Tins tapkk . bcsbl every etcalBg. Sunday ex- ceyted by josht. j amiss , .PITOB AM FBOFEXITOB. ,rtV4 POSTAGE PAID: . ru-k Six months, $2.00. xtiree rear ' ,h 1.00: One momn, aj ccuuj. will be delivered by carriers free curWr i P1 of 1116 at thC abVe .um or iwuu Advertising... ,, f,il. v lveftlsing rates low and llbei Subscribers win report any receive their paper regularly, htjt the. lament rJf 1 nc xuwy iiei - i , a fide circulation, of any newspaper , .. fJ.lhd. in the city of Wilmington. j . -LoSTA packet book contain?; Vit5 The finder will be -liberally ; -. w.i l iiv iru i iua -- - " - - t kvt Street, wuu feb 5 It A. E. Blake. " The State of California is practically j nut rf debt- I Mile. Rhea ha? achieved a verydecid- el succe?3 in Xew Orleans. r Salini Morse names next Saturday, the 10th, as the date fdr hisoutrage npoa the community. There were four planets known at : .. . A t.. the besinninx ot this century, ami u.u number has grown to 225. j . ! l)r. Hewson states that the common j jind can communicate the disease. .. . A Pennsylvania lyceum is discussing this resolution : "That the lack of huinur in the pulpit is injurious to true religious ; progress." - (ien. Gordon is backing a bill in the Florida legislature of the far-reaching title of "The International Railroad and Steamship Company." The bitter Senatorial' contests tha1 were ia Nebraska, Michigan,'-Color-ado and Minnesota, will tend to weaken tho Republican party in those States.' t : Clippings of sole leather, formerly wasted -in the New Englsnd shoe fac tories, are now used in tho maniifac-, ture of buttons and fancy tack heads. The Archbishop of Paris has ordered Christian burial to be refused to per sons killed in a duel. lie has thus struck a severe blow to that relic of barbarism. , Professor Poufick, of Berlin, find3, by experiment, that all edible mush rooms aro naturally poisonous, the poison being removed "in the cooking and left, in the watr in which they are boiled. We find in the News and Observer the following synopsis of tho a intro duced by Mr. Boykjn, Senator from Sampson county: A majority of the committee on the railroad commission have agreed to report favorably tho Boykin bill, with certain ameudments. A minority re port will be submitted. The-commit-tee met in the "private secretary's oftice yesterday and came to their conclusion after a long session. The Boykin bill provides for three commissioners to be elected by the General Assembly, at a salary of $3,000, to be paid out of the State Treasury, which will be reim bursed by an assessment :by tho au ditor upon tho gross earnings of the different railroads. The commissioners elect a clerk and proscribe. his duties. His salary is $1,300. The term of oftice is four years. The commissioners have the right to superintend, regulate and control railroads and to prevent unjust and unreasonable discriminations. They fix a time schedule for the roads, have the power, and it is their duty to investigate all accidents, &c. Jleport to tho General Assembly. They have ngenoral supervising power over the roads. ' ' ' . The bill should be entitled "an act to throttle enterprise, to ODen wide the i door for corruption and abuse, to cs- tiililUh an nntrvwm hnrn to mnVa I emoluments of their offices One would think, to read the above report, that railroad authorities were no better than common marauders, that nobody ow in railroad in employ had sense enough to make up a proper time sched ule; ami that tue engineers ana con-. ductors on the various lines were in tho .the railroads pay for their own undoing lawyer ot Augusta, l,a , and Col. V eil, and to deprive the county coroners in j of Atlanta, an ex-member of the Gcor North Carolina of .the benefits amlJSia' legislature, both 4 at the Pnrcell habit every day of running over and , Cuoss, lot GGxSGJ, to James Madden knocking people to pieces just for thct;)r ,150; vacant, lot adjoining and mere fun of the thing. "j South of above 50x4; to Al G. Ricand The aesthetic movement in Eng j'for $4o; . , -? land has entirely died out. because lt with dwelling thereoiy South of well because people think there is more j and adjoining above 634x8(41, to John good common sense in taking a bottle shehatn lor $1,050; three- brick stores, of Dr. Bull's Cough byrup than in car- , nri i v-.,,, J.i . rvinra lilv corner Led Cross and N utt streets, 63x .V , 8 Ji feet, to .M.J. O'Brien for ;$4, 150; Tho celebrated Flsh Brand' Gills lot South of and adjoining above with uiu vutj j ware Depot. PIANOS & ORGANS FROM ALL TITB Best Manufacturers in -the Country, M)T,D FOR CASH Oil ON T1IE MONTniA INSTALMENT PLAN, AT HEINSBERGER'S, tbjs Live Book and Music Store 1 1 -I 1LJ VIII. V I LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. E. Blake Lost Yates ScLoM BofltHf Ac NoiicEr-Ex-Confederates Mods Bros Garde if SceA OPBRA lloctsE JtenU Santley j W H Gkeex Drugs, "Medicine P L BaiDGEHS & Co-Bay Your IlEissBEnGEK Pianos and Organs Oi'ER.v.ITorsn TIumity-Dampty Co TTEKBOCRG-Eed Flag Slaughter ?ale KcRcnxER & Calder Bros Groceries " The receipts of cotton at this port to-day loot up T07' bales. Silver Plated Spoons and Fbrks, low piices, at Jacobins. We are sovry to hear that Ml . ....... Mr.(J)utt win not exnioii lus panorama in our city again at resenti ITe will leave to-morrow and will exhibit in Goids- boro Qn Thursd n5 ,jt ; , For Pocket Knives dr -Tabid Cutlery, j So to A Aconrs llardvyare Depot, f .Exports i ForeijrnL Brig Antelope, Capt. Curtis, cleared j to-day for Matanzas, Cuba, with 533 empty molasses hogsheads,1! 37 empty tierces and 100 empty barrels, valued at $916.25, shipped by! Messrs Worth & Worth. . Back Home. Ex-Mayor Fishblatc, who has been absent for two mont is past at the me was spent in North, most of which; ti New York City, on a! V isit which. corn- bined business with pleasure, has re turned to the city looking, we are pleas ed to observe, quite well and' strong again. Southern Huniptyj Ouinpty. Tho performance Thursday night will be good, and the music excellent and w-e hope our people will encourage home entertainments and go to see the show. There will be ajfree Wire per- formance in front of tho -Opera j House before the doors are open, cents and 25 cents. . j Prices 50 A Call to I5e Heeded. Particular attention Ii3 directed to the call published elsewhqrc for a meeting of ex-Confederates to! be .held at the Court House on Wednesday evening, for the purpose of forming an associa tion for the relief of sick and disabled comrades. This is a duty which has been postponed for too iong already, and we trust that the call may be promptly met by those residents of this city and section whose proudest boast it is that they were soldiers in the Lost Cause. Personal 1 Among the delegates here already for attendance onjLhe meeting of theDis- trict Grand Lodge ofthc I O. B. B. we note tho following: Col. Martin lmerich, of Baltimore, an ox-membcr of the Legislature of that State and at present a member of Gov.. Hamilton's slaff who is theguest of ex-Mayor Fishblatc. j 1 Hon: Simon Wolf,! of Washington P. C, U. S. Minister to Egypt, the guest of Mr. F. Uhcinstein.! Air. Win. Lowcnstein, of; Richmond, a State Senator in the Legislature ot Virginia, at the Pitrcell House Messrs John J. Cohen j a, prominent House. Sale of Real Estate. Mr. F. n. Darby. Commissioner, sold at auction this raorning tho fol- lowing properties, under a decree of I sale made by the Superior Court: The Planner residence, brick d well- -wgt 'e$t side of Front street, near Red several o;ti iramc ouiiuinss tnereoD. 1844 feet on Nutt street with a uniform depth of 60) feet, was .subdivided into S3 ven .' portions and sold to 'various parties for an aggregate of $2,885. The terms of the sale were one-third cash.balar.ee in G anil 12 montlis. Specialty of Military , and Fire men's .ShifUi. ! Messrs. A. Sf I. Shrier are making a specialty ot intrcxiuctng "toe; Military ! and firemen mrts o the same styles I as worn by New York j Companies. Satuplas and prices can be seen by call iog at A, & I. Siiuier's. Clothing house: f WILMINGTON. N. C MONDAY, FEBRUARY Commissioner's Meetinsr.- Th Be oard of County Commissioner's of New Hanover County met in regular session in their room adjoing the Court House at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon ; Present Mr. II. A. Bagg, I chairmant j and Messrs. Roger Moore, James a. Mongotnery, E. L. Peace, and B. G. Worth, Commissioners, j ' The minutes of the last meeting were! read and approved. The Treasurer submitted his report for the month of January, the gener al fund showing a balance on hand of $28,198.58, and exhibited 23 bonds' of $100 each, one bond of $500, ten cou pons of $8 ea,ch and two coupons of $15 each, and said bonds and coupons were burned in the nresence of . t!e Board. The educational fund showed a balance on hand of $17,600.37. The Register of Deeds submitted his report of receipts from marriage li cense for the month of January ?show- ing the same to be $13J30, Knd exhibit ed the Treasurer's receipt for the same. John n. Savage, superintendent elect of the Por House, exhibited his official bond in the sum of $'1,000, with Jphu Hi Strauss, Wm. Larkins, L. II. hBowden and J. R. Melton as ! sureties and his official bond .as superintendent of the House of Correctionj in the sum of $500,.with J. H. Strauss.-, and Wm. Larkins as sureties, which bonds were approved, registered and ordered filed. . .J . J. H. Horn, 'a magistrate of Jhe countj made his annual report which was received, entered on; tho records of official reports and filed. B, F. Bryant was elected constable of Haruett township. . J. W. Millis was elected constable to fill the vacancy in Cape. Fear, towD ship. The Board then adjourned, subject to the call of the Chairman! - After the adjournment of the Board of County Commissioners, this after noon, the Board of Education was con vened and wasstili in session when our report closed.) 1 . The Royal Arcauum. We have received from , Mr. B. A. Hallet, Secretary of Cornelius Harnett Council, No. 231, Royal Arcanum, his report on the Fourth Anniversary pfthe Council, held on the 0th tilt. It makes a very flatteringjexhibit. We clip somewhat from the report as follows : In my last report the membership of the Order was 33.078, in 632 Councils, while t-day it is 726 Councils and 40, 361 members a gaki of 94 Councils, and 7,183 members ; over and above all lo3SC3 from deaths and suspensions in the past year. r ; There have been 1 230 deaths during the year, equal to a death rate of 3-5 of one per cent., or G deaths to the Ihou sandon tho averaged membership for the year. The amount expended to pay the Benefits on these deaths was $673, 500 making the total amount paid since the organization of the Order, on the 580 deaths that have occurred, the large sum of & 1,725,000, all of which has been paid with forty days after proof of death was furnished, and without litigation in a single instance. In several instan ces, however, the Benefit has been turn ed over to the courts when there was litisration among the beneficiaries. 'There have been but ten Assessments called during the past year, which is the same number reported on last Anni versary VahdJihink we may confident ly rely on there being no material in crease in the future, so long as the Or der shall continue to make a gain of 7,000 new lives annually. -! lTXal B'Rith. The annual seesion of the Uistrict Grand Lodge of the Independent order of B'Nai B'Eith will convene in this city to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock. Quite a number of Selegates ' have' a! ready arrived and many others are ex pec ted liere fcvnlght and to-morrow morning.; It is expected that the at tendance will be very large and that the occasion will bean unusually interest ing one.';- - J ; j Our e wish Jlriends will extend to their visitors a very, cordial welcome and will do all that within them lids to render their visit a pleasant one. . Among tlie enterlamments offered will be a complimentary ball and ban quet, to take place at Germania Hall oa Wednesday evening next. We have before us one of tho programmes issued for the occcasion and it is a handsome affair. The order of dances is as follows: JIarch,,quadrillc.waltz, polka, lanciers, wait j quadrille lanciera ; banqiret ; waltz and racquet,' "quadrille, polka, schottish, lancier. waltz,' quadrille, galop; good morning. The names of Messrs J. I. Macks, Chairman, S. Solomon, H. - Brunhild Wm. Good man. Nathan Mayer, S. H. Fishblatc and F. Rheinstein appear as the general committee of arrangements; Nathan fMajer. as master of, jceremonies. : and E. J. Strouse, LI Brhrihild and Isaac Bear, as floor, managers.- Messrs ; B Goodman, M. Now man. J. j Greeoc wald and Samuel Bear, Jr., constitute r NEy ADVERTISEMENTS OPERA HOUSE. ' -o .-, i Thursday Night, February 8th . o i .THE NEW SOUTHERN HUMPTY-DUMPTY CO., ! -i . Will make tbeir Flrt Appearance, j !' NEW THICKS ! I NEW" MUSIC! '. 1 . f ' - . NKW VERSION ! NEW SPECIALTIES I Seats 30c,'at Djer'a; Childern 2.V;' Gallery 23c. ' I feb 5-3t-ni-v OPERA HOUSE. . o FKI AX, FEBRRARY !th. AMKCICA'3 STANDARD ATTRACTION The Justly Celebrated RENTZr SANTLE Y ! Novelty & Burlesque Co. Absolutely the Most Brilliant, Novel ami At tractive Entertainment in the World. Positive IFrodaction . of the NEW GREAT ; W - ;bcblesqtje, r? The: Daughter's Banker, Replete with Senational Effects, Charm. Ihg Music and Magniiicent Costame?. . .' . o Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, $1. Scats secure 1 at Dyer's ; Wednesday. " feb 5-3 1 mon-wed th Notice. A LL EX-CONFEDERATES WHO FEEL an interest in tho formation of an Association for the relief of all sick and disabled comrades who may require assistance, will please meet ,-j;r - f ' at the Court IJouse on Wednesday evening, 9Ui Inst., at 8 o'clock. JAMES L METTS, li. M. HOUSTON, JOSIAn MERUIT T. . Committee. feb O. W. YATES - gCHOOL BOOKS, ULASK BOOKS, STATIONERY, TRAME3, FANCY" GOODS, . . . WRAPPING; PAPER, j . PAPER BAGS. AYomplcte assortment Sentimental Valen tines "I . ! I feb o BUY YOUR Hams J Tongues, and ' i Breakftist Strips, RYE, AND GRAHAM FLOUR J N. O. MOLASSES, &c, &c. Th6 Very1 Best Mackerel that can be purchased anywhere. CHEESE, Of varions kinds Imported and Domestic, 't , ' X Cream, Doteh Headi Sap Sago, Neufch r atel, Pino Apple, FROM P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. I feb 5 - -jx : -i .:' AJew Restaurant, i i i - THE, UN DERS IGNED WOULD BESPECT1 fully announce that he baa just fitted np at No 3, Granite Row, South Front sL, a restaurant for Ladles and Gentlemen, where meals ana! refreshments may be had at all boors of th t - . .- , - day. Everything Is new and first class. Po - - . r " Ute waiters and courteous attendants. 7Game and Oysters In ' season. fFlne Wmes, Liquors tidjClsarvS. V ? , f wrr is ' ' isH scmrrxi. Prop. I tma eeutiv v-mxxj tot tM atwT ij4m; n its 8N tlwsaaatts ot nm of the vmt Sioa ssa cc m telaccr, tbst I wlU MWd TWO BOTTUES fke. f Mte wlUi m ; VAXUA&LB TSX1TISS a tbi saTSfiSasc. MvXx7o4r.XadJrss. 5, 1883. NO. 32 j NEW AnrERTISEIENTS. Otterbourg, W1U conUnue his RED FLAG SLAUGHTER 8ALE several i- weeks longer. ; Parties will un derstand that! Goods are not now sold according to' thdr original value, but at almost any figure to turn same into money. In regular season wc adhere strictly to the ONE 1 i ' i PRICEST,STEM,trcating every one alike, bu t now prices range accordiDgV" quantity on band. Where wc have onl;r one suit of a kind left, wo frequently close it ou,t at a 1 ss ;!tlnVis es sential. We consideijit a ques tion of luck to' fit, ahd at the same time gratify the taste of a patron, where" only one of a kind remains in stock. When the opportunity presents Itself wo invariably take advantage of the sale. An, examination of stock i solicited. MEN'S' WEAR DEPOT. ' i North Front Sr. j feb 5 Molasses, Flour, Salt, &c. QQ Hhds New Crop Cuba Mpi.jsse, 25 niids Porto Kioo Mobsies, 200 libls Cuba and Porto Kico Molasses, j 200 Bbls Bob White FJour, ! 2'5 do Bell Mill do 250 do Park Mills di 125 do Monarch do 50t0 Sacks Liverpool fait, 25 Boxes D 5 bi les, 50 Buckets Lard, I 50 lib's C, ExC and Gran. Sugar, f 100 liars Coffee, all grades, 22 BblsEice. . i For sale by ? - ' L . - i feb 5 KERCnNER & CALDER BHOS. otice rprlE BOARD, OF DIRECTORS OF THE BANK OF NEW IIANOVE! have declared a semi-annual dividend of FOUR PER CENT., payable on and after the 8th ins t. j S. 1). WALLA CK, j feb 3-2t , ! j Cashier. Annual Meeting rjlME ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock holders of the Bank of New Hanover will b? held at the . Banking House, In this city, on Thursday, tho tth inaS , at 12 ropn. IS. D. WALLACE, feb 3 2t i i Cashier. Drugs, Medicines gPONGES, FANC GOODS, .PERFUMERY, SUNDRIES?, Ac. For sals by I- . - ' ,i WILLIAM 11. GREEN, ! 1 1 I- feb 3 Market Street Assignee's Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED AS ASS'GNKE un der a deed of trust from George M. I CnT pon. and in pursuance of the provisions there of, will sell at publia auction, for cajh, on Saturtlay, theSith day of I February, the stock of Groceries ami other personal prop erty, conveyed bv said deed and contained in Stores No? jiiand 18, on ' Front Sstreet. Sale will begin at Said store at 11 o'clock, end be continued from day to day until goods arc sold. a: G. HICAUD, feb 3-"?w ; IAs!lance. Positive Bargains N BLEACHED COTTONS, J0 Sburtings, Counterpanes, Table Damask and Towels, White Goods, Hamburg and j Irish Point - . . I " , ' i Trimmings, ' Warner's Coraline, Health, Ab dominal and M. M. Corsets. Also, the best ONE DOLLAR KID GLOVE in the city. JNO. J. HEDRICK. feb 3 1 i U IT If Turpentine Stills a Specialty - ! - -pRICES TOE t KETTLES, , CAPS, ARMS AND WORMS giTen on application. Lowest rates of freight to all points Suth. HART. BAILKY & CO., i Iron Foundry, Machlro & Copjer Work. ! jap?4- f AVlimintton. N. CU LYON&HEALY State & Ucaroe Sts..Cb!ca50. HMUBRt CWiU, txiimt r-ma'n. 0-Lrm, M iiffah. Vi" tTfr-t Isktractiaa v4 E- V WC1 la t PLEASE NOTICE. I We will be glad to receive ccaaaualcatioa jirome-ur friends oa any md all sub J sett ol central lateral bm'., :. .!..'; ': j nbhcd to tho Editor. '' ' I' I OsmmnnlcaUops most bo wrlttsa oa j one aide of the paper. j Personalities must be avoided.; h ' And It Is especially aad paxtlcalaxly aadex stood that the Editor does not always endotso the views of correspondents unless so stated In the editorial coluransy .... NEW ADVEKTISMEN8. Notice. T HAVE THIS DAY SOLD ALL terest In tho firm of Charles . Smlt to Mr. S. J. Powers. - .r:;.-i CHAS. If. SMITH. VUmlngton, N. C, Feb 2, 10U t ' T HE FIRM OF CHARLES E, SMITH Jt CO., is this day diaolved by xnutsal consent. Mr. R. J. Pswers Is alone antaorlzed to eol- 1 '.'' I . . - 1 : lect all debts doe the firm and sljn In Xlqsida Uoa.' . CHAS. KL SMITn. ' . . - . k. j, rowxits.. i . Wilmington, N. C., Feb. S, I&S3. j : JJAVING SOLD TO MR. E. J. POWERS my interest In the firm of Chas. E. SmlA A Co., I solicit for him a contluuancc of tho pat ronage of my.frieudd and former customers. ...-:' .'I . 1 . : i -i - : . i CHAS. E. SMITH. Wilmington, N. C. Feb 2, 1 feb3tf I Seasonable Godds. yy E OFFER NOW FRESn ArriTSi MOUNTAIN BUTTER, ! CREAM CHEESE, 4 Of EARLY ROSfi SEE POTATOES, NEW ORLE A.NS SUO AR, NEW CROP MOLASSES,' stt 1.300 Bbls. GOOD FLOUR. ' - - r HALL &PEARS ALL feb 2 i. .. ., M i 20,000 ; NEW PEANUT SACKS AND 4 Bnsliel Oat Sacks. tor sale af Willard's. jan 13-tf WILMINGTON, COL & AUGUSTA," WILMINGTON & WELDON, and CAROLINA CENTRAL E. E'X3. "4 . Notice.to Shippers,- rpO INSURE PROMPT DISPATCH OF 1 -: - -- -..i- . . ., u.: - t roljht by these lines, it will be necessary to ' ' -. t ; stop recivlngat l.30elocki P. M' ' - .f . J I. - 1. j ; Merchants and Shi "pert aro requested to conform their deliveries to the strove. TbU rnle takes effect February 8d, 1883. ! .; '- - - . ; ,. By order of tho General Freight AgenU. j W. J. TOPP, ' " Agent W. & W. ahd W. C. & A.Ik E'ds. - T. D. MEASES, , feb 2 8t Agent C. C R. R. GARDEN SEEDS." FRESH LOT OF ALL RIKD of Cab- bageand Turnip Feed, early and late rarle ties; Collard, Beet and Tomato Seed, a large toK and an endless Yanctyiot reas ana lans. retailed at wholesale price try . lV3unds BroG., .Mannracturni2 pnarmaeuu. ; I I 1.491 BROADWAY, NEW YORK,- jan2U V. ' : j . If You Wish to See CAPT. B. J. JACOBS, of Senior Eeserrs notoriety the oldest Saddle and Harness, fte.t maker in Wlhnlng ton, lust call st 1L M. BOW. DEN & CO'S stors and buy a nice lap Robe and aftl other articles in a Saddlery establish mcut, for it is tho place to get them. , : Qjan 23 Brcech-Loaders, ' "PINE BREECB-LOADING 'SHOT-GUNS,. Mtella, Wad, Poirdcr.hot, Csrtrkl? Bays, GunCaxes. Reloading Tol-f Game Bags, Pis tols ail kind. If you want a first-class artt cksoftiie above rood?, anl low ; prices, the satae can lc found st I W. Id. SPRING Kit ft CV Sue tor to rawot A Co., ian 2t I 1 21 and 23 Market Street FANCY LAMPS. SOTllKR 'Ut Jrj4T BECEIVKI. I 1 GILES t MUECf UON, feb 2 Si and 40 MutrbWia BJotJc i PACIFIC; GDANO. Jast receive J and for - ...... j. ti . SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, 1" ASD .,..!:'.'.. J I' Dissolved Bone Phosphate. - ... '! . "I- ! " We never f:sro had the first ronipla-'at Of tiese FcrUlUera not bringiuga pryfliale ercp '1 i Sec onr Couttry A genu. ALEX. SPRUNT X SOX. feb 2-l Aw 2rn CAN'T KEEP T1IEM ! i. - - --- .-. "i !.. -pEOPLE WILL HAVE THOSE STORES. Another lot expoctcL Sen!joar orders. jaa 29. therecepuoa committee. ; feb 3-eodlyd a

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