f - . In'- . 1 1 It til- 4f t"I-r - 4 i " . k f T i f I I r , i i- r I'- - r V. 1 :, i et ti i - The Dally Review. JOSH. T. JAAIES, Editor & Prop. WEDNESDAY.FEBRUARY21. 1685. Ksiered at the PostoOioe at Wilmington, N. C. as scocmd-claas matter. Henry C Robinson, of Hartford, Conn., told in a recent lecure of. a visit that he tuado to one of the smaller fac tories in Connecticut, whoso owner boasted that in the year preceding he J had niade" $72,000. Going through the factory, when he got away up under- he. roof be found bobbins tended bychildren boys from eight to twelve yfcars. Their laces were colorless. The man who "made" $72,000 told Mr Rob inson that these little boys were cam" in; fifteen cents a ddy and that they worked ten hours a day, with twenty minutes rest at noon. . ' Th,e coast and soodetic survey steam er -Blake, which arrived as New York. Wednesday, after an absenco of sixty soven days spent in running a line of deep sea soundings and serial tempera tures from Bermuda to the Bahamas, comes back with the distinction of hav ing tn&de . the - deepest soundings ever before made in the Atlantic Ocean. On the 10th of January, in latitude 19 de frees 41 minutes North, longitude C6 decrees S4 minutes West, about one hundred and five miles Northwest from StT Thomas, the lead did not touch bottom until 4,561 fathoms of line had been paid out. The greatest depth heretofore found in the Anlantie has been 3.862 fathoms. The location of this soundinz was close to that ot the present one. The Railway -Age says that hereto foro "there have been no means of knowing the total railway mileage of tho country. It seems astonishing that the General Government, through some of its various bureaus of statistics, has not Ions ago undertaken an official in quiry into this important subject, but it has not. Tho advance figures of the last census, however, at last give a basis for determining this matter with some degree of certainty. According to these figures, tho aggregated mileage of com pleted railways on June 30, 1830, was 87.891 miles. The new mileage laid during the year 1880 was, according to the records, about 7,175 miles. Of this -'probably 4,500 miles were laid after June 30, which would make the total on Jan, I, 188J, about . 93.390. Adding 9,386 which the records gave for the work of 1881, there is a to tal of 101,777 as.the mileage of the United, States on Jan. 1, 1S82, and making a liberal allowance for possible omissions we may assume that the ag gregate waif in round numbers not far fram 102,000 miles. Poor's Manual reports 104,813 miles, but the excess of 3,813 miles or more may easily be ac- -, counted for by the duplications and er- r rorg in addition which are found in that volume tho duplications crowing f- r-:i , - .V , r, . divide the mileasro or roads lying partly I in other States. It is to be regretted .r . . . . IT?? wHMiuuc au. tAad ovi.oiutii tubsequent years possible, but it is a matter tor tnankmlness tnat we now i have an authoritative basis for future calculations.. 4.ue;totai railway mue- of ihe united stn.tis at the com- mencement of the present year is esti mated at about 113,000 miles. The final returns may possibly increase this j somewhat. The. returns received by the Boston . , "Ibsl of the total gross exchanges at the - twenty-five leading houses in tbe Unit f Stales for the week ending Saturday - make a decidedly unfavorable exhibit showing a marked decrcace of business throughout the country compared with tho corresponding week of last year The. falling off is most marked at points which have suffered from floods and have more than counterbalanced the gain of last week. " The aggregate clearings were ii.W7.8i6.873 against $1,133,708,631 for the previous week. ' Compared with t&f corresponding week - ot las: year there is ft decrease of 12.7 per cent, against an increase oi a a per cent, list week. The business at the tea largest, cities was New .York. . . $734,42R.$49; Boston, $77, 642,274;- Philaddelphia, $51,392,120; Chicago. $39,658,234; Cincinnati, $12,500,000 ; St. Louis, $16,311,507; " Baltimore.. $14,531,562; New Orleans. 7 $12,053,850 ; San Francisco, 613,108,717, and LouisviUe, S5.924.S21. In New "Yorkthiclearlnesshowa decrease of 16 6 per cent., against 4 an increase of 10.4 per cent, last week and a decrease of 30.5 per cent, tbo previous week. . Philadelphia shows a decrease of 2.4 ' per cent., against a gain of 6.1 per cent last week, Baltimore an increase of 13.1 per ; cent -against an increase of 17.8 1 rvo Mnf lef wnV flhir-io-rt ri irifrpnsffl or of 0.8 per cent., Cincinnati a decrease of 5S.7 per cenUagaiast a decrease of 7 0 percent, last week, Cleveland a loss of 1343 per centj San Francisco a gain cf C.l percent., Louisville a decrcaso of c:.0,' hcvr Orleans a decrensa ot 8 8 per c.' and 9.3 per cent, the In the discussion upon the school question we think there has been a lail ure to' strike at the root of the evil as it exists in North - Carolina. YYe think now. as we" have thought ever since the present school system was adopted, that there is a great burden upon the few to the profit of the many, which might be very easily remedied by proper legislation,! so that" it would be come very nearly! equal. Our plan is that every man who is liable to pay a poll tax shall be compelled to pay the same in order to be entitled to the priv ilege of voting. This is but fair and just to all concerned; ; "All require and expect to receive the protection ; and blessings ot the government, and all should be willing to bear their propor tionate share ot its duties and burdens 1et legislation enactjthat no man Shall vote unless he can show a receipt for his taxes, paid within the year, and ihun dredswill pay taxe$ who now evade their payment altogether. By i this i 1 means no injustice is done to any one no one is called upon to do more than what it is strictly !and, justly his duty to do and the . burden ! will become greatly lightened upon those who now grumble with good reason under the load. We would debar no one from the privileges and blessings of educational advantages, butj we would have all bear their share of the expense. Now, if it should become a law (and it ought to), that no man could vote un less he could show his receipt for taxes due and paid within the year, all this trouble would cease, and .there would be nothing oppressive or unjust or un reasonable to any one. The root of the matter the real difficulty rests here, and we would be glad to! see it remedied at once and effectually. There arc thousands, both white and colored, in this -State, who never think of paying a poll tax, and there is not a shadow of reason why they should be exempted any more than those who do pay. Let those men do their duty by compul sion if necedsary and the school fund will swell to proportions adequate to the needs of the- children, and no one will'be wronged and no one with rea son can find fault, j Mother Swan'8 AVoriu S.vriin. Infallible, tasteles. harmless, cathar tic; tor feverishnea8. restlegsness. worms, oonstipation. j 25c. iee SHOUTS. He drew it slowly from the batter, And as ho waved it in theair The waiting waiter heard him mutter Vlhis was not on tho bill jof hair." There is talk of establishin in New York a much needed "Collcse of Good Manners." I Several large brewery and distillery firms have failed since tho beginning of the year. When a brewery can't make money the times may bo regarded as pretty hard , j Thn vee LrnntTrn Almlirit: in tha 7r logical Garden at Berlin, which is ffen- eraily used for the conveyance of child Jen about the grounds Jias just killed his . . ..I .. . a ue water is pretty nign m tne unio river Just now hut ior real high water look out for the. QnnA thnt. will Congressmen who are convicted in the eyes of.the public of shirkinsr their dutv on the tariff bill. 4 atmosphere of j Paris, according tn rHJnt inWt rof nrie iaMc n cnanon. sion cotton, hemp, wool, hair, down , poiicii, Butiuii. panicles hiskiq, caroon, silex and various salts, iron, dead In- t gpores of cryptograms and bacteria. t i ; -r.. j muiacrarea from straw, the .standard size beind in iongtn, ana tne tmc&ness the same as the average ol surfaced boards. One ton of any kind of straw will yield one thousand feet of boards that may be handled as ordinary ones.) This lum ber can be produced andi sold in com betilion wirh wide walnut at Ahont onn . . ' - r i UsAli IUO pi VII, JiO lauci - Mr J C Hester, ot Kitrell, N C, says: i4I have found Brown's Iron Bitters to bo hilly as good a tonic as' represented." MOONSHINE. Hint to a lazy man Endow a free . a S ia oea in a nosouai ana occupy :it your- BeiiTjstje, . .: i -i ... - Artificial diamonds are now , made wi.h such perfection that they can scircely be trfld lnm the t ival Igprns, The way to test them is lo ask the pawabrdker for an advancel--PYacfc- pJit a- Vkrontcle-IIerald. ' It is stated as a positive fact thit dm- i. . t . inj, the recent election ( a Republican canaiaate was so unpopular tnat a crowd refused to take a drink with him ne nau no uiea tnas party spirit was ever carried to such an extreme as that. Texas Sif lings. r ' iaas." exclaimed honest old Jor hann Kart ouelsalad. "yoans beebles ha f rot into extfavagunt noshuns. Yen I was yonng 1 wrote on blane foolish ne's gap baper. Now my poys rites on schmall,' gult-edge schraps. vol cost fire times so mooch ns n. nicr rnnliahnMa gap, und don't give you quarter so) mooch room for ritin' as dot trood, ol -1 fasbun foolishness gap. Burlinqton Howkeyc. 1 , 'Answer This! Can you find a case of Bright's His- 1!J rif 1 a. - , TT ease of the Kidneys, Diabetes, Urinary jiver vxiuipiaiuis - luiu, is curauiu. that Hop Bitters hasnot or cannot cure? ask your ncjgnoors ii mey can. Farmers and others desinng a gen-' crai. lucrative agency business, by which 5 to $20 a day can bo earned send addres3 at once, cn postal to H. against 5.1 last previous week. Viuzzssorf& Co 1C j r-nJ 107 Ful- MISCELIANEOTJS. Noted mm ! Dr. John K. Hancock, late President of the National Phar-" macetrtical Association of the United States, says : - ? : - - -. -"Brown's Iron Bitten 'itu heary sale. Is conceded to be a fine tonic ; the character of the facturen Is a voucher for its purity and medlciaal exccUence." Dr. Joseph Roberts, President Baltimore Pharmacenticai College, says: " I indorse it as a fine medicine, reliable as a trectbeniar tonic, free (roan alcohoile p6uon " i ' ' Dr.J. Faris Moore, Ph. D., Professor of Pharmacy, Balti more Pharmaceutical College, says : " Brown's Iron Bitters is a safe and reliable medicine, positively free from alcoholic poisons, and caa he recoranended a atonic for use among those who oppose alcohol." Dr. Edward Earickson, , Secretary Baltimore College of Phar macy, says p. -.; "I indorse It as an . excellent medicine, a good digestive agent. and a non-intoxicant ia toe fullest t . . Dr. Richard Sapington, one of Baltimore's oldest and most reliable physicians, says : i "All who Jiav used it praise its standard virtues, and toe well known character of the honse which makes it is a sufficient guarantee of its being all that is claimed, for they, are men who could not be in. dueed to offer anything else but a reliable medicine tor public use." ; ',''! A Druggist Cured. Booasboro, Mi, Oct. is, x8So. Geatlemea : , Brown's Iron Bit ters cured ta of a bad attack of IruUgcaobn and fullness in the stom ach. Having tested it, I take pleas ure in recommending it to my cus tomers, and am giad to say it give entire satisfaction to all- f Gso. W. Hoffman, Pruggbt. Ask your Druggist for Brown's Iro!t Bitters, and take no other. One trial will convince you tnt it is just what you seed. ".. fetlft-lw tp-n-trrm ravnooRECouimfBRir' -J U.iC0RNUIU.SMDU!LL8T0KS Jo " iBESTKJTIIEVOniD . 8AXFLE3 OTKSAX. BX5T 03t AnUCAXZOJ. M08TH CAKSUSA BtlUTQRC CO. Branch Offiffl. f!tir!HA. N. C. gj67AL'JiXIOJ THIS PAPER , . , ... - Lime,!Kaihit and Plaster ! BUILDING LIME. AGRICULTURAL LIME CARBONATE OF I JME. KATNIT, LAND PLASTER AND MARL. . GOOD FERTILIZERS, f -. - AND VERY CnEAP. Send for Circular FRENCH BROS., Rooky Point,-N. C. 20 jan The Bad and Worthless are never emalatea ov counterfeited This is especiall trne of a medicine, and it is positive proof that the remedv imi-l taied is of the highest value. As -soon had been tested and proved by the WUUIC WUHU mab nop XUM?r Was U16 P?1 best n(1 raost valuable family -r. .-.-, . sprung up and began to steal the notices in which tho press and people of the country naa expressea the ments ot ana m every way trying, to in- a, : u: JT" the credit and eood name of H. B. Many others started nostrums put np in 6imlar style to H. B., with variouslv devised names in which I the. word "Hop" or "Hops" were used in a way I to induce people to believe they were rUr an v.. a n IT TT.n All I - " J j . r A" DU I i pi 1 1 sm4 raniMuaa T" nnroa Tin ivi rro i wnat tneir style or name is, and espec-, lally tnose with word "Hop" or "Hops" in their name, or in ay way connect-1 ed with them- or their name, are imitations or .counterfeits. Beware ot them. Touch .none of them. Use nothing but genuine Hop -Bit ters, with a bunch or cluster of rreen Hops on the white labeL i Trust nothing else. Drurjrit8 and dealers ; are warned against dealing in imitations ! or ;counterleus.. ! ftb 12 lm GUNS AND CUTLERY! A STXE ABSOtfTMEXT OF Muzzle and Breach-Loader Guns, j j : Revolvers and Ammunition, SILVER-PLATED v q X SPOONS & FORKS, A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF PoClkGt KhITCS. r . Table Cutlery. Popniax prices to suit $Xl at- N. JACOBI'S. f IIAimWAkS DEIOT, . - dea 53-tf - Ko. 10 Sooth Front fit ' - i 1- Itm t .:5Tr i tmt- '4- ; it i-J t4 f.- . u t. t-i vr. w ii a lox t ixnc" Lav lrsi e 1. 1 -. ftti la 1 t ji.. -- MISCELLANEOUS. v 1883. Harper's Bazar ILLUSTRATED. Thla popular Journal is a rare combination of literature, art and fashion. Its stones, poems, and essays are br the best, writers of Europe and America; its engravings possesses the highest artistic excellence ; anil in all mat ters iertainmg to fashion it is universally ac knowledged to be the leading ruthority in the land The new volume will contain many bril liant novelties. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: i - ( ' - f -Harpxk's Bazae Harpeb's Magazine. ............ . .f,4 00 Habfes's W'eeklt. 4 0 The Three above publications... Any Two above named.... Haefeb's Yovrsa PEorrx...... ... 10 00 ... 7 CO ... 1 50 IlABPKB'H MAGAZIVE I Habfeb's Young Peofi-e, j 5 00 Harper's Frakee Square Libbart, Ono Year (52 Numbers)., ;.....10 00 Postage-Free to all subscribers in tte Z$rUt4d States or vanana. The Volumes ot t' e Bazar begins with the first Number for January of each year. v hen no time is mention? a, ii wiu ikj unacrstooa that the subscriber wishes to commence with tho Number next after the receipt of order. - The last four Annual volumes ot Harpers Bazar, in neat cloth binding, will be sent or mall, postage paid, or bv express, free of ex pense (provided the. freight does not exceed one dollar ner volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding," will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. Kemutanccs snouia oo maae ny i-osi-umce Money Order oi Draft, to avoid chance of. loss. n ewspapers are not to copy tnu aaventsemenf without, the express order of Hakfek & Bros. Address HABPEIi & BROTHERS, doc 12 New York. BUTTER ! ili;eige. i 1 1 OLEOMARGARINE. TEAS, . COFFEES, - MOLASSES, &c-, Ac, Ac , Ac Forsalet lowprieeslby DeRosset & COs3 dec 19 Eayetteville Observer. rYS TIITJBSDAT, FEBRUARY Stfa, 1S83, the pnderslfrned vrJH revive tho publication of the FAYETTEYILLE OBSERVES. . - Tbo Obsebvbe ri l be a lar&re 28 column weekly newspaper, and will be mailed to sub scribers, postage paid, at $2 per annum, al- ways in advance. It. will give ihe news of the day in as ample form as its space will permit, ana both regular and occasional correspon dents will contribute letters from the Capital on State politics and affairs. Democratic m politic?, the observek will rwrt" -flrat nf nil t !taanvt ' t ha YvraYi-itiH nt I the Town of FaTetteville. to develop the vast agricuitur1! rebouruuB oi its own ana ins DtMguuonuj; cuuuyes, miiu to promote an luui concerns tlie welfare of : the people oi North uaroima.- : - Opposed to such innovations on the homely ways or our iatners as, in the gu?se or pro rres, harm society, the observer will be onnd in full sympathy with the new thinsrs rorn oi tee cnancea conoition of the south which sound judgment or enlightened expert ence find to be also good. As to the rest: it will strive to . deserve the reputation of the name it inherits 1 feb 10 E. J. It ALE, JR. J10xil(jr(jrx!i ? S AJLjCi. TT VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE j certain deed of iortgage ma hTO-W-HawfiH. H. A RfldHIn? nntf R. AT Bowden. registered in the olHee of the Kesrister Deeds of New Hanover County in Book O O O. page 191, the unaersigned, as Attorne ' for tne assi ne ot tne grantee .in the saia aeea. will sell at public auction at the Court House door tn the City of Wilmington, on Monda, the i-vt Vu,, if lath iay ot March ivsz, at is oxide, m, the with the the North western intersection ot Nunnand tixth strtets. runs thence Weet with the orth lbe of Nunn street U7 feet, thence North SS feet, thence East 147 f-et to Sixth stre t. thence South with the Hue of -Sixth street S8 feet to the be ginning. JOHN D. BELLAMY, Jr., ! iei r. ,:: ...... . Attorney. V aw- IfTlH QULEAX; S0UIIIE1LN 1 J. UECTED Yfbr the com of Scrof- Bia,SrpIll, Scrofaloas Talat, Bha Utatisa, White Swellinr. Goat, Goitre. Consunptloa. BroBehltis, ferrous fie bility. Malaria, and all diseases ariaioar 2rom-i aa impore - oosditioa of tha 3 Mi CIJI1E3 SCIlOFrrLA. Job. Cxres nhcumatlsin. 1 c 1 Cures Syphilis. 3 IS.fla!Pill-aI-3 1 Cures lacpTojj Debility. i cjni'ERiJicrrio 2 r-x - j js ft Jz-ec:crta pzZZvfr.a m vrtrf 1 M 1 w It to Yoatflirt'ctMa.n 1 -wi 6?Ii Ton ti U ccirod of tb . . ' -jo- tm'9 ivit el.t,asdlsaa i tfzt i.l3oJ il-8r.. - 1 1 1 MISCELLANEOUS. New York Weekly Herald ' ONE DOLLAR A TEAK, f TOE CIRCULATION OF THIS POPULABl newspaper is constantiynincrearajr. n con tains all the leading news of the Dally llerald and is arranged in handy departments. Toe V. I! FOREFGN. SEWd . embraces special dispatches from all quarters of the globe. Under the bead of .. AMERICAK NEWS are riven the Telegraphic Despatches of be week from all parts ct the Union. This fea ture alone makes t ' THE WEEkLT HERALD : ! tho most valuable chronl-lo in the world, as it is the cheapest. Every week is givn a faith ful report of. ' ! t POLITICAL NEWS J embraclnc complete aad comprehetislve des: patches from Washington, Including full re ports of the speeches of eminent politician on Che questions of the hour. , i " ! " THE FARM DEPARTMENT - of the Weekly Herald cires the latest as veil as the most practical BttggeUmc and di cov. erics relating t the duties of the farmer, bints for ralstnjc Cattle, Poultry, Urslns, "Tree, egetables. &c, Ac. , with suggestions for keeping bid Mings and farming utenoils In re piir. 'i his is supplemented by a" well-edited department, wbiely copied, under tho bead of THE HOME, . giving reoeiies for practlosl dishe, hints for making o othing ana for keeping up with- tbe la tec t fashions at the lowest price, Every Iiem of cooking or economy suggested in this department is practically tested by experts be fore publication. Letters from our Paris and London correspondents on the very Latest fashions. The Howie Department of the Week ly lleraki will save the Housewife more than one hundred times the prioe oi tbc paper. The interests of. . r .-.:! ; SKILLED LABOR, are looked alter, and everything relating to mechanic ' and labor saving Is carerully re corded. There la a page devoted to ail the latest pluses of the business markets, Crops. Merchandise. &c: Ao...- A valuable feature is found in tbe socially reported prices aud con UiUOUs OX : . i . . . , THE PRODUCE MARKET. Sportbig-News at home and abroad, togeth er with a Story every week, a Sermon by some eminent divine, uterary, Musical Dramatic, J'ersonal and Sea Mot s. There Is no paper in the world which contains so much news mst- ter every week, as the Weekly Herald, which subscribe at any time. M-a crvs S-vS0 t-ads,A, ut v ug aitum -ft- JA vsu The New York Herald, i t -I I a Year. V Address . NEW YORK HERALD. . Broadway and Ann fctreets,New York. nee iv 1883. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED, i Harper's Magazine begins its sixty-sixth vol ume with the December Number; It Is not America and England, but also the largest in its scheme, the most beautiful in its appear- ance, ami ice uegi magazine ior tne nome. A new novel, entitled "tor the Major," by Con stance . Fenimore oolsnn, the author of "Anne, was begun ui the November Number. in literary and artistic exeelicnce tbe Maga sine improves with each successive numlxsr. Spcjclal eiTorta have been made for the lighter entertainment of its readers through humor ous stories, s&etcftes, -v I Harper's Periodicals. 1 Per Year: Haufek'8 Magazine... 00 "akpku's Wkeklt 4 00 4 00 10 00 i llAKrEU'S BAZAR.... The Tubes above publications... Any Two above named IlAHPtit's Vousg rnoriiE..,. ... 7 00 .. 1 50 IfAEPES'S MAGAZ1KE Harper's Yocno Peofms .. 5 00 Harper's Frakkxin Squaks LibbarV, - uce 1 ear co-. ambers)..... 10 00 Postage Free to all sutecrilerg in States or Canada, , the United The volumes of th&Magazine begin with the -Numbers for June and Decern bar of each year When no time Is epeifled, it vtU be unde stood tnat tne subscriber wishes to begin with iilJ vlU 1 vU(l a UIIlLWi t The zine. '. lua. t a . In neat cloth bindlntr. will i Knt1vfr mail, postpaid, on receipt of t 00 per volume. oiocn cases, xor uinaing, 60 cents each by mall index to Harper's Magazine. Alphabetical. Analytical, and Classified, for VninmM 1 ?a lnclnsiTe, from .1 one, ltSO, to Jane. l80. oae Kemlttances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avo.d chaBce of loes: N ewspapers are not to -copy this advertisement vrunvm, ine express oraer of HARPER & BROS. UAKPER & BROTHERS, New York. dec 13 1883. Harper's Weekly! ILLUSTRATED. arper's Weekly stands at the bead of Ameri ilfustrated weekly Journals. BvlUunnnr. can tisan position in politics. Its idmirable illnetra- j tions. Its carefully chosen perials. short storir( ketches, anu pH?ms, contributed by the fore most artists and antnors ot the da v. it mrriM instruction ana entertainment to thousands of Ameneai. nomes. It will always be the aim of the Ttnllfhr to make Harper's Weekly the most nnnnhtr ami ; a.btrztouvu lAinuy newspaper U ine W.orM Harper's) Periodicals. Harper's Weeki.t... .1 ti 00 Harper's Mao azijte Harper's Bazar.... 1 .... The Three above" publications. . Any Two above named. .. ...... .- ..- t. .' Harper' Yocko People...... ...... 4 00 ....1. 4 00 ...... 10 00 ...... 7 00 1 50 HARPER S 31AGAZTXE - J . Harper's , Youxg a'eople, f Harper's Frakkxtjx Square JLibrart, 5 CO 1 uneieariw lumbers)..... ; 10 00 - rosxage rrte to a subscribers in the United omu ana ianaaa. ine .vornmesoi tbe Weekly begin with tha ununoer ior jaonary of each year. When no time la mentioned. it.will be nnderstood that the subscriber wishes ta eommenco with. uiiuniDer next after the receipt of order. Tbe last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, in nat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage pal!, or.by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed dc dollar per rolame), for 7 00 per volume. Okvth Cs for each volume, suit ble for binding, will be sent by mail, postpald.on re cci ot of 1 1 00 each- -1 ; ; 5, . Uemirtanws sbonW be made by Fost-OCco Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lots. A'ewepnptrs art not to copy this elrertiMment vfidemt the express order cf XIAKTE3 & Ad !r y s - . !HAi:Fr. &'rrOTnr3, .-. MISCELLANEOUS THE SIJN. NEW YORK, j883 More people have read The sJw'l i year jnst now passing than ev iw .1 U. ft waa first printed. No otbir neJ'2 llshed on thL, Mof theeirTb Kr.pS ' ad readin anyyear h , iuv vreuwiy miormed that XL L read, and like Tbe bun for the t$uh sons, among othere: j j jW' u,mtonv Because its news columns rms ,1 form aiid with the grestSJt1 acy whatever ha Interest to-f the events, the deeds and itniJLJ4?0!!- ! dom, thejOillosophy.the notabieToTi,1 Id sense the Improving nonTwi7;LU of the busiest world at rrmTivlnT!,' spsce. . , "Clt Because people have learned that h. u marks concerning persons and affair tJJ mskes a practice of j telling tiWC? truth to the best of lu st miy tWF fI and slxtv live days In the year. wL as well aa after bout tbe hV aBSxit tbe small fish, in the fos of 5Q pbdnly and fearlessly a general approval TheSnn has ahE? purjKJse to serve, save ho inforQS,, raidsrs -ad the funberanre of twLr good. . "fonaes Because it is eeryliody oew.il man is bumble thl Tbo 6UB u i,!" to Ms wetfarc and i his rights, j n rich thatit can allow injustice t he aL Z m No man,- no association of mfn Jrl enough to be exempt from the fetrtri.!' U4o of 1L- princlptes of right al wn1Pppbr - Becaute in politics It bas f onKht for yeABT without Intormlssion ri most alone among newspapers, tha Juw" hs resulted in the recent oWbdmX? uUrr verdict against Kolsonkm 5 ? est covemroent. No matter what mrtT i power, -Thex Sun stands and will rontw ? stand like a rock for the interest ot KLt against the amblUon -of bosses. r wtuia wi tuijuujruiiuj, ana the duwr scrns of publio robbers. . ;dbfl . i -llJ18 wat vre arc toW almwt oallr k, otrr friends. One man holds that Tbs i th wnt rfl!trlATTB nn-Kniia ... because its Christianity Is undiluted witht Aitfftbet holdj ithai it Jis the bSlSSSffi newsparr printed, lc ante It hat jl whipped half of the rascalo ont of thstSSf and is proceeding against the other 'sifiv undimfpished vigor. A thlrfl believes It k! the best magazine of general .literature b? worthy of notice that is current In tbe S ot thought So every friend of Ihe Hndu: covers one of its many Rides that apt! ul particular force to his indlvidod llkl&r 'f If you already know The Sun. ToawfliiA. ' serve that in JS it Is a lit la better thin eft I tetoro If yon do not already know The Sua" f you will, find it to be a mirror of all human m! S f tivity.a storehouse of the choiceKt common sense and Imagination, a raauutar for ! me CRiiKO oi uonesi irovp.mmpnt aumnu.. - I r v ttrf aL'xH nnQD 9 A?aiNt AhaI a . - I w n svsv4uvrn va vvcsv PlJVlCO anq inn commonly good investment . for the oomlsi year. XEBMS TO Al AIL bUBSCKlBlBS. The several editions of The Sun are sent by thai); postpaid, as follows; ... t ; DAILY 65 cents a ronntk, tS.Wa veariiriu ' fnndav edition. i7.50. r Sunday edition, $7,50; SUNDAY Eight pages, $.20a year. ; WJtEaLi I a year. j Eight pages of the fat matter of the daily Issues; an Agrlcoltartl Department of unequalled merit, market im ports, and literary, scientific, and domosile Intelligence make The Weeklt cx u newspaper ror the ftrmers hoa-ehold. Io clubs of ten with fi 10. an extra copv,frec. Address I. W. ENGLAND. Pnbllsher, nov Z Tbe Sun. N. Y. Cut. j H 11 1 rlPPr. RPflQ AAUAUOAt XJIUOi Wholesale : ' - ! i Price List. o. 4 Piano, T occ," square, rosewood, carved, atrraoe. J...I1MW Piano,nprlght,7$OCL,cabinetgiana K4 00; IS Organ, 4 Mtareeda.S stops and g and organ..;.. Organ. 6 nets reedd, IS atopai coup ler, aub-baee..... Our Pianos and Organs are war " ranted firs t-class. . . 9 Violin outflt, box, bow, strings, com MOO ! plete.... (10 violin cremoua model, extra floe Accord eon, 10 keys, bass box, Una i 00 tone.... S Accordeon, 6 keys, 1 stop, t sets ' reoos.perxect tot 1 Mouth Organs, Vienna concert, J4 organs, lenna concert, r jr Organs. Genuine' KJchtfr TO , i,ti8 n...... M irtmna. fW.nnlne Concert ' 1 - noies...... ii Month Organs holes. G 8. 11 Month Orrans. Genuine Concert double 24 boles.GS.. 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin, 6 keyi. boxwood.. ............... 17 Fife, In ebony, German silve ferulerf 15 Music Box, 1 tune, craak, fine IS " . " 8 tunes, wind with lever large..... 20 TolonceUo, patent, machine bead good.... ....... ..: 23 Double Base, patent bead, S or 4 . - strings... ! 24 Guitar, maple, machine bead, Hot . flntou... 27 Banjo, 10 Inch, 4 brass brackets..... 28 Cornet, brass cornopeon style, case --finri t-rvnV . .......... I IN 10 V 1: Gold Violin. Guitar and Banjo Striop, H Bros. Ii Silver Violin, Guitar and Banjo Striuo, u liro.. Steel Violin, Guitar and Banjo EtriDp, 'HBros Gut, Russian, German or Italian, ; best .quality... ..ii... Instruction Books, Howe's or Winner, 1 u l X TTnvinir mat mrta m erwwl tmAa for 100 ewt er bowing Machines, will sell them for t wmie tney iast . j. u Moner Is otute safe kr common wwi" plainly addressed.: - " M A. 1 Tenms strictly cash with order. W Etaznps.-. - ' . f. . r . A rents and dealers nmnd for mir 40 PH w alogue. ; un atwve net wnoieealo prices sD make 100 per cent, profit. . . 1 iau on us wnen you come to w Itefereoces : 'Any bank or. wholesale Wr In the city. . . Hulbert Broa., Is the only General w" sale house ta 8L Loul. IiTTL.uEJT tJHCO., If jaa la-lr , . Awek ma-le at bome tbe Indnatrious. .pe-X ne&s now before the pobtf. Cabi'al not needed.! w wlU start you. Men. women, boys ana wanted everywhere to work for of. the the time. You can wok In pare umc mar .k mm mm . . V. . . I k. 1 lllll DPUl v.um. i 1 in m. . nM.iv aa wi No one can fall to make enormous pay. pr tfc"H VUD. WBUI VU.a. m Alone v made fast, easflv and honorary. Al dreaa Trite A Uo. , Augnata, Matoe. I MM.V .,.. st-tm-w .. . Cectrfc nUnct$ are uatlon 33 Dir iCK or Nfv 0ZLr f PBiKMMtaX. SiaTUlLS amnlutur '. alTr"9' t Ot-tf. crt. hr-r rirf n ,-7t. lVr a 1 JUk'S . Uiiiiaw ira IN F- 4M i J-J avew, m J " r.. -. .L 1 'i r ( crrnsr-J Atm --. AFTER 1 a m rfll.

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