The Daily Review. FRIDAY. APRIL 6 1883. The Daily Hevieiv hns the largest bona Jule circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city cf Wilmington STATE NEWS. " Sruithfield Herald: The revival con tinues at Selma, am! the interest throughout the community is said-to be on the increase. Up lo Sunday iiight 20 conversions had taken place, and a large number of penitent? were enquir ing the way of lite. Wilson SIflirg: About a week ago Jim Artis and Oscar Harper, both colored, had a dilliculty and Harper threatened to kill Artis. Saturday they made np, Harper saying he was satis fied, lie then bought some .spirits and asked Artis to take a drink. Artis bein? of a spiritual turn of mind he accepted but 'twas but a short while before he wished he hadn't as he discovered that he was poisoned. lie fell exhausted and was carried to Drs. Peacock &. Ander son who administered an emetic which soon brought him to Jus senses. Artis claims that Harper put strychine in the whiskey. . m TThitcviile Enterprise: Mr. W. C. Sowles,'of Pircway. killed an eagle which measured seven feet from tip to tip, one day last month. On Tues day evening. Col. Toon. Mr. E. I). Mcares and Mr. J. P. Waddell came from Fair BlufT, having in charge one Augustus Thompson, charged with tak ing a registered letter from the mail. He is mail rider on the route f torn Fair Bluff to Lumberton. He had a prelim inary examination before Col. Maults by and waa required to give bond in the sum of $500 for bis. appearance at the next term ot the U. S. District Court, in default of which he was committed to jail. Goldsboro Messtngm The 19th an nual Fair of the Sampson county Agri cultural Society will be held December 5th. th, 7th and 8th. Capt. C. Part rick will be the chief marshal. - The public fence in Greene county, un der the stock law, cost the county about $4,500. The length of it is nearly 75 miles." ' Tho work was tiuickly done. The Board of Aldermen at their last meeting did "the thing handsome." Messrs H. L. Grant and J. A. Bonitz" appeared before the Board as the rep resentatives of the school trustees, ask ing a donation of $500 for the school. The amount was so ordered to be paid. - We regret to learn that Senator Vance, who had been invited to deliver his lecture "The Scattered Nation" in this city for the benefit of the Confed erate Monument Fund, has declined on the ground that he needs rest. This is the second time that Gov. Vauce has been invited by the Rifles, and the boys and the old yeterans hereabouts feel much disappointed and "put out" be cause the Governor can tind time to make speeches in New York but de clines to help the monumental cause here. Tarboro Southerner: Last week "Mr. Dorsch, Supt., owed a number ot laborers, who where grading- Railroad avenue, about $180. Young Mr. Bryan took out papers of garnishment, and out of the $180, $156 went to the sup port of the State aud Cunty. There was wailing and gnashing of teeth ameng the dusky delinquents, but the deputy, like the law. was inexorable. A strange tale comes from Scot land Neck full of . horror it true. Vc jsive it as we heard it on the streets. A short time since Mrs Bell died suddenly and was buried by her husband. Sus picions wejc aroused as to tne cause of her death and parties went to the grave to exhume its remains that an examina tion might be had. Bell met them at the grave with a shot gun and threat ened to shoot them if they attempted to open the grave; the crowd went off and got reinforcements, returned, took BelTs gun and dug up the corpse. The neck had been broken. Bell was arrest ed and lodged in the countv jail. It is said that he killed his wife because she would not sign a deed. He told her to sign and upon her refusal he became so enraged that he assaulted her with the result above stated.' Belt has lived in this section many years and is known as Vpreacher" Bell, lie was formerly a member of the Primitive Baptist Church and we believe did preach for a season, but he has long since ceased to be a member of this church f rom which he vas expelled for his misconduct. Keivsand Observer: The prelim inary work on the new mansion lor the Gov ernor will, it is understood, begin this month. J. Luther Bright, ot New York city, ami Thomas Frost, of Charleston, S. C. were yesterday ap pointed commissioners of deeds for North Carolina. The number of visitors to the geological museum is very large, on one day no less than 1 14 being registered. From January ISth to last Tuesday there were I,S-Jf visitors. Raleigh will soon have another church. Ground has been broken for it, at the corner of Dawson and Hills boro streets. The Christian denoniina tion, . which is growing in strength here, will occhpy it. It has been some time since there has been a "bond burning atthe Treasury Department. Yesterday there was one, anil the Gov ernor, Attorney-General. Treasurer and others saw $300,000 in old bonds van ish into smoke. The Supreme Court of New York, in general .session, has reversed the judgment of the court below in the case of Kencher against Klkins, the effect of which is to estab lish the claim of Mr. Bencher to a one tenth interest in some very valuable mining property in New Mexico. President Kemp P. Battle tells us that the University Normal school will be gin June 21. an 1 coutinuc live weeks. The utmost care is given to the selection oF teachers, and only those of marked ability will be chosen. The names of the teachers will soon be announced. . COMMERCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET, j April 5-4 P.M. J SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted firm at iih cents, with sales reported of 50 casks at these figures. j " ROSIN Quoted steady at $1.30 for Strained and $1.35 for .Good Strained, with sales as offered, j , j TAR Quoted steady at $l.tiO per bbl of 280 lbs., with sales of receipts. CRUDE TURPENTINE- Quoted MISCELLANEOUS. State of North Carolina, ; j , j " ' New Hanoi er County, . ... j Superior Court. ' ; Georjre Hall, " ' " . :., .. V. ' Chas. FlamieraadD. H. Shure, tradtax " rjn ner A Share, ami S. W. Viet. Thi i a. motion made for leave lo issue exe cuUon on a judgment obtained in the Above cause for the sura of $142.23 with interest from January 28th, 1874, and it vemg raaoe w p cfo.iv. a. gnf.. iiorH -nd 75 rer tpeartbattbe said defendant, Charles Plan steady at $l.W) for Kara ana $.io per j i erftml D HhXkTgt Arc noa-reiidenU, that bbl for Soft. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Spririg& Summer H' -i G O O D S , I -AT i 36 Market Street. new advertisements; NEW AUVEltTls,. r OTTON Quoted steady. Small sales reported on a basis of 'Ji for Mid dling. The following are the official quotations: II Ordinary .!. Good Ordinary-. ......... h Ijow Middling...... .....SI Middling .... .OS Good Middling. ....... . .93 cts the defendant, Charles Flanncr, has proyerry in lhla State, subiect to the lien of ud judg ment, and that neither of the defenrianta can, after due dilijenc, be fonnd In this State, now this is to command the said defendants to appear at my office in the City of Wilraing ton, on the 11th day of May. 18S3, at 10 o'elock, a. m., to show cause, if any they baTe, why esenu4n Bheuld not issue thereon. T S. VaxAMRINSE. Clerk Superior Couit, New Hanorer County, mch 3law-6w fri I DAILY KECK1PTS Oitton Spirits Turpentine Rosin ..u... Tar.. ..; J.... Ccude Turnentine. L . . . 77 bales 120 caskA 784 bbls m bbla 1 5 bbla MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithvillc, Mastef. Steamer John Dawson, -Sherman, Point Casweil, R. P. Paddison. j Steamer A P Hurt, VTorth, Fayette ville. Worth & Worth. 1 Schr Thomas Sinnickson, Dickinson, Philadelphia, Geo Harriss & Co CLEANED. U. S. mail steamer; Minnehaha, Bia bey, Smithville, Master. I Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette Worth & Worth i ! MONTHLY STATEMENT: I - I ! STOCKS ON HAND APRIL 1, 1883. Cotton ashore, 0,314; afloat, 580; to tal, 9,894. Spirits ashore, 2.877. Rosin ashore,74, 170; afloat, 500; total, 74,670. I . Tar ashore, 10,145; afloat, 500; total, 10,(545. ! Crude ashore, 2,525.; IiF.CEIPTS FOK MONTH OF MARCH. Cotton, 6.255; spirits, 4,297; jrosin, 44, 377; tar. 1.1,819; crude, 8,817. EXPOirPS FOR MONTH OF MARCH. domesticI. j Cotton, 4,350; spirits, 2,221; rosin. 4,- 713; tar, 5,029; crude, 100 foreign. 1 Cotton, 5,240; spirits,1 2,500; tosin, 37, 611; tar 4.520. i THIS DAY. A Complete Assortment -OF- SPRING & RUMMER JECEIVED TO-DAV, tor inspection to-morrow. WILT BK OPEN Thoc of my Lul y .-ustomers who have beea awnitinjc tbe unlval of these gool ami oth ers will find aniuug them the Neweatj an Latest ami Prettiest Styles and Designs A large assortment of lisrt" Ltnen Collars all styles. Children's. the well-known 'Cori Ladle and A call and an examination of stock Is re spectfully solicited. Fresh Arrivals. QHOICE WATER MILL MEAL CORK AND EASTERN HAT, Dry Salt and Smoked Sides, . "I- I I Pry Salt and Smoked Shoulder, Heavy Mtm Pork, North Carolina La-il, Xorth Carolina llame, All grades Good Flour, i I . At Close Price. i HALL & PEARS ALL IHVti Recent Arrival j - -IHITE GOODS, . LACES, EMBROIDEEIES, LINEN TABLE GOOIXS, HAN OiTEUCHI EPS , i Ladies and Children's HOSIERr tu great Tariety, at low prices. JOHN J. HEDRICK, mch 30 i . Labobato&y of j State A8Sa-eb akj.Chemist, UOfEast Grace Street. Richmond, Va., January SOth, 1883. Mb. X. Ezektex lia made known to me the composition of his Hair fce&torer and I have also subjected it to chemical examination. It contains no lead or silver, subBtaneea very commonly employed In making preparation for the hair, nor anything harmful, and may therefore be- naed without apprehension of In jurious results. I WM. n. TAYLOR, M. D., State Chemist. Whilst thanking you, Mr. EzeAlel, for the I Lair Keatorex you so kindly sent me, I take great pleasure in saying to you that Its bene ficial effects upon my hair nave been so appar ent as to attract the commendation of all my friends who have noticed U. It Is in my estimation a treasure, wlt&out which the toilet of none who have used It will be complete. Hoping it mar realize you the pecuniary success you so richly deserve, -I remain, very respectfully, MSB. A. 2S. V. WISE. Richmond, Va., Feb. 27, 1867. For sale by ali druggists " Price fl per hot tle. I - fob 17 If You Want "pULTON MARKET SPICEX Extra Fat JCo. 1. Shore Mackerel, Sugar Cured Pig Hams, Sugar Cured Pig Shoulders. Sugar Cured Breakfast Strips; j And thotfe well known CAKES, beat in the city : also, a full line of choice FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, At popular prices, go. t All JUST RECEIVED the Latest Novelties. WITHIN A FEW DAYS WE MAKE A DISPXAYiOF lIAv v" I NEW THrNVrSif 1 And cyery department will be supplied with snch desirable gbj '' in New York to suit the tastes and requirements' of our?n:V'v R. rj. McirjTi GLARE DRESS GOODS. Black aud Colored Silks, Ottomaiis, Bbadamcs, Brocades, Surrahs, Lisrht Shades . Fancy i - j Silks, Satics in all New Shade. NunV Velliag, Tamiee, Cashmeres.Mohaii-s, Belies, French Buntings, Sateen, Zephyrs, 8eersuckcrs, Percales, i ! ' ' : Linen Lawns, ladies Cloth, ! Honey-Comb Sacking:, I Silk Pongees, Ac. WHITE GOODS IX EVERY VABIKTV. Pljuea, Marseilles, Embroideries, Laces, Irish Point, the best assortment and greatest variety lathe city. inch 2 i . , ! . Dr. S I r 5 . na' CORSETS, Hofiiery, GioTee, Lace Collars, Fichus, TieB, f ' - Yrtllnrs, Handkercldela, Ribbons, Crepes. ! '! i I Housekeeping Goods ! Bamasks, Streadr Taweb, Tapkins, LADIES, UISS, MEN AND BOYS' GAUSJE MBBISO UNDIiBWEAR. Men and Boys' Linens and Cottonade&. Full Caesiaieres, liHeaof STAPLE AND FANCY DttV GOODS too numerous to mention. All at prices so Ioav that wiU give satisfaction for durability, qnal i and cheapness, i Call and flare money joy buyiug of M. W. KATZ', 36 Market Street. aj12 . . ; ! . S. L. FREMONT, QmL.KSfUNEER, N. Y. CORSEPk RED ros ad Thlixl streets, will make, surveys, I plant, egtimatea, drawings, deigim, uferintci4 the construction buildings, bridges, wharve, Ac. Terms moderate and satisfaction asnured. mch9-tf Matting ! Matfing ! I T7TFTEKN DIFFERENT STVLES FROM lac to 45c per yard ; 4-4, -4, 8 4, Oil Cloths, elfgant in design, and low in price. i . i l TURKISH TAPESTRY and Velvet Rugs and Mat. j - i i Fine assortment of Marseilles and cheaper ' i I White and Colored Bed Spreads. i 100 Doz. German and Irish Linen. Turkish Bath, and cheaper Towels. ! Come and see me, a great pleasure to show Goods. . ! SOL. BEAR, mch 24 20 Market St MISS E- KAJtRER. mch 15 EiCHAXGE CORNER. - The Place to Buy oi.s. PCRPKNTINE TOO! POLLERS, HACKERS. DIPPERS, j WIIKTTERS. HACK-WEIGHTS, Ac, c, c. Beet nf goods at Rock I Bottom nrices. full and complete stock of Ifardware always n hnd. I j i A nc W. E. SPRTNGER CO. Succestiori to John Dawson Co., h 19, 21 and 2:1 Market Street COUNTRY s i MERCHANTS AND EVERY BODY CAN 1 Kt i-uitcl in qualitr ami priees from the large stock of SADDLERY uOOlDS, at the New SaMlerr and.Truuk Houae of i H. M. BUWDEK & CO., No. 43 Majrket St. Manufactui-e and Repair. ! mch 5 mck ?-tr GEO. M. CRADOS, Agt., in and 19 South Front at s Excursion and Pic Nic ! EASON IS OVER. THE THEATRICAL and Ball season is now opening. Gentlemen wbo are used to FIRST-CLASS work and a clean and Comfortable Barbershop, will and tt at JOHN WERNRBS, I Practical Barber and Perfumer. So. 29 Market Street, between Front and Water Street.. oct-7-tf ' X883, Harper's B a z ar . ILLUSTRATED. ami will Mr. B. F. Simmons, Weidon, N. C, aajs: ""Brown's Iron Bitters is a stand ard article and gives general satisfaction." PUEOELL HOUSE. JJNDEtt NEW MANAGEMENT, - ' WILMINGTON. N. C 1 B. L. PERRY, Proprietor, late Proprietor Atlantic HoteL Flret-ClaM in ail lu appolntmenU. Terms $2.50 to (3.00 a 4T. feb 8 1 "To catch Daaae Fortune' golden smile, AsriidnooH M-alt upon lufr. A nd gather gear bv evesrv wilo That h justJlied bv honof. Not for to hide it In a hed-jr. Not for a train attendant,' But for the cloriom privilege i icins in'jcpcnaent. i . I i y MAN CAN KKKL INDKPKNDENT WHO PAYS RE N'T. Secure a home and 1C your own landloid. Bulidinr lota for Bale on the instalment plan jutuated on Seventh. Wilaon, Kijjhth, Ninth. TenUi, DicJt inson, Klcventh. Bay. Twelfth, Thirteenth, Castle. Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Chestnut, W alnut. Mulberry. Red Cros. iiwynn, Char lotte and lUukln street, i . Money Kanel to those wbthinf to build, mch W Apply to JAMEj WILSON. Bacon, Lard, Molasses, Flour, Sugar, &c. 2QQ ISoxes Smokinl and D. 5.-SIDES - 100 Tub L.MU), l.W Hhda and Bbla. MOLASSES, 1.200 uuu r LOUR, our popular bra mis, M Bbla C, Kx, C and Gran. SUGAR, .3 Bags Coffee, ail grades, at Bore So p. Cases LYE. 1 m Case Can and Ball POT AS This popular journal is a Irare combination of literature, art and fashion. It stones, poems, and essays are br the best writers of Europe and America; Its engravings possesses the highest artistic excellence; and in all mat ters pertaining to fashion it is ualvereaUy ac knowledged to be tho leading authority In the land. The new rolnme will contain many bril liant novelties. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: I ...f 4 00 1... k 00 .... 4 0 .... 10 09 .... 7 to .... 1 90 .... 5 00 a pi Fcr alo by ! KERCUNER A CALDER BtOS. Buggies! Buggies! JEW AND SECOND HAND FOK 3 ALB Some Bargains. ' . ' - T. J SOUTTfERXAKD. dec;i9-tf Llrery aod.Sal 8Ublei Harpeb's'Bazb..,, ...... J.. ...... Uarfku's Magazine Bab peb it Wkeiit.... ........... TheTHBEE abore publications Any Two abore named , Habpeb'8 Yoitno People.........: H arpkr's Magazixk -Uabtex's Youwo Pbople, j Harper's Fkatclix Square Libhabt, One Tear (52 Numbers) L ... 10 00 Foetagc Free to all nibcribr$ in the Unittd States or Canada. j I The Volumes of the Bazar begins with the first Number for January of each rear. When no time U mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with tho Number next after the receipt of order. am lasi our Annual ohune of Harvr Bazar, in neat cloth binding, will be sent br iuu, puBuijrc pw, or ot express, tree of ex pense f provided the freight does not exceed one doUar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be seat by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of fl 00 each, i . ' Remittances should be made bj Post Offlce Money Odex or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. 1 copy thU aderUemeta tnlkout Urn express order of IIabpjcb Jt Beos 1 .- Address . . i - IIASPES & BROTHERS, " def! 12 I New York. : J JOHpqKft Indian Blood Gy,. PURES ALL DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, LIVER - J . Skin and Blood. MILLIONS testify to It smeary i ' ned dist ases, and pronounce it to be the ! ' w .. ' -vv ' " , BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO JliV GirARANTEED TO CURE DYSPKPi ' Agents Wanted, I ew York City, DruszUu-.nk Dr CLARK Johssox : This certifies that your INDIAN BfAWDSYRCPWi"'1! relief for Heart Disease and LJvrr Complaint, i woum not he without it for fiv. Laboratory 7" West 3d St., New York Clfv. hi. July 27-lawdllri&wly New York & Wilmington -. -i. Steamship Line. I STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK EVERT ! SATURDAY, at SJo'clock, P i REGULATOR... BENEFACTAR. REGULATOR. . . BENEFACTOR. REGULATOR M. BENEFACTOR,,,,.. I . .Satarday, Mafch 24 . .Saturday, March 31 ....Saturday, April 7 . . .Saturday, April 14 I ...Saturday, April 21 ..Saturday, April 28 Through Bills .Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to an;i from Points In) North and South Carolina! I . . - t ' - . For Freight or Passage apply to THOMAS E. BOND, Superintendent, 1 Wilmington, N. C. tiij.u. w. ekk, if reignt Agent, 35 Broadway, New York. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., GeneraJ Amenta, mch liKtf. ' Unprecedented Riisli FOt GROCKRIH ALL KINDS CANVASSED AND UN CAN V A SS R D , Sagar-Cured & Otherwise!1 Yon wlll'never starve while meat U eo cheap aud plentiful. BREAKFAST STRIPS, 4 ' CORNED BKEF, &c-f, c, "3 Clinton !& Point CaW Bail .-Softer : gEAMD PROPOSALS WrLL'iHl eclved till 12 o'clock, M., of -fti. Wtfj April, 1S83, for the gsadlndand of the Clinton & Point Caswell Rafl EM4 I Siecification8 androfllea may lek' applying to R. P. PADDISON .t pj, J well, Pender county, mch 15-lm ll P. W. KERCHXtf and Sale, ataSjc' JJOllSES, BUUG1ES, H.tiT03lJk, CARRIAGES lot ni t,Im .) for Horace. " ! The iioest Hears in the cttr.' 4 4 HOLLINGSWORTH VaUZI ' I At the New Stable, ,J' mch 24-tf Cor. Foarth and if alherrj tU ILT EDGE, BUTTER! - -- ' . ! . OLEOMAKARIKj TEAS, COFFEES, MOLASSES, C,; 4. For sale at low price by i DeRooset 6 Co doc lf. t 1883. Harper's Teung People. ! r. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY' 16 Pages. 6vm: I TO Bors AND GIBL8 OP SIX JtO BrXTEEN TEAKS or ACE. ' VoL IV. commences November 7, 1SS2. The Yenng People has been from the first successful beyond anticipation. A' . I". Eve ning Post. i , It has a distinctive purpose, to which it stead ily adheres that, namely, of supplanting the rleions papers for the youpg with a paper more attractive, as well as more; wholesome. Boston Journal. For neatness, elegance of engraving, and contents generally, It Is unsurpassed by any publication of the kind yet brought to our notice. Pittsburgh Gazette. ROYSTEE'S CANDY T ' - j "' .still holds its own three poonda fop 1. FLEMMIN6 HOUSE. . - . o Vv t ' w W. J , C ALA IS i PrOpT. ....... ... ,. . . V' gltUATED AT THK VERY FOOJ of Bhie Ridge, within sight and eaayjWi some of the most famous peaks, t Tas xm Mountain and other points of intemtnieiKsr Delightful, air, aaluurious cliniaw n lentratcr. I , Ki-'1"'-. I will bc )lea6d to correepond whji pnw proposing rcet pr reqeation In e during the Summer month;. clean beds, airy rooms and prompt, ferw guaranteed. Terms lor. . feb l(Hm ' , . 1 First National Bank of ;Wil- I 1 mington,: Cheese, Cheese, Cheese j CHEESE from Rotterdam, CHEESE from Switzerland, CHKESE from Yankeedow, Sap Sago, Neufchatel, Youny Amerfea, Extra Cream, Ac. j Come early and you wili be snited. i P. L. BKIDGERS & CO. i apl"2 - 20,000 NEW PEANUT SACKS v 1 CAPITAL STOCK euurJiU t unu , " niit. mxI cUectloi fr- aU accessible polnfs In the i'0lteJt TERMS : HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. j-er iiear. rostage iTcpald, AND rsrdLE NC3IBKB3, Eour Cents each. f 1 30. specimen copy sent on receipt of Three Cts Ane ommes ot itaroera Yousir PMnu ana iw;, nanasomerr Dounrt in illnmtna lStsl ted Cloth, will be sent b oia, on recei for be sent by mail, postage pre tpt of S3 00 each. . t Ykv?.- Vn, oung People for Is2,"35 cents; postage. 13 y hance of loss. 13 Post Ofiiee Fancy Goodo. A GOOD SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND. mch 28 GILES A ITUTiCIIISON. W and 49 MurchlAOii.Cloclt l ouojr I'eopi cents additional. luminances should be made b Money Order or Draft, to a r oM c newspapers are imt to coiy this advertise ment without the erprees order of Hartek A jsHOTUEKs. . Aortress harper a brothers. dls New York. If You Would be Happy BUT? A COOKJBTO'E. The Golden Harvest I 4 K ii nil el Oat Sacks. dirkctokb A, MARTIN, B. K. IfAL! For sale at jan IS-u Willsird'n. 93 "CALUMET," r Op. 30TJTIICnN OAJC, PJL PABKEB & Ti.rLOI Pure TTfclte Oil. rUJIL. mch Wew Restaurant. rjWE UNDERSIGNED WOULD KE.SPECTJ lnllj aijnounce that be has just fitted fuptat No -' : :-' ' -: " S. Granite Bow, South Font st., a restaurant or Ladles and Gentlemen, where meals ana re freshmen U may be had at all hours of th aay. JSrerythln Is new and first class. Po lite waiters and courteous attendants. " 9"Game and Oysters In J season. Ka Wines, Liquors andJClars. " ot IS r.A. BCnUTTE, Prop. orncERSl: E. Bt BURUDUV-. A. K. WALKER.... W. LARKIN3.fI. ... A week mad4 the indu.tri ncis now eJofrtI ' Capital Wtnf will start you. Men. women, wanted everywhere to wort jeeis. the the time. Yon can work in "P. HtrAnpvhnU time to the Wbuslncss will I pay 2 -o one can iuww" v"r. ( -lrrai asly and honors Co.,Angttt, Maie- .i artLziaa. at once. Money made fast, aress trdb a w - nor KMlAw tf. iLYON&HEAI.V; State A Konroe $U..Ci8j Will -t tmmiA MTf T i f iMlTMMlb Sit, cr 2 i f . ' - - fob;VeodlydTr J