I t. . J 3 r 5 : i f 1 4 1 5 ;" r'1 " -it 1 '5 in 1 1 M . i , i hi I t I -1 f f'S I.rr -if '4 : - M ! fv, Mi 5 f " I'll tV Mr ill! The Daily Review. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1883 Th rw v.mnn Kh. the. lamest -.wj, bona JUU circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wxlminglon. News and Observer. THE GENEKAX ASSEMBLY. x SENBTK. TWENTY-NINTH DAY. , . Saturday, February 3, 1883. &ir;Black, to require bargainors in conditional sales and delivery of per sonal property where title is retained to record notice of such condition sales. Bill to incorporate the town of "Kill Quick in Edgecombe county. Passed third reading. ;'' Mr Caho asked the suspension of the rules, on tno bill to prevent the erection of artificial islands in the navigable streams ot the Stale. A substitute for the bill, as recommended by the com rjiittce, passed third reading. i Air Caho offered an amendment, "East of the Wilmington and Weldon . and Petersburg and Weldon Hailroad," which was adopted in the bill. Bill to validate the registration of cer tain deeds tor land, passed third read in'. Eill to punish the seduction of wo- men unaer promise oi marriage, mak ing it ft crime and penitentiary offence. (Mr Dortch's bill.) Passed second reading. . - - . H B and S B to amend bill m re gard to the salary of clerk for the city ' ot Wilmington, passed its third read' fog. ' ' Mr Scott, of New Hanover, moved a reconsideration of the 'vote by which the bill m regard to the salary of the clerk for the city of Wilmington passed the third reading. It was reconsidered. He moved to postpone the further con sideration of the bill. Tne Senate SEfooso bill and Senate bill to incor porate the town of Pireway, in the county of Columbus, passed second reading. , . ' . A response from the Treasurer to the - Senate's inquiry as to the money paid for the Capo Fear and Yadkin alley road, stated that, first $30,000 have been paid as part df the appropriation made; second, the State has issued 600,000 of the coupon bonds on ac count of that road; third, the value of the work by convicts on the road, to January 1st, 1883, aggregated to the amount of $107,027.48, this amount notuavable in money, but the first bonds of the company. .' Resolution of request to our Senators j and representatives in Congress as to j soapstone in the State. . j Mr King of Cherokee, expiaiucu -grounds for introducing the resolution. ; The "veins of soapstone in Western "North Carolina have assumed com mercial importance ; it is worth in New - T6rk $40 to $50 a ton; it enters into ; manufacture of paper, of perlumed soaps, of candles. &c, &c. These are miners, teamsters and owners of mines and quarries asking protection.- They would not ask it it they had railroad Mr Dortch offered an amendment, "That our Senators are instructed and our Representatives are requested to use their efforts to abolish the tariff on the necessaries of life or reduce the same to the lowest point nqpessary for the support of the government.'; It was al( referred to tho committee on internal improvements. ' Bill for the protection pf Buoys and Lighthouses, by Mr Caho a substitute as offered bv Mr Pemberton for the r committee, passed third reading. Bill for protection to aids in naviga tion, passed third reading. Bill tor tho protection of shipping, by Mr Scott, of New Hanover, preventing the use of spikes in the end of poles for poling flats. Referred. Bill to revise and consolidate the -public school law. Mr. Pemberton explained that the law as its stands now requires the lay ins; off of township lines, and this amends that they can -consult the convenience of neighbor hoods without regard to township lines. Passed its third reading. ; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr Williamson, pctitiion from the pilots of the port of Wilmington, N. C. Sunday committees reported on " various bills as follows: To prohibit the sale of liquor within three miles of Bethesda church in Satopson county. To more effectually prevent the wrong ful removal of joint fences. To punish the offence of destroying, or breaking, ortPAriner down bridses. An act for the better protection of the estates of deceased persons. To extend the time to redeem land sold for taxes, and bought by tho State. To incorporate tho Raleigh Mail Printing and Publish ing Company Bills introduced, passed their first reading and were referred as follows:- Mr McCotter, to prevent fraud.;. in packing cotton. Mr Bullock, 9 amend section 2S "article 2, of the constitution. Judiciary. - Mr McCurry, to amend the law relating to the working of public roads. Judiciary. ' ' . ' , . - Mr McLoud, to create a board ot license in each and every county, and to rcttlatethe manner in which license to , retail liquor dealers shall be granted. Judiciary. ' , . Mr Wilitamsou, to fix and regulato the time of granting license for retailing liquors. Finance. , , Mr Bunn." to establish graded schools in Rocky Mount. Education. Mr Bailey, of Mecklenburg, to in corporate the Southern Mining, Smelt- ing and fclanufacturirtg Company. Cor- Mr Myers moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill to punish con tractors for not paying employees -was tabled, and refer it to the committee on judiciary. So done., ? Resolution of instruction to members of Congress relative to money obtained from citizens of this State by direct taxation. Passed third reading. Bill to amend chapter 216, laws 18.6 77, relative to official advertising. Pass ed third reading. - Bill to abolish tho fees of justices of the peace. Tabled. Substitute for an act to repeal chap- ter 1 17. laws of 1879. relative to abol ishing the Board of Health of the State The bill was ordered fox be -printed. and was made the special order for the iom insi i. i To allow the Virginia and Carolina Katiroau to construct their line in this c ti ., Bill to provide for the completion of the 31 ul land .North Carolina Kailroau. Made the special order for Tuesday week. ' STATE NEWS. acics ana Observers. Jast wees we received 800 bales of cotton. , This rsason there have been received here. J7,S47 bales ot cotton, -f -borne , ot back lots and back yards of the city are in such a dissraceful condition that their owners deserve condemnation. Mr. A. W. Pool died onj the 31st ult., in Granville county, after a linger ing illness; aged 0 yers. He was born in Person couuty, and was a brother of Mr. William Pool. ' i 1 Stonewall Enterprises RevJere tniah Johnson, au old minister of the M. E. Church. dicd at Pantego recent ly. , r On Monday, while Mrs-iBright ham Lincoln was at work cooking sup per she suddenly tell deadii Mrs. Lin coin is quite an old lady and has enjoy ed fine health and her death was sup posed to be caused froni heart disease Mr. S. B.Lane 6i Pamlico, met .with a painful accident on, Tuesday. He slipped and fell while walkinsr. and in endeavoring to break! the force of the fall his hand struck a broken reed which went diagonally through his wrist and hand. 1 Charlotte Journal: A tract of land containing 23 acres situated in Mallard Creek tovnship was sold at the court house door yesterday for $29.72 per acre. Uapt. ueo. Y . (jarnson. tho oldest engineer on the , Carolina Central Railroad has, been for nearly two months confined to his room iby rheumatism. He is now able to be out on the streets, and for the purpose of exterminating the aflection! will start tor Hot Springs, Arkansas, hcxt-wcek. Miss Delia Robinsori, daughter of Mr. James B. .Robinson,, pi Provi dence township, very narrowly escaped being shot by a rifle-ball yesterday one week ago. She was sitting at a window of her father's house when the report of a gun was heard from a piece ot waod- land nearly 300 yards distant. In an iss one instant the bullet broke ihe foot from Miss Robinson's head and passed through both sides of a ward robe on the opposite side of tho room. rrt ! 'i ! Best ever madej Emory's Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to take, ) sugar coated; no griping; onlyil5ccnts a box ot Drngirists or by mail. 'Standard Cure Co., 1 14 Nassau Street, New Yorkl . THE MAILS' j Thcmall. close and arrive ai the City Post office as follows : I ! CLOSE. . Northern through mails,! fast S.OO P. M. Northern through and way malls. I ..5.40 A. M. Raleigh 5.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. M; Mails for tho Ni C. Kailroad and routes supplied therefrom includ- lnjr A. & rs. C. Railroad a 5.40 A. M. daily 0MA.M. frnd 8.00 P Western mails (C. C. Kaihvay) daily, (except Sunday).. .'i. 5.00 P. M. All points between Hamlet land Ral- - cigh .....,! 5.00 P.M. Mail for Cheraw.and Darlington Rail- i road ' ... .6.30 A. M. and S.OO F. M. Mails for points between Florence I i and Charleston .30 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Fayetteville and office on Cape Fear i t . Itiver, Tuesdays and Fridays 1.00 P. M. Faycttcvillo, via liumberton, daily, i except Sundays. I..... . ..5.00 PL M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate olti- ! ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smithville mails, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays) ....8.30 A.M. Mails for Ea6y llill, Town Creek, 1 i Skallotte and Little RItct, Tues- ! : days and Fridays 6.00 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Wrishtsvillc, daily... j...i....S.30 A. M. Northern through and way mails 7.30 and 8.00 A. M Southern Malls 7.30 A. M Carolina Central Railroad v 9.45 A. M Mails collected from street boxes every! day at 3.30 P. M. - . I I i Stamp Office open from S A. M. tb vl M., and from 2 to5.15 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. stamps ior sale in smau quantmes at general delivery when stamp office Is closed, i i General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 8.30 to y.30 A. Al. Hulbert Bros. ' Wholesale Price List. o. u ' rice 4 Piano. 7 oct.. snuarc. rosewood. carved, agraffe .. $159 00 7 Piano,nprlght,7oct.cabinetgiand 174 00 is uriran. 4 sets reeuB.y stops ana nana organ i 59 00 Onran. 6 sets reeds. 13 stops, coup ler, sub-bass 73J00 uur iianos ana urgans are war ranted first-class. ) " 2 Violin outfit, box, bow, strings.com- piete - Violin crcmona model, extra line-. 3 00 9 00 1 00 Of Adcordeon, 10 keys, bass box, fine , tone i 1. 6 Accordeon, 6 keys, 1 stop, 2 sets recds.pcrfect . Mouth Organs, v lenna concert, 24 boles ? Moutii Organs, Genuine Klchterio boles, u s 11 Month Organs, Genuine double 24 holes. GS.i. Concert 24 1 00 S 00 "50 .1 10 25 CO 10 00 1 " i 23 CO i 4 00 2 00 9 00 9 00 13 10 . 5 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin, 6 keys, boxwood.............. 17 Fife, in ebony, German silve ferules 16 Mnsic Box, 1 tunc, crank, fine....... 19 " S tunes, -wind with lever largo 20 Violoncello, patent, machine head gooa... 22 Double pass, patent head, strinsrs 3 or 4 24 Guitar, maple, machine head, fine finish i 27 Banjo, 10 Inch, 4 bras ITrackets 25 Cornet, brass cornopcon style, case and crooks........ jr.... SO Drum, brass, Prussian, ornamented Gold Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings, H Bro. Silver Violin. Guitar, and Banjo Strines, 11 Bros Steel Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings, HBros Gut; Russian, German or Italian, beet quanry. P5 Instruction Books, Howe's or Winner's, ' an r Instrument . i.. 30 llarin? just made, a good trade for 100 Sing er Sewing Machines, will sell them for $25 each while they last. !. i Money is qu.te safe In common letter If plainlv addressed. m Terms strictly cash with order. Will take stamps. i " . Agents and dealers send for our 40 page Cat alguc. i On above net wholesale pri4 agents can make 100 per cent, profit. t Call on us when you come to tit. Louis. References : Any bank or wholesale house in the city. - , Hulbert Bros., is tho only General Whole sale house in St. Louis. L " sr . , . HULBERT BROS., 92$ Olive Street. h Saint Louis, JlOi COMMERCIAL NEWS. i WILMINGTON MARKET. ' " Feburary 54 Pi M. ! SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted steady 505 cents, Sales of 50 casks .at t'aese figures. ROSIN Quoted firm at $1.32 for Strained and $I.37 for Good Strained, with sales as. oflered. TAR Quoted firm at $1.95 per bbl of 380 lbs., an advance of 5 cents. CRUDE TURPENTINE No offi cial quotations. Sales of receifits at $1.50 for Hard And $2.50 for Soft. ' COTTON Quoted firm. Sales of 450 bales on a basis of 9 cents for mid dling,. The following arc the official quotations : i Good Ordinary. Low Middling. : ... Middling. Good Middling ...8 5-16 ...91 . ...9 .. .10 1-1G cts f DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton...... i..... 707 bales Spirits Turpentine 148 casks Rosin 1073 bbls Tar. 207 bbls Crude Turpentine 222 bbls i " i MARINE NEWS. arrived; U. S. mail, steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithville, Master. Steamer John Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell, R. P. Paddison. I Steamer Wave.Robeson, Fayettrille. Geo. W. Williams & Co. Steamer North State. Green. Fav etteviUe, Worth & Worth. Nor barque Windsor. Walloc, Liver pool, faterson. Downing & Co I .Nor barn ue Korsfarer. Olsen. Sablfts de Olone, C P Mebanc! Ger barque Lucy & Paul. Andreas. TcnerifTe. Alex Sprunt &Son Schr W II Bordraan, Richardson, New York, E G Barker & Co, guano to w & w ana w, cj & A& CC K R's ' Schr James Sattethwaite. Lank. Portsmouth, Va, Geo Harriss & Co. guano to Kerch ner & Calder Bros Schr Albert Mason. Abbott. Barren Island, Geo Harriss & Co, guano to W. C &'A R R t i Schr Wave Crest, llcwctt. Promised Land, Conn, Geo Hurriss & Co. cuano to u u k Jt CLEARED. , U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha. Bis- bey; Smithville, Master. j Steamer North State. Green. Fay etteville, Worth & Worth. I steamer Wave. Robeson. Favette- villc, Geo W Williams & Co. Brig Antelope. Curtis, i Matanzas. Cuba, Worth & Worth , Schr Melissa Trask. Trask. New York, E G Barker & Co i Exports. . COASTWISE. ' j New York Schr Melissa Trask 258A tons logwood, 5 tons lignum vita3 FOREIGN. I Matanzas Brig Antelope 533 empty molasses hhds, 37 do do tcs 100 do do bbls MONTHLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND FEB. 1, 1883. : Cotton ashore, 9,735 ; total, 16,383. Spirits ashore, 1 , 664 ; total, 3,714. Rosin ashore, 71,597; total, 85,006. afloat, 6,648; afloat, 2,050; afloat, 13,409; Tar ashore, 4,667; afloat, 200; total J 4,867. Crude turpentine ashore, 1,932; afloat ; 1,932. - KECEIPTS FOR MONTI! ENDING JAN. 31. Cotton, 13,919; spirits, 3,648; rosin, 39, 275; tar, 4,417; crude, 2321. EXPORTS FOR MONTH ENDING JAN 31. DOMESTIC.1 ' Cotton, 3,835 ; spirits, 1,633; rosin, 4, 231; tar, 1,837 ; crude, 633. FOREIGN. ! Cotton, 15,806; spirits, 4,436; rosin, 55, 164 ; tar. 4.229 ; crude 311. New Jewelry Store . rnilE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of Wilmington, that he has leased the premises No. 13, Market St:, and is now in receipt ofa 1 Handsome Stock of Goods, which will be displayed in a few days. a Watch and Clock repaiiing a specialty, dec 19 JNO. H. ALLEN. F.P.JONES,1 QLINTON, N. C, ATTORNEY AND Coun sellor-at Law. Will practice: in any part of " . ' f i he State. Specialjittentton given to 'the col cton of claims. ept 10-ly y the industrious. Best busi ness now before the public. Capital not needed. We will start you. Men. women, boys and girls wanted every where to work for us. Now Is the the time, l ou can work in spare time, or give vour whole time to the business. No other business will pay vou nearly as well. No one can fail to make enormous pay, by en gaging at once, oobuy ouiut ana terms iree. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Ad drcssTKUB & Co., Augusta, Maine. " novlfi-dAwtf. ! I A New Stock I o F SADDLES. BRIDLES, TRUNKS. 4c. 4 c . , j us t recci v cd from the Manulacturcr. Parties in need of any article in my line would do well to give me a call, as I am now in receipt: ot new stoeir, ana eclung at low prices for Cash. I - Manufacturing and Repairing done at Short notice- Call at the old baddlc and Harness Store of jan 13- " J. IL MALLARD. No.8 Front t not, life is sweeping by, go and dare bo fore yon die. some thins mbrhtr and sublime leave behind to conquer time. $66 a week iu your ovtn town. $5 outfit free. Ho risk. Kverythiog new. Capital, not required We will furnish you everything. JJany ax making fortunes. Ladies make as much aa men. and boys and girls . make great pay. Header, if you want buhinesa at which yon can make greaipay all the time, write for partlcu ars toll. UxuxTT Co., rortUnd. Uaine. ' I noy 15-Uw tt. ' List of Vessels In port Jan. 3D. r BASQUES' Dan Aurorita, 570 tons, Thoinpfton( i Nor Germania, 352 tons. Aim, K Peechau Jt Vetermann Nor Erragon, 430 tons. Weber, C P Mebane Br Mersey, 9G3 tons, Nelger, - ( . I Peschau A AVetemaann Dan ElenejJSl tons, Dahl, ' Helde & Co Nor Jona, 774 tons, Pederaen, A Sprunt Son Nor Formica, 394 tons, Jensen, KG Barker Co Ger Lvdia Peschau, 381 tons, Bremers. K Peeeh&a & Weetermann Nor Hans. 423 tons, Krxicksen, C P Mebane Nor Ystava, 667 tons, Olsen. 1 HeWc & Co Nor Titania, 303 tons, Albethsen. Helde & Co Nor Norden, 283 tons, Wascboldt,' J I t CP Mebane Ger Eibnitz, 270 tons. Fretwurst, i E Peschau & Westermann Nor Condor, 382 tons. Neilsen. Ueide & Co Br David G Worth, 387 tons, McDonald, J Alex Sprunt X Sou 4 BRIGS. - -1 Ital Geromina C, 262 tons, Canassa, . t ' j A bprunt & Son Dan 2nd of April, 247 tons, Sorensen, Helde & Co Ger Dcr Wanderer, 230 tons. Strobing. IS Peschau & Weatermann Nor Gymer, 214 tons, Gorgensen, Heide & Co Swd Sigrid, 202 ton3 Hennecksen, neide & Co Nor Fred, 266 tons, Thorsen, C P Mebane Alaska, 529 tons, Halcrow, K G Barker & Co SCHOONERS J ! i Alice Hcarn, 347 tons, Pcnnevvill, i - Geo Harriss & co Sallie Mair, 258 toss, Houck, I Geo Harriss & Co Messenger, 344 tons, Falkncr, i . EG Barker & Co Sarah Eaton, 200 tons, Dix, Geo Harriss & Co Alfaretta 8 Snare, 253 tons. Smith, ! E G Barker Co Lconessa, 213 tons, Hunluson, 1 i EG Barker & Co Ruth Darling, 203 tonsl Cbipman, ! EG Barker & Co Maggie Abbott, 224 tons, McKehban, i EG Barker & Co Etta M Barter, '272 tons, Barter, ! E G Barker & Co Wade Hampton, tons, Sabastian. ! E G Barker & Co Oguchu, tons, Priace, E G Barker & Co John W Hall, Jr, 03 tous, Jlason, kGco Harriss A Co eliesa Trask, 236 tons, Trask, - ! , i K G Barker & Co S S Bickmore, 20-t tons, Long, EG Barker & Co Geo S Mastt, 441 tons, Henderson, ' Geo Harriss & Co Elwood Dorou, 235 tons, Warrington, ,'j j Geo Harries & Co Maggie K Gray, 403 tors, Crockett, : Geo Harriss & Co ist of Vessels for this J?ort. I BARQUES. Nor1 Hjemmct, tons, Inge niundijen, Liver pooi, o&n -ft ! nor Auei, iw tons, xameison, Antwerp Nov 23 I Dan Alacraard. 425 tons. Antwera. Ger Atlantic, 399 tonsr Schering, Rotterdam, Oct 16th. , I . Nor Atlantic, 420 toDs, Knudsen, Liverpool, Nor Aukathor, 330 tons, SamuelsonJ Dublin, Dec 20th L Swd Cometen, 495 tons, Olson, Liverpool, jan ,! Ger Erna, 582 tons, Voes, Liverpool, Jan 9th Nor Gunn, 4S1 tons, Hansen, Antwerp, uvc 10 I Nor Klrsfarer, 429 tons,' Olsea,. Sables d'Ol onnc, Dec 19 I Ger Maria Sophia, 328 tons, Lignltz, Ham burg. Oct 11, Tia Plymouth, Dec 'X arrived at Cswes, Dec 5 Nor NordenskJold. -294 tons. Abrahameen. iiatnuurg, uec 14. via cuxhaven. JJec 17 or Oeean, 475 tons, Hansen, Leghorn, Dec Ger Orion, 332 tons, Clausen, Hamburg. Nov oU p - : - - - t . Nor Oscar II, 572 tons, Haagensen, liver pool. Deo 6 - - . Dec0' Progre8 419 tons KeUaen Bordeaux, Nor Saga, 415 tons, Knudsen, Dublin, Dec 30 or oi josepn, 3bo tons, Chrlstianseu, Kot terdam, Dec 19, Nieuwe Waterweg, Dec 31 r Nor.Signc, 358 tons, Bache, Liverpoo Jan 3 , nvr oigurujari,4ijo tons, uicn, Giasgovr, Jan 5 - i Nor Somerset, 316 tons, , Santander, NorSvcnd Foyn, 281 tons, Berg, Liverpool, NorTheedor. 293ton8. Einersin. Nor VaRadis, 465 tons, Johnsen, Belfast, Me, Nor Windsor, 333 ton6, Walloe, LIveiTOol, BRIGS. 1 " NorCongal, 332 tons, Danielscn, Swansea, Dec 20, via Las Palmas 1 Ger Hermann Freidrich, 288 tons, Niejahr, Hamburg, Nov 21 -Nor Leon, 1 281 tons, Eilersten, Hamburg, Dec I I i Nor Norje, 307 tons, Olsen, Liverpool, Jan 2 at signal, 313 tons, wiiuams, uamDurg Nov 29 MISCELLANEOUS. For the Cure of Couarhs. Colds, f Hoarseness, Bronchitis,Croup, Influ.1 en3a Asthma,Vhooping Cough, In-j cipient Consumption and for the re- lief of consumptive persons in ad van- cea suges ot tne uisease. .ror bale yall Dniisjs..---Price, 25 Cents. ( oct3-tf Com mercialHotel Wilmington, N. C. M. SCHLOSS, Prop. "piBST-CLASS IX EVERY RESPECT. First-class Bar and BILLIARD SA '"('-, '; ap 7 , LOON ATTACHED. Marvin's Celebrated AND. BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, All Sires and Prices, from $50.00 to $2,200.00. ' ;M ;.!. Acknowledged by the best authorities to be the BEST SAFE MADE, . ; j '. I. Extract from Scientific Jmerican editorial of Feb. 11th, 18S2: 'We'are also asked as toha bcstJSre proof safes. We say MARVIN'S. j ; A. A. WILLARD. j dec 19. ' 1. Artnt at WUnstajrton. Buggies ! Buggies I jqXW AND SECOND HAND FOR SALE Some Bargaina. T. J SOUTnERJJLND. - 2J NEW ADYEBTI SEMKVT8. U 7:r z UP WITH Something new every few goos are lower, 1 at this WHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERY IT IS GENERALLY KNOWN THAT WE By Steamer To-Bay. TEX THOUSAND YARDS EMBROIDERY AND WILL BE OPEN TO-JIORJO jan 31 ' - ThePutxtc u requested cartfuay to notice the vew and enlarged Scheme to be draten Monthly Capital Prize $75,0003 Tickets only $5. SUaresin pro portion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. 'We do hereby certify that ice supervise the arrtcngeaients for all the Monthly and Semi annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and tn person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we author ize the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, initsadver wemems. Commissioners. Incorporated In 1S68 for 25 vears bv the Le lslatnre for Educational and Charitable pur poseswith a ca capital or f 1,000,000 to wmoh a reserve runa of 550.000 has since been added. By an overwhelming populai vote Its fran- cmse was mane a . part 01 tne present otate ConsUtutlon adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed try the people of any state. It never scales or postpones, Its Grand Single Numbek Drawings take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WtS A FORTUNE.; Second Grand Drawing, Class B, at New Orleans, Tuesday, February 13, ibS6 iom jiomniy nrawinj?. Capital Prize; $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Jaeii. fractions in flit lis in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of. . f 1 75,000 25,000 10,000 12,000 in mm 1 Capital Prize of. . I 1 Capital Prize of..,, 2 Prizes of $6,000... k iiutn vi ,vw..... ...... ......... futvw 5 Prizes of 2,000 10 l'rizes or i.uou lu.oou 20 Prizes of 500........: 10.000 100 Prizes of . , 200... i. 20,000 800 rrizes of 500 Prizes of 100.... 30,000 25,000 25.000 6,750 4,500 . 2,250 50...... 25 1000 Prizes jot 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 " 1', 500. 9 " V 250. 1,967 Piizcs, amounting to. $265,500 ! Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New Or leans. . i For further Information, write clearlv. riv ing full addressi Send orders by Express. Registered Letter, or Money Order addressed only to ; M. A. DAUFHIN, New Orleans. La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, but seyentn St.. Washington. V. c. jan io-wea-sat-4w-uw - j BUTTER! QJLrjEDGE, OLEOMARGARINE, : , TEAS, " ' j COFFEES, . MOLASSES, Ac., Ac., For sale at low prices by DeRosset & Co. dec 19 500 Hhds. New Crop i , i Cnba aiolo&ses, ! .' ! TtfOW LANDING, EX-BRIG! 'A NTELOPE" direct from Matanzas. .For sale low. Orders solicited. WORTH & WORTH. jan 34 '. Holiday Presents T EVERY VARIETY- JEWKT. Avn n. J. Cases. Colosme Bottlas. TnflPt Rtw vau Mirrors, a large assortment of Toilet Extracts anu oiogne ; aiso a run supply of pure Chem- jcajaana ratcnt Jiediclnes, can be found at uoiu oi my stores. JT. C. MILLER. 7 Corner Fourth and Nun streets. Stores. S 1 . ) Corner Fourth and Hanover j street tOO Sets QF HARNESS JUST RECEIVED, and wll "'eww laigeiiot or Boggles In a few days. Give us ac dec 3 GERUARDT A CO. Jno. W. King, -TJPIIOLSTERER AND MATTRESSES, in the old National Bank, Corner Front and P In cesi fctrecta. RenoratingoldMattrcasea. Clcan- ing and Repairing old Farniture, I Cutting and Laying Carpet. Girc bin a call VUfclr "u ItE7 APViarilBElIEy THE m WEO I days, . ricea of nearly all as is our custom 1 ; 1 . Season ! v , k 1 ' HAVE PBETTT AND FIXE jaTEgQ Bargains ! r. Bargains! AT 2dL M.' KATZ' 36 Market Street. A GREAT MANY DESIRABLE WITJTER COODQ SELLING OFF LOW TO MAM ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK! JUST OPENED t - : A FULL ASSORTMENT OF White Goods, Embroideries, Cambrics, 1 Seersuckers, Ginghams, Sheetings, ' i-' - r I Housekeeping Goo 08. ALWAYS Olf HAND A FULL LINE OF Staple and Fancy Dry Goods AT TJJ; KATZ -1 S6 TJarket Street. Ian S9 Great Bargains Of! PIECES BEST BLACK STLK8. ZJ j - SATINS AND BLACK CAM- lilH DO2- GERM Ax AND IRISH LtfO A"" Towels, Blankets and Domestics, sold at reduced prices; i - Wll close out my entire stock of Carpeu Brussels Tapestry, Ingrain, SJply, aadj 0& j - SV ...... .... . . Matting. Call and examine before Purciw' inglse where. . i j Also, full stock of Clothing and Undent from the cheapest to the best. Largest su of Red and White Flannels. ! dec 19 ! SO Market St Wo Liquors. gUT A STOCK OF FRESH, A NO. CERIES will be kept at pur store,' ! 1G3 No. 45, Market Street. AU good sold by lis will be umrei" GOOD GOOD6 AND SMALL PROnT ' WILL BE OXJJt MOTTO. -GlTe us a trial :and be , conrtac&-J oc!22-tf B. J. SC ARBOBOUGHjO. Excursion and Pic Nic ' ' - - ' f rrlt OEASON IS OVER. TTIK TIDJAi and Ban season is now opening- G?1 who are used to FIRST-CLAbi clean and Comfortable Barber shop, at , JOHN vtixZ. 9 Practical Barber and Perfumer, Market Street, between Front a!"., i Streete.. - I C. D. rJorriil , TTNDERTAKEIl, CABINET MA5 CARPENTEIL OSce and Wort ond street, opposite Southerlandf f3.rf IETectfiilhr soilti orders and good work, prcspt Cclirrry aod rtTiii 'J UlcirJTIRE - - 1 T . x

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