r ! Tho Daily Review, m o r it i it a. WEDNESDAY. JULY 5. 1SS2. BY TELEGRAPH. & The Daily Jlcvifio hss the lar&st bona fuie circulation. Xf any newspaper vubUJtcd. in lUcilyqf mmingioiu CONGKESSIONAL. ByTekjr to Dili? IUtIcw.1 SENATE. Washington. July ii-Mr. IMumb. from the Committee on Public Lands, reported fTorab!j Uc bill to rrant a rixbtof way over the public land and Ti?ti-r rMprratkni to UiC Jackson ville. Su Auzustinc and Halifax Hirer It II. Co. rlaccu on in aicnuar Mr .Tonu. of Ia- presented a mo- wvr;-i? fmm tho steamboat owners captains ond pilots Tor an increased an- Mr. Morrau. from the CommiUceou rrnortod the House bu lmrin? certain Darties to lay pipes and MiA.inr4a nndpr Lake Fontenaxtrain t.. mnnpot its Northern shores with- ta nnrc fndnlred in an hour's de bate without action upon printing the reports of the tenth census, when the ofW?v rmort on the riter and har- mm w nresented and adopted. The appropriations for survejs of the Delaware & Chesapeake Canal and Hennepin Canal am reduced from $20. mn tn kia OOQ. and from SiOO.000 to rMMdiTelT. and a proriso is iNi ?n rach instance thai the GoTcrn- mni tn not be committed in faYor of nrTv-ainy . to the construction of the improTements. Tho amount voted Cor Potomac flats improvement is reduced from 500,000 to $loo,ooo, and tha appropriation for thcMississippi River, below Cairo, from $5,000,000 to i 123.000. which is mc amount nxea liv the House. The latter item is 2ur ihr amended o as to proride that tlm work of improving the river shall.be proaectricd under the direction of the MUaissipoi Ki?r Commission, as pro posed by the II erase, instead or by the yOrrodrvof Wir.is iniTiIcd by tiie Senate-- The total of the general appro priation tor the Mississippi river is 5, 433.000 dollars. The total of the bill, with these changes, is $13,743,875. Mr. Hale presented tho conference report on the deficiency appropriation liilL The onlv item upon wftlcJi con currence bad not been reached by the former conference was that in regard to the Senatorial mileage for tha extra ossioa. Upon this point a disagree ment again occurred. The report was adapted. The Senate insisted upon its disagreement and ordered a new con ference. The consideration ol the revenue bill was resumed, the question being upon II r. Hale's amendment to the sugar du ty section to strike out the requirement for government tests of the saccharine strength or sugars in determining the duties. This wOuld leave the section to provide simply thatasuar duty hafl be what it was before the 25 per cent, additioncl duty was put on. The amendment was adopted. Mr. Harris moved to substitute for the section a provision for a reduction flO per cent on all inijtorta after January 1st, l&O, and an additional 10 per cent after January 1st, 1881. This started afresh a general debate on the reveneue questions. Mr. Vance, of N. C. being the principal speaker in op position to the bill. Pending discussion the Senate adjournal. p. m. C!. " T nms ' Tnlr O l "TIo-Vlt- 11 T dislodge Arabil'asna witnous exposing Ktcaa and unchanged. Wheat opened Um Hnnc nrt( runners, from t : J , , ' ' i a , i uo - o i hiirnar nnn r nwri wfhe 34 mi 1 inwi-r. i r 2. Red. fall 96tf97$ cash: ; 06 J Auff, Corn fairly active and higher nt "774 78 cash : " 771 J July : 767G 1 v Aug. Oats hiffher at 50.O52A cash 501 ' J uly Whiskev steady at SI. 1G. Provisions nniet and only small trade done. ' - ... -. ; -' ' COTTON MARKETS. . the trooDS. the Ceet are coin?; to the front. ( Alkxxkdiuaj. July 253 The oat ponts cf Arab i Pasha have re tired alxjut IXC J yard j Jtnd tlis, British have advanced about 500 yards. '1 here appears to be some disturbance inside of ArabTs entrenchments". ill The Exchange Tclepraph Company Jias received the following dispatch. ' , Alexandria. 6 1. M. The British troop-ship, Malabar, and the men-of- war Urlon ana uyOTec nave leic nere rBy Telesraph to Dally Kevlctr. -A WASHINGTON. Notts and Notes from tli Capi talThe Cabinet Meeting and the President's and Secre tary Folfrer's Views on JoU tlcal Assessments. i By Telegraph to Dtlij Utxleir. . Wasiiixotox, July 25 Night Tte President to-day nominated M. 1. Jos- lvn oflllstobc Assistant Secretary of the Interior. Vice Alonzo Bell -imir r" ;;.ion nHpr forPortSaid. . Advices from that place 12A: Norfolk, auiefc iind steady at 12 .h lnnk6fhPr Mansion act. To report that the Governor of Ismalia 7-16: Baltimore quiet at 12$;. Boston all ol them new rates must be issued, nas nea 10 atdi ' "" aj "1 4tcT"u . 'r A distinctive ieaturcjof the new S5 note iinusn in iron m "S - it ; oavannan. stcauj M W i aew. vi- mll lw n tvrf rait nf f iPIll IJartlelO. lOJOrccu mm uuw.uuuc Suua uw leans, quiet, j . ai, .liij-iuuuuc, 4U,C John. C. Hamilton, son i or Alex, i wo uaiuDs guus, tr..:tin.. -i: i f-rtirr iim.Tvh. 1 ctno to Cairo. Tho Cabinctto-ilay considered Attor- The Marquis of Ilartingtcn; Secreta- i n.ZtoSa nininn. r-1 rv of State for India, stated mParlia- tH.ntl v niiblished. that members of Con- meat last eyening that the ; number of r iuAn.i iKr. rrru-h ol Uio law troops to be ordered to .Egypt trom in rTnCf noiitUl assessments, under dia. is between 7,500 and 10.000.- Rela- . pij. Telegraph to PaUx Keviow.l vhidi General Curtis, last week, was- tiro to the invitation, to Italy to co-op- Charleston, July 25 Night. Spir MnviMmi in thn If. . Court in New erateinthc protection of the Suez Ca-J its tnroentine 424. cts. Rosmomet at vrtr iVMidont Arthur exnrcsscd nal. it is significant that the Dirctto, i;55 forlStrained and Good Strained. himself to the cfiect that no person In of Rome. , which . thougli recently Savannah, July 25 Night. Spirits anv one of the Executive Departments disavowed by thc Government, repre- turpentine 42J cents. Rosin. $1.60 for "i- - . . -i t .L.ll . eanfa thn'trtrin rl tliA Wlinlrt ILaliafl '! Cfwiimul nml riiwl Kfm noil . - - A A. MISCELLANEOUS. July 24. Night. Galveston quiet a at at 121 : Memphis, quiet at 12-i; Angus- : in. ii 1 n a, f u. quick at . . uuiuirawii, 41UC a ml 1 . . t; 1 . 1 ; NAVAL ; STORES. declining to contribute t count he subjected to discharge or crit- 1CIZCU Anil I1U ILLUJUlPb AJ iUJUiU uuu this ground will bo countenanced or tol cralod. The conclusions are in accordance with the views expressed by the Presi- press. contains an article declaring that it is a matter of ' congratulation that , Italv has not allowed herself to be dnur?ed into this dangerous affair: that Germany and Austria will, like Italy, allow England and France to carry out Don't Die in the House. will doubtless remember Italy's loyalty to their alliance. t t ILLINOIS ,if ir. inftnr nfYvntinrfl of Jnlv their plans, but a complication will af 15, 1880. The opinion of Attorney-Gen- tentards arise, nnd then at the j proper end Brewster was riven upon a letter moment the Central European powers by A. Thomas, chiet of a division in the Second Comptroller s ouico 01 uio Treasury. Thomas' letter was address ed to Sect'y Folger, and was by him re ferred to Attorney-General urewster. a letter from Folger to Thomas is among the documents submitted to the Cabi net mcctinz to-day. After answering Thomas' inquiries upon the legal ques tion, and quoting irom tne Attorney General's opinion, that a Conzrcss is not an officer raent within the meaning Uie executive ollioers and employes of the United States, not appointed by the President with tho advico and consent of the Senate, are not liable to the pains aud penalties of Sec 6th of the ! "Rough on Rats." .-. Clears out mice, roaches, bed-bugsf flies j moles, chipmunks, gophers. 1 5cu 2MARENB NEWS. rats, ants, The Willard Bank Failure. , Bj Telegraph to Dally ItevtewJ Jonesboro, 111., July 25. Night. The failure of Willard's Bank, which member of t first was not regarded as of any se- of the govern- nous character, oauy grows m JJ- of the law in I ance. v mam nas aosconueu uu m f riirvnro T,f pearances now indicate that' the default of the bank will reach 200.000. with assets practically nothing WlUanrs whereabouts are kept very secret. The cencrai ODinion is that he lost nothing by speculation, but it is an out and out - , r I M f jr.lJ act of Aug.. 1870, for the act orgiving roDpery. oome , suspicion m vutwiu i.-..r r-r,,.., against his family on account of acts oi Folder ctmcludes his letter as follows:! panure. But 1 will take this place to say that I wish it felt throughout the Treasury De partment, in all its ramifications of ser vice, that no servant of the Unitdd States herein need feel the slightest pressure upon him to rive if he does not wish to cive. If he has that belief in the sound ness of the principles of the Republican i -v o i i i f ri party as to desire their sustentation and ""f?ufiSy SSSAmS iu'SS success, and to bo willing and desirous county. Neb., shot and killed his wife irr rr Jrr.i , A . j who dad souirht refuse from his brutal- itp wi;h her son-in-law. The murderer feels that he is able to aid, let ! him give of his substance or of his income as he sees fit: or. if he is of other political faith, or if tJjo claims of family or needs of self pinch his purse and he wishes not to give let him treeiy retrain tuere- rom. j 1 would have him think, and feel, and do as if. in a religious meeting house of his choice, the preacher should lay be ore mm the needs or some case, it it was commended to his judgment, and le felt able and willing to spare of his 1. 1 A . - '"' ARRIVED. . ; Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette ville. Worth & Worth. , ; Steamer Wave.Robeson, Fayetteville, Geo. AV. Williams & Co. - Steamer Bladen, Skinner, Fayetteville DeRosset Sc Co. . '.: '. , . Steamer JPassport, . Harper, Smith Tille, Master." . - , j; : ' Steamer Minnehaha Burruss, Shilthr ville, Master.;"..,. . ..V ' ., Br. barquentine Ellen Holt, Duncan, New York, C. P. Mebahe. . . I Steamer A P Hurt. Worth. Fayette Tille, Worth & Worth. ' Steamer Wave,llobesori,Fayetteville, Geo. W;: Williams & Co. Steamer Bladen, Skinner, Fayetteville DeRosset & Co; - ' f " Steamer John Dawsbh, ' Sherman, Point Caswell R. P. Paddisoni Steamer Passport, Harper; Smtth ville, Master.; : ' . ' -Steamer Minnehaha,' Burruss, Smith ville,' Master. r - - :v WEEKLY STATJEIHENT. , . STOCKVoK.ltAKP itrLYt22f J882.'' j Cotton ashorei 414 ; afloat, 58 ; total 472. ., - ' : .' ' v ' " , Spirits ashore, 1,995 ; afloat, 4,1 14 ; to? ia in iall . - tai, b,10y. ; ;, - , : A young man named Julian Boyd, A tlu sTSr ' ? m Tar ashore, , 3,872; afloat, 303; total, 4,175. Telegraphic lire vlties. Thomas K earns, of Troy. N. Y., aged II. weight 174 pounds, with no fighting record, has challenged 'Tus: Wilson" to fight for $2,000 or less. was waylaid near Thompson, da., yes terday, while riding through the woods, and fatally shot. Suspicion wa3 direct ed to three brothers named Martin, whose sitter charged Boyd with seduc ing her, and warrants for their .arrest have been issued. - In the case of the 6 negroes who were ran over and killed on theDe Soto Kail- road yesterday morning the coroner clf ho would give; if it was otherwise, jury, after a careful investigation, finds no blame attaching to any person or persons for the accident except the un fortunate victims. A Special to the Jacksonville Fla., Un ion, from Palatka, says, fire broke out at 830. Monday night which destroyed the store of B. L. Lienthal and the office of the. Putnam Co. Journal Several persons narrowly escaped with their lives. j i HOUSK. The Spoiler aumxioccd the regular tirdfi of busines to b tle further con deration of the bill allowing drawback upon imported material used in connec- Unn witn nomesuc maieruus ia tac contrnction if steam sail ves- !clfor foreign accounts andthepend ?nr question to bo tho motion of Mr. Kel!v. of Pa., to recommit the bill to the committee on ways and means. . . Mr Tucker made another effort to amend but failed, and Mr K el ley's mo- tioato fcormimit was agreed to: ayes 100;nays80. A concurrent resolution was adopted for printing 300,000 cop ies of the agncnltnral report. The report of tho conference commit tee on tho river and harbor bill was presented, ami after a short debate was rejected. Mr. Strait, of Minn., moved to reconsider and Mr. Cox. ot N. i moved to lay the motion on tho table. pending which the friends of the bill as It now stand, mustered their forces and at 4 :30 carried an adjournment. The conference report will come rrp to morrow upon a motion to reconsider. NETf YORK. Tli Strike Troubles In Cohoes. By Ttfegraph to the KeTlew. CouoES. N Y Night. Tha Har- mosr MillJ Co. has assumed the ag gressive against the striking' employees. To-day. one of tho leading strikers, named Delhanty, was ejected from the Company's tenement for arrears of rent, ana notices of similar action in other cases have been served. The op eratives received, to-day, a largd remit tance from the Rochester Labor Union and a promise of $8,000, weekly, from New York Trade Assembly. Tho first bitterness since the .Inauguration of the strike is becoming manifest. Bach day takes its anota or families to other pas-' tarts It It said the Harmony, notwith standing denials, have contracted with ths Iain an steamship company for 25 Swedish families, to take the place of strikers, as an experiment. Indications. For the Sooth Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather, occasional rain, winds mostly easterly, stationary tem poral urc ana pressure. Sell Bros., of Media ni. X. Y.. hereto Tore in high repute as merchants, have been delected in yictnatic forgeries and arrested. TTiey were selling agri cultural implements and taking far mers notes In payment. These they would duplicate and triplicate and dis pose of tho papers at a discount. The evidence t goiast them is overwhelming. ic would hold last to that which was his uuu. So. absolutely so. in the mat er in hand. Let 1 it bo under stood and felt by all who hold place un Icr me, that whichever way they take hey may take it unmolested by me. therefore. I say as 1 mean, and I wil do as I say. Tho House Election Committee to lay adjourned until tho first Tuesday ii December. I his postpones, action on tho following contested cases unit next winter: Cook vs. Cutis, from the 0th district of Iowa: Buchanan vs. Manning from the 2nd district of Miss. ljce vs. Richardson from tho 1st distric ofS. C, and Tessinglians vs. Frost from the 3ad district ot Mo. V FOREIGN NEWS. LoxDOX, July 25. Night. The cor respondent of Renter's Telegram Co a: Alexandria, says the official journal o the Khedive contains a proclamation dismissing Arabi fas ha from the minis try. - ! The Inspector of Cadastra at Tantah, speaking of the massacree there, says: I saw women carrying.tied to bludgeons, the dismembered arms and legs of mas- sacreed Europeans. The soldiers and rabble fought for tho loot. A Bedonin Shiek with twenty Bedouins, saved tho inhabitantsof the Jewish quarters and took them to his t village. '.Another Stuck saved myself And party. "The mob from Alexandria Imurdered . three cnrployef Cadastra and their families, and burnt their bodies with petroleum. . r ax Aua j my ie. Thomas uuarda. who has presided over the destinies mf the Republic of Costa Rica for nearly three years, died on the 7th Inst. His death had been expected some months. r . K t rr -v . ii i'Auiuu, uuno i igui a. small box which was sent from Granada for Sen or Sajrosta Pnme Minister, on being opened, was found to contain nitro glycerine. Several persons have been arrested on suspicion or bejng connected with sending tho box. Loxdox, Jnly 25 Night. In the House of Commons this p. m debate was resumed on the motion for the vote of credit for the force for EcvnL Sir Charles Dilke, Under Foreign Sec retary, said the Khedive had tho sup port of the most respectable part of the native population. The Government desired, after relieving the people of Arabi Pasha.s tyranny ,to leave them to manage their own afiairs. The high est authorities thought that a three' months1, vote, which was the time the sum now asked for was ' expected to last, would bo sufficient. Sir Wilfred La wson violently condemned the vote. T T -1 er l i J ' . l to the Exchanro Telesraph Company. dated Alexandria, 10 a. m. says: The I m-m. . 1 : & A. 1. A l T . T m miijiMTJwiQonuo aro oi uo opmion that Arab! Pasha will not attack tho Bntish. Helis, however, strengthening L!. i i - . . . , . i u pouuon nouriy. i ua jtrcaK uiis morning his men. many of them with out uniforms and driven liko slaves, were seen working on entrenchments. The British experienced great difliaulty in moving the guns to Ramleh, with out which it is impossible to i assume tho ofiensive. Directly a sufficient number of heavy guns are placed in positioa, an tUeapt will ba csdsto -- - -1 . r DOMESTIC MARKETS. Bj Telegraph to Dally Review ! FINANCIAL. New York. July 25; Night. Ster ing exchange 485. Governments weak er and 14 lower; new lived 1013; new four and .a half per cents,, 1111 ; new four per .cents 120j ; money 3 to 2i. State bonds dull and lower. : ; ,"; . comhkrclax.. 1 '; ; Cotton steady: sales 2.275 bales : Ud- tanas 14; urieans 13; consolidated net receipU 1,620 bales ; exportsto Great Britain 2,989. ' ,,, . Flniir. RniltVlrtl dull nnrl lionnr. common to fair extra $5. 10 $6; good settlod and feverish, ojxjning stronger, but ailerwards wealcened and declined 1C24, closins: firmer arain above inside price : .No.' 2 sprinir S1.15: un graded Ted $11.17; No. 2 red, July 5 1. laci. i7i August S1.134U151. jorn, sji, 401 better; ungraded 82 84i; No. 2, 83184i; No, 3 Jnly 83; Aueusi uats. casb nmi Jniv held firm; late deliveries 121 lower and m fair demand; No. 3, 65; do. White 43. -Cofiee firmer and .a met. fifr11nl1 ttrirl nnnlononi) foSv i -1 uu. nuu uuvudligCU , IL vu reunrnz. i57tf : rennea auiet and steady Molasses quiet and steady and - mi- changed, and trade- quiet. Rice un changed andfquiet. Rosin steady at $1.90fi2. Spirits turpentine dull and lower at 45. fork heavy ; sales mess, spot, at $2 L for old ; $22 for new ; Aug ust quoted $21.10a$21.25: middles scarce and nominal r long clear $13. Lard opened rather easier, but WAS afterwards strong and advanced 57A.' closing weaker again ; sales prime steam, 12.99; August 12.7512.85: re fined quoted at 13. . Freights to Liver pool, cotton, steam. 3-325-32d. Whet 5jd. Cotton net receipts. 168: cross re ceipts 1.198 bales. Futures closed steady Sales 66,000. . July 12.75 ; August 12. 7412.75: September 12.54: October 11.97C1I.93: November n.79aii fin? December 1 1.80411.81 : January 11191 OU.92: February 12.03X8 12.01: March 12.14A 12.16; April 12&ai28. CmoLGO. July 24. Nip-Iitl vion dull and unchanged; wheat No 2 red wintcr,:in? fair demand -bnt lower at SI 03 cash, and July; No 2, Chicazo spnng: dull and nominal at and July; regular, unsettled but gener ally lower, as $i.ujhjujy; Corn unset tled and generally: higher at -77 j 77 cashand July; 76576J An. Oatsngood demand at full prices, cash, 541 Ju ly; 381 August.' Pork- unsettled and generallv higher at S21 10 '$31.15 cash; $21.10 July ajid August: 1 Lard un settled and generally lower, at 12oe ix-Acasnana August. -, lialk meats. Crude ashore, 957 i ..' ; .. . RECEIPTS FOR' THE" WEEK ENDING JULY 22. j Cotton, i 123; spirits, '3,688; 5 rosin j 10,587; tar, 148; cnlde 2,2941- !'' ';; EXPORTS FOR TIIE . . WEEK ENDING JULT 22. 1 ; . - : ' DOMESTIC. , ; Cotton, 61; spirits, 1,425; rosin, 3,860; tar,. 403; crude, 20. . FOREIGN. ' ;. Spirits, 1 989 ; j rosip, 4,788, j - The Public TZTULtUd cc refiiSy td notice Cl new ttrut cnlarsra ten f me toee araicn Mtnuwg. . . . . t "Capital irizc 8r5,OO0J3 Tickets only Shares in pro- ; . portion. I Louisiana State Lottery Company. , Iucorporatcl in LSGS fir 2." ycurs bj the Icg uintnn fnv K4luc.1tiuu.Hl ami Charitable pnr ixses with a capital of ?1,000,XXV to wliKh a reserve nui'i 01 swu : una nw By an overwhelming pomilai rote its fran chise was made-a part of the present Stat Constitution adoptcA December 2I, A. D..1S79. The only lottery eT voted on .ajul endorsed by the people of any htnic. it never acritei or pontjwne. its Graji Sr-GtT: Number Drawings take place mouOiiy.fjs ? - y ' .!.;!it FORTUNE. Eiglrth Graml Drawing, Olasu II, at New Orleans, Toc?lay, Augast St 1S2 147th Monthly Drawing. - . Iiook at the followinar Scheme. nnler the exclusive supervision and nianagcment of.-5 Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louis ianaand Gen. JURAL, A. EARLY, of Virginia, . ''. who ra ana ire all the drawings of tlds Comiwiny, both ocdikarit and semi-annual, and attest, the correctness of the published Oflicial JLsts. Capital Prize, $75,000, IOO.OOO Tickets at Five Hol lars Kacli. l'ractions in utns in proportion. " j .. ,;-.MLfeT OF PRIZES. t?i?) I Capital Prize , of...... .......... ,75,000 1 Capital Priz6 ,of . .-. .. . , .. . ... . . .. . ... 5,000 l Capital Prize of. ; : . : :; . -. 10,000 s Prizes of $8)00.;.. 12,000 5 Prizes of ; 2,000.. ..i.i. '10.000 1,000........ j. 10,000 500. . :-. ; . . . . . ..v 10)00 100, , i ...... i i.. i v 50,000 aa, 25,000 ! 25.,.;,-.:.v;..:,..:. 25,000 , 10 Prizes of 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of S00 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 000 Prizes of APPROXIMATIOK PHIZES. 9 ApproximatioH Prizes of $750. 6,750 4,500 i 1,1250 ,967 Prizes, amounting to. . . . . . ... . $265,500 AtTication for rates to clubs should onlv be made to the office of the Company in New Or leans. .' .'i. ! ; :. ;. For further information, write clearly, gir- ng run address: send orders wr jescpress. Registered IetteT, or Money Order addressed oniy to J i1 or M.:'A DAUPHIN,-: M. A. DAUPHIN, ' New Orleans, La. - 07 Seventh SC. Washlnsrton. JX N, B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will receive prompt attention. . '-, r ' ttiyia-vred-sai-w-aatw O ran eres ! Oranges I illSCELDANEOUS; SUiniEIl GOODS ! AX X " ' "Jr.,; ' : , v , . , . XIARKET STREET Extraordinary ' Bargains j DRESSGOODSJ U.T1IE ITESTN0TELTIE3 air felted tpnt :i Buntings, all wool Bebres. I-if? Percald, Ac- Krerso many, EtTkii with Trimmings to match.- - J-? In jYcr Piiuc .White Goods ,irfmbrQideri(3e . : . Laces W A . . ' and sold as special lob! ,Ts , boiht - :r GLOVES ! i HOSIEEY ! ' CORSETS ! 4 . A. I I y 7 I , FANS, PARaIoLS. Ill endlcas rarlety and AstottUMoj LowfSu. Linen a cotton snrztiKds.DAiusri 9 A CHILDREPfi dim ERINQUNCERWEAR. I nrthhiff dea.rable-'for an ttflt, that daf v rnmiiftdHnn Call and save money by patronizing -june 18 ukv-l. n E HAVE A SaiAl.Ii LOT Of AS LADIES'-GENTS' on. In short eve: and at Prices 29 MARKET ST. Fine' Oranges as You want, for! sale cheap by Crapon ;& Pickett WHOLESALE- AND MISCELLANEOUS, o i 1 r . f " " J t t'u- mi RETAIL GROCERS, T HAVE 'TOST! M lot of noweM.rI am redncinr mr atdcr'of Fans, Parasols and other Fane j Goods at tcr low-prices stock. 4, v to make .1 -, . i'J- July 13v"t. ;i& aria 18 South Front Street, r r room for the-first ?FU i toil ;cn.'ir mss hikarbo, CAN BE COIED! : , f I '. ; " AN BARBER AND ,;?W r-7' J 'Hb- rtt! HOT. PRACTjCATij ; '.GERMAN BARBER .jiND mm m m m ! . ; ; ' . , ' r- .7 i : PERFUMER, CQISffHPTIOR tn. 1 inuuciua, jrvncniai JLJimcaiuesr UIIIIIICI liai IMUIGII e .0 9 M L'ronp.lTIioopinff Congrh, and all Dis ; .1 eases or the Breatliinsr Orsrans. Ii soothes and heals the Membrane ol 29 MARKET ST., WILMINGTON,' N. C. l MANUFACTURER OF PARISIAN "BRDLr iXL' lanthie, Ixlction and LuslonJ Also,: Ex-" tracts, Colojrnes, BcauUlier; Hair Oils. Tonics. . A 9 Mr-m ' . . w Kcncwer, ii,enoTaior. iiunsranan. Ajosmeuc hand Hair Dyes of every shade.4 i r .bcg to fciforni-tlm public that I' can i be found at Mr, John Werner's, : prepared to wait upon all wlio iavQr mo with a caJl. iv , : JmayI2 r JAMES H:GARRA WAY Wilmingtori.'N; Ci 1 JM. SCHLOSS, j Ptoi).?k ,; g.fe ASS IN EVERY RESPECT,, a t T ' Vr,S.3 v.r BarjandIlXIAiHi'sill g t:? r tin: f i.'g-tsa :?f'v'.V R : M- i" ixjftaS'i i:5ta i-4 0 111 a -o 00 me junngs, lniiamea ana poisoned by the disease, send prevents the nieht- sweats and tigrhtness across the chest which accompany: It . CONSUHP TI0N is not an incurable inaladj. ! It is only necessarj to hare tho rizht remedj, and IIALLS ftALSAM is that remedj. iDONTP.tDESPAIB Of EE LXEP, tcr this Tjcnlpy : specific will cure yon, cfen though professional THIRST-CLASS l? ... LOON ATTACHED. fj CD ' J! "S V". a 3l 27, Wilmington Shirt Factory U S 'S aid fails. HENRY'S ATos Tow erfiU Healing r Oin?- , tnent ana Disinfectant ever XHscoverecL ' - " Henry' Carbollet Scare healehvm. '. i Jlenry'm Carbolic Salve trure mom. " Henry 'm Carbolic Salve allay pain - ' jr?M-y' Carbll Salee e-urts eruptions. Henry' Carbolic Balm heal pimple. Henry' Carbolic Salve heal bruise.' A2cror Henrys and dm bo other. ' VST BEWARE OF CO Cthoonlyone ln the State) No. 27 Market St.' J. ELSBACH, Proprietor, j, f. t rpHE ABOVE FACTORY . la ready now to JUiP0"" .-; the public grreat Inducement In w mte eniru ao tne rouowtng low prices: k The vyuunwa , omn open oacE voc : ? Co. open . s r-r. KucTR - jwpiuitr onrns we fiare sold hundreds of dozens hi the cAtv. ' j In the country, and therefore Is well known to . I the public, and need no comments. The "Rov- flOc BoVs Shirts all sizes, 75c-. Night Shirts 1 5c Coi. Dress Shirts front 25c and upwards Cotton Drawers froni 25c' upwards. Hervy Jeans Drawers, double lined on the seat, C0c Shirts and Drawers made to, order at low fie- .llOUJltr3r ordcra strictly attended to. These articles, whieh we now oUfer for sale are made up at home by well trained and; long expert enced luutds and no northern make can equal in sizes, flt and quality. These Shirts are all remforcod and cut lentghways the loth, thor ohly examined 2 before being put in stock. tuwry omn guaranteed U -fit. and war- O GO ..eS w a rfS r1 .3 1 i) ..ti a u I S : ''Bless the .Babies" ! ABY CARRIAGxS .AND Lunch ! Jj-ERCHANTS AND CLERKS WHO WTLL close business ' heraiftv find a 1 1 ranpl as represented or the money will be re-1 I xundea. Come atm! uvA mAnm on.l. w j umj JVU1 Shirts at the factory. v.v-; rvs rr-i-- ' i i ; : Yex7 Respectfully - Manufacturer. B tors in full stock: "largo Yarletr toF t ..: - ;;t-, ',L '. ; ALSO, : - FURNITURE K Or ALE DESCX3fII?S . -. . . . . ,- . j J . - of all styles and , at all prices. a June 18. ' '-i-- 1 -Korth FrcaV sSi June 18 A;MewLot . . . !., i t i i 1 1 r t i i i ,- t i i I ( 1 ! . SPLENDID Erery day fatSCinjTTE - Besfr the fnarke' aflbrds and prices Very reasonable.- ; . . ' r :3L sale low. I hare full lines pf Trunks and Ya i GOOD WORK I ' LUNCH .-.f. ;T" ;t ' .i t;r;j rvir. i '.net' J iT frnrl v , - - Uses at prices tosuit the times. r . . 't .. . . ' .. ' Repairing executed neatly ant! with dis- jnne 18U F. A. SCUUTTE, j . ' , - -Proprietor. patch. IT . n. steady and unchanged. -WMsfcey gtcadv MALLARDr- pBtmdingSpeQia T frHmW&3vr and KACDCG BOATS,, Best of msirtl h H . r V , ' V H toconstractsiichadrawiS,Mfr: ricesjnodera Glreme trial, i;-, . : Tithe Northeast branch of thetaperea? aTwUl i ' Successor to Mallarvf A Rii4m' .' 5 " -m-iry V BMf) P?!?8 y-ti , ;KJj ;fr Ko. S Front Street. T3.RBRnx;ERssa " u irresiaenz iviiminsrtAtk t t, 3IU: Pleaee take notice, that we require vnn Ascertain prices at my ofice Ing your TOUNTINO done elsewhere, w JO-Work earef nil done or perwM out of the dt. and sent to' thed fr ofnostafo. E. Cor.'Chestnotand Waler.St,WRndBX- 'vjJTrWi WEEKS.: -.: finttiTille, . c. Y .Am QLDINTWSPAPEia. w , ' i - ' - . .

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