PL2JL8E SOTXOS. Utbed every aftarae&B. aBa.yi. f 1 T7 will btfcltd. to realrt oanialeaSqa frcna osr fr!4i oa. aty and all ttbj8ii: t ffsseraiistttTMi ctts , .1 east of writer itsrl al xrayt b fa taia papkb i ' . . j .... - JOSH. X. -nBSClUPTIOKS.POSTAOE PALR, r 16 00 Six months, S3 60 j Three SI 35 ; One aonth, 50 cents. -w ,er will b. delivered by camera, m - and liberal iJreriui'-i' Subscriber will pfenee report any and ,11 fnilnrM jyew Advertisements, if Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chesit Sout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily ' Pains, Tostfi, Ear and Head acne, Frosted. feef and Ears, and all ether Pains and Aches. - '' jiirMiotii in Eleven LnDgaagts. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS I!f MEDICINE. HaltimorcMd.aTT.S.A. In Addition mO MY FORM 5 R LARG E STOCK, I have iuat received the first lot of Spring Milline ry, Satins, Rr. R. and Porcupine Straws Fresh tvenine: Flowers, the 4late:t', Sun iowers and Dahlias. Respectfully, MISS E. KAKRER, mcii 3 Exchange Coma MARTIW'S VACCINE VIRUS, " Neth Carolina. Mtjbical. Journal , AOEJICr roR IHE EorTDER STATK8 -pRE8H AND ACTIVE VACCINE from the Tenowncd establishment of Dr. Henry A. Martin, furnished in large or email quanti ties. This vaccine is warranted to take In all primary caees. 7 Lancet Points for $1.00 15 do do 2.C0 Each lancet" point will vaccinato one per on. Orders by telegraph or mail will receive rrmTVt attention. . ; THOMAS F.WOOD, ian 26-tf nac Wilmington, N. C Health is Wealthl DR E O WE8T'8 Nbkvb ahd Bbais Trbatxist, a epeoifio for Hiteria, Diz xlaeM, OommlBions, Iervoui Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory. Impo tsncy, J remature Old Age, caused by over TAi-tinn. ti(mmi. rr OTaricdulirenee. which 1.jfa tn miaArv. r And death. Onahnvwill mr meant cues. E&ch box eon ti iis one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or eix boxes for fire dollarr, sent jay mailDremid on receipt of crice. We snar. a iejiboxeetocureanycsse. Withsch order received by us for sir boxes, e will fnd thimiirchftar enr written ssreement to rettra the money If the treatment does not eaect a cure. iuartatee issaco oy hjh u GKKl. Drasciet, (euccesscr to Green A will receive prompt attention, Employ ment FOR ALL TO SELL HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE. THE poor u well as the lich, the old as well as the yenrp, the wife, t$ well as ihs huabaad, the ?oun m&idf-n s well as the young man, tha girl as well as te boy. may mtt is well earn a few dollars in honest employment, as to sit around the house arid wait or others to earn it for tbem. We can iTe you employment, aU the time, or during yonr spare hours only; traveling, or in your own r eighborhood, among your friends and acquaintances. If yon do not care fnremd nloymentj we can impart valuable informa tion to yon frre of cost. It w 11 cost you oalj cae cent lor a Postal csrd t i write for oar Prospectus, and it may be the means of making you a good many dollars. Do aot neglect this opportunity , You do cotbave to mrett a large sum o! money, aad rnn a great risk of losing it. You will readi ly see that It will be. an easy matter to make fr;m $10 to fl0', a week, and establish a lacratire. and independent business, honora ble itrt.l?ht forward and profitable. Attecd to this matter NOW. for there is MONEY If it for ell who enzaze with as. e wlil aurpriseyou and yon will tiondefwhy you aerer Twxote to us before. Wi sasn 'aiticclaes raaa. Address BDOKKYJS M'f'G CO;, (Same V is paper) Miaio, Ohio. Mpt 21m : GEO. F. TILLEY. H. HINTZE Tilley & Hintze, JO'ORTH SECOND STREXT, next to cor aer of M&rkAt. A lot of EXTRA PINE MOUNTAIN BEEF on eale for i.the next it fa u y tfs ii u d y h Hf FOR RHEUIATISI, u ,arc,tr''."ruw cheap iLxtcrnai Ru.a 4. Uial-entail but the comparativclj iuluHv , f 50 Cents, and every one.euffer ,'' wf:ii --u haVe chAp aad positiTe proof aays.Call and txamuie. men VOL. VI LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVEKTISEMEXT3. W E Davis & Sox Sunday Ice KWMcLntiue Mattings ! ; J. M. McGowan Removal j , Heinsberoeu Parlor Orgacs Pianos C W Yates Peep In at Yates' Dr. Thos F Wo oD-Martinfs Vaccine Virus No City Court thi3 morning The city prison is without tvuant3 at present. j There were no iotertoents tin Bellevue Cemetery this week. The Criminal Court convenes on Mon- day next, the 3rd icst. Ger. barque .Carl Max, Meyer, heuce, arrived at lelfa3t Ireland, March -30th. There was one interment that of a child in Oakdale Cemetery this week. There were two interments both chil- rlrpn in Pine Forest Cemetery tnis week. There were 523 vegetable and 336 fish carts in market month. during! the pas1 A few strawberries have been brought into this market. Only oO cents is tne price asked for them. ru Tr. f npprl, haaned but one marriage license this week, and that liiC I was to a white couple. l r-H r-. , Freshwater Perch, lrout and jiacK, fish fr a-- aaltq ti ri 1.1111 i-?m r i mi adbuf U iauvno --- v-'- ment and lowest prices at Jaoobi's. t Thegteamship Gulf Stream, Capt. Ingram, left her wharf, m this city, at 5 o'clock this morning for New York. The useefone bottle of St.Jacobs Oil cur T'X1 a great name neighborhood. ! S. P. Row, Frankhn, pa., The Elizabeth City Daily I Malcon v .-.p, pavamiI Srlarra nph 1 mi firflA t . t . fuuieo iu us cciwtti v-j" i and then they come IWO ut a iiuic. i t I is this thus? We have been requested to state that until further notice the etening services at the Front Street I Methodist Church will commence at 8 o'clock, t Beautify your nomes by using the N plPaint. readv mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jaoobi's. The usual Summer overhauling to the Passport will bo delayed for a few weeks on account of tho accident to the Blanche. Should the Passpdrt lay up now, there would only beonojtug, the Alpha, in port to tow the shipping to and from sea. - I ! i 'Rough on Rats." The thing desired found at last. Ask drusrffist for Rough on Rats. It clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies; bedbugef 15c-boxes. Capt. J83. M. Mc. Gowan is now pe manently established in nis new quarters on Front Street. Ills saloon is very tastefully arranged. ! In the second story of the building is a neatly furnished wine room andbillard hall. These rooms are connected with tho liar by mean of a speaking tube. Give him a call. The Capt. knows how to mixem. The Seven Sisters. The Sutherland family the, Seven Wonders will give their farewell exhibi Jn in thin ritv this evening. Those of AM j " - 1 A La i f CO ATI them nnr ntizens wuu uatc t owvu should avail themselves of the opportu- nitv to see these ladies who claim to pes- sess me iuu&u icwimm' existence. '1 hey sing: wen in cuoruseo and the little entertainment is well worth the price of admission. j Accident to the Blanche. received here yester Informrtion was tuff day to the efiect that the steam Blanche, which left kere ajfew days' ago to assist in floating the Norwegian barque wdinnoa, ashore in lieauiori hasbor, had punched a hole m her Dot- torn by colliding with the barque s an- chor. Capt. Jacobs headed the Blanche for the shore, but she tilled ana suns before she could be gotten out of deep water. She is now in! a rather danger- a ua ;th nthin but her roilot k Sm fears are "en nHimatelv recoverv. ici laiucu uo wuvt v.. -rf ; i ;A r ii it v vhrtftrw familiar SUU 1118 lUUURUk UJ( buuk :u h.r that ahe will be at otalloES. The Baker Wrecking Com. pany, of Norlolk, has sent! assistance to an escort. The Htue worwisunaoau. the tug, and every effort will bt made to edly. one of the greatest pieces fine get her out of her perilous position. " chanism ever seen. 1 WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY. APRIL Tnmblsd Down. The chimney of a house on the corner of Third and Brunswick streets, occupied by Tony Ashe, fell down last night about 0 o'clock and demolished the kitchen attached to the house. Ashe's family were in the house at the time main body of the of the accident, bat escaped injury, though his children were I scared out of seren years' growth. The retention of any waste matter iu the system produces injury. The collec tion of "phlegm" or 'diseased mucn3 in time of cold or throat affection should be nromntlv removed. Dr. Bull s Uough A . SvruD does it more quickly and enectu 1 ally than any other cougn syrup maue. Personal. Mr. George Bowen, who is well kffown t moat of onr old citizens, is here on a brief visit to his old acquaintances. Just nrior to the war Mr. Bowcu was engaged with a Mr. Allen in the dry goods . trade in the store on Market street lately oc- ;i t. vf nn.a fia n. ahofl store, Another evidence o'f the efficacy of Rock Spring water, but. it took 21 years this timo to prove it. j A Deaerved Promotion. Mai or Graham Daves has been ap- intd Tnu and Claim Acent for the North Eastern Railroad, of South Caro ni.-. jp. Ti-uAn Chp.raw ilroads. taking effect this aayf April 1st, vice C, C. Olaey, Esq., J ' " I resigned. ' " W1B ninWnt reflects credit not i - rr m . Mrl Sal Haas, the General Freight Agent, xehn made tha aDrjointment. We con- , gratniate both on the selection. - , Many ot our citizens, naviBg been so!ia by receiving notices of notes being .S reiaaatea Dy oriuBiug uu Bank in the now defunct corporation. Summons . was duly issued and served. "ha Koni nttipprs and nLLurueva ncici jlixm Aaun x""""" i, i and on motion the - - case was-continued for two weeks ia order to give defendants time to prepar8jiheir defence. . ' - - ' SEQUEL April 1st was suggested, and j case dismissed at plaintiffs' cost; very much to their grand disgust. Vimmt Rantiat ThnrPh. We learn that the meetings j at this nr which have been, in progress tor the roast two weeks, continue with una bated interest and te3r, and that all the services are fully attendedwith many anxious seekers after the hope and con- f n nhriatmn lite. 1QY. mr. IUWUVU Ul m w Baldwin, we learn, will preach m that churca to-morrow morning and evening it ii not vet definitely determined wheth- er the meetings will be continued an- other week or not, but notice will prob- j aDiv he eiYCa to-morrow. Aside from . i b Qhav e already connected them- t ifWhVhnrfth there aro several who desire to be baptized and admitted to the mcmberebiP, bat we were unable to ieara at what time tno ceremony wm Wp The Little. World . , i e Uri;na onr? ohi'flrpn large numucr JTTZjiZ witnessed the Little vyona mis niormus, and were enthusiasticln their encomiums r litln ol the DUSV llie .Jl tLLJ 44 V fcw v nresented to their view. The paintings around the JUiuie orm mo u scenes in New Zealand. Commencing .. , n. i i onnPna this on tueieu naau r?- scene oi oasy iuc, ; T" on ladder : boy carrying rivets to boiler maker3 . man turning his head to tell l t b ine rivets; boiler makers and helpers; dvcicus j- ra;iroad train with passengers; couuui motioning train ahead ; railroad tunnel 30 mne8 long, in New Zealand, with train entering it ; Lake Lapenn ; steam boat running in lake; steamboat stopped to exchange passengers with1 railroad train; steamboat starting around lake; fount in Lake Lapenn; minstreL troupe oi seven; wmw mu r y - blacK man woriuK tfV"V man wording oy o j-, difference between day and job work, uoy running u6 -r- ning flax ;. boy blowing bellows ; black- smith ; blacfcsmmi hde i yu. blacksmith and helper; blacksmith and - 1 heloer working at anvil; scissors grinder, old-fashioned loom; axe grinder; pile I I driver. The little I I . -r f everv fifteen minutes. Ladies can witn impunity Tint thisxhibiUon without Body of a Drowned Han. Capt. Harper.of the Passport, reports April 1 Saturday evening,OamdeD. . . - - . - A nril 2 Snndav. Elizabeth Citv. ' passing sea yesterday. At the time the Passport had a ressel in tow and could not stop to j pick the body up. The man is supposed j to be one of the unfortunate crew of the steaaryacht, Sidney L. Wright, which is thought to have been lost about a ! month ago off the FryiDg Pan light ship. Quarantine Ilosplal Darned. iThe quarantine hospital.two miles this side of Smithyille. was destroyed oy nre ou vcstorday afternoon and was complete ly consumea, 1 ne Keeper, Mr. r. 1. Mr. B. Siogletaiy, and his family saved most of their household effects, but m a badly damaged condition. The conflagration was accidental, so we are informed. It is to be hoped that the government will now erect a builJing suitable for a hos oital and have its aooointments in keep" I ing with the requirements of the cpmfbrj of those who are so unfortunate as to be treated t here. Dr. Taimage's Lecture From Mr. Alex Sprunt, President of the Library Association, we are sorry to learn that Dr. Talmage, who was to have j lectured in this city on tne utn mst., has been compelled to cancel his engage- . . j. .f II M 3 I men. on account 01 vu luuruau u . iHr1 - - appeals to Dr. Talmage, but to no avail; but has the distinguished divine's assur- ancethat he will deliver his promised lecture in this city on his return from Charleston,which will be in a very short time. Dr. Talmage will lecture in Ral eigh on the 12th and proceed from thence over the upper route on his south" era tour. Wo are aware that the post- PO wD! be a great disappointment to many of pur citizens, . . cftnsriati0U Df knowing they It fae ultimat8ly deprived rt tho orrpar rtiAARnrn m l sienin? 10 ma - . . n n . v. t o -- renowned lecturer. - cuurcn serTtces. ' Worship in the Yariou churches of tho rifcjr to-morrow as follows - ST. JAMES PABISS, Corner Third and Market streets. Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., Rector. Pahn Sunday aPru "u voicomuuu a ui, I Scbool 3:30 p. m. Evening Praysr at 5 o'cloek. FIRST BAPTIST CHUCH; corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J.B.Taylor, Pastor.1 Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. and 1:60 p. m. The Lord's Supper will be adminis- tared after the morning services. Regular Church meeting Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. Young Men's Prayer MeetiDg Tuesday night at 7:30- oVtfock. Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. ST. PAUL'S lEVAXe. LUTHKKAN CHUilCH, Corner Sixth and Market streets. Rev. F. W,B. Peschau, Pastor. Confirmat'on acd reception of new members at ii a. m., hn the German Service. English Services a. 7:80 p. m. bunday bcnooiat o p. m. bt. johs s chtjech, ! " 8ud A u 2n(i. Morning Prayer and Ce.ebra tion at li o ciock. oauuay ccaowait at 11 o'clock o'clock p. m. Evening Prayer and sermon at 8 b'clocfic .Daily Services during the 1 wAok. at 7:30 a. ra. and a p. m. Cele- braUon on Monday arid Thursday at 8 p. m God Fri(layMcrniijg Prayer and 8ermou at 11 o'clock. Evening Prajer at O o cioca. FIRST PmSSBYTEBIAlf CHUKCH, i i nnr n m ana uiiuiio buccls. ao y . j. u. Wilson, D. DM pastor. AJorning services. at 11 o'clock. Sunsfay School at o-4S a. m. Khbt Service at 8 o'clock. lx-l fbost stbkbt m. k. chubot, (south) - cf-Afe h. v H Wood pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and b p.n. ounoay ocnooi ai, s p. ' Wednesday evenings at b o'ciock. ST MABK 8 CHTJBCH, Corner Sixth and Mulberry streets. Rev. C. O.Brady. Minister. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Evenlnsr Prayer at 8 o'clock (in HoW Days services at 0 a. ns. and 4.30 p. m. unday scnooi ai au uarna- M AM el a m . m m ' 9 - has Schoolhouse at p. m. aeais iree. CHRISTfS CHTJBOH (COSGBIGATIONAI.) oh Ann. between Sixth and Seventh- Rev. D. D. Dodge. Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. fas tors isioie Class ' at 12 p. m. Prayer and Pjaise Meeting Wedneaday at -8 p.. raSaaday School at 3 p. m. i i - - . FITTH STEKET M. E. CHTJBCH (SOUTH,) on Fifth, between - Nun and Churcb streets. Rev. T.P. Bicaud, pastor. Services at 11 a. m, and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. in. Prayer Meeting Thursday eve ning at 8 o'clock. ; ST. PATJIi'S KFISOOPAX. CHTJBCH corner Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. M. Ambler, Rector. Services at II a. m. and 750 p. m. Sunday School at 3:30 p m. Seatafrae - azcoxo baptist causcn, on Sixth, between Charch and Castle sts t Khnsr. nastor. Services tomor row at 111 a. m, and 8 p.m. Sunday School at 9 a. m. the body ot a arownea man ati 7 r- - - -j . Z ' about six miles from the bar, on L am winD.r ?! Tni-Va NO. 78 t- - iBiihoD Lyman's Appointments. Washington county April C "I Thursday,. Columbia, Tyrrel county. April 7 Good Friday, bt. lavid s Washington-county. April 9 Easter Day, Ldenton. April 11 Tuesday, I'Jymoutn. April 13 Thursday, Holy Innocents Bertie county. . A pnl 14 Friday, mndsor, Uertie co. April 16 Sunday, G race Church, Bertie county. April 17 Monday, Koxabei. April 18 Tuesday, Jackson, North ampton county L . . AprirJO Thursday, laison. ' , April 21 Friday, Clinton. April 23 Sunday, WiJmingtOD. April 25 Tuesday, Smith ville. April 25 Tuesday cvening.St.Mark's Wilmington. v . , April 26 Wednesday evening, taOlds- 1 April 30 Sunday, St. Augustine's, Raleich. . April 30-Sanday evening, Good Shep- 5anday;Cbrist Church, Ra leicrh. May 5 Sunday evening, St. Mary'e, Raleigh. May 10-15 Tarboro. Convention. May 16 Tuesday, Scotland Neck, May 17 Wednesday, Hamilton. May 18 Thursday, Williamston. Mav 19 Fridav. Jamesville. May 20 Saturday, Trinity, Beaufort omuy. May 21 Sunday, Washington. May 22 Monday, South Creek, May 23 Tuesday, Durham's Creek May 24 Wednesday, Jiatn. I May 25 Thursday, Zion's Church Beautort county. . May 26 Friday evening, rantego. May 28 Sunday, St. James, Beaufort County. May 31 Wednesday, Makelysviiie Hvde county. : June lUThursday, Swan Quarter, Hvde conntv. June 2 Friday , Fairfield, Hy do county. I June 4 Sunday, St. George's, Hyde County. June 11 Sunday, Rockfish, Consecra- tion. L June II Suuday evening, Fayette ville. 1 Jane 18 Sunday, Pittsboro. Hoi communion at all morning ser " Collections for Diocesan Missions. . . Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South. j SECOND BOUND. . . . . . '- . i Tnnsail. at Rofikv Point. AdhI1 -1-2 April Smithville, at 7:30 p. m., Anril 54 Brunswick April 8-9 April 15-16 April 19 April 22-23 April 2930 May 6-7 May 13-14 May 20-21 May 23 White ville Waccamaw Mission Elizabeth Bladen . 4 , Duplin . . Onslow . .! ... Clinton . . . - Goharie Mission Cokesbury District Con ference at baiem, May 25-28 It. O. Bueion. I Presiding Elder. ITqw Adyertisexnonta. REMOVAL-HEW SALOON 1 TV0- 3, SOUTH FRONT STREET has just been fttted npfor me. I am prepared to furnish iny customers with the best of Liquors, Cigars, etc., at my New Saloon, apl l.St J. M. McGOWAN. Sunday. o UR llCE HOTJSS WILL BE OPSNfiD for the accommodation of customers from 6 to 10 a m. and from 4 to 6 p. m. on Sun days. - W. E. DAVIS & SON. apl 1-lt Star copy Mattings ! CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. Of the above we can show a great variety. LADIES SARATOGA TRUNKS ! In great varfrty and all sixes. WHITE C3IOODS ! In this department we can show many "new "and nice things as well as all of the staples.' ORE SS GOOD S ; I CASSIMERE3 and Caahmereta for boys. LACES AMD EMBROIDERY ! , ' Neckwear in all new thin g3. R. Pil. (Vlclntire. rS" TURKISH BATH SOAP I apl 1 1. 1882, . ill 11 w m & . v . u is . . . i. m i a m a k.- , , , - - , - , Cfosautattaas tatil bt. writtem a o&Jj cao t!d of th fvT' J PerfoaaHUes nti t b aToSd 1 JLs4 U ii especially and psriliraluly madur ttood thai the Editor does not always endors the rieinot eerre5?oadeat knalea so fiat ta tis editorial oolaxca, ! f New Advortisements P a r! o r Q reran s. JK BTOCIv AT THS FOLLOWING Maa ulactarex' rre:t-S tte, JCp, $75, $S0, I3e ianos. Pianos. 1 1 $210, SJT5 nZWjt j You era rtsp5o;ftiuy fnrited to call and cximiad I tr.r of the aboTe icttrmaenti. TItiI i : T . Jf joa a o abt wjeli t- buy coino aTcxrficd loot at tbsra, at T' i IlKlNSHMiOKIt'S, " , mch 50 Lite licox and UutU Btow i ' ' . . I ' Soluble FaciSc Guano ' ": and : . Acid PiiospIiateJj A AH TON S' HERE J AND I FOR SALE 4tUU by the Subicrtbcrs and the follow ing ".;!,. v.; ' Sub-Agents : A. D. Black, Magnolli and Mount Ollrt. jj. i. JiicKs, laison, i 1). Bowden, Bowden'e, j T.B.Pierce, Warsaw, WhiteTille Wine Co.. Whiteville. J. D. Rogers, Fair Bluff and Nichols, u.n. iiirxjes, Sterling, A: C. Melke, Lumberton, Clark & turrie. Clark ton. MacRae Brothers, Shde Ileel. McNair& James, Laurel 11111,' L. h. McLauren & Sons, Laurinburg, u. o. rreeman, iiamiet, I. II. Smith, - Abbotteburg, mch 28 1 w ALEX . SPRUNT & BON. Peep in at Yates1 rpHE PRETTIEST LOT OF PANELS, J Easter Cards, Faccy Photograph!, Faiele, Frames Ac , ia the city. Book, Station eijt &o,t at lowest p?ice3. W.; YATES, inh 17 Bookseller and Statieier OR WARNER'S Abdominal Corset. J II AVE ADDED TO MY LINE of COR- SJTJB tho ai,oI1b1i ortklo U4Mija obori A, sample lot just received. Also, tall sizes in Young Cadies' Corallncat SlCrbssbone, at 75 cents, and fjorallno Flexible Hip at $1.25. I have exclusive control Jof theso goods; their eupcriority causes many Imita tions. None arc genuine but those sold bymc. IJNO. J. 1IEDRICK. sToH1PAiraTi?iG. brqfizinq; ac. j ..k -: ... rjlHE UNDEESIGNED WOTJLD re spectfully say that until further-notice he may be found at his, corner Third and Market ttreets, prepared toexe cute all orders in tho above named branch ej. Room Sets, Tin Wart. &cl, xseatly repainted and varnished. I 4 jan!4 tl O. E. BTJRU: Wanted. 25 000 PINE CRC'3a 0x3' 8 feet long, -For further particulars" eaquiro ol COIiVILLS & CO, , ' "I ' ... . jaaSO-tt . j.. J. L. Grpdm, BEALER IN FINE GROCERIES Wlnei, tors, Tobacco, Ciars, No. 4, Nortk Water 6treet. Goods and prices guaran teed to Euit. Givemeac&lL I A flret class Restaurant is attached where meals can be obtained at all hours, 1 mch 3-1 m UNDEK SEW UANAOEUFAT, C. L. PlJKttY, - Prop Litc'Prcr.rI?f;T AiUslle: I irat CI,? in iu'acWi"5 ntnis. Teroa 'b B.'tf Rlotfco: ' PARTIES IN OF GOOD Board at reasonable rates, will find it to tneir au vantage to call at the Commercial Hotel. RcsDCCtfallv. I i mch " A otice APPLICATION WILL BE MADE AT the next seeslbn of the General Assem bly of North Carolina for a Chapter for the Clinton, Point Caswell j& TVllmlcgtoa R R and euamboat vompany," men vlawow

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