. ... - - - , ' . v . . . . .-..-.- . .. - . . '.-'"." ; ' ; f :r : - - ' ': V-1' -" ' ' . . ,--1 . - ..2 ' ' - - . MVMM I. I V ( i vv. . v . r . X f. r ' - ! ' - : if 4. x a .. 3 : i .' ;, .- . . : " . i -4 , . i. " -, . . - r1: i ; 4 '. - ; 1 I i . i i 4 1 ; :. The Da ily Rev lew. MONDAY. MARCU 12, 1883. The Daily Review has, the largest boHa fide circulation of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. .. In the Chamber. "Pasis. March 10. In the Chamber of Deputies to-day AC. Waldeck-Kos-, fieaa. Minister of the Interior, replying ..tau. iraai ae uassaxrnac. sam that re- .publicans condemned and monarchists noourared disorderly meetings. The -eorernment. he 6aid, would enforce order with all means at its d is do sal. 11. 'do Cassasraac protested ajrainst the charges made asainst monarchists. - i He asserted that the Republic was an swerable for riots, which, he declared. were only beinnins. He said that .whenever AL Ferry was in power the' people starred. - . ' . The order of the day pure and simple .'was accepted by the government; and was unanimously 'adopted, receiving -.406 votes. T The socialists intend to hold a meet inron Sunday at the Place de Tllotel .pde VUIo. . Hints are expected to occur .Nineteen ot the rioters arrested yester day nave oeen sentencea to various .terms of imprisonment, the maximum ment will positively prevent the pro posea meeting to-morrow, jno one will be allowed to approach the Hotel oe v me. ine Liberie says these meet- iugs aremerclyprecursors of-a grand display, to be made on the 18th inst. The police discovered at the houses o ine persons arrested yestcruay arms, explosives and lists of organizers vot the movement for socialist meetings. The -Arfrsays that a warrant has been is- , sued for the arrest ' of lxuise Michel, charging her with pillage at the head of an armed band. . with making violent assauiis on ine ponce, witn uttenns se dition cries and with inciting to the overthrow of the estabUHhed govern ment. These charges will render her liable to a penalty varying from five Sears' imprisonment to twenty years at ura labor. , jVashliisftoii Notes. - WxiniNGTON, March 10. -The work .of. testing defective steel turrets lor! Uoited States vessels, and for which Congress appropriated s 23.000. will be "commenced by direction of the Navy Department in a short while. - ' v Plans and specifications tor the engi neers. ex., torthe ununisned monitors have been submitted to the Navy De partment. The President has been feeling some-1 . what indisposed lately, and hasdeeidel . to take a trip to ifortress Monroe next week tor a itttio rest. He has not yet : oecioea wnetner ne wm mate ine c m- teniplod visit to Florida or not. " ; (lap resea tali ve LeFevro, ol Ohio, says I Fine candidacy fur the Sergeant-ai-Arms of the House of Representatives --Leedom and of Mr. John G. Thomp son is lelt to the Ohio delegation, that Mr. Ieedom will have two-thirds of the - Ohio-delegation in bis favor. .The Virginia Coalitionists-will hold a special election in the Seventh Congres sional District to choose a successor to i Paul, appointed U. S. Judge. The Democrats will take no part in the election, claiminz that tiiey elected their candidate, O'Ferrall, last fall, and that the certificate was illegally given to Paul. The next House will be asked to seat OTerrall on tho returns of last November's eleciion. A French Blockade. . LOXDOX. March 10, 1883,-Adespatcli i- MjiiubLni t'mm Vipnna Pva:- -The commander of the French squad Mn in ir.H.(riiMP wnterfl hnvfl hMn ordered to blockade the shore and occupy several ports of tire island, but "The Elzevir liibrary." 1 Decidedly the most unique venture in a literary way to which the public ; has been treatetl, is the Elzevir Library, anew semi-weekly magazine. Each number contains some complete liter ary geait a characteristic specimen of the best product ot the brain of the author who is presented. It is thoroughly 1 and C some in typography, and convenient in lorm. and is sold at a price so low that it Is startling.or $2.00 a year, lor a volume of near 3,000 pages. The scp 'arate numbers vary in price; at two ' cents each we have Irving's famous "Rip Van Winkle." Canon Farrar's brilliant sketch of tThe Burning of Rome," Wilson's Sea-Serpeuts of Science," Tennyson's "Enoch Ar den." the "Life ot Sir Isaac New ton.", by James Parton, and oth ers: at three cents each there are very handsome tuustraiea numners containine "The Life of Gustave Dore,-1 by F. II. Norton. "Queen Mabel." b .Ellen Tracy Alden,and "A Half Hour in Natural History," by S, ILPeabody; at six cents there is a "Life f Wash- l-Iagjon Irving.'V by R. II. IStoddard; and at seven cents. Macaulay's tamous - Lite of Frederick -the Great; at ten cents two realiy beautltul illustrated numbers, one of which is Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress, complete, and the other. Charles Dickens delightful Cricket on the Hearth. You can obtain - the books from the news or book dealers, or from the publisher direet. who offers liberal terms to clubs. John B. Atden. Publisher, 18 Vesey Street. JfetrTork. ' It. Bl bop Lyra an's Appplutmeots March 11 Sunday Newbern. , ... 13 Tuesday Beaufort. 14 Wednesday Kinston. r 15 Thursday Holy Innocents, Lenoir Co. "16 Friday Goldsboro. 18 Sunday Wilmington. - 19 Momlay Wilmington. CO Tuesdays Wilmington. - "23 Thursday Rocky Mount . 23 (rood Fnday Tarboro. 25 Easter. Day Wilson. 29 Thursday ikHith Mills, con secration. . r " 3& Friday CaradenT 31 Satunlay Newbegun Crek. ' . ' mi ' . Fanners and others desiring a gen eral, lucrative . acencv.' business, v. by - which its to k20 a dav can be earned 4 tend address at once, on postal, to II. C. -Wilkinson & Co., 195 and 197 Ful ca Ctrsst Hew York. . dec xa STATE NEWS. Newbern Journal: Bishop Lyman preached at St. Cyprian on Friday "nigh and administered the rite of confirma tion to seven candidates. Raleigh Visitor: The last sad funer al rites over the: remains of the lata Col. McLeod Turner took place at the Confederate cemetery at 2k o'clock yes teniay aflermxini A large crowd were in attendance, and all seemed to be im pressed the solemnity of the occasion. Laurinburs laxhanoe: Dr. If. M Mclean, of ShQ Hm. returned home from the College ot Physiolans and Surgeons, Baltimore. Md., last Satur day niht. He Ukx1 his examination Thursday, March 1st. .and ingratiated himself by winning the sixth medal. having one nundred and nine competit ors- . . si Mi ' Rockingham Socket: Mr. D N. Cam eron. formerly ot this place; played the i : o . i r i jjjni . iii in oavannan, a lew 1 . I mm cuysago. u-s i.iua r. i bmith was about to be forced by her parents to marry one Jan-e Morrison; when Dave c me to the re c te and carriwl her aw ay . . . ....... . in a ouggy a distance ot sixty miles and married her himselt. J Hickory Presx: The greatest re viva. of religion ever known; in Reidsvillel has just closed with some 450 or 200 conversions. the -Shelby Aurora says North Carolina is called a aIow. no other State in the United States that is rich enough to build two railroads on marble. The Western North Carolina Rnilmad and Marietta & North Georgia route at Red Marble Gap, nenr the Georgia line, will run for over a mile on road beds of-va riegated marble ot the finest quality. AsheviKe Citizens: Mr. W. O. Wolfe is now engaged in turning but from his marble yard in this place the most beautful specimen ot work. ever seen in this section ot co untry. j.The monu ment of Vermont white marble, is double-column, mounted I on a very handsome marb.e pedestial. and is in tended to be placed over the grave iu waynesviue ot the late Col. Robert Love, and his wife Maryl Ann Love. Col. Ix)ve was the grandfather of Mrs. Dr. llillisrd. ot this place,1! and of tne Messrs. Ivo brothers of Wavnesville. was a soldier ot the' revolutionary war. and his descendants thus desire to com memorate his memory. 1 ICcws aiul Observer: IThere is a movement on loot to start a new mili tary company in this city, i The St. Augustine .Normal School will resume oppemticns on next Thursday. The work on the stone and brick buildings to replace those so lately burnt will, we understand, be begun early in the spring. aenator .David Uavis passed through "the city last evening, en route for Tokay, where he will be mar ried on Tuesday., A few invitations were sent out at the last moment to the friends and relatives ot Miss Burr.) Sen ator Davis was accompanied by Judge W. T. Otto. I Charlotte Journal: I The master ma- chinistol Liddelt & Co's shops in this place 'will go to Houston. Texas, for the purpose of training machinery in the new branch shop ot the firm to be erect ed in that western city. The rumor spoken ot to the effect: that the dwelling house of Mm. h. II. Wallace, five mils east of huntersville had been destroyiTf oy are on weunesuay morming was continued yesterday by persons w.h came to town from that neighbor hoot fhe fire was discovered about 3 o'clock in ine morning oy ine iumuy wno were sleeping in the house, but not until the whole north sideot the building had bt- come wrapped in flames. The house was a two story frame building, w it i cook room attached on the north side iu .whjc,i th,ire i upposed to iutve orig mated. Most of the household, furni ture was saved, but all provisions, cmuing wiwai anu uaoun, were troy ed. All property destroyed will be complete loss as we understand there was no insurance. : Charolotto Observer: Five freigh trains arrived at tho Kichmond s Jan ville depot, in this city, from the north yesterday, all coming in ! within ten minutes of each other. 1 he suit o Mr. J. A. Turrentine against the North Carolina Railroad 'Company, is to come up for trial before the court next week Turrentine, it will be remembered, was at one time a mail asent. but was not car. He permitted to have a fire in his sunered trom cold to such an extent as to lose his voice. $90,000 the amount he claims. damages is The blow experienced in this city night before last was nothing but a zephyr com pared to the storm that raged along the Caro lina Central railroad. The fall of rain was tremendous and the wind blew regular cale. At Stuait's station the larsre guano warehouse Iwas .entirely demolished. Fence rails were distribut ed all over the country, and many trees were blown down. The people at Stuart's are all indignant at Wiggins. Mr. Henry C. Pool, Newbern. N C savs: " "J received sreat benefit from Brown's Iron Bittters in general debili- ity." . not, life Is 8weep!ng oy, go ant xre be tore yon tno, some thin? mighty and sublime leave behlmt to ooojaer time " $68 a week In your - wn town. 5 oui lit free. No risk. Everything nw. Capitil not required We will fi'.mish you everything, alanv arr making fortune. La4Uee make as j much at men. and boys anu el' U make great par Reader, if yon want business at which you cap mike great pay ail the time, write tor twruen ar to 11. IIallett A oov, Portlan i. Maine. . nov llUlAw if i -V- BUTTER I OLEOMABGABTJTS. TSA5, COFFEES, MOLASSES, Ac,! Ac, &c, Ac For salens t low prices by DeRoGset & Co. dec 19 1 bTm a posUlv remsdv for tM abovatflMSM; by Its r tboonada r oc d rs auia mo ot w b wvnt kiad aa ti ttmz IodL m strtmr ts tar fslta la it c-xct, that I vtU mdI TWO FOTTU3 FRtX. f IEST mm COEIT1EUCIAL. NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET, 1 March 19 -4 P. II.- SPIRITS TURPENTINii-Qaoted dull at 474 cents. lio 'sales TepA ted ROSIN Quoted firm at 1.23 tor Strained and $t-37i for Good Strained Sales as offered. TAR Quoted steady at $1X0 per bbl of s0 lbs, CRUDE - TtrRPENTINE Quoted steady at $1.75 for Hard and $3 per bbl for Soft. COTTON Quoted steady. Sales of 250 bales on a basis of 9 for Middling. in r ii : . . . j. ob louowing aro voe omctai qooia- tations: - -Ordinary. . . . . .... . . is M cU Good Ordinary. V.. 7..... j8. Z-IH. bow Middling 1 aiiddlhur.. :-M Good Middling. ........ . 10 i-w .r DA1LT KXCEtPT. Cotton.. Spirits Turpentine. ........ 44Sbalee 41 1 cask f Kosin 3412 bblfl Tar.;.......... ...i..r 804 bbls 310 bbls Crnle Turpentine MAUINK NEWtf. ARRIVED. Steamer North StateJ Green. Fay- euevme, vvortn as worm. Steamer Wave, Robeson. Farottevilfo. Geo. w. Williams & Co. U. 8 mail steamer Minnehaha. Bis bey. Smith ville. Master. Steamer John Dawson. Sherman. Point Caswell. R. P. Paddison. Schr Hattie R. Cain. Montseratte. with fruit, E G Barker. & Co. CLEARED. Steamer Wave. Robeson. Favette. vine. Geo W W ilhams & Co. , f - Steamer North State. Green. Fav- etteville, Worth & Worth. I U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha. Bis bey, Smithville, Master. Swed barque Thedor. Sarsen. Risa. Russia, Patereon, Downing & Co BxporU. . KOKKfOK. - i Rica Russia Swed baruue Theodor 3,197 bbls rosin . MISCELLANEOUS New York Weekly Herald ONE DOLLAR A YEAB. rpiTB CIRCULATION OF THIS POPULAR newspaper Is constantly lincreaalng. It con tains all the leamncr news of tbe Dallv ller&kl ami is arranged In handy deport aaeats. Tne FOREIQlf HtWS embraces special dinpatcbea from all qoarters of the globe. Under tn bead of AMESIOAJC XSWd ' are glren the Telegraphic OepatcbM b week from all parts ot Um Union. This fea ture alone makes THK WKEkLT HERALD the most vluabls chjs nl le In the world, as It is tne reaest. .ver7 west la grtvn a fslta- rui report or POLITICAL MEWS embracing complete and comprehensive de patches from Wash hurt- n. bacludinflr full re porU of the speeches of eminent politicians on tne qnesuoos ot tne noar. THK FARM DEPARTMENT of the Weekly Herald rive the latest as well as the most practical uggeUme and Ui-oov- eries reUUngt ue duties of the farmer.hlnU xor raisinjc uiuo, rtmitry, urains, Troe", egeubles. Ac., c, with suggestions for keeping btiiMiings ana farming utensils In ro-p-ilr. Ihla Is supi le mooted by a well-edited department, widely copied, under the head of THE HOME. : giving recelttes for practical dishes, hints for making c o thing and for keeplng .np with the utett fashions at tne lowest once Kverv Item of cooking or economy suggested In this department is pracucaiiy tesiea by experts be fore publication. . Letters from oar Paris and London correspondents on Che very latest fashions. The Home Department of the Week ly Herald will save the Housewife more tan one hundred times the price of the paper. Ine interests o 8KILLED LABO&V are looted after,' and everything relating to media tcs and labor saving- is careralv re corded. There Is a page devoted to ailtt latest phases of the business roark'-ts. Crops, Merchandise, Ac. &o. A vahiabie featnre Is round m the specially reported prices and con dltlons of THE PRODUCE MARKET. Sporting News at home and abroad, togeth er with a atory every week, a 8ermon by some eminent amne, uterary, stusicai Dramatic, Personal and Sea Not s. There is no paper la tne worm wnion contains so mncn news mat ter every week, as the Weekly Herald, which Is sent, pastage free, for one Dollar. You can subscribe at any tune. The New York Herald, In a Weekly form. One IoIlar a Year. Address HEW YORK HERALD, Broadway and Ann fctreeV Jtew Tork. dec 19 1883. Harper's Young Pepple. AN ILLUSTRATED WKEELT 1 Tagesl strrrEB to Bora axo giuls of rsoiim TO eZXTESX TXJUtS Of AOS. I Vot IV. commences November 7. less. i ... , . w The Ttntna ioopie has been from the Brmi snoeessf ul berond anUctnaUon. N . T. Eve ning Poet- it nas a nuuncuve trarpoae. to whlea ft stead ily adheres that, aanefj. oi snpplantbic the rictons papers for th yeans: with a naner more attractl e, as well as more holesotno. Boston Journal. i For nea'nose. eleganee of encrarfair. and contents generallr. It Is nnsvpassed by any p Ducauon or ut sxna yet OTOUUf to notke. Pittsburgh Oaaette. . , TEEMS t HARPER'S TOUNO PEOPLB, I Per Year. Posuge Prepaid. trxoLS NtrXBCBS. F-nrOnts each. 8p rlmen eopy ent on receipt of Three Cts. The Vohimee of Harper's Tonng PeoDlefor 1881 and 1&B. bapdsosnerr borod to nioatosr ted Cloth, will be st by maO. postage pre laki. on receipt of peo peep, cover fet focne PsoUe for ISttL U cents: nostaM. IS cento adtttanoal. Rdmlttanoee shonid be made by Feet OSor Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. jiewfpapers are n to copy, tola advertise ment without the express order of uum A BKOTRUta.. Address . UARPE3.A RHOTHERl), . dec t " Nw Ywt. r G. Q). TJoririll. - TJOTEBT AKEB, CALINLI' MAgTHl AKD CABKENTIL O2eo and T7ork Ebon on Seo- ond street. orDoslte dontherlasd'a atahlea. - Eeepectfaliy aoSdts orders od gesrssta good work, prc?t dslrerj gad re:;gfff&te3 UTEX7 ADVEITTI8EBIBXTS. P. Pe JONES,; QUXXOSt, X. C. A.TTORNET ASD OottB seaor-alLaw. Wm sraotiee la anrpart oi beStata. Hpedal atteotlca grrea te the col " i - ' I etlMi w ntt seilO-lv . COUNTRY ICE ecu Ants and evert boot cau got sailed tn cntaUtr nd prices from the large stock Ot rAIDLKKT KXDo. at the Hsw toaddlery and Tr.ak Uooe of HVM. BoWDElf A CV. . i Ro. 49 Market St. y Mairafactnre and Repair.'- ; mch 5 Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. ;. j ,M. SCHU8S, Prop. piEST-CLAB8 EX EVERT REdPECT. 47" FtrsVclass Bar and BILLIARD SA tOON ATTACtnCD " si 7' IfT WILL : PLEASE NOTICE IU - - - ' ' tuu I haveresumed-trosinesst the old stand, IS and H Sooth Frost Street, where I o&a al ways be found, and where yon will tad a full line of FRESH Fj&MUA GROCER! KS. , Thanklog them for paet favors I hepely strict attention to their orders to merit a shote ofpairona&e In future. , -'T'-: Bespeetfally, mch Mw j . - GEO M. CRAPON. A gt. Tk PuNtc is rtntesUd eartuUu to notice tk tHmmndtnimrffedSohtmMtob drawn AfswIAjy Capital Prize $70,0003 Tickets only Shares in pro portion. Itouismna State Irotterv Oompanys tW4deherOni eertirtf that w ntoerviUtke arrangement for mil the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawing t of The Louisiana State Lot terff Company, and in person manage and con trol the DrmuHnoe themselves, and that the same urt conducted with honesty, fairness, and mgooajau towara au pontes, and toe author ie the Company to use this certificate, with fac simile of our signatures attached,, in its adver r - Comrniftftionerit. Incorporated In 1868 for 15 veara bv thit W7 IsUturpfor Educational ann Charitable pur ubc5 ilu a capimi oi i. oaw.uuu to . wtuoii reserve runa of &uu,eeo hss since beer added. ;- By an overwhelming popnlai vote lurran cnise was nuMie apart of the present Stat uonitituuon adopted December 2d, A. D., 187 The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed 9y the people of any State. f j" It never scales or postpone. Its Gkakd sncoLB NtncBBR Dvjtwrjros take piacemoninry. - - A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Third Grand Drawing. Ctai- , at New Orieane, Tuesday, March 13. ux -iotui Aiontniy urawing. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Hol lar Each. Fractions iu Fifth in proportion LIST OF PRIZES. t Capital Prize of.. , 1 Capital Prise of......... 1 Capital Prise of 3 Prizes of 0... ...... ft Prizes of 2.000. 75,000 23)00 10,000 12.000 10.000 rO Prizes et ljooo...... lO.OXM) io,oor 20 Prises of 000.....:.... . ... . ..... 100 Prises or 900 Prises of 500 Prizos of 1X0 Prizes of 50,000 100........ 90,000 26,00.' 06,000 ,750 4,500 2.S50 OO..... 2S. APfBOriMATTOIf PSlZtfl. Approximation Prizes of 750. " 500. ft 390. l,9Sl Prizes, amocmtlngto..... ...... aMOi AppQcatioa for rates to oiobs Bbomid onhr b mads to the oSce of the Company in New Or- For further information, write clearly, giv ing fall address. Send orders by Express, Registered Letter or Money Order addressed only to . IL L DAUPHIN, -. New Orleans, La. or XL A. DAUPIHK, .607 Seventh 8L, Washington. D. C. K. BMn the1 Extraordinary tmi-Annual Drawing of noxt June the. Capital Prize will be $150$. - ten li.wd w-rw - FLEJ1J1LSG HOUSE. W. ;J. CALAI8, PropT SITUATED AT THE VERT FOOT of the Bhje Bldge. witbta sight and easy eaeb of some of the most famons peaks The K an Mountain aal o.her pomts of interest a enear. i DehVhtful air. samotloiia ehmate and eiivl- lent wnter I will be pleasod to orrerpoad with pnrtlek rpoelng rest or xvrreatkm in the mountains irtng the Hammer months Excellent tab . clean 7beo, airy rooms and prompt serrioe gnaranteed. Tt rme low. , renio-en -. -i .- i Great Bargains. OA "ICES BEST BLACK 8ILK8, AJ - : SATlJiS AM) BLACK CASS. inn DOZ. GERM AV AKD IRISH LIN Elf AW Towela. Blankets and Doxoestics. to be sold at reduced prices. wm close out my entire stock: of Carpets, BttunmIs, Tapestry, Ingrain, pfy. anil OOoe - , - .... ;: -. ,-r., Uatthsg. Call and examine before pnrchas tng elsewbere. I Also, faS stock of Clothing and Underahlrts, froco the cheapest to the best. " Largest stock of Bed and White Flannels. -i -.:;. t.; " " SOL BR As. dc 19 Market RL .10 Got! rrUACJfESS JUST RECEIVED. aadJwO tarttaoQxx laro lot cf XTrsoe a few NEW ADVURTIBB3IENTS. SPECIAL Will be offered for tho next few days in small pieces BRUSSELS CARPETS ' ; SAY FROM 15 TO SO TARDS IXyOrilS, TO CLOZ2 CT. SEE THESE BEFOKE TOTJ PURCHAXV il rr Curtains--Lambrequins--Fringe8c LARGE ASSORTMENT EW EXX. CORNICE. ' M ? " mch 7 First National Bank oj Wil on. CAPITAL 8TOCK.MM.... 8URPLU8 FUND.. , Deposits reeerved and eoRecttona made on . . . . .. ., . ., .. . , f 01 accessible polnls la the United States. SIBECTORfi B. S. BURRJ7B8, D. GXORTH. A. UABTIKV j JAS. 8PRCNT. B. F. HALL. OFFICERS!: B. .E. BURRUS5... ...... President. Cashier A'est 0ashle JLm K ATtf KBsssettsf s W. LA RKIN8. sp!23 - I We w Restau rant. pIIE URDERSIGNED WOULD BESPEOTJ nfty annonnce that be baa just fitted up at No ; ...... 1 i. Granite Row. Sonth Front at., a restaurant for Ladles and Gentlemen, where meals anu refreshments may be had at all hours of th day. Everything Is new and first elass.' Po lie waiters and oourteous attendants. I eWHJamo " and Oysters lo season. lFtot Vines, Uqusnrs sjxCCIgars. v IS . K. MllftTTTK Prj 1 i i ii New Jewelry Store. JtIE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY antMMnces to ttuS citizens of WUmJngtou, that be has leased t be premises No. 13, Market Su, am is now in roctipt ofja Handsome Stock of Goods, which will be displayed In a few days. Watch and Clock repalilAg m upex larty. i lec F. II. a.IjI KM. 1883, liar per ' s B a z ar. IU.USTRATEO. This popular ionrnai is a rare combination of literature. art am fawhton. It stones. poems, and essays are by the -best writers of Kurope and America; its engravings poraesset the highest artistic excellence; and la all mat 'era iertalnlnjr to fashion It Is nniversallv ac know lodged to be the leading rnthorlty hi the land , The new xlame will contain many brll- a 9- .... tuuas nereioes. , Harper's Periodicals. Per Year:. ! .. ! EJAriut8 Baxaju. dAKFEK's Haoazars.. Hjolpr's wuskx.it. . . .$ 4 oo ..4 00 ..4 0 The Thbek above publications.. Any Two above named 7 to H HAKrxs's Tone Psorxx. IlAKPXK'B Maoazxxx i ) UAJtrES'S eev aoo Haxtck's FxAXKUsr Sqcasx Libxast, : One Tear (W Nnmbers)........ 10 00 Postage Free to alt subscriber in th Untied, j state or Canada. The Tohimes of ti t Motor begins with the mst number ror uannary of earnyear. when no ilme ts mention d, h will be nnorstood that the subscriber wishes to eominence with th Number next after thm rmtmAut Af onWtr. unii, postage or oy express, rer of ex pense fprovlied the freight does not exceed oue doll.tr per volume), for 07 00 per Tohme Cloth Caes fr each oinme, suitable for binding, will e sent by maM, postpaid, oh re ceipt f $1 00 each Hemlitancesshoukl be BMde by Posl-Ofice Money rder o Draft to amid cnance of los. ' Newspapers arc not to copy this advertisement without the express order of IIakpex a BuoS. . Address ' HABPER A BROTHERS. dec H New York. Laboxatoxt of . , 8TATX AS8ATXX A1TD CHXanST, f ' i i OOySast Urabe 8treet. Bichvokd. Vs.. January fOth. lKt. Mk. N. r ZXicx hs made known to me the I eompositl'tnof bis Hah: estorer and I haw also snujectea it to chemical exammatkm. It contains no lead or sllrer, enbsuncee - very , eoamonlr employed in ranking preps ration for the hair, i or anything harmful, aad may i inereiors ue oeen witnout apprebsnslou ox in- f WM, TL TAYLOR, M IX, - , btste Cbomlst. Whilst thanking- you,' Mr. ssklel. for the j Hair Kest Ter you sot kindly eat tne. I take I greet pieasore in sailDgto yon that it ben- n'-iAl esects upon ay hair bare been so lemr entas to a trct the oomroeod&Uoo oi all myj Itlsbi my esUmaUHi a, treasure, rlOxmt wn co us unjev ox none wno nave need tt wtJl be complete. .Hoping it mar realize you the j permnutry awxess yon so ncuy ausiu 1 1, -I remain, very rwpectfuliy, . V - Mta. A. ii Was,- Blehmond, Va- Feb. 17. l3L , r rcr eaio ny aa crura, imct C? ' per pel-1 iBARCAEHC! t i. i . f j ' "4 - - lBargarno ! Bargains AT 36 Market Street" A 6 SEAT MAKT DESriABLf WirJTERCOODO SEXLtNd OFF LOW TO Mlrj BOOM FOR SPRINGSTOCK f JUST OPENED A FULL ASSORTMENT OF White Goods, rst ' Embroideries. . Cambrics, Seersuckers Qingnams, Sheetings, Housekeeping Gook 4 ' ALWAYS ON IIAXD X ;PULL LINE OF Stapleand Fancy Or ' : AT-. : . Twl. rJ3. ICATZ', 36 CQarltet Street For Sale. rpKJi BEAUTIFUL BUILDIw8, wu tMii'in h hMkhjt mivtof the dtr. TasM who may think of buying srs larued U Ine the proier y. i i jnoh 5-1 w Cor. r. Fonrtb nd Q A week made at JJ3 the industrtons. Be4 b ness now before eapial aot needed, w will tart tou ' Usn. wonen. boys too ga- wnnted ere ry where to work -for as. the the thne. Yon an werk la pars ts, w give your whole time to the wu'7 other business win pay run nearly mo one ean fall tomaae enorranua pmj. -i 57. glny at once. Atiw A,itHt and tents D oner saaite faat. Ueasffyand honorably. dressTannB A Co. . Aarueta, Maine. nor IS-d&w tf. PUEOELL HOUSE JJ2CDEB Jfjcw UAJTAOESfXXT, WILUIKQTOH, H. C B. l1 FEBBT Froprletor. ' ;'. Late Proprietor Atlantic HcteL ftrtf&M la all Its appotntmenta. Turm9tM?? -mr -"- - " - Excursion and Pw Nic and Ball season' Is now opening. Oewff" who are used to FIRST- LAHd work as clean and Comfortable Barter shop,Jdn ana a . v . ,. . . JOHN WW""--Practical Barber and Perfumer. Ht eta.. . . - rt-I BUTTEP I GILT-EDGE-VEBYCHOICF A FEW, JMCKAGE9 rOB DoQoocotL&fPP' mch 9 LVOriCi1JGl.V f4slo A Boarot JtU..Cycja - - JUT 'brJm" rwlclfJTIRE. T 1