Tins PAPER publish ery evening. Sundays ex cepted by -JOSH T.JAMES, v-t PROPRIETOR. gpiiun. -,-r-CKirTIONS POSTAGE PAID: a flOO. -Ix months,; 2.M). ihree a'C th" f 1 00; One xfcontL, & cenU. iTuicr will delivered by cairiera free JI m & nv l,;irt t,,C lty at the a,MTC - or 10 cents ir wet. Vn')- rlbcrs will rert any and all XaII--I rcrcivc their paper regularly. ??j-77iV iy Jicriew has the largest . rirridaticnK of (uif7 newspaper 'Q UI I ' uwhed. in the city of Wilmington. 'Yomt hundred sailing "vessels have arrivcd at New ork- witmn tne past four days Justin McCarthy is writins a histo rf of Ireland from the earliest times to ..nnrnsent decade. ' . " . l'r -- lav Gould has received over 2,000 applications irorn captains oi eve ry .-side, and almost eviy uauun, command" his yacht. o A better man, morally, financially socially and generally, than Wm Spraue might have overthrown the Republican oligarchy in Rhode Island- Senator Jones, of Florida, claims that not an acre of land has been addel to the territory of tlie United States except tlj-juh and by the aid of the Demo tsitic party." - j . Ti;e only American steamship line be twi :cn Philadelphia and Europe reports a deficit on the business ot the past year amounting to $99,007.80. Their ships made 3(i round voyages during the year, a.ulthcifreceipts amounted to $1GL 611.00 from freight and $408,309.71 from passengers. Mr. II. C. G. Ivetchum, a New Brunswick engineer, has obtained a charter and a subsidy of $150,000 per annum ot the Canadian Government, for the construction of a ship railway across the peninsula which separates me Day u ruuuuy iiuui mc uuu ui ot. Lwrence. The Presbyteries of the Southern Pftsbjterian Cliurch have been requst ed hy their Assembly to express their opinion respecting the prohibition, in their Confession of Faith, of the mar- ' riagc a of man with his deceased wife's sister. Ireland is compelled to pay 8100,000 per annum to the lord lieutenant. The people are also taxed to the extent of $3,(0O 000 a year for the pensions and regards to officials. This is a tearful tribute for the semblauco of freedom bheenioys . The Manchester II.) Mirror, fur nishes statistics to prove that Germans, Canadians and Irishmen are rapidly extinguishing the native Yankee race. It says: '"The year is not far away when the race that settled New Hamp shire and has furnished the brain and brawn that have made the littfe Com monwealth famous, will have become Practically extinct in this State." The New York S tells of an inci dent which occurred on the Petersburg K. R., which must have been some what annoying to the Presidential par ty on their recent trip to the South. The disDatch Is dated troni Weldbn : " A stern and cray-bearded conductor wtnt into the. Presidential car justv as the train was passing Reams' Station, btcretary Chandler was pointing out to the President the earthworks and oUier interesting poiuts of that fiercely cotested battle- lield. 'Tickets," said the conductor. As the President had oeen invited to take the trip over the road as its guest, the conductor's de mand was rat her embarrassing. -Have you passes?" asked the conductor. , biZ ha4!,no passes. "Have you tick ets. They had no tickets. "Then you will have to pay fare from Peters burg to Weldon." This conversation was carried on with Private Secretary Phillips, but the President heard it, and looked on with an amused smile; but when the conductor said that he should have to charge them $47, that is for the full capacity of the private car, which is blu!t tor eighteen persons, there was sic disposition to argue the point Uh the conductor, but he stood firm. must either have the money, tickets or passes, but he left the car for a J'ade lor Mr. Phillips to decide. The embarrassment to Mr. Phillips lay in ne tact that, having accepted the cour ,e rfS ul lhe roaa for the President's ;I y: . felt that k Sht give annoy ance to the officers if he paid the con tactor; but at.the first stopping place conductor received a telegram iu nictmj him to pass the party. The raer to him had been overlooked at pm So il happened that the 'gant dinner that was spread in the JJf tor the party when Weldon vrte was not disturbed by the con- TJing & Repairing Pianos. JOsEPR DEXCK, FROM COLUMBIA, S. Tuie and rI.16 'weeks la" Wilmington to nd Pit OrikW .lanos. Meloileons, Reetl l)enrcr7s aaSv"vri,cr lcfl at 51r Heirs widi prompt attenUonS' Bk Storc wiU meet NKW second .hand for sale Me Bargains. . . dtOS-tf - ,J SOUTUEitLAND, Ufery and.Sale Stables : . . - 1 - - i TMe VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Star Saloon Ottkk boi'kg Clothing II Airx Bargain Seekers -ti L GnuuBS You will find Ueinsherger Musical W II Gueen Garden Seed Mo-us Eros Sola Water F C Miixek A New Supply 1 Notice W W&OKR Co j A & I 6HKIEU Clothins U 31 McIxtiue This Week YATES Send in your Orders " P Is Briugers & Co Candy, &c Kerchxeu & Caloer Bros Groceries ;M 31 Katz Spring and Suummer Goods For other locals see fourth page. The receipts of cotton at this pbrt to-day foot up 11G bales. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, lbw pices, at Jacobi.'s t Superior Court for Brunswick county convened to-day. Judge James C. Mc" Rae presides. j 1 , . The anniih.1 meeting of the stock holders of the "Wilmington Cotton Mills willjbe held inlhis city to-morrowmorn in. Steam boatmen report that the river is falling off rapidly, and that the bot tom is getting .quite near the top. . Capt. R. M. Mclntire has returned to the city from the Northern markets and is now in daily receipt of the beautiful stock purchased by him. j fMr. Henry C. IcQueen has purchas ed the beautiful residence on Soutih Front street, between Ami and NunL, owned and occupied by Mrjs. II. Fisn blate. The lot is GoxSlO feet. The Charlotte Journal says that the "Wilmington and Florence Railroad (meaning thereby the proposed cut-off) "is a certainty." There is ian old saying of our boyhood days' that we will commend to the editors of the Journal It is this: ! Doubtful! things are very uncertain. i i j L 'j t Mr. Geo. F. Herbert will open hi3 new saloon, which he has . christened the "Star Saloon," at I No J 13 Market street, to-morrow morning. It lihas been haudsomely fitted up and wilt be stocked with the best of ales, wines liauors and cigars, domestic and im- ported. ( Exports Foreiffu. Br. Schr. Mary . Dunn, Capt. Hindon, cleared to-day , for Mayaquez, P. R., with 100.433 feet lumber, valued at 82.400, shipped by Messrs. Northrop oc dimming. I i Postponement. We are informed that he regular meeting of the Literary (flub, which was fixed for to-morrow night has been postponed until) the night of Tuesday, April, 17th. This postpone ment is in order that members ;ot the club and others may have ah opportun ity of attendiug the lecture oy the Rev.. Dr. Wilson, at the Opera House. Herrmann. j If our exchanges may be relied up on a really very fine entertainment will be presented at the Opera : House this evening and those who miss it (of which may we not be one) wilt jmiss what there is reason to believe, will be an excellent entertainment Herrmann was jn Charleston on Friday and the Xcicj Courier speaks very handsbme ly of their appearance there! Hennery i We learn that Mr. Orrm Parker, Signal Officer in charge of the station at Smithville, is going extensively into the industry of a hennery. He will have two patented steam j incubators and will have facilities sufficient to Lratch one hundred and fifty pairs of chickens per week. He will be ready to commence hatching in a few days. We wish him all success in! his cnter- "prise. j For Tocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, f . j : ; A New Company. A new military comyany has been organized at Smithville. Upwards of forty names have been enrolled and an organization having been effected application 1 as been made for arms and accoutrements. -The following officers have been elected: i J ' ' Captain. W.J. Sroggs. 1st. Licut-M. C. Guthrie. I 2nd. Lieut. S. S. Drew. j , The other officers, we understand, liave been appointed, but wc were unable to get their names, i ! - . A,lightning-rod man in St. Paul, From a house had a serious fall,: Though battered and braised, -He said, when he used " - : ' ; St. Jacobs OU It simply beats all." WILMINGTON. N. C. General Taylor. General M. P. Taylor is an applicant for the position of Superintendent and Engineer-in-Chief made vacant on the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad by the resignation of Col. L. C. Jones. Gen. Taylor has had a srallroad expe rience extending - through a period of 20 years and was highly) recommended by General Walter Gwynn, Edward Lorraine, E. II. Gill, Col. Talcott and other distinguished engineers under whom he had served, for . the superin tendency of the Wilmington. & Man Chester Raihtlad at the time! General Wm. McRae was elected to the posi tion. General Taylor commenced his career as a ciyil engineer in 1848 on the Richmond & Danville. R. R., on the first survey of the same, and continued on that road until ;its completion to Danville, when he came to Nrth Caro lina, and jwas resident engineer on the Wilmington & Manchester Rail road and had charge of the Great Pee Dee Bridge, where the first cast-iron cylinders were sunk by atmospheric pressure, being the same process used at the bridging of the North East and West Cape Fear. He was on the first survey of the North Carolina Railroad and there remained until the road was completedj serving afterward as Road Master on the Eastern Division from Goldsboro to Company Shops. He was employed as resident engineer on the Rabun Gap Railroad, in South Caroli na, and had charge of what was known as Stump House Tunnel Division, which had a tunnel three-quarters of a mile long. He also served on the James River and Kanawha Canal un der Edward Ixjrraine as Chief Engi neer, who endorsed him as one of the best engineers he ever had under him. Gen. Taylor served with Gen. Wal tier Gwynn at the time the Legislature of North Carolina appointed General G, to examine into the cost and practica bility of completing the Cape Fear and Deep Rit er locks and dams, and re ceived a most complimentary notice at the hands of the General Assembly as the assistant of Gen . G wynn. ' Gen. Taylor's letters of commenda tion from the engineers already ("men tioned are of the most complimentary character and endorse him as a civil engineer of ability, and of them he may justly feel proud. Sudden Death. An old colored woman by the name ot Katie McAUister, well-known to many of our people, died very suddenly last night. She had been to church during the "day, and at night appeared unusually well and in excellent health and spirits, and yet, within a short hall-hour of her return from church last night, she was a dead woman from a disease ot the heart. Aunt Katie was a good old soul, an d was highly esteemed. For a number of years past she has prepared tripe for sale, and of late had a stand in Mr. Melton's store. She was, perhaps, nearly 75 years of asre. To Builders and othersGo to J acq bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. You can get all sizes j and at the i i lowest prices. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bargain Seekers I GO TO HAHN'S STORE, FOR BARGAINS NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF. LACES, EDGINGS, INSERTINGS, . ' I FLOWERS , FEATHE RS, HATS, CORSETS, GLOVES, PARASOLS j I ' .' V ' ': . i ! AND UMBRELLAS, ALL WILL BE SOLD AT NEW YORlt COST ! Dress Qoods, ! . Table Linens, etc. WILL ALL GO DURING THIS ROUSING . SACRIFICIAL COST SALE. . J. I. MACES, - apl 9 .-. .. - J ... v " ' . - i -- - . i MONDAY. APRIL 9. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T H I S WE WILL BE GETTIXG GOODS, BT WE CAN OFFER ! ;. J E R S E Y, . J A C K E T S I OF FINE, IJGHT -WEIGHT, ELASTIC MATERIAL, IN BLACK AND COLORS. THESE JACKETS ARE VATX TH1 GO", AND WE ARE PREPARED TO SELL THEM CHEAP. THE PRICES WILL RANGE FROM .75TO$aoo; 4 . . i . . . . - -- -!..: - Respectfully, ap!9 . i t . . The Star Saloon, nvn V TflCTtRW.RT PrnTirlptnr. 13 Market Street, Wilmington, N. G. jq-EWLY FHSTED, EVERYTHING NEAT, clean and nice.' 49" Best of Alee, .Wines, Liquors and Ci gars, domestic aad imported. . apl 9 . -.- . .. Notice. rjpiIE DIRECTORS OPTlIE WILMINGTON WRIGHTSVILLE A; ONSLOW K. B. CO., will meet at the Office of the General Superin tendent, April llth last., at 12 M. Business of importance. E. F. MARTIN. Gen'l Supt. apl 9 'it J. C. PRj.CE, President. . You Will Find TT TO YOUR INTEREST TO LEAVE vonr orders for Furniture Repairing. Uoholst ering, Cleaning, Varnishtng, Mattress Making and Repairing, Hanging Shades, Matting laid and an House Decorating wort wun G. Li GRUBBS, The Pater Han ire r and Awnine Maker. No. S, New Market. Competition defied. Work guaranteed. ? api m-s Notice. mHK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE btock holders of the WILMINGTON COTTON MILLS win be held at Office of the Narassa Guano Co., on TUESDAY, 10th April next, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Walter g. Macrae. apl 2-2 2 9 Treasarer MUSICAL. Pianos; Organs, Music Boxes, jyjELODEONS, GUITARS, VIOLINS, Ban jos, Tambourines, Flutes, Fifes, Harmonicas, Drums, Bones, Ae., Ac.' Alo, a large assort ment of the latest Vecal and Instrumental Music, for sale at HEINSBERGER'S, apl 9 Live Book and Music Stores. A. & I SHRIER.1 Attractions for this Spring. o . PERFECT FITTING AND CORRECT i STYLES OF CLOTHING, for Men. Youth's, Boys and Children at the LOWEST j PRICES. THE LARGEST STOCK EVER BROUGHT -TO THIS MARKET. A & I. SHRIER, RELIABLE CLOTHIERS, f apl 9 ! 34 Market Street. Send in your Orders. pAPER, ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, ; SCHOOL1 BOOKS, r j ' STRAW WRAPPING PAPER, PAPER BAGS, TWINE, Ac Also, BALLS, TOPS, MARBLES, ' CROQUET, HAMMOCKS. HARMONICAS Aa, Ac - V All at reasonable prices, wholesale and re tail, at YATES BOOK STORE. api 9 Jackson & Bell. ; - ' - v : r ; k . . WaterrPovver Printers and Binders. WUIINGTON. N. C. H AVING RECENTLY ADDED WATER- power to our (Four) Presses, oar facilities for executing Orders promptly are unsurpassed by arT C2Ico la lhe city. . . 1883. NO. 85 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W E E K STEiHEB AND BT RAIL, AND EACH PAY SOME INDUCEMENTS. SOME ESPECIALLY CHEAP AND GOOD. noyster's Best and Purest i : UA&VJDY 2 Three Pounds for $1.00 LARGE INVOICE RECEIVED FRIDAY. DEMAND VERY GREAT. : j Come early &ndget yonr supply. Another large supply expected Friday, April 13. A large and varied assortment of Wines, iLiquors, &c CLARET, SHERRY, SCUPPERNONG , Jtc VIENNA LA(ER BEER, THE BEST BEER IN THE MARKET. 2 per Dozen. P. L. BKIDGERS & 00. apl 9 .: ' , - . - Kerchner & Calder Bros., WHOLESALE GROCERS, FFER A FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND LIGHT GROCERIES, STILLBR'S SUPPLIES, j 1,000 Bushels of SEED RICE, And are Agents for WILSON, CHILD'S ACO'3 PHILADELPHIA WAGONS, CARTS and TRUCKS, apl n Several Experienced Tailors A FTER A CAREFUL EXAMINATION of our s.ock of FINE CLOTHING, declare em phatlcally that for ! Finisli, Pattern and Ut, Our Garment ARE ED Or ANY LINE IN TflE CITY. We are making a display of NOBBY SPRING SPECIALTIES this season, and buyers of Ready-Made Clothing will do well to call early while stock is complete. Attention is called to our immense Hue of CHILDREN'S BLUE AND GRAY BLOUSES. These Gosds will have a BIG RUN this Spring. Our prices range frsm $2.25 per suit up. ' A very few CHILDREN'S KILTS left, and those we have bn hand arc very small sizes. We expect to close 1 these Goods entirely out to-morrow. j Otterbourg'&9 MIEN'S WEAE DEPOT, 22, 24, 2G and 28, North Front Street. Wilmington. N. C. apl t -. . -- j.- . : Q P ERA ,HOUG E. ONE NIGHT ONLY I MONDAY. APRIL 1 -HERMANN- The world's favorite, assisted by his unequal led Company of Specialty Artists. The . beautiful and accomplished In her wonderful sleep, rxscrroitTED tn sub air. Also, in her life like pictures of ' "THE FLOWER GIRL and THE GODDESS OT-UBERTY." The famons Japanese Prince AW ATA K A.TS- jU3KLN, constn to the Mikaio of Ja pan. who will appear in nl won derful feat f balaoeinsr. Also, the WONDERFUL 8PIR1TCABIXET, lntrodudBf the greatest of Enrl!sh,medl i urns, HOWELL and DAROW, Vho -. will five remarkable supernatural ' manifestations by cas Uht. . General admission 19 cent. Reserved seats 73c and CL. tils cf reserved seats hezin I'ri d2yatDyers. tpM-2t rr f n - . PLEASE NOTICE. ', I Wo will be glad to receive eommunlcattosa from our friends on any and all subject ot general Interest but : . " jL The name of the writer must always be fax alahed to the Editor. "! ! r Communications must be written on oaly one side ot the paper. x PersonallUcs must be avoided And It Is especially and particularly under tood that the Editor docs not always endorse' the views of correspondents unless so In the editorial columns. stated NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . S p r i ng l S u m mer GOODS, 31- IMC BZlA.1!1 - - ..... - ' ... I. .' . . 3G Market Street. ' JUST RECEIVED All Mhe Latest Novelties. DRESS GOODS. Black ami Colored Silks, Ottomans, Rhatlames, Brocades, Surrahs,Light Shades Fancy ! Silks, 8atiE3 in all New Shados, Nun's Veiling, Tamlse, Cashmcrcs.Mohairsj Beiges, French Buntings, Sateens, Zephyrs, Seersuckers Percales, Linen Lawns, ladles Cloth, Honey-Comb Sacking, i Silk Pongees, Ac WHITE GOODS ! IN EVERY VAJUETY. Piques, Marseilles, Embroideries, Laces, Irish Point, the best assortment and greatest ' variety In the city. CORSE TS,' Hosiery, Gloves, Lnce Collars, Fichus, Ties; Veilings, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Crepes. , Housekeeping Goods I Damasks, Spreads, Towels, Tap kin 3, LADIES, MISSES, MENJAND BOY8 ; GAUSE MERINO UNDER WE AI Men and Boys' Caesimeres, Linens and Cottonades. Full 1 lines of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS too numerous to mention. All at prices so low thst will give satisfaction for durability, qual ity and cheapness Call and save money by buyiag "of ' M. Li. KATZ', 36 Market Street. ENJOYMENT. The Rev. Jos. R. Wilson, D. D. WILL LECTURE, . ; For the Benefit of the LIBRARY ASSOCIA TION, at the OPERA HOUSE, on TUESDAY, April 10th, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Subject "ENJOYMENT." Admission tSiC. Vn Ttr rhanu T servetl SeaU, which will be for sale at DyeraV Monday and Tuesday, April 9ih and 10th. Tuning Pianos & Organs. BOfj N. SCHJHTT, HAVING AN TLX PE- and Repairing Musical Instruments, is enabled tosrtfarantee entlm a41afrtln . .v eiiarsre. The hlrhmt immmniHn. w - -n - -..-v4 .lull. Schools anl Colleges from the Southern Stale at nana, uruers lext at his residence on Sec ond Street. tlPtWIVn XI rV t a nrt TtAlr and with C W. Y.tp ami MMnmtam 1 and Music Store. anlctf SODA WATER. fS AND AFTER TO-DAY WE WILL keep the most delicious Ice Cold Sods. xr uiv iruib juiceaomy ucu. , rjundc BrbcL. J Dispensing Pharmacists. r 1.4.V1 BltOADW A V Niriif rliP AND WILMINGTON, N. C. . . 1 men n - . Garden Geed I K pEAS, BEANS. CORN, CABBAGE, Ta nip, Siuash. CoDard, Radish, Ac, Ac swwu vi m lower oceu. - For sale by - WILLIAMH. GREEN, -. ;-Drugsi8t. mch 6 A H ew G u p p I y QF RED AND WHITE ONIOX SETS, Drn-s and ChemiraU, Patent UcHcizcs. Tenet and Fancy Angles, C. r. c. j:ili :: 7

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