Iliccollcsioous. r i ; ' - "r - 0E!TCCIL FOEKIUX fiEITfl. Z I t the Cure of Coughs, Colds,! - J J Jc-xresj, Eroncbi tis.Crctrp, Inflai V, AhrnMVhooning Cough, In -2 r lei: -lent Cor.imTtior. and for the re-5 half a mile. Io told hit brother, Abe Johnson, of the assault. His story, to gether with the fact that the negro had been seen oa the horse, led Abe Johnson as depot sheriff, to arrest him. He found the negro at a place called Jim Malcue a. The follow drew a pistol, whereupon Mr. Johnson shot him. . The negro fired back, ebootiog Mr. Jobnioa through the breast, and then ran. Mr Johnson rao a little way after and fired at him, out too negro ran on. A crowd 8000 collected and tar lea in e tare a oi the negro. They found him, about four o clock in the afternoon, dead, stio through the brea3t and wriflt. Ho had run about halt a mile down the creek and fell on the edge of the swamp. ; persons in ad van-; u of Ire jyi case. i'orisiie I ''-r'r-n". Price, 2 Cents. '. - '.- ' """ I.KlAJV& KS. LYDIi L PIHIH1IJ, OF LTRI, CKX, 3 wfi ffcv 1 a 25 .... jDiiii i;-&-- a '"Xosbox; Dec. 27 A meeting of the Irish Home Manufacture Association in Dublin adopted a resolution to comma aie&te with Messrs Gray ani Dawson and other members of the late Industrial Exhibition t Committee, with a Tiew of baring an exhibition of Irish manufac tures la 1882. The Hamburg American line steamer Gellert, Captain Kuhlewein, from New York, December 15, for Hamburg, ru ashore to day daring a fog off Coxhareo. Six tugs hare bees sent to her assistance, and a steamer has been despatched to take off her passengers if necessaty. A despatch from Constantinople says: "The Meesageriea Mari times steamer Prorence has been sunk by a collision. The! loss of the steamer and cargo is estimated at 240.000." Loxdox, Dec, 29 The Standard's Vienna despatch says: "Beports from Warsaw ehow that the damage done property during the recent not there is enormous. A portion of the city was virtually destroyed." St. Petersburg, Dec 28 Tho Geo graphical Society has resolved to do all that is poeeible to assist the crew of the Jeannette. Odissa, Dec 28 It is calculated ttat the Odessa magazines contain 1 500,000 quarters of grain ready for exportation, and the other Black Sea ports an equ d quantity. The totl is valued at 30.000. 000 rubles. The business is quiet be cause of low prices in England and France. LoscDOff. Dec. 28, 1881. A despatch from Taogiers says that French troops have entered Figuig. Fighting has en sued between thera and tribes within the frontier. Ten thousand 1 unisian refu gees have arrived forty miles west ol Tripoli. The authorities ot Tripoli have interned Ah len Amar. chief of the Ouled-Avar tribe. The of the Times at Tunis 8avs "The I one was a servant of H.manuel Jarman r radical results of General ForffemoL's I deceased, and. was the mother of 20 . .. " .1 Elizabeth City Falcon Mr. James L Smitbson, a life resident of the towo died on Sunday, the 25th, and was buried yesterday. He was aged 6ixty Years Mr. C. H. Gedfrey, a brakeman. on the PJizubeth City aBd Norfolk Railroad was thrown from a train at the depot yesterday and painfully braised. Yesterday -.orning our younsr friend, Wm. H. TVeatherly was celebrating Am is with an old gun. He put in an ounce of powder for a charge and the gun exploded, tearing and burning him very badly. Kicston Journal : An old- darkey stood in front of Wuey T. Rouses stand on Saturday last.gaztng at a large bunch of bananas and finally exclaimed "jr o o-d 1-a-w d what big beins!I Mr. E. 6. Isler, of Jones county, sums up his crop of cotton and corn for the year 1881, with seven plows, to be 65 bales of cotton and 400 barrels of corn. This mast have been a paying crop. We have information from Tuckahoe Jones county, that Grace Jarman, colored, died on the correspondent 1 21st of December at the age of 115 jears T lf..'.rs.:e!y Ih? 'trft form of Femte Coai jlaiut ', n'l o-. ai iaii tro'j'iJ'-s, InflonmitJon aad Ukr tU-n, !.!!. ny ai-l Il"flareDDt5, and th wnsetiwot Svinil '."-lr;-, Hurt Js jrtimliu-ly Ipd to the It v Ul tU-olvb r-a ir tutnw from th ttriB la t rro:s hnir.orr llirreia cbctk-! ryri4iij hy its we. it rM;icv fainrot, fatiilncy, dtryall vmrivg tnr tIniu!oJ.t. ntt rcIW?TC!i weafcitowi of th etonacb. It otr riotiuir, Hea'loche, yrroa rrtratlmf ",rtirrftl IcbUlty, Fl6rlI,,',t leprioD 0'1 ' Unl teel'ms bearing down, cmbIc pala, waAgbt ao . tmokftchc, la Uaj pcroxincaUr carl ty IU ow. It 111 ftt all tlmeit and mi'lor ?! clmimstan act In harmony with the laws that gorn ion funaiasyatma. " For wba curecf KWney Oonfiatala of ithrr m tUa Oomrv iiadluiMurraspc.l. . LTV' V i:. riEllAifS VECETAJTLE con- Vf'')",Vl3 prepared at S33 and B.1 TTetrn raao, In t. form of s,HU, also In th Tonu of loenes, on twrct "t of prk, St per txrx tor rkbr. Krt. TinkbaM fr-el- era all lettcra of lofiiry. Saod for WBjh- march are apparently indecisive, as a col umn is to be formed at Tabef8a,AIgeria, which will re-enter the Tunisian regency in February by the way of Nepta." A despatch to the News from Marseilles re ports that M. Kouetan has embarked for Tunis. See Here. You are sfck: well, there is just remedy that will eure you beyond possi- one children, the youngest or whom is now 60 years old. Pittsboro Record 1 On last Monday nizht tho heaviest rain fell in this sec tion that we have had since last winter. In a few honrs all the streams were over flowing their banks, and in Deep river we hear that there was quite a freshet. On last Inesday night our town was much excited over a false alarm of fire. Recently a hook and ladder and bility of doubt. If it's Liver or Kidney I bucket company have been organized.and trouble, Consamption, Dyspepsia, Debil- in order to put them in practice some of lty, Wells Health Kenewer is your hope. I the boys, about 8 0 clock Tuesday night, $1. Druggists. Depot Jas. C. Munds. I Bet fire to a pile of boxes in a vacant lot - , i m m near the Record building, and laised the Defence ol Properly- cry of "fire" and rung the court house Losnox, Dec. 28, 1881. Tfcc Lord bell. Immediately the whole town was Mayor continues to energetically ad vo astir, men, women and children (many cate the fund for the defence of property I from their beds) rushed into the streets in Ireland which haa now reached the sum of 9,000. The Lord Mayor pub lishes a letter from Mr. Gladstone, dated on Saturday last, exonerating him from party motives in his promotion of the in a great state of excitement, tho mem beraof the fire corapiny came running with their implements ready to fight the flames, andwell the reader must imag ine tho omphatic language used when fund. Tho circular of the Ladies' League, I they found it was all a joke. summoning all branches ot that organi nation to meet on Sunday, is issued for the purpose of testing tee legality of the ladies' meeting. A - machinist in the 1 office of the United Ireland h&a been ar-1 rested and conveyed to Dundalk Jail. Goldsboro Messenger: Mr. 13. P. Allen, of De3 Arc, Arkansas, is visiting friends in this section, Mr. Allen left here more than thirty years ago ': The estimable'wife ol Rev, F. U. Ivey was presented with u handsome carpet StSS': f?W SecrtUr, for Ireland, by the ladies of the JJaptie coDgrea IJVETw rrLL3. Tioy euro constipation, tUioQaMt aid torpidity of the Urr. S3 rta por box. enr Sold by ail nntcciat. tea DOES CURES I Rritn it l oi IU WHY? C3 has requested five of the recently appoint ed magistrates to inform Earl Cowper, I Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether the police in their respective districts are I sufficient. Mr. Fen ter also requests the magistrates to report in regard to the workine of the protection acts. At an j influential meetine of landowners and Uon as a Christmas present. - A colored man named Jos Ban torn, was shot in the leg by Mr. H; H6. Foucette in Grantham's township, last Friday, while outrageously behaving on Mr. Foucette's premises. The many friends of Mr. W. T. Yelverton, for the past seven years the popular and efficient clerk of w.H. Scott will appear next Mon day afternoon. New Yean, villi bis Is- i dian Minstrel Troupe, at the bead of the Old Market, at 3 o'clock. Everybody come and see ca. ' r 2t wed. frL ieocKBs wi r ac 8P1RIT8 TtTUPESTINE-QuoUd firm at 51X oenu. Falea of t cufca at thes flg. aosix footed firm at S3 03 Car Btralned and 2 10 tor Good strain !. with sales offiSO j bola Good Strained at quotation. . TARruoted stead ai fl 90 per bW of 2 lba. , - - CHDDK TU KPKJTTIN S (Juold steady at 2 23 tor Hard, IS 60 tor 80ft and $S 89 tor Virgin. rr corroN Q,uted weak and lower, wlUi sales of small lots at the follow tag offlelal quotation : !. i t , & 13 COUTH FROWT OTHGCit. has Aimrs oumno tut Ao well as ct all other tlmoo, oiTorod tho Flnoct and Choi coot oolooUon of Ordinary .oa ordinary... :uTr lilddhafc. in alive Good jiii dis 8 1S-IS Ots 11 Ml ailt aaozipra i-trite 'I orpentlcrM..M, v wa fata S i 1' 70 ,aitr tb 04 s. 389 DO oteamer John Daw uon. Hhnrman. Pnlnt uasweii K f raddlttoa. steamer Gov worth. Worth. FayetterUM, w orm a' vvoria. j eteiuer ikiuaQeth. BUbee, Bzalthrilie. Ger brizEXDress. Fretwnnt. Hsmbarsr. I urewaBu H eKiermann. Steamer llsabeth, Blebee, Smlthvllk. . Ger barque Anna Von Klein. rJehlrenar. jaontcv uso. xu ii.iaaer s sons. Am senr Chromo. Goodwin. Port in r riuoe 12 Kiuder & sous. Steamer Gov Worth. Wortn.Fayattaville. wona & woria. Exports j rosKxax. ... Montevideo Ger baraue Ansa . Von Kiein-2S3.733 feet lumber. Port, un Prino Am hChr Cbromo-118.ls9 xeet inmiuer. sws eningiee THE VARIETY STORE traders of the city and county of Dublin,! Wayne Superior and Inferior courts, will cii.i KI!Si:TS nt aiw tlma. nary ri9CCca.BUkiaaeas Jauadlea, CosaM. pation. filos, or in R'nmimtiain. I7enrael, rj iyrv0Ms BuortUrs ana ramala Complaints. SEE WH AT P330PLS 8AT t Eacriw B. Stor'i. f Junction Citr. KaiMaa, j Kid nvy-Wort cirfd him afttr regular fliy- Ur. John Artudi. rf WhInrton. Ohio, aar brboywasirtrTitipt'li by four prominent t ey-Wort. 31. M. It GooJwIa. an edltar tn Cbardon, Ohio, nysbe wa not eznrtil to live, boln bloatau beyou d belief, but Kidney-Wort cured Aim. Anna I Jurrett of South Salem. IT. sayi I t umtpereu yours ptifrenufr from kllsy troabtai r "5 snd oth.-r couiuUcatiou wm cndtMl by th nam i ri Kidney-Wort. I John B. Lairren of Jaclraan. Tenn., vnfferad 3 f n 1. I . v . aft4r tftklnir "lrrUi of other madioOMa," Kidney-Wort mado him welL ITIrhaM C.ntn tit Mftnf(wmTT rVntM. Vt J3uirredclrht rears with kldner dUBcultr and waa nnaMe to wore. jkMney-wort bumm turn - wen as rcr. a branch of the Property Defence Asso ciation waa formed. Itvan and the two Whelan brothers, who were arrested at the time of the seizure of a quantity of arms and ammunition in this city recently, were committed for trial. Mr. Forster bss contributed J2100 in aid of Vere Forster's Irish emigration scheme for assisting farm servants and others to emigrate to America. Made from Harmless Materials, and adapted to the needs of fading and fall- in tr hair, Parker's 13 air Balsam has learn with deep regret that he has found it necessary to resign said position, be cause of his connection with Mr. II. E. Jones in the hardware business, which requrcd too much of his time, l m AVi&'s and Observer : Wake Superior Court convenes on Monday, llis Honor Judge John A. Gilmer presiding. On Monday night Mr. John Harp, a farmer who lives about eight miles from this city on the road to the Falls of Neuse Paper Mills, indulged in the Christmas sport of fooling with fire crack ers, bis sons assisting the night being THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD BB spectiully notify his friends and the public that he has recently re turned from a visit to the Northern markets where he has purchased the Handsomest Display OF MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS. NOTIONS AND HOLIDAY G00DX. he.hasever offered in;taisacity. My stock is PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THCMEW IQUO It DEPARTMENT! WHEBE OANBE FOUND THE UK3T SELECTED" OF Old Fine Sherries, Brandies. onampaerrieo. Cordldlo AND THE WELL-KNOWN BRANDS OF S7S7" 3E3C Z S 3ES. I 3ES SJ f 80 LONG SOLD BY THIS HOUSE. TABLB AJDTD OOOEUSTG BLAIBIITO I " THE USUAL VARIETY OF ;r TWTTTT'C! A ATT T?rTTi a -sT-r yt . IVIinoB IVZeat at IO Cenfa pop lb. PLurj puboirjc '-, if........ FIRS- WORKS jIP FIRS CRM Everything will be sold low; try once and Jwjil call again. 11 and 13 South Front "Streetr dec 18 Fpr:jh6 (Hlolicllay 3 . SB I AM OFFERING A ORB AT V RIBTT OF NEAT AND HANDSOIIS ART1- CLttZs SUITABLE FUR PKKSENTS. I- ofler the largest sndchepeat stock of HandkercLTiefj, Iq Wbl:e, Clear Lawn, Colored 1 Borders and Knibroidered. Fancy Handkerchiefs, o Fancy Caitocs. All Liren Bordered Uandkeichlefj. atlOrla. And ia L. C. Handkerchief, in handsome carton with Christmas Card; Gent's Colored Bor uir ju. is. nanaaercnieu. nperlor quality. "3 .k L. 1- Al lt Ula OUUa OOD13HUK i"1 macu iud uigt tMift 00 ui ciriiau t buu 1 j: i i -it. . 1 : ,i i:-v,j x " cAcceuiugiy BLormy wuu ram auu winu, iviuura uoif tctiviuuio. I .1 u a r i, . as the scene of action. When they had PERMANENTLY CURI8 ii KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAIrlTS. H Constipation and Piles. t7It ia put op In Dry Vetale Tmrm tn MnncaRs,oae paraaira rr wmkui maaeaaix qnarxs "j crntrmiU, for LUcso thaX caoiMX readU7 pra- L3 Z2 Ji acta teith rqval eldency 1n etlker form. GET IT AT THE DUCGQISTS. TIUCE, 91.00 WELLS. UICIIAHDSOS k Co., rrop's. fWin trad tha dry postpaid.) crRIXMrroX.Vl. mo Shot hia Betrothed and Himself. Biddepoed, Me.. Dec. 23, 1881. Leon Moore, of this place, employed as a clerk in a storo in Boston, came here a few days ago to spend Christmas. This afternoon at about three.o'clock he called upon his affianced, Miss Belle 1 Cushman, an esti mable young, lady and a teacher in a public school. Shortly after his arrival the other- occupants of the house were startled by the reports of a pistol from the room in which the young couple were. They entered and found Miss Cusnman popped all the firecrackers they went down stairs and sat by the tire. After a time they heard a sudden crash and roar 1 una saw a bright light. Rushing out doors they were astonished at seeing that the entire upper story of the house was in flames, and that parts of it were falling in. the ternued family was only able to save a little bedding from the house, which, with all of its other con tents, was totally destroyed. The loss is ' estimated at about 2,500, with no in surance. It is thought that one of the I have thoaanda of things which it would take columns to enumerate.. My une, ires n irjttuiNuu UANmiSo are a specialty. I lead in these goods as my! patrons well know. I have an elegant! variety of Millinery Goods, Hats Trimming's-, &c, To mliitti T invita Va .Anf;Amv tOO j Ladies. My stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS is full and complete and having been bought low will be sold low. ' I respectfully invite a call and inspec- uon. Lu uLAriAuaM, Variety Store, dec 19 No. 42 Market street. Ladles', Gents and Children's Silk Handkerchiefs., in every style and quality, at ciicce Spanish Lace Ties and Fichus, at prices which defy competition. Bilk and Lawn Ties, Collars and Collarettes. Gent's Keek Ties, the largest stock In tbe. city. Boy's Neckties, at 6 cents, anwarc. - w aj A pnmber of low priced handsome articles, su'.table for servants. Onr Christmas Towels snrpaas all others. Table Cloths, Table Covers, Piano Covers, Handsome Napkins and Doylas, Corsets, Calicoes, Cheap Dress Goods, Counterpanes, Goods for Men's and Boy's Wear. Ladies and Gentlemen desiring to make selections for rr.ri.tma. .M m, invited to give me a calh , r- a 911 jtcto. y. unnnxon. 4! STTT 1 Ouzer, BucOu. Mas drake, StiQingia, and many of tbe best raedt ones kiwwn are coin. biced in Paiker't Cinder ionic, into a meaicuM I such varied powers, as to make it the greatest Elooj runiM and U Cest Beatta t Strtaats Restorer Ever Dset. It cures Rheumatism. Sleeplessness, & diseases of toe Momach. bowels. Lungs, Liver & Kidaeys, Parker's H n 1 juunga, uvcr s fuoaeys, air Balsams $!j.r DU Cl-t- rd uEW .cocas att aDocuini iiar Drw. aad ocaer loeicSL as it . crr fvi t rnwr never intoxicates. Iiiscax las. & Co.. Cbeaibts, N. Y. i tl LTk Ba-ytajT Mlir f fr CStL. 'HOUSE tKW VAKAQBUF.TT, Wi?.in?afsf H, r. fl.t f. PGttv, - - Prsn . u-i P. ?rlator A.Uaati3 OotsU '1?koU.jI ll tti;9Ut9ics. Tsraa t Si ?r 1t MM dead and. Moore just alive. He expired I firecrackers most have fallen on a bed np ; a few minutes after tbe occupants of the j aiaire ana eei nre xo u. flionaay house had reached theoom. sup-! evening, about dusk, as Fab Fowle, son posed that actuated by jealousy he killed nun. u. tr. n owie, wu3 wamug in Miss Cushman and then shot himself company wun a son 01 Mayor aianiy, a I hey were each twenty one years of age. burly negro suddenly ran op, and grasp The families of both are hiirhlv res Dec la ing a watch chain worn by the former ble, and they are nearly distracted by I lad. ierked it away, pulling the watch j the traced v I win it. i he watch was ot gold and ' " 11 ' ' ( quite handsome, axd was the property of Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black I Mrs. Fowle, by whom it was highly prized. fish Haas- and fJnpo. . A frill snnrt I Tbe thief made good his escape. De- - - iep r -1 m j . 1 ment and lowest prices at Jaoobi. iz . f STf.V" MOUa r?8iea of larcnv. Whilft thn donntn had Pnllcpi Vara nAliim CUtf I , . . i " ativ uiwwtii bbvii I in cnslOtlT. at thft larm nf Mr .Ipaka r w a 1- i- J - no t i-- 1 I m 1 ...... . I -vv. - i wwuwio 1 cojrtur, near iu.c civy, me prisoner orew ue isata. pena tor terms ass bajaai-ptss reached here this morning of a most I a knife and cut at Belvin, striking him I to work with. CON ANT a oo. horrible tragedy that occurred in Bald-1 in the side. Belvin in an instant shot at novS0-2a T Osy st, Ksw York Oar B Tared G A R FIELD And I if Faithful Cabinet. An elegant Ghromo lithograph of our lats rre laeni. mssiBS! 0 rua isoirta Dorisits. print din .Oeolira fnassvy t spar with rica snJd border. rss 18x28 inehaa Tha saie&xtttts baaadral work ox art hi bs is pi y acp coddea d at $1 pr eo y. Jn order tht every 'smilr asr be able Iom . sesithlabea tifalsod toaehiBsr soarriJref our ats rrestaent acd tu . abi-ss. ws willl uor stocEffs txow large and Li h,n w. 4 x w mail it for only to easts sr coo. Wa - w C4WUi"' rswyvs sr -v iartun uuamauoi ct. printed i 8 eokira. reduced t 0H inehes. br obJt 16 eettta AGENTS jSarSTB WANTED the 'ime far asreu to reap a rich Harvest with these baantifol portraits. Nuthfaff ti We have made extensive arrangements , to meet the dezaAad fbr HOLIDAY GIFTS 111 FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURtnCHO GOODS, GC, . ' win county, near Sibjey's Mill, opposite him, and the ballet hit hia ia the head Aloc-iie. Joei Johnson, a well known I just above the temple. It ran around ciiizpn 01 ine DeignDornooa, waa riaing ouietly along the public road, when he shot from behind a tree by a negro. I all serious. Tbe first shos struck Mr. Johnson in the head, itnnning hirn and causing him to fall from his horse. While he lay on the ground the assassin shot him twice again, in the wrist and side, and then' dragged him 300 yards and pat "him in' a pond. winaiBg nira oeaa. me negro then the skull, howevef. for several inches. w xtU.tiV and the wound was in consequence not at A DESI&ABLS hXSWiBGt with fbmr A.11 fiprinni I -t. looms aad kitshea sad rood wall of vata A Holiday Smoke - sxcsiieat gsroen ir sale or sisha r property ia wUaiagt a. Wot prdf i sooty at tki H ntnE 7r b it fpHE BEST OF CIGARSand Tobacco and j JL Tobacco Goods. Befct 5 cent Cigar in: the city, warranted. Just received a beau- moanted hia victim's hone and rode off I tul lot of genuiue Meerschaum Pipes and to a. nartv in thm nhAirwl nn'n. I Ciax Holdcs. tiuiUblc fur Holiday Gifts. r - "J -" waw aav-SmaawvaMVwa Arusau& I . - . . . thenwrhtMr. Jnhnn r-, h th M Picasea to exoiDit ese good to all. . , V 1 Utl&M:WALU, nignt air. recorerea nis aensea and I fins rrt . dragged bisssU hcsie, a dutanco iofl dec 19-3 Fxchange Corntr CALL, SEE NO PRICE I A LARGE AND ATTBAOTre assert, ment o! Weddinar. Cbrfctmava anW tii day Presents for sale low down a HARDIN 8 ' . "anCesctcra, Steaoar and Rail; Together with onr Large Supply of Useful Furniture tor Hnlirfnv Clfto. WeofSsTjonr niri.j Foil Line of Smaa Waras, CUILDnEII'C VAOOWS. CAOniAOEJ.. VELOCIPEDEsnOCK i::::3I And every deacriptloo of Toys, &e. Call and examine and rnnber onr lew price i- Come and see onr) Too will fiod loll ot prettjlhloj, Hen price, thu will uuxiUh Buax reeX 8akfao4oa guaranteed in eyexy imUt.cs, , r. p. A.corjoTOa.3