f be Inula Qscstioa. LoxDoy, April 12. A dispatch -from Taris to Reuter'a Telesram Company says: 'Intelligence from Tnpis states that the Bey has decided to refuse to co operate with the Frencji troops, and is determined to act independently on his own side of the frontier. The Bey has sent a protest to the foreign counsels at Tunis accusing Franco of violating his rights, as well as those of the Porte and friendly Powers. The Italian Govern ment has declined to accede to the re quest! forwarded through its consul at Tunis for the dispatch of a tqoadron to Tunisian waters. It is reported that tha Turkish Fen Hussein, who is residing ;n Italy, aad who is the declared enemy of France, has been invited to come to Tunis. The strength of the marauding tribes is estimated at from 15,000 to 20, 000." In the French Chamber of Pepaties to-day Premier Ferry, replying t n in terpellation, said the state of a ?u s on the Tunisian frontier was into, rable. The Government, he declared, intended to chastise the marauders and take steps to prevent a recurrence ef their aggres sions. Continuing, he said: "France does not desire conquests, but intends to rave the future of A Igeria. We shall go as far as necessary to secure that luture, and when the Chamber reassemble we will render an account of our conduct." An order of the day, expressing confi dence in the Government,, was then adopted by a vote of 399 to 131. The Senate baa adjourned until May 12. Later advices from Tunis say that a band of 500 marauders crossed the French frontier yesterday and attempted to carry off some cattle. They l iid siege to a block house occupied by French outposts. Reenforcements were sent up. The zouaves and chaBseurs, under Gen Vincendon, attacked the enemy, and after an hours righting the raiders retreated, keeping up a galling fire until over the frontier. The French ' lost fiftv-nine men. The loss of the ma randersis believed to have been consid erable, but they managed to carry off nearly all of their dead and wounded. This news has served to increase the dis position to press upon the Government the policy of war on Tunis. : In the Chamber of Deputies to-day Premier Ferry, replying to an interpel lation, said that the state of affairs on the Tunisian frontier was intolerable. The Government, he declared, intended to chastise the marauders and take steps to prevent a recurrenee of their ajjgres , sions. Continuing, he said: ''France does not desire conquests, but intends to save the future of Algeria. We shall go as far as necessary to seeure that fu ture, and when the Chamber reassem bles we will render an account of our conduct." An order of the day express ing confidence in the Government was then adopted by a vote ef 338 to 131 . Lord Salisbury sent to Lord Lyons, British Ambassador to France, a confi dential despatch dated Ang. 7, 1678, flummarizincr conversations regard in cr ... C7 - mm mm a Tunis at Berlin. As understood by Lord Salisbury, the effect of these conversa tions is to disclaim any special British interest in Tnnis antagonistic those of France. Evea the overthrow of tho Re gency, were it to come about, would in nowise change England's attitude or dis turb the harmony existing between Eng land and France. -Constantinople, April 11. TheRiu sian Consul at Tnnis has informed M. de Novikoff, the Russian Ambassador here that the Bey has requested him to com municata a protest against the French violation of Tunisian territory, and ask the co operation of Russia in protecting the rights of the Bey and the Sublime Porte. Facing Death Without Fear . St Petersburg, April lt The pris oner seliabon, in bis speech at tho con elusion or tne inai or ine ii musts on Saturday last, asked as a favor that his last speech in his defence might be print- eu ana puensnea wora ior wora. Sophie Pieoffsky asked that she might be dealt witn regardless ot her sex. The sentence of death was finally read to-day in tne presence of the prisoners They , received it with perfect calmness and indifference. They were allowed twenty-four hours to appeal. Prof. Solovieff caused some excitement among the atudenta of the University of bt. Petersburg on batarday by condemn ing capital punishment and expressing the hope that the Czar would show mer- cy to the prisoners. The period granted the Nihilists for appeal will expire at 5 o'clock on Tues day afternoon. All tho prisoners except Jeliabon have asked for copies of the judgment with a view to appeal for mitigation of sentence. Caused by a Cloud Burst. Sax Francisco, April 11. A. dis patch from Redding, this State, says a passenger train on the Oregon railroad, niui uu nwuvub augui utc iuuys UCIOW there, at a place called "China Gulch." The whole train went over a trestle and tho engine and cars were a total wreck. The' following arc the names of the killed and wounded: George Smith, engineer, and Rogers, fireman, killed; Robert Johnson, messenger, leg broken ; Ben Kuhn, of San Francisco, badly bruised. Tho other trainmen are more or less bruised. Several passengers were in the rear car, but it did not go off the embankment, and they escaped. The cause of the accident was the bursting of a cloud, which raised the creek so high that it washed out the embankment. An Order far the EracattiOB of Can. dahar. v Casdahar. April 11. Gen. Hume his published an order for the evacua tion of Candahar, -which, subject to the approval of the Commander-in-Chief, will begin on April 13. An Earthquake 1b California. Sax Fr ax Cisco, -April 11 A heavy shock of earthquake .was felt at a quarter past 2 o'clock yesterday morning at the central part of the State. No serious damage is reported. Congressional. SKNATK. Washington, April 12: On motion of Mr. Vance a resolution was adopted calling On the Secretary of the Navy for information as to what alterations have been made in the relative rank of grad. uates of the Naval Academy as origin ally established. On motion of Mr. Burnside a resolu tion was adopted requesting the Presi dent to communicate to the Senate any information in possession of the Govern ment touching the alleged arrest and im prisonment of Michael Boyton, vbo claims to be a citizen of the United States, by" the Government of Great. Britain. The Vice-President laid before the Senate the unfinished business, a resolu tion for the election of senate officers, and the usual motion to go into execu tive session was withdrawn at the request of Mr. Dawes. The motion was with drawn because if persisted in it would have necessitated the call of the Senate, there being at the time no quorum pres ent. Mr. Beck then touk the Hour, stating that ho would-not detain the Senate as long as he had originally intended, but would confide his remarks to the subject directly .under, consideration. The Re publicans had said, he continued, that the Senate should not go into executive session because they had hold a caucus and had determined .o turn out the offi cers now holding places and instal others and that the Democrats, were guilty of treason and revolution unless they ac quiesced in eveiylhing. . Tho Democrats had replied: You have organized tho Senate. You have the power over all committees. We have surrendered everything that tends to-the convenience aud comfort of sena tors, but when you present to, us the list of names for olheers, and among them that of a man from Virginia who was at the head and front of repudiation in that State we do not propose to go any farther. He was not going to Eay the Republicans were doing this because of a corrupt bargain or because he did not intend 10 make the Senate chamber a beer garden, but the couutry at large had strong suspicions that the alliance wa3 a foul one. The loading Republican press of the country had charged .it in teims so offensive that when the Senalor (Mr.Voorhees) had had an extract from a Kepublieaa paper read the danger of per sonal responsibility had been threatened. He rclcrred to facts which tended to show that there had been a bargain, empha sizing the fact that Mahone had been placed on committees which would give him the greatest influence with the peo ple of Virginia, while he had avoided ex pressing an opinion here when the Vir ginia election came on. As the Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. Dawes) was going to keep tho Senate until Decern, bcr, be would invite that Senator to pair with him and go there in September and October. He (Mr. Beck) would tell the people, what he could not decorously do here, what he thought was the meaning, purpose, and intent ot all this action. The Senators might as well spend their time canvassing in Virginia as quarrel ling in this chamber. m Greece's Ucply to the Towers Athens, April 11. It is believed that the Greek reply to the powers, in stead of accepting or rejecting the Turk ish proposal,, will point out the mora aspects of the question involved. The Greeks lay stress, not on the mere ac quisition of more or less territory, but on the emancipation of their kindred from Turkish domination, where they form an overwhelming majority ol the popula tion, lney, theretore, ask the cession of Prevcsa and the district ef Eilasona in lhessa1y, and the erection into an au tonomous province of the unceded nor tions of Thessaly and Epirus, included in ine liae marked oat by the Berlin Con ference. CoNSTAXTixorLK, April 11. The whole staff of Turkish officers of all grades ia the Vilayet of Kossoro have telegraphed their resignations to the Porte, because of the menaces of the Al banian League, which has substituted men of its own choice for the said offi ccrs. it is believed here that secret agents of the Porte are fomenting these iroupies with the view ot helping resist ance to any cession of territory in Epi rus. . The Pork Corner la Chicago. Chicago. April ii. mere -was in tense excitement on the Board of Trade during the greater part of to-dav. The pork corner clique were the masters of the provision market, but the shorts were, not inactive, and their purchases were such as to keep up- prices, with the assistance of the corner, on a stead v move. . lhe fluctuations were extraordi nary, speculation being stimulated there by to a remarkable degree. The ranee ot prices was 87 cents a barrel on pork, 20 cents per 100 on lard and 22 cents on mess pork. Of mess pork the May and June sales reached almost two hun dred thousand barrels. Prices closed a shade easier. i The Georgia Fruit crop. Maco.v, Q a.; April 12 Thirty special reports to the Telegraph and Messenger indicate less than a half-crop ia middle and southwestern Georgia ; the lig trees are killed ; plums, a half-crop ; pears and cherries, badly dauiagcd ; apples and strawberries, not much injured ; the Le compte pear is a failure in some sections. Sevens to tho Church. Comoro. Kr., April 11 Mrs. Dr. Brown, of Lexington, died a few days ago and her property, amounting to $100,000, according to the will ot her deceased husband, will now go to Bishop Kcane, of Richmond, Va., for tho bene fit of the Catholic churches of that , city. Bazalne Challenges Admiral Jaares. Paris, April 11. According to the Evcnemcnt, ex-Marshal Bazaine has sent a challenge .to Admiral Juarcs, French Ambassador at Madrid, for what he pleasantly calls "his discourtesy to him "As de- a matter of course the Admiral will cline to fight the traitor." Many lose their beauty from the hair railing or fading. Parkers Hair xfal sam supplies necessary nourishment, pre vents falling and grayness and is an ele gant dressing. 01B0L1K1 Raleigh Visitor ; Mr Edward Chap pell, of Neuse township, di;d at his residence on yesterday, April 11th, aged about 94 years. Xews and Observer: The revival at Person Street Methodist church, con tines every day this week. The col lections of internal revenue in this dis trict last week were $13,792.24. The receipts of cotton in this market now amount to 68,000 bales. There is a great demand here for chufus. They are very scarce and last week some sold at $17.50 per bushel. At the rate of one hundred bushels an acre, a crop ofchnfas would be pretty profitable. The ceremonies of Gov Caswell at Kinston, in July or August, promise to be impos ing. His Excellency Gov Jarvis is taking a great interest in the occasion. It is understood that the entire First Regiment, North Carolina State Guard, will participate in the ceremonies. Charlotte Observer: -According to the terms of a mortgage which was reg istered at the court house yesterday, a man conveyed himself and all the right, title and interest which he had in himself to another to have and to hold forever to seenre a debt which he owed him. The deed was duly witnessed and executed with the wife's signature and privy ex amination wherein she released her in terest in him. A gentleman in this city has two children, whose respective birthdays fall, ono on tho immortal 20th of May and the other on the 19th of Oc tober, the anniversary of Lord Cornwal lis' surrender at Yorktown. The gentle man had overlooked tho double coinci dence until it was brought to his atten tion by a conversation in reference to the Yorktown centennial. The grand-father of the children, who is still a hale and hearty gentleman of prominence in the community, and who., it must not be for gotteD, is in the direct line of descent from one of the signers of the Mecklen burg declaration, was born on the anni versary of the birthday of Thomas Jeff erson, ths writer of the national declara tion. He also has a daughter who has the same birthday. My Good Woman. Why are you so out of sorts, never able to tell folks that you are well? Ten to one its all caused in the first place by habitual constipation, which no doubt finally caused deranged kidneys and liver. The sure cure for constipation is the celebrated Kidney-Wort. It is also a specific remedy for all kidney and liver diseases. Thousands are cured by it every month. Try it at once. Toledo Blade. COMMERCIAL I7EWS WILMINGTON MAHKKT. APAIIj 13. i i il. SCIRETS TSRPasnSB-Dul! and nomi nal. Offered at 35 cents without buyers. KOSIN-Qouted dull at II S7 fordtrained and 11 49 for Good Strained, a decline of ! 2lA cents on yesterday's quotations. .5 sales reported. TAR Quoted firm ltt 1 Q) 2mr fe!l of 231 lbs. CtiUDK TURPENTINE Quoted steady at SI 5t for Hard, S'2 53 fr Ssfl and 13 09 for Virgin. COTTON Q,uotd steady. Sales 20 bales on a basis of 10l cents. Tne following ar ths official aotatioa ; Ordinary 6- Cbrit wooa irx.iiiwy. tt it it Low UlddJia 3 a !! T -zir;t Ojttoa. Bpiritfl '1 arpeatiss.... ............. ...... ........ 19 bslct it 4 casts 6U bbi ffr.... U b? 7 areeasic A 10 " 4, t HEWS. Mteamer.ilzabeth.Wilklnsoa.SmiUivllle, Steamer Passport. Harper. Smith vlUe. iKasier. Steamer D Mnrcklson. Roberts. Fayette- yiue, wmiaDB8& Murcnison. Br brie J Williams. Nelson. Oporto. E G Marker 4k Co ttchr John Somes. Watts. New Yort.B G liarKer & jo Hot barqno Jerbuen. Svendsen, Stavan- rer. o r Meoane - nor Darqu r-jomanaer, ovenana, tavan iter. Jieiae jo Br one z.inzu. earns. Matanzas worm a Worth Schr II W Anderson. Babcock. W limine- A. "W m t m .. I IOU, UU XlSrl IBS OE uo fcfchr o H Macomber. Ferry, wevmenth. OLSA&JST. Steamer Elizabeth. WilklnKon.Kniithvlllp. mm- - ' ' . I Steamer Passport. Harner. Smlthvillfl. i uster. HteamerD Murchison. Robeits. Fayette- ville. Williams Si Murchison. JBr brig Btella, Robinson. Glasgow, Pater- son, Jowning dzuo Exports. somas. G lasgo wBr brig SteJla -4.111 bbls rosin. SCiJPFSRPlOBIG S AND Flowers Wine I jyjA2SUfACTUiilCl iJV WlilTXYlij k Wiae Con, ajr 'oiief il,2. p, Prices and samples oa apiicatioii. 8end in your orders tor mo bohdayr dtc7-dAwtr in society." The Evencment says: Liit of YczzzU Otct- 1CD tcsj la Pert April 0, 1S81 Kor A 21 Sckweigard, 429 te&SjJobssou, Ncr Kobe, 22 toaa, JoitpbJOD, Haido A Co Ger ProvldsaUa, 35 Una, Holz, - . O Feacaaa A TTesttxmasTJ fir John T Ssdth, 81 9 toss, Lockbart, SO Barker Co Ger Lydla Peschau, 493 toss, Bremen, E Feschau fc Westermann Nor Cred i ST1 tons, Chriatopkersen, Heide & Co Xor Atlaiitic. ons Knudsen, C P Uebane Sot Norge, A'A Lou, Qendricksen, 3 . C Pliebane So: M r?l-, 808 Mattkiesen, Heide Jfc C BEIGS. AiaL'uard AI ier, S00 ton, Hicks, Matter Ger Cl&ra, 304 tons Voss, K IVacLzu & Webtermaun Br Stelia. 445 tou, Kobiuson, G Barker & Co SCHOONERS Am Nellie V l.'okes, itfC tons, Thompson, Master Am, S S Bickmn, 224 tons, Long, Master Am J sf-pa her, 380 tons, Watts, J U Cbadboorn & Co Am Geo Churchman, 281 tons, Kisley, Geo Harriss & (J Am S Ci llart, 268 tons, Kelly, . Master Am Carrie Belle, 274 tons, Seavy,. EG Barker & Cd Am Alice Borda, 35 1 tiis.Dukes, ieo Iiirris8 & Co jm L'iigespo -d, 0St i s. Hand, Geo Uarriss & Ce m Fannie R Lawreuce, 316 tons,Bowen, Geo Ilairtss & Co Am Enima Heather, 292 tons, RIcketts, Master Am Alice U'.srn, 347 ions, Pennewel', Geo Harriss & Co Am Starlight, l'8 tons, Brewster, Master Am E H Druuimoiid, 296 tons, Hi gins, EG Barker & Co im J jhn P Kelso, 180 tone, Steelmao, Geo Harriss & Co Am Wm H Van Brunt, 260 tons, Hough- i went, Geo Uarriss & Vo Am Marcia Reynol fs, 312 tons. Tilion, F. Kidder & Sons Am Jennie Mlddleton, 2S0 tons,Ilugheft, Geo Harriss. &i Am T Sinicoksen, 240 tens, Dicaenson, Geo Harriss & Co Am Farny Kemmy, 384 tons, Wolf, Geo Harjiss&Co Am Dacery Gray, 401 tons, Brunton, Gea Han issJt Co Am Taylor & Ma'his, 230 tons, Cheese. man, Geo Harriss & Co Am Clara, 298 tera, Crammer, laid up, Geo Harriss For this Port from Forsin lois BARK -i. Nor Agatha, 360 tOHSjKohr, sailed from Bremen, Feb 24 Nor Alfen, 75 tos, PefceriJt, wiled trom London, eb 11 Nor Bonafide, 511 fnz, 2SltSm, at Algiers, Jan 5. Nor Braekka, 368 toss, Neiken, saGea from Amsterdam, April 1 Bwd Carin, 47a tons, TTesteil&vil, jU.Vti fiom Liverpool, Feb 26 Ger Charles 300 tora, LaaghJ tCsacu from Linden, Jan'y 29 Dan Elene, 471 toss, DaII3 i ailed from Liverpool, FeD 25 Ger Elsie Mtfler, J73 te,PakKs9 sailed from Dantzie, Dee. IS Ger Emile, 419 toes, E&tJi, sailed from St Nazaire, Marco 12 Nor Forsrtte, o43 teui, Koadsev, sailed frofit Bellasr, Jl Br Geo Wa!ki r, 4 8 tons, Paterseu, sailed from Havie, Mai cb 13 Swd Gitstav Adolpb, COS tofts, 0.16, 8 a lied trom (Jooie, Marcel. tier iiera. cnac. saua Rf es jli x;6r ick, January 2$ Gtr irna, 3iererta,iewerte,saifeifia& lilaSgOW, J? CD 24 Swd Jsael, 329 tons, Tnin, sailed trom LiYerpcoI, Id arch 3 1 Nor Jerbuen, 271 toae, 9vesi4sft, saiied irora otavanger, .eb 19 Ger Marie, Pennies, sailed from Q!as- gow.Jan 18 Nor Resolve, 393 tons, S Ulerg, sailed irons JJunKirfir, Jan 13 Ger Richaid, 463 ions, Faske, sailed irom Havre, iuarcn 27 Nor Silo, Nielsen, sailed frcn Havre, Marcn 4 SiT Star of Hone. 28$ tons. Hannaaann oqiIaH fmm T.lffSrnnAl T. QO Br Vizcaya, 276 tons. Butler, sailed from Plymouth, March 20 BKlGfi Ger Albert me Meyer, 2C tons, Zelck. sailed irom Havre, marcn 2 Jfor Anna, 272 ton, retterser, sailed from Sharpness, Dec 9. Hot Brazilliau, S32 tons.! Beree. sailed rrom Algiers, utc 14, Swd Carin, 283. tons, Schmidt, sailed frcm Hall, April 4 14 or UoDgal, 334 tots.' Danieleon. at "St uyazaire, ian a ... . -w m 9 uan 2na April, ftoreoEen, sailed from Gibarutha, Feb 10 bwd JSmil, 265 tons, ilelwors.. cal'ed from Havre, Jan 25 Nor Gazeller, 60 ton Wevbe. cleared from London, April 2 . lit J VVillisms, 39 tons. Nelson, safled irom uporto, ireo 17 or lUgnnild, 197 tons. Hansen, called trom Rotterdam, Feb 21 JNor Saltero, 332 tois, Kovei.sailed from uette, Jaooary iu Swd bvalan. 32o tone. Janason. sailed from bt Vincent, Jan 31 Fresh Evey Pay A ITLXE ASSORTMENT (5F UAAD1IS, Prensband Dooceatw, just r eel Ted a&d foa vile. TUB 03LY GEXUlliE BOMK-ADE aTW m 9 a vanay ua u ciij, wm ot tontd aver? diy, fresh end iwee tbrce doors 8outh f the PostofEce ob Seeoad street. Also, Nc i Bu5ins,ruita Ac fl. IP JETEKB Sun 1Z tlNsar tho Postoffeef Winbtrry Oysters. TBJSZA TIB EST; OF tbo soasoa. By the Dotea. Quart or iUoa. Faml las 8 applied. sa o aw, . aAiqaors ana cisran laaaaa -mm ah Vaaawasl aa mAVtmjW Veal AMaaaaVW W9 JOaJlESrT.v,pfl rach 13 Iliscallanooo Gprine: & Gummar A Styles. I AM NQ.W RECEITINO DAILY a Kare and well selected stock of all the latest styles in Ladies and Misses', Children and Men's fine BOOTS and- SHOES, consisting of Ladies' Button Boots, la Kid, Foxed, Pebble and French Kid Hand Made, Turn and Machine Made, of the best make, such as you have been getting at my place, and which peed no furtherjecommendatioii. Also, the same in - Infants, Childrea, Youths and Boys. 13?" My Men's Wear Department will not he surpassed by any store in the elty. A eall is all I ask to eonvince yeu ef the same. Prices that defy competitioa. Respectfully. C ROSENTHAL' 32 Market Street tech 28 The World for 188L j w-5K3J- rflHR WORLD for 1SS1 will bo tho boot I Passaie. H. J., ia ot.i- a. ;.r";T" .W L and cheapest newspaper publlahsd hi Uie I tie. 101 Esglish tongae on either side of tho Atlantic. . With bow cresses sarnarsinsr anv oror be fore manvfaotnrad even by Bee A Go., with new and uaeevallac typoeraphleal and bust aeu facilities of alL sorts, and witb a better organised telegrapbio eorrespoadene throoghoat tho world tbaa tat of any other American journal, 1 hi woru for 1881 will afford its readers daily a complete, eondea e.l aad t-ustworthy record of all earreat vents la its Five Miactss With tbo Hvrt of tbo Day The ft oild o.eets aad keeps pace with tn increasing densaads made fey rapid tran sit, the telegraph and the telepbece, ob the time and attention or boilaesa men. Its dailv cable letttrr from Lob don brtaf the vld WotU to the breakfast tablet eftae ifew la its TV7 all Stredt Gossip aad to Items for Investor, taken tceibsr wito its acearato, caadid a&d absolatslv impartial Fiaaaeial Article. 5 he World daily rMBts aamari valied pictara xet c-i ly ef tbo trmo ooaditioo of tb zavltitadiRtHa CQterprL-cs fa wHeb the dy.otarouti and AiYs.ele of ibis -wafv inrett tbeir saTiats. trat elf of si) tbo fi .cluatisg iiiucxim XMTt4 mjroa these ea;offiea by the fvealatk-jw ax's abo tpeo aa;rs i Jfco M at xekacgs. ro aa n w or peis w osra am ial?ri-t I- skj :.fjoret pffrl eas afford to it? tor airgic aajtke l&rorBtaftea dally and exoJawTsly girva ic Tke TrorU, aat ovly as to tbe aataral aad leiiiaa tarte A a&irs at etiar stkek valaes, bat also as ?o Ue plsrs iiksmts sad eanubtaattsM wsisa are irceait;T &atlsg.c&d vassakiss; im aad eat of Wail street t fifiet tfeo Taiaes. Tb T' arid uata;8 J sTary day Iba f eheit f '.Vut ad atest ir,trvtivo aofica f ever tblc aew asd titrwtJtg in tbe r aims ef ait, of littrafcire aad of social life It is tbe accredited erf aa of the colleges ot tbe Ubioa, and the acoaraov and vivacilv of is sportiztjc eolamas. coverlag all tbe va rious rorms oi ttniettie amosement wbicb bave multiplied among as of late years, com mesa it to tne "risiag generation" tfcroegn omine country. published ia tbe f Bglish laagvage which latest fashion at tbe lowwt prim , Hfl maintains an answer-ring idelity to the item ef eookiar or ecoiomy tifxettH a enduring great prasciplei of the Demoeratie Uis department is practically letted kjc faith ia polities, Tbe World for 1881 will be ports before pnblicttlon Leturt froa (S '""Js iwhi! for ltJt iTe y" The Paris aad LoBdomcorrefpoBieBtisstti; Wrldbas been found, absolatelr loj-alto Uteat rkahiona Thm Rmm DaraiteBl' ?TtZl?L Z""!?' Ii A. r i if . . I T in tbe Demoeratie part v. ine world will maintain the eavse of tbe i Union against sectionalism in all im forms, i tne cause or good government against cor- rnpuon in au its forms and tae cause or ui people against morcpoly in all its forma. TERMS P08TA GE PAID. Daily and Sundays, ono rur. 12. a!x nvauu, aa, uree mom as, t9. six months, $5, three months. 2 60, leeil Bperting Fews at home d br5 uuj, wituont Sundays, one year. S10.J than thiee montbs. SI oar mAatb. oe ounoay w orid, one year, X J. Jeviews and "College ChroBicle one jear, I ao paper In the werld wklcb SL60. l mnok nan nailer ararv week SJlflfi;i Jbe Semi-Weekly World. (Faced ays and I Herald, which is seat, pottagt ". iyiii-i b year, to ujud Atrents-.AB i uoii&r Tan eaa suDScnae aiaj - extra copy for club of ten, the Dallj loreUrol . 1 The Weekly World (Wednesday). SI a The I7eT7 Yorfe Beian club of tea. tbo Hemf.WMal- ft Arl . wcj f . u.u .cBu-an extra coorxori . . twenty, tbo Daily for club of ftfty. we oave no travelling agents. Specimen number sent froo na Terms Cash ia variably ia ad ante. oena postotace moneT order, hank- Armtt vr regiscerea letter, uilla 'stTriaV r v vacr. A.aarees. J ... ; w Wb THS WOIlIiD, 85 Park Bow, Ifew York. Hew Crop Cuba. The Finest Cargo thio Season. HHDS. SELECTED NEW CROP CUBA. gQ TIERCZS 8ELECTE1) NEW CHOP CUBA Just received and now landing er Schr Maggi rillig. For lalepow by . frill r m 'm 13 ciatt.,IIndp-Ckuti( -ExcU.al for U- Speer's Prt raisodUiLti Vm r.. J parity aid ttt-rfa-eSS at fieial to the ago! ad db.fnV.w S to the Tarious allBseat. tLatft w. It is, ia Terr r'S? PEER'S : P. J. Tho RIOR CHAKACTER, ard o,t golden qaaUties of tas rrir. fl f is made; For Purit? mC! t MEDICINAL PE&fEmv', k found unexce! Urf. 11 h SPKER's ; P. J. Brandv, Thls BRANDY stacdi anrlT.W i. W Country bolag far rfoK?2S and eoataias ralvabls medicC J"? -- . m auD Kiaviua iriim wriinn t mm ji h . -w I ow ion ua tfmatnra . For sale br W. H. green, j n Je 8tf i Hew M-ffuft lia ore i?otun a mi TBI OIRCTJLATIOir, f tibj peri ewipaper bai iaoreated dariir Urni year. It costsias all the leadlar und tbe I' ally Herald, aad ia arraa a la ki departments. Tbe : : ' FjDRElOX KSTT3 embraeaa special dbsatebM froa Cfrat wrm wl w ax .ue. KB ear tae B0M N AMERICAN HETF3 ae gives tbe Telegraptie Pttpstak f Ci week frem allpartaef tks lt!ci Tlbb rare rJaaa males TDJE vYEXKLT BS.RAU) b mrt valaable cbrovlele ia tbt vwM. a It i tbo oboapeat. Srarj oek b tm a faJb'al report of POLITICAL SIW3 tratpf eoBjaUts ax4 nmm&i tf ipatebu from 1fsjk!itci, bciifkf M reports ef tbe easecbsi ef litit pilktm ea tbt auesden of tbe boar TiiK FABU VEPABTIIUT or lit Weekly Herald cItm Uuna well as tbe mast araetieaT aairraticu dheovrl reUtitg to Uedttisi f ufc er, hiata for raising CatUt, Poiltry, Cxi! Trees. Yegetalbl" e. wlUiiXf fer ktyltr buiidiags aaa farsaisr .ttefl in repair. Tbis Is sappismtated sy edited Ccpaxtmeat, widely eopied, uiat head ef ; ; v;;" -4 .- TEJS HOME, elilwr raaalni fr rrartlflal dlahee. biabfcT wo vmiT meiroopiisan moraiaur lomrmai i aaaina' eioikiha ! rnr taitaa so u The iattrests ef sulledoLabok " m a are looked after, aad everrtbior reuni " echanies and labor saviag U cwiB-;- corded There Is a estt devoted latest pb ties of the baiiaeM uult t found in th specislly reported pricu cenditioBsoi Jjm THE rBODUUKaMABAai Rther with a Ptory every week, mnrm .fn!ntit diviaa. LitWirT, ,! One Dollar a Year. ,:" - Address, ''f-:' -v' Broadway and Abb Streets, Teri oe ii Starch. nUVni fiiosa. Also rmprcrd T.n. KotsI Oloo. A1SO for cooking purposes. Vow is J i. ' nn. aa orfcea have been U&u , men 7-tf . PURiCE'LL '-HOUSfi U5DES ShTT MAlfJ Wavt eroa. 3.0. TPt- LaoPoprlelrAtUauJ ,iaUs.A-. urn 1 .1 .rirrt Cass la.all Its'appe A 7

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