THIS PAT2 b! rrery erenlntv Sunday. - ex eepted try JOSH T. JAMES, hito xio raorxirro. - 8 . aj oo. Six month, tiCO. Three 01 aix: One month. 35 cento. " r be dellTcred by carriers tree SJSto any 1 the city. at the abore JarSbrtt" will report any u4 eJl UO- tholr paper regularly. n " : i ii in TV..",, Vrr-istn hVt t& ItrfKJCi "fijirai Fremont will be 70 year old John McCarthy Scuily. the IrUt ra mot and asUator. died last Suuday In - Ycrk. , Wednesday was the firtt anntreraary cfGatnbeUasdcath. There were great kmwiatratioDi at Paris and Nice. of four c( Mr. Carlisle's Coamittee on Foreipj Affair arc em. mlarly appropriate, xiz.z Wise, Lamb. . Wait and Ketchatn. - RUmarck's voluntary redaction of weight from 237 to 103 poand baa materially improred both his appear ucce and his health. rrofessor William Miller defeated Edward Blackburne in a wrestling watch for the championship of Aus tralia for $1,000 a side. I ltcv. Pr Stern, a Jewish rabbi ot Wilkesbarre, Pa., favors Sunday wor ship, aud is combating the prejudices of hia race against that nd other Christ ian custom s. , Samuel Jones Miller recently died in Columbia county. New York, leaving ten children, aged respectively 75,' 73, "l,G9,GG,61,2G CO. 58 and 55. These ten children are in turn the parents'of sixty- two children. m 1 La New York Evening Post (Rep.) ujs that the attempt -to show tha Speaker Carlisle has, "organized CoDfress in the interest of the -solid Mouth1' can "safely bo left to die ot its own weakness." According to the Paris Tempi a wo man named Marie Glrard, now living in the village of Arberire-ea-Royans, was born on March 18. 1761. and is conseauentlv in her 123d vear. She has been a widow for 90 years. ' m Time chancres all things, it is said Judge Denman, who tried and sentenced O'Donnell, the slayer of Carey, is the son of Lord Den man, who stood sido by side with Daniel O' the British Parliament, and fought for the liberty of the Irish people. " . We have the authority of the Savan cah Xeics for saying to this adulterous and adulterating age, that "tho best scientific test lor distinguishing butter from oleomargarine or snrene is to see whether it contains live cow's hair or the plastering hair use in the artificial article." " Referring to the declaration of Henry H'arcl Beecher, that if the Democrats pledge themselves to revenue reform and the Republicans oppose it, he will vote tho Democratio ticket next year, the Boston Post says "it is the first serious setback the tariff bare received of late." reformers ! P. T. Barnum, In his will. made the uther day, bequeathes real and pergonal property to the value of $10 ,000,000 to twenty.eevcn direct holrs. Among his bequests aro various sums to charitable institutions. Mr. Barnum values his interest in the Barnum aud London shows at $3,600,000. Mi The Senatorial contest .in Kentucky promises to be warmly contested. The leading Dsmocratic candidates aro Senator Williams, who seeks a rcelee tion. Congressman J. C. 8. Blackburn, and Col. Thomas L. Jones, - who came withia one or two votes of receiving the Democratic nomination for Gorer nor last year. Henry Villard seems to have brought the Northern Pacifio Railroad to the point of a completed achievement, only to find that ha has wTeckecL himself both physically and mentally, in hia great work; ne is now shut up. in his house In New York, by nervous pros tration and sleeplessness, and he has been told by hia physicians that if he would hope to get well he must resign his railroad presidency. There's not a rose in life without its thorn. The Chicago Press, an independent journal, says . "The Democratic party will survive and with Butler in the field or out. jast as the whim strikes him. He will, it a candidate on a workingmens labor greenback plat lonn, draw more strength from the Republicans than from the Democrats. If In the role of a third candidate he can carry Massachusetts against the Republicans, which is doubtful, be would be an invaluable allj of the Dem ocrats." A fine assortment of Ganj and Pistols at Jacob's Hardware Depot. " IJilJli N ' !! -ii VOL. Villi LOCAL NEWS. (XDEXiJO NEW ADVERTttIMET&. W H Gkee Clears - B McD0UGJO.LApple , j , L Q CCERnTK C CabUgc ' aenrs bieoer Dlrlps for ittl ! R M MclKTIBB Dry Good. Ac C W TA.TB3 ChrltmM Koveltlcs' " J R TcXBZirrcrs Acelgnee 0al9 A K, CaaVr Dividend 2fotlc Tatlos's Bazaar Great Gale of Corset J II BOATWRICHT Clinton & PtCaawell KB BiCros Bsoa. & IeRossbt Extract ot Witch Hazel i, h i The ground was frozen 1 quite , hard this morning, but it soon, thawed. f : i ,. , J . This Is very unhealthy jweather for tiogs. a great inaoy of yesterday. - j ! whom died There are now 1$ patients for treat ment in the city hospital, none of which. however, are cases of a serious charac ter, t i I Mr. Jno. R. Turentlne still has on hand a few bunches of fine bananas and a lot o( cocoanuts. which: will be sold very low. . , 1 Hon. O. D. Conger. U. 'S. Senator from Michigan, with his wife aud niece, arrived in.the city to-day and are regis tered at the Purcell House. We are told that it j was extremely cold North of here yesterday, and from all accounts it must have been much colderthere.than it was in Wilmington. The freight and passenger traffic on the railroads leading South are unusu ally large. The travel toFlprida is much greater than it has been in any previous year. ' i The Miaco Humpty j Dumpty troupe arrived in the city; this morning and registered at the Commercial Hotel. They played to a good house last night atGoldsboro. t There is unmallable matter in the PostofUce in this city addressed to Rev. Jas. Willing, Robt. Itowe. care o!fS. F. U.R. Co., and T. K. Howard; Wil mington, N. C. There will be a grand ball to-night at Long Creek, Pender county, compli mentarytoMr. Z.jW. Whitehead, oi the Winston Sentinel, who is visiting Mr. James Garrason, &i that place. ; Mr. Stephen G. Worth, Fish Com missioner of North Carolina, is. at New River, Onslow county, examining the oyster fisheries there with a view to tholrjiurther development and improve ment. i ' ! ! Pere Hyacinth, of Paris, and wife aud child are registered at, the Purcell House. Rev. John Coleman, of ' New York, accompanies them. They in dulged in the pleasure of a ride to the Sound this afternoon. ! A reception was given ; Hon. Simon Wolff, after the lecture last night, by Mr. F. Rheinstein. which was attended by quite a number of our cilizens. It was a very pleasant affair, jand much enjoyed by those who were present. Attention is invited to the advertise ment of Mr. John R. Turrentine, As slgneo of Mr. 8. P. Collier, as it appears In this issue. The en tiro' stock of goods In Mr. Collier's store is to bo sold at cost to close, and some good . bargains may be had there ' I The band connected with! Miaco's Humpty Damply troupe, accompanied by two or three grotesque j characters, paraded the principal streets of the city this noon, much to the delight of the small boy. The music was good, conv V . 1 If J i Of course all the little ones will go to the matinee to morrow to see Humpty Dumpty in his fantastic performance. We heard one little child enquiring very anxiously this morning it Humpty Dnmptv loved little children and she was much pleased when tald tbatj he did. " LL i Joseph Jones, colored, was before the Mayor this morning, charged with an assault with a deadly weapon . He was adjudged guilty and required to give a bond in the' sum of &50 for his appearance at the ) next term of the Criminal Court, m default of which he was committed. ! i In an article on Washington society life, the Philadelphia Times says: "Many members 'are accompanied by their, wires and1 daughters. Messrs. Blackburn, Holman, Ballantyne, Tur ner and Randall hive beautiful and accomplished daughters in society, and Miss Green, daughter of Colonel Green, of North Carolina, and Miss Cnrtln, daughter of Governor Curtln, of Penn sylvania, are among the most beautiful, accomplished and admired belles of the United 8tata.M ! I . ' ' WILMINGTON. N C., FRIDAY. JANUARY 4. i - i . -i - &UW 1 UUIUh. M- w .m ' I - Mr; Malt. J.j Heyer. of this"city." was married in St. LouiswMo.." oi - tha :Snd inst, to Miss Alary-A. BcU. daiStcr of Dr. James Bell, ot that city.' The bnda Is a charming young lady and a great fATorite iu a large social circle in St. Louis. The happy couple are xpeotd to arrive here about the UUer part of next week- " Capt. Green We understand that Capt. Thomas Ji j Green, for ao:many years past known as the affable commander of the steam' j er ifort&-fifote, jplylng betweeu-thls cityf and Fayettevillo, has resigned his" post j tion on that boat, to take effect on the 10th lust- Capt. Green has purchased an interest in the steamer Bladen and will hereafter be in charge of that boat Meteorological Report. Through the courtesy of Dr. F. W. Potter, City Physician, we have obtain ed the meteorological report- for Decern cember, 1883, which is as follows: Rainfall 1.22; highest temperature 71.8. on the 8th ; lowest temperature 27, on the 16th ; mean temperature 52.8 ; prevailing direction of wind S. W. ; greatest velocity of jwind 27, S. W., on the 14th; number of miles travelled 4.365 ; barometric reading 30,177. Holidays. We are remined by one of our readers that there are two more holidays be tween this aud the Fourth of July, a fact which we had overlooked. These are May 10th and 20th. whloh are both legal j holidays In North Carolina. There is another, also, and that is Washington's birthday, February 22nd. These, however, while ail legal holidays are not as generally observed by i bus! nessmen as Thanksgiving Day. Christ, mas and the Fourth. Tho JLast of Earth. ' - The funeral of the late Mr. Luke B. Huggins took place at the First Baptist Church at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, and a large concourse of relatives and friends were in attendance to listen to tho solemn , ceremonies. The services were conducted by Rov. Dr. T. H Pritchard, and were peculiarly impress I siveand touching. After the funeral services the remains were conveyed to Bellevue Cemetery for interment. The pall bearers were Messrs D. Cash well, Alfred Alderman, B. F. Mitchell, Wm. Larkins. J. W. Taylor and J. W. Col" Hob. . I I . Humpty Dumpty.- Of the Miaco Humpty Dumpty troupe, which will appear at the Opera House to-night, ; the Raleigh Visitor says: One of the largest audiences of the season greeted Miaco and his Humpty Dumpty troupe at . Tucker Hall las: night. Miaco is one of the be3t panto mime clowns on the stage, and added to his former reputation by his clever acting last night. Incidental to the play jwcre the skipping rope dance by Cornelia Carroll, W.Farre. in his ex pert hat spinning, feats ot jugglery, &o., Miss Jennie Miaco in some beautiful songs and dances; Miss Donna Stickney, in her wonderful acts on the slack telephone wire. The three SL Elmos gave some startling and wonderful acrobatic feats, they being as good iu their libe as we have ever seen. We heartily commend Afred Miaco and his Humpty Dumpty troupe to all lovers of good acting. We can. without hesitation, say tha Dr. Bull Cough Syrup - has given the best satisfaction. We have sold an Immense amount of it during the. past winter. I ' - WALLACE. HILTON & CO. Druggists. Lock Haven. Pa. Tbe IiOCturo Last Night, Hon. Simon Wolff, ot Washington, arrived in the city yesterday morning, and, in accordance with previous an? nouncement, lectured at tho Opera House last night for the benefit of the Wilmington Library Association. He was . introduced to theaudience by Mayor Hall in a speech of considerable length entirely appropriate to jthe occas ion and subject, which was f 'Egypt." It was an interesting and instructive effort, and was listened to ; with . ' pro. found attention by the audience. He spoke in an. cosy, graceful manner1 Without notes of that ancient and hisv torlo country as he bad seen it while a resident there as a representative of the United States government. He exhibited a number of relics of the country with photographs of Egypt, which may be seen at the rooms of the Library Association during his stay here. Mr. Wolff is aneloquent speak cr and we hope that LtTmay be beard again by a larger audience than greeted him last night. Tbe receipts of cotton at thii port to-j day foot up Hf fcolss, ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, DRY GOODS LACE CURTAINS OILi CLOTHS, Ladies' and Children's Wraps, : In all Bargains iti Black Silk. " Sue if you can do as well North or South. r Suits made to order in short notice. ' ' ' ' R. PJL VJcirJTIRE. ' jn I, 1884 . j v I ( I Notice. FIBST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON DIVIDEND OF THREE AND j A HALF Bit cent, baa been declared by the-Board of ireciors of this Bank, payable on ;nd after the 8th Inst. . A. K. WALKER, Jan 4-t8 in nac Cashier Apples CRATES APPLES ON HAND, ii 3 Bbls. Aasorted Applea, Eggs, Chickens, Butter, Beets, Turnips, etc., etc At R. McDOUGAIilS, A Chestnut St. bet Front and Water Wilmington, N. U. No. ian Clinton & Point Caswell R.R. i . i SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOTIFED THAT 8IXTT PERCENT, of subscription la due and if not promptly paid suit will oe brought to collect It. Mr. M. M. Klllett la authorized to onlleot In Fender and bampson counties. Contractors must be paid. i J. H. BOATWRTGHT, Jan i,-2t Sec'y and Treas C R EATS A L E THIS WEEK, I AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market Street, WILMINGTON, N O. i- i ) Jan 4 Assignee's Sale. JHE CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK Superior 1 WINES, LIQUOR, PORrER. j CIGARS, CANNED GOOD3, Ac. la the Store of S. P. COLLIER, No. 23 j North Front Street, will be sold at cost to close tho assignment. Tho best opportunity ever offer ed to get a superior article cheap. , 'Cell an see. ; I JOHN R. TURRENTINE, Jan41w Assignee rj. C. Cabbage. T ARGE LOT JUST KECETVED ; ' i A NO. I ARTICLE. - . I SAUSAGES Made by Westbrook Bros., at I i Rocky Point Best la the market. Oranges, Apples, Poultry and a general as- - 1 I i . i aortmest of ,1 ( J ; - Fresh Family Groceries. A call !s jespect folly solicited. i G. CHERRY, , . N. E. Corner Market and Second sta. Jaai i ' ... i CHrcr Plated Spoons and Forks, low A OF p . . I ' AND ; ! ' ! , I . 1884. I - ' NO. j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. & CARPETS. ND CORNICE ! all widths. of the newest styles, at very cioszpnces. OPERA HOUSE. ALFRED T. MIACO'S New Humpty Specialty Co., ( BRASS BAND AND ORCHESTRA. Entirely New and Original Ver Ion ! New Scenery j New Tricks and Grand Transformation Scene lit r - - "J - Popular Prices. Reserved Seats 50c, at Dyers' Admission S3c; Gallery 25c. Sale ox Seats begins Wednesday, January 2d. janJUt Extract of Witch Haizel, w E OFFER THE ABOVE PREP ABA tlon in Pint Bottles, as Double Distilled Ex- i 1 tract of Witch Hazel or Hnmmamelio, at SO - l . . cents per bottle. , ! A safe and! speedy remedy for Brulies, i j- Strains, Burns, Scalds, Neuralgia, Pain, Piles, Stings of Insects and many otter uses, the ex treme low price placing It within the reach of bery family. ' -j 1 Munds Bros. I & DeRosset, j Druggists, Market Street, finest English Tooth Brushes 25 cents. jan 1 IV . V j: Copartnership Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAT formed a Copartnership, under tbe firm name and style of JAS. B. 11UGG1N3 CO., for the purpose of conducting a GENERAL JAS. B. HUGGINS, F. G. ROBINaON. Wilmington, Jan 1, XSSi. Jas. B. Hnggins & Co., IN DIRECTING ATTENTION TO ABOVE notice, desire to say that they hope by "fair, ana square" aeaung to merit ana receive a uoerai snare or public patronage. Jan 1,1881. x jan 1 4t Mott's Sausageactorv. JJOTT'S STEAM SAUSAGE FACTORY Is now completed and is ready to fill orders for Fresh Pork Sausage, Smoked Sausage Liv I.I : ' er Pudding, Hog's Head Cheese Also, Bolog. 1 I na Sausage will be made tbe year round. Orders by Express C. O. D. will be prompt ly attended to. - This Id the largest and most complete Sans I ! age Factory South. Respectfully, Jan l tf !' W. J. MOTT. Don't Forget It. rpHE OLD NORTH 8TATE SALOON has on hand a fine lot of those HORNE GARDEN OYSTERS stacked on loo. They are jthe best brought to this market. Call and try them. Also, Beer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. JAS. M. McGOWAN A SON, i Jan 1 No 6, South Front St Diaries for 1884. PR0M THE SMALLEST POCKET SIZES TO THE LARGEST OFFICE SIZES. TURNER'8 N. C. ALIANACS. BLUJI'S FARMER'S AND PLANTER'S ALMANACS. i MILLER'S ALMANACS. "IvNC THE LIVING CHURCH AL ! Wholesale and retail, at i HEINSBERGER'S, . 1 .1 . ., ,.r . ' Jin 3 I Lire Book and Music Stores LJ , , L 5 and 10 cents Cigars, 1, 7. ' ! HAVANA FILLERS. I Best in the city, aro on sale. Drugs and Medicinal preparatloBS of the " i - - . i , I ' . highest grade at JNO. T. BCHONWALD'S. Drug and Precription Store , The Annual Meeting QT THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FIBST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON, Jf.CX, - - ... i ' or the election of Directors, will be held at their Banking Hocae on Tuesday, tho eighth of January, &, at 11 o'clock, A M-' A. K. WALKER, dec29tdnae . ; . Caahler O I gars I CiTja r o l N EW BRANDS Or UNEXCELLED Stock, A luxurr withm reach of all. ToUei Soap, a naw and. elegant Una. r Toota Bruaha. cheapest and best, at j WT I.I JAM IL G&ZSJrS, . nor 19 UlllisltttttL tm ourirtcaaa on xzj rsA all sutjecu . fcaeraltetereatbut ::v. v , j i .Tb taae ot toa write, niQtjway Ufa,. CcauaunlcaUoiis mm U wntUa ok onl" on fcido of the paper. 1 I , , .. v i 1 , - Personalltfeanttst be Yti4i.! J Aniltla wpecUCy aa-J rruculariy end stood tnat tae Editor doca cot Uwaji eadoc the Tlews of corrcspondnU unle o atatc In the editorial colunna. ?-.-". ' 1 , : MISCELLANEOUS It Don't Matter jr THE OLD TEAR 15 GONE AJTD THE New Year his came, HUMPUHET. JEN4 KINS & CO., arc b till receive at their Oys ter none. No. 112 South Front Street, a freb tra fih'pptd C. O. D, Fresh bbclK Pytcr always oa ba&d, &c ill A8toni8hingly Low Price JQ Standard Grasttlated fiuar, tl, 1 Q lbs. Puro White MAn 6uar, tl, tts Lljht Brown Sugar, $1, ' ' ' MlneMalCepr JS., 1 , Apnle But'erSoner fis. i 1 Allki"ds Prunes 15orer , ' , A bbl of Ex Family Flour, guaxaatwl lA.55. i RaUhis. Citron; Curranta. Lemon Peel. ' Nuts, Cocoanuts, Orange., rire Cracks rm. ; Extracts, Sploe and afi Imas Goods. Hams. Sugar Cuied and Old V. Carolina. A few Choice, well smoked N. C. Sidee, 4 Beef Tongue.. Dried Beef. i i Pickled and Smoked Salmon. , ! ! I ! . h. . ; I Dried Apples aad Peachee. i 1 , : . j ; ! . . : Old Gov't Java and Laguayr andfilo Co I ad, Daily, i i i . fees, Roasted and Ground, James Cs Stevenson, dec 17 ... ,v ' . I- ii i,- 1 ' . J" Ohristmas Novelties . . i T - i I- ' r. We do not claim to have, j ! A GREATER VAfttETT OR FiNER GOODS than any one else. . ' WE ONLY POLITELY ASE YOU TO CALL AND JUDGE FOr! YOURSELF. I 9 : II dec 10 119 uarxet at ! Sportsman's Goods, i WE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT o f English and Belgium Breech Loader ever brought to this market. Alsoi a first class stock of 8helL, Warding, Prlmers,Cart ridge Bags, Gun Caps, Game Bagsj Ao. jlo fact we can show a stook of Hardware. Good goods and guarantee prices. ' : ' . I i j. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., I L 8uocessors to John Dawson ft Co.,1 I ( deoSl . , 19,21 and 23 Market PUeet Fancy Qobdc. T?ULL LINE AT GILES & MURCHISON'S doc 31 Mufcblf on Block. Annlfif; f Annlft.q ! AnnfflQ I O N CONSIGNMENT AND MUST BE SOLD. N. Y. Baldwin Apples, Ob lo Red Apples. N. Y. Creamery Butt ;r, N. C. Roll Butter, I Ohio Butter, Va. Meal, car load or small order so. Ilclted. . . . ;" ' i . i' j ' I JC. O. BLAIR, commission Merchant, 19 N. Second St. ; Haa 51 i . , . ill' ...".( 1 1 1 W - I ' ' ' I I ' l ' ' Bankrupt Sale of Boots 1 and Shoes, i havo bought the cntlro Bankrupt Stock! o I Dryfoos & Sternberger and will clot o It out at less than ' j '' , ' j I ..." Manufacturer's Prices I This stock Is known far and wide as the HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED of any in the city, and as the goods are going to be so id very low for cash onlrlt Twill! pay purchasers to examine same before burlnsr elsewhere, - I " , 4 - i- -. n aecia i I A. DAVTD. Just Received. HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER I , ' i. ! I i ' lot of Velvet Lined C ANTON STRAWS for I I : ; I I I I School Hats, also a large lot of FELT HATI which will bo sold at reasonable prioeaJ . I Hare In a complete Stock of I1 ' ' Millinery and FanoylGooas; CROCHET SHAWLS and FASCIN ATO CS, CAPS and 8ACQUE3. All aizea. colors and prices in JERSEYS-" I i STAMPING and HAIR WORK dote at rea scnable prices. , ' , ; . ;j MISS E. KARRER, ; dec 31 7 Exchange Corner. . C. Premoert PERSONALLY IN ATTENDANCE at tl Fashl9oable Shatlag and Hair Dressing f aloos ; j i 11 ; 'I atNo. 7 South Front Street, Noae bn tha I - ' 'J-'" l i " , ' best work done and tho best iworksiea 'eo ployed. Glre&aacalL Jaatf 'I ' ii i" i - i . A HAPPY ' ; i AND . " PROSPEROUS NEW1YEAE : .' TO ALi OF 6UR - FRIENDS AND PATRONS.!1 ' JACKSON i BELL'!1 i Printers and Binders. jan 1 Boys' Saddles, j T ADIE3 AND GENTS SADDLES. XXbtM JLi i . . ' !' 1 bUnketa; Ip Cbes, Carrbes and all kiada of Vehlclae. Ba421ery. Trcnxs and Cirr!2t repaired by akflled workmen. ! , ucdouoaxl a rovrrzr. 1

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