. 1 r - ;;rv:::vz eepted by BlTXlONd F06TAGE PAH li-. m m-r months. $2.00 Tbrm A - - ,cl: be delivered by carriers tret iw ... rart of the city. At to above rffntierwtk. . ta low and UberaL - - iS rra vrttf report ar? H fall- ... . rir.:i,, fir-vifjn ha the. laraejtt I circulation, of any newspaper Xi in the city of Wilmington. JEL mm lilt - 'W my - -TrGeorse ot Mississippi, is ill .uclifion, in that State. - ; - jjx. Frances E. Willard personally j0 carried the temperance war into rbeeftateof the late Moses Taylor, frr yew York, amounted to &70.000.0H) j,j(jbi children and grand children get $8.500 000.. v"'ipplrt who does the colored car., rial in Puck (and runs that paper), is uld to be tnastn $u.uuu a year iron. (tat tucnypobllcation Thrvo tmtbtul , fishermen of Lang BraQchreprt seeing a sea serpent 90 leet long and 30 fcer wide, with a blow ipie feet Ions and 2 feet ' wide, abont jo feet Uovi the end ol hi nose. mm ': i The oldeet ex. Senator is th Hon. Jala I. King, of Georgia, who was a v ArA AAA ' i r proiDeot Democratic politician in the lii3 ol JacKSou. ana wno ia xkjw excelled hcaltk at the age of las Neater al-ali Hying musicians is Hilf, thja city' na3iotaQ .of Batb: Elst?r wtooelpbraed his lOOtb bithday Nov. 10. He itHl acti? enough to play sicna!ly in the concertt given by hU Afadame Minne Jlauk. ihe prima donna, while stepping into a carriage at I3ai6Tillo. Ky.. slipped and fell against the step of the vehicle, and sustained a severe Spain of the ankle, necessitating thecaoceling of several of her concert n garments. TenDjsoa's first versos, says a writer La Harper's, were written upon a slate which his brother Charles put into his band one Sunday at Louth, when all the elders ot the party were going to r harch, and the child was left alone. It appears that over 40.000 miles of railway have been built in the United States Binco and including 1879. This i about one-third of the entire mileage ofUu counury Last year alone the amouot raised to build the roads was over $70,000,000. A part of the etiquette at a stylish Japanese dinner party is for the guest to carry off with him such if the repast a he has uot eaten The host furnishes a box for the purpose. . Thus the guest praises the quality of tho fcxkl provided. i Mifcs Maud Ely-Goddard, of thu rich Goddards who live at Ely, Vt.. ia tne ia'it American miss to be caught by a tingUns. Her husband is Prince Poai atoweki,&ged 40 or thereabouts, the wi& being 'tali brown-eyed and very handsome" at 2fi. . "Oaida" is about to embrace the Catholic faith. Her conversion ia at tributed to the influence of Mgr. Capel. dbe having listened to a bermon by him in Florence last winter. They have since been in correspondence. Ouida' is willing to make a public confession of her new faith. " Gen. A. P. Martin, Democrat. In a letter accepting the citizens1 nomination for Mayor of Boston, says he ' 'shall en- deayer t6 select persona for office not jor party or political; services, out co eanse they are by -character, acquire ttnentaand "ability fitted for the ; duties ncaabeat upon them, regardless of ?arty tics or personal considerations'1 That is an unexceptionable platform. . - 1 Nearly all the Jostioea of tho United States Supreme Court arc good a whist Payers, and they have formed them selves and tboir families into whibt party, meeting over? Saturday evening at the home ot ono of their number. Justice Miller is probably the best whist player among them, and Chief Justice Wait and Justices Blatchford, Woods aad Matthews are said to be expert eochre players. : V : ' :- if it. i . Brodstrteit' says: '-The stock mar ket has been more stagnant daring the past week than it was.-Jaat Week." The trading is confined to a few stocks, and .there is some activity in bonds, which 'tis t:?a interpreted b? many as a sign &t layestment money Is returning to WaUstreetl This money is supposed to be mainly that driven out of govern Ciest bovds daring the - year by their BoeUation-Tbe two factions t bull And sxcontinise their, respective nsanipnlatioa in the market, the gener ?al pnpli appearing to be entirely unln- terested whichever way prices gos but the flucuatiocs are Within very narrow Jimits. -There u great complalpt from thuooambslon houses of want of h! -1 Mil 11 1! II. .1 -TF k lf-ir T '; 1H) -Trwr-rr-h "i : VOL. YII. 1 WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY. DECEMBER One of the Detroit evening papers is j en& its first; edition at 14 ofclock and xouowait up with 15 o'clock and IG o'clock editions. . ' 1 Sergeant Mason ! the army on thA says he fought in side ot the , Union against tour uncles and twenty-two cousins, who were in the Confederate army. , ; I i , 1 i i ; . '! Mis Alice Freeman, j President of Weilstey College, ia aljght andKirliah in 9?ure. with a youthful jfacel She Is a Doctrof Philosophy, and at the head of a college 500 strong: i I Mr. Tilden proposes tojpass the win ter months on hi yacht; the Yostmile1. The trip will be atrictlypaocialT The guests are to take tha train to lovr Or leans to join ihe yaclit there. !whefice they will steam to Havana. From Havuua they will procoUi to visit the other attractive Cuban worts. M ! LOCAL NEWS. IMDEX TO NEW A0VERT1SEMEHT& WHGessx-Cigars I ! HEiNSBEUGER Chck Booka C W Vate ArUstjS Materlalal MCWDS Baos. & jDEllosgET Fancy Gxxla Day's length 9 hours atpd $2 minutes. The receipts of cotton at thia port to day Ut up 308 bales. I ' ' I I No more holidays until Christmas, H but that is not far ' off. t I i 1 Sunset to morrow afi ernoon at 40 micute9 past 4 o'clock. This month has five Saturdays. live Sundays and five Mondays. I There was one interment an adult in Bellevue Cemetery this week. Nobody has picked our pockets. bat all the booksellers have pict-ures. ill' j There were three interments in Pine Forest Cemetery dren. this freekall chil- There were three interments in Oak- dale Cemetery this and one child. week -yt wo adults 1 : 1 This is the first day of the first Winter month, and it is do.ightfui weather for the time of year. i j ) To-morrow is the anniversary of the great Lisbou earthquake1, which oc curred December 2d. 1755. , I j -The Kegistor oi Deeds! jissued two marriage licenses thia week, both of which were for colored couples. We have been requested to slate thai there will be no! services to-morrow morning and.. evening st i the Front Street Methodist Church. , I Kev. Dr. Patterson will preach1 three times to-morrowin tboj uibjr.ing at St. James , hi the al tempo n at Mark's and at night at it. John's. ! , . ' , . St. Steamboat men report that the riven has again fallen off. so that there ia now about the same amount of water that there was before the recent rise. i i We understand toat Mr. W. P. Can aday. of this city j stands an excellent chance of being ! elected Sergeant-at Arms ot the Senate.5 on Monday I next. To-morrow ft known in the cnurch 1 1 calendar a? Advent Sunday, the , first in tfie Christian yeaA There afe four Sundays in Advent aud ihun comes ... . . i i unnstmas. Col. Jno. L. Cantwell and Maj. Jas. Reilly will attend the reunion of the Mexican veterans to fctj held in Wash1 ington City, Jonj x)cxt VVednesday, Thursday and Friday. j j j Kev. Jas. Bays wood, of Weldoh, will preach in the First Baptist church (colored) corner of Fifth and Campbell streets to-morrow afternoon at I 3 1 o' clock, and Rev. (J. i Dor iett will preach in the evening. o'clock During the flscalyear ended Novem ber 30tb. the Bsgister of Deeds has re ceived in fees tor marriage licenses issued by him the sum of $195. Of this amount $74 was received from white couples and $121 from colored couples. We hear of one sportsman who shot at a fine turkey that was perched opob the limb of a tree. Trie bird was killed, but lodged in thjc branches, so that he had to climb for it or leave it. Of course ho took to tho tree, and when he rooAixi tho hird he discovered that f was an owl! i r - Sew Uniforms Tha aniforms for the police hate ar- rited and look aaif made of good ma terial. : The coats and trousers are of cadet grayJthe .. former being double breasted and furnished with.brsss I but tons. Helmets of blue cloth instead of huts or cans, are the covering. City Court. The following cases were disposed ot by the Mayor this morning . H. B. Green and Ishmael Leonard, both colored, charged wkh an jffray, were discharged. . Jacob Thompson, colored, the bagcage man, for disorderly conduct at the Front street depot on' Tuesday morning last, in which he cursed, abused and threatened to whip a passenger, was jfined $5 for tho offence. Last Niiihtn Lecture. ; We regret to state that the attendance at the lecture for ! the benefit of the Ladies Benevolent Society, last night, waa not so large as the object and iner- its of the effort demanded. - Those who did attend were well repaid, for aside frorn the fine literary production, elegant and eloquent music was fur nished for the occasion by Messrs J. D Smithdeal and I Greetiewald.j n the violin and piano respectively. Tlie Wedding: Bell's. Mr. James Sprunt, of this city, was married in Ne w Yo-k, or. Tuesday last, at the residence of the bride's parental No. 18, East 63nd street, to MI33 Luoia, daughter of Col. Kenneth M. Murchi son. The happy pair, afier a short tour, will arrive in Wilmtngton about two weeks from this date. M r. Sprunt has leased the handsome residence1 at the Southwest corner of Market and Sixth streets, which U now being pre pared tor the reception of the newly wedded pair. The cards which have been issued announce that they will be at home to their friends on the 12th, 19th and 20th inst. I . I : , i . The Tramps. His Honor, Mayor flail, has taken a judicious and. we trust, effectual 1 meth od ot ridding our citizens of the tramp nuisance, which is beginning to be somewhat serious. He gives all such persons 24 hours in which to seek hon orable employment but. failing ia that, they are required to leave the city forth with, Daily Reyiew, Nov. 21st, 1883. I i t The Charleston News and Courier says: "The Mayor oWUmington ' has taken a judicious and effectual method of ridding the citizens of the tramp nuisance, which, is beginning to be somewhat serious. Ho gives all such Dersons twentytfourhours in which to seek honorable employment, but, fail ing in that they are required to leave forthwith." Morning Star, Nov. 29th, 18S3. 1 Tliis. Mornings Fire. At a few minutes after 4 o'clock this morning tire was discovered in then woodshed on the lot oi Mr. Marcus Bear, on North Fifth, between Market and Princess streets, directly North of and adjoining the premises of Dr. John I). Bedamy. The alarm was promptly given and in a few moments powerful streams wre being ihrown upon the rlamesj by the 14. Adrian and Little Giant engines, which had the fire so quickly under control that the other engine, although promptly on hand, was not needed. The flames were soon extinguished, and the damage by fire and water to the shed and on the adjoining stables will hardly exc.ed $75 lit is not known how the fire originated, but it is presumed to haye been the work of an incendiary. ' Police Keport. i Durinjr the month of November the police made 49 arrests for the following causes: Affray, 3 white males, 4 colored females ; asleep hi doorway, 1 white male; carrying concealed weapons, 1 colonxl male ; disorderly conduct, 7 white males, 13 colored males, 5 colored females; drunk and . down, 4 white males. 1 white female. I colored male. 1 colored female ; suspicion 2j white males, I colored male; throwing rocks, 1 colored male; tramps, I white male,.2 colored male; violating tax ordinance. 1 white male. Of this number there were, Americans, 14 whiles and 39 colored ; 1 S wedo , 2 Irish , 1 Prussian 1 Spanish, and 1 German. ' During the month 14 places of busl ne&a were1 found open by the police 1 . The fines collected amounted to $110.75, of which $11.70 were in State cases and was turned overito th county treasurer. Pound fees for the month amounted to 38.5o. , ; M - I DUttiik'Uiahed people. tjp" Senator. Members of Cons rcs. , iMcaMituAlo Oroaawot forstik ai an. C.binoDr.v Members of r.rtu- ...SSSS'SSfi' ment, fccienusu avans. ominenl pay- s A urg a d atiracuve stock f JCVUsilk sicians. Ujndiiig &harmacists praise SMbooSs, iobms. iwk of misuahd Jacobs Oil. th great pain-cure. i f I"!-8" tanrclj b:,uu, wi ; To Builders and otiier- Go to Jaoo ei'3 tor Sash, Blinds aud Doors, Glass, &c 7oa can get all size- and at the lowest prices. The davs are nearly at their shortest. Wc lose this month but seven minutes of daylight. i I Cotton. ! The receipts ot cotton at this port frr the month of November.-just closed, foot up 21.013 bales, a3 against 29,328 bales for same month lastj year, a de crease this month of 8.315 bales. The receipts of the crop year to date foot up 62,029 bait1, as against 05,440 liales to samodato last year, a decrease this year of 3.411 bales Foreiam Exports. The following comprises tjho amount and value of foreign exports from this porLduring the 'month of Novem ber 1683:, Cotton 13,951 balesj valued at $657 120 j spirits turpeutine 3S3.821 gallons, $146 015; rosm .19 .74 1 barrels, $30,291 ; tar and pitch. 105 barrels $193; lumber, fecti 455,000, $7,45 1 ; shingles 152.000, 1,105; making a grand total of $842,21! : ; :$ . Painful Accident. I Mr. W. J. Mott rode down Dock street this morning on horseback and as he jturnedj into Front street, at Messrs. Adrian & VollersV 'store, his horse fell, throwing Mr.Mott with great violence on the pavement. Aj number of bystander seoing the accident, has tened, to his ftssisiance and raised him to an upright position, when it was found that no bhis: were broken, bu& that he wa suffering from . a severe contusion of tho kneo and , from shock to the nervous system occasioned by his sudden and violent fall.. lie soon recovered somewhat from tho shock and was conveyed to his home, but he was able to get out this afternoon. , ; I A- New Enterprise. Mrs. Bernard, ot Boston. "i3 in the city 'seeking rooms in which to open a first-class boarding hou so" and restaur ant for tho accommodation bt people of the North who would jlike tojpass the Winter . in a more genial climate than that afforded by the' rigors of the New England snow and ice. During the late exposition in Boston many of the North Carolina delegation, among whom were th Commissioner of Agrl culture. Mr. McGehce, and Capt. John T. Patrick, Agent of Immigration, boarded at her bbuso, and were so well pleased that they urged her to come to the South. She has had much ex perience in the business and comes well recommended, and it is to be hoped thnt her efforts will jba crowned' with success, inside from hor'regular, table boarders, she proposes to keep a ri tauraut, on the European plan, .where she will furnish those- who "may wish anything from a cup of tea' or coffee at tivej cents toas good a meal as thej may feel willing to pay for. '. We can. without hesitation, say lth.it Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has given the bet atistaction. We have s.d an im- mense amount of it duriog tho past winter ' ; I WALLACE, HILTON & CO. Druggists. Ivock'JlHveu, Fa. - m - . Literary. T7ic Art Atncttur for December is a number of holiday size and. excellence. It contains working designs for a tea pot (JapaneFque decoration).! a dessert plate (wild 'geranium). , and screen (shepherdess), embroidery (a fan, Christmas-card box. - doiliesr arid mitres), repousse work (cockatoos and dolphin?), wood-carving- an'd jewelry: two beautiful designs of children, min ute directions tor painting in oils and in mineral colors; an illustrated report of the Feauardent-Cesnola tf;ial ; a bio graphy! of Charles Sprague Pearce, with numerous original drawings; en illu1 trated notice of the Huntington gift to the Metropolitan Museum; reviews of the National and Pennsylvania Acade my exhibitions, the Sketch Exhibition, and the National Exposition at Paris: dramatic and musical feuiiletons; somn line illustrations of Derby porcelain ; practical articles on decoration, needle work and china painting; correspon dence, literaiyand editorial notes.1 It is impossible to speak too highly of the varied excellence of thi3 superb publi cation. Price,' 35 cents ; $4 per annum. Montague Marks. Publisher. 23 Union Square,1 New York. Artists' Material. ANFl WATKK COLONS, BCUSHEd, UlL , w M2 T. the kuraeai sod fisestMcc uf IIOL1 VXX GOODS rer broafet lo thia cljr. U i aav Its Market! si 1. 1883. ffO. 284 MAKItlElX SPKHNT-MUKUimojC In NewJVork, n the 27th Novewbcr, 1SV at tho residence bf h bride'o father. ly ttt Kev. J..hn Hall, l. D . l.L)UL.A.If:Mc8t dansrbter . f Mr K. M. MurcMson, to JAMKS SfUUT, 6t VaatloK ton, N. u. . " j -,.':,. NEW AIXVERTISEM ENTS - .i - Check Boolcs. J-EW STYLES, W Uu tho TJiBk of New Uxn-xcT nod the First National Bank, neatly lltao-apfccd and prmt cl In folios, wtth extrs lae stubs. -very Check! jierroratoJ. lioaca IMi aud S0J in book. . For ialo at I . - ;,-4-. rllEINSpvGElfa. Diaries for 1881, JUOM THE S tlALTX&T POCKET SIZE . : Yor a. lda '-i-r-f ' -"tri i HEINSBERGER'S, 1 ' ': ( ; doc I Uti Book and Music Store A UCtlbM SALE TiY AND UNDER DIKKCTIOV OF j. i, Tbc i nnden incl wft? ex vow FOR SALE FOR CASH 1 The well assorted stock of Boots and Shoes topothervritU too Furniture and Fixtures ! Con'alned In the storo No. 113 Market Street, Commencing cm Tuesday, Dec, 11th, 1883, and to continue until the enllro etcck Is eold. 3. VaxAMUINOE, Auctr. nov 30 Ft 5 and 10 cents Cigars, HAVANA FILLVRS, i l?est in tbo city, are on sale. Drutrs and Medicinal preparations of the b!guet grade at i JNn.T. SCH'KWAL! nov 12 Drug and I'rerript on str-K New Furniture Warerooms. T NO. 0 GRAN ITK KOW, M). FHONT st., I have o eno3 with what I think Is a we! selected etock of j ! j Furniture land Bedding, - Embracing many new desigjis la Bedroom and Parlor Suits. 1 " : - I " Oat aim eb-Hll lie ti deal fairly and squirely ith all, aut respecifnily ask a ehare of t e puulic pat-onage. Courteous tatment guar tot e l to all w'i favor me with a call , novlU tf ; T1I-MA C CHAKT. Arent Hunds Bros. &DeKosset. r DBUG9 & FANCY GOODd, DEALERS IN Market and Second Streets. JECEST AftClVALS ENABLE US TO uffer' a most beautiful line of Fancv Goods, j our Go.;ds are al bought In Ne "i ork by our Agent, gottc from importers and Mann Jacturera and are uul ke nnv elsewhere offprpd ;ln this city, a decided mducemtnt to ptreon ; I . a. x a - i r Our inc. though a very elegant one, is not Imtnenae, and we would be pleased to have our cuatomera make scieciiona now, to be de livered when wanted i j Art clcs suitable for children, langlng from 25 c nt to $5, are very pleasing. . , nov 23 I . - . . ; Oysters Oysters! S END YOU8 OEDEEi TO I . rv. uav Si eu. , . Proorletors of the only regular eetabllabed Fiahery la tbU eectlon. j ! nov 27 CIDER gWEET 1 CIDEIL CAREFULLY ilADE from good fruit and warranted to be pure. ' Amount limited. Call immediately asd leave your crdere and your jugs ,1 E- Mc DOUG ALL, No. 14 Caentaut 6t, bet Front ana Water nov 22 ! Wilmlnstoa. N. Or E. C. BLAIR,' pTODCCE BKOKfcB AN CO&MI.VUOX Mercriant. Nj(. 13. N. Second St., vriImln;?tont N. C. aollris-i . rvDsinmcTiia ot all .kincU or Cosnirjr Produce. Conr.trr rder flllel at tlw Iowom market prices far Tlour. Heal. Gr la and Groccrle i A trial 14 oaoiel aad ait.facui giuinrn ee. J, - - ' Mr .n Tihe:lV3anvf: W f " - ....... . i lH!P YmjK;COUNTUY TRODUCB td ik- ri Korih'vfiter mL ' .4'- - V , j--Vilnljtoa, NL Tba live Grocer and Coantry r reduce JJea itccn t iiuk ot New iUnover. . nov 13 MACKS Gift) - ria Stad to Mcetrs eoamcshUoa f rom ocr friend on anj and il ixbjeu Kwral IntdrcBt but j cine nam ox the writer moat arvajt be ra : iune to the Editor. : U 'I---- I----" vmnmmnciuoM mnst D0 WTlltftB . a OAl PeraonaPrtea mnat be irniA Aod !t Is oepedalr? and partlcnlarty and ood that the Editor does wt alxray eadot the vlewBoroonwpondcaU unk so ttktc n tho editorial mlasnna. L - 1 , NEW AIVEKTrSEIIENTSJ OPERA HOUSE, ONE NIGHT ONLY. TIf UKSDA1V lECE3IBEh o Eng?gemoat of the WorM renowned Mtulcal " I Conductor : . TIIEODOKE THOMAS, and ltU uarivalled Orchesta cf 60 Solo Artists. 60 rai-qnetteDrcKS Circle anl Italeooy. It ee.vo i Jr ge rI admlstloa tl and $'.50. t ?! ?7nJ? f ?bg?ber to the guaranty fnd and ticket, will pl.ose moet at Ji YKK'tf . Monday. Uec. 3. ;0 a. n. t or 30 2t I Aitn Keadjr lirfri jOENTLEMEN'5 CLOTHING .AND UjtfS 'I dye . cleanel acd pro? Red, flo, Ladle Uau dyed la any: color end pre&ted In the latofcl tyl.; ' ; : - I b.. itEMyKN, ' ;-. nw 27 I'm"; No. 15 Korth Pecoal St ii 9 f A0ACU' COXU fcTIiEET.bo tweea M-jrletami Pricecsn, Ladte sni Hon! ! ' i ' - - :. ( tlemcn'g roods of M'prrdp? if I,-. Also, cie tn'.ntf, ecourlns and bleaching. od ejb a pair of 3 cur o d Kid IOotpa. i TO" VC tf If Not, Why Not? TF YOU U A VENT HUT A GOOD COOE i i S ove why not eet one of om At low, priced 1 Ool e !rrc8t' "l-araier' or, 'uthcrn . . icrre-i in an tneir arrangerijentk? If I wu imibii i, ji jfuou neater wny rot ret ore ot Mil vuufec ueamzca aom oy u not flxei up ail right down to tnoKe Dcauties sold by u? IuUocd. If job ar tor Chrltma, comf . PAUKKK & TAYLOR'S. FUKK WTi ITK OIU hot 2 Important Arrival A T OLD NORTH STATE iSALOO?!.1 Ko.A south Front t-t., Bbl of YA. MOUNTAJif H i WHISKEY, (doubto SUmp) four yeara 'oVL r ! " ' I. - - Try It. Good Llquora. Winea, Cigars. i A STERS on lc. rovV I Wew Goods, f JEW GOODS IN THE LATEST STYLES - expected next week. I hcpo tho Ladies wLl , coma in a:d eee them. . " 'i' V m - MkS. KATK C. WINE-Sj , ! ! No. llU. North finmnil H w next outh of I'oKtofllco John C. Dayis, ATTORNEY AND . i " I I CuCN-ELLOB AT-LAVT, Office o-cr tbo Bant oVA?Z'J: Iractice lr. oil ibe Courts of t e late. ."S;-ecUl attention pal to the collection of cl ima. , nov 4 m Many. Things You Need; CAN EE FOIJVD T THE. 5 and 10 routs &tor 1 he articles are g ot a d rku bo i bought or le.M thiii OMe h ilf t wiat pay I hewriere. Jl ueeho d r l.-lea aud Klubm ; ule.t-lla a ep cialty Fud und c plteiloclc ot Toys aud CUrl.ma Gv od at the ou y! A-1 I o aiMl lO Cents Store, Second fcrT. between v tvrVet an-l nok novl6 tUi ; Mr;Warrn,a old eund. Cigars! C i ga r s l E W BR ANI S OF UNESCEiXED! StOiS a luxury within reach of all. Toilet Soap, a new and clegint Ilea. " j . I, - Tootlx UroAbes, cheapeit and beet, at WILLIAM H. GREEN'S. nov 10 117 Mnrket 8tre. FLO HI DA WTKK. f 1 IAVE DEft WATER,' 1 VIOLKT WATER, i ' I HELIOTKOPB WATER. t WHITE ROE WATER. 1 1 , .1 st zen a water. Also a romplete asM-tment of Colognes and Perfumery for the season. f i Prescription compounded day J and night at F. C. MILLER'S, i H German Druggist,, . Qt27- Ctvt Fourth n I N'nn t. Furniture. OftO CHAMBER ANDPARLOR EoiU from io$liJ i I . goods at New styles and ffrst-clua GREAT BARGAINS ! I FINE ROOK CASES, SIDEBOARD, - SECRETARIES. WARDEOBES. - ' LIBRARY TABLES, &c. Cottco Bcdsteadi. Mat'reaaca, Chairs. T-" btea &c.. &e . at big bargain Call and m me before you br.7. D. A. MITU. ill novJ3 Farnltare Dealer, j 1 BUGGIES-BUGGIESi CAR LOAD OF NEWj JJUvIfALlJ stylea, single" and doubleto suit "everybody. Jttrt to hand and fer sale cheap at ' th&xzgtr, and Ilarnesa establlahment of . " 1 - MCDOUGALL A JiOWDEX, ; ' " !;':' ' ! 1 ' No. 114 North Fmnt Rl. nor 23 Tobacco. y E ITAVR FULL LlNttS Or.TCllA ' -w- - U". -;.,'V. whieh r eJflf.j EIGirT CC2CT4 ainStr : l j rrVvV prior to .iy i Aimo a very i&rt it f OROCEltl ES a d rw'VMiON at hotth cjwa. ?- ' ' ' i 1 "it I." fit t. t: ; i "... - . '-'?. '"-1, t:"-,i -' "- - -L" - 1 I-