THE ,DA!LVMIEE JOSH. T.-JAMES, EJitor-ar pfop'r W I LMIN GTOKy ICC; WEDNESDAY, OqTuBER 5,, 18SU - i Entered at the PostolSe Wfloang-ion. N. C as Second-Class, IatUrtv Corn has had a tumble in Chicago and soma .of. the "peculators in Ibis article of prixas neccaaity bavd come to grief. The (J rand Jury at -Washington City bare Connrd trae lull Torirmfder against the assassia JJoHgau. , The. date or bis trulba not yet-been setr " ... "" " " " 1 If.V. Mosea. Jr., K tUdical Uu-.cruor of-South Carolina, ii in distress in New York city, under charges of obtaining money by false pretences and by 8 wind in?. Sappoae he goes to Sin? Sins; and wears a avnpca su,a ana learns to peg shoes I One by one the roses fall I 1 There will be two State elections this month, both of some importance. On the second Tuesday, that is, October 11, Ohio and Iowa will each elect a Govern or, a Lieutenant-Governor, and other m mm a .. e w mthtb oracers, ana io.ra win cnooso a Iwcimu of its Senate and the whole'of its House of Representatives, while Ohio will choose a full Legislature. In Savannah, Ga.. the annual death rate fof 1,000 whites for the year 1880 was 19.8., and for Ihe colored 4547. In themayoi's opinion the disparity i doe . to a non-observance of sanitary. Uw on the part of a portion of the colored peo ple and to their unintentional neglect of the necessities of the sick. The author ities provide medical attendance anddis peosaxiei for-them, but theyhave' not yet learned to take fall advantage of the citj'e liberality. The tide 6r immigration continues to flow with increasing, force. Since Jajx: nary If 323,650 men, women and chil dren have been, landed at Castle Garden, 5,000 more thariduring thg saine "period in 1880, and 2,00j more ;,'than armed daring the first half of September ot last year. The commissioners "contiane to report that tho immigrants arc of a "bet tsr class, as a rule, than ever before, and that nearly every one brmgs aittlc cap. Ud, Ihejraalt of. economy practiced: in the old country. - ' ' '-' ' ' ' - i r The Washifitoa Star learns from the Tery best authority that there is not a member of the Cabinet who expects to be in President Arthur's Cabinet. They mil tkk adopcc,i tLk 4 President Al- thar will 'cfioose an entirely aew Cabi net. It Is stated on the same good au thority that even Secretary Lincoln will not remain in the Cabinet spoken of as likely to hold over. Tha-member of the Cabinet who. have, gone - awv wonld not haro left Had tiey riollsnown that Presi- dent Arthur feaddecided upon a-Cabirie orhis owBi: They return i before any . ebangeslare cae?! -:.r-'r 'A J LeoJXHL. -hajUlely issueoV bull -of eoniideratile imp! rUnce, iddressidi to tie Roman Ca(holkOhuA: inrEnglandi on the mucn-vexed question ;b taa position: I whicn Uha regular clerDocimicansi Franciscans,' J esuiu; Uenedictinea, he boid toward the bishopji and thar laUer hold toward the forme ; OMate years the regular: orders hareio muinejreis ed their temporal meani that they bid fair to have mt)rttchtirchfis, schools, . col leges. Jba;, thahv: their secular, brethren ; and a tbrirproperty wat outnf iKpisco pal control, the -Bishop o not JikC the state of .aOajril all.-Tue.Pope baa de cided thaVriiptrlbal matters monks will be, as herctofere, under Episcopal control but as regards their temporali ties, they 'are to remain quite independ ent.'' .."" ' : " "Mahdne and the" chairman of the " Yir ginia Repablican committee perambulat ed Wall street in company Thursday, trying to raise money from Eepublican bankers and brokers to promote the re pudiation of the;' .Virginia State debt. Of coarse brokers and; bankers who sub scribe to aid the Virginia Eeadjasters an I Republicans must intend to buy Virginia bonds to d ly with an eye to selling them after the Virginia Demo crats have .thoroughly beaten the repu diating Mahone ar.d hi3 Republican allies.'' The particular offence , which forms the basisof the Star route prosecutions, which began on Friday, says the Netcs and Courier, is in the contrac for carrying the mails from Prescott, Arizona,; to Santa Fe, New Mexico. It provided for one trip a week, for- which 150 hours was allowed, and the compen sation was to be $13,313 per annum. Be fore service began at all there had been an increase ordered to seven trips a week, and ''expedition' to 90 hour? per" trip, and the compensation had been raised to 187,862 per annum: After, work was be gun the contractor,' "McDonougb, sublet to Walah." Later on the contract was terminated altogether, and a new one whs made witlr VaJsh for one trip a 'week of 150 hours at an annual compensation of $18,500. Then iOllowed again .the customary increase and expedition, rais ing the pay to $130,000 "a jear. The story is, in its main features, a familiar one,"and likely to be - reproduced with rariatibnS in tho other cases. The" charge is : "conspiracy to defraud the govern ment" in "causing and. procuring unnec essary. Jind? improper and extravagant additional : compensation to- be paid by thftlJnited: States:; for additidnal Service in carrying the mails.'.' -The New York Uynfsavs: 'r-Thec warrants issued for Itjve Star route, people-are mainly remark able for not including one intended for !Ari w;s. DdrsoyP The : absence" of M rl Dorscy fror.: a -case-' in which he has ev iery claim to be engaged will be ioanecter by thu public witRjue appearance in th& caseTTol j P r,' Georpj-B lis who Is" suppose eii' to-possefeg much of -the confidence of tno t'residenr. ;r, except urady, lnc peo ple ; indicted arc of no earthly conse- I .: x ... ' IS IliBcellancouo. pie quence Warner's afeinderandLlTcr Cure. - yuuafuuijsit.: Is me from a' BImple 'Trepit Lat o Ba-e Vlaa.snd It a POSlfiTK Remedy for sli ciwaiea thai cw pa'jig in ths lower part of the body fo? Torpid Liver Head&shr Jttzndiee Dlzzities Grarel, Malaria, d a 1 dlfPculties of th Kidnevtr, LiTer, and Uriaary Organt. for shams Diskasb3, Mo2th7 MenstruatiOEs, ad cur ing Prejrsansy, it ha no equal. Ii retor8 the organs tbat makb the t-lood, and besce is the best Bloob Furifh. It i the only known rmacy that cares mbiqht's Dirbas F. r Diabetes, ees Wabskr's atb Diabktes Oare " " For sa!e byTDrujrziiia and De'ltrj at $1.1 per bottla. Largest bottle in the mrkt TrjiU - -: - r II H WABNER & OO.,! : if 22-dtW'HTiato Kochwter h 1 Saving and Ties J 1 000 to3c and IIalf Kolls Bagging 3000 BtmdICS CW aud P,cdTI' -; Eacoii, Coileo, Sugar. Boxes SmokedandD S Sides Bags Coffee, different grades," Ofi Bkis Sugars, Granulated, . r , " CAJKJ Standard A, Extra Oand 5t)ls lrlour a11 grades, 100 Tub$ Cbic eaf Lard' ry Bbls" and Boxes . FreshCakesf iioxes Asaortea L;anay, , . V "1 fCi Boxes Ball Potash., JLUU a. People will find out after awhile that although grain ma j be scarce m some Jo calitlefreTThero:U"ehougb: left terfced Europe: Tner is no -causo fo"tt pani Here and ihcre wUt be found a neighbor hood, or ercn a cotthtjV which cannot feed ItialfibViweWd.wfl jet the afegeeifpecxallylxere 4aNorh CaroliniistW bafris his beeafeaxed and xtresenied.' lie cropiia-Kastern and Wesienr. Kortharolina are Tery good Mis!S3S54niddIe eeanttea-ofUie State thai thhrontb.b&B benlniosi Tere, amd Jufcj& a iraole, we-baTe reasoa ta : beliera tnat there 4 has" been mneb more th eaongh, com . raised in the Staia'to" feed eyerjbod.f ; . withiaTts1 borders. . - -I The NewlTcrfi -JFoTFric j hai nmns: . UoitEiV fitatsi i Sesatcf 'imj Mahooe; Oapfc:JSw:& Viie and James D. Brsdjdrisii5it Ttlie -lUpnbltcaa ... .. . State ceuUil ClOmlttee,, au arrired atlLi jQllset tflonstP jesterday; and almost, inuaedielelltoCixo- out. Uurioir the'day they .spent Aa-boarji ia Wall trie : It ii fJ!!fel ion i tor couec campaign aawnp- tiooa ' KditoriallT the 1 Wrld -Says Practice makes perfet? :It was at a railway alationr- The trains were being madepPuft' went -th locomotive; wmrr went the wheels jind the whistling was ternnc. here - was a backing and forward in cr and all manner of shunting Od a labyrinth of rail?. "What the deuce are . they ddiript T7Z .Practicing for an accidti?' 8ian Pleasantry. HtfnnJte ' youngioWr going through $rowG.el street saw a man asleep in A doerwjmoand proceeded to give him a punckoa-the riks,' remarking,' Why in the blazes'don'fe fyou :get- upj arid have spwsjxtt about" you i" .And the sleeper areso. and went for that young fellow and beat the earth ,with. him, and tore -him all to pieces, :and then" mildly replied, "Why don' I have orae life about me ? Don't I r Boston Post. i At Nantasket '.'Come now. Charlie, becandidTindtelllnre "what the people here think of me.'? -Well," says Char- liei to -tell ypu-tho truth" "Oh, bother the truth, that isn't what I'ia after. Tell me something that Trill make me feel good J.' -Boston Transcript. ifahneman, the- founder of the homa? opathic school, wa3 one day consulted by a wealthy English earl, The doctor lis tened Patiently lo the patient. He took .a small phial, opened it, and held it under his lordahip'8. nose. -'Smell! wen, you are cured J'How much do I owe yo:!?!' said the earl,-in surprise. "A thousaud francs," was the reply. The earl imme diately pulled out a checkbook, and held it under the doctor's nose. '-Smell!" hk cried, and then added, "Well, yon are Komcthey broOghTliftr sailor sod. Grown a man across the tea i Tall and fcroadiind black of beard. And hoarse or voice as man may te. Hand tA shake and month to kiss, Both hvofTered ere be spoke. ButUie said. ""Whatman is this ; Comes io play a sorry joke ?" Xhen, they praised "smart,1 him called him so - "Tightest lad that ever slept ;" : Bat her bob aha did not know; And she neither smiled nor wept, ' i - ' - .v: ": -: -" -Rose, annrsaof-nhaetyyears. " I3el a plareon pie In nijht ; She saw falm ta-t-'Tls be 1 'Tig he !' 8hknew him---by fcji appeUte. jmallPlayed Out," is a common com plaint. If you feel get a package of Kidney Wort and take it and you will at once feel its tonic pow er, , Jt renews the healthy action oi the kidneys; bowels and liver, and thu3 re stores the natural lire and strength to I ihKweary body. - It can now be had in either dry or liquid form, and m either rway-js -always Tirompt and efficient in cticrtr-Nevj JJedora Standard. ' 00 cs ' ' " jQQ Boxes and Kcs Soda,. jgQ Boxes Soap, ' i 'T'q Half Bbls and Boxes Snuff, . JFy Dozen Buckets, ' ! " Keams Wrapping Paper, - - Hoop Iron, Nails, Hay, Oats, ' Randolph Yarns and Sheetings, t . : ' ; l : - "i Vnr 1a low by - ;f j sept 19 VILLIAMS & MTJRCHISON . THE BEST PAPER 1RY IT Beautifully Illastrated S6t& Tear. The Scientific American. fllHB 80IEKTIFI0 AMKBIOAff, ItJ A 'A largo First-Glass Woeily 2iewepaperoi Bisteen Faces, printed in the most be&utifal f tjle, profusely illustrated -with splendid en gravings, reprssontine: the newest Inrao- : tions and tho most recent Advacces in the A A. .1 1.J r 1 1 ? FiT J 1 . lareetinff Facts in Apricultaro, Ilcrticultcre, the Home, Health, Medical .Progress, Social -Science, JKatnral History, Geology, Astronomy.- The most valuable practical payors, by eminent writers in all department of 8o:ecce, Trill be fonnd in tho ticiestic AnxericM), , Terme, S3 20 per year, $1 60 half year, whioa inclcdea postage, discount to Agents, fiinglo copies, ten centa.- Bold by all Jyv8 dealers tfemit br postal order to 2aUKN it CO.. FubUeher. 37 FarfcKow, Kew York. T A rP T? ATT- Q ia connection with i ll 1 J11 X O.the ROIENT1F1C AMEKIOAN, Messrs. ilcnn & Co. are boiie itors of American and Foreign Patents, hare had 35 years experience, and novr bar tfce largest establieanaent in too. world, f atente are obtained on the beet term. A special notice is made in tho Scientific A merican of all InTentions patented through this Agency, with tho name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense cira!ation thus - given, pab- l j attention is mr?eted to tne merits or the n?w patent, and eel3 or introdactioa often easily eS'ectcd. An par3oa whofcasndaa new diecoTery or invennon, can ascsrtam, iree ot ecarge, whether patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Macn Co. We also, send free oar Hand Bouk about the Patent Laws, Patents, areata, Tia-ie.Marks, their costs, ana now procured, witn bints for procuring adranoes on inTentions. Address for the Paper or concerning Patents. . MUKN & CO., 37 Park Row, JTew York. mviG 7ibH aton, C. The Landmark, : PUBLISHED AT; DT&TEBVIL1.F, IREDELL CO., K. C. Is the Leading r.'espacer in .itsmS'crth Car- OUiiA. It is the only Tetaocrati-) Faper t-nb Uhed in Itedeil county one of the largest and wealthie.t counties in the Mate and has at tained a larger local circulation iha any paper ever heretofore published in thecouity ryDav TINS AB30RTMENT OF CAJSDIES, Donatrtie, just reeetved and for A Freataaad I.-. .5 1.:1 vmaaj xa . is . euyj HOMF-iiAl TUB OlfLT ONUIM; ayy teth and rr-t4 tree cc-.-f omh.of Its circulation in Alexander, Ti'kef,Asle, Alleghany, Yadin, Darie and Iredell, is larger than taat of any two papers in the State combiced; and is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Foreythe, tiarrj. Rowan and western Mecklenburg. It is the ocly pipe? in "WesJem Soi th Car olina. that employs a Regular CsaTassing Agent, and is thus, kept cosstantly befor e the people Under this system a rapidly increas ing cireulation is tue result, n-.ttlcg- the Land mark. , , .... . fest RaiiirrulVi -V O. 'JEYKSCd;,- i Zi?6r Frf- telti'.J - Hw trwrte.t'i;; r . IliscollancoTifl. THIS j (- ' - - , J.1 $1. BM.M0BE ?EEEI SDH $L A818 THE IS A?i (JOOI- A FABltY PCBLI3HFD I2T THtH COUNTRY. The Original and Heiecw-d h v-rlea Are full of interest a d coDttitute cti' ice family read ing. Its lyrical pleoes ae also of a high ordrr of Kerit betiJea these merits it is a oomi endium of THIS N bW- OF THR WRKK. well collated ard of icfitite fariety. All freth cenrrences t hode and abroad had a plce i its' oircnsu Ihe bright and grthic letters of the srecia. correspondents ofTM.'- r" ? at tfce capitals' of Europe, ia Califorti atd ebewbeTe, : are pblbhed ia the W eekly, nd, in addition, to describing the c -uTe- oe pcli ileal' erents,- ill give the gc esip tt e dar aed v the drift of erents. he WAHHlaOTON BUREAU OF THE SDN will keep the readers or the Weekly well informed in respect to every thing of in terest, .politically and socially, transpiring at that point. Whatever besides, that is le rioua or joyous, that tends, to gira a apica f yaricty, will be supplied to make the Weekly attractire..--' I -: ' - ---,; ' ,l '"" ITS MARKET AND FINANCIAL RE PORTS are bronght down to the latest hour of pub li cation, and erery pains to make them trustworthy. ; : Vi . asi3'i vjitar. .-. . , AGRICULTURAL . MATTERB are not neglect d," and" tho farmer will find in the column devoted to r this subject many valuable hints and suggestions. Bound edi torial discussions , always have plaoe in tbe Weekly; and, with its stories ana other light literature, its well-written letters from places fit home and abroad, its political and general news and gossip, and its excellent Market and Financial Reportrv THE- BALTIMORE WEEKLY HUN eoauaer.dt Itself to all, who de-ire to hare a thoroughly good paper at a ery low price . f-, " i i.f,:.".;;v :o Terms of bubeeriotion Iayariably Cash in " Adyance. One Dollar per Yew for one copy or any number of copies. Li ,r . INCREASED PREMItfM 4 COPIES TO " O! ?-i GETTERS UP OF CLUBJV ' 1 ' -The following liberal Premium Copies are given to those who get np Clubf for the Baltimore weekly acN : ; F1YK COFIESM..MM..MM.....w..--M..Mf5 00 With one extra copy of the Weekly - ; 8unou9syear.o ii tih. . ".v TEN" 10 00 With an extra copy of the Weekly guirnone ffiar, and one copy of . , the Daily Sub three months.- FIFTEEN? OOPIE8....,..4.$-& CO With an extra Copy of the Weekly fiun one year, and one copy of : -the Daily Sun si: months. TWENTY COPIFH.................-. $20 00 rVilh n extra eopy of the Weekly - - Bun one-year, and one copy of the Daily San nine months, THIRTY 00 With an extra copy of the Weekly 8un,andone copy of the Daily -San one year- " ',.1 :j , 23u For. full terms and premium copies to getter Hp of Clubs, aee: proepeclus in. THE SUN, Daily and Weekly, ahd ' in the SAL TIMORS SUN AL MAN AO forl881i;ayaIa able publication of. seventy-two pages, free to all subscribers to the BALTIMORE SUN, Daily, and Weekly, il aAznr,T0 ctlS tia: The safeet method of transmitting, fands by mall is by draft, eh eck Or Postoifice men ey order JNo deviation. -Ad dress tv,; -" . A. B. ABELL A CO., Sun Iron Building, x feb 17- ;U ;Baltlmore4 Md. DAILY MM7 7. Jjft TVTRS EDITOR L PUBLISHEB I-i pablishcd very J 1 xerxioo ft Hi. (HundkT? oxepted)i At the folio wuig , rate, postage i. J paid One Year. .- ,$5 00 Six M ontha . . . . -. 2 50 Tine Montha... One Month..,.. 1 25 50 Heralo .lhe Beat Adtertieisg Aieiani'in " trn KorthCarclina. ' Addrew, - . . nMSDMAUK?,-J ;-' Uteay21 3 ;C n rj New York Weekly THE CIRCULATIOl? of . tWa. popular newspaper has increased daring the past year. It contains ail tne leaatng news ox the Daily Herald, and is arranged ia handy departments. The : . .FOREIGN NEWS- embraces special dispatches from all quar ters ot toe globs. under, tne neaa oi AMERICAN NEWSV. :. are eiren the Telegraph io Despatches of lbs week from all parts of the JJioi This lea. ture aione maaes , . , , t ..r. THE WEEKLY HERALD t -:-. 7 . - .n -r j . . rw ' r. ; 1 r tbe most Tamable cnrontcJe ia tne worwr as it is tbe cheapest, . Er-ery week, is gives a (raitniui report oi ; "y - rOLJLTIUAL. NEWS : embracing! complete andj ' comprehessirs despatches from Washington, 'including fall reports of tbe speeches of eminent poliboiaai on tbe auesuon of tbe nour . , v THE FARM DEPARTMENT or the Weekly Herald girea the latest as well as the most practical surges tronS and discoveries relating to ihadatiesof the fsjini er, hinu for raising Cattle poultry; OrainA, Trees, Vegetables, Ac;, Ac, with suggestloas jot seeping omicungs ana i arming utensils in repair. This is snppiemented by a weU- edited department, widely copied, underthe w . . . t, : ., J LTHK HOME giving receipts for practical -dishes, bints lor making .clothing and for keeping no with tbe latest fashions at the lowest nriee Ererr item of cookiDg or economy tSngirestasl in tkis department is practically tested- by ex nerts . before nnbHeaticii Letiani f rem-km Paris aud London oorrespon-dants on tht very lacssi iasnions i ne Home jjepartv ent or t nc Weekly H-sr aid will save the houaewif' more than one hundred time the , price of the pa per The interests of SKILLED: LABOR are looked after, and e7errGin7elatiirg:fto mechanics and .carefully re coroea nTnere is a - usee cevoted to all thsrr latest ph ases of the. busmess msxkets. Crops, Merchandise, Ac. Ac A" valuable featureii found in. th spedally reported prices-and conditions ef . , ;- ?-v- - THE PRODUCEa MARKET" : : Z - . , r 4-.-'- ? . Sporting Kews at home and abroad to gether with ; a Story cj-exy, weekv' a Sermon by sotne ' eminent d i vine, HtcrarjyM nsj-nal. Dramatis., Personal and Sea Notes "There is no; paper in Mhe. world Jwbichicon tc!ss to much news matter every week as the Weekly Herald, which is sent, rtage free, for One Dollar Yen can sub-reriberatxrrytime. , , The J?ew Ydrkeraia ,ia a weekly forBV;r Ono Dollar a j The paper will Ibe delivered by barriers frse f charge, in any part k - - ' " ? 1 ? u . ."I . of the city at the kbove rates, or I - j : ' 15; cen-g per wee. ; ; " , , Tho Daily Kxriirw is oow, in the fbarth: year "of its eiistence, is per manently estabhshed, with ajarge and BteadiJy increasing rBut?pcrip tien list, and preeents'to merchants aru) others a most desirable- modi- uru for advertifilDgj 5 iTiinin jooiiiial The foDowlag qaoutions renrtsMt alIoers,higbeprlecs bar to UibsS5 BAOUINO StandartLM., 1 Il m ? ' BACON North Carolina, ft - Shoulders. Ib Bices, yJ w. Western Seiokd- Hi Sides, "9 fX Shoulders.. Dry Salted Bides, IX Sheuiders, y Xbw. B7 Live weight BARBELS Spirits Turpcntiae Second Hand, aaah,..... 4 , l EXSWAX'G ft i BBICK8 Wiltnlagtoa, V HI C3 "to o i.d io a . o wo. 5orthern flUTTES Korth Carolina & Aorxnern, D.w CADJLlCrilPrn7T?E SM It . eam ava. . o o o A3 a 14 - Co U t ;C3 r oil 0' 11 35 25 o o o o o 13 J3 14 14 10 2S o o o IS a TO 1 00 0 CO 5 M 00 7 10 7 00 O a O in 1 li It to li so c io Adamantins.'Bsat.. CHEJB8A . . Korthern ?aetory , a V C3 CUlUr MiAL Ti boaba!.. UOTTO.N TIES New V bdl 1 J0 DOMIBTIC- l,Wea 1 M Baeetinar. 4-a a -a-r-i. ..." T- Vb-yjeh FLODB-Pine.bbl 8pr, Jforthern, bfcl... Cstrado a tbl. Family , i p bbl. City llillhi-Buper bbl e. .11 . vli . z ttackcrd,lpbbl...i8 C0 5 o- h V H W1 8 74. ' SMtwi?',?V3' V tbU.lJ 60 , K hhL...t.WM. 6 00 oierei,no. 4 y DbLw.C0 00 T O aiuuets, fWil,. StC!o i . O..Herrinf. 8kc-.j . a rn liuifTrrt-DQ " iSaP-eow To ro vuuiorajaw go 00f40 ftj Tft Qaano n 4 m oa 00 40 CO Oomphjte Uantirc CO CO eel 00 Whana'sPhosphata .. OOC0. 50 CO wando ojrphate, f 00 CO O40 CO Wilcox, Glbb A Co., taa- . Owno.uCO CO 0 t O 111 O CO. O 610 oio O 8 10 OIH O 1 u O 8 IS OS8 CO oio 10 coo CO . o to 6 15 5 IS 6 CO G O f j fji.rrRo is. GBALX Cora,tore,Q teas , Corn, eara-PSOfes.. "-"" v UUCi. Peas, eon QIDS-1G nM i -v RAY Eastern, 100Bi. 1 Horth River. ?3 ICO ih. i WIaT"aTT TTl lar 2 -"-'--" w m w Yr v w.-i.-t8o co ess oa Bhip Ituff, ratred,,B M ft. 18 09 FHl.:Hira btuh.L.. 9 t0J 68 00 e 70 4 10 I0f icf C44 fC O 14 00 7- o u o o o o 11 1 4J 41 An I w est India esjseort-r-' . 7 ' niJStr V totM a . en co j Drea &oorgeasoned.!S CO ' J5 Oj ooniin ana ooaras, com- - . , DBI CIS OJ tin ; v . fti f obla. T? al- r - prlsani Choice VtilL t en.L' m ' S3 41 KaL CO opszz. jx, jjTvrya? a ptiblj8hed u s is 8 0 I5V' if - SlVWV Wdtoid, Vk'r,basis -Tt7irif? V sjal. s ,18 ro-M . e4tV .r -rr" w.v -oas. , co .-jo aa i 7Arr-'".oo.oo coo 00 ' - " - - u--r-LaiuFi Lr w . 1 --a 1 1 - - - sur-w ! Kanilla i "V ir- r ,.T p i sr s sjsese) a . " " orto ieo, a a. A-CorTee 9 Sb.. B Xb t SALTAluia, i sack.1 -aarerpooisack.. 1 Amerisaa seek. Marshal's fine, seckw mo 9X0 1 lOWCT V JO I0 0 o - 0 o .00 "to 76 00 ou - 00 . 26 i etc- 7Mt n. ji. SOAP Northern. 7 fs 1 , y w rnr. W C7 a 71 B O hhd. B.-.-J:,,,, rv no TALLOW 9 T ""' W 7 T1MBEB Shipping T? Mls co Mill, extra per 00 Mill, prime perils ,10 CO iair per ia , a Common, par M .. a 03 Inferior to Ord!n.-7; OTISKEy-crtiKrai Hi- Washed, ner ft... ?5 . Burrr wool, per E 10 Ol8 00 O00 OC 0 00 CIS C 014 CO Oil 09 fV 6 C4) 6 C J 01 10 o 00 O 31 o n EVERY FRIDAY, At trie f6lloTfinrratc3 One Tear. e,S2.00 1 00 SixHoatiis. Three' Months. . . ' ! r-T - -1 r -:t I '.i. 60 .1 f . f ... I Adess..iD d rTl U . , ! ! Net XorfcCeraldw 1 Broad way and An l Streets, a ew Tors - '-I 7f 2 i r: ted 7 largely; Jn the) adjo ninry isona- aa. well aa in. ihaiiWsttsrpor ties J tibna ofihe: fitaio an present on- 6d Billed fasilitifa in MrJvJiajata fnv 1riu4pn2:fcadt3:w fcVa for ij i I0B AT THE I0WEST miQEQ I V? f ! f! 1 i 1 ifAvitro Ycon pniMTirio ; DOfE ELCEVJinnE 1 1 Satisaction Guaranteed I 4 . . paiNTI5G OASsrutxT -cistt Drszjf" r, r r t,. e.tJix fi4t cf tic city aid ia r to then ty maU free of pert . . B. WArtBOCS. Comer Citertsat and TTaur Etrests Offce Bsvfeir CcSilax t 5