?(1E BAILV -REtIElVr 7' will exhibit id ; the ' census! - - Qcartcrlj Heelings 1890 a Terr large . increase in J or the Wilmington District, Metho- these branches of manufacture o?cr Mist E. Church, South, 1881. JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Trop'r. those presented in the census reports . (Second round.) v mievme, at UarversUreelr, Ap'J JG-17 Iliscollancoua. WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, .AfBIL 13, 1551 . now in coarse of publication. Mr. Wy- " "vuie, ai arversureeir, Ap'J Jb-ii pri , M . . , . waccamaw, at Cypress Cr'k, Ap'I 20 kofTs report of the silk industry, which Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Ap'I 23-21 has only recently obtained to any promi- Wilmington, at Front Street, nence in the United Stales, enumerates Api SO, Mcy 1 333 silk factories, 258 of which are in Smithville, - - - May 7- 8 Vnw Vnrlr nn.lXW .Tore,. ..Fn,m,ll KrUIiSWlclc, J at ZlOD, - -May 14-15 Entered at the Postoffice at WUminjjtoiH N. I . , . - v " j. ---- j opsan, at Herring's Uhapel, May 21-22 C, as Second Claes Matter. lactones are set aown to .-uarjjana, 4"J Unsiow, at Uum branch, - May 28-29 to Pennsylvania, 28 to Connecticut and Oimron, '- - - - Juno 4-5 It would geem that the majority, or 22 to Massachusetts. The total number Coesbury, - - - June 11-12 the party in power, is much more liable of i00ms in use is 8.4G7. and the total Ccnane " V - June 18-19 to make mistakes than is the minerity. amoant of rcal and personal canita! in- v'rZifL, . -. . -. l . I 1 - - L -.v.. JMt now tne .uepuDiicans arc me ma- Tested j tl)C business 818.899.500. The jority, and they are making lots of mis- 290 factoriea of Xcw Jerse-. New y b Suffering Woman. Ihat m Washington, wherein Conecticut and Massachusetts Produce There is bat very small proportion of CLYDE'S AND Wilmington. O. Steamship Lino. TVS. STEAMSB 1. 1 13C0llllIlw3X13i rr mi THE WILCOX GIBBS & CQ'S I claimed and admitted to be a, B.est, Most Reliable and Cheapest . in use for Cotton and other Cr-I : Mahone. the "Confederate Brigadier," ( annnn -7 Tin n- ,.r e;n- ,v ..f F the women of this nation that do not ii. . i ? . ii I sulicr Jrnm smp nfl hr rii5pn5Pa tnr Thih takes. Hanoi ii - i j : .ii ..r .7 ? 4 . :. r V',. product oi .H,4iu,4.o. i lie Kidney Wort is specific- When the citing ine interest oi the puouc. m up ioiriX Tear, sum paiJ for w in lhig bowel3 have bccome ccstive headache inNew Xork State the KepubUcau Leg-Lncw illduslry is $9)io7,835. This is an torments, kidneys out of fix, or piles dis- iBiature Has done sometning wnicn tor excellent exhibit, considering how few Y ' la r a Pa-Case, and.its wondertul the present orerlaps the Senatorial L ' . 4 , tome ?nd renovating power wdl care you . - r jiowiu. Biitu mauuiat;- anu give new me. m atciman. muaaie, ana mat is meir reiuai 10 pass tnre of ilk , r4 ted L- th . d I .Ml - J I i L . r KT I - W.H. urgcu ujr tuc i-pajtxa ui anJ that .fc .g q1 pregent prind i.ut uTc par.jr, .r t codGqC(1 to the maki of ribboug ui vi v.cuiuij iuo .ucGM and.irimmiDss, pilk twist and sewing city, as it ii now tne sirwt aepar gjj. meat is in the hands of those appointed by a Republican legislature and as the 3E?EF ACTOR, OAPT. JONES. SATUR'U 1 April 16 rotia 4Yoa can always depend on it Arrange for yonr supples at once, on tko nsuai .ff1 oompesmff FertUizers 1iht6 advanced re difficult to get tnd bcR3Q( For supplies and any information in refmrd ti p rith lJOano ccW,,, - Wilmi,, dec 23 I S 1 It is a fact that a human beinr has G EVERY LADY 08HT T0 KNOW. There exists a means of se- 1 a Ira a m m o w an n n tmArAn 4 Kara fioo I I i i . .v... u- i uvea wiiuoui any nourishment whatever been Tery little accomplished in the way for t lie long period of forty seven dajs. of necessary police work. Ihe eitizens wl8i umq Duell some report of whom dthire that Mayor Grace should h.tve we have previously published, died on sole charge and direction of the work Monday, having accomplished the fort v- and that on him the full responsibility of seventh day of her lonj? fast. She died the enforcement of the sanitary regula- Ls'a suicide, "for it will be remembered Srin? a. soft anl brilliant lions should rest. But Mayor Grace isa that such was announced as her dcliber- r"UmpV?X10n n0 matter hOW Democrat and an honest man and no one Utc in ten tion Vr . inay naturally De. doubts that everv dollar appropriated ' ii?an 'S'Magllolia Balm IS a fm- thp wnri- niu nnripr h Hirp tfAn a n old huiv "wriiM ik- .-t "c, v r J "iicate and harmless arti- ..w. ..... - -...WVW . ww be legitimately and honestly expended, and these facts combined are too much tailing of Steubera dTrtleL. For f'tfcigfct cfCro3at3 TIIOS. E. BOND, Sep't, Wilirisytcn, 2. G THiSG. fl. Krf?, freight Agent, &9it York. 5TM. P. Oi-TIK CO., 35 Hrod5, Srsr Ter. AH druggie ami centry ZW'hU j TCne ITflT? V s OR0AS btcP 5 Set 1 I I Gldu Tonzue reeds pdIv IPS.""' D"'M F DfaS The Parlor Heater (like cat) bu prere C?ret GET THE BEST I EMM imv Oil COOS Stove and Varl tr A HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS. AND OIVEfl IHTIrImt... A OEM OF MI1VEI1IEHCE. COMFORT ABD iSnJ J""-': ton old and was feeble "V , ' u! ele, which instantly remcm time, when 1 boucrht a Ifi!r nf lil- 1'OCKICS Ian. ItedllfiSS cr's fiinrrpr Toulf I Lmo nvl o i;iti0 RnilirhllftSS. Flnnitimic Vi.l! for the ltepubl icans and hente thvy are more than one bottle ami feel as, well as gar Flushings, etc., etc. So determined that .Mayer Grace shall at SO, and am sure that hundreds need delicate and natural arc it" GEORGE PAGE & GO, JTlantiiactxirers of Patent Portable Circular SAW MULLS Also stationary &&d Fortasla STEAM ENGINES 5 N. SCHE0EDER ST., BALTIAIOEE, MD. lust g lie ii- ment. a meni':ne. hoe advertise. effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. io lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when the Maornnlin. -a . . - never, in the history of the L The Demorrats seem to think it pecu-1 i?J SOHl i)y ail druggists .... rxi-r ... liarly smart to decorate places with 329 o ceilTS. ny aa un ui we iguidiu re Pkiladhia Neu s. And your not control tue work. I he session ol the Legislature has not yet closed, how. ever, and they may be compelled to back down very meekly before many dajs. They are certainly aware of one luct and that is that State, has any nf Ns VftrL- fa 1 1 oi Hnwn nnnn 1 oiw U I l ii. j . i - . ., w. ,v,.. wwv. MV.,U uvu iv cuvu party uoenu i seem 10 minK tnere is any- a storm of Tirtucus iudignation as has thing enjoyable about the joke. . But it been manifested by the people and pa- l!0'1 because you don't see the point of rA, . ' ,. , . , it. Bofiion Post. pers of the great metropolis during the -v . , , , ,. , aaf i . 4t Oscar is very neb, but a little -'near." past week. In the meantime the season 0n hl3 wilVa irthday he prescntea her advances towards summer, the dirt and with some beautiful diamond ear-rings. filth and decaying regetable matter in- A few days after they took a boat ride creases and the death rate swells in the on the Tivcr. AU'at oncp Oscar, per- mighty but unhappy city. hlV car8J Jp xrf . ! - -J J I final vnn wra f o wpnr hom 4V -T f ., I ...a mviu uu IUC TV a ici . ci icw ui me special expert, agents what ifyou should be drowned?" r tvho have been.charged with making up- A gentleman just returned from India the statistical details of important bran- tells about the the indolence of the na- - ches of the.ceusus, says the Baltimore llTe3 aD(J tue &rcat number of their scr u . j -. vants. "I myself kept four seryants." ..oojncu ' said he. "When I wanted to smoke the the census bureau, e have, however firt brought my pipe, the second filled a preliminary report on the statistics of- .the third lighted it" "And the cotton mindfacturintr. in the United fourth?" "The fourth? Oh, he smoked it. - Stateabr Edward Atki nfRn,n 1 can't bear the taste of tobacco." iue uniica Dtaies oy vy imam v. Yy. Chester county, and one of the friends kolT. These investigations could not have who knew that he came away early in been entrusted to more competent hands. lh,e morpiing and went back late at night j Mr. Atkiosoa's re.x.rt .how, that of the -'not' V." "tKi Ctd J. , nve minion Dales or raw cotton produced "but I thins I know what railway it is U ai me ooutn, i,oo,4ai balesconsider- m summer.; lo tell you the truth, lam a ably more than one-fourth of the whole sort 01 twlllSQt tarmer." product are manufactured into cotton I On the other side of the Atlantic there fabrics of various kinds in the United " 5!S?I078Sre.as H a? we btates. Of these fabrics 36 per cent, -green': in color. From Ostend and are mide in Massachusetts and 24 per Alarennes green" ojsters bring the best cent, in the other New England States, Pces, Decause tne oyster eating public making together 60 per cent, of the !, p!3 .es that they should be mu . . v ; . "ffreen." It has been been found that iuc remaining 4u per cent. is brisk and enterprising oyster farmers Kcaiterca orer iwenty-six states ol the I nave oeen leeding their mollusks on cop- T T r rrt . . . . . I 1 1 : l i i . . union, jne iota! number ot looms is J 1U trur 10 proa uce tne green put at 230,323; of spindles 10,021,147; of iMr:n Pmn1nr..i 1BI r,-)a . m !.. 1 . 1 wo sportsmen on the way to the hunt- .oit.--i.ni. 4i.il- -.i n.-0, grounds fell into a quarrel over the setts leads the list with 91. .83 looms, respective merits of their do-s. The i,0D,'Jii spindles, (J,fJ.4 operatircs. dilliculty wa3 so serious finally, that After Massachusetts comes Rhodo Island I llpthing short of a duel would satisly with 30.274 looms. Ifi40.20:, snin.lM 1 "er vn arriving at tne grounds the Ji oo ooo . j xt . . :u:-r opcrauves. exi comes was given to fire. At the instant when xew.;uampsmre, with 2o,484 looms, 1 they pulled their triggers a hare ran i,U03,DL spindles, and 10,637 operatives. eiwcen tnem and received the two bul In the Southern States proper, including VJ1 l11.?1' lh duelists, struck r i j v - lubythe incident, thought better of their Marvland. thfn ftrrt 1 :?' Innma fif.1. f. JM ' . W1 luclL , . uuiuness ana coming iorward, congrat 838 spindles and 212,676 operatives. Of I ulated each other on escaping death by a inese ueorgia takes tfae lead, with 4,713 ID8 nare. looms, " 200,974 spindles aud (i.782 B an humble clerk, comes home with operatives. Maryland with V mch 24 4 w Send fos Catalogue- 1 I HAVE YOU KNOWN PERMANENTLY CURES RIDEBT BISBASBS, LIVER eOKPLAIffn, CO BSHPA TIPS' &zd PILES. Dr. R. H. Clark. Sonth Ilero, Vt.. says, "Ip cases of Kidney Troubles it has acted like a charm. It has cured maiiy very bad cases of Piles, and has never failed to act efficiently." , Nelson Fairchild, of St. Alhane, Tt., sayg, "It of priceless value. After sixteen years of great suuerinir from Piles and Cositivpnesa it m-.n. t$ pletely cured me." C. S. Hogabon, of Berkshire says, "One pack age lias done wondei-s for me in completely car ing a severe Liver and Kidney Complaint.'- IN EITUEU LiqWDOR DRY FORM BT HAS WONDERFUL POWER, Pecanse it acts on the LIVER, B0WEL8 and KIDNEYS at the same time.4 Because it cleanses the system of the poison ous humors that develope in Kidney and X7ri. naxy Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Consti- pan, Piles, or in Rheumatism, Kouralgia .nervous xueoraera ana x-'emale Complaints tWVi Is put up in Dry Vegetable Form In LJ Cg'Also in Liquid Form, very Concentrated, C"for the convenience of those that cannot tW tin caps, one package of -which makes six tW quarts of medicine. . tTeadily prepare it. It acts cith equal efficiency tip in either form. GET IT AT TIIE DRUGGISTS. riilCE, $1.00. WELLS, RICHARDSON Sc CO., Prop's, (WiU send the dry post-pail.) KVRLIXGTO.V, TT. -. J : n . 1 . A . r TT I . follows next - Vu xiis emp oyers Have ' i mann mm n nrocnt r u. u 2.325 looms. 12..0 1 n;n4TM T" V"7,M-r c V U1S,V , , -,..., uun luuu. exclaims niawirp."! hnvp and -4,159 opcratircs. These statistics I been wantincr a new dress." "Thp show the rast preponderancy of cotton I evi-'" groans B. "I saw a lovely one manufactures in the New England States. ay for 350 francs." "Always , . , - . . . , . ' lB way. -xnen x can get a perfect which from the beginning hare held the duck of a bonnet for 100 francs." 13, supremacy in this respect. The manur groans again. "And I want a new fan ffir.tnrft of rottnn r-n1i in tlio fitat fl Pre ttv One for 2 louis" TTiprfl r 4 Ui c. , A.tu v. I roam 100 sous," say3 B. "You can buv j un a. iu . lli lion unr. 1 uiiiiri in. h. - ri k i uru vv.Ma . . ' . ..i. ,. ... yoirseu a cane witn mat. It isn't rislrt ;Trar, u we ciwpi, me earner cotton rams that I should think only of myself." ..i. ii ;,vsi va r,i-.i..i.- -rj . I. n .l . ii i. ' i Wors, .u j vu . ou.au ;a,e ia a ICW 1 GOOd IlOaSCWlfC. omer places, i no large pronts made or The good housewife, when sho is civ- - ii t"i: . . late years oy mo oouinern miu-owners, tuff ncr nousc its spring renovating, whereje the business, was well managed, should bear in mind that the dear in , , . ! r 10-0 , matC3 of her house are more precious and eren durinthoycars from 18 .3 to lhan many hotJSCS and that J J 188 when tho New England mills were noed cleansing by purifying the blood, losing inoney working on half: - timey or regulating the btomach aud bowels to have so encouraged the manufacture of mU?t kfiow that the plainer kinds of cotton goods at the will do it so.perfectly South that many of the older mills are in I Bitters, the purest and best of medicines process of -cxtensiour rainy Qcn mis Concord I r.l riot. building, and, from present prospects, the Wc 4dTlse our friends to call at Jacob statistics of cotton manufacture at the! for Household Hardware of every descrii douth, as well as those of the iron indus-1 ioa. There you get tbelcwcst itficcs, '(A .'ivtlHinr, c.-it :i Drink,) ' "'ntat:;s hops, nrcsiu, .iiankake, JANDEIIOV. S . ' r and mi: iiisst a.vd D?et IIsticvi. Qualtttss of T1:rx:7r -oxtxilii All Dlsasei. of the Stomach, Bowcb. Elood. liver ! Kidneys, and Urinary Grgris. ervonsness. Sleen- iiessnesa ana ef;eciaJly Fecials Con.rlalr.ta. ??lO0O IS" GOLD. be paid for a case they will not cure or heln for anything impure or injurious found in them. P Ask your druggist for IIop Elttt rs and try tLera before yoa sleep. Tate no other. 6 run Hor Covin rxm-z is the .rsrectest, as!: Children. i.-eet and tegt. Tue Kor r.r f, ,r Stomach, Liver an J Hi Mc rlwtop.;; others. Cures by cn.tioa. AskjfroEgfcg D. I. '. is ar, ch-v-Iate and irrci.-tiV.e car for drcni g nse or epinm, tobacco and nr.rcotiti; H bend for circular. 17- L.bj5 v '-"::--':i--!,trr,n.T.r: tWgTOMHti5rtgZSr??a -f - S--S.S-t.HH ta T " . Ci !. O 39 m eg Any pertcn to scriouply ill without a wel stomach oi inactive liver or kidceTB ? nd whea tbepe orean. tro inpood c-mciitioa do ygunot Ctd their pifeeB-or enioting srocd hdlltli ? PiEKBs'l 'MsfiER Tosio llwun regulates theea ia p. rtant ogdcs. and never fails to mke the biood rich zd pure, and to Btrecgtben every part of the ejstenj It has cure 1 hundreds ot 4eat tiling i?tvlidK. Ask yonr ceighb.r abf.ot if. mch 24-iw Corn, ISaemi, Mo! s-es. 10 000 Bnshs Pr me Wlilt C0KN Boxes Smoked and I) 3 Sides KA nb'JsHHa Ticrces OJU New Crop Cuba JQQ bfels New Orleans ilolasees, Just received and for sale low by WiLLIA.US & MURCHISON Iour, hi.gur, I'offeo, &c4 1000 Bbls Flour, all grades, 250 Eb's Sugars, Granulated. A, Extra CandC, 50Bbls New Orleans Suar, SSO-.BtgiColTee, differeut grades, 125 Boxej Assorted Candy, 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 75 Bbls and Boxes LemonCaLes, 375 Boxes Lye and Potash, 200 Eoxes Soap, 75 Boxes and Kegs Soda, 100 Boxes and Half Bbls Snuff, Shot, Buckets, Paper, 8pice, Pepper, Gin ger, xxoop iron, KandOJph Sheetlngg, x or Baie Dy feb 28 WILLIAMS & MTJRCHISONi Mttcocw I rTill best a to in a tWmtnatw Gires a Beautifal. Clear, Soft ight I So Cliiiaaey Fine, r Flp needed I Ansj le for Heating py Boom in auj.Dwel Lng. Wh.3 not required as a Heater it cax be ea'l'y hiEg d ts a Cook fitcre, makiug it equally efBoient fer the Kitcien at a sis all additional emu Ano fcdbK ;"6'i:i e.ereryde.criptio, or other work h.retofbr. tteordiea.yccokgt toaathe Ooel, VfoOu r OU KtcTei iaar,! ! No y0 PlBtk-, ? weteIo,r oBjr ett the OIL jibijiy, Befe ! r ry "FtcVe faetnrod r. r -.. u J o Aeuro Aesota l iberal Citnnt . uf. tl r'wi'7 HUFF A BRAli a kn 7jsu".j"M.eri.., sw vt, nev TerL mch :Uf THli LAUBJHSOrtG EIERPRISE p THJMiXST ISJCi irJM through which to d ,ti-6 -"all ad Winter Goods amosg the people; of Hcbo,, KirhisoDd aad LAn. The Jintr' i has Jur . ...-,... ' i a , " ' - rssiuir villi atOJi t&l- P-B , f STr f.-,.. F... ..: Ol in is - tat-. tTir.r ti .;jt.' trt .- . .. . - t- .iiulj siren- Ul.B:lHI,..i ir .- . ... .. . 1. i " " "MTii-Def,re us rt- . .i.i. .. . ' . t;h ijj fjj, to.i.r-fb aTf-rnj-uti. wiU be Jcstrted by xht ttb wrtr -nd.yt ar at reoa.ble rte 1881 THE SUN; BALffl.RO FablUhed Daily, Except 8wdsy. Beawtea Mtlit Xv Fresheitaad Host 8tisftciry sf iUIi papers. .. Lew in Price -Compaetia Jem.- lrdeendrnt Ja FxpreericH, CooHrnUTia JOB ATgTHE i LOWEST PBICES ! The c areer of TH; HVn' tic i-V. 3i beeiuRii'jt, 1st been chsrsctwissd tj si' g i fctsite si irt nnd n orifjiflsl cdI tffti eaierprto. lo ctee chsrscteriivifi h ra:(lj adberte. Vcetirg 4 it dwa tfcewiele fiU iftef ppr t-ruJri7o- ltd enry comber iissoa iiet rtQtx ot the spirit of ths ttmeiudttr ctiTitifut and eTenis of the day. TtiJK HL'N ezpreieei its eptalou ta .eateree'tut they arise and oa inbjecB pmbiie interest, wtth the Tiew oaly of irrl infr M 'U t reaclti and coBjerriajr tinr e-al welfare. Its consistent inter; itr Ii & oughly knuwn and nnderstood, Af A ITtttaT.CLA8S5KWflPAPn, THE at'W is adapted to the neediof slid enjiys a world-wide couldetoe. Ihe extent and rsilety of THS Kft Local Reports, their careful iccwmt ui Toicaoee of pruriency. eomtitaU a itrttiBf feature, acceptable bjth at bom sad abrcti ITS OUBBE8fO5DK50. foreign and domestic, is assvpstfed b t cellence and freshnen - ITrt WA8HINOT05 BURUU ASCERTAIfi F1Y PRICES BEFORE corers all the fhasesofpoUticsllafora iiMfiHU IUUK ftfllJTirJU DONE ELSE VHRRE ! Drone r aote and eemmant. U&exee'ltd la ti I past, it will b maintained at the standard in the fature. THE MABKKT AND 8T0CK BIPCS'3 of THIS SON .are collected sidcoit? with tha iitnnit ear. nd mlT be tskeSH safe guides by aUwbo desire to cbtsistU Satisfaction1 Guaranteed tain the hih reputation it bsi an enternriain aeenrate and weU-S3K Health is Wealth ! P,OTISO sspstS& I 1' r: a. r il or PrBOM residing out of the oitr and sent ""TO.S!.-rfrtti l ana so mainxain ine nijrn vuuuu - K.8. WAflliOOK,. ? Cciaer CLestnat and TTater Streets t viace in ueTiew umttdinf v. mh 1 I Treatment : a eoeciflc for TlvRtHa dizziness, Conrulsions, Nervous Headache! I ttem T mail free cf pceUre. T-Titeil Tniuoslnn T -, ' I fTlr PramotTi m A . . """"j wiu .ajje, v;2tu. c(i oy over- cieruou, excesses, or ever-lndiilrano which leads to misery, decav anddwith One box will cure recent eases. Each box coniams one month's treatment- - Ona AeH lar a box, or six boxes for flye dollars; sent vj uiaii uf cuaitv on receiBi oi Drtce. W guarantee six ooxes to cure any case.' With each order received by us for gix boxes, ac companied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written asreement tn re turn the moriev tf th f rinnt .. effect a cure. Guarantees issued br WFvr YHAMBEBLATAB A BfclRHB. H. GREEN, Druffrfst. ( successor tr 0.n I v Uwneia and ftditnrm mA2w.ui tieaPiioe, Lowest AdmtisUr Bates. TT it THE STATE." B1CBMU5D, VA- lit large and steadily iicrearimr sa-r rires eridence. ' n r fa Terms of babscriptiaa by KaQ-CU ' Jlmmm - ' One Year, cottare lnclndei.....--; 8ix lienthi. oottara laclttded.- ; ( I Three Months. sostAre included , Two Months, posts; e indndei-- . . j One llonth, postage iacluded . Address . -, A. 8. A BELL A CO., IWiibr ; ,v . Ban Iroa BsilAs' . feb 16 Biltiacn.1 05CO Reward. am ti .1 the diseases arising B a t ??; g Ii ? s 2 ia and raiasma, and the 9 11 e si s 2 l5j9 . . I--S2SnB5 r . - fHiO-' ea s there is nothmr that I 5 ? s r - 6 r 4 5- s. and surelv as lion cf vfes-.-ll Sl I S s i 1 r'Ai nil: It n Every Day FUTB ASSORTMENT CF ;0ADIE8, bxensi and Domejttc, jnit rctira idfoa sle. THS ONLY OfcMINt aokLiiAns w-anay in ice citj, wiu found ererv iij, frtth tod swbt, tbre dots ckuth cf me rcsvuioe on oo-j.u t. et. Alo, Nats 1 . . . - L -.! i. . r . .r.w.H ' .nj circiiaucnnow crer 4,000. I! OBJf -,erBoon Pper in RiehmoBd. 8nbsctiptioaprioe liaUr, er an' nun.; Waeklr, $1 pr anaaa. ; Tnr P-eimen optet free. dee 7 Peruvian- Guano. 2000 Toils 1 pepsla, Sick Headache, Indis Winberry Oysters. j TUEHAKT. OF siaj uat swtaB. ilj the Xgg !3ou. vncr Pair i ieii R a.t io ea. 1 he bet t f iacs, iiq iCX4 icd tiari a. wars on baxd at . 1 patlon or Costlreness we w ,Vf c- recUons are strictly complied ' are purely YegeUble, endneTer satisfaction. Sugar coated. - LfjT' tf containing: 30 Pills, 25 ccnuw ,gH all Dnxreists. Beware ol ceontoj ImiUtlons.- The genulne- p. by JOHN C. WEST& CO., " Jf6 I kera," 181 & 183 W. Madison "m, Free tHal package sent by m" receipt of a 3 cent stamp va- seuppisiifliifi! Ho. 2 Peruvian Guano. Flowers Wine ., , - .. . 1 iriil'- - . . - - V 1. h ; . . . r r ! Wise Tom, a; y. WUteyill, I I f A S D ' CI uBKO BX 1U djtft-iiawit

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