager, A'y r ti 1 Leare ' i rri7e a; 2To 6 . 1: A . i:' A ai l)Li?i' Le: re Chsrio-.t a,.., 3Tf. .6 rive t iJ?r-iftr.. ftt V.v rrrc'iT. tnt 2fo. i is daily excep t tTicrl".y, Hbelby Dirir4cirar; 1 .iilSic1.!!" 1 Triors 3'J .No. j Arrire &t cc; R') t ,jftaTa Ehoihy at.. 5 P ?3 - - - - - ...... 65 P 11 trains o's Sard saM.0 cr.? t; tr.cnon at Hnmlet 'to and ir-.ic-.JKeM!, anj-t t' abore, ard at Ciarlotta- yrLlC uul Io and ,4. on Shelby diTificn: Throngh rirping Uiis between ITalelgn""" and Charlotte. . ic G e 2 er H a &Arin r. 0 CHAS. OnJertaler PrinccM Street, in Pasemthi cf thc Jcrmial Building W I'L II I4N. G t O 2, - 2T. A seazrrt: . M. t.4wu ittit.':rf by tele f s ii . it 1 E tclflw J, C. HOSNZR fraph trtaailprcnptly CI'o

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