i 4' f .'ft ; t il 1 ' 'Hi s!! i t i 1 fir i 3 1 ? 31 ; i . 'I 1 i J i i - i i" i ;) ill i DA P3 7 Elf 1ELI MiLfi 1U lt I Jj.iU. T. J AMES, Editor & Prop'r WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1S81 Entered at the Postoffice at Wilmington. N. C.. as Second-Class Matter. The Pall Mall Gazette charges that Stanley, the African explorer, is build, ing the road tlong the Congo by means of slaves, which he bays for the purpose, the laborers he took along with him hav ing either sickened or deserted on ac count of the hard work. Prince Bismarck is said to have writ ten an autograph letter to Mrs. Garfield, in which he begs her to accept heart felt condolvnee M-d host wishes lor her husband s recovery. The Prince is now leading a quiet, valeiudinarian life at Kissingen, maintaining smtrict seclusion I occupying himself little with slate all airs. Lord Ueacorieficld'd will has just been proved, and the net amount disposed of al ter deducting debts and funeral expenses. 13 shown to be S'tlG.aG'i. All the late Lord's real estate goes to his nrphew, Coningsby Ila'ph Disraeli, and is to be entailed for the benefit of the latter' mule descendants. The rest of the per sonal estate is to be used in purchasing more land, to be settled in a similar man- IkT Two Italian girl students, the Siguor ina Carolina Vagistrtlli, of Mantui, and the Signorina Evangelina Dottcro, of Acqui, who ha 1 prt vi(vs!y passed with great ditinction tx-miiualious in Greek, Litiu and It ili m literature in the Ko-. man University, took the ot'ier day doc tor's cegr es in natural sciences. The Home Ooinione says that as far as it knows, no woman ha?, until now, taken a degree in the Roman Uuiversity since its foundation by Innocent IV.", in the thir tetnth century. It is announced in Philadelphia polit ical circles that Mayor King will shortly appoint several colored policemen, and it is discussed by politicians as a revolu tion, in Pennsylvania politics. The Phil adelphia Timts advocates the plan, how ever, and says: "The votes ot. the col ored race hold the balance of power be tween the two parties in Republican Philadelphia. They have been lavishly promised political honors by the Republi cans in every election contest, and their votes have been, as a rule, cast solidly for the candidates of that party; but had Mayor Stokley, a partisan Republican Mayor, appointed a black man to his po lice force he would have had a volcanic eruption among the spoilsmen of his or ganization." m An eccentric old gentleman in Lincoln s'aire, England, aged eighty-three, is, it is stated, so firmly convinced of the ap proaching end of the world, that he has ordered an immense balloon to be made for his own convenience, by means of which he hopes to witness the destruc tioa of the planet without sharing the fate of its inhabitants. He will ta'se with him in hi3 ascent tinned provisions, brandy, soda-water, claret and other creature comforts in sufficient quantities to meat his requirements for three years by which time he calcu'ak'8 his life will hive come to a natural close. J re is of opinion that among the debris of the world will be several l irge fragments, on ooe of which he will be able to effect a decent at an opportune moment and and a refuge for his few remaining jears. lie proposes to. take with him 'no com panion but a gamekeeper, who has been long in his service and for whom he has a great regard. lie has, however, .warned this faithful retainer, who is only fifty-two years old, thit when the provisions in the balloon are exhausted he will have to shift for himself, tlud may therefore in three years time be without means of subsistence. Having nude those ar- rangemenis, ine o;u gentleman is rnr- fectly calm, and ind-jed cheerful. He expects, he declares, to get on. better without the world than with it. TICK CASU'KLL MUXUHK.X J Mr. Cicero W. Harris writes to the Golds-bora Messenger a description of the monument to Gov. Caswell, which is to be unveiled at Kinston next Wednes day. Ie says : The handsome monumental shaft to be erected to the memory of Gov. Caswell, in Kinston, on the third proximo, will be shipped to that place tomorrow. It is the work of Mr. McMenamin.of this city, who, with two assistants, will accompany it to its destination and put some finish ing touches to it. He has had ouly forty fire days in which to do the work. It is uq obelisk, built of Richmond granite, and is thirty, feet in height, including three bases. The shaft is sixteen ftet high. The plinth is beautifully moulded. The tap is tormed of Roman arches. The base which contains the inscription is polished., and the rvsl of the surface smooth. Certain Masonic emblems, such s the g-4vel, greater and lesser lights, etc., r cut ou the shaft. Tue work is considered very creditable. No description of this work, in which North Carolinians feel a deep pride, is complete without the legend on the shaft. On the front, or first side, is the follow- in?: The people of North Carolina have erect ed this monument in grateiui remembrance of Richard Caswell, thfir first Governor undera free Con stitution.' . , Called to the head of af fairs in North Caro lina in the struggle with Great . Britain for Independence, he gave himself up to the service of his country without stint and without compensation. Then follow, in order, the other three sides: 1 ' ' .Born August 3rd. 1729; Died 10th of November. 1789; An accomplished surveyor, an able lawyer, a skilful financier, a successful soldier, a profound statesman, a devoted patriot ana an honest man; the an nals of North Caroliua for forty yt ars attest his virtue, his , , capacity and his services. IK'putj Surveyor of the Colony, Member of the Colonial Assembly, Colonel of. the Colonial Forces, Member of the Provincial Congresses, Delegate to the Continental Congress, Pub lic Treasurer, Colonel of the Revolutionary Forces.Rrig- t adur General, President of the Congress that fr imed'the first State Constitution, four i times' eicctejl .Governor of j " North Carolina, I - i Comptroller Geu- eral, elected Dele- ' gate tq the Convention to frame the Federal Con- stitution, Member of, the State Convention to ratify the Federal Constitution. Resolved, That the thank of this Con gress be given to Col. Richard Cas well and the officer and soldiers un der his command for the very es sential service by them render ed this country at the battle of Moore's Creek. Jpur- nal of Provincial Con gress al Halifax, 13 April, 177C Tile Krj to Heahh. i Have you found the! key . to perfect neaun ana sirenginr it is ivianey wort, the only remedy that overcomes at once the inaction, of .the kidneys and bowels. It purifies the blood by cleans- ing me system or ioui numors ana Dy giving strength to the liver, kidneys and bowels to perform their regular functions See displayed advertisement. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, D. C, July 23, 1881. The President's condition at this writ ing as considered by the physicians is favorable. . They are understood to mean by this simply that the dangerous symp toms of Saturday do not necessarily indi cate a fatal result. There is, however, now greater liability to new and danger ous complication than there was believed to be up to Saturday morning. The President is weaker and does not take nutritious food as readily as he did. . I do not think one of the1 physicians would be surprised if conditions should appear in the President's case to-day (or any day) rendering recovery impossible. Two absurd theories of the succession, in the event of the disqualification of the President and Vice-President, are sug gested here. One is that Mr. Randall, Speaker of the House t uring the 46th Congress, would become President. The plan of reasoning is too lone- and too in tricate to be Tol lowed and leads in the opinion of almost everybody to the con clusion that Mr. Randall has no rights whatever in the! premises. The other suggestion is that the Secretary of State, by reason of the authority conferred cn him to order a new election1 for the Pres idency, becomes President himself until such election is regularly mide known. A sufficient answer to this is that the constitution and laws provide especially who shall become or act as President in certain contingencies, and except the persons so named no one is or can be President, and to.soact would be usurpa tion, liut the law can and should make nnr3 extended provision for pos sible vacancies. It should for instance, be. made the duty of the Senate to elect from 'time to time presiding officers President of the Sen ate they are called, aud the sessions of Congress should be so arranged that the House would never be without a Speaker. rour livi s between order and anarchy are not too nuny, and the idea of the present law is that there shall boj four, viz., the President, the Vice President, the President of the Senate iand the Speaker of the House ; but now theie is only the frail life of a desperately wounded man, and the life of the Vice President. Just,:ce Nathan Clifford, who has just died,, was a very pronounced Democrat, but had the sincere respect of all public men without regard to party. II is de cisions were writteH in a style singular ly pure and clear, and he exhibited all sources of legoil knowledge in their prep aration. He was the last Democrat ap pointed to the Supreme Bench and hia death leaves thereon but oue Justice of similar conservative ideas. President Garfield would do a graceful as well as a patriotic act by recognizing the fact in naming . a successor to Justice Clifford. Rut that, I suppose, is more than can be hoped for. Gcrdge.; Quarterly Meetings, Wilmington District, Methodist E. Church, South. Third roundL Whiteville, at Whiteville, . . Aug 13-14 Cokesbary, at Bethel, . . . Aug 1314 Topsail, at Bethany, . . . ( . Aug 20-21 Cliuton, at Salem, r ... . .Aug 20 21 Onslow, at Swansboro, . . Sept 10-11 Coharie, at Averysboro, . Sept 17-18 L. S. BURKHKAD, P.E. When a great man dies he i3 usually "bnsted." Barton Courier. , Dead broke Eh? ; .. , ' - - The fir3t ingredient in good conversa tion is truth, the next good sense, the third good humor and the fourth wit. Sir William Temple. ' The Pittsburg paper are delighted because the last man who committed a murder there immediately afterwards killed him elf, thus saving the county the exp-nR of trying and acquiitiug h:in hdadelphia Sews. Not a bad ioke was made at 'Ascot re specting a lady whose dress was profuse ly decorated with the heraldic emblem ot her husband's family. "Why," sai Enmo nno chrnl1 a wife not be in th IS ie arras of her husband?" London Truth. "An aesthetic discourse," said ti e Lady Algeria to her husband as they rode home from church. "Right you are," said my lord Algeron (who had found a sort place on the pew rail for the repose of his lordly head) "it was anaes thetic." 1 At a recent Cleveland (Ohioi wedding, the floral decorations consisted solely of field daisies and smilax. I he mantels, windows and every available space were fillod with t hem, and the bride and croom stood under a wedding-bell composed of . i ... i daisies, entwined witn spray or smuax The bride's veil was caught with a clus ter of the same pretty wild flowers, she wore them in her corsage and carried a boquet of them as well. VProlessor" writes to the Evening Telegram,, of Toronto, ss follows: "To settle the dispute forever about the prop er sound of double V in English words, please publish the following rule and examples for the use of the unlearned; Kule Double 'e' between two consonants take3 the short sound of 4i' as in pid. The following examjlea explain the rule: I win I have bin and sin the grin trees form such a serin that the shin of the sun could not pass betwin them. I halted to rest about Mtin minutes. The air did sim to Urn with insect life; my enjoyment was lin and I drove away splin, and I dim the place was fit 'in for a king or a quin. I hastened nome to redim my loit time as being most besim ly." Haunted Me A Workingman says: "Debt, pover ty and suffering haunted me for years, saused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring, which did no good. I was completely discouraged, until one year ago, by the advice of my i pastor, I pro cured Hop Bitters and commenced their use, and in one month we were all well, and none of us have been sick a day since; and I want to say to all poor mea, you can keep your families well a year with Hop Bitters for less than one doc tor's visit will cost." Christian Advo cate, : ' Miscellaneous. iSTlTf, : CELEBRATED Feebte anrt Slckir Persons Recover tteir vitalitv bv ptmulnz a cource of Hoitatler Stemsch Bitters, the inert pop alar invifcor nt acd alteratire medicine in use. General debility, fever and agns, "yi repsi, oonatipatlon, rheom'igm, and other mUadiei are eomsletely removed by it. At'k thoe wlo have used it what it haa doce.for them. t jfor I ale by all Prusr?ita axd Dealer! ; generally. jy 1-nrm r - THE ONLY MEDICINE IX EITHER LIQUID OK DKT FOSH 231 A That Acts at the same time on' TEE LIVES; TEE BO WELSJ ABU, TEE.EIDEEYS.fz i WHY ARE I- sicicr Because xce allow these areat organs to become clogged or torpid; and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood i that thouldbe txpelud naturally. . WILL SURELY CURE A KIDNEY DISEASES,V 1 j LIVER COMPLAINTS? PILES, COXSTTPATIOjr, ITBECAKT DISEASE, FEMALE ESSES, 4 AND 'ERVOU8 DISOUDES8, by causing free action of these organs and restoring Uieir powtr to throw off disease, IThy saffer Bilioaa pains aad aches! ! Why torneated with Piles, Coastlpatioat Why frighteaed ever disordered Kidaeyst . TThy eadare aerreas or sick headaches! Use KIDNKT-WORTand rejoice in health. It is pat up in Dry TecetaU Tmrm, In tin esats oa pmekMfgo of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in Uaala Fwa, Tery C a trt4, for thome thai c&nnot readily prepw it. ' wlta equal efficiency la either form. GXX XT OF TOUR DRUGGIST. TOICE, UO0 TTXLLS, HICrUr.DS03 A C., Prep's, - (Wa sead tb dry post-paid.) sTBXDCXOa,TT. K4 IrY. - GTOMACH p? r ' r!JCELV VEGETABLE ti If m ' ' ('in f r l - ' e -; pant tn the dy fo To pd Liye tun v w ' 7 - e -da J ' nl 1 izi e . warel, Malsna .d a 1 d. cjI ieflHif ins Kidiee, Li er, and Uri arr Or.a-i. ?m ism alb D'EBAeU, 5 Mo h y ilrwrua'lrni, aa flur in& rej? an if , i hasnoq a'. I ra t'r f e orjtans f at makb the blood, and he ee is neb b - loob t urltisk. It Is he on know- r m y tha cares bibrt'b Disbabs. K r iJlabete.. csj 17abmbbs cabb Diabkt&c tore- - " '"-I - - j -'': For tale by Divgtftt and De 1 B at $1.28 per bottle. Largest bottle in the luarket. Trj it. , ' ; ' H H WABJTER CO., I jy 2 Miwnrmto Bochester S T II C ATT Vs ORGANS 17 Mops, 5 St ilbfi III Ciolden Tongue reeds ou- $85. Address, Daniel F Beaity, Washing ton,NJ. jy 12 4w ; L?lfSfC; MOORE'S L P If If1 1?" BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Ji UULala Atlanta, Gsu 'or Illustrated Circular. A live actual Business School J&abmhed twenty yean. , GOLD M EDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR J A new a, creat xaeoicai vt otk warranted tha best and cheap est, indispensable to erery man, entitled "the Science et Lif'" bonnd in finest French xnnslin, emboeed,fall gilt, 3UO ares.cotitaiosbeaatifnl steel ) C . ngravingB, 125 prescriptions. Instratea sample, 6 C: send i . . v i j v. i: iixow Thyself. BNBaifizKst-Bpstoa.- CuUcura. the Great Skin Cure. Itching and Seal y D i s a n se s -Humor? of thocalp end ! Skin Permanently 'Cured.;:- :- '; C'uticuVa reroeiiK 4 f6r'sl hrraircr?n esta. M'xice tf Cutiima M icma Jeij," mall: boie, 6Cc; Ivpnb-'xea, $1. Cticura Kesolvent, theL new lopd - Pu ; ifier, $1 1 per bottle. ,-. Cuticura Medic nA Tci e. -oap,25c. Oaticura. Medicioal V herirg c,t in bars for barbers ' and 1a-- ciin turner, 60c. Principal depot. , Vihy K - T4k, i. ; .. . , . . . Boston, M ass-TSB-'-A m uled f re?;f n receipt o prjc. jy 12-4w HAVE TOO 'MR MOWN Any person to be tat ion i'j ill without weak toiaaoh or inactire liver or i ireTi ? Atd when these organs are in pood condition do "- not find their posters jr epjojm good health? Pasbbe's triBO-sa Toaio lwajs regulates these important oceans at d naver fails to mate tbe blo-d rich acd pure, aud to ptrenertben Try part of the pystem It tas cured hundre s of depoir;uf inralids.- . your neighbor about it Jr 13 4w 1881 THK SDN. BALTIICRE 1881. i FojILrbfd Daily, Fxc6pt Sunday. Rencwred the Freshest and ASost "tistsct ry of t.U .Vews papers. Low in Price Compact in form. I&dependant ia Expression, OcneerraUye In Tone. lbe carwr f "HE Utt, from is ear lies beginnicg, ls b cbarc!rised bj a pro gressiTe spirit asd -l- o.-igii al and effective enterprise. To characteristics it stead fastly adheres. - Covering as it does the whelp e'eid r( news paper endeavor, its every number is t com plete reflex of the spirit of the times and th: activities and events of the day. : TFp. flUN expretsei its opiniona on cur ren ! events as they arise and on anbiects of publio interest, with the view only of arriv ing atrUrbt results and conserving the gen eral welfare. Its consistent Integrity is thor oughly known and understood, AH A FIAST-OLASd UEW8PAPIB, -TOE SDN is adapted to the needs of all and enjoys a world-wide confidence. he extent and variety of THE SUV'S Local Reports, their careful accuracy and avoidance of pruriency, constitute a striking leature, aoceptaoie ooin at nome ana abroad. oreign and domestic, is unsurpassed In e z cellence ard freshness 1T8 WASHINGTON BUBBATJ covers all the phases of political information transpiring at the National OaritaL with proper note and comment. Unexcelled In the past, it will be maintained at the his heat siamiara m uo iniaro. . TUE MAKKkT AMD 8T0CK BJCPOBT8 of THE SDH are collected and compiled with the utmost care, and may be taken as safe guides by all who desire to obtain the latest and most trustworthy information on these important topics. - " . - . t Sin short, THE fa ON will continue to main tain the high reputation it -has acquired ss an enterprising,, accurate and well. edited newt paper, always ready to add to ita facili ties for collecting news whenever necessary to meet the increasing demands of the time, and to maintain th e high eon fid s s of which its large and steadily ii creasing dremlation giyes evtoeaee. 7 , - : Terms of JLuricripticn by Mail Cf..ij i ' " " Airtr.eo. One Tear, po-isca bclad.u.. OT nrea onu-s. ucied d Two Months.: ittfctv'inffBdfrd . 1 fru 1 n av us uooia, j-f uitj trctwc.fg 'Address " L - -A. 8. A eLlr CO.. I ufcfaers, c cn iron liuiiduip. -MMvm Jkals W&ri?5CLY V E 0 E TA B L X$&. IllscollancotiSe ME! I EM ffl The attention of Housekeepers, Farmers and others is called to t. .v aable Preparation 0 4bcTe wral FOR WHITEWASHING AND ALL SAfilTARY PUdPogEs Jt costs less in comparison than CO MMON WHlTRViA'-e f,wk . 1 its durability and beautr are two-fold ereater. It navr lo.M f. lItksd Hit. . or plaster. It can be used convenieatly and econr micall ii .vs wtthmt . rJ IS G LN8IDKH. inrifnf all rnrTAAin hlah sand r.H a MB 'VTaa. MVi.l'i triaU .7'- 7" " -Ploysd. ttsVu We refer to the Knickerbocker lee Company, and others. Boll at wholesale, by the barret, and in smaller peekaee . at tha v. . Batxb, White ... tXwJJJi.,,,,Sr.fi. "' PDfnoo. I ' . .wiun. xM.a . r ..................... ,WU., it . J aa uooa nnoxets,i2 uaisi wnite 00. Jdvanees made on CoBsignments Lumber sent to cut by if desirtd. diate relief. 5S.as. Co tat 1 " Z 9 mts Sr 9 2 " tr.SL.9 s w. it 5 om 5 . S5 ,5 S a " . " w a a T- n r ju y 1-eod-lm THE $1. BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUN :i$L IS AS GOOD A FAMILY PAPB AS IS PCBLI3UED 15 THIS OO UK TRY. i hA Orifclnal and Hetected Rtri' s are full of interest a d corf t tute choice family read ing. Its lyrical pieces are aleo of a high cr-ir of. er er it. .Besides these merits it is a ootuf ndiam of . ;, - . .; THK NEWS OF THR.WEFK, well collated ard of infinite variety. All froeh pccarrences st home and abroad find a place in its columns 7 he bright and jrfaphio letters of the s? ecial eorrespondezitt of THK HUN at tbe capitals of Europe, in California and ,elae where. , are published ia the Weekly, and. -in addition to describing: the course o" political events, Mil give the gossip ot tte dav aad the drift of events. The Wa.8Hl.N4 VON BUKEAU OF TBE SDN will keep tbe readers of the Weekly wI i informed in respect to everything of In terest, , t oliticaUt and socially, transpiring at that point. W hate re r besides, that is se rious or joyous, that tf cos to give a spice rf variety, will be snpp'.ied to make the Weekly attractive. ' 1 ITS MAKKST AND FINANCIAL PF. t po&ts . . . . , : are brought down to the latest hour of pub licstion, and every pains taken to make them trustworthy. , , AGRICULTURAL MATTERS are not neglect d, and the farmer will fittd in the eolumns devoted to; this subject many valuable bints and suggesdotis.; ripnd .edi torial diecufsions always have, place in t Weekly j and, with its S'ories ana other light literature, its well-written letters from places at home and abroad, its political and general news and 'goesip, and its excellent. Market and Financial Keportt, THIS rtALTlMOKE W KhKLT hUN eommez.ds itself to all who de ire to have a thoroughly good paper at a very low price' . . . Terms of aubscriction Invariably Cash in - Advance One Dollar per Tear for one copy or any number ofoopies. L?JCKA8K1 PBEMIU1I COPIES TO 1 GETTERS UP OP CLUB?. Tbe following liberal Premium Copies are given to these who get up Oiub for the ALTIMORE WEEKLY to UN FITS COPIES.... $500 With one extra copy of the W eekly Sun one year, eeeeeeeieeeeesieaaaaasaeaeee With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun one year, and one copy of the Daily - Sun three months. FIFTEEN ; GOPIESM..MMMMM....MM..f I6aP0 With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun one year, and one copy of the Daily Sun sis months TWENTY GOPiESWMMM.M..MM.M.M. $20 00 With n extra copy of the Weekly - gun one year, and one copy of the Daily oun nine months. THIRTY COPIE8... ..$30 00 With an extra copy of the Wwkiy Sun, and one copy of the Uthy Sun one year. For full terms and prem'um copies to getter n of Gib., see proapecus in THE HUN, Daily and Vven)t, tr d in tbe UAL TIafORJSbUN Al Ma Aa frl88l, a valu able publication of seveMy-two pages, free to allsubseriDeisto the BALTIMUa; SUA, Da'ly aid WeaHy. The sfet method ot transmitting funds by mail is by draft, check or Postoffice mon ey order. o deviation. cd ess V. r. ARELJ A.CO., f-un 'rcn Building, fcbl7- Baltimore. Ud. eCHUTTE'S SEA-SIDE PAKK HOTEL I Wrightsvillc Sound JB NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION of guests 1 The table is eopplled with the pro ducts of the'SouDds and Sea. . . . i . Tranient and regular Lea rders taken at reasonable rates. - V" V.. ;F.r A. SCHUTTE, , I JeS-tf 1 , lYoprletor a. 2 A n5- s.3 S S 2 S S j,2i?-f. 2 - Z 2 !! E1; Ea S i.-2 r " 8 o- SS5-2 IliscellaneoTia. GOOD FOR ) Ha." tiUUSES OUT8IDP t nA11 l44Ts; t ti itteijco 1 w l iirra m. . XT ' 1. ..-r"i n, : b. It Corner rrunand Hi, Kt, Jnftercll8t, mments of Lumber or lies, aid qaieV5!Ill'au'-4. airtd. t' j: , , H M-es auds bails , mads biikt, rflSal iffii fconw,. to cur Allays the WniT?,!&P" I taEO Sold by 4rugriplZ or rlraZ.' 10th Archill., Pa.cAr,W.IJUKBj1 wapper on bottle contawu ku .t .TJ? 9nit ivT AU dn,22isu and country ttorwJL f iWl ONE COLLAR a mR. THE uei year. CIRCDLlTinw ' irspaper has increaied irZ, Jt oontai,. all the ttfi Uy Herald, and is arrai..S the Daily departments. natr FOREIGN N4W3 enbraces special dinna tcfi. tars of the 1 be. Lnd7r Se Gi? H AMERICAN KES are given the Tlmin . I weea from all parts of the t8lV likH THE WEEKLY BIRALD the most valuable ctroricls i iks J it is the cheapest. Evj ek a iW a faithful report of " H 1 POLITICAL XES - eusoracing oompitte tna ena-jJ despatches from Waehirfrton. InrlwUift' reports of the speeches of eminctt polm'sbt? on the auestion of the hoar THE FARM DErARTJJBT or. the JWeekly PersJd fixa th Um J VaII Slat ihfl lAAMf a.aalaal :. 1 disfiViTsrlAal BsalsiHnsv r tfc Am al. J vioiau av iuv vwiM VI Ulllfjl er, hints for raising Cattle, fosltrj, QiW Trees, Vegetables, 1c, Ac, vitk nrfatSt-j for keeping buildings and faricirj vml wyB.MJVM., ITIUUI J VI'ICI', ' I" s u THE lio r, i giviBg :eteipt' U r prsctil fb-hctsit masing cjnir.ing ar.rf Tor iepitg totvlt latest faehion at tie low-gt price lr item f-f choking or eccnoinj inrwt-i tli department in prscticallj twwd Wr perts bf fore f ubliestiun Lettm imv Paris atd London ccrreeporlestiOBtW lavt f-ehiona Tbe Home Depailwtfu Weekly Herald will save the honif8r; man i oanorea nmes to pnes awtr per 04 ton rents ci Sr KILLED LAEOK are iook after, and-evert tltor tAwi mechanics and labor saring U cmm-V , corded There b a pge Crrotni to latest pbsscs of the bueineM njirkiijittf Merchandise, Ac. Ac A ra!Bb' ioqdq in in specially rfporieo pneu conditions of THE moDUCE ilAf W,' Pporting ews at tome std itotil, getber with a htcry everj ttt, iiw, by some eminent divine, Litrrarj, Xaw Dramatic, Personal and 8ea ffotei Tm no paper in the world wllch m much news matter every week atth , Heraio. which Is sent, potugs ireywi Dollar Y ou can subecribs.ai sar uz The S"ew York HeraK I " in a weekly fenr. One Dollar a Yec( ! Addrees, Icw York HcraW. Broadway and Ana Btreeta,5r dA'11 ' THE BEST PAPER TW 11 , BeauUfuIly Illustrated- The Dcientiflc ABricJ A large iirsvuisrs jfj - -Sixteen Pages, I rinted Ini lis style, profusely illosu td JTy sravlBg.. .representing ttonsand the most uA Arts and Bdeaces; iDcIoJisj teresting Facts in TpJM the Home, beaKh, s?Jf9d Science, Natural Biitcry. ' my. The most rJF$3l eminent writers ia aL li wiU be found in the Seieotifis " Terms, $3 10 per y'JflB7 which Includes posUge. IgffjL WM Wngle copies, ten cents. Bo" jdl PATENTS-SfS AMUilCAN, Mesn f1 itors of American and 'ortigm t had 35 years experieiee, j. largest establi.hent J 1 A aV are obtaiaed on the best fcErs. notice is made in the all Inventions PftT. wth the tame aad rfsidftw t. By the immense c?. p,ria ie atiettioa is dirtcted to f. Bew patent, and salsa or btrc- J easily eCected. . . 1sb A. pern who has. Jjj or UventioB, can m1-..: t wtether a F.tent can P'Vs by wriUnto Maaa A j free nor uzt.o ""Jvk() nd t. w Aiire P, aflvare oa ,. m or e.nzFf T1 HUM vVTthH. Vf raath O Jc, ear. r JJJtA

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