MISCELLANEOUS. 15" THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. RelisTes.aad ers RHFX3IATIS3I, Neuralgia, Sciatica. Lumbago, BACKACHE, EliMCBX, T0OTHCHI, SORE THROAT, QriNST.BWF.LUNGS. MPRAINN, Sorta Cats, Broast, . FROSTBITES, Bl'RM, SCALDS, Aol a'.i otW twwiilr adi-s and pain. nm CI5TT 1 BOTTII. pH r all DrnrrH n1 I("i. Direction iu 11 language. Tie Clurlsi A.T:jIer Z:. ( Sowi to A. V.I.t.t C.) Balliaiar.. JH-, I. S. A. TheDaily Review OIJK IN N Kit .UFK. Eieh lt:ij- a secret an iuuer life, u nouea ami Ie:trs. Hi;h smpiotiwn, doubting, slm, and fear. j Ami jovs ami tour ! j N. eye but God" withm tin- veil ran l.ok: UnU the worM j TUr human heart i an i:notciiCMook A banner fuiTd: j . I A mighty ttvean into whose lowest deep t: t-.-tmioi ee i i A eret treasury, of which ilea van kevp-. Tin; master key ; t I An unsolved, awful, mystery Mihlinic .Ne'er understood A battle lield, where virtue strive.- with crime, Kvil with good, i I Tli angid of our kind and ndTere tate Are mars hale I there: Light grappling with prim darkne, love with hate. ! Hope with despair. None eVr cau pas the becret inner door That znardM the heart: . r I It U a crypt one's wlf caunet explore j In every part, i j Wv are not a- wc eiTii for oft the ere Belies the breast: The lips -ry '-peace"' wlien haggard care U ni'jh ' j '-.,!; And wild unrest, -Measure the sur.leam compass en and Creation' plan. Find out! 'Twerh easier than to understand The heart of man.! ; i. Komeinler This. If you arc sick Hopri tiers will sure-dVatnroinmakm-yoti well when irvou arc costive or dyspeptic, or re fctliltliDi, UU' " , Serous diseases of the i stomach or Ceis it is vour own fault it you re- riln ill. to IoP Bittrrs arti , a- sover" Sit ramedy in all such complaints Tyou arc wasting away with any form ' J Kidney disease, stop tempting Death "moment, and turn for a cure . to ff vou are sick with that terrible sick i Nervousness, yon find a "Balm in I5d" la the use of Hop Bitters. ff vou are a frequcn terror a resident .t i miasmatic district, barricade your . rint the scounre of all couu- malarial, epiuuiuiu, unmn, nw inurmittent fevers-by the use of Hop inters ' if voii hate rough, pimply, or sallow hk'm. bad breath, paiiis and aches, and iijrl miserable generally. Hop Bitters wlQ sivc you fair skin, rich blood, and jwtdeat breath, health and comfort. lu riiort they cure all diseases of the stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver. Nerves Kldnovs. Bright' Disease. $500 will fee poii for a case they will not cure or ftat poor, bedridden, invalid wife, rtfer, mother, or daughter can be mie tie picture of health, by a few boOle of Hop Bitters, - coat ing but a trifle. Will you let them suffer, iach 12 lm FACING DEATH FOKTHEIU COUNTKV Two Acts ot Heroism Displayed by Soldiers AVIiile Under Fire. A small flag had been rieen at the .side of a rock standing near the flank of one of the Frencii trenches before Sebastopol. No one knew how the Has had come there. I Jt was re- and shells with fatal his IMi IU&Y tejue it a effftet, not a cause. Ita origin wtt in; Its manifestations without. Hence, u cum the iiLxv4e Ue CAUSK murit be remov 4. In no other way can a cure be effected. WAAMKlfH SArB K1DSKY AND IJVKK CUKE ltt established on Jutvt thid princlplf . It Kallan that 95 Per Cent. o all rL-ease artee from deranged kidneys and rer tod it strikes at once at the root of the lifliculty. The elements of which it U compose-! art directly upon the jrrcat organs, both m a FOOD and ftEtTTOKKR. and by placing them In a healthy condition, drive dlaeese and ftfn from the system. Pnr the in?merahle troubles' caused by un hahhy KMny8, Uvcr and Uilnary Organs; (J th dUtreiwInff IMaordera of Women; for and for physical derangement xencr iJy, thU irreat remedy has no equal. Beware of IniooeUrs, Imitations and concoctions said t be )u a gool. tI)iabeus ask for WARNER'S SAFE DI- abltks cum-;. r sale by All dealers. H. H. WARNER CO.. MUt lm Rochester. N. i i i n marten mac cannon oaiis had fallen futo the trench effect, as if there had been an enfilading nre. a suaaen light broke upon the officer in command. The jllag was a point to aim at lrom the rampart, and the rock sent the shot by ricochet into the trench. He called lor a volunteer to take awajT the flag. There was no reply. j i In the French army it is n0t enough to give a word ot command. )vh;ch has to be explained before it is obeyed. The oflicer went to a private soldjer of the name ot Victor Picault, and asked him to go. The man answered that he would, if he knew why. The case was then made clear to him. He sprang out ot the- trench, and ran to the tlap; under a shower of riile bullets.Hc pulled it down. At the moment when it fell a whole battery discharged Jgrape shot at htm. He threw himself on the ground. Both the French and the Russians thought he was killed. I He suddenly jnniped up unhurt, . and ran to the trench with the flag ;n his hand. jHe received non commissioned rank! and the Cross ot Ihe Legion of Honor. ' A gunner was then praised for courage and strength. During an attack on one ot the 1 rench batteries he had remained alone to defend it. all! his comrades having been either killed or wounded. He brandished one of jthe lever3 ot his cannon like aj quarter staff, striking down five Russians with t. He received two bayonet-thrusts in his shoulders, but still had vigor enough 'to wrest a rifle from one of those Vfho had wounded him. He shot the one without and knocked the other over with a blow on the head from its stock. Sqme Zouaves came to his assistance, and saved him by charging the . Russian line of attack. They carried! him in triumph to the commander iri chief, who was at breakfast. On hearing the report giyen of the affair, the great general made the gunner sit don to share his meal. When he was with drawing, a cross of the Legion of Honor was pinned on his breast by the general himself. The gunner offered his humble thanks, and asked if lie might now go to have his wounds seen lto. Intense was the astonishment of the officers present. Among them) was a staff surgeon, who was ordered to examine the man at once, i The two wounds were pronounced by hmi to be very serious, but not mortal, and thei- happy gunner was sent to the ambulance. Tewple Bar. 9 3 2 T3 2. 3 9 -i a c V c m S3 a a. M tr 3 tx ' a -i B t o f. 5 a. a t ? 3 a 3 a H 3 n S3 - a 3 B 70 70 What Seven Could not do, NAsnviLi.K. Tenn.r April 6, 1881. II H Warner & Co: Sirs Seven physicians could not do ' for nie what your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure ac complished. Hopelessly sick 'with kid ney diseases, it restored me to perfect health. JACOB -MYERS.' ..;JF- J- "-a 4L M i are fond ordos. TTiey""will pay 400 for a Gordon setter and never ; shoct Anything but the setter. ' h ' ! Ixxlges are useful, out too many of them do not.m.ike a happy home. A man in Iowa .joined so many that it : took him and his wile all nirht to count them. He slept in , regaiia, called his wins iruisuijjiui muiri anu tits son "junior warden J He spent a great deal of his time marching in processions and in visiting the sick, especially ladies of sixteen years and upward. He was taken sick himself, and he was visited by so many communities that his wife was glad to get him well. - Fill your home with beauty; People ought to live in every room in the house, I have built a great many houses on paper and I am at it yet. I would avoid the spare room. Tt is cold and damp. There is r.othingiu a ;spare trpom that will burn. Lhaveoften trjeaioUwajm abed in a spare room, but always failed. If you have any doubt abgut the spare room, ask your pastor, lie knows all about it. ? I ! We live in brighter homes now, and live in better houses than kings formerly lived iu. I can say, with Talmage, that Iwasfiladto be on hand when the planet came along. Our fathers were a lot of scalawags. Clothed -in tin and steel they would go into a neighbors castle and rob and destroy. But now things are better If a man sees another with anything ' he . wants lie makes a deal with him in stoeks, iu trfl or cotton, or what, and he gets the property ; but. he don't , disfigure the corpse. Only 160 years ago the last witch was burned in Scotland for get ting up tfthundcroTffii? by puljing off her stockirig how a man vvdnl get shot jifhe pulls off his: boots in a parlor car. What man is" there who would have jived in 1776 ? Eighteen suits me bet ter than seventy-six. j The world is bet ter than it used to be and it is going to be still better when you get out of it. Every man should have a den a room or closet in his house, sacred to his own use. in which no wife has a right to go tearing around a den fullof pre cious letters, photbraphs. o)uns anL unpaid bills. In your homes you must expect troubles it. is- troubles-that make home happy. Enjoy your trou bles! as they come along. Fill your home with music- j Buy your boy a fiddle, even if you have to stop your ears Buy a piano for Jthe girls even it you have a do2eh of them, and you have one, two, three, one. two, ,-threcj all the day long,BurlinfftQnJIpw?icyc. : : " " ' Dr. BtnsoiVs Celery and CJiamO' mile Fills cured my wife immediately of severe neuralgia." II. M. (Cocklin, JShepherqtown,jra.J1pQ(;, adruggists. . j " i : . LiLz : . .. , Soap bubbles can be blown to a size ot two feet in diameter and kept two days by using a preparation of oleate of soda and glycerine. x. Y. tym. Wells' "liougli on Corns;" Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns." 15c. Quick, complete, permanent cure. Corns, warts, bunions. MISCELLANEOUS... Kalamazoo. Micir., Feb 2, 1880. I know-Hop Bitterr4Will recom mendation honestlyl f .11 Whcf rise them confer upon them th higltrencnii ums and give thent cr4drtforTOking cures all the proprietors claird for them. I have kept :thenv since they were first bftfereol U the public' They took high rank from .the first, and maintained it, and are mrore .cailed for than ail others combined-.. So long as they keep up their high reputation for purity and usefulness, I shall continue to recommend them something I have never before done with any other patent medicine. J. J. Babcock, M. D. 5 fit 3 t I o a tr E. Z. o a n 3Q ' a ac - in 73 as 03 Panaers, Take Notice. MUfliUy HOQ CHOLERA COMPOUND l cure or prevent Hog Choi -ltU dieia which Swine are .ud- Trtcw1. lreadful disease UittTaSL114 win put your norm In iAa ajxl tS? .fonWna one and one-hall JoSpiia aim110 of Cholera. andput Mnlrth !2Mto to fatten in one half the The lamcri7fkfT.Inon0 ha ot te toVS 10 ttea in one half Ihe ftni- iV,1. countr are sriTlnr It AU lanaera ahould buy a pack cjW!?? and ' ret-vr. 'it. Home, Sweet Home. I talk about home because I am rare ly there, and men like to talk most of what they know least about. "There j is uu piut-e ii ku mime. ivtrn iuu.iu live in boarding houses touchingly war ble that song. Home is more to a wo-j man than to a man. A man who has no home is a social tramp.1 pWith a woman it is ditlerent; she wants a home, but does not always have a chance to get itt Woman ' feeds upon affection. She is never happy untit,she gets her ideal man ; and then she is cast down to find another woman's photo graph and iove-iettcr in his' overcoat pocket. But a man gets his home, lot, bouse, mortgage, mechanic's lien and all. He has all but the niortgage, and the mortgage has him. All ofa man's life, except what he spends iit thestore, club, caucus, lodge or prayer meeting, is spent in his home. Mam is! great in his own house; if he is not a king, he is at least a prince consort i, Mny are like the man who. on being uominated for Iieutentant governor, said: -"You have nominated the right man lor tJie right place. I have been lieutenant governor ever since I was married."' i It.ls said that every home has a , skel eton, but I don believe it. It is only a thing of the imagination. 1 Some regard a poor relation as a skeleton; but that is wrong. No man is poor for fun; he can't help it, and is entitled I to your sympathy. Homes are brighter and better than they used to be. Onrwives make them so. When a wife buys her husband it diamond pin for Christmas it brightens home; and the husband is made happy by receiving the I bill ten days before Christmas. Husbands, take your wives into your confidence; it will help you to success. What is home without a dog? It is altogether too quiet. I took a.dog from Philadel phia to Burlington and rather than do it aain I would take a pair of twin ba bies to San Francisco. That dog wound L K 1 ECZEMA, - TETTERS, I HUMORS, ... , PIMPLES. Diseases of Hair and Scalp. Inflammation, Eruptions, Ulcers, Itcliinus, ALL VANISH BY USE OF DR. C. W. BENSON'S IE5I I XsT, O XT IFt E. It makes the ekin "wbi c, sofjt and smooth; removes tan and freckles, and is the. JJEST toilet dressing IN THE AVORIJ) Elcgajitly put up, TWO bottles ht me fackbfeH teowlst ins ot both internal and external treatment. All Jirstcass xrugg:1"18 nave it. i -- Ier package. It is the only genuine "Skin Cure" and all should beware of the various remedies which have been struggling for existcnee, and now endeavor to ride into popularity by ad vertising themselves, as "The ireat Skin Cures." There is onlv one. and that is Dr. Benson's. Be sure afld get it. j "I'M 11AFPV TO SAY YOUR SKIN Cl'Bi: HA. CUBED MY KOZEMA OK THE M AI.P, OK IOLB YEAlts ktandino.' Jno.' A. Andrews, Attor ney . it Law." A ehton, 111. t-6'Hi. j "FOR Toru YE A KS I si" KFERKI ;"AiJtY FEOM A SKIN DIPEAS'H. " YOUR SKIS Cl'KK rURKDME." C. B. McDonald, Plantenviile, Ala. -."..'; ' Nervous or Dyspeptic Headaches cured by Dr. V. W. Benson's Celerv and Chamomile Pills. , !. r' r-.' ' i C. N. Critteuton. Sole VVholeaHle Agent, for Dr. C W. Benson's Kcmedie, II Fulton St., New York. . , apl 5-lw-th-fmi - ' - ' ' ( RFFnrAMn aft i Cls 1 mill fir eitVttrj:1 TrtaL TO LIEU OriLYi YQUUQ JORJOLD, - TTrnO are raffertnx from'Vcurocs Debojtt, V I-t YiiAurr. Lack or Xctte Fo axi Visor. WiTO8 WKAKXKssiB.jin4U thv aueaj of a nxwsAt XATfaie iviltsnx tmm.Ja a f 4T!ra CCrs. fpT rft and complete reeto rtiaaof E.tTH. icotanl MisuiWtl'-uimra. " 1 1 it KTOXKirt ni-tT-jr of fho NiT"-t-ta iVriturr. I Send t on- for l.l Jitifl ifnr- t J , ' ' ? VARIOUS QUACKS. WHn-FlP.UWtTU UtenuunrTCKUfur ntit ! TIVATE THE FIELD OF HUMAN NATURE. There have alwajs been - qiuicA-f legal quacks, theological quacks, , scientilic quacks and medical quacks. Some of tliem are bland, oily fellows who argue ami smile the world into believing ia their favorite bit of humbug. Others are pompous and pretentious paraaitea. But they make it pay. Men seem to love to be swindled, stipulating only that it shall-be neat ly done. The dear public arc equallv liberal - to the electri kk iioUc frattd.cTlii51re!low is a genius in hi line. f Ife-will put a magnetic Delt around your waist, a magnetic necklace" under your chin, or lit you out with an entire suit of magnetic clothe, warranted to serve the pttf ofe of n-Jiiary garments, and at the same time to enreall diseases, from whooping-cough to hasty consumption. ' Most of these, have no more electric or mag netic powei about them than reside in woolen blanket or in girdles of sackcloth. Only when applied by an expert is electricity ol the flightejjtTifeaRa"melu;inal'agtnt4 api even then its value is grossly over stated. iWiiut is the strongest pofcsHdc prcsumptlyacTidence in fa rrVi- of a pattfcnlar l-dnedy ? Clearly t hat it should have leen prepared, bv responsible per- i i sons of acknowledged skill in t he trratjnjent of i " i f dtease. i Squarely on this fomvlatiou stands BEN SON'S CAPCINE POISUS IMjASTKR. En dorped by .5,000 physicians, phnrinacist, drug gists and chemists, Jt needs no further ajtolo gy nor introduction. It is the.oue and only, true and tried external applicatiouL Quacks of all kind theSrl WHOLESALE rFICES. W Th following ouotrUous represent wholesale priees generally. In making up small order higher price have to lx chaaged ft) 1 K9 a 9 kinds pay the fCapcine; the,, cc ridi-lliko; a.- Satan i said'to 4 copipliment of late licdy wa ter. . r ; " Look in the middle of the plaster for the won! "CAPCINK". Price 25 cents. Seabury A .Johnson, Chemists. men 25 4w -. ., yLSSSr-. RinipiriQ muni This w&ter-proot material resembles fine leather.isnsad for roofs, outside walls of bulldinfm. snd 4nmd in plac of plaster. Catalogue AIM II CAV 9 PH Caal 8amplesfTeeEsteb.l866)i.n.fAI OCUlit : '" i Y DON'T Fail to use ALABAST1XE for renovating your 'Walijs and CeiUngs. It is rapidly superced log all other Finish. For durability", beautr and economy,' it is without an eqwal. and can be applied by any one.tir not for sale in your neighborhood, - send to "SEKLEY BROS., 32 Burling Slip, New Yorlr. mch 26 4w When 1 ear eara I do not mean merelv to ston them lot time and then bare tbem return again, I mean aradl -Hi cure. I bare made the disease of FXTS, Prt.EP3y or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study, I warrant ntj remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others hav , tailed Is no reason for not now receiving a euro. Send ill once for s treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy.- Give Express and Poet Office It costs yen nothing for atrtjVand I wlllcureyoivi - Jll'frej "A - OJSOOjE. 1 PearXfit. New Torlt. Sr00to$250 Per Month SURE. Agents Jubilant .witti sueces , everrwrfero sellinsr our newbraided Silver Mould Wire Clothes Line. Lat- forever. Xever ruM. Warranted aeiln re8xlily at every nouse. sample dctmn free i.y tnaiL , AddreiM OI&AED WIBB MILLS, Fhilada. , Pa. C3!?TDBHs I have a positive remedy for the above disease; by ita Cse thousands ef cases of the worst kind and of Jong standing bare been cared, indeed, eo strong Is my faita In its efficacy, that I will send TWO B0TTLE3 FREE, to gether with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this dlseaue, to any sollbrer. Give Express and F. O. address. PB T. A. tU.OCUM, 161 Pearl St., N w Vtlc- "MOORE COUHTY GRIT" AAnuini i o inn if ii i PTnttcc LUAHWJLLO MrtUWliLUOIUIiCOi g 7 ., , r, CALX. SIZES), i UtdlllliHtVUlfLU SAMPLES OF USAX. BEST ON APPLICATION. ' NORTH CABQIINA MILLSTONE CO. Branch Office. Charlotte. N. C. a-MVNTION THIS PAPF.ll ImHE GBEAT SOUTHERN IX. m71Tl!nVrA ei.a AffirAf. al. Syphlli!" Scrotal on s Taint, RHeu. mat ism. White Swell in ir. Gout. Goitre. IConsamption.TIraBchitls, rron De KlHrT. Malaria, and all diaeaxM arininr Jfroni as impure condition of tho BLOOD, SKIN, or SCALP. 1 Ii CURES SCROFULA. Cures Klicumatlm. Cures Syphilis.. Ctircs Malaria. ba6gi2?g ; Standard..... lTO 2 lb...... UV i a.. ii a BACON North Carolina: llama, r lb 00 O Shoulder, I 8 - 10 Sides, ft.. 00 to WESTERS SMOKED- Hams... lTVfcO Sides. ft la Shoulders 00 & DBY SALTED Sides, ft j BH Shoulders, V ft 00 A BARREIjS SDlrita TuruenUne.l - Second Hand, each.... 1 75 New New York, each;....... 1 HO NewCltv.eacb 1 0 BEESWAX. V ft i 20 BIUCKS, tM BUTTEK. V lb- North Carolina.......!....... 2S Northern. 30 Wilmington 7 .V) Northern 0 W C.NILES, V ft j Sperm.. IS ffD . Tallow . . ll4i Adamantine........ .......... 14 6t CUEESE. V BV. - - Northern Factory.. . ......... lSitfS Dairy, Cream.... ............ 14 (ft State L 10 Ctt COFFEE, V lb j Java i..... Jjtgnyra.i..... Rio J.. CORN MEAL. V bus., in sac . 77i COTTON TIES, V bundle.... 1 30 0 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4 4, V yd. 7 Yarns, W bunch I 00 EGGS, W dozen...... oe FISH Mackerel, No. lj f no!..... "..IB 00 Mackerel, No. 1, 4? halt bid.. 8 . Mackerel, No. 2; r bbl 9 60 Mackerel, No. 2, V half bid. . oo Mackerel; No. 8,1 bbl. ...... 7 75 Mullets, tf- bid.. ! 3 00 Mullets, Pork bbls.... ...... 7 00 N. C. Roe Uerring, 4f keg-... 3 on DrvCod. 4f ft..i .5 FERTILIZE RS. tfl 2,000 ft Peruvian Guano! No. 1...I...57 !50 No. 2........K! 00 Lobos. 00 00 .Baugh's Phosphate. . . 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer... J 45 00' IS 10 10 at & m is is il 14 18 11! 12 Vi 111! SS 00 90 " 2H 00 33 50 00 25 12 15 14 14V, 12 2. . 14, IS SO 75 ItAILKOADS, eCe Ground Bone Bone Meal... Bone Flour Navassa Guano.......... Complete Manure. ........ W-han n'ft- Phosphate. . . . . . Wando Phosphate.. Berger & Butz's Phosphate.. 00 00 Excel lenza cotton rerunzer.ao oo .00 00 ..00 00 .v00 00 ..40 00 ..00 00 ..00 00 ..00 00 French's Carbonate of" LI me. French's Agricultural Lime.... FLOUR, bbl ' Fine........... Northern Super . liVtm " M J A .1 . ... ....... . " Family.. i City Mills Extra. . .... Family Extra Family.... GLUE V ft........... GRAIN, V bushel Corn, from store, bags, white. Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. . Com -cargo, mixed, iiT b8gs .: Oots, from store....,.....; Cow Peaa.. ...... HIDES, V ft j Green , 7 00 a so cToo 5 &0 ; oo 00 60 75 50 11 70 or, (Sf20 10 (Will (to 5 St 8 e 3 (it 8 eft 4 as 62 mi 51 mo 50 mo 945 957 GH5 a67 70 70 w (tit 7 a 9 a s n 6 est 6 (8) s m e a 6 W 7 & 110 0 1 57 75 4 10 Dry............. HAY. V 100 lbs ..Eastern .;......;....;,.. 1,20 Western...... 1 00 North River... 75 at a tt 80 00 S5 00 43 00 00 00 00 40 00 10113 10 (CD 'v ca HOOP IRON, V Ton . Northern. . . . J, . .'. . . . . . . ... . JZ - i -North Carolina. 00 LIME. 4 barrel.. 1 10 LUMBER, City Sawed, V M ft. Ship stun", rcsawed...L. ..is oo Rough Edge Plank... .15 00 . West India Cargoes.accordlng to quality... I. ...13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 Scautllng and Board. com'n..l2 00 MOLASSES, W gallons- New Crop Cuba, in hhds " " in bbls. .. Porto Rico, in hhds. " in bbls.... Sugar House, In hhds. !. 7 in bbls.... Syrup, in bbls .f NAILS, Kcg.Cut.10d basis.. OILS, gallon Kerosene Lsird Linseed Rosin i.....: Tar... i Deck and Spar POULTRY j : ; Chickens, live, grown ' Spring........ Turkeys..... PEANUTS 4f bushel....; POTATOES, tf" bnehel Sweet. ........v.. ... .......... Irish. 4f bbl. i PORK, V barrel City Mess...... Prime Rnmp RICE Carolina, W ft...... Rough, 4f busheL RAGS, V ft Country City ROPE. 4f ft SALT, sack, Alum. Liverpool Lisbon American SUGAR, lb Cuba. Porto Rico.......... A Coffee........... B " ....j c i " Ex C .. Crushed... SOA P, 4f ft Northern SHINGLES, 4T M Contract. .' Common Cypress Saps. Cvprees Hearts....:.. STAVES M W. O. Barrel. R. O. I logs head... TALLOW, if ft TIMBER. V M feet Shipping Fine Shipping W... Extra do ................. Mill Prime L.. Mill Fair..... ........ Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary.... WniSKEY, f gal Northern. North Carolina. ............. WOOL,4f lb Washed ;.L..... Unwashed. Bnrrv.. 8 & em mi 018 822 e5 et at as at et at . at 10 25 Oil 00 00 fiO 00 50 50 fiO 9 50 00 00 00 00 0Q 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 0 00 00 50 75 50 CO 50 13 75 60 12Vs 65 60 80 6Vj 12 i 25 10 85 00 - 14 14 50 00. 00 00 00 41 45 45. 48 i!9 83 80 23 l.l .17 . 5 o . 4 . 0 .12 .00 n .11 ..... 9 ' m t .... 6 5 0 1 1 90 6$ 1 00 et 00 (tt 33 (B ' 20 at 75 O l 90 6t 1 GO (ft flo ea 3 5C 24 00 917 00 ttS 4 as et 1 yi& 14V08 00 (B 00 t -oo et oo et ' oo & oo oo et ' 00 et i s et 1 9 et 10Vi 5 ft 00 (ft 7 00 O 2 M (ft 5 00 07 00 018 00 4910 5 Ot Of) .914 25 ttl3 50 j J5J12 50 & $ 50 Ot 7 00 (ft 6 oo ea 4 oo et 5 on et. a 25 (ft i -.21 et 10 & 15 45 00 00 20 22 i 35 30 25 10 75 75 1 00 00 00 8 15 1 1 22 75 SO 00 75 00 00 Id 9 8V 11 6 00 50 00 so: oo oo 6 00 00 00 50 00 0C 00 , Oil 1 50 16 - 15 RSjQ.2JLEaiIS Cores Xctous Debility. ELOSilBillalS CimES EBITPTIOXS. r baa its tngrealents published oa ererr fkare. t-boir It to yonrphy1-Un, and Is will fcoii rnn tt la romnoaed of tb9 , longest Iterative that, exist, and Is an sxecuent. luaaa A'anner. , ; k - COSAPALJS H aold by aa DrnggWa. f .""1 people are always on f tne footmtt or.chan- f fr ii W J LJ 1 Mralim. ani tat tinae co Co Inereaae their .-tconie wealthy; tlioe who do not Imnrorg ifcelroppoTtnnitieft remain In poverty. We of tcr a gfeat chance to make money. We want raany men. wotv.cn, boys and girls to work tor gb right .n their cwya localities. Any one can do the work properly from the first start. The business will pay more than ten times ordi nary wages. Expensive ontCt f JiyilAlyd free. No bnc vjo cn.rages fails to make money rso l.i'r. ioi. tn do tots yocr'wnoJe time t the wc f "7 r,er. vc"?r re i" rcti i i- Oommissioner's Sale, N PURSUANCE OF A DECREE OF THE riaperior Court of Brunswick ciunty, at Fall Term 11, iu an action of foreclonre tbercln pending between TTie rirst national Bank of Wilmington a plaintiff,, and Alex. Oldham and wile as defendants, theunderignfd, Com misainer appointed by said deeree.will sell at public anction, tor cash, at t lie Court JIoue in MnilbTillc, onlonday, the 9lh of April. at 12 M, the following real estate, U-jug in the county of Brunrwkk, adjoining the town of Wilmington and containing i7f acre, more or lees. Beginning at a marble pott in the Bmns wick eminty lio on tne South sideof the great road or catweway arrows Eaglo Inland.' and rune about South with the aaid county llncf to a cypress in t he edge of the Cape Fcst river at th? raourtk of a canal, then along said canal about West to Alligator Creek, then up said creek to said great road or aneway, then along it about East to thef beginning. Excepting tfrm aaJd bound two a-re con veyel to John A. Taylor by 4. E. Gregg by deed of Jantiarr 19tb, 1S04 ; aud aUo exix-pUng1 a lot lying 120 lee t Lroni the aforesaid! ronnty line and along said great road 00 feet, fronting the same and extending back J00 feet taralhl with mi id Brunwitk county line, which last lot was reserved by Alfred Smith in the deed conveying aid landjto the aail Alex. Ukiham. : . . A. fi. RICAUD. mch H-'iV! 1 OmmNioncr. TJ C D. rjorrill. NDElTTAKXn, CABINET M Aim R JLSI Carolina Central B. rB. Company. j Ornci or general scterutcndesit, i Wilmington, N. a, KoT.12tb. 1SS2. '.. ) Phancro nf 5rHo"fiiiln QN AND AFTER NOV. 13th,8S2, THE - following scneoaie will be operated onltals Railroad: , ' r" v PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TItAIN, s . mmwm . m . . A tm W a at ieave rvumingxon au... x . au Arrive at Charlotte at...... .7.40 A. H. Leave LJiariotte at.. ...... ..7.aj f. al. Arrive at Wilmington at..... CO A. M. Trains Nos-1 and 2 stop at regular atailona , ami iMjinve uceignavcii in vuq vonpuij TimeTable. t . i Train No. 1. Daily except Sunday. C r i . ' Do. No. 2. do. do. Sattrrdar. SJtl.LJtl iJlVISlUN. I'AJSSLNGrlU. UAIL. EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. Charlotte........... ; S.OO'A. M. Arrive at Shelby...... ..1220 1 M. Leave ShelbT.. 1.40 P. M. ArriYC at Charlotte... ......,.......'o.a0 J if. Trains No. 1 and ! make eloso connection at Hamlet with It. A A. Trains to and from Ral eigh, and at Charlotte with Sbelby Division Tram. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte.- Tako Train Norf 1 for fitatesTllle: Stations Western N O U K, Aslievlllo and points Wesu Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points Southwest, t . L. C. JONES, ' Superintendent.: F. W. CLARK. General Passenger Agent nor 12' j, ;- No. 1. j No. 2. J Leave Wilmington & Weldoii .Railroad Company Officb of General. SuFEkixjiXDEWT, V Wilmington, ncVnoX i&Jsl.i 5. o Change of-Schedule N AND AFTVIt VftV ito a-. .n J A. M., Passcnzer Trains on the Wlimlac' ton A We ldon Railroad will rim as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TBArN D A1LT - - Nos. 47 North and " 48 South." ." Leave Wilmlagton, Front St. Depot,' 6.40 A. 11, Arrive at Weluon... .......12.40 P. M Leave Weldon....:... ....... 3.80. M. Arrive at Wilm'gton, Front SL D'ptr 9.30. P. M. FAST TIIKOUGU MAIl3 A PAJSENOXB TRAILS , Daily Nos. 43 North and 40 Sotrrn. , Leave Wilralngton,Front8t., Depot, fi.45 P. hi. Arrive at Weldon; .......J. l.lo P.M. Leave Weldon .... e.10 P. M. Arrive at WIlm'gton.FrontSUl) 10.55 P. al. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS Da1lV. Nos. 45 North and 42 Sonth. ( -1 Leave Wilmington.............;.. 9.30 pi m. Arrive at Weldon 4L00A. M Leave Weldon at.". ;. -l 20 A, Arrive at Wilmington..........;.. "7.03 A fdl Train No. 40 South will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch KoadLeare Roeky Mount for Tarloro at 12 M. and 7.15. P, ial.V DdBy. Returning, leave Tarboro at 9.90 A.' at. and 3 P. M. Dally. - t Trains on Scotlawl Neck Branch Road leave Halifax for Scotland Neck at ,S0 PJAf. Re turning leave Scotland NecrT at 1 01 o'clock, dally. . ' -'"., . Train No. 47 makes close connection at W el don for all points North Daily. All rail via' Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bar Line. I ' Train No. 43 runs daily and makes clase con-1 nectlon for all points North ria Richmond and Washington. No. 47 makes close connection for Tarboro. j , AH trains run-soLd letween WP-nington and Washington, and hav Pullman Palaco Sleep ers attached. . , JOHN F. J I VINE, . General Superintendent. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent nov 6 - 1 I r Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta It. II. Co. OFFICK OF GENERAL. SDPERINTEJrDXJtT. Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 8, 1882. ' ua 9.50 r. it . 2.55 A. aw 8.20 A. M. 6.40 A.M. 1 Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER NOV. 5T1T,S 1882 A 31., the following Passenger Belied uk will be run on this road : . NICHT EXPRESS TRAINS. DAD.Y-No. 4S Wee t and 47 East. Leave Wilmington , Leave Florence. Arrive at C. C. A A. Junction..... Arrive at Columbia.... Leave Columbia........ 10.00 P. Xt. i Leave, C;, C. A A. Junction... 10.20 1 M. Leave Florence , 1.50 A. M. ! Arrive at WUmiigton, 4.2 A. 11 . NioiiT Mail axd Pasbevgek TSADr( Datlt, No. 40 West, ajtd Dat Mail akd Pah skkgkk Train, No. 43 East., ! ,,. Ieave Wilmington........ 11.10 r, M. Arrive at Florence 2.45 A. M. Leave Florence ......i. ........ 12.M P. 11. Arrive at Wilmington ...'.. 6.23 P.M. ' MAITj AND PASSENGER TRAINS DAI Lf Nos. 42 West and 45 East. i . ......7.25 A. M ......11 JO A. 11! 4.50 P. M. . .9.03 P. M Ieare Wilmington........ Arrive at Florence........ LMre Klarerw! at Arrive at Wilmington Truln l.t ttnai at . 1 1 KtaHnna No. 40 stops only at Jcmingtonj Whlterilie, Fair Bicff and Marion. .;.,f.i! Passengers for Cobrmbla and all points on G. A C. IL It., C, A R. IL, Stations. Aiken Junc tion, and all iolnts beyond, should take 4f NUbt Express. , Seiarate Tollman Rice pen for Charleston and for August on Train is. . All trains run Mild between Chaxlestoa and Wilmington. john r. divine; . General SupertntendeaC T. M. EM E&SON, General Passeager Agent. . ' nov 5 -i , , , ---.;. I catiii;nti::l O' :- 1 etrf.-t, " """ !rea"d Worl: S : : ra SOME MORE. JUST RECEIVED, AXOTIIEB1 lot or those ELKGANT HAVANA CHETIOOTS. Warranted Uc liest I ; , j FIV fc CENT CIGAR, a ALSO a:FI ' LINE OF i Tobacco L Tobacco Goods.

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