THE DAILY REV.StV. gives a 250 candle light, this- would be eqcal to 14 five-foot homers of 18 candle gas- consuming in six hours 420 cubic JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & rroprPeett woaId c0st but 94f centr- WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1SS1. Entered at the Postoffice at Wilmington. N. C, aa 8econd Clafs Matter. Locomotives come into Milwaukee cov ered an inch deep with crashed grasshop pers. The coating looks like a "greenish t yellow-streaked mud." The grasshoppers kill themselves flying again3t the loco mo tires. The gas companies, on the other hand, claim that, all allowances being made, the electric light costs about 2 time3 as much as gas. ta Jsnfe- AVhy is Rridget like the letter E? Be cause she makts a pet of Pat. Dr. I). W. Bliss hns jost pas?ed anoth er conafortable night, lie takes his nourishment frequently, and with great relish. Aeiy Orleans Picayune. A p.nmn inv nf spttlfr in naminir llwir A l : - tj - . ,. i i I " 1 J ....... r - A icicKrPu wire m maia is sireicaaa new town, called it Dictionary, because, between the summits of two hills each I as they paid, "that's the only place where hill being 1,200 feet high :wr.-s the I ?- .prosperity and happiues3 are al- IListnah river. The span ol w.r -is over ' -nnn f-Hnir..ih a ;a aJ A prudent man had his portrait paint ... . . , 1 ed in rari3. U is friends complained to - wic luugcai, iu me wunu. i ne oniy him that it w3 much too old. "That's engineering appliance used in stretching wriat 1 ordered," he. "It will save MiscdllacoTus. Ilia coll&ncou?. 9 m w j j i im. m a a a a a a m. - . bh a s i - . , i. -- . . a - ... - f FOn WHITEWASHING AM ALL SASiTAEy F J J 'f -Vfe 'lMW 1 '' ' t JMv f ' lter It cm nd conveniently and coih ttiJ.ii .H tf miM1' riUUM ifrjtygzw. - . , :, e Jtu i. wiSam:.. : : llalarla li an Unseen Taporobs LU!-S: 1 I 'J M dbi! J??wUI To t t. . , ; ' 7 ' ? U m " I Mnrr Unlr ttt , . lioiiufij Hiscollanoous. Mil :Pirj;THi this cable was a common windlass. len years iowe H The creditors of the Ghsgow Bauk have now received 90 per cent of their claims, reauin. Of 1,819 shareholders, onlv 260 The others are ruinid. Near- ly 600 gave up all they had, and began the world again. To the trustees of the married at such an early ag5? ' she al ways replies, "1 was Jil'mi i I might die iourig. A man need not flatter himself on relief fond, which exceeded 81.950 000 everything about his bouse being as rear- Ra for the expcLse of another one ... xr .' , , , I M&l.ria vd n 1 diTeal iMofth RH,,., I rwnwa, pramwnif uuease anaoeau la lvany her sex. Whv waa it. mv dear, vou im t vmiT. f nn,nL . Ft I o.ach bitters la n only a taofrpb :zi ::::7 :: . tr.t . r-y- .1 j B.1:.1; 0 ,rf v. tmt a reiubi. nreventiTa. ia the hct HT.nno nitim. It la tk. I " wiwMiuuur arxar ri rti ht Diiuil 1 KWBomjr orer a period or there were 883 applications for aid. Ilecently two pigeons, one belonging m to. Mr. A. Perry Baldwin and the other to Mr. N. C. Gould, of Newark, were let go at Long Branch. 'I he one belonging ular as clockwork, simply because he t:uys everything on tick, unlike a clock, his affairs will run down when his affairs are wound up. Bostbn Transcript. When Mr. Blank'3 dredging machine was at work in Boston several yeais ago it burst one other boilers. A messenger known r m - tha cure 'aiaHiV Dibbasc tnre For sale br D'u&r&rif and Delrs'at S1.9 pr botile. Lftrsrait botU ia the market TrjU ' Ha WAttNlSK M Ji, jy 22-daw nrmto Rochester N T lo Mr. Baldwin flew to New York city ran to Mr. Blank and upon arriving, all a distance of thirU-three milen. air out of breath, exclaimed in an excited , 3EP I TEX 3dE HABIT CURED. ! v - line in fifty two m.nutes, and the other! made the distance in seventy-two min utes. . m . . . ia ain-a-MXH C3-. "r m rnsnner: -3lr. lilank, ttoe machine has I f- cure jure. iiarge reduction, burst! A nnP nf hor hnilpra nn L-illrl twrk lu P"ceB. - A inai DOUie Tree. thiitt yeara,ha.lI4isArdara of the i:ver. itomt h and bowelsarealao ectfqnerad by the Bit en lror sale by all Dmgirifta. and Uealen Kb- TUB Ml': Dr. Hammond states that there are men!" Said Mr. Blank quite coolly; vjau t she work with one boiler? - "me uoc'cr tu.ui ii " very few, if any, cosmetics whi -h do not to take a blue pill, but I didn't, for I had contain load. He also says that death- be?n Phoned twice by mercury. r - . j . . ' . . , . I hj druggist told me to try Kidney- from lead poisoning by the use of cos- 0rt, ami I did. It was just the thing raeucs is Dy no means an uncommon case. lor my billiousm-ss.and constipation, and The introduction of lead into the system now ym as weI1 as ever." Torpid kid- prodacea various cirects-colic, paraly- "eys and liyer is the trouble, for which . .. ', Kidney-v ort always proves to be the ..ft, prostration of the nervous system and iK St mredy known.-Hartford Cour- jusauiij uemg me mosi common results J ant. Invitations have been sent to all the German singing societies throughout the United States asking them to attend the great gaengerfest to be given by tie Philadelphia societies iu the summer of 1882. The fest will take place two weeks prior to the commencement of the cele bration of the two hundredth anniver sary of the founding of Pennsylvania by "William Pcnn. All the mills belonging lo the Sprague estate have suspended operations, and the hands thrown out of employment are looking about to find work in other local ities. The trustees' sales of property having been postponed by injunction, notaing can now be done until the law yers earn their share of the oysters in the legal battle that will probably divide the shells between the creditors and the Spragues. 1 he property has so dwindled away under the management of trustee Chaffee during the last seven years, that if the estate was promptly sold now it would not yield more than 30 or 40 per cent, ef the creditors claims. . Also papers and circularB exDl oi ireaunent, witn testimonials tree. MR8.' J. A: DROLLINGER, exormeny jnrs. Forte, Ind. Box aog 16-1 md Aw 39 A mm W A. Muff' . " O A m CS? 0 ainlng mode G? f rSi ! r H s i 2 VLSf UfJJ ur. . iJ uoiiins,) La 1 C ,1; - 5 - g S r - incuwuu ui paper I d 2 g to -r 5- 5 c. i "S - a ' -' " $1. BALTIMORE WEEET SDK $L IS AS GOOD A FAMUT f ATEB AS IS PUBLISHED IK TUI8 OOUITTBT. 1 he Oriflnalaad F of interest atd ebopttati Injr. Ita lyrical pleoea are aluo of a bleb order of Eerit. Kaaioei Uieea merita itii a ocuiendiam of . Ill eiaeied PtrlM are m thrDaty Herald I ail u la ch "ice family read- departmeau. ? lk " f j "aVe aloof a blfb . it .h r if 'f i THE NEWS OF THX WEEK, . . . . f i f. - : well collated and of .infix ita Varletr. Ill iren rooorrescej' at ooaa and abroad find a ,plca in itf .columns. The bright and graphio letters of the srecial eojrretpondesta FCEEIQS ' ' ' rAit... a w mt lob. VkdAiZ.. 1 TfiO r.. iii cIoho and amvo & 3- O i 3 o - DOES ; m WONDERFUL It? o Becnsft it acts on the XITEB, tfofiTEES' ' ELEQAMT JEWELRY CHEAP. ....i irinvrvu . i L .. .:. . I) , To Introduce oiii'ncw niviaa uui fnnn.. .of T K K BDN at 4ha eatttaU of Europe, ia are iren the Tl.u n California and eWbere, -are pabli.hedl ia week fro. all 112?.? r1 tba Weekly, and in addiOA to describing ture alone makw lth SDN will keep the .readers, of tha i Weekly the "wt ralaibU chrorid. b. ' wfll informed in rapaet to everything of In- " U the cbcapeiL J. - ter8t, politically and scciaUy, trn0pirinf( faithful rei ort o? N'tirts-t.-rn through ciailw. Nort L -ra tbrou'gh and the City 530 p. m ids. m. way &:40 a. rn. lleigh 5.-10 a. m. iL-iiis tor the i. O. lUilroati, - aud reatea tiupplied thort from, including A. & N. O. K Alidad, at 6.40 a, m. IS ii titer ii m&ila rcr all poiuts South, daiiy (except Sunday) . ... . 0.00 a. La Mail for Ciicruw & j'ii ton.... p. m. Mnila for points biwwi I'i -. rciiceaua Unrrloploa. 7:15 o to F;lVr!tf.ovii!iV S'r.,! suu jvi.ix.xs ai me aniei(ne.. - i 3 Bocansa it oleanses the eyatenVof the polaon- : Pi oua humors that develops in Kidney and TJrt-, . J "wii-sw, ALugauwei, tiSBSOIOvt WOIltrtX. pation, sues, or in Eiioumatlsm . iriiiirl.'i Uervoua Disorderr ant Temald Complaints. b4 iuxitt( uax i M ff?n? B-' Stork, f -Jiinction CltrJ Kansas. says, juaney-Wort cured hiin-after regular Pay- i sicians had been trying for fouryeanJT' 7kfrL Jfilln ini.11 : . AVI. . Kiven up to ai ny four promineni at that point. ..Whatever besides. . that ii ae- ri- of or jnyona, that tepda to glrp a epioa nf T.riry- wui do euppuca to make tne .weekly ITS MARKET IND. FINANCIAL RE .TOUTS To 'atroduc) our new styles and tnflueiicc trade to jun kua loitowing u ii parai iejefl oners for a ahort time l ? The PerliA Facliet contains a gold plated fratfcn chain, ag-ate shawl pin, ladr-s ele eanaet Jewelry, sea bean cuff buttons, coral neck lace, set of agate studs, gold plate band ri ng, collar 'Lr' -i imitation silk Handkerchief, nen. nencil. comm onveinnna or, lmFJ? brought down to the latrgt boar of nab taiiedatrom to a5.oa J. "7 lication, &d erery pains taken to make them us m va--. -,-uuuunB one inpern snutnyst I ruBiworioy,. . rings elegant coral broach set in box, fSwvcy neck- ' - . -''i ' i: lace, coral sleeve buttons. bracelets, :rosescarf pin, ge4d plited lady's set. gold J - APKICCLTURAL' ' MAlTKRii Vuxw mreve uuivoos, neavy goia plate studs, lovely I V-.,. ' ... ! d. rouTicAj, am mbrcteff eortl,!f. ssd . ,. tfespateliei from Vs.lh,. L L report of tbe idmI.m f ?1 on tb fln.ri-, r Tv" I-41"' r - v turn aoir .THE FARM SirPi Rrv or the Feellr Bsra?i '.W. J well as tie wct ptttlnl numA diaeoverief relidr a i,A .1 J :o p. m HESm.a!J-Pr &TffiK ar. rot nlect drd the farmer will fiad xVU. T.S3?rK, M. M. R Goodwin "an edlterUWW OMn Jet .sleeve -SJattons, plated colla? button? pUtSl to the olnmu erwed to .this anbjeet many fV?ttJiteS! ?,,h 8ay8h4wMnoidtA JTw ttP old Plat5 ng Sobb? Talnable hintpdsueationa bound edi- nA!??!" niftht Pbeyond belief, but dneyVortturidinl. 'Umn torU discnfsicn, aiavf hre' blaoa in 4bV lluJ??' TkU fa " ' l MtiiatSiS R J- 8S! VAlSi wn d, with .its roltts aJirSLr lilht gXr ' W ' Windora lite atura Us well WMttenJetrafroiaolaee. 6etd of fiS??:aww?-er Jaik,soJt Tenn offered I 'can be reled easUy at fromto toflO Address I n1 aoft-ip an 1. its ezceUeot Market I lUK HlAE i.auibcr unntr "nomt a . : - rr a . . - vi wi u w viiso, aaa oli'cea on ' i'pt P'j.r l liver, Tuesdays, and Fckhys ... 1:00 p. Fayettevilie, via Lumber ton, uaiiy, txwpi o'luaaya...... a. m4i Onslow C. II a::r mViru&M ate oGca, every Hi mda- R.'l li nrb.nv ..t. S aitiivili? tuo-itd bv 'stsu'D- boat, duly, (except irWrj da. a) Maila tor Easy ll.i J after taking "barrels of other medicines."' Kidney-Wori mad him welL U -?Tt7?o I vr't.i . n - ' .... " Jfichael CotO nf Mnntrnimm (Wm -7 snfferedetgh years with kldner drfficulty and : was nnable to work. Kldnev-Wort mid fcim G 00 a. 8. SO a. n. ' well as ever.' perf8eilj rliabk, artd-the amount they sive for fejolaw-at.wlv . . C-'tok, JSuailoMt.- t;d L'!.t!e Moo- Neal Dow complains that the cliurclit are not m eirnest in the cause of tola abstinence, and to their indifference he .attributes the slow progress made in tbe work of exterminating the liqou iramc Whenever,' he says, "a popular Tola comes directly upon the question o license or prohibitioa to gro shops, a larjfd number of church members arc found upon the side of license. Iu many or our estates there is an annual rote iu tbe cities and towns upon the question o license or no license,' and wherever and whenever the 'license' ticket wins it is by the helping vote of church mem ben." -The prospect for an extension of the etesoffaxi3 thought to be increasing, Gas engines are growing in favor and vths)-iise-of gas for heating purposes is 'Igreitet than at any former period. There tis a considerable margin for improvement ii'X. w i- 11 . . ,. . . uuewuuuij iu me manuiaciure, uistn- -batieol and consumption of gas, and the cheaper it is made the more general will be its use in processes from which its high price has hitherto excluded it. The softness and steadiness of light obtained from the combustion of the best gas, com pared with that from electricity, give it tv preference with a large class of con- auners. Its use also is so simple that it will perhaps be some time before it will bo supplanted in popular favor. The -British Association of Gas Managers at recent meeting discussed the practica bility or making a double distribution of gas of low illuminating power for heat- ins purposes, besides the ordinary gas. The cost of the electric light is still un der dispute. The electric light compa nies in New York charge $1 for a single lamp per nigut up to 12 o'clock six bears. It iscalculafed that one of these lamps displaces three gas lamps, the gas for which costs but 21 cents, at$2 25 per 1,000 feet, the price of gas in New York. If it be admitted that one electric lamp iiiver, n U , c vv-ry day aad Thurs i i: it, 6:00 a. m. "h OI'KN, FJQ DKLlVSliY. , Northern throng!, and .way raaila .....7;3Ca m. Southern M&Yl , 7:00 p. m Oa-.ral Kail way...... 4 00 p. m. buunp l);i)co 0:-ea ir jxn 8 . a., to 12 itvm 2 to 5:80 p. rii. i!cney Ordnr aud ll' isier 1 eiartuac?ut ' oper same id litamp ol5-i. Oei-er! ddtvory opoa from 6:30 a. m. tt 7:00 p. m,t aud ou jundayn froca 8:30 toi):30 a. ra , : fctaups for Hile ia s.nall quantitiga Rt general di-i!-ory wheu stahip oCico h cloac.. Mails collected from street boxet ever day at 4:00 m. t-ERMAMPMTI V rilDDO t JKiDNEY DISEASES, - LIVER. COMPLAINTS: Constipation and Piles. : v j rT5 It ia nut nn in Dft V vt.hl. vJLL M tin cans; one pac itafre o f -which maksaLi quarts j or medicine. Also in JLIonld rm. n. j lf tot; those .tfiM;; pnnot readily prt I tST it actaieifft Qua efflefencyjii ftther form. . it ATTIRE IJKUG GISTS. TEIC $1.00 WELLS. RKIIAliDSON A (Will send the drr postmltU 5r RLIllflTOir. TT. a: ii an 'j.. ii a,' Hi. WfflZftti JI fmiRrt kkn i)Evabp! the i oA. ry Wti nJiA:""miyi la Uatt ftom nature or dls- , 7 -ri . l . -JcriDe caae ana send stamp est reference; .Corresionderice confidential. Feb2?-Ur-it.t.vlj SEEDS fk AT? su n PRISE ! ; ' Maxfxe-' ainew Vegetable firom -fl.:A.j tllffrlnic irum anvimns ever grovn nere. aeJipious raw or cooked.:. Sed sent bjtonall 80etsa paper. Soya jtean oi japan, nan ooan nan pea, saia oy, cnera lstj to Jbo tbe xirihisbt human -rood known. , Fine fodder plant, also. Seed, 15 pta. a paper, i Cuban Qneen, Watermelon. fdSt Imported, largest variety ever crown in.U.H.. firm, luscious, crisp and snjraryt best ita' keep jm ship. 25 tta. a paper of 20 8eedj, 6 papers for $1.. Very scarce. LoK-of-Wood TUiKmeu)ar, iarsast Known, z .oi leet Jong-rune iianty, eariyjinn prounc,.lD cts. a paper, yumax npnesi jiavor, eany, proline aoua un - every wav. is cts. a paper, wnue j!JffjTp . tfromthf-. NHp. lejds ; immensely In trre tsonth where o:hr corn fall. Uqequaled T a a i ua w a n . WKBKLY bU roouttet-dg ttaelf to all who f ,,v!f rccHti lor rtce1 jj-lt ,t de ire to have a ttorocfcbly good paper at a ? ,7, --f Mflr ltrltii Tery low price - : . -..:. , . mihi, nuuwrit prxc erics of bnberiDtion--InTariabIr C aih in !le.n,,f f'i0kIl,f " ecc ucmj nfs . . I till fanifdnoal to -st.a-.tU. l1 a . 'CATYU.'S OBGiNS lTStpps; 5 JSet 1 1. IbQ I I ( finMon Tnnr-na k a-I. bo. Ad iresa. Dafiiel F Beatty, Washing I i BB m am m n 1 " 1 1 I lirr 7JI nPnilSJC? I I mdi'- -- raipp'o zj i i otpn,ict aparw. tW70 ijorn.aswnsiin. long. UIIUHitO : p'8of tharoTint .rnc el in. oroad. sp . - . : uw BaieriE8 or. datsi p er Catalcnoe. . MUllAliS Wa km Hanufscturers aid dvU tu c2S HrW.AT. New York.- - mn-H.iw ' ' t. ' - -nd. f i GOLD MEDAL AWARDED THE MJTHoV . a new a frost AioMioa' Work? " tvarr n td the best ani ikeap- Traiel nz tlen find ithaad to keep in goodbealth, owing1.! 4 esV indispenRablA to every mnn, entitled tbe Science ot lU." boand in noem French nraslin, emboeted.f ttlTsrilt, 300 pa-res, contains beautiful steel en-rr-rrinc, 125 prescriptions. jrc- ungr 1..-1 Rent p mail Adraztee- One Dollar par Tear lor one copy or any number of oopies INCREASED PREMIUM COPIES TO - - GETTRS UP OF OLUB. Tbe followlne liberal Premitua OodIm ar fireD to th-se who get tap Otubt for tbe BALTIMORE WfiEEjjY.bUN -'' Pi VK !COPIE8--.....M..iS6L00 With one extra eopy of the Weel-lj '' ' ' ' 8iin one jear. - TEK , OOPIia-www,..........w.M.$l0 Oo . " With an extra copy of tha Weekly bun one Tear and ne copy of ine uaiiy Ban toree months. FLITEEN COPIES $15 oo - With an extra eopy of the Weekly rt 8un one yearand one cop of the Daily Son tisniontha TWEKTY OOPiIS-tmt-MmMt-MHHj $20 OS With n extra eopy of tbe Weekly , Bun ene year, aad one eopy of .. the Daily Sun nine months, - THIRTY COPIE8 ...$30 00 With an extra eopy of the Weakly K,t. Sun. and one eopy of the Daily ' Bunoneyear. - . i For full terms and ttremfnm ennfaa a Reference i Hon. HVr T Calhoun.- Sfayor of I iretter p t)f Olmbf- see proepeCtUI in THE ou'i iwrsua rreeair. ana in tne kil TIM ORB SUN ALU Aft AO , for 1881. a rain- i aoie puDiicauon ox aerenty-twd pages, free jra au suDscrioers.fO ine BAiiXliLOtf JC oVSm DaUy aad, Weekly. , ... ' - Tbe tafeet method of tranntdttlng funds by mail, is by draft, eh eek or PostofieejBon- ey oroor. , no deTiauon. Address oed will hi ine.fahulona prices. 15 cts. a paper, . . -4U to? ahov sent, for ft, of each for $2. Address C. K-)Z,tl PHT A (U At lanti. Oa. 1 jVO Atlanta. ' Tab -!.' .- tlir fparliceDt ia pretictllr inM rerts u fore rob.itttiiB lettnt Paris ard Iodoa errTeftMttt'rrtioi latent fusbiims Tbs Home I'ernt n Week ly Herald will iTt thl Htm tbio one hundred timet U prin J per 1 be of ' SKILLED LAB0B are looked after. xd ererTtl Itf r-UC meebaniet and labor iarltr lr tutx corded Tbersli a p re datott a latent phases of thebtuueM arkri,(i Mr-hnilu in A-l- a -vla-ik fMif found In th tpeeisllr reportai priw condiaom oi v . .; t ; - - THE PK0DUCB .MJLBUT, rvviuvi fill l ether with abtorycTery "i y some eminent dlTiBe- UUntjM Dramatic, Pencoal aad Sea Botef n. no paper in tbe world lkk much news matter every wtk j Herald, whieh is leat- tf tnK Dollar 1 oa esa iBlieail r-i The New York Her Off 1 1 I II I Ula6tratd Baimle.-6 now. Address Feal 7.4 W V7r cal Institcta or rr. W.lL Pah-- kSQW THYSELF. -UNo.4Bulnnca8t:iist5iL , suit ; iledi- to tbe constant changing of water, , diet. Ur EF3 Send to uuu toe jarrinp'oi the cars. All lhee p-tus -ii Si- " j - things inirire the kidneys, while Warner's W., : ifcrj Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is certain to ? t i hSSSdOirprila!. counteract them. K. Oaartcrly .Meetinis. Wilmington District, Methodist Church, bouth. Third round. Topsail, at liethany, . . . . Au 20-2 Clinton, at Salem. ... .'Aog2d 2 Onslow, at Swansboro, . . Sept 10 1 oharie, at ATcrysboro, . .. bpt 17-18 Li. S. UKKHKAD, V. E. A safe and sure rrieans of restoring the youthful color of the hair is furnished by Parker's 11 air Balsam, which 13 deserv- euiy popular from its superior deanli neS. BUSINESS UNIV K,USIXY Atlawt-a- utu ' X live acti-LaJl Prtsinesa hovl tabiidie(t twenlj years. 1 , -.. l : r- . V 'All1 1 j 7 "f; aU l u T.J Al-lNhTr-i J.AX ; AUlk Floreston- cologne rra-Tsnt ai 1 1'drf.tBM. -..i r -iic.-.'.. . Sold 1 .,f a awt-TV trc4UA ik-iij-i Aim. fli r L5! &c, - ho are tired cut bv work or R-crry, aadl Call who are miserable w;ih Iyspcps,L. Kiieiana-3,JSeuralia, or l!on-ri, K-.iney or Liver Ccm-4 rpumts, you can betn-nyn.-trj an J cured bvusiiSej TT 1V9I a - mi r ii you are wasting away, ua 0J.u.i;n-.pi.on, U-J Lsrpaoon or any weakness, voa wHl Tind I'arker's'' Ginger Tonic trie Ercatt Roo4 Fcrt;iieraridth rBt IItalthStrDrthi:-itcrerroCaatje vana tar superior to Uuters and other Toracs, as it build trp the system, but ncrer intoxicates, '.sty rct. and $t siet. H'S Co.. Cheaiata, N.V. -HAIR PALSA3I EcT- Oj - oMt-um , ? !, LOUISVILLE, I(r.. A Kc-darir educated aad lagaBr qaaliaetl nlrrriciaa and tha most laoc-nsfal, his prctio win prore. - T-. Spermatorrliea and .' JmT-otency. irtia rault ofatU-abotw In ywtta, extral azecMea in m, -ararTetwntar ataer-aatuaa. mnd n--d m..v..VT ' w affeeta: Ker-iiu--e-," Seralnal KmUsi.-, (Bight emU- Metaat7, Phy iety of Female. laarrtaga Itbfpt t ar anhappy, ara toraaxUr aod pemv -a -iraaa ana ' arau . . - . i - " - TT hi WftUj fTa One Dollaf-aYc. t J c- ' ; feb 17- A B. AB ELL A CO.,' ' , . .8nn Iroa Bnildtajr; ' Baltlmora. Ifd. Mcs.c 4o. ierf-ot 1 ttcKteil Cataioffna I er ' T -U. J.'tl i.HrtUJ.oVFilb-rt at' IcalDeaar, Fimpleaan Faaa? Araraiaa to SodetT af Fanalt. CoofaFica of Mem, ix of aezraU Pa-rar, ae.ttBderina T-H itnaaaptj ar annappy, ara taoraaxUr aad penaa mmHy aaradV 8TPHILTS acaTtiV?lr Wnrl -7 ol2 a -tlt . is aaaa 3 tr 3 1 s HO? SITTERS ii u ten-anoeoi taat a iibt tdMan who nan aaait eiaaa!l-Mea; aid treatlnc tfeaoaaada aano allr, aeqairea frenX tkHi. PhraVaama kaowiog tais fact eltea. " mdLeiStLt0r tmeBt- -"ed-oinaa eaa U aant ariTmtcl -rlSlffiL-a?1 lnlall Case Coa-ulttua w-al.-- or by letter fre and tarted.' Arit rey!M,at ? ?""-. Iltl ' rt-r aaoOdanlial. TPTTf TXT A "fTT riT t i- -r a-j-b f '' OfJOO aacaa, aeat to any addraaa, aceoraly aealed, fcr Cnrty (XI), eant-4 Sbaald ho read r aU, iddr-aa4TaWa. Ofitea aowa traa A. Jd. to 8 P.ll, Sdayatl to . iTSt care alLci caea tf the tttomach, Bowela, Blord, irr, Mcay and Uiinarj Orjtaai. IPerrowaefB, Hlceple.e and especially Femala Coroplaiftta. Ask year drxureiatfor H oo W ten itdt r than before y a ileep. 1. trm w;.J . , , . , 1 ' r e5 .'S i5-a aT f"'? - Pi" s Proadwty aai, Af a.aJrift-rr. f' .... ... ? --- i. -i " . r.." S-- -"" LOVELY i; ' . - - ' " a a m r .mf rrVlnl. possibmO:: uatfd vnn mrnn wnmiT r!r Uilf IUU ;JaTiUl:MlUI II Any wfeo?i tobe terloaiW4iltrntk wMk1- catiaetl 1y orei- stoma.h or inactiya liyer or kidt e Ts A, d .3S3rittd25n r-M lxv ura ids TiDOMfMiP mMTiBa atvid i . , . . tt' dot health ? Pataca'. t.tao.a Toaio alwaj, I ,7, . DT 9 trtmeut' J& m-nuiM k.. . . j -ill ar a cox, or six doxm for flw- Aii.wi.i. ' ' " y rrtr mail r--rM T, T " ', avtruo 7 -" !" I o-nar-intw .. . 5" , w., c rein en yy part or , tneay eteta. It has I b v v . X lixc -y caae. With eared cnatlraf of ledosinnjr InralW!' Aak. f each orYeT repfiTed y n$ for six lxxe, ae. yourne.Chra'ctit it. .:c:, J ' I w "v-""v" ".UJ "ii-fct-n agreement iri For lama Back, Bhat-matira, KidaaT AJTee. I & Tlanber) Wllmluaton ti-ZT1 Uons. ja-aJ I aeb .nd palw Wy;ttU.a will rlcre til the aariralled reraady aeC 8-4tr 1 mchltWair-lrj Art seaxres-U: Wcmisb, ojcrccc3 FreekJes, moYiiti Blotcteau TL,?E? AND Moat FrVcwriixTt the cost -fldtota r niPTDv on.-,.!.,. . ' t vwt ii aonai 11,114 mill i inirjinm I . - Thm Tnoart fr-,-, I " . At Ob5Zl?rTaU03a , Oaarantaad U rhaVa rW wt-le aav where, s woTka t&seh fastaF aad arfth balf fix Ubnr la BM Win 1 A 'ta- faflm. ' tfar '-rmVal and l"ar., i? ft. UI1-.V ' . a O 2.-lj4A bu JujeiL H a aax U I

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