:" 'J" ' ' "" ' ' ' "fi- ' '- : ' . . .. If . I little malJcu I'Stb of golden locSs. 'I'll w .i ..n . tiia " .. ,i..wn. bine her banny eye. f irin Quaker bonnet . f A8'. ribboa on It Q 4wixt a UQBb and cry- . i rj-Clee. Precious little maiden! . I . . urSeoLah. bnt why LoadonTeleiiaph, Aug si b. . vnmAiitlc Story. Indeed. f.rnre and romantic story reaches -from Olmatz. naviug iur i flTiofBtry lieutenant, named Puhl, Austrian regiment at r.'uv to an nt Quartered in that ancient garrison Ki ll would appear that, some twenty tDf0 nr more, a General Prince ffiiMompanied by his "bndetoj k Eha had been married barely a f inpened to Tisit Olmutz in the hTweddinff tonr.While so; or io the principal hotel the Prin !S2.Sdenlj taken ill, and brought k the world a neauujr w m 17 For reasons that may te reaany un Iritood the youthful couple resolved to Lalthi8 event from, their respective S and induced an Austrian officer Sopt the infant, under solemn prom Z that their secret should be faithfuHy fl.k.Mm durimr their lives. Pool, Soficerin question, brought up his onn IT! HIS BTVU UlUiWOluu uv4 ,u . Ukia timid out a gallanfhrid assiduous Bupoii died in Paris, and it is allfeged feiba lis deathbed he confessed j the triTtenceofa son in Olmutz, borrf ju rfal wedlock, but passing by. the dame. rfPMwho turns out be i thyoang t;.nf0nnt above alluded to. As the riterDart of the late Prince's property. I 'ilttd t between 600,000 and 700, s ion, it will naturauy iau w mo ouam 04 i meir ciotmn aiPiniectpa and receive a ctr .1.:. r..nn.to vnnth. aa well as the title. I 5 ' ! . oce .r va moat anripnt ana liiusirious in i !(IIU6"""-" 1 T Italy. He has, accoramg ui icauiug Viennese journal, already received a com- fmm his brother. Prince Kus- . i 1 j : poli,Jr, disinherited by this amazing tbeoTerr, informing him that the Prince ltd indignantly refused to entertain, a proposition made to him confidentially (7 1 renowned Italian brigand, to assas lintte the long lost heir for the moderate cooiideration of 80 sterling. It is to t hoped that His Highness will provide amply for a relative who has given him w striking and conclusif e a proof of LjhrBinded disinterestedness. E&eumiUc Diseases. , These ailments follow from torpid liver and costive bowels; the skin, bowels and kidneys failing in their proper work, an ( tend poison is formed iu the blood, which it the occasion of these acute diseases. Kidney-Wort produces healthy action of til secretive organs, and tnrows on the Aeamatlc poison. Equally efficient in Liquid or Dry form. Inter- Ocean. Qaeen Victoria's Income A correspondent has been reckon imr the income of the queen, and he came to.I uwconclnsion that her majesty is the richest woman in the world, her fortune being worth abodt.fifteen millions sterl He reckons it thus: t Annual in come, nearly JS400.000; expenditure, f less than half than sura; annual saving, at lent 200,000; add interest at three per )!- per annum lor iorty-one years. Tha leaTes out of reckonings the first years, daring which her I father's Jhtt, 200,000, were paidpS; - The in- alone on this " huge (accumulation afteeamilliona at thrflfC-Vker r.erit' JfIdbe 2450,000, to whichwe have to JthiounaiBavmg'of. Je200,000; and piesthe queen an annual income WO,000, or about $3,250,000. I rr-:'1'- r' ' ": jim tor the; Brain and NerYcs .tin' invigorate tbeHodyithout fWwag.iswhattfliiieed in tbese JI iof rush and worry. Parker's Oin- H8e the. EerV rxl Krinrra frrufl Vipwlth Txll Q "tytbiBfi yoa can use. oee otherrwilnftihi - :1 fi'9 re sold for a 'Dollar. 1A,-Laaicn : New Yorker 'of some chargei his wife with being; too ' ?f? withuFerdinahd Jansena, buil-Jit-the.presence of the latter, where gwthr irato'llrs. Laulen challenged iAttdUmakegoo4,hi3 proffer to tl her to Jansea fox jon ofollar: a Lau 2uted Jtha4asae,,.with a .written jpeaeat, and Jansea .paid -the dollar. JJ8 Kxt day Mra'Lauten: , removed her ! ?Jgs. and made her home with j her Pwchaser. Now Xautenlbas j "be. gtsat for aa absolute divorce from bis .ad the . responds by e instituting ja lor a divorce from her husband, j I J" f run, it is prebabletthat Jnsen sfTv w tat 110 the ori Part bargain in this complicated case. rseri SafeKlndex andLlferCure 'hA? temked of C CaliroVnw." belle I Zf t Loojc Branch, that she was a h i Jceat swimmerj she eeemed amphi And her big brother,- who oyer- SRaW!T-ipeate.by 4 the;throat Z12r" AUtex , vas-.as ..modestly awocua ai rthere was'at the i f ; T- .1f the speaker didn't take f WulUlfH ' MurcMSOD. i JhTCorcell. of New York, failed to tIsm. or special electionVof Con in the districts made vacant by 'ctionof Messrs. Miller and Lp- 5ith r United Staes Senate. the aent;?.tM?- AVood and, the .appoint S Morto" to 'the French mis Ub .si e8e elections will .therefore il ou the firsi sTaesdajia, No- , waen ft secretary of State, treas- J urcr, controller, surveyor and State n giucer are to De voted for, Washington Star . : Gone to Meet Whittalfrr. The San Antonio (Texas) Exprcs haa infnpmatinn fvm : Tf.t. T . tiuuii fun. i-'avia to Hie ei feet that Lieut. H. Flipper, coldred, and second lieutenant of, company O, tenth wir, a coiorea regiment, has been a- restec and confined in .the guard house mere on a cDarge of defrandmg the eor uuku. awuv $i,uuu. it seems irom. tne reports that Flipper was en trusted with the functions of commissary oi subsistence, and in the disnosition nf oappueii got oenina in bis accounts. In explanation TFIipper told OoL ShaftPr CQmmahding, that the funds were on de posit at tne bank. There is other evi dence to criminate, him.1 It is also re ported that a telegram has been received statincr tbat some friend of Flipper's 1 1 i a w. i - wm uia.no me afcHciency good. A court i,ol, inquiry will doubtl shortly, when the facts ol, inquiry will doubtless be convened in the case will be divulged, ' VVilmirigton District, Methodist Church, fcajth. -Third round. Onslow, at S wansboro. . . Sept 10-1 1 oharie, at Averysboro,-J . Septl7-l8 ' L. S. Burkhead, P. E. REGULATION OF QUARANTINE BOARD IN REFERENCE TO PER - - ' " : i SQ.'JS VISITING VESSILS AT ' QUARANTINE tIl pfrsons Visiting any ves- 8el in Quarantine by permi&ionof theQuar antlne Physician, ehaU be required to obtain a 'permit inritlnS from Dr. J C. Walker, : , Superintendent, of Health, before they shall e '. rctilra to th3 clt and 2 . , ?. v all 8tevedore3 or other persons eugaged iu loading a ; vessel at Quaranl ine eh ill have --j' -. v. lowed to return to rae d ; a d all nyhtCTB f v M 1 or essels of any kind thill bo cleansed and disinfected and have a cei tuieate to that ef fect before returning to the city, the ex pense of which -shall be paid by the Captain or CCnfiitmee of the vessel for whom the lightering or storing U perforincd: and An ther, that the names of all persons and, ves sels engaged in the business of loadiug ves sels at Quarantine be furnished the Super intendent of Health of New Hanover ceun ty, whose duty it Bhall be to collect and ex amine such certificates ; and if any person shall violate' 'the provisions of this ordinance he shall pay a fine of Five Dollars for 1 each and every offence, and be liable to be sent out of the city, to remain until the 1st of November, and any vessel violating the ordl- nance shall be liable to a fine ol Twenty . - . limits ol the city, until November 1st next - - t ensuing, and fo the payment of the fine the owner of the vessel shall be respon sible, y L: , - t ' :, . ,.. ... Published by order of the. Quarantine Board. W.- G. CURTIS, M; D. . J. C. .WALKER, M. D. -TIipMAS WOOD, M.-D aug 21-tf FJoreston Cologne Til Hm;t Frasntnt sza T.a &1 tT nil Prri'niM. by dei'ertin Iriii:& Perfmn erv. Sirtur of Hi-ox A "., N. V., r,n erery bott. J. - -All Fanners, Mothers, business Men, Aicchan-j hies, &C-, who are tired out by work or worry, sui Lall who are miserable with Dyspepsia, Rheums plaints, you can be invigorated and cured by nsingj t If you are wasting away with Consumpoon, Lis rsipation or any weakness, von will find ParkerV t Ginger Tonic the greatest Clood Fertilizer-and the, tBest IIealth& StrTisthBestoreryottCaBUse tana iar superior to enters ana omcr um, j hniMc un thA cnrrai hut never intoxicates. 5H Cct. and $ r siies. Hj:cox & Co., Chemists, N. Y.-j HAIR !SiaX(anL MtomCi. ufc 8- hat-orm Porto Eico Molasses. 250 250 STlklOTLY riZIME HHDS. Porto .,EicoL?P3Colasses For saleby ''-THE STATE." QtiAUBKRt Ovrezs and Editors iir--toit-ft, UacApest raDevi t;tcj, j idTertL-injf Ustes. ; ,muy cireul ition now :ver 4,o0X .. 5 J r u aiternooa paper in Riehunnd. -b- lotion price-D ail y, I jJ jwr,aa a i; v. eUr, l per annum, .teed tor tjeci nn c ir i;f c VU.I '! " if . , A PERFECT STPFMhcrIaI as Pood, J JT- I " v; " ; t .-.r , J t At OH AND K'TER 11 aY Wir 1881. at 6 4C 1' M. Passendrer Traio on. the ! fil) uiiurft n 4 Wei ion Kailroad wiU . raniss DAY dlAIL A.SD JEIPKES8 THAllfaflj .Noa 47 North and 43. Booth. I " wmingwn, rum oi. Lrepm "7 ktm . n x t. tliHrnntiMin ... "O 40 A fffll0 ffiidon Bt l2 52 S UO"S " WlUUli... ......... ........ W -4 T1T! 2 . A . ai J. Dpot at . , 9 45 r. 'B Fwt Tbroueh e"( Pasen rr- Trlii UmIj NoillS .orth.end 41) tiontt. ! J Lair WllininsTton. Ffoatk 6.2S r Arrire at Weldon... J.gi.n.. L3S A 11 Arrire at Wilmington, Front fct 1 I. .U.S5 P M Train No 40 "8ontVwCfto oaly at Bdk Mount. Wilflon,-G,ldfboro and Maarolia.?-" 1 Trains on Tarbur,", tbraneh Boad leave Koecr uountror Ttrnoro at T,iQ r,n 4Wy and Tuesday, Tharsdyvand (Satarcay jii BxOC A M. Eeturcing, leave Tarboro at 9.60 a ra anuj, ana Aioaaay, . weaaeeaay ns Friday at 8:30 P"M "" j Train Wo. 47 toakes 'eloae edbnection at Weldon for all potato -Worth dailv AU r ail na Bichmond, and daily except Bandar Via Bay I4na - m --v . , Irais Nq. 3 rum d&Ry: and makes elote eonoecdon for all pointo North via !Blch mosd and Washinirton- t AU trains run solid between Wilmbigton, ana waeniaton, ana oare r oilman raise oleepers AMCneda 1 JOHS f, DITIHB&eaeral BrtvM. . POPE, OenM Past. AgtoZ w " tr 8 A, mar 1881 . THE SH.-UALTlICRE I88h PublishAd Daily, Fxeept 8aady Ren3wred ai the Freshest asd Most Satisfactory nf ell New pa6rs. , . t ....... ... 'V - V ' t ' , Lew in Price Com; act in Form. Iodepeaier.t ia Fxpreulpn, CppferratlTefn ITone. The career cf THE 8UN, Imm la ear lies beKinni&g, has been cb -mctarixed" by " a rro. ffreasive SDirit and an rHgioal and effective enterprise. To these eharaoterisdo it stesd-' fasti r adheres. 7 - i , " . Ooverinff as it does the wbfie fiM nf 4ews- paper endeavor, its every roaiher U eom plete reflex of the spirit of the "ti&f and ta ' activities and even if of the dy i THE SUB express, it vioiora .o-vjenr rent events as they arise tntf on sub.ois V public interest, with the view n'y d vtH injr at rite lit results a&d conirTin?Vte'fi'en" oral welfare. Its eontbtent fntesrltj is thor ouehlv known and understood,-. , "j,.,, A. A FI&ST.CL48d If EWSPAPEtVY THE SUN is adapted to the needs ot all and anioT a world wide confidence. The extent and variety of THE 8 Local Reports, their careful accuracy ani avoitfaaee of pruriency, constitute a striking feature, acceptable both at home and abroad. 1T8 CORRESPOND Elf OE, j oreign and domestic, is unsurpassed fliCex celienee and freshness . i . ITH WA8B1KOT03T BUREA7r t f eorers all the phases of political information transpiring at the National Capital, with proper note and comment. Unexcelled ia the past, it will be maintaiaed at the highest standard in the future. THE MABKET AWD 8TOCK REPORTS c f THE BUS are collected aed compiled with the utmost care, and may be taken as safe guides by all who desire to obtain tha latest ahdabft trustworthy informatioa on these important topics. Cl f : In short, THE bUN wCi continue to Bain tain the high reputation it has acquired as aft aniarDriainf. accurate and-well-e4 Red sewtpaper. always ready to add to.UsfacHi- ties for collecting. news whanever necessary to meet the Increasing demands of the time, and to maintain the high eonfideeteeef frhich iu large and steadily lnereasiax circulation gives evidcaee.' -"- w . Terms of Bahteriptiaa by faiI--C:ixa Advance. " ' i On e Tear, postage included.-.-. 'C9 Six Months, postage laciadet;.V.......w : I 00 Three Months, postage included..... V9 Two Hon Us, postags) tadudedv. ; Use lionth. poatart laela 19 Addratt u - " A. &. ABELd A CO.. Pnbllaaars, Bus Iron ttuuetsg. feblS BltimoraMd 1 . ' .... , f . . ' 1 .. I Gen'l Sup'to Office iLitfT?.. 'o'jua .Vm u : UTa . IL&UAD .K) I CHANGE PF vOHEDrjlB 7 ON-AND-aTJUl-llay -46th, l; 1.05 JVM, jtha foilpwi iPaaseaire'- ebou will be run on thie r.ad . . Jjeave Wilminfrtoa.. ,v10 M R k Leave Florenoe Arrive at C O and A Janotion. SUl A M v Arrive at CtelmnbU--ISr-e-O A M I.mm PnlfinMa 1A DA d'u S Leave O 0 and A A JunetionI!llO. JOF'l U IM YlMMVlJU ftrt W, yi HVWHWHmnlnmwMM V A Arrive at WilmintoBM..M...MMMM 6 20 A M SfiaHT Hail awn Pai sinexa Tbun, DiitT, 'Wb. 40 Wmtahd Dat Maii, asd i Pas : nun Taih, &o. 43: EAir. ' ;! '- ! . . Leayfl; Wilminirton 1 aU.w...... WU 4&J P : Arrive at .FlorencewM....M.MM.... 3 A ' if Leare Florence I.ObVPH Arrire at Wiunington......;.. , 6 C5i P'K -Train Bfor4S Stops at all Stations T , v '-Nb 40 stops only at Flethington, "tthite vi le, Fair Bluff and Marion. ' - i :i Faatenjrers for Colombia, and ellpol its be jtK A G..R, B aO. 4 A.H. B.ltaki6ni; Aiken Juaction, and all . points . heyofidv should take 48 Night Express T ' tI ( , J " 'Separate Pullman Sieeperi for Charlesioi and for A ugusta on train 47 s 5 u ki" J AH trains run solid between Charleston and Wilminjrtont - .-.viwt.n'.-t t .J 1 . JOH DlTIFB.Qeialfitl: . ll -j; company. ; Oniem Qwnali. Bonaumnasrr. 1 "SFilmfngt6If.d.V June 4, 16ilj ... . CSAKOB OF SCnHD ULK, J AND AFTER June 6. 1881,' iW'fol lowing 1 Schedule will oe operated cn this Railroad : ' ' PA83E5Gi5a, MAIL AND EXPRESS y DaUr except Sundays bt r .Wilmlngton.....M.9.4S A M ( Arrire at Charlotte atM..6.5 P M 1 ! . . -1 . , i I sa .-iwo LharWtte At:.:;8.co 1a m Trains flcs 1 and 3 stop at regular stations ny s lime iaois These trains mare close connection at Charlotte with trains fo. S and a for Clave- land Springs. and all 4 poiat4on Shelby Dl visidn. aim a a i --J , "U-s. ' f i PASSESGERlAHlJjaTSEiaHT; , . I Leare Wilmington at.. 6:30Pt So 6 Arrive at Hamlet at.. 1:28 A M J " at Charlotte at.. 80 A M ' 1 Leave Charlotte at.M.M.7:30 iP M lie 6. Arrive at Bandet at..M. 1:38 A M . . J . at Wilmington at 9:30 A M no, a u oauy except cunaay, but no connection icr Raleigh oa Saturday If o. 8 Is dally except Saturday, SflELBYJXlYISION. PA88EKGER.MAIL FXPREH8 AJID FREIGHT. . ... LMT8 charlotte atM..MMM7:00 'J h f Arrive at 8helby at , .,10:30 P V s:a S I.....QV.lh..i .ruM "" - f Arrire at Charlotte sLm. 9:30 A II .Trains Not 6 and.6 make close eonneetian at Htclet t and from Raleigh, except" as aoove., ,,,..,.:,,,.., .......vi Through, Slesping Cars between Raleigh Trains. JS a- ,1 and 2. make connection at Charlotte with A ,T. A O.K. R., arriving at -o tatea rule same eveaug aaa cxynBseaog thrs wiU.W. N. C. R U for A sherille and all points on Wi N O. R. R. f - Trair s 5os S asd A eonseet e"oflv with Chester A Letter at Li 5 cola ton. - le 7 sDeral Buoerfatertdest rt;850O::'R6warid. ! -X7E Wli L PAY THE ABOVE reward VK ior af v ease of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, mck ueaaacne. ladigesUon, Lonsu auon or ucet Tenets we eaanot cure with mmfm Vf...KI 1 Dill. At- lections ar strictly . eoaspUed-with. They are purely Vegefable, aaxt never fail to give sautiAction. SBfftr -eoate4 - lVarge 'jpoxes, ocataiaiag3 FiU, 2-eats. Forsale by all DraggistswBeware of eovaterfei ts aad imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN O WEST A CO The Pill Ma kers. 181 A 183 W Madison 8t, Chicago. Free trial pkirga"8fat b xatfl prepaid on receipt of 9 eent staap. " xaeh 22-d4wly ......... . . -. ' PSSDOIJ&E Winks I T Is -TrT AUUrACTUCTD ,DY YliiTETJaLX aCisjy; tfhlteville, y. OJ f Prices aad saxepies oa appUeatioai i Send ia your orders for the teUday a, 'dewT-dAvtf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILEOAD ihe following rates, pi;stage t i paid : Ol: Year,.. . $5 Six lloiitliB.. 2 Tiue Months. ...... 1 . If Qno Month nx J :j The par'er fll be d elii ered i t- carriers, frjo f charge, in any of the city at the ttove rates, ctLtp cr wesfr. The Pailt Hetiilw is ik vf in i fourth, ytar of its existence, is per - manently cstabliehed, witL and" eteadiiy inc rea&ing I tion list, and prese nts to merchants I ."V1' t -iuubi; ucjsji uuie ititu- Tim for advertising 'i j3ffifiT0NJ0DMAL 8 published EVERY FRIDAY. At the following rales : One Year,. .. .2 00 j OIX Monthfl. . I 00 Three Montha.. ........ 60 Ttm' V rr irra n-fn jnntvn firm tea. litgtlj: in (le djo tirg xrcn ties a welJ aj .in the Wcptern por Hon of the State anrprecenta nn- equalled facilities to iserchftnta for Elating knon whatlhcT hse for rale. all omT hizhvpnaaa hr t b eh BAGGIO nun 6 u 1 BAOOX jfcrth Carciiss, Western, aajokwl--. Sbnuidera.. Dry Haited -, Sidat. VS olden. tt Es. SLFF LirewetU..,...... VARRLS t-rirnsTtirfsrtiae Heeosd Hacd. eft wJorkck' new . If 8 WAX C 1 fS 7 ca ' to 12 55 :5 lo t RICES Wilmiiig ten, i3 Horthe.ru w. BO TT KXKorth Carolina & h orthern."5y fc. tl CAA DLES- Speno p . iauow, v i dau.ant:Be,V t CFKLShr for there 1 ci ry a . Dairy erau, ..v.s BUte, V - OrFEjt V it U 0 e 14 11 10 bio, v n latOTta, una is a CORK Mi A iL V bushel- TO UUTTVd. 2JS f New V fedl I 0 ll'ieced M 1 24 DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4 p yard.;w trrr !0neh 1 00 FLOUR Fine, p bbl 0 CO Super, If orthern, ? bbl. 6 to Extra do " 9 bbl. a CO Family " lbl!r ? 60 City MillExSoper bbU. 7 CO WshI &ilj hbU 8 00 5lwS",J bbu.li w J0-?' V X bbl 0 00 2,k!rtK,3 V bbLw.,00 00 S V,bb1-"- . 3 60 iiSt- 1 Peruvian Ooano, " J000 Svs.CO 00 Carolina Fertiliser " 00 00 ffavassa Guano, " " 00 00 Complete Manure " "00 00 o o o o o o o o 00 U 8 25 OS6 CO Q10 tO COO CO C 6 10 O 6 55 O 3 76 O 6 00 U 0 O70 CO G10 CO cio 00 60 25 OC7 00 r nann'S rnoiDhatrt u on v n r.,. 50 ua uuano .MM.00 00 Oil C f I GRAIlTOoro7ire,'$Cc'f Corn, arw. lr6df... ' Oats, bciLel. J'?!- 9 70 ca oo 66 70 4 10 SO 10 by n t v, ......... a pant or tTf?fe5t: ; 1 o 1 25 LUMBER Citysteam sa'wd w l-LpAtu-r'reiawedirt.l8 00 031 CO Ffepiana.VMfUie CO J18 CO West India cargo, aseord- tog to quality, M f t...I3 03 Dr6Medooring,iea,ond.l3 00 Gia oo trio to aoanuiKg ana boarcs. com- mon, M ft. KOLABBFS-Onba.hhdi'gl .12 03 the O a ""fi iiCUBlJ, CliCB. Tf V " bVrt.. Orlef.aj Choice t 23 o a r . t i ' c; 7 ' 7 a 1 55 l,V l;i I v. - . . ' -. EAGfe Ccuitry; 2'Z', vftul I-" 5eic,?,""? ...... ...... Ktcjlla.......... 1 'miHmtH if-l:5 : U A CciTte, V E li . f4 - te esJ.fcl. ex o-y ir..r:rrr: ca TO CO V SALT Aica, V aei.'l Liverpool, y sei.M4..... Azcerxcan sa-;k..M., Karebil's See, 7? tiCv Cacia "& eaex.. to ( BO AP Northern. W f ilr tll 00 COO 00 O VJ mi oo t?u oo on w u 9 oo U 7 CO & 5 Ctf CI 5 00 47 1 60 O CO O 28 & 12 TIMBER-SBippiag M...14 CO Sfif e4r Per ai ...... M..io CO 'FFWii -10 CO Mill, fair psrM 8 CO CemxBci!, per ....,......5 00 Inferior to Or disarv.rerM 4 CO WBlSKEYorthrgl 1 2? -Sr 1r"FCW4edrerIw 'iu Wa.-hed, r4.r r Jiurrv wool, per 10 AT THE LOWEST PEICES I JOB PBI1 UCIHU WY Ff?!CS.BFCRE carircLSEvwBRE! Satisfaction Guaranteed I p&LSTiir'G. oaeoclly; iiecdtid cr psrsccs rtdiig cut cf the eity axd tin to thca by caQ free of pcrtf ge. E, 8, WACEOCE, Ccitei dwtuct tad YTtlcr ircts CBcHcTJew.PtCdlrg 4" rspreeetJta xr a king tip 13 13 8 14 ll 2K (0 Co 21 oc , Li Z) iu ,1U:, IB lb 11 su li lit to 7 1 10 4 C-0 6 10 6 CO 8 00 7 26 7 76 14 72i 70 to 67, 76 j -oa ca 3 i5 10 00 Ctl to Oo CO CO 25 00

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