Uiscolianoous. DR. O.'.W. BKNSON.oi Baltimore, Md We cive above a correct likeness of this well known and saccessiul pnysiciaa and surgeon, who ha3 made a life long study ot Nervous Diseases and the Dis eases of the Skin,and be now stands in the lushest rank, as. authority on those spe and distressinff diseases. 1 la the course of his practice he discovered what now are renowqed m meaicai pracuce, rir" . rnmhination of Celerv and Chamo mile in the shape of Pills, they are used . I - - ' & V . . H 3 M AVJt CT k M 4 by tne proiessiou aw i&rgu auu wuawut ly recommended by them. Tt is not a eaten t medicine. It is the result of his own experience in practice. They are a. sure cure for the following special diseases; and are worthy of a trial by all intelligent sufferers. : They are preparea expressiy vo cure aica. uciav,wi, nervouj headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia, paralysis',- slp!cRsiv3V dys pepsia and nervousness it : arc any case. . KftU sil ?rnrriata. Price 5fr cents . hfT. nonot. -106 North Eutaw SL, Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for ll or six boxes for $2.50 to any auaress. DR. C. W. BENSON'S u s ft Is Warranted to Cur ECZCR3A, TSTTERS, HUMORS I K FLAM MAT! ON t MILK CRUST, ALL HOOCH SCALY ERUPTIONS," DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLE 8 A TENDER ITCHINCSonaUparUofth (1 V, M 5 body. It iaakMt2i akin white, soft and smooth reciGTe taa aad freckles, and. is tto 23 EST toilet droMlax la 22E2 VTaLD. lOscsstlx pnt up, tnro bottle iaons "package, eg-oatoting cf both internal and es.eraal trsstiig&t. ' 2lflzstc2aindTttcSl3txha'To it. - f I. per paoVaga. f ivorjonnFUL geatittact'ea X'XYXS; B0TTXLS tad XlPETSat tb tnu time. t Booftxss it elMtma the ayBtem of thpoim ous h omon that dTlop in Kidnty and VxU nary Pfeaiw, gfliootnaM. Jamndioa, Cosatl. nation. m. or la ShaumatLrm. JTauralgia, HSmtou Z)UoxdT aad Temala Complalata, ajrM B. Stork, ( Janetkm CiT, CaMaa, aya, KidawT-Wort aored him after regular raj icUna had Man trying for four years. Ifra. John Anultmt VTmahlnaton. Ohio, art bar boy iraa glTea p to dia by. tour promlant rymoind that he waa at tarwarda cured by Kldaay-Wort. It M. B. Oeodvta. aftedfter la Chardon. Onto. aaya h was toot expected to 11t, -being bloated beyond batiefi but JOdae3C.Wrtared Mm. AanaZk. Jarrett f Sooth Salra, ?T T ffon that sertn yaar sofferinff from kidaey trooblas d othr &aanUoKtioaa vas ended by the ate ei ajoney-n on. , .., . John S. Lawienge of Jaekson Tnn.V.snffred for Tear from lirer and kleaer troubles and after taklnr "barrels ofother . medicines? Kidaey Wort tqd him eB v ; . mrfaiil-to bf-Montgomery Center, Vt.. fuflred elfffat rears with kidner dlfllsmltr. and was eassble to work; Kldaey-Wort mad him wau as otpt.? j skZ xui- -i - - FCRS3 AMEtlTL V CURES K1DMCY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Constipation and Piles. tar I Is pot up Ht&rrV Torsa la Ua eaae, ooe paekacs of which aaakes sia quarts ot medtclne. Also fit U4W Tatm, Try Oea eitrated, for those that cannot readily pre- pareit. - tir ft act oit eqal mgritnev in either form. GET IT A.TTHS DKUOOISTS. PRICE, $1.00 . TTKLL&, BICIULIIOSOX A Co., Prop's, (Wnssad the dry post-paid.) BtBXntCTO.T.TT. U n TT TT zn 110 you TranL a piuxr. wwum ins Complexion I -' if so, a feir applfcatloai -sSSr MAGNOLIA BALH Trill grat ify you to yonr-lieiirt's con tent, -.It doessway with Sal Iowncss...BednesSe Pimple BlotcliS, and all diseases and imperfections ofthosldn. It OTcrcomes tho llnshedappear anco of heat, fatluo and ex citement. It makes aladyof THIRTY appear nt TWEN TY; and so natural, gradual, and perfect are ite effects that it is impossihle to detect its application. oet S-lmnrta The Cosmopolitan BAR IS THE PLACE WHERE YOU can get the coolest, purest and most scientifically mixed Summer Drinks to be found in the city. The very best Wines Champagnes an Uquors.aiwsys on hand Uhe best 5entaClgr that is made. Drop m and cool Aoff. JOHN CARROLL, jS Proprietor. 8KIH CONSOLATION. It does not seem so strange When the ripe wheat is bound In sheaves. It is a change That nature needs have found, II. Bat when the tree half grown Is blasted when we see A life cut off we own Earth's.sreatest mystery. III. Tet consolation dear ' May dry the weary eyes, v For days unnumbered here Are lived In Paradise ! Dexter Smith; Graphic. Not a Modern Romance. Togama. My dear, I mu9t no oat en business strain to-night. . . Kegina. fey dear, you, didn't find it necessary to go away from me on basi ness almost every night before we were married. P. No, my dear, but my business then was to marry you. R. And you enjoyed my company then? i I did, my dear. I wasn't so sure of you as I am now. my dear. lh Well, you're candid enough at any rate.-. P. I am, my dear; let us be honest with each other. You see we ve talked each other out. You know me all through and I kno w y oil ; r R. And home is a dull 4 place, I sup. pose. And I am not as interesting as beforc you married tne. - . : : P. . xou put the - truth disagreeably plain, my dear. - There is no use serving up the truth raw in that iashion. But that's the size of it when you take the trimmiogs off. R. Very well, my dear, I am going out, too; 1 may be out till two a. m ; pos sibly till three o'clock. : I. Where where are you going, my dear? R. To see a person Tjn business. P. A person, a man or woman? But. of course it's a woman. And why .so late? R. It's u person, my dear. And it's business. Business is business, you know. P. But a respectable woman has , no business to be out with a person at .v i v n v i . wife. 1 R. And why a wife any lesa than a busband, my dear? P. Becausebecause it ain't the thine. you know. A man's business keeps him out late. At least some men's business noes. Mine does. R. And henceforth mine., does, my dear. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. I'm going to see something of hfe. Home is dull. ; xou re right, my dear. You were interesting before I married you. Bat now we know each other, you know. Come let's be honest with each other. Sauce for the gander ought to be the goose's sauce, hadn't it my dear? Sauce piquante. Good bye. I am off for greener fields and pastures newer. - P, No you don't, my dear. R. Yes 1 do. P. You go out of the door and you don't come in again, my dear. R. I don't want to, my dear. P. What? R. I don't want to, my dear; I've got a thousand dollars of my own, and if your door is locked when I return, I shall hire a door of my own and lock you out, my dear. Sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose. P. Ub, come now, my dear, this is ail nonsense. You won't do any such thing. Gome, be sensible. R. I am sensible, my dear. In fact, I've just got possession of my senses, as Mr. Fresh says. I can do it and I will. You know me well enough for that, don't yon, my dear? P. My dear, 1 think l won't go out to-night. R. Neither will I, my dear. Manv miserable rjeonle . drasr them selves ahout with failing strentb, feeling ... . mm a. . S that thev are steadily sinking into tneir graves when, by using Parker's Ginger Tonic, thev would find a cure commenc ing with the first dose, and vitality and strength surely coming back to them. See other column. The Scientific American announces ihP discover? bv Dr. K R. Heath, along the previous ry unexplored.bordera of the Benl river, in Bolivia, of abundant: rub ber and chincona forests. As new rub ber forests are to that part of the world what new gold fields are to tho people of this country, it may readily be -under stood that the rubber Vfever" became prevalent after the Doctors announce ment of his discovery, and thousands set ont to nenetrate the country of the canni bals where the forests are found. The exports oi rubber, , which -was last year 15,000 pounds, is expected this year to reach the amount of 750,000 pounds, and next year 6,250,000. . Tho Popular Demand So-great has . been the' popular de mand for tho celebrated remedy, Kidney Wort, that it is having an immense sale from Maine to California. Some have found it inconvenient to prepare it from Ln .Imww xnmnrmnd Vfr finch the nrn prietors now prepare it in liquid form. (Thi8 can be procured at the druggists. It has precisely me same euai. mo dry, but is very concentrated so that the dose is much smaller. Lowell Mail. A New York barkeeper quarrelled with his wife one night recently. He turned down the gaslights in the room and unlashed a fierce and powerful blood hound and set the bratft on the unfortu, nate woman. The dog seized her by the neck and arms, lacerating and tearing the flesh badly. Her cries of distress reached the ears of some boys oa the street, and they informed the police. A policeman entered the room and secured theinfariated animal until another po liceman came to his assistance. He was taken before Justice Flammer, at the Es sex Market Police Court, and notwith standing the fact that he had previously assaulted her, the poor wife was nnwill- - : rr. r-rr , . . . . : lng to press the charge. lie was fined hve dollars and required to tarnish bonds in the sum of $500 to keep the peace for six months, and in defauit thereof to staad t committed to prison lor three months. ssi" 'j. " - i. Women, that have been civeh no bv their dearest friends as foevorkTheln. have been permanently cured by the use of Lydia E. Pinkbam'r Yegetable Com pound. It is a positive ctire for all fe male complaints. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. - Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. A Handsome Gift- Mr. D. Willis James, a wealthy New Yorker, has presented to the autorities of that city, for erection m Union bquare, a beautiful fountain, which is to cost about $40,000. It is to be eighteen feet from the ground to the top of tbe group. u pon a square block of stone three feet hi?h rests a square pedestal seven feet high and about half as wide. Uo this pedestal is a group of bronze figures seven feet high, which consists of a mother in flowing dress carrying a naked child on one arm and holding with .the other hand a pitcher, which a naked boy is taking from her. Upon each side of the pedes tal is a basin, into which a stream of water is thrown from a lion's head above, while the surface above these heads is decorated with water snakes, crabs, &c. The drinking cups will be of solid bronze Beer Affects the Kidneys, and it may seriously interfere with the health unless promptly counteracted, and for this purpose Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Care has no equal. Diminished Yigcr It rcimbuned in great measure, to those tmnkUd vnith weak kidneys, bv a iudioioui use of Hoaietter's Stomach Bitter? which - a. . . invigorates ana stimulates witnout exeiusg ha nrinurT ortraEB. In OOninECtiun witA itm infloAnea soon them, it correcta aoiditr. improres appetite, and is in every war con ducive to neaitn ana nerve repose. Anower marked quality is ita eontrol over fever and ague, and its power of preventing it. For sale by all Drug gists and Dealer! " 11 generally. oet S-d4w THEBEST OF ALL' FOB MAN AND BEAST. For more than a third of a century the I Mexican Haitang JUlnimena nas Deen known to millions all over tho world as the only safe reliance for the relief of accidents and pain. It is a medicine above price ana praise the best or ita kind. For every form of external pain uie 11 Mustanar Liniment is without an equal. O 'It penetrates flesh and muscle to ft the very bone making the continu ance or pain ana lnnammanon impos sible. Its effects upon Human Flesh and tho Brute Creation aro equally wonder ful. The Mexican Liniment is needed by somebody in every house. Every day brings news of tbe agony ofan a-cvrul scald or burn subdued, of rnenmatlo ' martyrs re stored, or a valuable borse or ox saved by the healing power of this which speedily euros such ailments of h HITMAN VCES1I as - IthanmatUm, SwcUlngi, StliT, Joints Contracted muscles surns and Scalds, Cuts, Bruises and Sprains PolfSneai Bites and Stlnars, Stillness, Lameneig, Old Sores, TJlcers, Frostbites, Chilblains, Sore Nipples, Catted Breast, and Indeed every form of external dis ease. It heals without scars. For the Bsute Creation it cures B Sprains, Swlnny, suit joints, Founder. Harness Sores, Hoof Dis eases, JToot Rot, Screw Worm, Seab, Hollow Ilorn, Scratches, Wind falls, Spavin, Thrush, Blngbone, Old Sores, Poll Evil, Film upon the Sight and every other ailment to which tho occupants of the Stable and Stock Tard are liable. The Mexican Mustang Liniment always cures and never. disappoints; and it , poewveiy. THE OF ALL I .nninna M FOB HA1T OS BEAST. For Sale or Exchange AnKSISaBLB BEaiDfCK with four rooms sod kitchen and good well of water tna exeeUest garden, for sales or exchange or prcpettv inJ Wilainrtoa." Fcr partisu a't'appljnat THIS OFFICE, jyl-tf It E9USTANG :i - JJ f -cot J 1 Y .-t 13 ' . j r A TRUE TONIC - v I A TRUE APERFEC1VSTRENGTHENER A SURE REVIVER, "IKON BITTERS are highly recommended for rJl diseases requiring ' a certain and efficient tonic; especially IndigcstiQn, I)ypsia,' Intermittent FeverBj Want oAppetite,Loss of Strength,Lack of Uncrrr,etc. 'Enriches the blood " strengthens the muscles,and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, Eelching,Heat in the Sto7nach,Heariburn,etc. Tile only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book (32 pp. of useful r nd amusing read ing) sent free BROWN GHEMICAI CO.,Br.7 imore,Md. Seo that all Iron Bitters are madeby Bftcrror Chimioax Co. and hire czo v -1 red Unas on wrapper. ipl"X2-nr.!st3 WILMIN3TQN & WELOOIJ &XLBOAD COMPAHT. WUmisgtor.. S'. a, hi&j li, ioSL CHANGE 0? SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER May 15th, 1831, at 6.10 P ii, Faaseasjer Trains oa the f il miegton & Wel-lon Kailroad will rca re follows DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TP.AIJ?, dU? Nos. 47 North and 48 Bouth, Learo Wilmington, Front St. Depot ArrlTe at Weldon at.... 12 B0 P H L3vs Wddon 3 3J ? il Arrive at Wilmington, Front 8t v"Dpot &t..........MMM.M.Ma 9 45 P Fait Throasrh Mail and Fa?senger Traip D.-.Uy Ncs. 43 North and 40 Soath. Lsae Wilmington, Front 8t- Dcpst at. 6.25 t & nive atWeltlos 1.25 A M Leave Weldoa.. .... 6.15 P M Arrire at Wilmingtoa, Frt-nt tet Depot 11.55 P "M Train No 4'J South will stop only at Kooky iloant, Wilsor., Qoldcboro and Magnolia Traiat on Tarboro Branch Itoad leave Rocky Mount for TarDoro at 7.40 F M daily and Tuesday, Thursday and datarc ay at 5:Ut AH Returning, leave Tarboro it 9.50 A M daily, and Monday, Wednesdar sqc Friday at 8:30 P Mi Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North dailv. All r ail via Richmond, and daily except Band ay via Bay Line. Train No 43 runa daily and makes close connection for all points North via Rich mond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Falac Sleepers Attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sapt. A. POPE, GenI Pass. Aent mav & 1881 THE M BALTIMORE 188U Published Daily, Except Sunday. Ecnowned as the Freshes t and Most Satisfactory of all News papers. Low in Pi ice Compact in Form. Independent ia Expression, Ocnservativein Tone Ihe career of TEE 8TJN, from 'is earlies beginnisg, has been charsctsrized by a pro greteive spirit and an original and effective enterprise. To these characteristics it stead fastly adheres. , Oovericg as it does the whole field of news paper endeavor, its every cumber is a com plete reflex of the spirit of the times and the activities and events of the day. THE BUN expresses its opinions on cur rent events as tboy arise and on subjects of public interest, with the view only of arriv ing at rig tt results and conserving tbe gen eral welfare. Its consistent integrity is thor oughly known and understood. AS A FIRST-CLA88 NEWSPAPER, TBE SUN is adapted to the needs ot all and enjoys a world-wide confidence. The extent and variety of THE SUN'S Local ReDorts. their careful acenracv and avoidance of pruriency, constitute a striking ) feature, acceptable beta at home and abroad. ITS CORRESPONDENCE, Foreign and domestic, is ucsorpaesed in ex cellence ard freshness ITS WASHINGTON" BUREAU eovers all the phases of political information transpiring at the National Capital, with proper note and comment. Unexcelled In the past, t will be maintained , at the highest stancard in the future. TOE MARKET AND STOCK REPORTS cf THE BUN are collected asd compiled with the almost care, and may be taken as safe guides by all who desire to obtain the litest and most trustworthy information os these important topics In short, Tlifc f ON will continue to main tain the hijrh reputation it has acquired as 'an enterprising, accurate .and well-edited newspaper, alwajs ready to dd to its facili ties for collecting nes wherever necessary to meet the iacrea&ing demands of the time, and to maintain the hitrheonfidense of which its large and steadily increasing ciiculeiion sriY&a evidence. Terms cf FatscHption by Mail Crt Advance. In OaeTer, postage iDeludedw....M....6 00 00 60 56 50 Rix Months, postage inclcded ...... ...... 3 Three K ocths, postage included...... 1 Two, Montis, postage incladed.--.. 1 One HcEtb, postage included.......... i&uaXX6s?9 1 A. 3, A BELL A CO Publishers, 8un Iron Building, fb If ' Baltimore. Md "THE STATE." " RICBMOND,TA. CHAMBEELAYNK A BEIRNE, - Owners and Fditors Largest circulation, Cheapest Sabseip tlen Piiee, Lowest AdvertMag Rates. Daily circ elation bow nver 4,000. ,. Ite only aiterpoon paper in Riehmoni. Subscriptioa price Daily, $30 pet as num; Weekly, f 1 per annnn. Becdfcrrpcci oca cfict fise. tt TONIC Gen'l Suo'ts Office tfiaiaufufl, uyjbUHBIA AND Ar; Wilmington, N. 0., May 14,' 18SIJ CHANGE OP SCHEDULE m ON AND AFTER May 15th, 1881, at 1,05 P M, the following Passenger Scheduls will be run on this road STIQET EXPRESS TRAINS (Daily). Nos. 48 West and 47 East.- ' Leave Wllmlngton..... 10 05 P B Leave Floronce.....,...... j 40 A K Arrive at O O and A Juaotloa.. 6.45 A V Arrive at Oolumbia.......... 6 00 A II Leave Columbia I0 OOP Leave u Uand is A Tunction...M10 20 P M Leave Florenee.......ww. J 00 A M Arrive at WHmingismWMM. 6 20 A M Nibht Mail akd PAswweKB Tbaiw, Dailv. fio. 40 Wist, asd Dav Mail asd Pas- sbbqbr Tbaiw, No. 43 East. '7 Wilmington au.11 45 P M Arrive at FhTnce.......M... ... 3 15 A M Leave Florence.... 1 05 P M Arnve at Wilmington.. 6 05 P M Train No 43 stops at all Stations nPnriSforr,0oluiali' "1 points on ? O-..R? O. & A. R. R. feuUoas, Aiken JnnotioH, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Express. JBsssjsssr. fOT A. m-shjw miv 16! OABOLINA CENTRAL BAIXEOAD Omam GsxxaAi, Btr? jaxjtxasDjarr, Wllalafftoa, IT. a, June 4, 188U' CHAN&K OF SCH2DULE4 ON AND AFTER June 6. 1881, the Tol-xv- i0!? Sflhedule wHl be operated on tr is Railroad : passenger, mail and express Daily except Btiadayi Bo 1 LaJe "iarton.,.9.45 A M (Arrive at Charlotte ai..6.45 P M No 2 Va7et'Hl0.t,te.t-6'00 A M J Arrive at Wihnlntrton at.S.2& P M Traias Nos 1 and 3 stop at regular stations oniyandmPnta wignated In the Compa ny's Time Table. These trains makeelose connection at Charlotte with trains Nos. 3 and 4 for Cleve- virforf f rUlgS POiBta n 8helbv Di" PABSENGER AND FREIGHi " . f V70 Wrtoa iU. 6:30 P M No 6 V Arrive at Hamlet at. 1:28 A M I " at Charlotte at 80 A U r ) 7 h"lott at.7:30 E It Ne 6 Arrive at Bandetat. 1:28 A la ) " at Wilmington at 9s30 A M No. 5 Is dally except Sunday, bt no connection ftr Raleigh on Saturday No. 6 is dally except Saturday, SHELBY Dm8IOJr.Pi8SENGER.MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. No. 8. f 7Ohrlctto.-.7:00 P U f Arrive at 8helby at-,.100 P li Wo. 4. 1 ve 8l7 U.. C:00 A 11 Trains rtos 5 and 6 make close eonneetien at Hamlet to tand from Raleigh, except as above. J'f ani mak eoxmcctionat CJ A T' ' 0 ' B- wrlTiug at Stafesville same evening; and coupecting thM-e with W. N. C. R. R. for Asheville and all points on W.N -C R, R. , t Traits Nos 3 acd 4 wxmeeaJotvdyiwith Chester & LerJor at Ufieclnion. . vVCi. OHNflO!Y W GeaeralSiioaTinienieet BAYARO TAYLOR, Foet & Traveller, baid ; r"l take great pature in recom mer.dicg to parents the Academy cf Mr. Swithin Cfclidrtlldgcy,';. ,V , 1. . H0H. - ERHAND0 WOOD, C. Said (1 St): x cheerfolly consent to the use cl m name as reference. My boys willrettiratoyou (for their forlrUiVear) after tlleivacatkn.,, A j For ne v Dlattrafcd . Cifcnlar address 1 SWITHI $ C. " SHOETUDGE. A. 1L, Harvard j ; iversity Graduate, Mediat Pa-, 12 miles f m PhHa. -' ang ll2mdw 850pRewa WE WILL PAY THE ABOvi? reward for ar,v ease of Lirer Complaint. Dys pepsia, Sick Eeadaehe. Indi;etitn, fpiti pation or Ccitvecers we ea-not eurewita West's Yegrtable Lirer Pills, when the di rections ar strictly , eompliod with. They are purely Vegetable, ad sever fail to give satiiftetion. Sogar ocaUd. Large toxes, ecntaifliag 3J Pills, 25 ee off, - or sale hj all Draggists. Beware of eouaterfeits' and imitations. Tae geavine manfaetvred on!v hj JOBN.O W E8T COfHtm PBi av kers," 181 . 13 W, atarti?n Ms,buiatK Free trial package sent by mtU prepaid os receipt of a J cent staap Jmch I2-dA wly A SPLENDID OPPORTUNlTk: TO .WIN I FORTUNE. TETTJ I GRANft Tiisf TRIBUTIQN, JLAS3K, lAXblil LEANS, VTJEJESDAX, OOTQBEB ltthJlSS j J 157th Monthly .Drawls' ' i ; ?lncorporatea !nS$3.1r-8$:teaw ty r j Legislature forlducatloual'and ChSriU. ' purposes with : a espial,- of LO00,CCP t j which a reserve fund of -over $120.000 1 2 3 1 since been added rT" " ; fTTj By an overwhelming- popular vote K lh f franchise was made 1 rart of tho State Constitution adopted Dccenber 2d, A.D.. 1879 Its Grand Sixolr Ni'jmr. will take place monthly. . t ;' if It never scale or pot.one. Look at thft fnlh v if.r. I -i.trU.i t4 w - - - - 'wu viuu t ! 1 a ; . CAPITA ;':l'KIZE fSff,000t- "sr 100,000 TICKE'ls AT TWO DOLLAtJ EACn, HALF-TICKETS, ONE Dollar. LIST OF PniZR S . Tf!lif .t JS0.C00 1 Capital Prize '- 1 Capital Prize . . 2 Prizes of $2,500 5 Prizes of 1 000 . 10,000, 5,0007 5,000 C.COOii 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 , ... , 20 Piizes of . CC0 - - ' 100 Prizes of 100 -200 Prizes of 60 - r - -500 Prizes of 20 -1000 Prizes of 10 - '. f . ; APPROXIMATION PRT7F.Q. 9 Approximation Prizes of $3CC 2.7CO -9 Approximation Prizes ol 200 l.SCO , 9 Atproximation Prizes of 1Q0 SCO IS'm IMzes, amounting to - - $110,400 Responsible correEpohding: agents wanted ataU points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. " : . A , . For further information, write clearly, giving full address. Bend order by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mail, addressed only to ' 1M. A. DAUPHIN, ESS Nw Orleans, LaS or M. A. nAUPIH-v.at , No- 212 Broadway, Neir Yom All our Grandv Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EARLY. IVolice to the Public.41 v . The public are hereby cautioned against SENDING- ANT . MONET OR ORDERS TO NTJNES & CO., 83 Nassau St., New York City, as authorized by the Louisiana Stato Lottery '.ompapy to sell its Tickets. . They are flooding the country with Bogus Circu- , lars purporting - to be of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are , fraudu lently representing themselves aa. Ita Agents. They have no authority from this Company to sell its Tickets, and are not its agents for any purpose. , . M. A. dauphin: , t Pres. Louisiana State Lottery Co. l New Orleans, La.. July 4, 1581, J ' ' ' tep 14-wed-saM wdaw s r DELICIOUS PE AOHESAND 5 . riyi TOMATOES I V - . "' All varieties of Choico PrccciTea -' , - , t - ' - -..: xz.tfi u . . - ' . -. t' if r.ur n 'it in one and two pound Cans, tha best in the market. , .Ail Our elegant Family Flour, 600BS I Parole d' LTononr ; " Pig Hsmg, JGreakfast Strips and Small Shoulders, Parched Java and Lagnayra Cofleo, These goods tie all-fresh'thiq) weeij Oar prices and quality of try us. ... .. , .. , f , " : . Try tho prepared Soups. - j For salo at - 2 GEO. rAY-SRS'. feb 14 2Tos .11 and IT Bouth Front 8ti f XiO f Female School fH? MI88EH BUBS A JAUf.H Principals " ' Her. JdAi.r.rjRmnn. Vmv.i v-.f.r,.,., I mm-- m dsy; October 6th, 1831, and docs aixmt Uio v m.. wm mm 9 wv wy m wir w f PspHs Wbo enter sfurthe firit mTth wfl - ce cLXMTgea osry rrrzn asta it entrance fcr t it is expected they will attend school th rt- t maitdsr of the Sfsiontdiirfs "other 1st prr f ventaa oy ui neaitn, 1 or. rm&vai Uom tbe city. Deduction made Is all eases of iro tractad sick seas. ! Ths eoatses rf initrrcrfon wfll b s tere tof', thorr uab asd sjsuiiiatJc, , weh e.i f receivias; isdlvidasl atu&ti a froa tL Pxit- Tha -chool or 1ibIc vUi tx edrdoefed by ii 1Nrs.lL 8 Cnsfcirr. Po.il rutrids c tie . " School, wiabif s; t ecter fm th.s branch " ht A limi'MliiRMr At t emrt hlj MkrTa. , be r-e;iTd la th laxuL'y tf cts cl ths i lia. dpals. Tor further Earticnlars. sea PrineiDals.'or - aqaire.for cixeulars, as SO

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