The Daily Review. MONDAY. MARCH 28. 1883. The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. LOCAL' NEWS. The Board of Aldermen will meet to night to appoint various committees and Co confer with the Board of Audit and Finance in reference to the appropria tions for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. N. Jacob! havo return ed to the city, after a visit of two weeks to friends In New York, during which time Mr. Jacobi made largo purchases of roods in his line, which will go to well his already largo stock. r . . , Golden Iktys.yfbich is in itself a gem, comes to us this week with an elegant fezpptemcnt, a "statacsquo chromo "entitled "Ouch!? which is a very charm ins: picture and is alono worth more haa the price of a monthly part. It costs about $8.70 to be convicted of disorderly conduct no w-a-days. This expense is for a plain case, without any embellishments, and includes a fine of $5 and the costs, which are about $3.70. More elaborate and ornamented styles wUicome proportionately higher, but we wouldn't advise indulgence ia these bf& priced luxuries.- - KIcction of Vestry . : The following gentlemen have been elected Vestrymen of St. James' Chnrch Cor the ensuing year, viz : Dr. A. J. DeBossct, James Anderson, Alfred Martin, A. H. VanBokkelen, J. G. Burr, J. W. Atkinson, J. G. Wright, Eobt. E. Calder, John L. Boatwright, Dr. W. G. Thomas W. L. DeRosset Clayton Giles. Magistrate's Conrt. . O John Bright, colored, was brought! ' before Justice Gardner this morning, charged with an assault and battery on Hebecca Brown, also colored. The de fendant was fined one cent and costs. The samo defendant was then ar raigned upon a peace warrant, sworn oat by Rebecca Brown, and required to give bond in the sum of $50 to keep the peace until the first Monday in July j next. . The Storm. The maximum velocity of the wind here since the storm begun was 21 miles per hour.. The amount of rain , . faU for the last 24 hours has been 1.14 inches. Communication with Smithviile U interrupted by breaking of the lines so that wc can cive ho report from there TeL It is also inrerrnp'ed on the north- Hn. 11 tplnhm sinl ervico to-day has been performed . through the aid of the Western Union wires ' Serious Accident. Mr. W. A. Shepherd, of Fayetteilie, ;a tobacco salesman, was riding in his galky.Jnear Whlteville, on Saturday iast. when one ot tne wnoeis strucjc a '-. stamp, throwing him, violently to the j ffround and breaking several ribs be sides inflicting other internal injuries ofa serious character. He was taken! to Whiteville. where medical skill afforded him all the relief possible under the circumstances. t City Court. SCicero Bowden. colored; was before the -Mayor this morning, charged with disorderly conduct. Tho testimony was acainst him. and he was required i I to pay a line of $5 and costs. Aaron Jones, colored, for disorderly conduct, was fined $5 and costs. A couple of young white men, whose names wo suppress, charged with an affray, were discharged upon payment of the costs. A New Name. Tho name of the Southern Hnrnpty I Dampty Troupo has been changed and is now known as Robert A. ITcwleLio's Tri'Mammotb ;Humpty Dnnipty I Troupe. They leave here on Wednes- . L-t. x day morning next and intend visiting sereral of the most important cities and towns in the State before they return. . They are unti fr vnn.K,!W nAT I i a a a. v k . mm na . a t w m. m Thursday night, and we hope they may be encouraged by an overflowing house. Wo can say to our New bern friends that this troupe can kick np lots oi fun, and is well worthy of patronage. A Young JUoffuc. On Saturday last a man in this city - ccipioyea a coiorea ooy w cui. uiuo wood. Tho boy left in a few minutes. liis employer. Later in tho day the latter lound tho boy and accused him of i Vi tfeftfr which Jig at once confessed. Tho two then vent to the house oi the boyT father undernoath which the axe - t... frtnnd hnrfwl. The man acreed Mr . tft rrwctito the bov. nrovxdinr the J' " - lather wonld give his son a 'good ilog rinr. which : was readily promised. TThether the prom i so was carrica into execntion or not is a Question concern ing which your "deponent eaith not. To Builders and others Go to J aco : n3 for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass Cc--Yea can get all sizes and at the y, i. The New York Herald of Sunday. the 25th inst was an octuple sheet of 32 paes, whichgires 193 columns to the paper. Of this number 123 are devoted to advertisements The Easter eg-huntinst St. John's did not take place this after noon, a3 announced, Jaccause of the very unpro pitbus weather. It was postponed un til to-morrow afternoon, and then, if the weather is, bad on that occasion I also, untrl the ficst fair afternoon Exports Foreign. , Nor. brig Conjjal, Capd Daniclsen, cleared to-day for Liverpool with 3.259 barrels tar, valued at $6,518, shipped by Messrs. Paterscm Downing & Co. A lone fisherman down at Seabright, sprained his wif0 t6ok fright; But in lesa than an hour,8 ' f &t. Jaeob3 0iijj power, I ! Knocked the" pain as highj as a kite. Easter in Wilmington. Notwithstanding the dreary weather, the churches in this city were all well filled with devoted worshipep yester day. In tho choral scrvicesjannounccd for St. John's Sunday School fiiled the church to ovcrfioowlng aud many even were standing in the aisles, i unlble to obtain seats. Tbe music onjthis occa sion was very fine and four, cornets added greatly in the effect. jU St. Paul's Lutheran Church there were codfirmation services during the fore noon, the rite having been administered to one person, a lady, which, with the sixteen confirmed on Good Friday, makes seventeen additions to that cEurch. The decorations in the Catho lic,' Episcopal and Lutheran, Churches yesterday were very profuse and very handsome. . i For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, gt to Jacobi -S Hardware Depot: f First Installment. Messrs. A. & I. Shrier, at 34 Market street, have received their first install ment of twe hundred and fifty Flannel Suits which they warrant fast color. Each coat has a label with their full name sewed on the collar as a guar antee to their genuine quality. ! Don't fail to got a suit. - I ! Explosives in Itpmc- Kome. March- 21 An explosion currcd to nh;ht near the Ministry oc- ol Justice. Upon investigation remnants ofa bottlP which had been iillea with ail n powder were discovered. A man who is supposed to have placed the hot tie there hasbeen arrested.- Oh beini: searched a portrait ot Ovordapk, the bomb manufacturer, who was executed in Austria, was found in the possession. prisoner s Iri-h Motes. London. March 24, I8$3. The house at New Pallas of Mr.- Snunner, imana- ger of the Property Defence: Society, has been destroyed by hrei It is stated that Mr. Kettles, the cx- suspect, will accompany . either Mr Parnell or Thomas O Connor to America. "I In consequence of a report of a hostile protect on the part of I Fenians against the naval station at Chatham, a boom has been constructed across the dock basin, and furloughs granted to police men havo been stopped. i. General Foreign News. London. March 25. The Rnssians have completed the evacuation of Kuldia. Tho health of the Emperor of Ger many is much better. j Bishop Freppelmemberofthc Cham ber of Deputies, in seriously ill with laryngitis. The Posfs Berlin despatch says iYieo Admiral Batsch, of the German navy, has resigned . j Three soldiers of thej 109th French regiment, who were arrested on a charge of socialism, have been found I 7 i . I guilty and sentenced tojom regiments i a .1 j i a 7 ' a I in distant parts of Algerf a. . Queen Victoria. London. March 24, 1883,The Man chester Guardian says that the Queen, who has heretofore attended tho parish church at Osborne, is arranging for the establishment ot Vi private chapel there. It says the change is due partly to the increasidir years of Her Majesty and also to tho precautions forced upon an prominent persons y me insn troubles. The.; Con et Circular says that the weather aloho prevented the Queen from driving out he tore yester- day. Tho swelling of Jlerj M.-jjescy's knee continues to subside, and she has aImcst entirely rocovcred frotn the cf- foctof her recent fall at Windsor Castle The Queen ordered her carriage to-day tor trio nnrnose oi taiwinr a unvo, nui finally concluded not to Co. Her Ia a jesty will not, as she (xm tern plated, go to Kandnnirham next wees to i yisis inc Prince of Wales. She will, however, in the latter part of tho week leave Windsor Castle for her residence at Osborne, Isle of Wight. A fine assortment of Gans and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. tl The Place to Buy !i npUItPENTINE TOOLS. F.ULLER3, HACKKK8, DIPPKlW. WUi-.TTRS. if A:ICVT!TGnTS. Ac i &c. &c. Eet of goods at Rock. Bottom prices. A full and complete Btock of Ilardvraro always on hand. . W. E. SPRINGER A CO., Soca30W to John Dawson & Co., raclt 12 19. 2 ani Market Street SODA WATER. QK AND AFTER TO-DAY WE WILL keep Ibe most delicious Ice Cold Sod. Pare fruit juice only tued. I rJundc Bros., Difipensiog Pharmaclata,' J 1.491 BKOaJJWAY, JEW YOIUI, AND WILaUNGTON, K.C" , - . j xacal7 " '. - STATE NEWS. Rockinsham Spirit: Capt. H. Beh- rens has had his steam brick machine in operation apart of this week, turn ing out bricks at the rate of 15.000 to 20,000 perday. Kcws and Observer: On Friday last Wright Daniel, colored, was convicted at Granville of burglary, committed at the house of a colored family. The Ieati sentence had not been pronounced wnen our imorinam leiu Asheville Citizen: Cotton is being raised, i as a crop, on top of Saluda mountain, below Henderson vi lie. ia collection lor loreign missions was taken up last Sunday in the Methodist church, and reached nearly two hun- dreddollar3. Jaunnburg rcchanac: A negro carpenter, while engaged at work on the Lecgett House this week, fell from the root" and was dangerously injured. oi. xjnugers, vniei engineer ri.i Gardner and company, spent a lew- days with us this week. They are making their last survey of their pro posed route. . Wilson Siflings: The oldest person now living in Guilford county is Mrd. Susan Sessums, aged 08 years. Mrs,. Scssums reads well without spectacles, and remembers seeing George Wash ington when she was six years old. who was the gnest of her father while on his way to South Carolina on busi ness of importance.! ! Hickory Press: There is no industry here that circulates more money In the community than the Piedmont Wagon Company, which is now manufacturing wasrons at the rate ot two per; day. -The mountains are still covered with snow. The railroad men tell us that it was snowing thick and fast and the trees ot tho forest were bent with icicles as they crossed tho mountains on several mornings this week. Beaufort Telephone: The fat-backs or menhaden have begun to arrive from more southern waters. On Friday and Saturday of last week two lots were released from the pound net of Capt lanpncare, at vjape jookouc, and on Tuesday last the first cargo was sent from the same net to Messrs. Green. Maltby & ) Green, at Lenoxville. All tne larcries are now ncanv in runnm ir order, and will press them as fast as they are received. sneioy Aurora: nenj. cranium, a foil r year old son of Philander Bridges in io. 0 township, was killed by a tree (ailing upon him. The father had employed some laborers to cut down truoa anil i:op nn a nour ontrtnl " While, the axemen were cutting down a tree, they called to tl e boy to "get out of tno way," but the lutle b.y; .was so frightened that he ran Uhe wrong way and was struck by the' falling tree rin the back. ! ! Rjutherfonlton Banner: The shoe factories are turning out lo s of work of excellent material and good workman ship. In Kulherford county we nave as great a variety oi minerals as can be found in any other section in the Union, i he great obstacle in the way of the development of our rich mines i, first the want of enterprise among our own people, and next the advantage of railroad transportation, which pre vents thousands of mining people from visiting and making an examination ot our mines! Charlotte Journal: ... Many lamenta tions were made yesterday over the tidings which every fruitgrower brought to town, to the etiect that his orchard would be nothing but leaves this: year. About 3 o'clock yesterday morning Mr.iW. Patteison, of Providence town ship, was waked by a fire in his mill. located near ms resiaence. . jA very largo heap ot wood cad been placed near the engine for convenience, and to this some malicious person applied the torch. The destruction of the fire was arrested, but not until 25 cords of his wood had been consumed ;and the en gine so much damaged by the flames that repairs will be necessary before operations can be resumed! Statesville Landmark : Mrs. Abigail Foster, ot this place, last week killed a tine fat hen in the gizxard of which she found a. pin. the point of which had pierced through tho gizzard . and was sticking out.' - Mr. J. M. Clark, of Fallstown township, exhibited at onr office a few days ago a foot of a hawk, which ho had caught in. a trap. The M 1 Mr I A . trrT vt ao cniAn mnhoa T i loot measured o mcnes irora up to tip of the claws. Prof. M, E. Hyams has shown us a pair of silver spectacles and a pair of silver cuff-buttons, which are 165 years old. They were the prop erty of his grandfather, then of his fa ther, and from tho latter descended to him. On Tuesday. I3th mst.. Miss Sallte Gaithcr. a respectable young lady ot Calahan. Davie county, aged- 18 or 20 years, attompted suicido by taking arsenic. The dose, however, was so large as to act as an emetic, and a phy sician having been called in, the effect of whatever ot the poison may have been retained in tho stomach was neu tralized. The gitTs mother had provoked her deeply and this is said to have been the cause of her attempt at suicide. North Carolina has a wealth of forests. Not only have we a creater varletv of trees than any other State in the Union, but in borne of our mountain counties they arrow to almost incredible Isize. Mr. W. B. Harbin, of McBride's Mills, Watauga county, has furnished us with some figures on some ot the timber recently cut in his neighborhood, which arc: worthy of attention ; ! for instance: One poplar tree measured 10 iXeet 9 inches across the stump; one walnut tree 9 feet through the stumr; one tree made 11,800 3 -foot clapboards: one chestnut tree made 14.000 shingles ; one chestnut cut, the third from the stump. made 150 rails : one poplar log, 12 leet lonir. made 1.4S0 feet of irh lumber. and four poplar losrs made 4 360 feet of ! innk ' ,!antr Onltr lnct- trwtlr a gentleman sent us the dimensions of an oak on tho place of Mr. Amos Sharpe. in Olin township, this county, which. IS inches above the ground, measures 15 feet in circumference 5 -feet in diameter. This oak is lamous as one fof the large trees of this county, but it pales into insignihcance when com pared with the timber of Watanga. Buggies I Buggies ! N EW AND SECOND IIAKD rOB SALE 6otae Barries. t.j aocnmnLAND. Ltrexy mod.t'aJa erlalss d lf-tt COBIMERCIAIj NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. 1 March 26-4 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTI NK Quoted steady at 44 cents. Sales of 200 casks at these figures. j ROSIN Quoted quiet fat $1,274 for Strained and $1.32 for Good Strained with sales as offered. TAR Quoted steady at $1.00 per bbl of 280 lbs., with sales of receipts. CRUDE i TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $ I. 0 for Hard and $2.75 per bbl for Soft. I I COTTON Quoted quiet at 9 for Middling. I No sales" reported. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary..... ..........6 15 16 cts Good Ordinary 8 3-1G 1 Low Middling. w 1 . . .......a I if.'jjir i xiuuuuk- . . . Good Middling... U 10 1-16 DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton. ..... Spirits Turpentine. . . .j. . . ... Rosin ... 295 bales 91 casks 1356 bbls 273 bbls 307 bbls Tar......... ..... Crude Turpentine S. . . MAKLNE NEWS, ARRIVED. , Steamer WaYcRobeson. Fayetteville Geo, W. Williams & Co. ! i Steamer North State. Green. Fa ettevillo, Worth & Worth. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha. Bis bey, Smithviile, Master. Steamer John Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell, R. P. Paddisonw I Nor barque Frey, llalvorsen, Hull, via Charleston, S C. Jleide &r Co. ! CLEARED. Steamer North State, Green, Fay etteville, Worth & Worth. Steamer Wave, Robeson, Fayette yille, Geo W Williams & Co. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithviile, Master. Nor brig Congal. Daniel sen, Liver pool, Paterson, Downing & Co.; Exports. FORFJON. Liverpool Nor brig- Congal3,259 bbls tar. i - AVKKCLY STATJEMKNT. 8TOCK8 ON HAND MARCH 24, 1883. Cotton ashore, 9,509 ; afloat, 1 ,943 ; total. 11.452. Spirits ashore, 3,854; afloat, 50; total, 3,904. Rosin ashore, 75,040; afloat, 4,524; total, 79.564. i Tar asfiorc, 9,356; afloat, 2,614; total, 11.970. ! Crude ashore, 2,790; afloat. 9; total, 2,799. . . ::- ! KECEI1TS FBOM MARCH 17 TO 24, Cotton, 1,378; spirits, 1.183; rosin, 9, 827 ; tar, 2,63 1 ; crude, 682. EXPORTS FROM MARCH 17 TO 21. ; DOMESTIC. Cotton. 2.585; spirits, 769; rosin. 494; tar, 3.495; crude, 70. FOREIGN. Cotton. 3.100; spiritsj 1,000; rosin, C,- 549. . List of Vessels for this JPort. I BARQUES. I Nor Alleirra. 214 tons, Johnsen. Caon. I.eb ruary vj . Dan Alfgaard, m tons, . Antwerp, Nor Christina, 313 tons. Jensen, Liverpool March 5 . i Nr Ennomia, S57 tons, Tortenseer, Gibral tar. Feb 6 tirueorge iavu, M3 tons, Macombcr, Liv- erpooi, reb 38 t Norf H chwensen. 375 tons, Clausen LIv- crpO'-i. aiarcn o or uv, 3oo ions, 1'cuusen, luarch 1 i livorpool, oer MeckienburK8 Hauewithe. 311 tons, Wachsmlth. Tunis. I or VanadJs, 547 tons. Johnsen, Ayr, Feb 28. via Dcmarara ! . " Nor Aukatnor. 300 tons. Sarauelson. Dublin. doc so, awiTW at i-aimouin, feu 7 Swa comeien, 4 i tons, Olson, uvcrpool. Jan 13 Jior Ellisif. 119 tons, nance, Bristol. Enir. Jan 7 Ger Erna, 582 tons, Voss, Liverpool, Jan Oth .Nor H jemraet. 3tfd tons, lnxemundsen. Liver pool. Jan 23 Nor Libra, 419 tons, Jorgen6en, Newport, kj, Jan iv, via uat'0 verae i6ianis Newport, .ng, eu 7, via Tenerme tier si ana eopnia, 3'ss tons. Licnitz, nam burg. Oct 11, via Plymouth, Dec 2, arrived at cswes. uec a . Nor Nordenskjold. 204 tons. ! Abrahamsen. llambursr. ! Doc i. via (Juxhaven. Dec 17 Nor rnornen. as tons. Olsen. Miiro. Ireland. Jan 17 Nor Saga, 415 tons, Knudeen, Dublin, Dec 30 Nor feltrnc. 3os tons. Uachc, Llverp- o . Jan 3 NorSizurd Jarl, 435 tons, Olsen. talassrow. Jan a . Ger Soli Deo Gloria, 429 tons. Myer, Ilam bur. Feb 15 I tier Thomas bmau, oi tons, Dimnu. uiTcr- pool. Feb 8 Bay, Deo 3, via East London Nor Vulcan, , , Dublin, - , Nor Norse 307 tons. Olsen. Liverpool. Dec 30. arnvea at l aimouth, zc j Nor ban Juan, 2ro tons, isache, Liverpool, 1 . . . - is. w. m m- - .sot varnocs, xa ions, i creraen, umioi, Engr, Feb 9 .List of Vessels in port Marcli20 i B.COUE3- Nor Srcn Fovb. 300 tons, Berr, Ileide & Co Ger Albatross, 313 tous, siebo, 1 I E Fescbau & Weetcrmann Ger Erna, 5S2 tons, Voss, j ; E Pcschau & Westermann Ger Orion, 337 tor, C!useD, E i'eschau & Westermann Swd Ililde, Mi tons, Jaea, C I Mcbane Nor Sivah, -93 tons, Uenrietscn, Hcide & Co Nor Peder Luil l, 620 tons. Neiken. I EG Barker & Co Nor iTbeodor. 293 tons, Elneroten, lleido & Co Gr Marie, 567 tons, t'ermien, - j E Pcschau Jb Weetermann Ger Atlantic, 390 tons, Scheriag ! - E Peschaa & Westermann Nor Oscar II, 112 ins, Xiaapensen. CPMebase BRIG?. NorConzal. 332 tons, Daniclsen, Hcide & Co Br fciynal, 312 tons, Williams, A Spront & Son Swd Victoria, 246 tons, Colbuig, C P Mebane Nor Leon, SSI tons, Eilersten, Hc4de & Co feCKOONEKii. E II Drummond, 296 tons, Uigfns, EG Barker & Co Hattie B., tons, Caine, EG Barker & Co Abby L Dow, S4S tons, Corson, " Geo Ilarcirs & Co Juliet, 186 tons,-Leach, beo Harris & Co hffle aweet, ITS tons, Daley, Geo Harris & Co Margaret G Lyons, 314 tons. Smith, Geo ilarriss & Co Charley Bucki, 243 tons, rrench.- v . E G Barker & Co Eenj F Lee, 304 tons, Hans, Geo narrtsa & Co Leverinf, 83 tons. Gaudy, Geo Ilarriss & Co Carrie bell. 273 tons, Seavy. E G Barker & Co Alice Uearu, 347 tons, Penne w ill, Geo Ilarriss A Co AFX 241 tons. Smith, Gea Harris ft VERTIS E3IENTS. Garden Seed ! -pEAS, BEANS. CABBAGE. Ta aip. 5iqn5ih. Collar!, Ttaiah, Ac do. A flue ftelecUoa of k lower ccd. or Mia bjr j W1IXIASI II. GRT5KN. : 1 mch 6 Drnssist. THIS DAY. A Complete Assortment SPUING & SUMMER jECEIVEr TO-DAY WILL BE OPEN tor inspection to morrow. Thoee of my lady ".uBtomcw who bare been awaiting thd anlval of theeo goods and oth ers will flEd among them taa Newet acd "I - - Latcet and Prettiest Styles and Designs t A large assortment of tbo well-lDown '-Cor lis' Llxica Collars all etrk, Ladlea nd ChUdren'e. j A call and an examination of etock Is re spectfly bolioiteiL MISS E. KARRER, mch I to 1 DR. C. W.s BENSON'S (4 la Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TCTTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES & TC:JDZR ITCKINCSon&Upartseftha body. It makes the eZln white, soft and B-iootli rnaovos tan and frcckloa, and in th.a toilet dresslM in TSB WOBX.D. ElegjLntXy pat up, two bottles in one pao. ajs, o reistiiLfif oz both internal and exter nal treat -ent. All first class draesista (4 oaraih jcnce, i per pacsav. , 'I bad "alt Kheum f.r 19 years, 4 packages or your skm tjurc entirely curat me." r . xr, Lavelle, Merced, Cal. Ai drews Bazar savs: "Toimprove peoples apite.irance itreaj, rii?K8 arc. laitcn : areciiic. nurcury, or b:gh-.-ound titled named a tide: containing theso death deling imir. are taken m hopes vi getting rit of all these troub leg. In manv cased, death is the result. So alleviation of the burn-ing, hpntinr, itching ami inllammation is given. All troubled suouid kn-w that there i hoje for ihtm in a sure, pcnccc una cieguDt remc y,. tuown as "l)r. C. Vv. Hensoird ?-kln cure' l4,My skin, which has been covered with efa'y sores, has bwome e'eah. smooth im! i oft as a lad fr.:n the use f. your ikln Curo." A. M. oble, leni, X.G. ' - The IJome Journal avs: "Dr. C. W. Ben son has l'-n leen wed known aa a successful i-hystcian and surgeon and his life siu ty has been the ujAseo of the nervous system and of the skin." ' "I am happy to say your kla Cure has cured my czt ma of the fir alp of four yearn s andlng. Ju. a. Andrews, Attorney at Lihy. Aehto.n, 111. j j . The Hichmond Dispatch savs: "There is but orw sklu Cure"' v iucii .; bo relieU ou, and ttm is lr lieiii-on , and iU name is an e un- f st of it worth. It is not a paent medicine, oui ne resu io m own ex enen e nnl urc tice, ami in a sure cu v. for the Special dykateea lor wnicn it is ocerei. ' Dr. Benson's Celerv and C iamomlU3;iilla cure headache of every riaturej promptly, C. N. Cnttenton, Sole Wholesale Agent, fcr ir. j v. iJensou's Keuieuue, 115 F.ltunct.. ew i ors. j Inch 22 lw-c-th-frni The Puoiic m requested carefully to notice th new and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly , ... ; Capital Prize 70,000. Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. ' We do hereby certify thai we supervise the arrangement for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawing pf The' Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and tn person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same ure conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward ail parties, and we author ize the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached t An Us adver ttsements" Commissioners. Incorporated tn 1S8S for 25 years by tho Leg la'-aturo for Educational ana Charftablo enr- rosea vnin a capital oi $i,uw,ouu u wtucn a wo, resrve runa pf $530,000 has since been By an overwhelming populai vote Its fran- chise was ma!e a part or the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A D..1S7V. endorsed Tlte only Lottery ever voted "on and by the people of any State, It never scales or postpones Its GKAsn Single Number Dnxwrxoa take place monthly. - I A bPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOBTUNE. I Fonrth GrandDrawlng, Oasa D, at New Orleans. Tuesday. April 10. iNvi loom aionmiy urawin. i , Capital Prize, 875,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PEIZE8. 1 Capital Prize of.... . 1 Capital Prize ol..... 1 Capital ITizc of 2 Prizes of S5X) 5 Prizes ot 2.000...., 73,000 20,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 A 10 Prizes of 20 Prize of 100 Prizes of SU0 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1.OJ0 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 25.000 j 6,750 4,500 2,250 .. 300..... 100 so 25. LOW Prizes of J APPEOXIMATloy rEIZE. 9 Approximation Prizes of 750. 9 M 300. 3 j " ' 550. 1,$G7 I Prizes, amounting to fJ55O0 Application for rates to clubs should only be madei to the cSce of the Company in New Or leans. . - . ! K M A.1 m M M.M . M r or ranaer uuoTmaoon, wnw citriy, Ine fall Registered Letter or loney Order addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans. La. or SL Aj DAUPHIN. i 07 Seventh 8L, Washington, D. C. N. B. In the Extraordinary Semi-Annual Drawing ot next J una the Capital Prize will beei.uC0. men i4wed-at-(wdTr , t . i ! I MISCELLANEOUS ., and Sal a flti H?23- m. iioxs 1 CABIUAGLS let at loir ntc. The flce Ilearv) tn o .w Co Fourth and h Wotice. fpHE UKDEESIGNED DAVLXQ pointea uouector on tho out f j roi,occja3ed,cm tho Wih Tthnjl I to aald dacd tn and all penwn having claim. tore the Stilh Fcwruary. lSiu7r ,1 rk bo pload ta 4ar of their 5 mch 5-lar-4irm BUTTER! QILT EDGK, OLEOMARGARINE. TEAS, COFFEES, MOLASSES A, For eale at low priecs bj 1 De Rosset &Co, Don't Pay Rent I THE PAST FIFTEFv JL years 1 have eo ki a larce jnii !?ho,ui! aD.l'?l8 ttdsfcctt,S .uoiuiw. ymn io i.artles whrt Iff aro Dow nv ng tree and indewDdent H'M of Ian-lords: If not for thnt VuB them ould still l zl Kwy( tinr a. am mH . . . t-i n'n. ----- - i'hiiuk 1 1 1 1 mnn , amounts monthly, sow bouses ; on party owlb six and anoiie,! 1 o besiiii on An nnJi 0W "' two m seven. stalment plan has proren lo ha SLrLir."- cca-t. it ia won derfui hnw HKffW! araountb g ow Into blfr flairs. 1UI tnwn, Eleventh Bay Twemi Th Caeile, Church, Nun, Ann orXJ Tf 'rtBtk' Walnut M ulberrv " lrt;!ra!CbB lotte and ttantln It?. wna UVM - Money loaned to tboee wiahlnr t4 hniM mch ItMm Apply to JAU& WILboX. Labohatory op : n r State asaatt.ea.kd chewst, I ' eoEast Grace Stwfet nt w CHMOXD. v. January 80th, ISC. ME. N. h ZEKiELhns made knoifn totu U oomposition of hU Hair . cstorer and I hm also subjected It to chemical eiamlDatloa. ft toutalns no lead or slim, ubUnca rerr commonly employed la making prepsnOos for the hair, ror anything harmfal, and nut therefore be used without apprehulon of la iurious results. - . . Wlf. H. TAYLOR, M. D., . btateCasmM. Whilst thanklOff VOU. Mr. PcAkktl. Inrth Hair Keet rer you so kindly bent me, I Uko Kreat pleasurelnsajingtoyoo that IU bens fleial effeots upon my hair bare been m ipptr. ent as to attract the commendation of All mt friends who have noticed it. . - It ia In my ostimati m a treasure, without wh'ch the toilet of none who bareMddUvm be complete. Hoping it mar reAliMjoau pecuniary success you so richly deserve, I I remain, very rwpectf uhy, ' MaS. A. )L T. Win. Wchmond, Va., Feb. 27, 1367. j For sale by all druggLtts. Price $1 per bo tie. . i 1 fih IT First National Bank of Wil mington.: Deposit reed rod aad eoOeettoM an accessible poinfi In the United BUte. i I . - ! DISECTOESi i . E. E. BVRBTJSS, , rXOwuittn, MABTIS1, yAS.arBCT, B. F. nALL. OFTICEESt: E. E. BUBBUSfl a , w AT.K VT- ..... ...f' i tV. LA RKIN8.. ....... ap!23 500 Hlids. New Crop Cuba molasses OW LAKDXNO, EI-BRIG "AKTEWrr N f direct from MaUnzas. roraie."- Orders solicited. WORTH & WORTH jan2 - TJo Liquors BUT A STOCK or rEEsn. A 50. i fiS . ) I ' ' . . .' I CEBTES win be kept at our tore, . . No. 45, Market; Street. AD rod sold by ca will be- asrrpr4 GOOD GOODS AND 85fALLPEOnT WILL BE OUB UC?Aa AGItc us a trial aad be 210Bfl7 mcb!2tf w j ""m"1"" COUNTRY XXXZIAXTS' AND ETEKT BOOT C , gci suiuxl in quality n P -.7 V stork r ka?iiiI!KY tiOODS, at Saddlery and TrtM a CO.. . ... U. Al. ; jK. 3.0. w Aianuxacinxo F. P. JONES, -IUST02I. S. C. ATT02SST W aellor-ftt Law. TTJ3 fTtewo - ke StaU. specl kttsa c? UJfttI

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